The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tcesday Mornin?. February 10, 1S3I
A-' 111
-.: i-
Overtime Period is Called
2nd Then Locals Soeed
' Up, get 9 Points'.
In a point tor point game tbat
extended into an overtime affair,
the Salem T. M. a A. basketball
team defeated the Eugene T.
team 54 to 45 here Monday night
winning the state Y team cham
pionship and finishing the Ore
gon T league with no defeats.
- The game was fast throughout
with the $alem team leading 23
to IS at half time. However in
the second half tire Eugene men
also started a scoring avalanche
and, led by Bramhall who. drop
ped In one handed shots from all
angles, knotted the count 45 to
4S as the game ended. " 'j
The . Eugene men . could not
maintain the pace however in the
orertlme ; period and- the Salem
flashes scored nine points, mean
while holding ' their opponents
scoreless. Bramhall was ' high
scorer of game with IS points.
Flake was high point man for
Salem with 1 points and Ben
jamin stood next with 14. Both
Flake and Benjamin scored heav
ily on r short shots. Nash .' also
scored heavily for Salem, excel!
mg on corner shots,
-The Salem Y. team. has Jest only
one game this season which was
to the Oregon Normal. In a pre
Tious game the Y , boys bad tri
umphed - over - Wolf's Normal
school team. On March 14-15 the
Salem team will represent Ore
gon in the northwest .Y tourna
ment which includes ; Oregon,
wasnlngton and Idaho. Mean
while the Salem team is looking
for strong teams to play,
Lineups: I
4 Eugene
..F7B Rubenstein
..C. 4, Jacobs
G 4, Smith
-G 1, Thompson
.S 9. Hanley
Balconies, Needed at W. U.
Gymnasium if Tournament
Is to be Kept for Salem
Nash, 12 . .
Benjamin, 14
Flake, IS
Ashby, 7
"Vara. 4 ,
J. L. , Gary, secretary j of - the
Oregon High School Athletic as
sociation, was in Salem? Monday
to: confer with Coach Keen of
Willamette concerning the state
high school ' basketball ! tourna
ment to be held in Salem from
March. 17 to 21 Gary was par
ticularly 1 Interested in develop
ments of the installation of more
seating capacity In the Willam
ette gymnasium where the tour
nament games w41l be played.
Coach j Keene and Gary are
both of the opinion that a crisis
in the location of the state tour
naments In the future la now at
hand. Unless something Is done
to increase the seating capacity
of ; the Willamette gymnasium,
some other, town is going! to oat
draw Salera and get the jtoarna
ment. j t ? , r - V
Portland Is gunning strong for
the tournament -and Is eren of
fering to build a new gymnasium
in order to handle larger crowds.
The last game in Portland which
Jeff erson i high played drew 2400
pam admissions. This is more
than the present capacity of the
Willamette- gymnasium. 1 Jeffer-
son is now almost sure of com
lag to the tournament, If Jef
ferson does come, a large follow
ing from Portland will come
down to isee the Portland team
play. !
Fana Turned Away
A. . . ' .
A good crowd from Portland
can be expected as two Portland
teams will compete in the tour
nament. Many Portland - fans
hare stated that In the -oast it
has been an uncertainty roinr
io saiem to see the home' teams
piay. entrance to tne arvmna.
sium was . never sure as capacity
cro was were in evidences at all
the big games. Driving 50 miles
and then i not getting to k see a
game, is a bit perturbing to the
i-oruana fans.
Flans are being drawn for
-S2, Bessonette
Lead, Valley
Pin Topplers
... Willamette Valley League
v": - W. I. Pet.
neiug, Eugene 9 .etc
Salem Desotos ......8 7 .S33
Albany Orphans 7 8 , .464
Corrallls .6 9 .400
Salem plnmen walked f tir
with all individual scorine honor
Kantola rolled high game lot 235
Pins, Hall followed with; 226:
The series high went to Hall with
35, Kantola making 633.1 .
summary: - j ,
EEILia TTrp.A-ni!
