The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 11, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    -TAGE SIX .... . ;; . . .- . j;-..p. ;:'.;:r'-;.;-;"-:-. --v 'I--'-; i
The OREGON &ATES31AN; Salem, OregoTycdne&day Morning, February' 11, 1931
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T rr-rTT-r- - J . i . . . .. i
h r-v y-b i wt 11
Silver ton W Oman's
Club Hears Salem
Sllverton That we are all ro-
lnsg to be disappointed In the fill
er of tome appropriations ftp
pass the legislative commute
this session was Indicated by Mrs.
f?. K SnanldliiK and Mrs. Ivan
Martin of . Salem in their talks
before the - Sllverton .Womajn's
club Monday afternoon. ? j
The "Woman's elnb openel jits
business , meeting at two o'clock
with Mrs. Goorre Hubbs, presi
dent. In the chair. During the
business meeting an announce
ment was made to the effect that
h TJhrarv benefit bridge which
had , been planned for Friday
al?ht -was. postponed until a later
date.: i ' :
Mrs. Theodore -Hobart report
ed on - the Doernbecker hospital
at Portland and made the ino-
tion that the club members
bring to th next meeting fruit
donations to be -sent to this hps-
citaL The notion was carried
Mrs. Hubbs made a brief talk
aii dmm. - one of . the sublects
stressed, at each meeting of the
club. , , -
Before turning the meetmg
oyer to Mrs. H. r Latham,
chairman 'of the program com
mittee, Mrs. Hubbs introduced
Mrs. Jfarl Haberly, president jof
the Willard Women's club, .who
In turn Introduced the members
- of her elub. The Willard club wjas
a special guest of the Sllverton
club for the afternoon. f
Mra. Hubbs also Introduced
club officers who were present,
Including Mrs. Rath Fargo, pres
ident of the third district: Mf
C. K. Spauldlng. who represent
ed the Salem club; Mrs. G. IB.
Bertson. county president: Mts.
Ivan Martin, eh airman of the
legislative committee of the third
, .district; and Mrs. Karl Haberly,
president of the Willard Worn-
1 ad's club. These women were
asked to form a line in the front
of the group so that club mej
bers "could all become acquaint
ed with their officers."
Mrs.i Latham opened the pro
- grflf" T readings th club "Cdl
Tlect. Mrs. Vernon Day then ltd
the' group " In singing patriotic
music, with Mrs, Edson Coijn-
stock at the piano. Mrs. Day alo
delighted her : listeners with se
lections on her, harp. . As. a part
of the program, Mrs. James Man
ning listed ! a group of Oregon
made products. This was given as
a part-of the plan to carry otit
"What Oregon Makes Makes Ore
gon" which the club stresses each
month. Mrs. E. Holden gave an
interesting paper on the boyhodd
of George Washington. t
At Mrs. Latham's suggestion
that members tell little stories
Vthat bear on Abraham Lincoln's
life, two particularly interesting
little incidents were brought out.
Mrs. Mary Townley told of hoy,
when she was a small girl, se
had once had . the opportunity- io
meet Mrs. - Abraham " Lincoln at
Waukesha. Wisconsin.- Mrs. C. M.
TV ray told the other outstanding
InolitMlt- 1 i
"I was Just a little girl," said.
Mrs! Wray, "riling In a lumber
wagon with relatives In Minne
sota. A man came riding like mad
on horseback, throwing handbills
Into the yards of people. We
picked one up. It contained toe
news of Lincoln's . assassination.
Think how quickly that news
a be distributed today."
; Following the regular program
Mrs. Martin discussed legislative
measures. At the close of the
' program refreshments wore
served with Mrs. George- Hubbs
and: Mrs, M. J. Mad sen presiding
at the tea.tabLs. Hostesses for the
afternoon included- Mrs. H. B
Latham, Mrs. Madsen. Mris.
Hubbs, Mrs. F. G. McDonald.
Mrs. 'Herman Kramer, Mrs. E.
Holden, and Mrs. James Man
ning. . . . :-3 j
Wednesday afternoon the West
Stayton Birthday dab met '.wijth
Verna Asehe. Invited guests pres
ent were- Mrs. Paul Haines. .Mrs.
