The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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Delightful Teat is
Compliment of
rtna f th knticinaled' and
wholly delightful affairs ot j the
eyrie g will be enjoyed by plaids
ard matrons -of Salem and many
folk from outside points, many of
-whom, will be from -Portland,! will
be the tea from 3 to t o'clock this
afternoon In the. Elks temple with
Mrs. Julius I. Meier as hostess...
The"lare social room of; the
temple has been transformed Into
a beautiful reception room with
sort carpets and multitude of
spring blossoms from Salem shops
to give delightful color and lend
the enchantment of spring j per
fume. Quiet beauty and Intimate
charm will greet the- guest as
they enter the room. ' )' ;
A group of Salem and Portland
matrons .and maids will assist
Sirs. Meier In receiving the
guests. . A formal Invitation list
was not used for this affair but
Mrs,f Meier will Happily receive
and meet all those, women o Sa
lem who." wish, to call during' the
tea hours to meet the first (lady
of Oregon, who comes to Salem
quite a stranger., , ! , t
. Those women who will aBsist
Mrs Meier are announced as Mrs.
T. B. Kay, Trs. John MeNiary,
Mrs. George A. White, Mm. Ball,
Mrs. Teller, Mrs. George Joseph.
Mrs. -Willard, Mrs. A. Frank, Miss
Beatrice Walton, Mr. Frits SISade,
Mrs. Henry Hansen; Mrs. V. A.
Bovelle. . Mrs. A. Meter, Mis
Katherine King, Miss Mary Lou
Muncy, Miss Eleanor Coburn.
Miss Cynthia Hall, Mrs. Hollis
Huntington, Mrs. Gus Hixsbn,
Mrs. Harry Hawamsana iir.
D. Quisenberry.
Salem Girls Win
xt i.o tToktor Davis, senior
home jeconomics, and Mlsa Billie
Cupper, Junicr in home economics
In Oregon State college, are two
. of the three most popular wotnen
students of their classes, accord
ing to the results of recent !vot-
,. ing by class members. - I
Three women and six men were
selected as popular representative
' of their class and the pictures of
these folk wUl appear In the Col
lege yearbook, the Beaver. Only
' those students with good standing
in scholarship, leadership and who
have an outstanding personality
and have participated in an extra
ordinary, amount of activities jare
; chosen. ; - ' - . -. - ' 'j '
Miss Cupper, a member of jt&e
Alpha Chi Omega "sorority, has
been prominent in student actpvi
' tie?. She was secretary of the As
sociated Women Students last
year and is now vice-president,, Is
a member of Madrigal elub. wom
en's chorus, and has served j on
the sophomore Cotillion comijiit-
miss Davis is secretary of jtbe
--.jVtsociated Students, the highest
- office a woman student can h;old
on the Oregon State campus, treas
urer and manager of Kappa Alpha
Theta, national social sorority,
and vice-president of National t?ol
legiato players, national honor so
ciety in dramatics. She is a mem
" ber of Phi Kappa Phi. national
honor fraternity In scholarship,
chairman of tho women tunt
show and has taken leading parts
in many dramatie production t :
Brooks. Tho Brook Ladles'
7 Aid society met at the home of
Mrs. Sylvester Harris Thursday
fnr n til dav meeting." with pot-
luck dinner at .noon. After the
business session work was done
"- en embroidery and comforter
waa tAVf ant. "-L i '-
u.miuin nreaent were: Mrs.
- o. L Bailey. Mrs. Raymond
Blanton. Sr., MU Gladys otto,
xi r h. ' H. Bosch. Mrs." Chris
-w-Hto7 Mrs. William Schater, Mrs.
Jennie Gilbert. Mrs. George
' Tkatch and small son Harry,
Mr. Cecil V. Ashbaugh, Mrs.
Mrrr Kibbr. Mrs. James Riggl.
Mr. Monrc Ward. Mrs. WUHam
Buchanan, Mr. ; Wayne Gibson,
Mr. Rav Barker, and daughter
i Jeanette, Mr. Raymond BJlan-
. . . t . TT 4 A
ion, J r., ana caiiarea xn&ns uu
' Raymond III, Mrs.-John Leaker,
Mrs. Dan Scharf, Mrs. Melvin
Blanton' Mr. A. J. Rasmassen.
Mrs. C. A. Bailey, Mr. J,k S.
Dunlavy. Mrs. A. :: E. Harris.
Kreta Fae Ashbaugh, Arlene
. Rasmussen Bobby- Morris,' Miss
TAvnne Harris. Mrs. S. A. Harris.
visitor present, Mrs. A. J. Kal-
ghen of Salem. .y -
Vnnr new mambers were add
- -A to the - membershio list. Mrs.
"" Melvin Blanton,, Mrs.. Ray Par
ker, Mis Gladys Otto ana jr.