Vans i '. lsi i;t m 4
M. Hulr ,142 214 J6 : 522
CnbUl , , ..... 207 1S 170 .17
Xndicok 1!S lBi ioj ' k?a
Blaner .149 17 193 SIS
.843 963 89Q 2691
Ir. Joseph
cob varus
181 184
14 1&0
114 148
169 - 187
157 173
-815. 843 857 2514
The four-way tie in Willamette
Talley bowling league Is no more.
.Ileilig Theatre, Eugene, won
three games from Corvallla' repre
senUUves and Salem , DeSotos
took two out of three from Al
bany, at Winter Garden, here
Sunday afternoon. - . J
Hard lnck. or fatigue, kept tbw
Desotos from what would have
been a spectacular match win.
They crashed through with the
high scores of 1032 and 1051 for
: the first two games, then let down,
to 938 to be beaten In the third
by Albany's Orphans who scored
S 42. their highest game. Despite
losing the last game, the DeSotos
bowled a record-breaking match
series. Their 3021 count Is said
to be the highest eTer rolled for
three games la match series here.
be aoToa-
8. Stiobock 181
HeacBway -,
! Barr i"
.1032 1031 93S 8021
Baa vail
Gilrrlat .
Ucailer .
-173 181 203 : 556
I i i i 176 151 ISO S19
.. , 183 174 ITT - 683
193 203 193 , 589
187 158 200 545
.913 867 963 2741
BETHANY. Feb. 9. little
Joan Satem, the five-year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Satern, who has been seriously
111 for tba past few weeks; Is re
ported as well along the road to
recovery. , ;
two additional balconies to be
placed at each end of the gym
nasium, and a report as to the
cost of these will be made soon.
With the return of . Dr. Doney.
president of Willamette univer
sity, a meeting of the executive
committee will be held . Wednes
day at which time definite action
will be taken concerning the bal
conies, f Both Keene and Gary
are of the opinion that If the
two balconies , are not Installed
for this tournament, that Saleni
will bid goodbye to future tour
naments and that Portland will
in all probability be the new
host to the district high school
xhamps of the state. With the
additional balconies. 1 the - a Dace
prooiem wiu be solved.
Tne tournament means lot
to Salem with 12 teams here for
the greater part of a week. Each
team brings eight players. ; a
coach and m.t least one other ner-
son xor manager or trainer. In
addition to these, are the numer
ous tans .who come to see their
noys perrorm la state - competi
tion. ; - , , . i .;- ; ;
( Larger Trophy Is X:y:
Hans p This Tear ' ' . ' "i '
uary aiso spoke Monday of
the trophies to be offered in the
state tournament this season.
The winner of the tournament
will receive a statue of "Fame?
wnicn win be three feet high.
ino runner op will receive a sil
ver Joving cup almost as large
as t the trophy for ' the winning
ifc aeason. . bronze stattft
i a jumpine center will m t
the : winner of the MnaMifun
The Idea inaugerated last year of
siring an individual trophy to
one piayer who was outstandlnr
Y1- 1 1 - . .
ymjinr ana inortmtn.
New Circuit
t Good Start
The new Statesman bowling j
VVebfoots Scorq 20 Points league got off to a dassTtart Vi!Iamette Faces Touaher
In Hurry but Halted
; I T Barely In Time v
PULLMAN, Wash., Feb. 9.
(AP) Washington. State college
defeated the University of Oregon
basketball team, 37 to 31, here
tonight. ' j. V - .
Led by their big center.' Hunt
ley Gordon, the Cougars made It
a runaway race early la the game,
leading 20 to 9 at the half. In the
first period Gordon scored 11
points. . " - , ' - V:; .
Coach Billy Reinhart sent In
Roberts at center, but the new
man did no tnore toward stooping
Gordon than did Bberhart, until
the second half was well aong.
Then Reinhart changed his- com
bination, sending Eberhart to a
forward position, and" the Web-
footers clicked like champions.
With the score 32 to 11. Oregon
ran wild to pile up 120 points In
eight minutes while1 the Cougars
were making one. - .
As the game Beared the finish.
Opposition; new Pair
j : Of Forwards Shine :
I at Winter Garen last; night d
I Wilson's, a new team; celebrated
1 1U entry : br winnine three
straigbt ; games from Raymond
Machine Shop, , old-timers. Irish
o,Trn?7V:r w? Coach -Spec- Keene 1. work-
RelaU BakeV. .; SUfHo ? JWtlon
tne same from Day and Klles. de- " f t7,C V "I J
spite; the latters winning wrles Le,f?,tof "ho hre Wdnei4i'r
nonors witn 2398 total pina.