Charles Wise. Mrs. Frank Elqd
feldt, Mrs. Shelleaberger, Mrs.
Nesklmous. Mrs. Masters, Mrs.
Owen Lacy, Mrs. Paul MeClellan,
Mrs. Spies. Mrs. John Tlgen Mrs.'
Sprinkle, Mrs. T. T. McClellnj
Mrs. Frost, Mrs. J. W. .Nipple,
Mrs. Fred Comstock, . and Mjrs.
Vernon Van OsdoL -r
I , Clab members present were An
na Johnson, Peggy- Comstock,
Belle Woolsey. Mable Rayse, Nel
lie Woolsey, Martha Beldon, Ada
Stewart, - Delia Chamberlin, Iris
White, Minnie Dickman, Mary
Hankel. Minnie Allen. Sally Goiss,
' Helen Gilbert, Joan Bowne. Chris
tina Forreth and the. hostess. Ver
na Ascbe. - "
This meeting was i the club's
first' anniversary. The following
officers were elected for the ensu-
' ing year: President, Mable Raye;
vice-president, Peggy - Comstock;
secretary-treasurer,- Minnie Dick
man. Refreshments were served
by the hostess. The next meeting
will be with Martha Beldon. Feb
ruary It. ; '. I
! " " .. i
. The Women's ' clab of the lEl
kin's rural section, met Saturday
at the . schoolhouse. . -A cafeteria
dinner waa served at noon to the
members, their families, and tb
large- number of guests. . - . 4
: Mrs. Merrll Lncas. president of
the organization, turned th pro
gram orer . to Mrs. Cora Combs
Olday. Monmouth Normal school
student and training school pup
ils -gave the program which--i in
cluded vocal selections by Miss Al
ma Larkln,' Oregon Normal school
.student, j Hungarian i dance j by
six young women of the Normal;
a humorous skit by Martha Mae
Blair and Virginia Craven; and a
. comedy reading ', by JUra Llajde-
.mann, all pupils of the Monmouth
training school. !-' . , i-'
; Joslah Wills, county school sup
erintendent of Polk, presented a
t comprehensive survey of the free
text book measure which Is to
come before the legislature, short-'""i-.v
n !-r
t i - - . i - - - i j - :'i 'i ;
, r Wednesday, February 11 1 w, t
Tirst Presbyterian missionary society, election .of
officers, in. church parlors. Mrs. Ralph Winm special
speaker. ' ' j -i '' - 5; x s-
Ladies guild of (American Lutheran ehnrchr J:0 .
o'clock, church parlors.
Young Married People's class, St. Paul's Episcopal
church. S:30 o'clock: no hot dinner,, -and ; Valentin
party, pariah" halt - j r ;.
Ladies of West Way elnb. Mrs, Ray Smith, 1U0
West Nob hill; sewing a.fternoon. - v
-All day meeting. Masonic temple, : Daughter of
Nile sewing for Shrine JiospltaL ! ' .
Past President's fclub, z o'clock w,Ith Mrs. riorence
Shlpp, 1630 Saginaw street. I '
Woman 'a Foreign Missionary society of First Meth
odist church, 7:30 o'clock, church parlors. . '
Mrs. A J. Vick, hostess to Woman's Homo Mission-
axy society of Jason Lee church, at her home, 14$ "
North Uberty street; 2: 30 o'clock. " J
Mrs. C T. McIntlre, hostess to Woman'a Home.
Missionary society. Leslie. Memorial church, a - o'clock
at her home, 140 Superior street. ' r '" ".
Sweet Briar club fwith Mrs, M. C. Petteys.
? Pre school chUd tstudy group. T:30 o'clock. T. M.
C. A,' social rooms; Dr. C C. Daner will be speaker on -subject
of "Physical development of pro-aChool, child";
all mothers in tereste4 Invited. : v
I Thursday, February It '
Joint meeting of Loyal Woman'a class and Willing
. Workers clasa of First Christian church. 1 o'clock,
chureh parlors, i .- ' ; J- ' ' ! ' '
Officers of W. B. A. with Mrs. Avia Martin, 77
North Cottage street, evening meeting.
Ladies Aid of the Woman's Relief Corps, all day:
meeting Thursday; potluck dinner at noon.
