The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 12, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    ; ..
' ' '1". :'iv ' v.-.Scsvnv- I. -jLL- ' !I" -: " - --'
A total or 92720,04 In
claims has been paid to
Statesman subscribers on
their JM.OO Accident Insur
ance Policies. . i"'
Fair today and Friday,
moderate temperature: Max.
temperature Wednesday
Misu SO, river 2. foot,
north wind. -
Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, February 12, 1931
No. 275
BBWMBB . .... i - - - . ...
Fruit Packers Worrying at
Prospect; low Stages
On River Noted j
Hope for Completion This
Year -of Filtration
1 Plant in City
- t ! ' .
Faced with another canning
season approaching and no as
surance ot an adequate supply of
pare and wholesome water. Sa
lem cannerymen are becoming dis
turbed . oxer the outlook. They
got through last summer all right,
but this year with the rirer at ex
tremely low stage for the season,
and with rain and anowfall far be-
low normal, the cannerymen fear
orer what may happen with only
temporary filter beds on the. Is
land used to purify the water of
the dreaded "algae" or yegetable
matter which caused the supply
to go bad in. the fall of 1928.
t The Hunt cannery tried to put
down a well ot Its own and de
relop Its own supply but failed to
get a good flow ot water. W. O.
Allen, division manager, has gone
to San Francisco and will confer
' with company heads on the prob
lem of their water supply for the
coming season. . j! "-
One canneryman yesterday said
that his company was greatly-concerned
orer the situation. They
had considered sinking their own
well but decided not to do so. ex
pectlng that the water troubles
would be ironed out and a filter
plant Installed which would in
sure them, plenty of wholesome
water. The court decision.; with
Its prospect of further delay Is
alarming, he said, to the cannery
people, - This manager said he
hoped some arrangement could be
Worked out so the company would
complete its filter and then : the
canneries would be sure of a sup
ply and the problems of munici
pal ownership could be worked
out leisurely.' .. - ' 1 ".
Hitherto the city; officials! haye
opposed any arrangement ; for
completing the projected filter
plant, and whethertheattitude
of the canneries will bring about
any change 1 uncertain.
Other cannerymen " interviewed
said they were, considering the
matter of Independent supplies or
of some "way out" of their pres
ent dilemma. They point out the
danger to the city If the canning
lndnstry would be forced to shut
down In the middle ot the season
because of the city water "going
There were no other deTelop
ments In the water situation 'yes
terday. Mayor Gregory said he
was studying the situation and
debating whether ' to recommend
an appeal or submission to the
voters of a new charter amend
ment which might call for enough
bonds to enable the city to go
to the mountains for water. j
"If we bring mountain water to
town," he said, "then we can
either buy the present company's
distributing system or Install one
of our own."
President Elliott of the water
company left the city yesterday
after renewing his offer to the
city to submit to arbitration the
matter of the price to be paid tor
the water plant. ,
Pointed pro and eon argument
on the pending state constabu
lary bill was exchanged last
night at a public hearing held be
fore the committee on TeTision
of laws. ' T
U. A. LIlJeqTlat. appearing In
behalf of the bill, praised it as
one which would make for great
er economy, efficiency and effect
Ito control In the handling of
crime. LUjeqrist said that the bill
harmonised with the . wishes jot
the governor. . -
Secretary of State Hobs said he
was forced to disagree with the
stand of the administration be
cause his study of a constabulary
In other states had shown no re
duction In crime through" the
work of ' the centralized police
force. Hoss also termed the traf
fic force as Integral to the licen
stag work of the ' secretary jot
state and said without the pres
ent traffic force his office would
- be hampered in Its work. I
Ben Osborne, executive secre
tary of the Oregon Federation of
Labor, opposed the centrallzf d
police force as a "revision to mil
itarism." ,v ;' j ':'
Representatives- of the
game -and prohibition la: ' en
forcement departments, also ap
peared In-opposition to -the bill.
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 11. 4
(AP) Announcement ot the sale
of the Los Angeles Evening Ex
press to Paul Block, New York
publisher, was made In the Ex
press today. ,
TILLAMOOK. Ore., Feb. H. 'i
(APITheodore A. Gerdes, 39; a
commercial fisherman, was drown
d in Band lake today.
