c: Ike Meeting T7 "v wo mm 77 04 r-: , - -. - 4 V ' The Statsaman imiimi tto ft' 1 ranorai -- wnic i r 'V' - - - meats rubiUhcd In It - -celunuss, but la nm where tnt paper la at fault will reprir.t that part advertisement in which ths typo graphical miitak occurs. ; j Ftngl inrt1on per line Three- Insertions per lm Six rnavrtlon per- lla . Om month per line - ; allnhuirm charge xo Corr fer thU pago aeoepted ua tU 4:14 tbe renin before publi cattoa for claseiflcaUoav Copy re rnj aftar this time will be rua vnder th beading Too Let to Classify. .," y " HELP WANTED MALE nut xnrwi&rinK niea fori local (ales work permanent Toatkn 1 or those wtlllny to work S boors a fly and about f 18. week to start. Pe K. KnRlelterl. K. WlnU St. m.' nl. HELP WANTED FEMALE Rafla4 aalea lady for local terri tory erbo w wk tours a 6ar. frmnaant poslUon. Pbsaaant. dlcal fie work. Aioot woek t start, fees J. B. Knsiebart, i7 tf. Winter SL 4 .--: p. m.. only. , a Wooora. alrls oealrtn to earn ao- SITUATIONS WANTEU WANTED TO taKO care oi cnu fTrear la say born by tha- day. Box t. Statesman. Exprfncd pranara, sardentjig. A ... J FOR SALE SlisccHaitcous Will crada by IXaaol 9-C FrsaKUa sudan tor aabstaatlal aqulty In lata snodej. standard xnako coup. Fboos . ii. i IfMxl furaltur act a 'kararaln. ranxas IS.04 and up. Or-oa Tradtnx; , Piet, 222 N. ComL ClOTor nay. JL. R. Barrick. XlTiX Oood Atwater Kent, battery rao for sale cheap. 4SS Cantor. : Am leaving town, wHl salt Msrtas; Washer and sewtac machine. ISS Cross Vtreet. .-. -,. Nm nahair eauFenoort aad cimli Coat $!.; wUl sacrtfico. 471 Uni versity. . 1 HovasV food trailer sod tree dot:; sr'.ll ma anythlnf but mer. Sacrifice t IIS, 1129 JeUeroaa St.. fia.htn.t 1 Wsotlnchoose etactrto ranco with Insulated oven. All to first class cen 0itios. Taken in trade on a new rooth top ras ranxo. Portlnd Gas Coko Co. TeL 1111. i Cbolco clover, oats and vetch hay. eL I1F1J eveninaa. i n i ir.irim'ir iir n Horses and males, taken tn tractors, est Ferry Sc -Wm. U. 'Vrunm, - t ai ' 1 1 1 w irw'w-.-,''-! i . i i -i-i-t i- i Apples 40c and up. TeL ltn. . i I itfLfwywyi'ivw iiri ------ ADOles. too ana oc oox. xet 97YIX. I FORfiaLB: shaftlnxr. aulTeys. baas- ara Statesman PnbUsbmc Co. i anrmnnrVM-i-i-i-i-i 1 - " - """" - - - - - FOR 8ALE Old papers. le bun- cue. Statesman omea ! a'irr'ywWM-w-.-.-M-ii i-i-ir" i-i-"-!-1 i i Tirnewrltera all makes, new and fisea. Aaaers ana cypswniers tor rent. Typewriter Biphiiwt. 1 Cew-t 9t. WANTED Miscellaneous WAItTKD Used furaltur and ranee any kind lor oaah or ox- Cbang-a. O Conuaeroli thanga. Oregon XTacunx romt. jLr iwmri"iri rrr- - - W AN TED Used " pmaos. In ehanxo on radios; phoooxrapha, or Tar- FOR RENT ROOMS LArca furnished housekeepiae; room. Hot and cold water and gas In room. Heat and lisht furnished. KH- a-lsioa. Warm steepina rooms. 1 block north ROOM and BOARD PLKAHANT rest borne for semila railds or elderly persons. 'Beot ef rare and food, box Til. States man. i EXCELLENT board and cheerful rooms to -prtvate honie. ttQ Center. M 41. Ott RENT APARTMENTS Otympto apta, TJ N. Uberty , room fura. apt. - f- . . j Nios front apt. Heated. St Center. fLTl. nJAJnJJaOlaJaJ'" Nlco fur. apt.- Union. Two -housekeeping- arts. S1 jNo. Front ) Furnished ant. UeaL Hsrhta. araraca. CIS ! Leslie. - - - Two iargo sunny three room partmenta furnished or nntornisbed. IT l No. capitoL mono ifiint. WE Li furnished rooms and amta. for rent -at S2l Hasel Are. U Tel. Deatraata heated t room hPU ClOSS tn. Xoowiro 117 Union. i larve room fur. apt- light, water, Tel 10S. t T!Mw. FOR RENT HOUSES 0t0f0000000i000000000l -Our hobby largo list of bouses; and apta, f -to . ' BBCHTEI ft THOatASON 1 HI State Street . Boom i room ounnlMr m N. Caul St. Ttaaeaent. ara;a Fruit. See Mrs. tadwoit. ajtatesmaa office. FOB SCENT Houses furnished; and tuiurnianoa. T. L. WOOD 141 Stat fttroot room bungalow tor rent. .1149 1 - - .rrilirinnrinn room 115.99. T xrsasj aFunv:a vVQllUU - TeL 14S1R. STILLIErTHE TOILER 1-1111- 9wKro 'f VOW -TV t rV-KlDBt-le2. 