Dan Scharf. - - ' - - j
. The ext meetlne will be held
In two weeks at the home of
Mr. Jim Sim in -Salem. Mrs.
Alice Marr and Mrs. - Monroe
Ward will assist Mrs. Sims; at
the tea hour. L
Independence - The Woman'
club gave a benefit card party on
Friday afternoon c t the club
-rooms. Ten tables of "500 were
in play during, the afternoon.
High honors went to Mrs. CJ O.
Eloper and Mrs. Dean Girard. 1
Uosteesea were Mrs. James Rob
ble. Mrs. Ed Wunder, Mrs. Guy
Walker and Mr. Donald Me-
. Carthy. V -! t
- Hollywood Mr. L. B. Malm
'was hostess Friday. evening at a
delightful social evening. At the
close of. the evening' entertal.rv
znent, dainty refreshment ; were
served by the hostes. - - - j -Guests
were;. Mr. hd Mr; J. j.
. Ackerman. Mr, and Mrs. Barker.
Mr. and Mr. Fred Scharff, and
Mr. Boyd WilklBonl" - i -."
- - - - .- -j
The securing of a. monument
to the memo 7 of the Un tea sol
diers of the Civil war to be places
upon tho state house grounds
will be considered at tho regular
meeting! this evening of Joshua
Smith camp Son of Union Veter
an of the Civil war. Mr. L. C.
HcSijane.I vcoTnmander,..,.v .
tjfws ! aii3 ' Club
:OLXVB M. Doak.
. . - t '-(..-. - - i.
i- Tuesday, February 10 '
Regular meeting.' Young i Married People' class?
First ! Preshyterlan ehureh. :J o'clock, no host din-,
ner; Mlsa Mabel Robertson, speaker of evening.
Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans, 7: 39 -o'clock, ;
Woman's clubhouse; initiation. -; . . ' '
Merry Go Round elub, dinner at ArgoU, hostesses
Mrs. Russell Catlin and Mrs. K. C. Cross, ; ; . -
Junior Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal -eh urcb, Mrs.
V. E ! Kuhn. 855 CotUge Btreet i ; ' -
Salem Arts League, regular monthly meeting; 7:30 i
o'clock; Prof. Ralph Winn special speaker on "Art of
Modern Russia," auditorium room, city library..
; Mrs. L. D. Landetb, 875 Market street, hostees to f
Delta Chi Delphians, S:30 o'clock; Mrs. N. C. Kafoury
talk on Italy. ' r': , A - ;"''." v j - ,
Mrs. E. T. Pierce hostess to Mrs. R. M. Gatke'
-drama class, f " " ;.!:"..;: i .' . - ;
First Spiritualist church eircle, George Stoddard,
1420 North 4th street; 8 o'clock;, Mrs. Edith Scott sue- ;
eial guest. " C.-:.
Wednes&ay, February 11
First -Presbyterian missionary society, flection of
officers, in church parlors. Mr. Ralph Winn special
speaker. . . '- . -: - ! J' , '
. Ladle guild of American Lutheran church, 3:00.
o'clock, " church parlors. t i
Toung Married People's class, St.-Paul's Episcopal
church. 6:30 o'clock; no host j dinner, andi Valentine
party,; parish halL . ' j - -s
Ladles of West Way club, Mrs. Ray Smith, 2350
West Nob hill; sewing "afternoon. "
All day meeting, Masonic j temple, " Daughters of
Nile, sewing for Shrine hospital.' - . "
Tast President's club. 2 o'clock with Mrs. Florence
Shipp. 1630 Saginaw street. j 5 '"V
- jv Thursday, February 12 ; .
Joint meeting of Loyal Woman's class and Willing
Workers class " of Firs Christian church, 2 o'clock,
church parlors. -
Officers of W. B. f A. with Mrs. Avi Martin, 775
North Cottage street, evening meeting.
'. Friday February IS
Mrs. Earl Chappel; 887 North 15th street, 2:30
o'clock; hostess, to Carnation club.'
Benefit Cards and
Social Tea Planned
: Members of the Star Social; Af
ternoon club will sponsor a val
entine benefit card party andrtea
today at the Masonic temple in
the lodge social rooms. Those who
do not enjoy cards are invited to
call during the tea hour. .Playing
will begin at Z o clock. Mrs. Al
bert Smith. Mrs. B. B. Herrick and
Mrs. B. B. Flack are receiving
reservations. I ; I,
The committee in. charge Is Mrs.
B. B. Flack a chairman of "the
benefit and Mrs. A. C Gragg, Mrs.
A. S. Hussey, Mrs. A. A. Gueffroy,
Mrs. E. M. McKee, Mrs. Cleo Cash
att, Mrs. Percy Cupper, Mrs. EL N.
Gillingham, Mrs. Carl Pope, Mrs.