I Abraham Lincoln as 'Jolly Hosf
( """ ' " m " JL ' ' " '
s :. -v. "
As He Appeared
T3oj AYouiiG Mam
:::;.-k; .
v ;
, -L"
... , .5 ,
.J- f i h"
Abraham Lincoln was! rail splitter1!
io lue prt siuency, one iew persons Know mat he was once a tavern-Kecper. itecoras in tne court
house at Springfield, 111., showj that he and William F. Kerry acquired m license to conduct a tavern
In 1833. Lodging cost 12 54 cents a night for hu mans and 25 cents for horses; meals were 23 cents.
Lincoln soon sold his interest to
too establishment. ,
House Gives Mott Bills big
Majority; Would aid
Delinquents 1
Standing with Representative
James Mott' by a vote; of 52 to 8,
the i house I yesterdayi: ebneurred-?
with the Marion county represen
tative in three measures he pon-j
sored to lighten the harden of de
linquent taxpayers, i-
Under the bill now1 jto go' before
the senate. Interest on delinquent
tax certificates Is cut! from 12 to
eight per cent or tworthlrds of
one per cent a month, as the bill
states. The present! penalty of
two per cent applied when the
due date is passed, is eliminated. I
Mott urged passage of the bill:
as a means of relieving property
holders, all of whom desired to'
pay taxes It money was available,'
Mott said. ! Representative Wlns-j
low of Tillamook lead the oppo-j
sitlon to the MIL
. Some demand Is expected In
the senate to raise tb rate from
eight to tea per eent j
The much-debated Port of Port
land commissioners bill. H. B. 73
Introduced by Representative An-,
gel!, .went through the bouse
Wednesday j in short i order with
the amendment made; by the sen
ate being retained. , ? . - i
The bill provides that four port
commissioners shall i be named
this year by, .the .governor and
each biennium thereafter the
commissioners shall be elected by
the port commission In Portland.:
Harry L. Corbett. Hallman Lud
derman, Rofas C. Holman and
Kenneth Dawson are stipulated
In the bill as the men the gov-j
ernor shall ; name. )
The bill how goes to the gov
ernor for his signature.
The house vote, with Only one
member opposing passage of the!
amended bill. Is considered only a
partial victory for the governor,
who lost in his fight to take thej
entire appointment power Into his
hands. The appointments which!
he gained this year have already
been endorsed by the! Multnomah
delegation which thus has' exer-f
dsed the ! supervision i over the
port commissioners heretofore en
Joyed. : j ; :
Tfe Legislative Calendar
' ' Third reading house bills
13. 127. 136. 170. 186. 188,
218, 223. 244. 264. 276.
a ; House joint resolution 1.
' Senate joint memorial 7.
Special order of business
is consideration of old-age
pensions at 2 p. m. House
bill 13.1 , - I
Salary Increase bill up for
sheriff, treasurer and re
corder in Washington coun
ty. S'r-;y.y
; Passed free textbook law,
46 to 14.
: ' Passed Mott measures, 52
to 8, providing for reduction
ot interest rate to 8 percent
; on delinquent taxes.
Store,. Nev SaIEM. Ivi-
r, river boatman, farm: hand, erocery
Berry, and who n Berry died bankrupt, Lincoln paid the debts of
Three Bid Same
On Road Job so
Coin is Tossed
PORTLAND. Ore, Feb. 11.
(AP) Three contractors here
today tossed coins to determine
who should receive a road con
tract. ' . 1 ' :
Identical low bids of 12217.65
were submitted to Multnomah
county for the , grading.; of i the
Gillihan road on Sauvies island
by the- Creston Fuel- company,
James W, McCarthy - and I H. N.
Aldrich. : .1 .-i V- i
Th three agreed to flip!!.coIns
the odd coin winning the contract.
Aldrlch's coin won. "
A packed room with an over
flow audience extending Into the
hall heard the public considera
tion last night of Senate Bill 103,
known as the "basic science law".
The hearing was held before the
committee on medicine of the
The bill provides that all per
sons desiring to practice medi
cine .and surgery, osteopathy,
chiropractic, and naturopathy
shall hereafter when they apply
for licenses, in Oregon, first pass
examination In the sciences ot
human anatomy, physiology, pa
thology, and In chemistry and hy
giene. Members of the medical pro
fession, speaking for the hill,
said many ' present practitioners
of the healing arts, after failing
in 'other lines of endeavor," took
a six weeks course in . some
branch or alleged, healing, and
hung out a shingle. -
Opponents of . the bill said It
was highly- discriminatory and
would, place -the complete control
of healing in . the hands of .the
medical group sine the examin
ing board to be appointed by- the
board of higher education would
be almost certain to be "packed"
with medical school graduates.
