The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 13, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    I -
,- - - I . " - "
' vA total of $2720.94 la
claims has been paid to
'Statesman . Subscribers; OB
their 91.00 Accident Insur
ance rollciej. . I '
(Generally fair today and
Saturday, " no change in
temperature; Max. Temp.
, Thursday C2, 31 In. 2S, river
2 foot north, wind.
n . . , f V;'.. i , , . r
I ! I f 1 I
. 1 . '
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, Febnxary 13, 1931
No. 277
1 ,v j
Cannerymen Worried About
; Water Supply; - Hold j.
Night Meeting - -!
Petition Asking. Deal for
Finishing Purifier -to be
. Handed Council
RepxeBentatiTes of - ta -BOTen
fruit canBerles of - Salem beld
meeting at th chamber of com
merce rooms last night to eon
aider tho water problem which the
canneries and tho city face. After
a two-hour discussion tho plant
i exeeutiTea Toted unanimously , to
j petition tho city council to make
tome arrangement whereby the
filter plant can be completed in
time for the canning season this
year. '- . ';.
Equally decisiTO was the ex
pression that the cannery manaj
gers were not concerning themf-
selTes with any political questions
" lnyolTed in the proposed acqulsi
' tloa ol the water system by th
city and were not In any way opj
posing such a more on the part
of the city. All they want Is to b
assnred of plenty of water whoso
good quality may bo depended
cpou all through the canning seat
son. which now extends well lntd
the fall months. i !
Committee Named i .
To Frame Petition 1
The cannerymen appointed "
committee consisting of Frank
Gibson of the Producers Co-op4
eratlTe cannery, Don Roberts of
the SUrr plant and George Paul-?
ns of Paulas Bros, to prepare a
petition to the council and present
It at the meeting Monday night.
The' opinion was unanimous that
the need was urgent for comple
tion of the filter plant.
The canneries managed to get
through last season, although they
had expected filtered- water by
August 1. Now, with the prospect
of seTeral years'; delay through
litigation and possible, resubmlst
slon of the purchase proposition,
the managers lelt they could not
assume the rUk (t;.vaJei'. loin
bad at a critical moment-especially
with the water al low stage
tor this season of the year and
rainfall deficient. Tho concern
which they feel : 1 Indicated by
the f aet that a Saa Francisco ex
ecutlre; of the Oregon Packing
! company made a special trip to
: Salem - from Tacoma ; when fie
learned of the meeting last night,
Mark Water Used
In Canning Process 1
In the discussion the cannery
men told how large consumers of
water they are. Fruits are wash4
ed, are moTed by flotation, and
water Is of course used in the can
ning; Many of the plants haye
considered putting In their own
: systems and some hare tried it.
Bill For Tax on
Sale of Tobacco
Filed in House
Bill for a tax on tobacco sales!
was Introduced Thursday after
noon In the house by the joint
ways and neans committee- and
marks' the first new revenue pro
ducing measure received in eith
er house, with the exception of
the revised tax en intangibles.
The proposed law would raise
$750,000 annually. It is estima
ted. Retailers of .tobacco" would
pay 5 license annually and,
wholesalers 110 Tor each estab
lishment handling tobacco while
a flat-10 per cent privilege tax on
the wholesale value of all tobac
co product sold through the
store, would be collected by the
atate. ' I
- The proposed aet would go in
to effect July 1. 131. It is in
troduced as one means, of secur
ing sufficient revenue to reduce
the existing state deficit.
Lincoln Eulogy "
. Is Contained in
'l Eddy's Address
' Senator Eddy of Douglas coun
ty addressed a Joint session , of
the house and senate yesterday
on the occasion of Lincoln's
birthday. Be eulogized the Eman
cipator In an address in which
the senator previewed succinctly
the career of the great president.
. Colonel W. G. D. Mercer deliv
ered the invocation.
, state offices generally remain
ed closed during the holiday but
tbe legislature, aside from the;
time taken for the joint meeting!
continued on uninterrupted. Got
ernor Meier's office remained
open throughout the day.-
Allen to Head
Hardware Men
PORTLAND. Ore., Feb. 12.