WUson's played ther best game
to score 845; closely followed by
Day and Niles with 848. The
"new blood In the league eetab-
iisned a threat to the oldsters
and gave promise of keeping com-
peuuoa at a lively pitch.
In Individual scorinar shark-
piaymg ror uay and Niles. scored
aign game Of 215; RlcfceJU. II. L.
Stiff team; dogged hint with 224.
a - oaiem netau . luiaers . man,
Wanke, chalked np high aeries.
ass. ' snarkey made 529.
"utatesman'V Is thei name de-
eiaea i on for the combine of the
Business and Statesman leagues
or tn rail season.
Pine spirit and plenty . of fight
were shown In the games with
C. (P.j S. and St. Martins last
week.! Team spirit Is now grow
ing and it will be a big helD In
the remaining fames of the sea
son, which show premise of -be
ing torrid affairs, i X - j
In the game at ' St. Martins,
Spec" used a "different lineup
than his ordinary one and was
well pleased . with the showing
made. Faber and Erickson played
forwards. Carpenter center and
Moore and Peterson guards.' : A
change In lineup was made ' to
ward the end of the game.
Cornell's squad of Coyotes will
- '
The beelnninr
with the score 33 to 81, Gordon max last nInt loreeasU the delbe. plenty tough, as pracUcallyall
and- Hoisteln scored field goals w"' pi tmrastrong bowl- I or last year's men returned and a
xor tne Cougars. - V; i 8 iaiem.
Gordon led the scorers with 15 1. CIX 1 ieam compose
points. Eberhard, with 10 points,:
was nig a Oregon scorer..
.a.Miua compose tne new nas proaen into tne lineup and Is lrTIf "l-.J
Jeape: Irish Cash Stores, new; also a yaluable scorer.. It is likely Dl Ol 31 IB U 111 III .
Wilsons, new; Raymond Machine that Idaho will have the tip-off r J3 ' T 11
freshman , guard named Marquis
new i has broken into the lineup and Is
iui wira
of Division hue
ship, will be repeated this season
according to Gary. It mad tnr
ciean piay last season and gave
-u ieilOW BOmetninr tn wnrV
for. ' I ;j. . .- - , . -: f -.
.The troohies will h
In Portland - " T.rr 1"'
Shop, formerly in Business leajrue-
omvu Atwu iiaaers, ex-Dusiness;
iJy and Niies, and H. L. Stiff,
uwia ex-statesman or the fall sea-
son. ' . - i -
: wxLaoH'a -
""T 185 171 1ST 60S
--.ISO 150 150 450
'ckaoa 111 180 141 893
E.. M'S 153 19 183 482
iiear 14T 18S 183 515
men win come to Salem wh.r.
iney W"l DO DUCed on dlnnla
uuu iuo loarnament is played.
Rod and Gun
Club Retains
AH Officers
WUUDBURN. Feb. 9. All mn
who held offices in thn Wiwuthnm
Rod and Gun dub have been re
tained. At the annual mAtlnr fn.
election of officers, held last wt of 20 to 7.
t a . - - . -ww I
jit was oeciaea to retain the same
(oineers, as they hare developed
contacts with various snortamea
and game officers over the state
wnicn nave, and will Drove of
great value to the club.
The officers are: President.
Fred G. E vend en: secretary-treaa-
nrer. layman 11. snorey; Tice-pres-idents,
Sebastian Aicher, Earl Gib-
Dons and Ralph Kocher. s.
I The club, which has for its our-
pose the propagation and conserv- PftUot7 Z?An
ation of fish and same and the KlCKTeail OyS
jaaaing oi oetter. sportsmen, has
accompiuned many good deeds In
the one year it has been In exist
ence. A game preserve containing
about 15,000 acres has been cre
ated, seven hundred young Chi
nese pheasants were raised on the
preserve last year. The club was
also , instrumental In arranging
with the state rame commission
for the liberation of 17.000 East
ern Brook trout in Pudding river
and 15,000 trout In upper Butte
AMITY, Feb. 9 Last Friday
evening the Amity high hoopsters
lost the division championship to
Willamlna 20 to 17. - It was a
fast game throughout. Amity and
Willamlna had each won four and
lost one when Willamlna took the
game Friday night this giving
them five games won and one lost.