1 f AAJGUv I iS !SrlAf OOT 0f $JLY 0M YTX iKtrJeS- AJCtn jtAtlS" Mwaiq pbom 7fvotFe i ' 1 V-SCmms's wia Fix ?CJ sfer-BesCc to. SlSVo I "TrCT JthZtJJ A' nJv FOR IlENT HOUSES ron REST room house, ltni room matter exoept fireplace. lare let with fruit, double gaxaxaL located UK N. Commercial Street 125.09 per monih. 4m-nodtaitw possession. la.. H. Furrier. Tel. too or can at in n. TUc -St. evening, if tnterasted. IT you -tnust rent So BECHTEL. TTIOatASOU. 141 -Stat JSC, Room Ileuses ft to $49. Nteo smH -boww. ttJLeePtreet. FOR RENT i Sifburba roedertr V room bungalow. partly furnished, Beautiful location. Arranrenvei. for chlckena IZii.tO. TeL 169U. i.J . j . Giraza- and -furrrtshd attL. day. FOR SALE Real Estate FOX RAL.B ratmeutt Hill reat- deaco wttk wonderful virw. Buflt for home ty wwner. A. 1. SAHN, HIO St Stato Stre V . Tl. 1TJI. I a BViiaarwwa, nWTVI, 4. UVUV W ) 1 I i I si a j - Bhaaa t V ) arrest oa pavement. 7 S acres cuUtnbtHL fair bafidiaca 11 mlla from Salam. finmtnnr water, best soil. wm mi sal it ur soaas trad, owner His Mrrtio Ain .&tlim. WwlHtTo a auteiild-aaedeisi i lawn homo Jo Ralaaii rorta 940 to trade tor a xaras aad will assumo a reas- ona"ble amount. - --- We mw- ood seres fairly ' wen mtaeoaooj matk aaiasaai r farm ma chinery -o ood road wortb l4StO.0 and caw re -terms. - A- eurrasMi is aert traot x sauea north of fiotoan roh X0S.S aad a oao naniaa fconiar worth SSaOv. As-' -wall 4mMTed amail tract In subarba mt taaa wortb SSS44 for smau tana raruter -auc A rood -4 room 4aiem bono worta ISMS 4o raoe -for a farm. l A nleodid oaodoRi -Salem homo worth $4 SO to trad tax smalt sintta- pro-red aoreaca. . . is weaotism oeras close in aa Usrhtful -home with ood laad and plenty of traft lor OBIT . 20-14 -U. -8. Baaae Side TeL led. 1 aora Jocatod on ood rood; 7 loose. WAseassat. ovator aystem. bath and toUot, stationary wash tuba. Itrertace chldcen txraae. rood barn, f amity - Trait -several acre of prates, ajrro wserta mea i3V0. VI. U. lilCTBEWJIUKST St REALTORS I 1X4 -8. 14berty St. . ToL (15. SPRINO 38 COMEtfO. TOl ,THAT AvKSIAOB 3SOW (1109. Buys'S acres of "th best prair ie land oast of Mo tern, perfect droiaaxo, bent of "berry or' Xilbert soil, close to school and 4 miles from Salem. -Terms down and fis. per mourn, int. US 19. Buys 4 acres -en paved rbadV ciosa -m, test or jwairi land. Tenns 4ZS. down and f 19. -per f 12S9.- Suya 19 acres of first class iabA. all tmder ruluvattoa, some cherry--trees -ail plowed ready to oat' to wmtJ. oiose to scrool ara vet road. Terms 150. down and 119. per month. Int. 9. 11999. Buy 19 acres, several acres Of orchard, soma Tlhe tiaaher; lo cated eleoe to pavement m eed markst .-reed. Aa xcepUonaJ buy. Terms 15. down ttn& $19 per montn. anu r ' u. . 1599.' Burs beavftJfut riew tract, con stat ins; of one-harT aero. located .aauta. -cioso to Mg-hway, usnovel .-road. tiest of soiL Terms !5 ,dra -and JS.99 -per month, int. ;g9. Buy 1 acre close to city lim its, Tn Iteaiioc orcaartt. gravel Stioet- "Terms IS, down and 919. -per tneotK Int. -4. ; If yon are looking lor a small acro ac a -ngot sktco ana an easy BUM , ' . W It ORABEsOTORST A CO t REALTORS I 134 & Xiborty Jtu - TeL 815. 1424 room English typi home. view let hardwood 'floor. tU In kit chen aad ath. 1 Hearoema. basement piped ifarnace, leaa to two- chools home, largo Uviasr m. hardwood floor, 1 4eroom. Tchxhen and nook. fireplace. tnl -eiwnt pipea xur- mm. mmubm -ana -xiewara, fared sr. 1110. -Uod -mm oom bom m rood coiwHtion. Tavern street -ara;e. . Hooey loan. insuranc. . ! , stELYlff JOHNSON l - 129 IT. M. Bank Bldg. TeL 437. B ABO A4N-ACCT. LEAVING A LEU wm eU cor. -191 Bash. 1 Btory 7 rm. srv.. fruit tree, rarden etc suitable Ax fsrir.. 