George A. 'Allen, - Salem,- was
. elected president - of - the Oregon
retail hardware and Implement
dealers at .the closing of a three-
day convention here today.
G. R. McNalr, ' Bandon, N was
ejactad vice-president. -
Addresses His Congregation 1 riM ; 1
; Over All the World by Radio
al Benediction
Best .ot ) ed ' on World
Pius XI Becomes Living Personage to Millions
Through Sound of his Voice ; Appears
Nonchalant Bef orb Microphone
:i'i'ViyK::-:'l:r k ) - -h-y
VATICAN CITY, Feb. 12. (AP) Radio, invention of
the twentieth century, carried the age old Latin, of
Pope Pius XI to the four corners of the world today, and
millions of listeners heard the first, papal broadcast in his
tory. r.M':- f-:.n - -'' - - : '-..;-: 1
.The pope, himself thel most! modem or- all pontiffs -In
... " ; " . . , -j. j'-O thought " and action.' blessed the
iSd f perfSy
: : . .. - -
One bit of Interference jis
Only Blot on Handling ;
Of Pope's Address
NEW YORK, Feb. 12 (AP)
America's two great' broadcast
ing systems t gathered in the
voice of Pope Plus XI today as It
came over the Atlantic, and dis
seminated it clear,1 firm and
strong throughout the nation.
' It was an exceptional trans-Atlantic
transmission, unmarred by
static or by fading,, the twin trou
bles with which haye made hash
of many overseas radio attempts.
Only one : bit of Interference
was encountered. When the Pope
first went on the air, at the ded
ication ceremonies of the new
Vatican city radio station HVJ.
he talked against . a background
of high-pitched whistling.
Radio" engineers, who called
this type of trouble a heterodyne.
explained it was caused by over
lapping wave lengths. Although
the difficulty 1 developed soon af
ter the pope started to talk asd
ceased when I he "had completed
his message to .the world., offl
(Turn tot-page 2. col. 2) I
: I ;
Oregon Electric
Is Given Permit f
To Extend Lines
:' ,-.-
The Oregon Electric Railway
company was given permission to
day by the interstate commerce
commission to construct a short
extension of its. line in Lane coun
ty, Oregon, to connect with ' the
Southern Pacific ,
In addition the Southern Pa
cific system was given authority
to operate over the extension In
reaching the; electric company's
rails. i -TM ; .
The Legtitctive Cdendcr
Third reading house bills'
79. 37, 123. 143. 1C0. 132.1
113, 215. 218. 254. 242.
243. 273. 277. 27. 281.!
285. 292.' 397. i
House joint resolutions'
13. 14. i
House joint memorial 2.'
Third reading senate bills
127. 128. 153. , . . . I
Special order 11 a. m.
house. bill 242.
. Special i order 2 p. m.'
house bill 115. s ' !
: House hill 242, proposes
to change name of Roose
velt highway to Oregon
coast highway. j
Bill to tax tobacco sales:
and to license dealers intro
duced. ' ; . 1
Old-age pension bill fath-
new invention and, in a message
marked by a fervent, keynote of
peace and cooperation, bestowed
tho apostolic ' benediction upon
the world.' r - ,-,-(
Twice during the day. his -holiness
spoke to the microphone.
His first address. In Latin, dedi
cated the sew Vatican radio sta
tion, - presented him by ' Senator
Guglielmo Marconi, "father" of
wireless telephone.
n it he-s.oke to all classes,
to I the members of his hierarchy
and to' his followers, to workers
and employers, to the rich and
the. poor, the . persecuted and af
flicted.' r .r - i
To millions of catholics r ) be
came, .through . the t medium of
tho ether waves, for the ifirst
time a living personage in a
personal way. They heard . his
dear, earnest voice in their own
rooms and offices, a voice to
hear which uncounted pilgrims
in the last nine years have jour
neyed uncounted miles. ' .
"To all he suggested the exam
ple of Christ and asked them to
hep one another and to enrich
their lives with christian peace
find charity.