Medford Man is :
Smuggler; Claim
BELL1NGHAM, Wash-, Feb. 11
(AP) Edward Datro Bennett,
56, Medford, Ore., was held for
the federal rand Jury here today
after his arraignment on a charge
of smuggling 25 cut copper quarts
settings and M: agates Into the
United States from Canada. Ben
nett was arrested near Lynden.
His small coupe was seized.
Concurred with senate in .
passing amended Angell bill
for appointment-election of
Port of Portland commls
sloaers.' SENATE TODAY
Third reading senate bills
60. 121, 156, 161. 180. 186,'
182, 213.
Third reading house bills
22. 26, 68, 10. 112, 134. ,
Bill up to limit number
. ot ears on railroads to 70. '
Passed bills curbing pow
er of emergency board and
' limiting funds available for
its us., i ' "
. Passed grist of amenda
lory measures.
t. I
River Boatman
clerk and lawyer before he rose
Door Closed Only After Of
ficers Make Strenuous
Effort to Keep Going
".'. I-
Panic on the part of out-of-town
depositors of the Hubbard state
bank forced the bank to close
ToTlowlnr -the run on the
Anrora bank, official of the Hub
bard Institution prepared to meet
a possible run on the Hubbard
bank but It tailed to develop.
People there were evidently . not
alarmed and business continued
as usual.
During this, week mail with
drawals increased at an alarmhpg
rate and more than 2 0,0 00 was
said to have been withdrawn
within the last few days: Offi
cials made every effort to 1 meet
the demand, but the heavy with
drawals that came In Tuesday's
mall forced them to ask the state
banking department to" take
charge. .
S. M. Laws, who Is In charge of
the liquidation of the Aurora
bank, will be in charge of the
affairs of both Institutions. 1 r
Tlnkham Gilbert, assistant
state superintendent of banks. Is
temporarily in charge at Hubbard
and said Wednesday that the
bank's finances were In good con
dition. August Will, president, and J.
J. Hershberger, director, -were
outstanding in their efforts to
keep the bank open, with the hope
of overcoming the run, according
to A. A. Schramm,, state superin
tendent of banks.
F. G. Haveman Is vice president
of the bank and Ruth Calvert Is
cashier, anrtmt Will- T. T nenh.
berger and Ruth Calvert are dl-
rectors.;1- , . : ; ;
Oregon is Otily '
State Lowering
Failures Quota
.PORTLAND. Ore., Feb.: 11.
(AP) A recent bulletin Issued
by R. G. Dun and company says
Oregon was the only Pacific coast
state which had fewer business
failures in 1930 than for any year
since and Including 1924.
Only three states In the union.
West Virginia,' Minnesota and
Iowa, showed fewer failures in
1930 than Oregon. .
There were 2 6,3 5 5. .failures In
the United States last year, an in
crease of 3446 over the preceding
year, the bulletin said.
Woman '" Cured
Of Hiccoughing
SEATTLE. Feb. 11. (API
Five days of continuous hlc
Toughlng was ended by Mrs. Al
iens Weatherby here .' tonight,
Physicians: said they cured her
by their own methods. Ignoring
the hundreds of "freak" sugges
tions proffered by well-wishers.
Albany Man Aids
By Giving Blood
CENTRALIA, Wash., Feb. 11.
- (AP)- Ralph Banton flew
here today ' from - his v Albany.
Ore., home to submit to a blood!
transfusion for his sister, Mrs.
W. o. Burris who Is dangerously
ill. v A second transfusion may be
necessary tomorrow, physicians
said. . ;. . ,
Refuses to Furnish Data
Value-of Properties in
- .Report to Hoover
"Incompatible With Public
Interest" is Response ,
Of P. M. Genera! "4 ." J
:..- :
(AP)-Postmaster General Brown
flatly refused today to furnish the
senate committee - investigating!
postotf ice leases with data col
lected last summer for a report
to President Hoover. ; j: 1
: His appearance before the com
mittee was marked by frequent
and sharp clashes with Chairman
Blaine as the Wisconsin senator
attacked Brown's contention ' It
would be" "incompatible with pub
lic Interest" to provide the Infor
mation. s . . .
. Blaine characterized . the post
master general as, "arrogant and
impertinent." The witness accus
ed the committee ichairman ' of
"lecturing him and said " he
would answer the questions In his
own- way. :".,;!,..