12444. SSiOL Awn, bal. ' me. pymts. lixo rent., t vscar "yrxROATN This week only, t owner must leave. - bew modern house, full hivmnrf. furnace, ouilt tna. line lot. garag-e. flvv casn, oaianc raonuiiy. sr. it. vtwu 111 State Street 000mmammS000)0000 Mr AORK SNAP Close to -city limits and bus 5 line, 4 room ttoose. otecterte Usrht and city water, xaratv chicken coop aad rab bit tiuts. 4rlce -very low to Close an estate. Only $1144.. caaU 4",0. haL $15 per month- anfl inrereei ay, i 12 Htat -Street .TeL 1727. - SOWN TO BEDROCKS- - 14544 -homo for 33509. $1 Urg rooms and- floored attic oak i Coots, fireplao. -full cement baoevnetifc fsar aae. .nice Taarn and SHrubberr. Street pared and iaiL Owner's tUneaa forces this unusual, ouerms. os wui nao- dle. ' I SEB Mr EIIi With ! I.Ka (. rMILQS !0.. Realtor $29 JStaU dltreot : y TeL 1717. FOR SAtK Attractive home, built In 1924, snooora -oaovenieao.' Bea onnbfe. 1125 N. 19th. Phon evening a, Z344. rsor jiett OPPOKTUMITT ' Med. nom oa -arden road,' highly improved, le trad tor acre im proved carm. noon Jims in Salem to trad for aoro ssaproved tract doe to soma goo town, i 52 acr fanru.. ? miles Salem, . to trad for goo aaiom property. : LAFLATt A MTEBS t . Ladd A Bash Banlc Bldg. Boom a-jaarB"'kjnfriri,"s l 2 aSm! i, - - uvmb if taken SMB. .uvrm. a mm mu, mi I. ...a. - - .... . ... . . a .... . " r. aiL tBmiiii- I 141 Ktate oireei - x- -m. , .... " mivm vw., w - rw - ' '. .m. . mrmm mm rm-t j-mr m w mil I FOR SALE Real EstalJ 6 FECI At, HOIOS BAROATNS t . I l70jL. Attractle? 4 room buHralow located on -N. 17th St. parad at. l78o. Nearly- new modern except casement. its Aladison et. easy -terms. immMi.t. i mi Inn fSlOO. Modern six room homo located , on corner with both at, pasod, double gartMce. fine shrubbery, io- cated N. CaJItol St 1100ft. down. I adftne terma. . . ' .. . I 11339. Foraish home, modern tn v I ery oetau. an largo roots, xtr- nlM. larim In - Arm. I hi m-n innt.t 9s sl aiat I at -a.ti .r-m I litoo HfnAon. TTm Knii ..Mn nwwnlset -balldlncs. Tsar- round creak. -I homo, complete in every aau-ii, I larxe lot -good location, narawooo i -- t,t? I finish in tw . rooms and front I and front I AT THE I tin.ll. A REAL HOMB Riurrr Fitica i2oo. msh, bi- anc term. NO- BBTTKR BUT IN 8 ALUM. RKAL ESTATE V FIRK INSirRANCK. W. IL CHABENHORST 4 CO ! REALTORS i:4 8. Liberty fit, TeC IIS. t . a w Tfi f;" r." I rioelv fnmil with t-,llr Ins. I down; talanc &sr.t ' - . . New I R. Ecxllah typ boase. all I and very rheapr for the-price of 44.- boo.to. iivct) down ana more in. i SEE ; BEARS -TUCKER ' . 184 Booth Commercial -Street " -i-i--ii-ii-,-i-i-iri-irii,- -i -anrir.-ni"wiirriinnn 1 i rm. house with bath and built tnmr- a-arax; ; earner - lot witU shad trees, pod street rrult, fVHO. 4 rm. house with bath, gnra-, nT Xesli jr. nisTn, Beartna; rrult ana UMA n -' - fruit and I attractive 1 puu iit?v, iwsf maw ilotwti very axy terms. , WINNIB PETTTJOHK. Bealtor j . 175 South UUh Street EXCHANGE Real Estate Modern 4 room house m Aberdeen. Wn. to trad for Improved, tract sub urban XTocerr or what hav . your 4oaa.vau,i x20 n. 19 A. river bottom, rood bldtea.. wear Eugene, FPO, dear. for rood ranch near Salem. Jaffer-.I son, or prelerably ctoao to Turner, Oiexon. Hanson e Berjrman Healty Company 119 L Broadwar Eugene, Orefroa 1 Wanted -to trade house aad lot -for. lot - or residence. Owner -only. 1L 381 or UfcOi. . v WANTED 4 st S room bous In exchange xor- 4 -room modern- mmseiTarm ear -unimproved land for sal.- on ' corner tot; ovxtav. aoruopery. t I roil, grana view -rsouxn sajem. jjesa , with owner, wnte ail. tK&tesman. - California nrnnevtv. vain 111.704 ; Will trad ( ail or part for lm-1 proved farm. 44 A- near Salem. 11 A. In atrawber-J iries, Kona piaga. A wonoenui Tuy 1 at $8000. - Modern T rm. ttaiem nous to traae IrancSr " I Beautiful suburban home - stricMv 1 t modern, frtsridalre. electric stove. 1 1 A. STonod, fro it trees. A real barxain at 469V rm. furnished bouse In Salem, nice lot, chicken bouse. All xor 91, 250. $104 .down, $30. per month. RENTALS rm. furnlahod aoartment $1$: 4- j rm. furnished, $25, 4-rm, unfur 1 nlahed. $2t - I J. F. ULRICII COMPANY 125; State Street . TeL 1354. I SFeClAL EXCHANGES 10 A. x-iver- bottom soil. 6 acre In' Lambert and Royal Ann cherries.. 