Later the pontiff .presided at
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Th Oregon Electric Is featur
ing; bargain sales of transporta
tion at rates that far antedate
"pre-war". The llne4s offering
round trip rates on special dates
for.- three-fifths of the one-way
tares, minimum ticket 50 cents.
The tickets will be sold going
Friday and Saturday, February
13 'and 14, 20 and 21, and 27 and
28 ! to all points on the system,
with return limits the Tuesday
following dato of sale.
. Round-trip . rates from Salem
to other points will run like this
on! the days named: Eugene,
I1U0: Albany,! 60c; Corvallis,
70c; Spokane, $9; Portland, lOe;
Bend. I (.30. Local announcement
was given by B. B. Roberts, Sa
lem agent for the company.
t ored by Representative Bro
saugA defeated 25 to 35. i
I Joint sbsslon held to com-,
memorate birthday of 4-bra-
- ham Lincoln. ! c ?
I Third reading senate bills
t3, 101 108, 187, 183, 130,
134. 228. 223. 330. -231,
132. 233. 235, 234, 238,
I .Third reading house bills
1. 1. 63; 0. 112, 122,
34, 15$, 172, 191. .' ;
j Passed Upton biUr 141
limiting, freight trains to
TO cars in length; passenger
trains to 14 cars. Vote 14
- - to 14. i. . . .
' Senator Eddy's bill pro-
- tiding for Interim commis
r Slon to study old-age pen-
- tions passed 17 to 3.'
Slaying to Collect One's
- Insurance Charged
y::. In Georgia v
Tenriessee Officer- .Trails
"; Pair Across. U. S.:
3t:f Successfully '
PENDLETON, Ore:, Feb. 1 2.
(AP) Oregon and Washington
sheriffs officers today arrested
John Eddlngton and Hugh BOw
an. wanted for the alleged mur
der of W. R. Kington near Chick
amauga, Galast December 12.
Eddlngton uras captured at He
lix, pre., '.near : here, by officers
who had watched him for several
days under instruction from Sher
iff .Charles C. Taylor, Chatta
nooga, Tenn.- Letters found -on
him revealed the. whereabouts of
Bowan and he was arrested at
Centralia, Wash. - : i
- Sheriff Taylor,- who has trailed
the two aeross the continent, left
tonight for Centralia to take
J3owen into custody.
The sheriff said Bowen and Ed
dlngton are charged with killing
Kington in order to obtain 310.
000 In insurance carried by Bow
en. He said after allegedly killing
Kington the two destroyed his
identity with shotgun fire, dress
ed him in Bowen's clothes and
left the body on r. roadside near
The two then disappeared, Tay
lor said, planning to collect in
surance money through Bowen's
brother. Frank, who had been
named beneficiary. Frank at pres
ent Is at Chattanooga, Tenn., Tay
lor said, and his arrest. has been
ordered. ,f
Sheriff Taylor said Kington's
body at first was believed to be
Bowen's, but suspicion was arous
ed when . Klagton's wife recalled
he had planned to accompany the
two men on a trip. She and a fam
ily physician later positively iden
tified the body as .Kington's.
SEATTLE, Feb. 12. (AP)
There were two versions going
the rounds of the city hospital
today as to how Mrs. Aliens
Weatherby stopped hiccoughing
last night after a five day siege.
'The official version credits an
adhesive binding across the chest
and a potion of lemon Juice for
the cure.
But hospital attaches said the
night nurse, wearied by hours
of tense work and 1 rltated by a
toothache, paused suddenly , be
side airs. Weatherby'a bed.
r "For "Pete's sake stop it, she
cried; they said. There's noth
ing wrong wi" you. : It's just
your mental attitude. Quit be
ing a fool." And Mrs. Weather
by hasn't hicced a hiccough
since, they declared.
Rain and Snow
Come to Relief
l Central States
i , - --
Snow and rain made another
sally into the drought-ridden cen
tral states tonight from the Rocky
mountain region.
: : Unsettled weather . as general
over the grain belt and extended
Into Dixie after a storm that
brought long-awaited precipita
tion to parts of Montana, Wyo
ming and Colorado. '
4 The moisture came on the heels
of rain and snow less than a week
ago. which helped the drought
situation materially after a warm
dry spell of two months. . .
