f he meeting Placed and Seme? Sam' Tim&fflei The SUtexman. imumi no fi nancial responsibmiy tor errors which may appear In advertise ments published la Its coluaaaa, i but ia eases where thla paper s at J null wiu npnni ui advertisement ta which the typo graphical mistake occurs. : OaaslfUa iinztUtac ' i Single In art ton per line 19q Three tmmrtlona per iine ,.. , lee Six . insertions per lis ?T? On morrtl per line 11. Minimum charge n.. . e- Copr tor this pare accepted un til :30 the evening before publi cation for classification. Copy re re i red after this time -will be run under tlie be ad Ins Too - Late ta Claealfy. . -:J- -. i HELP' WANTEDr-MALE i - MAIL CLERKS CABRrRR3. lil.- TO ta 2220 year. Mn lWt Steady ; work. Common ' education s-fficient. 4a!l vacation. Sample examination. coaching and full particulars FREE. Apply today aura. Box 195, States , (nan. . . .- - . i - . Sxi'i rmi-ywrv-i- -i - - - rviJitx-tw wanted luftiiaenais first letter. Box ax. TV o SITUATIONS WANTED WaMTHLD To. take rare of cfcAl- rea In my borne by the day. Box ft statesman, . . !-; . I' FOR SALE MisceIIaneoQs awWW-1i---'i"- -j- ------------ WU1 trade bv Model' 2-C Franktln Sedan far substantial equity in late- lodei, standard max coupe. x-none n. Keed furniture at a bargain, ranges f . and op. Oregon Trading Post, ?33 W. Corn L C loror bay. iiamoa. Goo4 Atwaber Kent, battery radio for sale cheap. 45 Center. frasber and aewlatT machine. Mi Cross Kew nohatr davenport and chair. Coat $li.e ; wiU aacrUica, 472 Uo4--arsity. - i 1 Cboioa clover. oats and Tstch bay. " - a hV - mulM aa-Afl 1 Ml Iractora, 4 erry St.- Wm. H. vrunun. Apples 40o and up. TaL HFlk. 1 Apples, I0 and Son box. Tel. awr la. : FOR BILE: aremtns. puiwrya. nant( ara Statesman Publish In Co. n-. i - - - - FOR JALE-OM papers, lac a bon die Statesman offica. - r se Adders and typewriter for rent. Typewriter isxcnaase. si wwi oi. WANTEL miscellaneous ! .WWXMWi,liMWlWll WANTED Used furniture and ransa any ktad for eaah or ex change. Oregxm Tradinx Post, tit K, CommerclaL . W A NTED Used nmeoa. la ax eTan re on radios. phoneeTapbevor far- rUnra H PHff rirnlHin CrwwnT MISCELLANEOUS Expert top craftina;.. Inquire Fruit lnd Nuraery, sales yard, by . armory. Vet. 1 For sarden plowms call tiSJ. F.N. UcMlMTS. " FOR RET ROOMS La.rre furnished boasexeeplnaT room. Hot and cold water and caa in room. Heat and lixht furnished. 24 ZX- "Vlsloa. Warm sleeptnr rootna 1 Mock north r rnroi Wdr.-Tfi. maw. ROOM and BOARD VWWMMMIMMM)WM PUUSINT rest hosna for aeml-in- Tallds or elderly persona Best of care, sad food, box 112. Statea- snan. EXCELLENT board and rheerful 1 me tn prirete home. HO r enfr. 1 Oil RENT APARTMENTS Olrmote ants. 73 N. Liberty. 1 room fura. apt. - ; - ! Nice front apt. 'Heated. S2 Center. Kica for. apt. I9t Union. Two bonsekeeptna; aptav 8T ,K, Front. Furnished aot. Heat, ltchta. aarara. 1S 14 Leslie. Two larxe suony thi TMirtmente furnished or onfurnisbed. 171 No. CapitoL Phone 2811 W. : . WEIJC, famished rooms sad spts. for rent st 1141 Basel Ave. Tei 13W. . Desirable heated t room sot close n Tiwrrrir 117 llntrm. - : FOR RENT HOUSES 6 room bungalow on N. Cow'L 8L Basement. rarX. Fro if. See Mrs. C da-ell. Statesman offica. FOB RENT Ho furniabed sad nxurniabad. r. u wood 241 8tata Stvaot 2 room bun ra low for rent. 1242 Ciemakets. t room bouee, basement, stoves, lS.es. TeL 1451R. - FOR RENT HOUSES APT. SIS to 4(. Furnished or unfumith ad. Also bare for sale bouse t R. roaiptetely furnUhed for 180. See It and make an offer. - BKCHTEL A THOafASOrf ' ' 241 Etato Street Room 4. FOR RENT room novae. - tarxe rootna. modera except fireplace, larxe lot with fruit, double xxraxe, located 24S N. Commercial street. 9 2 5. Of per mofith. Immediate poeseasioa.- I BL Stiffler. TeL er call at Hie N. 17th St. even in ra. If In tare ted. . Nice small bouse. 242 Lee Street. ITLUE, THE TOILER 9ut-A.r'?C r4li in? i V , w A 1 HJU V4IKS s if l 7 - aT- V a a, '. ---ss'9 I i . ajai: r n. 3 FOR RENT Suburban modern f room bungalow, partly furnished. Beautiful location. Arrangement, for chickens. . f20.tt. TeL lilU. i Garaca and Turnished apt, day, week, or-month. 