4 room house, old bam. Price $4509. Will trade- Xor timber tract or wm fnclude at oca oc arrocerie ana irx- ture and tak a business iu grood : town.- ; . ' ? ' INCOME AND ROME - -1 modern bnnxalowa on one lot In come 145. Will trad xor acreag. 3 new ho-jsea- In on of our best maB town to exchange for building: lot in Salem. Mlgiit consider other - property. . Boom 314 Masonic Bldg. TeL ; 409. , WANTED TO TRADE My close in suburban home. ' ha electricity, bath, 9 acre fronting on pared highway. Just outside of the city limits of aim. Trade -lor (arm near Vancouver,; vraan. b.e-oj nvtwhen they neeooa money quicxiy, axento ! BECHTEL A THOMASON 141 State Street Boom 4. FOR SALE FARMS FARM BUYS LC J ii7iftm ?PuIt.y.Jou priC el7.v0. win acre.; 4 R. house, gralnery, xlve terms. 40-Acres. gooa iano, mties r. pa le m, 4 R. toons, rood large barn, fruit house, poultry couse, nice uras stream through., place. Black soil. llneet little dairy place around, good LrVncV irrbient offersyou ex road and good location price $4,-lpTt advice and eerr! in arf lines. avu.ev, siwv.v aown. . 15-Acres. house, barn, garage ana poultry house, dark soil. 1 A. red rasp- berries, 4-A. strawberriea, 1V A. ev- ergreen.. Soma fruit tws,bal. In oats terms. IE-Acres srood land, all slocked and equipped. Modern house, good tarn, 2 poultry houses, water system, running water, $ cows, )ores. waxron, all lm- ?lemeat and wood in oaaemeni i'tt urnace. Fine location, pric $9509.00; . viva terma- . . Z09 Acre BU in CUltrvauon.- J laurrm highway, good location; $109.04 per acr : wiu give good terms or iraa for income prerty, For farm KEE : 1 'EARd at TTJCKER" 184 South Commercial Street GOOD BUT IN 15 ACUH FAItM l-Iaat of Salem .on rood road, fair set farm ttuuomxa nest or sou. tar In cultivation, balance pastur and timber, frlce iiii. r&uy Terms. : LEO N. CHILDS CO Realtor 1 329 Stat Street TeL 1T27. ejt90ea1 -A REAL SNAP v- ! .11 ACKK FARM 17590. - Forced to sell on account of alump, pleasant conditions, not able to run farm myself. 45 A. cultivated land, best of oiV some timber, -fin pas ture, creek, and spring on place, fair buildings, rront -on - pavea mguway. Would be Ideal for auto park, and no better place in -the valley for dairy tng. Place worth twice th price axked ; f EOrrEL-THOMASONf . 'Just Like lacr FOR SALE-FAR33 L A. iLirnZth 1 rrTrHm n d v fLn'S ir- I J7. iScd hirr.YeX waSr JS alfaUa. potato, poaltrr and stock ACREAGE eeMMMMweeMmwee FOR 8ALB r ranb 9 acres, ltt A. loganberries, other fnilt; Located 1 1 mil from Salem . on wallac road. BuUdinga fair. TeL eSFIL - - " ' " m .11" 1"' . REDUCED TO-14404.9 19 her farm doe to Salem. two IhirtJr tmder r4ow. part seeded. Fair I wiwr xv.v nm w "r - . . ; A CHOICE 19 aCXH -Farm ail under plw, xcpt ' f arm eat ww Pw. itxj a I of tlaibw. a seres planted t lo- J fans, 1 acres to strawberries, -family erehnrd. ftt set bulluinx. . SEK 1 OfiUSJia with- ANDERSON RUPERT . 149 Boat EKH Street BUt farm mart farms aare- s: located- In Itaslon and Polk; iraimHa; Term ma- soil. cuiiiE tub: ?! ". aod bowse.' 17 speclallx. in x- icBaanii i -T . H. a SHIELDS TL 1714- nvaodT7 r 'barcri - in,o,.itrlr',,,, t0 ,S5 . - . , , . " - 4 'iilt. nrrnr ' fffturrtrtn 4 M rt I house, water xrsteox. Jtnod barn and very: na new cntcxea nouse, worn berrie and 4 i jT . mi rz " t "IT" jTSlU. I i 1. Jaekson with W. O. KRCESaSR . . i . : 1T Corth Commercial 19 A. nearly, flalahod. f room house, j ios; oarn, goon aprmg; l A. cui- 1 TMWteei, reat in -tuur and cood 1 pastaea, hm mL to. sehoal and , cnni-r-JL a mL MhImb. fPrlM 11LU. mm a. t room ana noost. neaxiy ntTM nouae, run orma water -in- the hu. batm. - I A,. In good- younr mixed or-j - enara, irmoer jm, noetom lana. uooa roaa. rrto .9Sv9. Win trTdil" f. soaallad laaasi riaj. barns. "cur.l r arawa -xuneer-- u pastur, -49 A. ood- outUvated land. Good road, some trade. nco 5iu. MF.LVIK JOIC7SON 324 Tr. B. Raw BtTr. -Tel. 4ST.