Asserts Spouse
Reduced Him to
Farm Hand Role
Charles H. Teeter, 74, pictured
himself today as his wife's hired
hand, living in a tent and draw
in tfs mint!)- whfl she has
an Income of 312.000 to 230,00,0
a month.
? ; Teeter filed suit In superior
mnrf nr ltYorca. afklnr division
of community property valued at
1725,750. HO said tney uaa oeen
marrlAd ES vears but that during
the past five his wife. Mrs. Esther
Teeter, by "threats ana inwmiaa
tlnn" induced him to vield control
of his property to her. She put
him to work clearing iana xor ner
at 25 a month, he claims.
Students Atrive
For Exposition
CORVALLIS, Ore., Feb. 12
(AP) The eighth annual edu
cational exposition, the state's
largest vocational - guidance con
ference, will open here tomorrow.
More than 700 atndenta from ISO
Oregon high 1 schools- are expect-J
Hoover Issues
Radio Warning
i On Lincoln Day
( AP): From t3 the , room i wherja
Abraham Lincoln worked during
the trying days of the Civil war.
President Hoover tonight through
the magle of the. radio, called
upon the American ' people to
guard against agitation for the
expansion of federal powers. - . )
"In Lincoln's day the domin
ant problem in our form of gov
ernment, turned upon the issue
of state's rights, . he :: said.
"Though less pregnant with dis
aster the dominant problem to
day in- our form t government
turns in large degree upon the
Issue of ' the relationship of . fed
eral, state and local government
responsibilities.' V. : ' V
Measure Limiting ; Freights
; - To .70 Car& Approved
By Margin. of two.
Three hours of- senatorial eraf
tory preceded a close, vote on the
short-train bill sponsored by Sen
ator Upton, - the- measure passim '
in tho tipper house by a 13 to li
count. Under the provisions of
the enactment. Senate . BUI 141
freight trains would be limited to
70 cars in length'; and passenger
trains to 14 cars lnlength. ; Thi
measure , now goes to the hous
for Its ' consideration.
The yote ' on the: senate train
measure' follows: For Senatori
Bailey, Bennett, Booth, Burke,
Dunne, ' Fisher,' ? Franciscovich,
HaU. Kiddle, Kuek, M 1 1 1 e r
Spauldlng, Strayer. Upton, Whee
ler. Marks. Agjalnst - Bllllngsley,
Brown,- Cannery Crawford, Dunn,
Eberhard, Eddy,' Johnson, Jones,
Mantf; Moser, jSchulmerlch, Sta
ples, Woodward. r 1 ' f
Senator Upton, leading the de
bate for the measure,. which aJsoj
bore the names of Senators Bea-j
nett. Burke, Moser and. Dunne,'
said humanitarian grounds neci
essltated the passage of the meas4
ure. Trains running beyond the;
70-car limit are far more danger
ous to their operators, ' he .con-t
tended.' Upton i also: contended;
that tho Increase in cost f roni
operating aC IhLs llmir would be
infinitesimal and scouted the
Idea that a 10 per cent freight
differential need be abolished ii
the measure were adopted.
, Opponents declared it would
impair the efficiency of the rail
roads, require additional expen
diture of money; and that long
-; - (Turn, to page 2, col. 1) ',
Who Started
Friday, 13th,
Hoodoo Idea?
; NEW YORK; Feb. 12 (AP)
-v-All over the land tomorrow
marriage - bureau clerks will
yawn, put their- feet On their
desks and ponder a sudden de
gression in ' the weddiug bells
business. " .-'
People going on a journey will
steal a iheepish glance at the
calendar, turn pale and unpack
their bags. Superstitious folk ev
erywhere will, procrastinate, for
it's hoodoo day. double Jinx
day. Friday the (thirteenth!
- Does the day really deserve its
evil reputation?! v
In the last 13 years the un
lucklest day of tho week has
joined with the most ill-favored
day of the month to producet 22
Friday the thirteenths. On none
of those 22 days has there been
a disaster of major proportions.