Willamlna will play Yamhill a
three 'game series to determine
the winner of Yamhill county.
Willamlna was a number of
points ahead of Amity till the last
quarter when Neely. their best
and fastest man was put out on
fouls. Amity scored several goals
from then on. - .
With a fast passing attack the
Amity second team defeated the
Willamlna seconds. by the score
This was a thrilling
game. It seemed to bring the
old fight back to the Amity boys
after seeing their tellow-nlavers !
lose both games.-
SharteU playing forward for !
, Amity was high point man. He
did some very good shooting".
Tbe willamlna girls defeated
the Amity girls by a Very large
margin, the score bain 28 to-4.
753 3344
In Wednesday night's game and
hard playing and close guarding
will be required of the Bearcats
!if they keep a clean slate. .
College of Idaho plays Whit
man Monday and Tuesday nights
of this week and! will then play
here Wednesday 4 night. Friday
the Bearcats will play Pacifle at i
Forest Grove and Saturday night
tne Badgers will come here for a I
return game.
Fffi EUGEil
Ancient Rivals to put up
Stronger I Opposition'
For Second Game ; :
Tonight Salem high will meet
Coach Webber's basketball team
of Eugene high for their second
contest of the season. The game
will be played at Eugene.
The lop-sided score of SI to 19
which was stacked against Eugene
high In the first game by "Ilolly'l
Huntington's red and black flash
es, will not likely be repeated to
night. Coach Webber stated
three of his men were unable to
play in the game here and that
with the spring semester he would
receive additional material. Webi
ber has changed the style of oN -fense
used by his team, substitut
ing one which Is better suited to
his material. Bradway. the riant
center of Eugene, had the tip-off
nere and will easily have It to
night, and perhaps more use will
be made of It this time.
Salem high Is now in good shape
and the squad will be full strength
for tonight's tilt. Kitchen Is now
much better and Is Just bitting his
stride. His pep and enthusiasm
add much to the team. Graber al
so showed well at Tillamook and
Is now better than he was last
Season. He has added 15 pounds
enf arnntr1 fha lrnaV nf mYmnt
Wlnnr Tnni &hflng n hand. Although he
iUU1 f ulii6"V will probably not start the game,
Dumb Dulcle says when she's
out motoring with the boy friend
she always listens carefully but
never has beard the piston ring.
, Woodburn, jiews dispatches
say, has a Rod and Gun club.
We know who Rod Is he's the
editor down, there bat who's
this fellow Gun? And we know
Just what Rod will say . about
We . called no Russ Rarer
down at " Tillamook the other
night to find out how his basket
ball team came out -with Salem
high. He sounded sort of cheer
ful despite the score,' and now we
know why. The stork was hover
ing near his home and, next day
it swooped down and left a baby
boy. Ruts by that time didn't
care much whether he came to
the state tournament again or
not, probably. But most likely
he'll be here for the fifth Isn't
It consecutive time.
Doem the water taste differ
ently this .morning? '',-
.168 171
.183 15
.114 143
.125 144
.150 150
Turner Deieats
.689 76S 70S 22ST
Ktmevway 14 I 181, ISO
Lermoa 144 j 145; 187
DJferts .ISO . 158 1S3
Iriih , .,, , . .,.,150,' 9 ' 93
T 8S1
; 468
. S88
DALLAS. Feb. 9. The Dallas
high "basketball squad will have
its chance for revenge here to
morrow when It meets tbe Mo
lalla team. Molalla romped over
Dallas at Molalla by a score of
2,8 to 11. The local boys hop
to change this when tbey get
Molalla down here.-'
Dallas raised its hopes a notch
last Friday when it won over In-
he Is liable to see action, as "IIol.
ly" wishes ' to alternate he land
Siegmund. , ., ; , '; .
The regular lineup of Kitchen
1 and Bones, forwards; Siegmnnd,
center, and Sanford and Sachtler4
guards, will start the contest.