-" WANTED REAL ESTATE eewaweeiwwa)MaoMWWWMW I WANTED To hear from owner bc o. K.. H.wtur. Kalivwtw. ww.- Business Opportunities t??'y-'?!1?r' I: run wuiuxk aajs uoidirs luneni ft J H'' loc""i f?1 11" , TH 1S- ! MONEY TO I.flAN - - - l-.l-u1-n. ruv-L-inanXTLruijut c t V - - Salary Loans To People 8 ttd Ur Employed STATE -LOAN COMPANT 211 Oregon Bid. -Second Floor Corner State and High Orflce bra 19 :00 a. m. t 4:20 p. m. Telephone 932, Licensed by Stat MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contract Refinanced Arrange to redac your payment. Too keep the car. P. A. ETKKR , Cor. Liberty Bt and Ferry Phon 121 Salean. Or. PKRBOKAI. LOANS . IT A TUC oa furniture, ears,- aatarf.ee J r other rood secairUy. Beaayabl monthly. When In ftnandal need see - us beror ciostag a loan. ; GENERAL INVKSTMEXT 1 - CORPORATION 1?"0M-'.By 0 JfEED- MONET QU1CKLTT ' Cash Loans of $19 t $389 : Within It ZIours ; flm.!l Xr,nf1ilv P.n, .n t m 1 TouTi be aurpHsed how easily a loan 1 can b-, nrranged. Our friendly and 1 coutteous ervtce 'has helped many Come In. "rhoce or write- for full la- formation. Tber Is no obligation. BENEFICIAL LOAN EOCIETT 111 Bllgh Bldg. Ill SUte TeL 1-7-4-0 -Licensed by th SUt WANTED to loan on lir stock and Pfml property. Term to suit l: conrenlehee. NaUonal Loan and Finance Co, 414 Bank of Com. Bldg. Licensed by state. CITT AND FARM loan at lowest . Hear tn si m rtKAo ' r 44 Kl A 4t"Vlt 1 HAWKINS A ROBERTS tlnc I ... ..t . wo& rtrnm bm u-jxnn.-u-mru- rinmnrLi i.-,r -i 1 -i- -in - -u- I ON FARMS AND CITT REAL E9- I XATE, LOWEST IKTEHEST BATES. OT-vDT4 T4 sTVTr . IL.ltA 4l V ' FIRST NATIONAL BANJ BLDO. Federal Farm Loan. 9H per cent F. L. WOOD. 341 8tte Street LOANS WANTED ! WANTED Prlvat. money to loan C rrf estate. reai estate. W. H. GRABEKHORST A CO. UbALiUtta 114 P. Liberty Bt. . Tet 818. INSURANCE 1 M iTOUH FROPERTr INSUREDT T .. -mm 4ur,raPa Wall rttAF fttAtt!" aee Sear A Tucker. - We are agent roe New HamDshlr fir - Insurance company also the Merchants. Both old reliable companie. fciCARtt e TUCKER ' 1 184 eVTth VmTperclal ftrreef LITE STOCK and POULTRY LA ROB ,HOR3S8 AND MULES Wi arrive Sunday. Feb. 1 8th. 1 carload of mule,. 1 car load norses.- au ie ana an age.- ai bora or -team for -every purpose; Sell iaUU lHora Cow Market Unloa are-, ana tniwiDW ulto-, rorusna. UVE STOCK aniPOULTRY Chicks ever week. Beds ; B. Rox j W. l'J a A.W. Olsnta W. D. tested. 419 a tith St, Salem, Or. Fttono JT74-W. Custom batcbinc Blrey Nash ruaianteea tlx borses sod cows. Auction sal depot ' TL I S844w ' - i . r FOR SALE-pOD 11 "and, 19- wood, alao planer wood, 44.04 per cord load.delbvorod from ear. $S.69 from yard. Cobbs dt MitchcU Co. 141 a 12th. HI. - Dry 4 ft fir 15.44. TU 1111 W. To- trade dry -alder fori what bar XeL 1719 (XrJXjjJj Blar 2nd errewth drv- fir. iKd Varbla. 1 1S3 xreery. xti. zhul Wand sale on otaner ! trtmmlnm. LS 9 per load. Card wood $4.54 per load: $1.5 9- for doubl load. Prompt errlre. Honest measure. Paris Fuel Co. TeL 1435. . i rOR 8 ALB OR TRADE 1 Old Ur. $4.44 cord TeL -14F4. DBT. -all kind, any lsturth. TeL 1719. . -i - DRY fir and ar wood,' coal and fnei olE Call on aa for price - -We v gdmeasur. od .qr d ElRM . ' Teicpnon tut: " r iMewwwAeiei 14 la. ad ft ,wa w band tJ wll-time.' Also rptaaor Tarda. wood, Tat. ! uuAKAnTl!EiU URI wyooq- ctmu. ja, tiem Foal Co. TST Trad. JM-ia. eMflr. 97.54 rd. nd dryJutrd- Iwrxvl. Tel. 1814W. Rsy AwftnwsIL lOOD SAWING For "better wood MvlntJ Tel. -1?S. LOST and FOUND . 