770 r- r. T f -, -. 1 1 1 1" 1 Bluabird Flito to Ne7" Escsrd GA7XZT15 FGLTILCnE 'i,rTTfra; 4 a W J Lf wvj 1 iUu . - ft l"" f"S f T r ' IS I " t i ;:i sew 2 iEFTQill Frcs Textbook : Bill Given Favorable Report With Vote Slated Today V ' nigh school students of Ore gon -vere eliminated from receiv ing free textbooks in an amend ment reported favorably when the house committee brought out 4he controversial bill onto' , the tloor yesterday. The measure will be up tor rots . today. The bill - providing for state- loan of itext - boot to public school students heralded the first step in-lesisla- tloa by receiving the -vote of th committee but th henef itr of the ' measure, was confined to elementary school pupils only.. Two matters -which have j held the spotlight during the past two -.weeks were placed ea special or der of "business fortho next two days. The Port of Portland bill ' & scheduled far vote la the, ftouse this afternoon and tha old -m session . law' for . th seme timM tfi. noii dav. r The senate passed the Aagell provision for naming in Sm" mlaalom to-reflate port activities "nd finance Monday, but Jd it tret a -day before retaraiagJirio h bouse for approval' or Its amendments. A debate- on 1 the amendment designating four men to tin vacancies thia yea tax ex pected; and observers predict a Sosslble deadlock la th house on i Issue. The emssuro as it bow tends has the approval of Gov eraor Julius Lb Meier.,' , DU Age Pension .Vote Itae Sooa The old ag pension law, pro viding payment: by the atate- of i J 39 to every eligible dependent 43Ut-the-ge of C5 years.. wjref ported ,mt at r tie committee;-f a verafclr last week.-; stud" was I de cayed oatil Thursday-for- final ae--lion, Thia measure also Is a con troversial one, upon' which a-pub-lk hearing waa recently held. A. more to reconsider the bill defeated by the house which would allow Multnomah ' county -to provide for aa art association xfn Portland, waa made, and the measure will appear- on the jcal endar for early revote. Another measure directed at the oleomar- earlae business was Introduced. ; thH one providing a payment of 15 cents a pound excise tax to -the dairy and food commissioner of all product of thia class sold. " A "permit" 1 also required r by dealers, to eel aeomargarlne or butter .substitutes. ' Preservation., of . " lakes: and -streams was approved In . three . r proposals" passed. .'A, memorial to - congress asking; an appropri ation of $59,000 to improve Tak enlsh and Siltcoos lakes a- west ern Lane, and Douglas counties, -and! preserve these lakes' ass re sorts was given favorable , votei t " Prohibiting boat fishingv1 on por tions of thb McKenzie and TJmp F oua ; rivers, . while Lake of -.ithe -Woods river in Klamath county was preserved as a resort were provided in other measures lap- proved. 'S i Attention I Statesman ' subscrrD rs. In giving a chance of address tor your subscription be sure t iv your former address as well as your new address. j ' PROPOSAL FOR BIDS t NOTICE 13 HEREBT GITEN. That I. the undersigned as j As signee for the benefit of creditors t Kenneth J. Brown, insolvent , vropose to sell through sealed -fcids th. following described prop- ertv. to-wlt: - . .1 The entire stock of merchan dise now located in Ken. Brown's fjoortinr Goods store at ;S72 fctate Street,? Salem; Oregon; also ail fixtures and equipment n&ed In connection with said basinets; also all accounts receivable jdu and owliurto said fir nr. . r Kids will ie considered for th entire asset? of the business j in cludinr accounts, or separately for 4h stock fixtures or ae- couats. . '- 1 , I retierve the right" to reject; any er all bids. . ! All bids must b presented at the office of the undersigned St Booms'1 JO-XI Xadd Bush Bank Buildiar. Salem. Oregon; on or before Saturday, . February 14. l31. at 10:0d a-m. E. L. CRAWFORD, Assignee for Ken, Brown, Insolvent. F. 19 ii-is-is. . ; PROPOSAL FOR BIDS Notice Is Hereby Given, That I, the- undersigned, as Assignee for the benefit of creditors of Kenneth 2. Brown, insolvent, eropose to sell through sealed bids th ' following described property, to-wlt: i Th entire stock 'of merctan dlse bow located in Ken. Brown's Eportlnr Goods .Store - at 'IT State Street,' Salem, Oregon? at ao all fixtures; and equipment used la , connection with said business: also all accounts i celvabl due and owing to said firm. - l Bids will be considered ! for the entire assets of the business. Including accounts, or separate ly tor the stock fixture or ao- counts. - " - .