North Salem W. !C. T. sJl day Institute begin
ning f 10:30 o'clock, Jason, Lee church; covered dish
luncheon at noon. I
District conference ofW. C. T. U. In Union hall on
Ferry street. . :. i - :
Quarterly tea in church parlors of Knight Memor
ial church: ladies of chureh hostesses; 2 o'clock. ,
Friday, February IS
Mrs. Earl Chappel, SS7i North II th. street, 1:30
o'clock; hostess to Carnation elub.
CapIUl Auxiliary No. 11, Patriarchs Militant; I. a
O. F. hall, 8 o'clock. Members requested to wear full
dress uniforms. ;.: . '
Joint meeting of; Woman'a Home Missionary so
ciety of First Methodist church Jason Lee and Leslie.
Memorial. 1 o'clock luncheon in First Methodist ehurch.
Brush College community club meeting, at Brush : -
college school house.
Entre Nous Club
Makes Plans for House
The Entre Nous club held its
regular ' meeting recently
made plans tor improvements in
the club house. After th
journment of the bui wsl ses
sion 500 was In play until a
late hour, i Prises were wan by
Mrs.' A.
E. Wlckert and
Refreshments were served ; by
Mr. ; and Mrs. Fred Gibson, and
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough
who were the hosts for thei eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hum
mel ; and Mr. and Mrs. Harr.-
Smart.wlll be hosts for thei
social m-etlng. ...
Members present were Mr! and
Mrs. H. C. Hummel, Mr.
Mrs. -Harry Smart, Mr. and
William Moses. Mr. and
Chris Hampshire, Mr., and
Elmer Cook; Mr. and Mrs.
Gibson; . Mr. and Mrs. William
Earl,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles j Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Lewis Mr.
and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough;, Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Taylor, Mri and
Mrs. A. E. ' Wlckert. j
Mrs. C. T. Mclntire will be host
ess to members of the Woman'a
Home Missionary society of Jason
Lee church at her home, 110 Su
perior street, this afternoon be
ginning at 2 o'clock. Mrs. W. J.
Linfoot, and Mrs. J. L. In grey will
be assistant- hostesses. Mrs.
Charles Lucas will lead devotions,
and Mrs. H. C. Leavenworth will
hav charge. et the study hour.
V - .
. -
" r
and Glut)
Society Editor
Rainbow Club" Has '
Special Meeting j 1
Monday evening the. Rainbow
club ! of the Neighbors of Wood
craft held a special business
meeting and discussed the type
of uniform which will be adopt
ed by the club. Plans were also
discussed for the dance which
this group will sponsor : Monday
night - f ; ' : : .
Those present for the Monday
night . meeting were Florence
Bressler. Dorothy Stafford.
Helen Danison. Bertha Ray. - Lil
llon Kayser, Louise Kayser, Hal
lie Lynch, Dora Dumler. Rose
Qwicker, Ethel Noak, Nora Bos
ey, Delia Stewart, Juanlta Mil
ler, Mrs. Olmstead, Jennie Fer
geson, Lettie I Ray, Ruth ; Dake,
and Pearl Balsey.
A group of 10 legislative
clerks entertained with a lunch
eon at Hotel Marlon Tuesday
noon in honor; of Mrs.1 Mary
Hays, Mrs. Grace Fairbanks,
Mrs. Mary Armstrong and ?!lss
Ann Sherlock,: former legislative
employees of the senate, : all of
whom had driven to Salem to
attend the Tuesday session of
the state legislature. Table dec
orations were daffodils, i narcissi
and acacia. .Hostesses were:
Elisabeth J. Glatt, Bertha Kal
bus Norton, Doris Plckard. Fran
ces Plammer, Doris Anne.Ft!ta
ehe, Victoria Seymour, Nellie D.
Cox. Frances Whitehead Blakely,
Annetta Johnson and' Retha
Haagsma. .