2445 State. WANTED TO :RENT WANTKD To reat email ranch near' Salem, or boose in town. TeL lltFSl. FOR SALE Real Estate KS AL Fjunmwrt- TUlt resi de Bee with a wonderful new. ButJt for home ty owner: A. J. RAHN, 1S10 f4rment Ftreet phone 1911.. -i 222 State Streee ; TeL lilt. ivw icm tn umbmu TS acres cuUiaed. fair buildlaca, 12 mile frona Salem. Running water, best soil. Wul consider some trade. Owner 2172 .Myrtle Are-, -Sateen, , Wo Jtare a. splendid mo4ra 9 room roeae- tn- Salem worth 4SO to trade, -ftw a -Camn ed wiU assume swreae oaable amount. ' Ww -have good acres felrrv well I Improved with necessary farm mt- chteary -ongao-i -sead worth (4500.0a and ean giro terms. . JL srAearaid Iv acre tract 2 miles north of -Salem worth )&. M and caa use Salem hnw worth 22240, - A well .Improved small tract fat suburb of Smew . worth S09 for smail farm farther eat. i. i . -A -good 2 room Salem homo worth $5606 to- trade- for a farm. i A aplewdM modern Salens ' homo worth 9taa to trade for small tin im proved sere-age, . . t. - . 19- haonriful . acres close In a ! de llghtrdt borne with cood land 'and plenty of frolt for snlr 955. . afcCHUCHKfST sV PENNINGTON 10-I U. 8.. Bank SSdK.. TeL lit. PRrxa is xxmuia but that ACRKAUS NOW ' ' :' t " ' ' !''" 2190. Burs t aeses at the best pralr ' -4e Jaad east of -Salem, perfect drainage, beat sf berry or filbert .sari, -atoea to school and 4 mUee tea Salrm. Terms 225. down and jae. per month. Int. 2. i llt&s. Buys f ' acres on pared, 'road, . -close In, beat of .prairie . land. Terms IU. down, and f 19. per month. Int. . fltSs. Buys 12 acres ef first class -land, all binder -cultivation, some ; nbeiry, sreee all r plowed ready to- set 3a nwrriee, close to school, -aravel toad. Terms ISO. down l and Jit. per month. InL . 11222. Buys 12 acres, severa.1 acres f orcaoLrd. some fine timber.: lo ; cated close to pavement oa good market road. An exceptional buy. . "Verms 25. down and 12 per t month. Int. 2. 2502. Jturs beautiful view tract, eon slathig t one-half aore, located - . aootH, close to higSrway, -gravel . seed, swat -of aoiL. Terms 222 doem sad fa. 20 per month. Int. -. j . .. t V; $252. Boys 1' sere close to city lim--ta. ail 4a boat log-orchard, gravel street. Terms 22S. down and per month.. Int. 2. - . , tf you are looking, for s amall aere--age at a -right price and on easy ' fi terms, SEK ,"4"., W. H. ORABENHORST COJ I 1 REALTORS 13 S. Liberty St. TaL 21S. 312022 room English type home, view lot. hardwood floors, tile m kit oben and "bath, 2 bedrooms, basement, piped f uraaoe. close to two' achoola. 22T22 Buys this fully modern home,, largo. . living room, hardwood floor, 'X fcedrtoome, kitchen and nook, fireplace, -full r basement, piped fur nace. Shrubs and ftowra. Paved i at. : 312M. (3od six room borne la good condition. Paved street, garage. - i- aloney to loan. - - Insurance. MEL VIM JOHNSON 222 TJ. & Bank Bid. TeL S37. BAROAIbVACCT. LEAVING 8A T&U will sell cor. 202 Bush. 1 story T m, gar frelt trees, garden etc., sultaUe lgac fmly, 43402. 9322. dwm VaL mo. pymts, like rent, . Oscar RicklL - i . : -- - , i i 1 1 iririniiriiiiin ii ft BAROAIN Thla week only, owner must leave. New modern bouse, full basement, furnace, built ins, fine lot, garage. 2102 cash, balance monthly, t .-. J F. L. WOOD 5- J 241 State Street ' - '( -: FOR SALB Attractive bona bunt In 2922, modern convenience. Reas eoabie. 1122 N, 19th. Phone erenings, 1932. - CTTT ; PROPERTY j KB. house, basement, furnace, all nicely dnrnbmed Inside, with built lna. PHee 22222; street paved, 1J00.O down; balance asy. i ' ' ' - 1 I I ". ! ' New S R- English type' house, all Strictly modern and a real beauty and -very cheap for tlis price of 94, 109.22 2720.00 down and move In. 8KB SEARS . A TUCKER -j M4 South Commercial 8treet I OUR BEST BUT IF TOTT ARE LOOKING FOR HOafB BARGAIN TO BUT, i SEE THIS: Immediate possession, of . 4 room plastered bungalow in East Salem, garage and woodshed, good lawn and shrubbery. Prion 1450, cash 222 and $22 each month. LKO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors " 219 State Street i TeL 1137 : FOR; SALE I . room; bath, unfln tshed upstairs, . basement, heating plant, double garage, east front view, sell furniabed. Bargain tf taken soon. Write owner. Box 29, Statesmen. -CTTT BARQAINS Dandy R. house, strictly modern and almost new. Sold 2 months ago for 95SOO.O. Sacrificed price now, 24320.00. 