-! ,'.). I reserve the right to reject any or ait Bias. i All bids must be presented at the office of the undersigned at Rooms 10-11 Ladd & Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, oa or before Saturday. February j 14 1131. at 10:00 A. U. j E. Xj. CRAWFORD. Assignee for Ken. Brown. Insolv eat. Fl 0-1 1-12-11 -T- . - KOTICa i -: Notice Is hereby given thkt jbave impounded th following de scribed dog In compliance with Ordiuanc No. KOI, to-wlt: One black and white pointer dog. 'The shore described dog will be killed it not redeemed by owner, oa or iefsrs, February 14, 1931, as pro Tie J la tail ordinance. "V -J7i. g. LOW, Street Commissioner. S"bruary 10. 1131. F. 11-12-13-14-15 : h mrtrm mt th tone Beach, JFbv, Captala Malcolm GasnpbeM. RritUb. teeing ace, reoord by roering- down the ocean speedway a sue wwiMsg speea. COOlMilL'S iniEio 1 " rcoataaed ..from pas- JLi " 3 ' a- t frew swggeatlens. orea ' ac nrantauts . masldaas. or! dress makers are always looking . for new -and; improved way4ot per fbrminr their work. Thar are so- BMtnr ways- ef serving foods, so--many different, ways ef com- binrnfr them, aad rarious ways of easonlng that we can-i always have-wnlimUed 'varieties of aerv inx teem. This- is enly one of the reasons why yea -should ! attend these Cooking ISatinees. Uacarfor Oveaf To- tie -Disclosed : ' There are many delicious d lan es which can be -prepared in the ores things - which wo ! always thought had to be cooked ton top ef the stove, t All we have to do is -to prepare Che various dishes, put them - la - the oven,, set. the time control properly and: forget about them -asitil it is time to err. :thenu "No more ;basting" aad tttag.il steamed up every fifteen saiautes : by- having . to open- the oven door. Our tem- cature is. all set properly, ao we don't have to look. . as there la no possible danger of burning if we - go according, to Instruc tions for the dish we are preparing.- "The speed, ease, and econ omy iwitbi -which an oven . meal can "-be- prepared - is almost nnoe- lievable. ; ! " " Oven- meals- may b of: th long-time type which Tcqulre ser-' erai hours o cooking, or they may be the even more popular short-time meal, which is ready to serve an- hour after it -goes Into the oven. The neat control which regulate the. temperature ef the .even make it possible to place an entire, menu, inclndln? dessert, in the oven and leave it to work out its- own desUny. Re turning- several hours later the feed will be cooked and ready to serve.- ' !; ' Some forethought and care should -be expended in planning' the-eearblaauons .suitable for the ength t)f time the meal Is to re main in the oven, as tome foods are better for short periods and others Tor longer' periods.' I Xti-is wise and economical to fill, the '-oven to capacity, it pos sible. Dried fruits, pujddlngs. and vegetables may be cooked for a future- meal If the menu prepared doe not require .the entire oven space. 'Considerable space may be -saved If necessary by using : tux top. uos- to corer food, thus making It possible to place- one "food on top of the other. If the even is crowded unusually full, the temperature given may: have to be i raised slightly to obtain results . la the length of time given. In th di rections. These and other cook ery problems will be discussed at the cooking school I Harr Steinbock Leading Tourney 'Harry Steinbeck, a brother of Sammy, of local bowling tame and prowess, led a field of 142 entrants In the opening Ave games of the Oregon Journal's diamond medal bowling tourna ment at Portland Monday, ac cording to word ' received here. Harry rolled the five games tor a score of 1013. He was! one of three plarers to make over 1019. The other ruaners-up chalked to tal of 1911 and 1011. i O i & ALL ALKCE X No longer is it aifUcuIt for the Pasha to remember the names of th beauties who adorn his harem. For according t Mrs. UaLd Edib, rioted YYirVlsH ttSat nn a vrlcf to th United States to conduct a series oz lectures at narnard Cel tege. polysxmy was never very reaeral in bar country.; 1 added: "If hard enough to man age one woman, let auoaa two. three or four. . .kiwi of hi TOut-bird racing car. At ! kOLLXWOOD 1 Today Robert Montgomery .. i'- la "Love in the Rough." : Friday Bob v Steel la J Hadln Korth.