Capt. . Emillo Carranza ' was
killed on Friday the thirteenth,
but the Bremen flew the Atlan
tic A bank was swindled but a
poor man inherited a fortune.
Stocks soared, t. Tunney ' won a
fight and a tree struck by light
ning yielded baked apples.
The "memorable 'dates col
umns' of the almanacs disclose
few terrible calamities on any
thirteenth, let ' alone Friday the
thirteenth, ; r ' i '-- -- . - -.
Woman Held on A
; S Murder Change
-.I-' . ' '
YAKIMA. Wash., PeW 12.
(AP) Authorities were notified
here tonight of the arrest in Ri
verside. Cal., of Mrs. Mable Ba
ker, wanted . In ' connection with
the murder of Frank Smiley.
Walla Walla. His body was
found Christmas day In a lonely
canyon near Mabton. Sheriff
Lew Evans . will ' leave tonight to
return the prisoner, who, offi
cers said, had waived extradi
tion.. ' :-v -'1-';'' - 1 :-
Confesses Old
Theft; Paroled
"NEW BEDFORD, Mass.. Fehl
12 (AP) A goading conscience
brought Herbert B. Adams all the
way from Louisiana to this old
whaling dty and today, into su
perior court where he confessed
he stole more than 34000 from
his employers 10 years ago. Judge
Thomas J. Hammond, although
restitution 'had- not been; made,
placed the penitent on probation.
Committees, . ( Commission,
Governor Make - Plans :
Toward That en - ,
Requires Increased Excise
and Income Levies and
Intangibles tax ;
Members of "the tax . commit
tees of house and "senate, mem
bers of the' state tax: commis
sions! -and Governor Julius L.
Meier, after a conference culmi
nating yesterday; Indicated a
program they had given favor
able consideration would abolish
the direct property tax for state
purposes, by 1932, If it were
adopted by the legislature.
' The program would raise the
rate lot the i existing . excise tax
from fiver' to i eight per cent, run
the rte range of the income tax
from 1 one to eight per cent in
stead of . from one to five per
cent i as now constituted, and
would provide for an Intangibles
tax ' wherein i the rate would - bo
eight) per cent instead of five
per cent ,as - constituted In the
bid law. I ,. y
May Carry Issue -
To U S. Courts - I
Tho tax . .conferees indicated
that house bill 174, which pro
vides if or collecting a revised in
tangibles' taxj on holders of : In
tangibles in 1929 might be
dropped with the old intangibles
law. being carried to the United
States! supreme court, if possible.
If the act there were found" un
constitutional, the refund of the
3894,400 now held by the state
tax commission in the : state
treasury, would, be legal, i -
- By jtbe group of bills now pro
posed the state's tax students see
an increase In yields front the
L excise Income and intangibles of
aboutl over what; they
; (Turn to page 2, coL 3) ;.
' No I official - word "has Issued
from j the governor's - office re
garding Mr. Meier's Stand on the
Rogue river closing . bill which
awaits his signature or veto. :
. Unofficial statement has It
that tho governor will veto the
bill, holding tho election of No
vember was a mandate from the
people) i which ' forbids him gluing
his approval : to the - measure.
Partisans for Rogue river closing
have repeatedly pointed til Mr.
Meier's . statements -: made in
southern Oregon just before elec
tion when he stated unequivocal
ly , that he favored closing the
river.!. . . ; ... t
Yesterday a large .delegation
from Grants -Pass, . Medford and
Ashland districts waited upon
Governor. Meier urging that he
affix his signature to the bi'l. He
has seven days in. which to make
his decision,, the bill , having
reached him Monday.. .- ji , (
K. A. DeMarals, district freight
and" passenger - agent -r tor - the
Southern Pacific company here,
announced Thursday that the big
gest travel bargain in history,
"Dollar Day," or round trip tick
ets for approximately-one cent a
mile "Would be on sale between
points in tb,e Willamette valley
Fridays- and. Saturdays for the
balance of . this month. The re
turn limit of these tickets will be
midnight Tuesday - folowing .the
day of sale. ; The minimum price
will be 50 cents. ; - ----.