1ST Whit told' ftUsd tlruea wrist watch. Reward. Leav at States man orrTeL H14W. T - f : LOST Black over coat Finder pW ce.ll 1411W. Rewaj-d. FOR SALE USED CARS Qood-Will Used Cars . - I ' - j ' SOLD WITH! A 0UAEANTC8 r l9-PnU 0ip Hi$7.54 l34Chaarrolt Sport. Coup 459.44 19Z-Chevrlet Coupe , n, 444.04 19S9-Oakland 2-ir. Sedan J 4S4.04 Holf lllil 133.99 t lT7-Oakliad Sedan 425.09 425.44 125.99 144.09 145.99 35.09 i27-Nash Cabriolet 1424-HudsoU Broughanv 12-Wertatij- taaia tT.rwwt. Oup hlt27-Pontia Pan! IL Some real buys In cheap cars. Wood-Wheaton Motor Co Oakland Telephone 112 W Pontine, 15 Chemeketa Street i . . REPOSSESSED 1929 I Chevrolet i couoa. flnecondition. all around. Easy terms. Also model T Ford truck, tak lit for -the balance due. 6vcaft. : Masonie BMg. I Tel. 23IL The Us ed Car You Have Been Waitlngl Fori . SPECIAL . MODEL A sFORD BARGAINS " VALLET MOTOR COMPANT Liberty end Center Street a5 TeL 1995 lyzs-i-doqr fccaan aemonstra- . -to i $525.09 1939-2-door Sedan 1 demonstra tor ,. .- I 659.99 1980-1-door Sedan, good con- m anion . i jj.v 1930-Std. Coups good ahap 493.40 1939-Cabriolot o O s t Avar- - 800.ot;- now lata-Khf lnun. new tireai 1TS.44 I l2-Sport ; Roadster all pew tires : J 155.44 IDI-I.t. tmn Fnrilfir nndtin new tires i. IBSK-Tif Trna Tndor Sedan.' . reconditioned 149.00 tltU.att Tvna Busineas CtMine. reconaitionea ....... " 1 1921-Early Type Sport Coupe, reconditioned . 4- 325.90 1928-Late Type Roadster, re. conditioned 25.95 pa f a-K.T.nt Tm Thaeton. i re- i I conditioned ; J 1930-Truck. closed cab, dual . - ' i - aa A A S9.vv tires- 5SJ.04 tiL.Tnv.v xIauuI ea.h- dual "tir'TUr . 7....U-. 445.04 ' 59 Other Make of Cars to diiuMia Kmm I W Pa-r Cash For Good Used Cars. M.cKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. That Counts ) ; 1 1930 Cher. Coach, latest model wire wheel. and run . only 12,909 miles - 5ts:oo 1,924 Che. Coach, run very lit- II gnn IfaOKJl . UsLsB. aV. : UCIT en j , .s 1939 Chev, 4. 4-doof sedan 4J5.00 1928 Master uuick nerfect shape V.-'.4 5T5.09 425.04 1937 uuick tjoocn M Whiooet Sedan 1 865.0 . . . tl.Mnvhrai JZ 1J 245.09 1928 Chev. Coupe i W.S.O 1927 Chrysler 6 cwupe, -gooa- , , condition, new tire 17.09 1924 WUly-Knlght Sedan, i run good , ... 1 - v.vw 1 13 wtnaeoaxer im. iv. run -fino- 145.00 1924 Oradner Touring,: fun fine 45,49 TTa .U TVwMW, t mAtAr... ( txrrflu f la- hap -. i .; - 44 A liVhWul -rr,Vtell14F -sTAfVll - Tlfllnt ' " tlri a v va - t"ww mr - aa a Good lres runs fin i 100.00 Dougios iiickay Chevi Col " TeL . 831 Center Street 110L 9jp4Bheh4 n.rMinT'Ani Tudor sedan !-l Mtvtot. line condition. Owner.'. 472 ntversltr sC - " !- - i Biuinccs ! AMUSEMENTS I atm Oolf Conr 1 mfls xratli M River LUiv. l. hoi watered fair wars, tare Kraekis. Tto. Suadaya n-1 4Miva 11.00. - AUCTIONEERS M i P. N. Woodry fj Tear -Balera' Loading Auctioneer !-!' . and Furaltur Dealer 1 : ).( iResldanc and Kor -r j, ! f J 1414 North Summer Bt f -'J ! " 1 Trterbm.e ill ' BATHS Turkish bath aad nuu Los-m. , Teeihfe Sl. are. 8. H. New Bank. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN ' R. U. ; Sarton National Starter and gaaerator jwotx. Texaco sttmwi, w umin una t;mrrm. - BICYCLE JLEPAIRLNG A - LLOTD & - RAUSOEH Columbia Bicyctea and repairing. - til Court - . 1 - :Th Dost fat Wrycle and repalrtn. tt.'Yf. Beott. 14T S. CjiWI Tel. 1 f, " OICINEY SWEEP THoHion 11. R. fS. Jforthnaa. CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Gilbert Or. Bldg. TL 145A Dr. O. L. SCOTT. FSC ChtroDractor. Ill . HUn. TL 17. R. 1144-J. DRS. i SCOFTELD. Palmar Chtra- praetora KRay aad N. C IL New i tunic K!?. i- C0STU5IES For snappy party eoatamea call S J fi t,-o - rue w. etn. i n. ifvtj. CLEANING i SERVICE Suit cleaned aad dettvor "Io. Ladies LO. TeL 837W. 134 N. Cornt Canter Bt Taleterla. TeL' 1317. Ptnd Cleaner A Dyer. Call 1421. CORSETS I Charir foundation nnat; For new prtn : modeL - Call rep reaonta tire lOJBCTRICIANS SALTif SUECTRIC CO. NW lO0B Hon. KIT Cewrt Wt Tet NO. E. FLOtUSTS mjBWtttS FOR ALL occasion Olson's. Court 4t High 8t Toy. ML FOR; SALE USED CARS FI Vt, DATS fRBI TRIAi ' 2l Stud Commander sedan.- $"5 24 Butck std. 2-doer sedan 4Z4 "59 Oldsoaobile- 4 -door sedan 44 Enex coacb - 29 Whippet ' atx aedan ., . S3 Essex coacn 5 Stude stA !. oedan ........ . . 859 i4 Dodire sedan 29 Hudson - coach j ,. 25 Uudsoat coaoh ' . - i Fords tor da Ford a. 85 175 !9 Town sedan - 35 435 f39 Tudor sedan -STATE MOTORS INC Hudson Essex Studebakar Ooen eventiwr and Bun day Itugn ana uumcuw "" mtmmmmm m Ford, and Butck I Used Car Lot 1J;4 Buick enclosed Rd. 1924 Bulck UOUP f - 144 Chevrolet Coach 515.44 3 2 4 Chevrolet Conp 235.0 264.44 ! 140.09 185.00 192T Chevrolet coup isr Chevrolet Roadster 2924 Chevrolet Sedan 1924 Chevrolet Coach 14 Chevrolet Coup 1929 Dodge 4 Coup . 1925 Dodg Touring . 1T6.0- .125.40 454.00 104.44 1921 Dodg Coup, 85.04 1911 Dodxe Delivery 45.0 1 1 930 Model A Ford Coup J 131 Model A, Ford Coach 625.44 iff vri.l a Vnrd toach 344.04 nts Mrwii A-Foro Set Couo 825.40 14T7 Model T ora uoupe - iH ZZ. 1424 Model T Ford Coupe l?-04 1424 Model T' Ford Koadstor 7 0 itti Uiwi.1 T Pnra. Tour In 95.0 11925 Model T Ford Coach 1926 Model T Ford Sedan 1JS 0 1924 Model T "ora Koaaaier - ay.vv 1934 Model T Ford Touring - 35.44 1924 Model T Ford Coup l2S Hudson Sedan 514.99 1924 JtupinobU coup 1935 Hupmoblle Roadster l2f Oakland -Coach s If 2TOid9mobIle Coach 1429 Pontlao Sedan 1924 Star Towing 1924 W. IC Touring 1421"W.""K. P.oadster 1921 Whippet Coach II : 6 Whippet Coups - " . , TRTjCKS !1! 496,44 200: 266.44 I 174.44 625.04 45.44 200.44 45.44 250.00 269.99 t - 1934 Ford -with dual 565.99 1929 Ford, long wheel base 1529 Ford with dual 5.44 1924 Chevrolet overhauled 494.40 1921 Chevrolet overhauled 235.99 Salem Used Car Center i f ' ' l Xtsrlnn unit TJbertr : North end of -Valley Motor O. .! Tlphon 1021 . Am Learing Town Feb; 11. Moat 11 my 1334 PonUac coach i before tna vm. Any reas miXm. nttT acreotM. Term can given If deeh-ed. This car i la stor- ag at 4 m. uommercjai. ew i SAVE 100 "1951 Chevrolet Coup, new C tire, new brake. lovejoy- nuooer. WiU Salt the equity very cheap and take- Tr contract - - - See Mr. Allen at $88 Center St, Plmre -1 02. - - ' ' X FLORISTS ALL triads- of floral work. Lots FlorUt, 18th -A Markst TL 1124. . CUT Flower, wedding boaqnets funer! wreat, decorations. C F. Brelthatrpt -fiorlst 511 Stat Strct Tel GARBAGE Fertv Se4vewwr Tel T8T r 1?M HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK.. Margaret Corp, 415-Omirt. INSURANCE f WILLA M BTTB TNA AUENCT V?m. -Biioea, Hrr. . ' TUc lnsUr UuttvUl Agent U5 Masonic 4ildg. TeL 813. BBCJEB . V "HcTTfOStlCKK - lrr - -Tel. t4t 1. LAUNDRIES Trrc trirer salilm LATmrwr TUB -WTE1DER LAUKDRT " Tlhono n - . 141 45 BhA CAPITAL. Crrf "LAUNDKT TV Vav Everything In Awt" Telmtine -ore -. itil BrMtait MATTRESSES Mattraaaaa- 'f anm fa story to ttom. Ask -about -oor wool mattrtsaea 'Ren vater and fumigator. -Capital Uty Bed4i Co Tet 1. S0 JS Nortl fio- 1IUSIC STORES GEO. C WTLLPtanoe. graphs, aewtng nactrtwes, sheet- music M pM ewlea. Baaairmg pnono graph . and sewing machines. 432 frf e gr el. fiateivi - - OFFICE SUPPLIES Everything in offic oppllea Com- mercun . ooom shot, isj K. Com'L TeL 44. PAPER HANGING Taper -hanging and palntlrg. Nea maa'a Paint -tere. 152 N. Com'L PRONE GLENN ADAMS for hoTras deooratinK, sorser dMuiglng: tinting, . Reitable -workmen. : PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING ' and general repair work. Oraber lm, 144 Sa Liberty. TeL 54. - PLUMBING & SUPPLIES Mesher Plum4ng Sappty Co, 171 . Comnwurwi. Tet. mum. PRINTING FOR KTATIONERT. card, pawipb- I lets, programs, -books or any kind of printing, call at Tn statesman rrmi trtg Dftpartwteot 315 8. CommerclaL RADIO FOB every purpose, for very'pur Afl -tmara e ox- wmo 1110. EOFF 'ELECTRICAL SHOP, 147 Directs ry ii4tjr S- Tel. . STOVES STOVES and stov ropatiing. Store Tor J. rebuilt and repaired. All ikiad. of woven wlr f once, faswy 1 niita. hon baskets and hooks, logan - isooxa jmemr r nc ana -etov vi vra.a. rHMwnekeea atrev-t. K rl. rimmnmw. TAILORS n is, . wneur1 r .iw41m Vm him -'HMliand women. 474 Court Bt Cross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 75 i - 1 I j HORIZONTAL. 