- , . . . , 1 '. Tim GRAND ' . N . Today Douglas - Fairbanks, I Jr., In -Way of All Men. Friday Double. Bill Bessia j Love In "Conspiracy and ) 'Hoot Gibson, la Spurs." r - . e 1 WARXEH'S LSIXOIiI! , Today 4chard Dlx la Tla -! ,- arron. t , - . ! WARNER'S CAPITOL 'm Todajr Grant Withers, la. ! "Sinners Holiday." : - . ; . - - : . k- ' e It is my. personal opinion that if Grant Withers had really good director, he- would-be cap able of some acting that woald make one remember his work with a thrilL As it is he paly shews, glimpses of fine work, and then become very mediocre like a candle that flames up only to die down to a small flicker. In -Sinner's Holiday." which is now showing at the Capitol. Grant Withers has an appealing parr to play and he does it very well but one wishes that some how the edges could be smoothed down. T: . ' . : 'Sinner's 'Holiday has some unusual acting in it. .The people are not the type that Is ordinar ily, known. They represent th folk who manage, and own, con cessions in carnivals. Their con versation, their mode of living. their outlook on life is all so dif ferent that It offers much to the audience In point of interest. The plot has to do with the lov affair of ' Grant Withers, a tramp barker, aad EvalynKnapp, and the murder of Noel Madison. Bits of excellent acting is alL through thia dramatic episode In the Uvea of people's whose exist ences are nard. - :r f; ELLIOTT GDuFEOS I'll CITY CHIEFS (Continued from page 1) ; ' ' Jffct- will be threslled out at the eouncll meeting next Monday night, " " - . . There ts division of opinion as to the city's chances on an appeal. Some think the point ' used by Judge HU1 to Invalidate the deci sion 1 in error and that he would be reversed on appeal; others are not so sure about the matter. The practice in the secretary of state's office, according to Coun cilman O'llara, is opposite t o that which Judge Hill seems to require.- There the petitions are considered filed when deposited with th secretary of state, and time dates from that moment. The checking" follow later at the convenience of the office, " - President Elliott will remain In Salem today checking over busi ness at th office of the company bar. Hla heaquarters are In San Francisco,' - Beartat Frosh Beat Sheridan Hoopers 33-20 The Willamette freahmAn Am. feated the Sheridan town basket ball team, 11 to 20, at the Willam ette gymnasium Tuesday night. Superior team work and passing of the freshmen brought the vic tory. The scoring tor th locals was passed around, with Swet and' Braasfleld each seorlng 19 points and Burdette getting f. Crawford played a good game at guard and handled the ball nicely. Fournler was high scorer of the game with 12 points tor Sheridan. Frosh u Sheridaa . Sweet 19 i....F......i Hitml braasfleld 19 ...F.........1 Too Burdette 9 U...C.....lLorelett Crawford, 4- G.H. Wilson Cook .....rfi..o.;.liFoumlar. William S..,.. J, Belzer Gopde . .8. ... ..Rugs tndependence The Christian aid society met at the horn of Mrs. Ellen Robertson ; Thursday afternoon. Conversation .and fancy, work kept every guest busy during th afternoosv dainty lunch was served by Mrs. itoDinson assisted bv her daughter; Mrs. Alt Craven. 1. 1 Too Late to Clascify ! ...... -n - - - . 1XST Whtte rold dinner- rlnfc T diJimond at Lateral reward. Tel. 11. t - - the end ef another trial at Day- broke the world's automoLUo speed ox wj.w mw ma wm. mm TO -bsbt I -. - . - . C Continued froca page 1 . The plans oa beta wings call for outside entrance to the audi torium, making it possible to fthat off the rest of the building in cases when, special gatherings are held. - While the building project Is not- assuredU It was pointed ant that at the end of the present school year would be an ideal time;, to build these additions, which are needed bow and will be imperative in a few years, what with, the eost of b silling materials low and the unemployment situation somewhat acnte. Both Highland end Engtewood are mora than comfortably Tilled thia year, with about 119 students at the latter building. Wall the grade and Junior high school ea- rollmcntla' th city la slightly teas than last year, enrollment at these two schools is greater because ef increased population in the south section of lews. i ! - The aehoAl clerk