.The special rate to Portland
and return will be 90 cents, to Eu
gene and Teturn. $1.40 and other
points; In proportion. This Is the
biggest slash in rail fares in rail
road history. - :?
Ori Willamette Campus
barbaric spirit of the fore
fathers has burst . forth again.
Upperclasimen of .Willamette uni
versity have been protesting the
breaking of certain sacred tradi
tions of the institutions. Certain
upstarts in the freshman : and
sophomore classes have been In
sisting on wearing "cords" on
the c,mpus. -. .
It seems-to be a nation-wide
principle "hat tho wearing of
corduroy trousers on the part, or
rather on the legs or lower class
men is "simpiy not, being aone."
The i Juniors of tho local cam-
pus whose place it is to enforce
this tradition, have been lenient
with the offenders up to the pres
ent time. Things began late last
semester to become worse and
worse.; Determination arose in
the spirits of the juniors to put
tho movement to a stop, a ,
Through a grape-vine railway.
dDllge f eisia w
" v , ........ v
Arrjest Cyclist
After Accident;
Woman Injured
't I I - - - ,
- Orval; Thomas. 535 South 18th
street, -was arrested on-a charge
of reckless driving Thursday aft
ernoon after his r motorcycle - had
struck and Injured ; Mrs.' ; G. F.
Littlefield. 224 Division street,
at the : Intersection of Court - asd
Commercial streets. ' The accl
dent- occurred about 5 p. m.
; Mrs. ; Littlefield - had stepped
out into the path of the motor
cycle from in front of an auto
mobile, according to the report
Thomas I made' to the police. It
stated i the cycle ran over- .the
woman's foot, r Her injuries were
not considered serious.-
Over 100 Firemen Require
; First aid; Emergency
Hospital set up
ROCHESTER. N. Y.. Feb. 12
(AP) -More, than 100 firemen
were overcomeiby smoke and car
bon monoxide gas while flghtiffg
a fire In a store building on a
principal! " downtown -street to
night. Fifty, of the firemen were
taken tot hospitals after receiv
ing first aid. '
Every unit of the city's emer
gency first . aid ' Apparatus was
brought into action. .
Tho blaze started in the base
ment of (the Home .store, where
250- gallons of fuel oil was
stored. I1 Water poured on . the
burning . oil; formed ' a. gas which
overcame the firemen in groups.
When the situation got beyond
the control 'of the ambulance re
sources, an emergency hospital
was established in a bank lobby
where nurses from all the city
hospitals worked all through the
night reviving those overcome.
-The fire ..was brought under
control i shortly after midnight.
The property damage was esti
mated at 120,000. Three firemen
were reported in a critical con
dition..'!, j v.-.v.. :,; ....'
Gas masks proved inadequate
in . controlling the flames. Wear
ers, of masks were overcome as
qulcklyj as those without them,
officials' said. ' .
Thugs bludgeoned an armed
mail , clerk into unconsciousness
here early today and escaped with
three registered mall pouches,
later found to contain exactly 215
pounds of mutilated and worth
less currency.
' The mall bags were en route
xroxa-the federal reserve bank in
New York to the treasury when
the hold-up was staged shortly
after 2 a. m.. in the broad union
station concourse. ; ' ! :
It was only after a minute
check that . treasury officials an
nounced the loot was a "gold
brick." It would have been worth
807,000 had the currency been
whole, but following the usual
custom the bills had been cut m
half, and the - portions shipped
BENTON. HI.. Feb. It, (AP)
The third pair of twins In two
years " arrived this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Willlsm
Empke : here. . They haje eight
children.! . T'-e oldest is six years
old. - The father is a miner out
of employment. . . :
-... ,: -
mem burs of the junior class were
notified, Wednesday, that a cer
tain well-known football star was
"on the spot. Immediately af
ter chapel, the subject was cor
nered and taken, none too gently
toward the mill race for a deserv
ed ducking. .