Glenn 'Niles, J Mrs. Frank Craw
ford, Mrs. : Ji A. Bernard!, Mrs.
James Imlah; Mrs. 'Adolph Bbm
beck. Mrs. E. A. Rhoten, Mrs O.
A. Olson, Mrs. Alma Tnompson,
Mrs. Charles ;McCarter, Mrs. Lor
ena Burnett and Miss Oda Chap
man, r !:!'' i '
Encinitis1 Club
Has Coast Trip
-I -r
A delightful coast trip for the
weekend was that which was en
joyed by members of the Encini
tis club when 15 of the group mo
tored to Neskowln Saturday to he
guests at the S. E. Purvlne home.
After a Jolly- time of all manner
of coast sport the group returned
Sunday night. :
Those who mad tho trip were
Erna Batterman, Mabel Currie,
Elizabeth Welch, Lulu Park. Alice
Falk, Bessie. ; Tucker, Anona
Welch. Helen Richardson, Doro
thy Tucker, Marie Waldorf; Doro
thy Frank, Algo Gath, Mildred
Judson. Betty Elorson. and Ger
trude Chamberlin,
... e
Jefferson Dr. and Mr. J. O.
Van. Winkle entertained with a
dinner Sunday, honoring a friend
Elmer Beach Jr., the occasion
being his birthday - anniversary.
Covert were placed for the hon
or guest Elmer Jr., Mr. and Mrs
Elmer Beach.' Ralph and Joanna
Beach, Rosalie Pollen, Richard
Van Winkle and the host and hos
tess Dr. and Mrs. J. O. Van Win-,
kle ; . ;
- Mlsa Mabel Robertson will be
the speaker for tho program
meeting of the Young Married
People's club of the First Pres
byterian church .Tuesday night
in the church i parlors. ' Special
music will be given . by the girls'
quartet of Chemawa Indian
school A no host 4:30 o'clock
dinner will be served before ! the
program hoar. . . .
GLOVES ; 464 State Street D HOSIERY r
P " I ALWAYS BUSY , - ! " " '
1 ..i aaT
Society Editor
Lecture on Russia ;
To be Illuminating ? .
On account of the conflicting
statement concerning the state
of affairs in modern Russia un
der! tho Soviet regime, it -Is de
clared to be especially difficult
for i Americans to form an ade
quate opinion of what condition
actually are, but Professor R. B.
Winn, inotrnctor in philosophy at
Willamette university, who stu
died In the University of St. Pe
tersburg, and who served six
months on the German front in
1915. will Tuesday night in the
auditorium of the Salem public
library, give Salem people a con
cise talk on "Art In Modern Russia.-
; .... 1, .. , '; ii: r
Professor Winn will- point out
why it is o difficult to worjc in
art, j music, poetry, sculpture In
Russia.- . ' - -
During his lecture Professor
Winn will read translations from
several Russian authors who
started writing before the war and
will contrast this , with excerpt
from authors. who have develop
ed since the war. . He will : also
read a poem in Russian to show
the music and rhythm of Russian
verse. At the close of .the lecture.
whleh Is given under the auspi
ce of the Salem Art league, he
will ; read Andreyeff short story
"Silence." !"; h -
The public 1 cordially invited.
The: lecture will begin at 8:00
.. ; 1 '. . " I;;
. Hubbard Mia ' Alice ;Kunkel,
daughter of Mr. ; and Mrs. - C. A.
Kaakel, became the bride of Ray
mond Bernatxki, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Bernatxki of Kansas,
Thursday .afternoon at 2:00
o'clock . in a quiet . but - lovely
home wedding with Rev. Glenn
S. Hartong, pastor of the Feder
ated churche of Hubbard, offi
ciating. -: . : ;
- The bridal ; couple took ; their
places beneath an arch of cedar
boughs from which were t sus
pended colorful 'heart and
streamers while the single ring
ceremony ' waa read in the pres
ence of the bride's mother, father
and sister, Mrs. A. Steurer . and
little: Betty Steurer of Roseburg.
and Mrs. Hartong.
Luncheon was served by Mrs.
Kunkel after which Mr. and Mr&J
uernauxi lert tor Mill City where
they; will make their home. - '
Friday evening a group of Mill
City i folk greeted Mr. and Mrs.
Bernatxki - wit : ha lively char
ivari; Mr. and Mr. Bernataki re
turned to 'Hubbard ' Saturday and
that ! night a -group of 50 from
Hubbard - and vicinity : came to
compliment the bride and groom.
: All
OREGON "STATES?.! AH, Salgsu Oregon, Tuesday rarcis'-y
Clubs Lead Social
Calendar Monday
Club meetings which will gen
erously sprinkle - the week ac
tivities started the next six days
off to a good otart Monday.
Mrs. William Boot was hostess
to her contract club. Mrs. Brey
man Boise entertained her : club
with luncheon and bridge. Cor
era were placed : for . Mrs. ' P. - J
Quisenberry. Mrs. gus uixson.