still hasum the books-149.099 unexpended ef th 1699.090 bond issue, for building aad reconstruction floated about seven years ago, and it is proposed these -funds be utilized la the eon structionr This would not need to be voted upon by the people, and Would make ao added burden at tail time. - A delegation of 19 persona. In cluding seven women, appeared before the board to present a peti tion requesting that the boundary line between the Lincoln and Me Klnley school which lies west of High street be , changed ; from Washington street to Superior street, end that the change be ef fective immediately. The petition was signed by XV fathers and mothers. Walter . Minier - waa spokesman for the group. . The board allowed the petition. ' The petition waa circulated af ter the McKinley and Lincoln school principals, witniacking of th superintendent, gav notice mat fail that at mid-year school boundary lines would be adhered to, ! thus making several poplla who aad been attending Lincoln school on special permit from doctor go back into their own, or the McKinley, district. Parents objected to this oa the ground that the Lincoln school was closer At the meeting last night they declared they did aot object to the tact that a few class es at Lincoln would be unduly targe If their petition war sanc tioned. The; attempted change was a move to equalise enrollment thine two buildings. Resignation of Pauline Rlckli. English teacher at the senior high school, was accepted by th board and -Ague Derry, who taught at Klamath Falls last year, was elected to-the vacancy. Gar nee! Cranor, Willamette student and assistant In the chemistry lab oratory there, was elected to 'the vacant high school chemistry post; and Ellen Sirnlo, Monmouth grad uate, was elected to . the fifth grad pott at Lincoln. Nichols Admits r Larceny in Bank KLAUATH FALLS. Ore.. Feb, 19 (AP) James - Q.; Nichols, former Chjloqala state : bank cashier, waived indictment la cir cuit court here today and plead ed guilty to grand larceny. He will be sentenced Friday. : Nichols admitted tooting the bank of 138.099. ' . WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY I Liu, ,3"C-tCn Still D.w!nd To Turn cut "Stra!ct Stuff Discovered "A. (Continued from pag 1) u sions gained In the swoop made yesterday, ; that the still had not bees In operation for a long per iod of , time. - ; ' . i - - . t No attempt wag taado to dis mantle the still, yesterday, and a guard was' kept constantly fol lowing arrest of the trio. Off i eerr were la hope that on or more ' truckloads of uppUea would b brought In last night under cover of darkness, and for that reason- dTl not disturb the apparatus yesterday.;, j The stlU7 will be taken down today. witath deputies sehed-. uled to leave oa th Job some time this morning. : Th arrest was mad shortly after 1 o'clock. --.I v . It Toad not been ! detatmined last night when the trio lodged. In, the .Jail her would be given their first Innings, before the law. ;mMW. WASniNaTON. Feb. 19. T (.) Communist sought to day to Invade the floor of the house oL repTesentatlve. and re- buried in this, wound up ey cre ating a series ef aistnrnances m the publla gallery, j Fourteen persons whites and negroes, mea and i Women - marched vp Capitol hill ahortly after noon as a committee to de mand a nearlng on the floor oc of the house or from 8peaker Longworth, oa unemployment In surance.' . i 1 They failed - and : marched away. . i - - A group of tympathlxers.whe had enured tfce publl gallery of the house while the leaders were in the office of Sergeant at Arms Rodger an hour later tried to address the house from that vantage point. Four were elected. : - . 'V ; Bert Kennedy, house doorkeep er, brought about th ejection- of the first man who had Just moved into the front row of the gallery, when seized j by detec tive. Kennedy took from him a newspaper on the border 1 of which was scribbled "You are to speak after he finishes. . ; scons mills a sii to era Parrlsh Junior , bigfe bssket-. ball -team srUl meet Scott Mill her tonight. ' ' . 