Blaine, a prominent member; of
last year's lobby committee, was
the only member of the postal
committee present today. ,
Data Basis of
Recommendation i
The information Blaine re
quested of the postmaster general
was collected by postal inspectors
and formed the basis ot Brown's
recommendation to President
Hoover that the government own
its postal quarters instead 1 jot
renting them, as far ac possible.
. Blaine said the committee had
obtained an appropriation of $li0.
000 tor collecting data on j he
buildings leased by the govern
ment and said it would save the
committee time and ' money; j if
Brown would turn over the infjor
matlon the department has amass
ed. ' ;
Brown said: :
W want to be ihelpful in any
(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
Ways and Means Commit
tee Favors Plan to Make
Those Able pay
The joint ways and means com-
mlttee last night reported out
vorably three bills authorizing
state to collect what was termed
a reasonable charge for the main
tenance and treatment of state
charges In the two state hospitals,
state tuberculosis hospitals, feeble
minded home, state training
school for boys and state Indus
trial school for girls.
The monthly charge for
maintenance of state charges
(Turn to page 2, coL 5)
The five cent loaf of bread .Is
here.- Following breaks In some
of the .stores to five cents after
some prices in Portland went, to
that figure the bakeries of j Sa
lem arranged to meet the prices
and ' announced, yesterday that
starting today 'the Independent
grocers of Salem who are sup
plied by the locil bakeries will
retail bread at ' five cents the
loaf. " - - ' :
. There were rumors' afoot -that
some ot i the chain groceries
which were at war among them
selves might cut the price Satur
day to three cents or to two
cents. In a "bread war" like! re
cent . gas wars, but .these rumors
were not confirmed, v
- f
Smashup Fails.
To Stop Bride;
W edded Anyway
' OAKLAND, Calif., Feb.j 11.
(AP) Accidents may .come
and go Jbut a marriage goes on
forever, Jessie Sherwood,- j Eu
reka, CaU told physicians who
treated her for lacerations J and
bruises tonight after she I was
struck down by an automobile.
"I can't stay In the hospital
overnight," Miss : Sherwood said.
MI have an Important date.? '
"I'm to be married tonifht.
she ' explained.''.. ' "tv . ' : '
She was married to Fred Ded
rlck after the hospital conveyed
her to his home In an ambu
-Gna Payne, Oklahoma City
amateur, twice clay target cham
pion of th United States, placed
first In all of today's -events In
the third day's program of the
17 th annual Interstate trapshoot
here. - - .... . . ' i -
Vividly Recal I ed
Knew Lincoln;
- Relates Story
Last of Quartet Arrested
When .he Drives in on
Waiting Officers f
Charged with possession of a
still, Elwood Roy, All Stupfel.
George Williams I and George
Marquart will be give 1 a hear
ing In Justice court at 9 a. ; m.
Friday. They appeared in court
Wednesday i and asked 24 hours
to plead.' Thursday being a hol
iday the hearing was set for Fri
day morning.
I I The four were arrested in the
raid on, a 500 gallon still which
was found near Mt. Angel Tues
day afternoon. ' ry.:
I Roy was arrested late Tuesday
night when he drove ' into i the
farm with IS sacks of sugar and
was met by the law's reception
committee, who held guard dur
ing the night.- The still was dis
mantled yesterday morning, and
brought into town," along ith
20 more gallons of alcohol that
was found, r Roy says he is from
It developed yesterday that
the still was but newly set up
and that onjr one batch of the
(Turn to page Z, col 3)
A report that Senate Bill 160
introduced by Senator Upton and
providing for a modification of
Oregon's -bone-dry law, do not
pass. Is expected In the senate
tomorrow from the alcoholic
traffic committee. Senator Ben
nett is chairman of the commit
tee. An official canvass of the
members reveals that I. none ot
them favor the' Upton roposaL
Senator Bennett said thai no
matter what the vote of the com
mittee was. he wanted the report
made -to the senate to J give Sen
ator Upton a chanee to fight on
the floor for his measure. So
called "wet" leaders are known
to be anxious -for a tef t voto so
they can determine what- sena
tors are their friends or enemies
tor the 1932 campalgnL
! S On the alcoholic traffic com
mittee In the senate are Senators
Bennett, 'Mann, Eddy, Burke.
Dunn of Jackson.'
- 1.
F. W. tJA. Here
' - . - 1 ' ' i i 0 . ; - - "
Heavy A ctivity
: Some idea of the wofk the Sa
lem Y. W. C. A. is doing in the
city and in the county may be
garnered from' figures! given in
the annual- report, Justj compiled
by Mrs.-Ellzabeth Gallaher, gen
eral secretary, for the national
office In' New; York City.