FREEDOM to walk, dance or
tmog; to feeff resh and look radiaat
wen the day is done . ; . this the
.oeioy Arcn iTcaeim Shoe gfves
j-tion smart styles
that delight the eye, - i
t ormai l ea ' is
i ' ,Eyent ' ;
' ' A : lovely tea, smartly Informal
and beautifully, appointed, for
which Mrs. , Julius L. Meier was
hostess Tuesday .- afternoon i be
tween the hours of three and six
O'clock In-the first floor social
rooms of the Elks temple, bids
fair as a social omen for future
activities for which the first lady
f Oregon maybe hostess.- - '
wt . . a .
i us - (eu wcrv receivea bj
Mrs. i Meier and Mrs. George W.
Joseph of Portland with Miss Bea
trice! Walton introducing to the
line. Mrs. Meier was charming In
white lace. :; Mrs. Joseph was also
In white and Miss Walton waa
distinctively attractive In . black..
The line stood In the small re
ception ; room ; to . the temple and
after being greeted by Mrs. Meier,
guests drifted Into . this-long tea
room which was centerd with a
long tabl covered with an exqui
site lace cloth and centered with a
massive bowl of spring flowers.
Extending from the flowers were
festoons of green ropes . which
draped over the ' sides of the ta
ble with the lace cloth for a back
ground. Banked against the cor
ners of the room were palms and.
other; greenery. - This .effect, to
gether with soft .carpets on the
floor land soft lights made a de
lightfully 'home like atmosphere
where several hundred women of
Salem and out of town met and
chatted. - ... .
Alternating at the tea table
from : 3 to o'clock were Mrs.
Arnold Bennett Hall of . Eugene,
Mrs. W. J. Kerr of Corvalus. Mrs.
Fred Seller. Mrs. Ernest Willard
and . Mrs. Aaron Frank, all of
Portland: and from the capital
city, Mrs. Tom Kay, Mrs. John Mc
Nary and Mrs. George White.
Assisting about' the! rooms and
In the serving were Mrs. Frits
Slade, Mrs. Henry i M. Hansen,
Mrs. Hollls Huntington,' Mrs. Gus
Hlxson. Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs.
P. D, Quisenberry, Miss. Beatrice
Walton, all of Salem; Mrs. .Vic
tor S. Bovelle .of San Francisco;
Mrs. Allen Meier of . Portland: and
a group of co-eds from the state,
university at Eugene, ; the "Misses
Katherine King, Mary Lou Mon
ey, Eleanor Coburn and Cynthia
Hall.i-... - r '..
Scio. The Westoics club . met
withj- Mrsj Thomas Qulgley
Thursday afternoon. A business
session was held at -) which the
following officers were elected:
president, Mrs. J. .' Sbelton;
vice president, . Mrs! E. .8. Me
Crae: , reporter, Mrs. Thomas
Qulgley. -
Mrs. Gilbert. Finley1, Mrs. Les
ter Qulgley and Mrs. John Roner
were; guests. Members present
were! Mrs. J. I. Shelton. Mrs. E.
S. McCrae, Mrs. Kenneth Purdy.
Mrs. jLyle Shelton, Mrs.Charles
White, Mrs. Thomas Qulgley,
Mrs. i Brown, Mrs. Inman, Mrs.
Traaen and Mrs. O. A. Hall.
Refreshments were served by
the hostess. ' -
Club meets next time with
Mrs. J. J. Shelton. j
Mrs. Bertha Junk ! Darby and
Mrs. Anna . Junk were weekend
guests in Portland at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Darby.
While there Mrs. Darby and Mrs. .
Junk: were luncheon .1 guests of
Mrs. Sarah Green and Mrs. Estella
Ford. . i
The Woman's Foreign . Mis
sionary, society . of i the ..First
Methodist ehurch will meet at
7:30j on -Wednesday evening in
the chureh parlors. .Miss Laura
Hale will be the leader, and Mrs.
Pan! i Edwards - will present the
lesson. J
Elizabeth Pattee
To Lecture Tuesday
Members of the Salem Garden
elub and those of the Interested
public who care to attend will hear
Miss Elisabeth Pattee cf Boston.
Mass., Tuesday-evening at the
Women's clubhouse In ;a lecture
on "Gardens, Old and New." ; k
Miss Pattee is an architect and
landscape architect, and ' comes
west with a large background of
experience from whlehv to draw
her remarks. She will address the
Portland Garden eluh-- Friday
night.- Miss Edith Schryver and
Miss Elisabeth Lord will) go down
for this lecture -and bring Misa
Patteo back with them to be heir
house guest while she Is Jin Salem.