West and Foreman will be the
other players who will go with the
squad. !ii
Bids will be received by the un
676 3085
aazxK betatxi baxess
Patton ,, 15Q 14 124
V. Jeakiaa , 119 133 185 '
r. E. Jenkins 111 128 18S
Waaka 149 178 313
RMey ... 75 90 93 !
dependence. This , tied Dallas
'A vn I and Xfonmonth tnr first n1 fn . Dlus oe re
iumsvuie piveith . ;n ;f .;;;: : iwer, cierk ot
league although Monmouth has
played one i more game . than
If Dallas fails to beat Molalla
here tomorrowlt will get no re
venge unless both teams should
be successful In reaching the
district tournament which seems
rather doubtful now.
School Dis-
Sag 699 1963
2.'' H. X 8TTJT yukJUTUM CO.
mcsctlS 173 224- 125
Vojel '.;..,. ..,171 185i 193 .
Gaeer .,, , 154 13 149
B. Towar ., . ,,HT 180! 174
R. T, Taylor 150 ISO . - 21S
TURNER, Feb. 9 The Turner
grade t school boys' basketball
team defeated Aumsvllle school
quintet here Friday 18 to 11. A
return game is ' - scheduled for
Wednesday night at 7 o'clock at
Aumsvllle. , t
Boys on the Turner team are
Delmer Barber, Frank Sochs,
Sam Smith, Otia ' Brookes. Jim
McGowan, Gene Freeman and
Bert Peterson. ' Aumsvllle's line
up ; Included John Ogle, : Harlan
Turner, Samuel 'Bradley,' Orval
Prunk, Guy Ramsdell and Dean
Niceolson. . ; ; ,
.734. 771
85S 2355
say awn vrt.vm
M. PonllB 155 j 14 169; 470
14S , 14S 154 444
K. XilM , , 151 159 145 .455
Marker ... ,. . 150 154 325 639
U. Htauaway - .. 180 16 150 498
.783 7731 848 3898
And Girls Win
Over Perrydale
RICKREALL. Feb. 9. W The
Rlckreall high school girls' bas
ketball team added another vic
tory to Its account when It de
feated the team from Perrvdale
high on the local floor Friday
night, piling- up a score of 49 to
There are about 39 members of I Perrydale boys by a score of 15
Vancouver Now
Topping League
the club.
to 12.
VANCOUVER. B. C.J Feb. 9..
CAP) The, tie between the Van
couver Lions and the Seattle Es
kimos for first place tn the Pa
cific j coast hockey league . stand
ings i was broken tonight -- when
tne Lions took a 2 to; 1 verdict
from; their Washington rivals.
All scoring was done In the4 first
period with Jerwa breaking a one
all tie to win the game for Van
couver; ;
; ' EXECUTRIX . -Notice
Is hereby given that the
undersigned. Lola C. Ownbey, has
be&n duly appointed by the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon,
for Marlon County, executrix of
the! will and estate of J. E. Own
bey, late of Salem. Oregon, de
ceased, and has duly qualified.
AH persons having -. claims
against the said estate are here
by required to present them, with
the; proper vouchers, within six
months from. the date of this no
tice, to the said executrix. In care
of E. K. Piasecki. 409 Bank of
Commerce Building. Salem. Ore
gon In said County.
t Dated and first published this
13th day of January, 1931. - -!
Lola C. Ownbey, Executrix of
the Estate of J. E. Ownbey, de
ceased. - j,
E. K. Piasecki. Attorney. J12-
Notice Is hereby given that
the undersigned has been duly
appointed by the County Court
of-the State of Oregon for the
County of Marion as administra
trix of the estate . of -John ; W.
Harritt, deceased, and that -she
has duly qualified as such ad
ministratrix. : All persona having
claims against the estate of said
decendent are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified.
to me at the office of Ronald C.
Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon
Building, Salem, Oregon, within
six months of the date of this
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
20th day of January, 1931.
Administratrix of the estate of
John W. Harritt, deceased.