,"; The report shows that the Girl
Reserves, younger glrls organiza
tion, Is especially Btrotfg and ac
tive in the city, with 310 children
being r trained to stringer wo
manhood through this association.
There are 12 groups, with seven
in- the grade schools, where the
membership is 135 ; four in the
junior high with membership ot
65; and one group In! the high
school with membership ot 43.
! All the Girl Besertte groups
meet at the school ebulldlngs for
regular meetings, and! j at the Y.
W. C. A. for special meetings. A
Committee of the parent organisa
tion, the Y. W.. spohiors the
Girl Reserve program and In
cludes In Its membership ; four
housewives,, three teachers, six
students. Including oaie eel&red.
The committee provlds espeta!ly
for instruction la miiie, drama
and craft studies nudrtaksn by
the triangles, and also Aids the It
of Nation
Col. Mercer at 16, saw
; President Ponder
War Reverses
-. The night was July 21.. 1863.
The scant ranks of the Blue and
Gray will recall It as the Sundsy
night : following the -first disas
trous battle of the Civil war. r
; Through, the corridors of a
certain reception room in the na
tional eapltol sounded the Inces
sant troddlng. of hundreds, thou-:
sands of feet. The feet. of men
and --women,- congressmen, sen
ators, judges. . gray-haired , men
and women who had-heard their
parents and grandparents tell rt
the burning of the national eap
ltol In 1812. .
v Repeatedly from the lips of
high and low' came t'ie grim; de
termined questions: "Abraham
Lincoln, what is tthe meaning of
this? ''Abraham. Lincoln, what
are yon going to do?" And ques
tions similar. " : ...
: While ' those close to him
pawed' the air, strode ; helplessly
about, or sought Impatiently ptr
ways and means, a long? raunt
figure lay stretched . out, but
wide awake, the entire night on
a large lounge In about the. cen
ter and to one side of the room.'
He was Abraham Lincoln, a pres
ident whose people were at the
point ot hysteria. ; I ,
Mercer There as ' -
Staff Orderly : j
In that room was a lad of 16
tender years, a lad who as or
derly to his uncle, a member of
Lincoln's staff, was privileged to
witness scenes abbut which there
are- few left to telL The youth
was he who now Is chaplain of
the Oregon senate and; is greeted
as Colonel Mercer Col. W. G.
D. Mercer, who last night re
counted for a Statesman rer rter
the scene sketched above.
. ."That whole night long there
was no sleep for Lincoln, nor
did he partake ot any refresh
ment. ' But he was - the most
self-possessed of the group sur
(Turn to page 2. col. 1)
(AP) California raisins will
supplant Oregon apples as thd of
ferings of San Francisco's unem
ployed on -the city streets when
and if arrangements started to
day are completed. I -
In making the announcement,
D. E. Brown of the nemployed
apple committee, said he and his
partner, N. N. Sbo-1, are making
similar arrangements In 10 large
"Apple sales are beginning to
fall off," Brown explained. "Be
sides, raisins are easier to handle,
are cleaner rnd do not spoil like
t ."Apples have been marketed on
the city streets for a month. For
a week or so daily sales totaled
30,000. They hare dropped to
about 22,000. We have lost
$ 12,00, and are willing to toss up
the, enterprise any time on eight
days' notice, which would give us
time enough to stop shipments."
Banks, County
j Offices , Closed
V Observing Lincoln's birthday,
the banks of the city and all of
fices at .the county courthouse
will be closed today.- The legisla
ture will work today, taking a
short period out this afternoon
for a memorial steervlce. Schools
ot the city will not be closed, as
the date Is not a regular school
holiday. ; T -
The outstanding 'project car
ried during 1130 by the Girl Ho
se ryes was the--gypsy camp one.
according to the report. The pro
ject idea .culminated In gypsy
camp day,; at close of .which -a
gypsy patteran was given. '
" The Y. W. C A. numbers In
Its membership 230 women qual
ified to vote. . Three membership
meetings were held during the
year, and 80 attended the annual
meeting. Sixty-seven women are
active on the board, and as club
advisers. ; , ':. 1 ., ' -
A list "of the actlvlUes included
with the report shows that 210
women and girls have enrolled In
gym and swimming classes In co
operation with the Y. M; A A.;
that 20 girls are" enrolled in the
Hblo study course and that - 65
arc la the world fellowship study,
asd that handicraft, dramatics
and music have been taught many
of ihsj yOBBger girls. Lectures,
pegeahts, plcaius and dlssusslon
groups were held nring thq ysar.