2S0.2 sown. baL easy., ANOTHER GOOD ONE -2-room, basement, furnace, " all In A-l condition. Street paved,, close to school. Sacrifice price of 11702.20. S2&9.24 down. Balance easy. For b Hrin SEE 6HAR3 A TUCKER - i 124 South Commercial t AN IDEAL COUNTRT HOME I Oak floors tn living and dining rooms. Kitchen with built-ina, 2 large bedrooana Woodhouse, garage and electric pump house. 1 sere ground oa paved nlghway, two and one-half mites from city limits, price $3200.00 $300.00 . cash, i balance to arrange. ' A CUTS LITTLE HOaCB Plastered 4 rooms and bathroom, two norches, woodhouse, garage, poul try house, electric water system sad gas range. Two and one-half acres, -" so . trir,- beertes and shrubbery. Prtoe $2150.00. SEE GEIfKR. with ANUKKSON RUPERT i -Mi South High Street . 1 -- tvmiimit I -l3r AL1V J riowr r ik. I RlCJHT t m itc-e 3 I vT.' vX. ! FOR SALE Real : Estate I rra. house with bad and butlt Ins, garage, corner lot with shads trees, paved street, fruit, $1167. . 4 rra, house with bath, garage, near Leslie Jr. high, bearing fruit and nuts, $1700. These are attractive properties and can be bandied on very, easy terms. ; s WINNIE PK'TT T JOITK. Realtor-'. , 172 South High Street BARGAIN 5N THREE : - VACANT LOTS 1 To doss an estate, owner will cept 9850 or ail with psvmaj -extra. LEO N. CHILDS CO Realtors 9? State Street- Tel. ITyf HXCliAWtiE Keal Estate Clear mcorne property, $1390 to x clianwe for- a ranch -29 to 192 acres. Mast be within 12 miles of Salem. Be member I have some 1 real snaps ta small acreages. . , . . H. a SHIELDS Oregsn. Bldx. TeL 1714. Modern 4. room bouse m Aberdeen. Wn. to trade for improved tract, suo urban sxecery or what have youl John Evans, 1920' N. 19th. t II A. river- bottom;, good bidg"U sear Eugene, 4229, dear. WC1 Trade for good ranch near Salem, JefJar son, or preferably close : te Tamer, OregoSu Hanson A Bergman . Realty Company 119 E. Broadway. Eugene, OrWon Wanted to trade bouee -and lot for lot or resldesce. Owner only TeL ZS2 or: lUUt """ i WANTED 4 or 9 room house- in exchange tor 2. room modera house on -oemsr lot. 20x159. Shrubbery, fnttt, grand, view South Salem. Deal with owner, write 277. Statesman. California property, value 1 1 1,1 0. Will trad all or part for Im proved farm. 44 A. near Saleaa. IS A. Is strswber rlea, good btdga. A wonderful buy4 at HW. - - afodern T no. Salem house te trade ? , for Dakota or Wyombqi stock ;! raach. . V - Beautiful mmnrban - home strictly modern, frtgtdalre, electric stove, j 1 A. ground, fruit trees. A real bargain a fSSOO. X rm. furnJsbed- Jiouee In Salem, nice - lot, chicken bouse. All tor tl, 252. $122 down, $12. per month, I : .RENTALS . ."" ' rm. furnished- apartment, fit; 4- m rurnisned, -rm. cnxur- tklshed. $30. J. F. TILRICH COM PA NT f 222 Stats Street TeL I1IL I SPECIAL EXCHANGES ,12 A. river bottom soil, 2 acre In Lambert and Royal Ann cherries. 2 room bouse, old bam. Pries $4220. Will trade -for Umber tract, or. will include stock Of .groceries and fix tures and take s, business tn :. cood town. , 4 ... ! INCOME AND HOME -12 modern bwaamlows oa one lot. In come $4. Will trade for acreage. 'l new bouses -la on of oar best small towns to exchange for building lots- In Salem. ' Might consider other property. E. E. ROBERTS W. G. GRANT Room 319 Mnwonle Bidg. TeL 0. FOR SALE FARMS ! - FARM BUTS 2tt seres, 4 R. house, grain ery. poultry house,-pries 91075.&9 ; will 2lVe terms. 40-Acres, good land, 2 miles N. Sa lem, 4 R. house, good large barn, fruit bouse, poultry bouse, nice living stream' . through place. Black; son. finest little dairy Place around,' good roads and good location, ' price 24, 200.09:2000.00 down. 1 S-Acrea, house, barn, Sarage and Kultry house, dark soiL. 2 A. red rasp rries, 4-A. strawberries, 1 V A. ev ergreen. Some -fruit trees; baL la oats and reatcb. Price , $5500.02; . give terms. . - . 12-Acres good land, all stocked and equipped. Modern house, rood barn. 2 poultry houses, water system, running water, 2 cows, horses, wagon, all im plements and wood In basement for furnace. Fine location, price $9609.99; give terms. - 299 Acres sTJ In cultivation, 19 rnMes north ; i 2-4 - miles from . N. Pacific highway, good location; $199.09 per aore ; will give good terms or trad for lnooms property. For .farms SEE :" ' I ! SEARS A TUCKER i 124 South Commercial Street i , FOR SALE . Lease, on 42 acre equipped farm. (0-60 basis. Good proposition to right party. Price' $42$ cash. LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors ' 220 State Street TeL 1721 I ; 22-ACRES $5009.29 Fair Improvements. 