1st a game played 1st Seotts Mills in January, parrlsh won 14 to 11. However the Scott Mills tun is Improved now and will be able to glr a good gam her to alght. Parrlsh win b weakened by the absence of Kill at guard. Ellis was out of thai Chemawa gam on account of Illness and will not be ready to play tonight. Friday and Saturday of ; this week Medford Junior nigh will play Parrlsh her in a aerie to help determine the state junior high championship In basketball. Much interest is being shown in the game aa this is the first Urn that a junior high basketball team from southern Oregon, has Invaded . Salem. Medford was easily winner of the Southern Oregon championship, j ' . The atartlag lineup! for to night's game will b Perrine aad Wintermate forwards, DeJardin center, , and Hobbs and Clark guards. , j ..- J j 1 . Oregon Pioneer ; Dies at Age 93 EUGENIV Ore.; Feb. 10 r (AP) Captain John" O'Brien. IS, Civil war officer aad former Oregon newspaper man, died at hi home on th 8iuslaw river to day. - . O'Brien for several years was state president of thai American Federation of Labor, j : OF ALL with DOUGLAS' I FAIRBANICSJr, j DOHOTIIY REVICn and NOAII ELZIIY J Grand i hoQtra Jiiaa D. cef the XJiivrtz'.'-rr. cf Creeo, la aewsi tcre tallss cewai Cpasi. Xix fa'a fee ,r:ertj on recess tr!- t Cjanba ettl meats La southern Colerai. and eortern -Now fclexlce, where te eeex-lellve tsiay astlcia aaccsters 11 ZZ3 year age, - t r-i riv-i ir WAEnmCTON. Feb. 19 CAP) Senate republican inde pendents waged an all day attack upon; the compromise relief legis latloa today and a rot went over until tomorrow. - I ; Senators LaFoIletteSuid Elaine, of Wisconsin, and Norri. of Ne braska, led the oratorical assault on th 120,009,999 drought loan fund.; They asserted It was e surrender to President Hoover by the senate coalition. ;s .-. : r : i Anxious to' get the funds ap propriated tor prompt relief, dem ocratic and republican leaders who her endorsed the compro mise left the talk to the opposi tion. ! They are confident of. votes for adoption. A roll call waa be-, lleved la alsat for tomorrow.- , The republican insurgents con tended the f 19.999.099 loan. chest; would .be of no benefit to those most in need of aid because of Inability at many sufferers la the drought, area to put np secur ity. Benator Co Poland, democrat. New York, expressed the "belief, J however,, the-Red Cream, would supplement the federal loans ade quately. STOCKS CLO IIP : f:S dulls atu NEW YORK. Feb. 19 (AP) Feverish speculation such as Wall street had not aeea : in months swept through the stock market today,, boosting . aggregate share values to the best level since mid October., : .?:- ,-. - J -'N' . . The more popular shares ended the day. $1 to 114 higher, and the day's transfers la the stock ex change swelled to j f ,199.090 shares, '199,999 more than yes terday's and the largest sine De cember 17. The sweeping advance met more resistance than It did yesterday, however and' the net progress, as measured by the price' index; of 99. leading. Issues, was only a lit" mora than half as wide. f : v ."-" . . ' i ., : Th advance, which started with aa unexpected, explosive bull drive late in Saturday's' trading, haa in three day added more than 11.000,000.000 to the aggregate quoted value ef all aha res listed on, the stock, exchange, -or more than; the total gain of the month of Jaauary. UlST BREAD CRUST . PIKS A FAMILY BROWNWOOD, Tex Feb. 19 (AP) A poverty-pinched tenant farmer and two of his children are Home ef Taliics ; ; Today nd Thtrrsiay ' MATCfEC tACH DAT . 9 P. MC r ' TonlsM la Davenport i-i-vf.-:.--NIslit-:-v! 'r-i Brinj Yonr Tickets The'Sinllo a llinnto ' Tallies : - wifb. Song Hit Galore Pep, Leatgh- aatd Love , with. Robert Montgomery," Dorothy Jordan, Benny Rubin and J. C hTngent. - AIM 1 Talking . Comedy, News DaYcnport zi 9 P. IL HOLLYWOOD r 1 1 POLLYVCOBI nri dead and hi wife and three other ctiLren were critically ill tonight from poison which authorities said was contained ia homemade bread th last food left in the family larder. . CTTiclals were attempting to de termiae whether the poison was used by design to wlp out the family la the face of starvation, or. whether it became aa Ingredi ent of -the bread by.accfient, - The dead are II. A. Jones, 40, Hilary, . and .C C. Jones, C. Mrs. Jones and three other chil dren were seriously ill but physi cians expressed -hope they could be-aeved. Hubert, IS, was la the most dangerous condition. Jones told officers before his death today that there was poison in th house: purchased two years age xor extermination ef grass hoppers. 