A slight charge will be, made for
the Tuesday night lecture, which
will Include slides of gardens both
la the United States and abroad,
as weu as-an interesting lecture
10 accompany them. .
Jefferson.--Mrs. Charles. Cox
entertained tho Rural RecreaUon
club at her home Thursday aft
ernoon. ; Foliage of ferns and
Oregon grape, with enow berries
and winter flowers made attrac
tive decorations about the rooms.
The president, Mrs. Earl Cun
ningham, presided over the busi
ness meeting - The next meeting
will be' held at the home of Mrs.
Cunningham and will Jje in'the
nature of a Valentine nartv.
Each guest will take ja comle
valentine, dress in print and
wear hair rlbbona. ' Mrs. Cox
brought -the afternoon to a close
by serving a dainty lunch. Mrs.
Deo Mcclain und daughter Edna,
and Mrs. Edward Skelton as
sisted : in servliig. :; ' cib mem
bers present ' were Mri. R. jA."
Marsh, Mrs. Earl Cunningham.
Mrs. - Cora Butler, Mrs. Fred
Hoefer, Mrs. Albert Hornisch.
Mrs. W. L. Case, Mrs. Guy Cot
Central Ph
invites you! to meet
Miss Julia
Elizabeth Arden's personal
representative from he
New York salon
A beauty-talk
all women ,
: 3 4
4 it. J
1 13 1, Lsocbtt ft Mrm Tobacco Co.
ter, Mrs. Ernest Harnlsch, , lira,
Ernest - Truax, Mrs. L. W. Dra
rer. Mrs. Cox and Helen Hoefer.
T Guests present -were jars. EoV
ward Skelton of Jefferson, Mrs.
Peo McClaln and Edna McClaia.
and Miss Doris Davis of Albany,
Miss Rose Hutton and Miss Ruth
Hoefer of 'Dover. j
J. - . e .J:
Lodge to Receive '.
Guests'--- I V."
; Capitol Auxtllary No. 11 of the
Patriarchs- Militant will meet in
the L O.' O. F. hall t i o'elock
Friday night for a business and
social meeting. ; AH members are
requested to wear full dress uni
form, j , '
1. Visitors will be present from
Newberg. and Sllverton- .Follow
ing the business -and program
hour there will be refreshments,
and a social hour,
Woman's Home -Missionary so
ciety -of "the . First Methodist
church, of Jason' Lee and of Lea
lie Memorial churches will meet
for a joint session, and one
o'clock no host luncheon at the
First ehurch Friday. , ;
Mrs. E. J. Mapels, conference
secretary will report on the gold
en,. Jubilee held recently by the
National Woman's Home mission
ary society in Cincinnati!. Ohio.
jt. . . -.. -i-;-.v- . -i.. ..
X Wesleyan - Service guild of the
Jason f Lee church. ' will have , a
Washington , birthday party - at
the' church February' Z0. . This
will be j a , costume pafty swltb a
program and refreshments at the
elose of the evening. j :
I Mrs.- Sherman Wilson of De
troit, Michigan, arrived in Salem
Tuesday morning to be the guest
of Mr. ! and : Mrs. T. W. Creech.
Mrs. Wilson is a sister of Mrs.
Creech. i
le Silver Grille
--4-r;l J-.v .... :
at 2:30 p. m.
of interest to
- .:,t ,i, -.. -:. r;
'. ''' i i-..... i '
EYE'S! "MAY -'-iff OOL YOU
;MI L D E R . , . a
Variety Club Has .
HaDDV Afternoon "
An r e-njoyable luncheon was
tnUnmnt br an afternoon .of
bridge at the A. E. Wlckert
home when Mrs. Wlckert enter
tained the Variety club Monday.
The luncheon table was attrac
tively centered with a lovely
miniature Japanese garden and
wee Japanese, parasols ' made at
tractive favors. '
About the living rooms i ere
hridra waa - In nlav during the
afternoon hours following the
luncheon, "red carnations ana
pussy willows . added a " lovely
charm and suggested the Idea of
St. Valentine. The y Valentine
motif was also suggested In the
card accessories used,
Club members' are Mrs. W. 3.