19 miles K. of Salem. Paved road, all good dark soli. $492.00 down. Balance . easy. I 27-ACRES $4500.29 AM dark soil, good barn, well, no house. 40 A. cultivation. , WQ1 trade for smaller place. I 147 ACRES 29200.20 ' 2-R. house, barn and large " poultry house, lighting- system, 25-acres culti vation, 20-A. timber, running water, fine dairy ranoh. Trade for city prop erty or smaller ranch. i SEARS A TUCKER. Realtors I 134 South Commercial Street r POSITIVELT NO BETTER FARM BARGAIN IN VALLEY STOCK, EQUIPMENT A FEED INCLUDED 199 seres, sU cleared, family orch ard, modern bufldlnga, tenant -110000, pressure water-system,' water, piped to 1 all bulMmgs. Stock consists of 12 good' cows, with 9 registered Guera eeys, 4 belf era, Guernsey bull, two horses snd 1299, chickens. Fordson tractor included ta equipment. Food and wood go with place. Dairy por tion now leased on 20-29 basts. On good road 9 miles from Salem, Ws have never had a better buy. , Price $15,00. SOCOLOFSKT tc SON First NaUonal Bank . Bldg. TeL 972. Make your terms at $32 acre. 192 A, Klamath lrrig. Sandy loam on liv er,' surfaced hwy. Free water. Ideal alfalfa, potato, poultry and stock farm. 1444 Jroadway. ' lACREAGE TOD AT 8 SPECIAL Prices on the following smalt aere age tracts: choice half acre $1200; four B. house. Nearly half acre, 9 R. house for $1100. One of the finest five acre tracts not far otrtV well worth $2500. Owned by a widow and forced to selL Make an offer. Also 1 A. tract, 4 R. bouse, elec lights, not tar out st $1199. - Only small payment down. Now Is the proper-time to gar den. If It's a Urge farm ws have them at sacrifice prices - . 8KB BECHTEL-THOMASON--.-241 State Street : Room 4. "A new Disht. IT- s, I1 WA4b, VKjSj I TIME5 To THB :.-. r - . ";. - ; . ; , ' r j -. i . i -.- , - ' : r r . ACREAGE r-r-rT-,-ir,-M-iriririnrM-ri 1 ret 1 1 ' sere, joining good small town, modem honss with-city water, some fruit, $5000. 91009 loan, also $3009 stock, -7 Interest, . eemi-annuallr. Want store building, stock snd resi de nee up to value or above. t - r ' . 1 Service station, lease and., stock for sale, good location, $450. ' Furniture and lease on large house close In, 2 bMrooaas, reams all oceu- rioo. gooa income, price fsuv. i-wt 50.09. O. 1, Jackson with; W. fi KRUEGER 147 North Commercial fuii SALE or rent 2 acres,. 1 A. lomnbenies, ether fruit. Located- I mils from Salem on Wallac road. Buildings fair, TsL 22T1L - r . 12 A. -nearly flniahetV- 2 room house. 4 log hmrn. good apriag, 1 A. eul tivated, rest In timber snd good ; pasture, V mL" to school and church. nL Salem, prtoe-11252. 12 A. 7 rosins sad nook, nearly new, - plastered house, full he seme at, spring -water in-the house, bam. . A. In good yeuox ived er ; . chard, 'Umber 24 A. bottom land. mm . Good road. Price $3500. - . 17 A. -goo -ceiled house, 2 lnrge-harns, -- foed-well, 17 A good timber and pastors, 79 A. good cuiUvxted land- Good road, some trade. Price- 1 300. . NKliVln JOHNSON 229 7J. a Bonk TJldg. TeL 9IT. Easiness Opjwrtunltiea. ' 0AL1S l TKAIMC . r Cboce Bunnsss- Property . Wlfch ver 2229 ev year . Income would consider Seattle property er a good farm. SKH - - BECHTEL-THOMaSON 211 State Street . Room 2. -- -.-U-.-L-J-1.1 FOR QUICK SALE Goldle'a Innr-h at ju action crty. Meal location, spe cial price If taken at once. Good rea sons. Tel. ISO. MONEY TO LOAN Salary Loans MMWWtMMMMW T r e o te t e ed 1 1 r PI m !' red STATS LOAN. COMPANT lit Oregon Bldg. Secesd Floor Corner State and High. Office bra, i:o a. m. ts Telephone 933.. transit by State MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Ooatxaets Refinanced Arrange to reimss pear payments. You knap the ear. .. P. A. E1K3ER CJor. Liberty St, snd Ferry Phone 131- Satera. Ore. . PERSONAL LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries er other -rood security. Reparable monthly. When- In financial need see us before dosing s loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Phone 1202 NEED MONET QUICKLY! Cash Loans of $12 to $102 - j Within 34 Hours " Small Monthly Repayments TotfH be surprised how easily a loan can be srranged. Our friendly and courteous service has helped many when they needed money quickly. Come tn, 'phone or write for full In formation. There ts no obligation, BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCTETT lit Blight Bldg. Sit Stats TeL t-1-4-2 Licensed by the State 4 WANTED to loan on live stock and personal property. Terms , to suit your conversance. NaUonal Loan and Finance Co. 41 Bank of Com. Bldg. Licensed by stats. . CTTT AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable.- Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service tn all Ilneav HAWKINS A ROBERTS line.) TeL 1437 305 Oregon Bldg. ON FARMS AND CTTT' REAL ES TATE. -. LOWEST IKTMEST BATES. : BERT T.FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Federal Farm Loans, 21b- per cent F. L. WVT. 341 State Rtreet. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loan on real estate. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. . REALTORS 134 B. Lfhertv St. Tt. 212. INSURANCE ... 1 ii-inni-iru , YOUR' PROPERTY INSURED? If not r before yoo renew, better see Pears A Tucker. We are agents for New Hampshire ' fire Insurance company also the Merchants. Both Old reliable companies. : SEARS A TUCKER 14 South Commercial Street LIVE STOCK and POULTRY - ---- -- -" minivvYrVim LA RGB HORSES AND MULES Will arrive Sunday, Feb, 2th, S oarloada of mules, 1 - ear load of horses. AU sixes and alt ages. A horse or team for every purpose. Sell very reasonable. All stock guaranteed as represented. , Free delivery. later Stats Horse A Cow Market. Union ava, and Columbia Blvd, Portland, i' Two food young Jersey cows. Just . "i",' - ii i n n n n ii r. r -------- - - The Willamette -VaUey Hatchery. Chicks every, week. Reds i B. Rox ; W. Rex; 3. B. Giants; J. W. Plants; Buff Orps, Hanson Leghorns, All B. W. D. tested. 419 A 24 th SU Salem, Ore. Phone 2T72-W. Custom hatching. WIWWIWNMWWWIWWW Elroy Nash gnat an tees his horses snd cows, . Auction sale depot. TeL tl4 - ' FOR SALE WOOD Larrre second growth fir. 12 In. $t. 29. full eorA Tel 2F32. - rSsaAeiaafSbASefaa4sM - vi wws W w wee., ucu IVttW eVVBTVAS-' sta-S Vi S. C sn.s saur WAnil C R A ween 4XTrt ...A - ajr. A A CMS IftUl, AOL. 9JS1M. Old fir. body wood, partly seasoned- 4 ft. and II tn. IM0 and fT.0. Trt. 14I7J. 12 and 12" wood, also planer wood, 92.00 per cord load delivered from car.t 92.2 from yard. Cobbs A Mitchell Co. 212 & 12th, 912, . I J . iHAVfis this wTL"C I . VvfiR.ru3 MtM OUT J 1 SJOP TrS - r so, i--- j FOR SALE WOOD Dry 4 ft, f lr' $52. TeL 1381W. , Wood sals, on- planer trimmings, 2.59-per load. Cord wood $4.8 per load. 9A99 for doublo load. Prompt service. Honest measure. Davis Fuel Co, TeL 1415. --...---- ' , i FOR SALE OR TRADE 12 tn. Sid -fir. $2.0 cord.) TeL ' 19F4. I DRY. sil kinds, amy length, TaL 2739. . - , i DRY fir and oax wood, coal smd fuel oil Call on us for prices. 3Ve givs good meaaure. good .qaalltj and good service. ' ! T.ARMKR TRANSFER A STORAGE i. . Telephone 2121 ...I- It. tn. and 4 ft- wood on hand at all tiroes Alaoplaner wood. TeL lit Tracy's Fuel Yardx. i - GUARANTEED XRT Wood coal. TeL 12. Salem -Fuel Co. 722 Trade. , 12 In. old fir. 27.22 cd. snd dry hard- WOOO. 11., im. tay spiuwau.t WOOD SAWING " J t9irMWMrereAs)e Prr Wttrr wtio 2-w1wfsr. TVL LOST and FOUND LOST Black -kid -a-iovee r"rl. eve. J-C S. quarterly and leather cover. Sun. Call 1291J. LOST Black--over . coat. , JFInder FOR SALE USED CARS Oood-Will Useifl Cars 80Lb WITS A'GUARANTEa IT9-Pontlae CouoS 1175.() l-Chevroiet. Sport Coupe 2 5. lrtO-Chevrolet Coupe - - 4IS.90 le-6eJrtand t-Ar Hadan . XSS 1912-Cnaem4(le 4-dr. Sedan m 271.99 4927Str 81 x Sedan 235.99 425.49 426. 2229 142.99 3.e 22t.4) l27-Oakland Sedan 1927-Naeh Cabriolet 1924-lIiidaon -Browanam 4922-Oreriaad Sedan laST-Dodger Coupe 1327-Pontlas PaneLJDeL . . Some-real buys la cheap cars, Wood-Wheaton Motor Co. Oakland Tetepborie Sltt Pontlao USED CAR DEPARTMENT i I 24S Chemeketa Street The Used Car You Have Been Waiting For! Special model a ford 11- , i - BARGAINS LTberty and Center Streets TeL 1112 . . . . . . . - . ii-i-ouor eeoan . oemonstra-- tor : f $21.92 1930-B-door Sedan demonstra tor - . 259.00 1920-t-door Sedan, good con- - . dtUott , ..222.09 1120-iStd, Coupe good shape 495.09 1929-Cabrtolet eost over i 2800.00; now , ' 42.9 1939-Repoasessed Sport Coupe 400.00 1939-Std, Coupe, new. tires 272.20 1929- iSport Roadster all new f tires , h IS9.02 1922-Late type Fordor Sedan, new tires . 459.99 1922-Late Type-Tudor Sedan, reconditioned ... $29.22 1922-Late "Type Business ! Coupe, reconditioned 230.00 1122-Early Typo Sport Coupe, reconditioned , , 322.09 1922-Late Type Roadster, re conditioned . . 