Salem, -Oregon,
Attorney for Administratrix.
gon, up to S: 00 o'clock p. ra., Feb
ruary 24, 1931. for the furnishing
of wood for the several schools of
the district for the year 1931-32,
the same to be delivered in quan
tities as listed below no later than
September 1, 1931. Bidder to snb
mit bids for wood to be delivered
at the several achools and to des
ignate the kind land quality of
wood he will furnish. Bids are to
be enclosed In a sealed envelope
and marked "Wood Bid," and a
ceriuiea check far ten per .cent
of the bid enclosed. Bids are to
be opened at the! mcetinjr of the
Board, ; Tuesday evening, Febru
ary 24, 1931. Right is reserved
to accept or reject any or all bids.
Approximate amount of wood
Highland .
Grant . . .
Richmond .
Park . . ; ,
Lincoln . . . .
Washington .
Garfield ....
Parrlsh ....
Grand Stand
e a e
55 cords
C5 ?
5 "
55 "
CO j"
0 t"
45 H"
45: "
55 "
240 "
10 I"
. 5' !"
TOTAL .. ......... .76" cords
W. H. BURGH A RDT. Clerk,
4 T T I V71NayyscIcctedCyco!"
Bans guesswork ttTb ;
Awards CYCOL ;
miUion-gcaioncontmct fcrSTS S ;
. ' : ' . Mowest service cost.' :. - , ;
j Smart buyers, the Navy. Smart buyers, too, are west-
1 - ern motorists who are turnine In !nntn
1 . . j to this motor ofl ttW ycisr the fleet: that gmxds'.
'XheY know" that rice alone means nothing. Only .
. i Wirt-. j Ji . . . -r ;
r""iMHuumcu wim ine worn an oil will do, can
measure its value. (Endurance, stamina, resistance to
-' w wb, minimum maintenance costin'
these vital factors Cycol proves its sunetlnrl
Yet CycoTs price is only 2$c a tjuart. Stop at the red, r
Creca and cream stadon or garage for CycoL Settle .
i . .uvwK vu tgucsuon ior au tune. ? 1 -
proved by Test for Service Cost
fcS!S!!!!!lm0,wT measured beat,
Wcto aad prur tt. fov 100 hour, on a frciallyIiTw
ed Navy bearing. Findings, when eomparTjhwifes
Wed, gave Service Cort, and Cycol ewUy rtaWUdT
Avon refinery, following strict
U. S. Navy standard. iM r t. '
presaacy. , rTJT .. " " r1 " fueaonea
emee Cost
U. S. Navy buys Cycol
WorU pntst mottrr oil purchased or
Navy's Pacific feet requirements en sea
and land and In tht cur. j
MartM TWtae XUmw mmi Dyrnmwm. Kaaary
a in mi Dted smgbt, Stiiivttm guar aHwi.
Fmrm llghtlnt tltfit, UMf cmrt, truck mmd
Ah- Cnniirfc Aircrat wrini Hk
- ff aMaar Mat mglmtt,
- MaaaNTcIcaj Taciara
Cveol ' ; :"
Pa wlimUNo.
lull No. j
Wmmmm, No.2
(Kbran N. I
yy" "
"LoTQSt Servics Coot"
m ill aW?v C ' . . 'II' . I
w m m m av jr"ksa a aw - aw aw mBssy aaspiaa. w - - -
iisu. ai m morn)
It .-
' " v .
j ' ' ' ' - I'- - . : j : . -. .
av arw aw sr " sp ai m
pounds of
baggage may
be checked
- PcrGaOoa
' 3. ScrvfcaCoatFWGanoa
These rickets give
you a fast, comfort
able trip on your
choice of tour fine trains free on these tickets),
daily. Here is a swift, ..
smooth ride warm and
safe. No strain, plenty of;
toom to relax and walk
. about. ....
. Tbcse bargain fares are
good in i coaches and redin
ing chair cars. Also in tour-
isc sleeping cars upon pay
- rhent of berth charge: Thru
m service to Sari Francisco
and Los Angeles. (Fifty;
tomtit lower berth to 5 From.
titf is only $4 JO. Upper, $140
aBP ;. WBaaaMMBSW - J1 aV. y r4k M
II fficc' 184 Liberty, Tel. 0
Passenger Depot, 13th and Oa&, TeL 41
. ' s-