44 long; hairs 1 shelter flowing? - S- boast l(Lrsran of hearins -12 rlpr IS fieratloa bout th neck of lions or ' horses 4S title -of respect ply ' ! 15 embelllsH lSnot of the AT nenter seal.' l" 1 2 3 I MA 6 7 O 1 wWww-- g" ir TTmr-MTr - ji ' c 5 "11 I I I t i 1 I 1 I 1 1 t' pronoun i 48 insect that eralU liehf from some part of the ' body 80 symbol f r nedtt , - -ft consum- iplet I nalicisms giances tit ralre 15-1 wither ... tjS mound za - - eou - tS-eas ; 17 swab' t9 erwgTeea tree f the "pine ' iaifl -. 13 giro flavor SI th pre- - " ent day 5 procure - . tS--beseech 17 regard!"" f 9 mora- , v . branous - - extecsi oa e from the . - ' body f S - - fish IT brlrtls radleal (lierewiin is tn soiuUon to yes terday! puztla). '.-i o-io K Oj Oil vlg -tiorjf. tiv. - I'll! J it. NOTICE 13 HEREBY CIVKN", That I, th undersign!, a A rJfTQe for th benerit of creditors of Kenneth J. Brown, Insolvent, propose to -U through -sealed tid th f olIowiniT described prop- ertr. to-wit: Th entlr stock of merchan- dla now located la Ken. Brown's Sporting- Good Store- at 372 Etat Street, ilera, Oregon; also all fixtures and equipment used la connection with said business; aUo all gecoants recelrablo duo and owinc to said firm. Bldi will bo considered for th entlr assets of th buiineea. in cluding accounts, or separately for tb atock, fixtures or ac counts; I reoorr the right to reject any or alt bids, r AU tjldt most bo presented at. tb.9 office of tho OBdersigued at Hooms 0-21 Ladi V Bnsh Bank Baildlng-. -Salem, Oregon, on or before Saturday, February ,14, ISSi; at 10:00 a.m. E. L. CRAWFORD, 'Ais.'rneo for Ken. Urown, imolrenL F. It 11-11-11. womca of apfokstsient o r OiAKCUTUn r -Node la hereby circa that tho underalgned has been duly ap pointed" by th County Ciwrt of th Stat -of Oregon for Tho Coun ty of Marlon, as Executor of th last win and testament ana estai t J. T. TVeatloy, deceased, and that b.4) has duly qnalined as suca executor; . all persons . harinc claims aralnst U esUt of said decedent are hereby . notified to present fha same, duly Terltled, to tn. at th office of Hcmald C Clever, my attorney. 20S Oregon Bttildlnf. Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within sis months from th dat of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oresoo. this 13th day-ef January. 1921. TtOT R. WK3TLKT. Executor of tho last will and tMtatntnt estat pt J. T. TVestler, Deceased RONALD C. CLOVER. Attor. cey for Ere enter, Salem, Oregon, J15-20-ZT-F1-10. . Public lmprorements costlnf S2.14 1.821 hay been -completed this year at Birmingham, Ala. TRANSFER -1 1 Let tJa solve your hf.ullnx orobleasav Call 199. - . I 1 HARBAUQH TUANSFEB CAPITAL Cltv Tansfr Co. 321 Stat Sc TeL 431. XMstrttmrins. for warding aad stores our specialty. Oct our rat. FOB local or distant transfer tr an. call 113L Laimer Tranater Co. TrorVi to Forflpq' defly. . Real Estate Directory BROCB A 119 M. High BENDRICICB TL 181 a It EARLS 224 N. High 85. TeL 2242 J. LXCOLN 441 4tta ELLIS XaL 8471 HOMER XX FOSTER RKALTT CO. 87044: Stat 5t SeL 41 W. IL ORABENBOttST A CO. 124 V Liberty St TeL 311 SOCOLOFFBTT ft SON V 104-1 First Nat B. Bldg. TaL IT j. r. BLRica Commeaol! 111 M. TeL 1364 F. L WOOD 441 Stat St TeL TI4 S2 eorper or .- bronx ! (Roman ' - I stntiqulty) Et-i-trap uaed , to hold a . ttors 15 Jveg . VERTICAL. i-1 truthful t prefix; - backward S ensnare 4V pcrtainin jf to speech roun girl 7 residue 8 abr i-merchant ii .rU suin j 16 steep, e soak 17 wrath 18 skin of certain - animal 20 Injured tZ optical - illusion . 1 4 wandered git secrete 2S utenxU' 29 watch . chain S2 expire . S4 exesrvatel 8 S embrace 3 nver- - tHeless ? 9 distant "JD-Umoilieval .V flrading I yessel 42 malieabli metallic element 44 very pmalj 1 - particlo 45 i'at piece i of marl-la 48 corpulent .' 4i aftirm- ative rcr 51 Hebrew name for God 5J rjnbol ft Stuaniura 11 gTimac of crUion . DjTTA D Ar- TIA;; iT ; Uclc'";. lE. L, kaaa Inuta tona I-