292.99 1922-Ate Type Phaeton, re conditioned , , , , 222.99 1930-Truck. closed cab, dual i tires , - , 212,24 1929-Truck, closed cab, dual -i tires . . ; . 42S.02 49 Other Makes of Cars to I -i - Choose From i We Pay Cash For Good Used Car. Dodge Delivery, good condition, A real buy if sold at once. TeL 92. : -1 1927 Packard Club- Sedan $925 Diamond tires, -two. Goodyear Urea, 20 i new. Wire Wheels, standard equipment. Including trunk. Guaraa- iev mecoaoKaur, Packard Service and ':.'!: Sales i - Phon) 372t 245 Center Strefi Tr1haafjr-9retsA( Ford and Buick Used Car Lot 12T2 1922 1929 1922 1931 1927 1932 1922 1922 1929 1922 1922 1922 193 193 1933 1929 1917 1929 1922 1932 1932 1922 1984 1934 1924 1922 1922 1922 1927 1927 1929 1934 1934 1922 1922 1922 139 1939 1939 1919 1921 iButck enclosed Rda Bulck Coupe -1 ,., Chevrolet Coach L Chevrolet Coupe ' Chevrolet Coupe Chevrolet Roadster Chevrolet Sedan. Chevrolet Coach ,1.259.091 1J15. 235. 1 250.9 J 110.00 -4 122.0 172.99 Chevrolet Coups - -.Dodge 2 Coupe -Dodge Touring . Dodge Coupe t ...,, Dodre Deli venr 125.00 460.0 , 100.0 , 25.0 . 42.9 212.0 i22S.9 - 49 si SV fh-k Model A Ford Coupe Model A Ford Coach Model A Ford Coach Model A Ford Spt. Coup 225. Model T Ford- Coups , , 192.09 Model T Ford Conpe- , 125410 Model T Ford Roadster 15.99 Model T Ford Touring 92.09 Model T Ford Coach , 119.00 Model T Ford Sedaa 100.00 Model T Ford Roadster kt.ee Model T Ford Towing . 25. Moaei - e ora ronpe 25.fr 910.00 492.22 200.09 285.00 272.09 232.0 35.00 100.00 95.00 250.09 259.99 riudson edan Huprooblis Coupe Hirprooblle Roadster Oakland Coach lOldsmobllo Coach Pontlao Sedan . ; .... Btar Touring- , W. K. Touring . W. K. Roadster ---Whippet Coach Wblppet Coupe TRUCKS Ford with duals 222.2 Ford, long wheel base - -200.0 Ford with duals , 485.00 Chevrolet overhauled 45.09 Chevrolet' overhauled 235.09 Salem Used Car Center - I Marlon snd Liberty -t - ' North snd of Valley Motor Co. i Telephone 1927 SO 1HBS3 1T3WE r- I had Jy I - U: 1 - Builntss AlIUSEMENTS Salem - Golf Course X mllse south on River Drive. 19 hols watered falr waya. largo TTreevs. Fees 12o Sunday anrf -brxtrlsivs. 41.00. - AUCTIONEERS ;;;KN,Woodiy5 tl' Tears Palenrs Leading Auctioneer ' and Yurnlture 'Dealer Reeldente and Store . ' . 121 North Soowner St, ' ' , Telenww Sit 'BATHS Turkish baths snd massage. 8. H, Cnnii. Telephone 1M 4 New TrtHc BATTERY EIXCTIltCIAN Ki D. Barton National Battarias tarter and. generator .work. Texaos sfatkvn. comet Cowet end -OiTrch. BICYCLE REPAIRING i ' LLOYD B. RA1ROCM Columbia Bicyciea and repalrtog. 227 Court. The best In -breycle and rer trine. R W. Scftft, 147 a CjWI. TeL F CimiNEYi SWEEP Telerne tilt- R. V.. Noifweux ' CHIilOPRACTORS Dr. CTlbert, Ore. Bids. TeL 2452. Br. O. I SCTTTT, ' PSC, Chiropractor 222' N. High. TeL 27 Res. 2li4-J. DRS. . SCOFTELD, Palmer - Chlro rractorx Z-Ray and K. C U. Kew Bttir BMa . COSTUMES For snappy party costumes call Sa lem Co 4 N.-2th. TeL 1047J. CLEANING SERVICE Suits cleaned and pressed, call snd deliver 75c, Ladles dressealLOO. TaL 427 W. 224 N. ComL , i Center Bt Vsleterls,. TsL 12-7. Stamd. Cleaners ft Dyers. CaH 1421. CORSETS Charts fowndaUon-gurmeat. For new spring modeL Call . representative 1319M. - - ' ELECTRICIANS HA LIS ELECTRIC CO. New loca tion. 837 Court St, TeL No. t. FLOiilSTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasfons Olaen's. Court A High St. Tey. 19L ALL kinds of floral work. - Lots Florist, 12th A Market. TaL 2124. CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations. C F. Breltbaupt. fterlst. . 212 8 tats Street, Tel 28. - . ' - - GARBAGE Salem lcavenrer.-Tel. IrT w 1114. HEMSTITCHING - NEEDLEWORK,. 2rgaret' ' Shrfv 412 Court. INSUllAMCE WIXJ-AIJETTH INa AGENCY Wm. Blivea, Mgr. Exclusive Buttevtlle Agent til l-asonlc -Bids. TsL 222. - BECKS A HENDRICKH : 199 N Wtorh Tet 121 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALKJ- LAUNDRY THB WETDER LAUNDRY Telsohone 22 l 222 S High CAPITAL CTt r LAUNDRY We Wash Evarrthinx In Lux" Telenhone 8145 - 1844 Bmedwav MATTRESSES- Mattresses from factory to horns, A ,lr m iiAHft a.., ,n.l M, ft...... 0,. ovaters- snd fumlgatora Capital City Beddlnx Co. TeL 1. 3039 North Cap- FOR SALE USED CARS FIVE DAYS FREBV TRIAL 29 Stude 'Commander sedan $472 83 Buick atd. 2 -door sedan 432 '29 Oldemobila 4 -door sedaa 232 24 Essex ooach '29 Whippet six sedaa 2M Kasex coaca '29 8tude std. sis sedaa '29 Dodge sedan .... .., ,., .. 