1 Mrs. Jones, recovering suffici ently to converse with officials. said her husband had not been de spondent and had. talked with ber recently about their plans for the year. ' C.I312EDIEJIS lO L'OT DIED WASHINGTON, FeK 10. CAP) Bread was described to day a? a, price aristocrat when compared to It ancestors, wheat aad flour. - . Ethelbert Stewart, commis sioner of labor statistics, said it cost more than, tt should in view of the cheapness of Its materials. He presented statistics to show the price of bread in 61 cities is higher relatively than the wheat price and also higher -than the average' price of aril other food products. .. " " - The costs f virtually all In gredients of bread, except , con densed milk, have dropped re cently, Stewart said, j A mass of statistics was pre sented to the senate committee y representatives of miller and government departments to show the price of wheat aad flour to day are lower than for years. Staytoa Th seventh birthday celebration ef the Woman' Com munity club Thursday evening at the clubhouse, was attended by about T9 persons. The long tables were laden with food and at the president's table was a birthday cake with sevea candles. Th club room and tables were decorated with red tapers, red hearts, holly and pussywillows. During the din ner hoar tausie was famished by a group of high school stuents, Deris Champ, piano; Patsy Mayo, violin; Dixon Perry, banjo, and Stewart Mayo, saxophone. Following the dinner a program and business meeting waa held. Phone ,50 Sden's RAW DRAT.IA Wur.lAN LOVES j AND llATES! ' I 1 1 1 !v - 1- .,4 V, 1 1 Jj.-f eruirr vm i ai tVAtni eJAXUJCAC- - J SBSSSS? SsSaTSai OafSsfl VIsBspsWssBj MsjBBsssa SHaiCTI V JOtU ADOLTHI r -LAST TCIES TOpAY D C I 1 1 . X. r ( 1 t a t j i u i si , r L , -N, ... .wVJU :, ' V ... nil -'.r--fij: -r U I LL UL.Uii.LU if"-f nr" f,ttf. Li!cc!y to t3 up fcr (Continue 1 from page 1) which places pending application! under this act but preserves for such, applications any prior rights they may possess, . Th hearings which were hell ia tii "morning and afternoon brought controversy between Kenneth. Harlan and Os West on the question cf jurisdiction. Har lan went tack to 1911 and read front a voluminous scrapbook, which Os called a Sears Roebuck catalog, clippings from- the Ore gonian upholding state sover eignty. West rejoined that the is sue had all been settled fa fa vor of. federal, authority because of the- federal power act and the Utah case decision. ' lis aw L03 AXCLZ3, Feb. 10 (AP) A five year term of pro bation. 11 month ef which must be spent In-the county Jail, was granted to Daisy Do Boe by Su perior Judge William Do ran at th close of ber trial for the theft of 1125, from Clare Bow. ; Th . declsioa of i the court, which saved her from a possible terra of one to ten year In prison was- preceded by a ' stern repri mand. Deran, speaking culetly and addressing his remarks directly to the blond young woman, told tier ah was not only aa 7'embexaler but had commit ted a serious breach of trust. As secretary to th film act reas, be told her ahe had held "a good position at a. substantial salary and had been entrusted with - funds. You conducted systematic raids on these funds for some length of time and th Jury was Quite generous la the I verdict finding you guilty of only Inn. miihI 99 Miss -De Boe originally i was charged in 17 counts of grand theft with stealing more than 119,000 over a period of a : year and a half. "Th vldence waa sufficient." th court continued, "to support a conviction oa all counts. f . . ir .' i Amity Hoopers May :: Challenge Salem Quintet AMITY. Feb. ,10 The Amity high basketball players are still practicing every day. They ar out! after more galpes. Coach Summrvtlie tated that they would have to 'f f six more games In ; order to have enough money to start basebalL The boys need' new eQulpment this year so the basketball team Is going to try ! to rais their money for th athletio fund. They are In hope of getting game with 8alm, Bethel and Independence. r . Amity high lost four baseball Iettermen, last year which they will miss very much but they are hoping for a successful year. A' topographical survey' of Cheyenne Bottoms la Kansas, 10.009 acres of which: will - b mad Into a gamrefug, la vir tually completed. I:,ri !jfh r Till L Biggest Shcx Vdzs! "TT HAPPENED i IIOLLYWOOLV. VlTAPnONE ACT3 PATHE REVIEr I VLS O w bw. M ! 1 .-! i 1 t 1 - "" - 1 -i V