, This was the second little job
started by the juniors. The first
was accomplished Tuesday. -' But
the second job was temporarily
halted when Coach "Spec Keene
came on I the scene and ordered
activities to caase until after the
basketball ; game Wednesday
night. -.M '..!..- : ... ,
Tho mob reluctantly ceased
their activities. ' Plana were laid
tor further action Thursday. .
When members of the junior
class arrived on the campus.
Thursday morning, the word was
passed around: rAtf rSS-out in
(Turn to page '2, cot 3) -'
Mott Chahgea Vols to
No, Indicating a
New Effort
Opposition Based cn
Cost; Poor Farm
System hit
The old-age pensions bill went
down . to a 25 ,to 35 . defeat at
5:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon
in the house, but not until H.f
proponents had shared a three-
hour debate with Its adversaries
on the merits of the proposal.
The proposed law provided for
pensions -not to exceed ' 330 for
needy persons who had reached i
the age of 45 years and who had '
resided in the state for at toast ;
10 years. ' Administration of the '
law was to be in the hands of
the county courts and . pensions i
were to be paid from county tax
ation. Immediately . following the
vote. Representative Mott
changed his vote to "no" and
indicated he would move for re
consideration. Effort Made te
Delay Pinal Vote
Those voting "for the pension
bill were .Representatives AlVen.
Anderson. Andrews. Angell, Bro
naugh. ynon, DeLap, Eekley,
Hellberg. Hill. Howard, Keaeey.
Lawrence, Lee, Lewis, Manning,
McAllister, McCourt, Scnaupp, J.
Nj Scott. J. H, Ks Scott. Mrs.
Smith, Wells and ; Lonergan. -
Opposed ' to the pension bill
were: Chlndgren, Chin nock. Day,
Deuel. Fisher, Gill, Glass, Gor
don, Gouley, Har-ilton, Jaane
son, Johnson, Knapp, MacPher
son, McCornack, McGraw, Me
Phllllps, Mott, Nash. Nichols.
Norton, Oxman, "Peters. Proctor,
: - (Turn to page 2, col. 6)
m run
- Salem high school debaters
scored two more victories last
night, the negative, composed of
Ward , Horn and Waldo Mills,
winning here from Stayton : 1 to
0; . and the - affirmative, ; Howard
Teeple and Harold Prultt, win
ning from the Woodburn nega
tive, 3 to 0. This was the first
upse$ of the year for the Wood
burn negative. The debate was
held at Woodburn. :
Salem high has won each of the
six debates in which it has par
ticipated, ! and has but one mere
debate In this section of the dis
trict, which means that it is vir
tually assured that Salem will
enter the district finals.
Shannon Hogue, debate coach.
Is new to the Salem school this
year, buthas already made a rec
ord of which the school is proud.
Former Oregon -
Senator Passes
: Away in South
LOS" ANGELES. Feb. 13.
(AP) Seneca C. Beach, 70, for
mer member 6t the Oregon sta' i
senate and for many years prom
inent here in the printing field,
died today. - - i
Injuries' received by him In
the collapse of a . rose tourna
ment grand stand in Pasadena
January -1, 1924, were rvea as
a contributory cause of death.
Beach went from Iowa, his na
tive state, te Lakevlew, Oregon,
about 10 years ago, moving later
to Portland, where he lived 25
years and was elected to i the
state senate.
Stores at Baker
: Decline to Sell
f Oleo Any Lori&er
BAKER. Ore., Feb. 12 (AP)
Butter substitutes no longer
will be offered for sale by Bakes
merchants. . , j
"All but one of the dealers to:
day agreed to take action against
the substitutes and posted cards
bearing the legend "We do not
sell butter substitutes."
Grocers-throughout the coun
ty will be asked to cooperate.
Queen Helen is
Engaged, Rumor !
LONDON, Feb. 12. (AP)
The Vienna correspondent of the '
Daily Express says It Is widely
ronnrted In Bucharest society
circles that Queen Helen, di
vorced wire of King caroi ei
Rumania, is Tjannlng to marry a .
Rumanian eflicer, Colonel ke-
lettt 1
The Express report is connect
ed with the' queen's adamantine
refusal to become reconciled
with Carol.