29 Hudson ooach '22 Hudson coach , .... , , i Fords Fords Fords 29 Town sedan - ,,. , , , '22 Tudor sedan' (STATE MOTORS INC. , . Hudson C see x 6 Hide baker Open evenings snd Sundays High snd Chemeketa TeL 1994, Bargain Ford Tudor . sedaa 1929 model, i fine- condition. . Owaer. 472 University St, REPOSSESSED 1919 Chevrolet coupe, fins condition, oil around. Easy terms. Also-model T Ford truck, take It for the balance due, $49 cash. Masonis Bldg. ; TeL 3I8L Am Leaving Town Feb. IL Must sell my 1929 Pontlao coach before that tuna Any reason able offer accepted. Terms caa be given If desired. This car ts la stor age at j 432 N. CommerclaL . - - SAVE 5100 1939 Chevrolet 2 Coups, new ply Urea, new brakes, lovejoy snubbers. Will sell the- equity "very cheap and take over contract. 1 , ! See Mr. Alien at 122 Center St, Phono. 1202, ... --.. By RUSS WESTOVER ARI2. t if I -o i iDircctoiy MUSIC STORES GEO, C. WTLL Ptanoe, Phons grspbs. sewing machlnea, sheet muslo and piano studies. Repairing pbono grapha and sewing machlnea 423 State street, Salem. OFFICE SUPPLIES j Everything -fa -office suppHex Cem mercUl Book Store. Ill K. Cool Tel. 44; . v . - . ' 1 PAPER HANGING Paper -hanging and painting. Neo- man's Paint Store. 152-N. ConTL PHONB GLENN ADAMS for-henae decorsHixc, paper' faanglag. .tinting, tc ! RrlAbie workman. - . PLUMBING slid HEATING PHUMBTNG - and geeeral repair wnrk Graber Bros. 1(2 So, Liberty. TeL St. . PLUMBING & SUPPLIES Meeker Plumbing Supply Cow 171 a Oemmerrlnl Tel S7ee PRINTING FOR STATION ER Y, cards, pamph leta, programs, books -or any kind- of printing, call at The Statesman Print ing Department, 212. 8, CommerclaL TeientK te- ee. v RADIO FOR every bunoe. for every' purs All stsnaar sizes of Radio Tubea. eoff: eijectrical shop. 941 ffivnrt St. Te! 95 STOVES STOVES end stovs rsparrtng. Stoves far sale, rebuilt and repaired. All Tamils- woven wire fence, fsncy snd wain, nop -oseaets ana nooxs, mgan nooks. 8aleea Vence and Stove Work a 243 Oemeketw street. R. B Fleming. TAILORS . D. IX I MOSHER TsJIor for and wtwnen. 474 -Qswrt St. TRANSFER CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 222 State St. TeL 222. DlstrlbaUng. foe warding and to race our specialty. Get nur rates.. FOR local or distant transfer etor sge. call 2131. Laimer Transfer Co. Trucks tri PorrbTd drrtly. Real Estate Directory ' BECKB A HENDRICKS 129 N. High TeL 121 - 2U EAGLE 224 N. High 85.. - TeL 2242 r J. LINCOLN ELLIS 422 Stats . TeL ttll HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY CO 270 State St. TeL 242 W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 114 a Uberty Bt, TeL III SOCOLOFSKY A SON 114-2 First Nat. Bk, Bldg. TeL 979 J. F. ULRICH 129 N. Commercial TeL 1814 i F. L. WOOD IIS Stats St. . TsL T94 Gross -Word Puzzle Bt EUGENE HORLZONTAL . 1 st of f rural ItalUs nSeity : A tire oat laeityia ' . NewadA ls-iAnd . neaAure 14 societT U 1 foster ter ritorialiam llpTtA4sinw to If wA2 drassed ta . 18 cryttal :lise metal tartf tl eteepa U liqnfd 14 ctuhion tT ice is the- f orni of , " ,v white-' - crystals- : : f9 rfsce ef . clock ft permit . t2--4istened Uk" ts etallfor, J ""oxen .. . v. ' Z 5 towards 17 practical Tanit of electrical ! i". : current'""" ti coachmaa 1 41 note of ttnTj-iexl ceale - .. 4J desigTua-' " tlen 44 wonLia 45 finlh v 4T elender : rod ef i netal 4 treea 1 'I Iff place com pactly 82 CTiare : ;':, i' f 4 ote of the ' musical ecale SS Aotnajl ; - bein&2 17-h one of the continents If Greek letUr 61 flrardea .: implement CJ ea eacle - err-e-lell SB . , nntrath' . . I ? 3 H S 6 7 O i IO II tt mTTwvr a- 27 282? . 3ap HQ mm Ss 56 p 3T p "57 60 PI 1 B6B 1 1 B6YI 1 Ti lierewiui is tho solution to res tcrdsy puzzle. , ; 7-tl In A T.'A'r1 , A 1 'l.