Lee, Mrs. William Craig, Mrs. F.
. Matthis, Mrs. Francis rut
taert, Mrs. J. G. Schmld, Mrs.
Chris Ringwald, Mrs. Guy Nu
cent. and Mrs.-A. .E. Wlckert.
Mrs. Lee will be the next host
ess to entertain the club .In two
weeks. - - .
tVoodburn - Plaus for the an
nual Martha Washington supper
given each year by the Woodburn
Woman's elub for the benefit of
the library were made Wednes
day when Mrs. C F. Whitman de
lightfully entertained the club at
her home. The supper will be
held - in the Woodburn library.
February It. .
Mrs. W. J. Wilson, president of
the Woman's club, appointed the
following committees for the sup
per. . , ,
Chairman, general committee.
Mrs. Arista Nendel; program,
Mrs. Eugene Courtney, Mrs. V. D.
Bain,. Mrs. Nellie Muir and Mrs.
Eugene Moshberger; refreshment.
Mrs. Ivan C. Beers, Mrs. 8. W.
Maupin, Mrs. Paul Mills and Mrs.
Ronald Burnett; table, Mrs. Mary
keeps your kitchen comfortable
rJICY pies, tender roasts ... all your , baking lon with j
incredible ease m a comfortable kitchen with a minimum z
of time and effort by this Insulated Tppan Gas Range.
Automatic oven beat control so free you from the kitchen.
Polished, dosed cooking top foe easy cleaning. Sec ha mirror
like chromium-lined oven!
TheTAPPAN Stove Co. authorizes
from every new TAPPANGas Range
; t at the ;::;n...M
Which of these
Is the tallest
you're on to this
tells the Tfuthi-
nd yv.
i' iff ft . V
4: i c
Scollard, Mrs. Norinaa TJctar's..
Mrs. Rodney Alden, lira. Jcs.
Miller, Mrs. Atkinson. Mrs. Harry ,
Balllie and Woodburn Rural clab;
candy, Mrs. E. N. Hall, Mrs. K. J.
Allan, Miss Lake Watson; kitch
en, Mrs. H. Overton, Mrs. Lliiata
Sims, Mrs. R. L. Tweedle; adver
tising. Miss Emily HIndman, Ml.'s ,
Carrie Waterbury, j Miss Gladys ,
Adams; reception Mrs. A.- E.
Austin, Mrs. H. L. Gill, Mrs. F. W. -Settlemeier,
Mrs. lL Overton. Mrs. .
Maude Mochel,.Mrs. Annette Sim
mons, Mrs. Etta Hall, Mrs. Flor
ence Butterfield, Mrs. Ida Parr.
Mrs. Eugene' Moshberger, Miss t
Carrie WaJterRury ahd Mrs. Ivan ,
C. "Beem"". ' J
Miss Lake Watson, speaker for ,
the afternoon, -to1 bf her trip to
Europe' Ina-very Tateresting and :
entertaining manner. Her vlrld :
description of .European travel ;
modes, hotel- customs and other
peculiarities of the country Were
enjoyed greatly.
Haysrille Mrs. W. II. Kay
and Mrs. J. L. Morrison were ..
hostesss to the''oman's club at
the honurof Mrs.' Kay in 8alem,
last Thursday afternoon. Follow-,.
Ing the business session the after- ,
noon was spent socially. Dainty .
refreshments were served by the
hostesses. Members enjoying the
afternoon were Mrs. E. M. Bai
ley, Mrs. J. L. Hatdorf. Mrs. E- R.
Bidwell, . Mrs. A. C Beers, Miss ..
Ida Denny, Mrs. Robin Day, Mrs.
David Oreig. Mrs.!
Berrllla Hal-
bert, Mrs. McAfee.
Mrs. E. L.
Moor, Mrs. Chas. Reed. Mrs. Wm. ,
Rickman, Mrs. Clark Ritchie, Mrs.
Grace Snyder, Mrs. Albert Stett- -ler.
. Mrs. B. F. Wells. Mrs.
Claude Talmage and tha host
esses. ;. f !
The next elub meeting will be
Feb. It at the home of Mrs. Clark
Ritchie. Miss Ida Denny will be .
assisting hostess, j
off :
r i
but maybe
one I .
! !