In the employment en-J Itvi
applied tor work and 741 were
placed tukli 20. In addition, te
the room rental during th y&r,
many transients without 1 'funds
were gl-en bed without cnarge.
Only 14 Representatives on
; "Nay" Side; Mrs. Lee Is :
Measure's Sponsor !
' ' '
. - ' " .L
Opposition fs Based on tax -Increase
Involved but
: Has Little-Weight
'.After two hours in which de-"
bate was as free as the free text-1
books' under discussion, the bouse v
f-esterday voted 46 to 14 to pass!
the measure sponsored by Mrs. (
Dorothy McCollough Lee making,'
the furnishing of textbooks com
pulsory, throughout the state.;
The bill provides that 31.50
annually per pupil be provided
for the .district until such a time
as free textbooks replace those
now purchased by "students. .The '
bill applies only to elementary '
f school students and does not ap-
ply to students of any private is-'
stitutions. " -
Three classes of schools are
created . In thebill. schools in I
districts known- as class one be-.
Ing permitted to purchase their
books direct from the publishers
while schools In districts two and
three are to purchase their books
through the state board of edu
cation. V
Marion County
Vote fs Divided
The vote on the bill was:
Ayes: Allen. Anderson, An-
drews, Angell, Bronaugh, Bynon,
Chlndgren. Chinnock. Day. De
Lap, Deuel. Eckley, Gill, Gordon,
Hellberg, Hill, Howard,' Jannsen.
Johnson, Keasey. Knapp. Law
rence, Lee, Lewis, MacPherson.
Manning, McAllister. McCornack.
McCourt, McGraw, Mott, Norton,
Peters, Schaupp, Scott of Uma
tilla. Scott ot Morrow, Smith of
Hood River, Snell. Stockdale,
Swift, Taylor, Tssnple. Wells,
Winslow, Yates, Lonergan. )
Navs: Fisher. Ola&n. noulev.
JIamilton. McPbllllps. Wash. Klcb-
ols. Oxman. Protior, Smith I of,
Marlon, Stewart. Tfcomburgh, ,
Tompkins, Weatherford. ,
Mrs. Lee. opening and closing
the argument, declared the meas
ure one of economy, citing both
the lower unit cost of books pur- -chased
' wholesale and the j fact
they stay much longer in us than .
individually purchased books. In.
refuting arguments advanced by
the opposition, Mrs. Lee said that
when times are hard economics
are all the more " necessary, j
Representative Hamilton lead
the opposition, saying he was not
opposed to the bill in principle
but felt the present time an un
wise one to adopt such an added
expense on taxpayers. lie point
ed to recent organized tax pro
(Turn to page 2, coL 1)
January, with 199 casee,! saw
more' communicable diseases re
ported In Marion county than in
some months previously, accord
ing to figures, read at the meet
ing of - the executive committee
of the Marlon county department
of health held last night. I
Births for the. first month of
1931 were 76, or eight more
than the 67 deaths reported. ! Ot
the births. 25 mothers lived1 in
Salem. Forty of . the January
babies were girls and 20 were
born in hospitals '
Thirty-nine of the 67 deaths
were male. One Infant under a
month old died, and five infants
under, a year old died. Nineteen
deaths were due . to heart dis
ease, five each to auto accidents
and kidney disease six. to can
cer and. the others to scattering
Ninety-nine cases of the com
municable diseases were measles,
55 mumps, nine venereal dis
ease, eight pneumonia, ' seven
chickenpox,. -six scarlet fever,
tour each whooping cough and
Influenza, two diphtheria and
one tuberculosis. There were
also four cases of bronchial
pneumonia. . . ;
Marshfield Man
Harbors Doubts
About City Life
SEATTLE, Feb. 11.- (AP)
Joseph Lussier, . Marshfield. Ore.,
has his doubts about tbe Joys of
life in a. big city after being the
victim of a bunco ganve, robbery
and forgery In a six day visit
here. :
Shortly after he arrived here
a -genial man invited J ussier to
share his room. A confederate
got . 330 out of Lussier on a
promise to teach him the roofing
trade. He lost his jewelry and
35 In a holdup and when be sent
home for sr new suit of clothes
his room mate , beat him to the
exprsM office and tcrged his
rnrae la the receipt.
Lesster told police he was go
ing .home before anything more
happened. '.