-rl : Iffl tEfflRPTO M 0ATJ 0 1AjtIS iS Oiarnssi iwti. a-m twrn St-siwiaf tea, XOTICB TO CmEDITOIia Notlc Is Hereby Giren. Tiiat th tmderslgned, by n order of th County Court of th Stat of Oregon, for tho County of Mar lon, duly mads and ontert . on th JOth day of January 1111. war" appointed Administrator oC tho Eatat of LEON WILLSON, Decessed, snd that he has duly aualifred as such Administrator, I All persons having claims nlnit , i f 1 TPo f 1 mrm r. orf notified to preacat tho same duly verified, ax required by law, to him st th , City of Salem, - la Msrioa County. Oregon, within tlx months of tho date of this notice. ' ; Dated this 4th day of Febru ary, ltll. J T -. JAS. G. HELTZEL, Administrator of th- Estate of , Leon Wills on. Deceased. Date of First Publlcailon: Fein riiarr-4, 1911. Date of Last Publication: "Marcli 4, 1231. j F4-11-18-25M4 m ffOTics or Ai.s or oovnncxir? Tikons GT-BTEXAL LAND 07X10. - WMktsgtea, B. O. Ketlee 1 hereby givea that uLjl te the eondixieae aa4 linitatteae el the acta ef June , 119 ft Stat. 218). Fab reefy 2. 1019 (4- Stat. 1172), Joa A, 198 (41 Stat. T3i). eti4 Mar 17, 10 1 9 142 Stat. 67. Pa b lie 4171, end nraiMn to depertsMOtal - regalatiens, CirruUr 1200, the titaeer ea the follewrag Umds will he sold Mar. , 131 at 10 o'clock a.m.. at pahlie auction at the U. S. Iaad Offiee st Keseborx. Oregen, te the higheis bidder at -a-ot leas -thaa the appraUcd price as shews by this aotiee. Sale te be subject te -tbe epereval ef the Secretary e the lawrier. Tho purchase price with ea a4ditieaal ass ef one-fifth ef ene per eent thereof, beieg- ee tmUiieas allowed, raast be depeaited whea the right to parehase-is awarded -by the SegUter, bat certificate ef: sale will net incus sntil tba parchaeer has eewplied full with said regiuatiess. Circular 1200, at te the ete eutiea ef the ceatraet of sale sad bond required thereunder. The money deposit ed will he- returned If sale is ael approv ed, otherwise potent will issue for tbe timber, which must be reaeved with I a 10 years. Biea will be rsecive4 frem eittsena ef- the United States, ssaeeietioas ef sack eitisena, end eerperalioas organised un der the laws of. the United fits sat. er aey Stele. Territory er listriet thereof eulr. Uses apsiiestiea of a qualified smrchsa 9t. the . timber ea any legal subdiviaiea will be effered -eewaratelf before being iacloded ia any offer of a larrer unit. ,T. 14 S- B. 1 W, See 15. SW4 KW4' J allow fir 1340 at, dead yellow fhr 15 I, red cedar A If. dead-red eeder 1 It: T. 1 I. R. I .. See. 27. KB KE4 Sallow fir 2.200. U. bemleck ,600 Mf W Vt HE Vi yeUewdir 2.0 OO M, Tsemlack 1.200 21; &lfu NEU yellow fir 8.O0 U, hemUck 600 II; SWVi KEU. y'ew fir 2.AOO K. bemleek I.S00 At; MEH KWVi yellew fir 2100 VI, hemlock 60 M fiEU -VWU v-llow fir 1.430 if. hem lock 125 M; t. 14 S. R. 7 W See, 1, KK4 SE red fir 1.4 00 M; T. 22 6, R. 1 . See. . KWV fiEVi red fir 25 M; SW4 rc4 fir 600 If. Noas ef the tun her ea the abeve sections te be seU fer leas thae 21.60 per AC fer the red and yellew fir, 21. per M for the red cedar aod 60 rents per VI for the hemlock, dead yellow fir and dead red cedar. T. 21 S. R. W, See. 1, Lee 2 yellew fir 050 II. hemlock 28 M: T. 18 S. B. 7 W.. See. 81. RE, NEli green sad fire-killed fir t6i H. red cedar 20 M. None ef the timber ea these sections te be sold for lets thaa 21-2 per M for the yellow and green snd fire-killed red fir, snd 21.00 per ht for the hemleek snd red cedar. T. 24 8- B. 12 W.. See 25, KE SW yellow fir 1.875 M. hemleek 825 M. red cedar ft M; KW14 SWH yellow fir 2.216 M. hemlock 400 M. red cedar 25 ht; 6E4 8W4 yeUow fir 1,975 M. hemleek 172 M, red cedar 60 M. Keae ef the timber ea. tlile section -ts be sol 4 for loss than $1.00 per M for the yel low fir, 21.60 per If for the red cedar and 60 cents per M for the nemlner. T.I12 S. B. 2 W Sec. T. 8E NE14. yellew fir -400 M, red fir 600 U, hem Jock 250 M, red cedar 150 It; NE'4 SKU red -fir 1.100 If. ttemloek 60 M, red eedsr 80 21; SEH SE4 red fir 70 14, Koas ef the timber ea this section te be sold for less thaa 91.79 per M tor the red ead yellow fir aad 91.0 per M for4 the red eeder tad hemleek. . C. C. Moors, Commissioner. 74-11-12 15-MA. . I SHEFFER 47 leat of burden 48 email mass (pt) j 6f rock fit- ' are filled . witli mineral VERTICAL I away X eleranee -trpon 4 -cut sraaa K joorneyed f pertainihx torinerar T -birth placs "of Abraham 9 trap 9 last , 10 by. 11 depart IT o nj una- -.t;J tlon II prorided . that. 21 cleanser ' 18 rarUty of , carneLan 18 made op ' , one's mind' 18 placea where : . foods ars retailed r 17 portions ' 18 btrtf t Italian -' cola 18 ktekj 2S contln.9 iJ s'place , t8--ejeet . 40 unit of electrome tire force 43 commis sion 48 cupolas 48 makes 51 pronoun 83 jumbled . typs 15 novel 68 every thlnj 60 atilize - 41 exclama tion 2 bone 04 Etrpytiaa deity , 43 maiden - loved 17. . Zeus v - - t - " -' ': t :