Mrs. Asel Eoff. Mrs. Lewis Grif-
ntfl. x Mrs. . Kicnara uiater,- Mrs.
Bert Irani. Mrs. Charles Robert
son, Mrs. Frederick Deckebach,
and Mrs. Boue.
Mrs.; Ernest Thorn was also
Monday hostess tor sv bridge
luncheon at her home in compli
ment to her club. Covers were
placed for Mrs. Edgar Pierce,
Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. E.-V. Me-
Mechan, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs.
W. i F. .Poorman. . , Mrs. Ronald
Jones. Mrs. William Scandllng.
Mrs. Ernest Bonesteele and Mrs.
: Tonight- Mrs. - Russell Catlin
and Mr. E. C. Cross will entertain-
members of -the' Merry Go
Round club at the Argola for
dinner and thla will he followed
by .cards.
Christian Church
Women to Meet
- The Loyal Woman's class and
the Willing Workers das of the
.First Christian church will meet
at 2 o'clock in the church parlors
Thursday afternoon for a. month
ly Joint business and social meet
The entertainment committee
will be Mrs. Lid a Brou gher, Mrs.
Edith Carter, Mrs. Bernadena
White, Mr. Virgil Hack, Mr.
Reda Edwards, Mrs. Grace Sny
der, Mrs. M. J. Hunt; and Mrs. M.
1 Valentine Dance
For Monday Club
" The Monday Night Dancing
club enjoyed a delightfully col
orful Valentine dance in Castll
llan i hall at its regular dance
Monday night. The affair was
formal and the lovely gowns of
the ladles - combined with festive
red of St. Valentine made an un
usually pretty affair of the ball.
' Many, visitors were present
from among the folk 'who are
legislative visitor here during
the session. Several dinner par
ties added to the attractiveness
of the evening of dancing.
Pledges for Beta Chi sorority
of Willamette university are an
nounced as Alice Bartholomew,
Alice Wins, and Barbara Elliott.
Delta Phi sorority announces
Brenda Savage. Marguerite E
tludillo and Sarah Jane Dark.
It aids a
stringent desaaads tt hat
Iiwiffrw are psioed.
freu tlS.Wtp. We
fit yea atisf&ion. :
m I. m e
fit Cte 4-Kext to Portal Telegraph
Another New Shipment of Ladies'
-Millinery Just Unpacked
Let Us Show Them to You,
ait Those Popular Prices
Silver Bell Circle
r.Tempuries w orx.
. Neighbor of Woodcraft, Silver
Bell Circle No. 49 met at Tralern-
II Ml Temple Fruay erenlcg. The
1 1 Initiatory work waa Tory ably ex
4 1 amplified by the officers - and
guards of the Albany Circle. Al
bany officers present were Mrs.
Voss, Mrs. , Curry, , Mrs. ;warner.
Miss Sexans, Mrs. Drager, Mrs.
Bowman, . Mrs. McCheney, ' Mrs.
Fraxer, Mrs. Csrstens, Miss Seavy,
Mrs. Junkln and Mrs. Plagmaju
After the initiation. Mrs. Nan Pet
tyjohn was Installed as press cor
respondent. .:: j '
;At the close of the session the
following .program was rendered:
music,': Hilda and Frank Craw
Tord; -musle, Mrs." Edward; Mrs.
Pettyjohn and Maxlne Pettyjohn ;
piano solo, patty Scott; reading.
Fraaels Williams; duet, Alice and
Wilms Crawford, and a pirate skit
entitled "Captain Kldd ? Surren
der, written and 'directed by
Maxlne Pettyjohn and featuring
Naomi Croser ,as Captan Kldd
and Roseann Goodrich as Johan
na. - Others in . the east were
Frances . Blankenshlp, ' Dorothy
Salchenberg and Ruby Babbott.
'.After the program a bountiful
repast .was served, . the irefresh
ment "committee . being , - Mrs.
Charles Shaw, Mrs. Ed Fendrlch
and Mrs. Lens.
Nile Club Will Have-All-Day"
Meeting K.h
, Member of . the Salem Nlle
club "will have an all day meet
lag; in the -ocial rooms j of the
Masonic teriple Wednesday. j
Mr. S. H. Crosby is chairman
of the hostess committee and as
sisting her will be Mn.i Luell
Sweeny, Mrs. C. H. Johnson, and
Mr. ; Charles - Mnier. ' j . j .
r The time will be spent tn ow
ing if or the Shrine hospital. .
Salem Height Friday after
noon the Woman's club of Salem
Heights met at the community 1
hall: for their regular montniy
meeting. Mrs. Veleda Ohmart
begin the program by reading
paper on "Oregon pioneer bis-
tory of South Salem". Many int-:
tereetlng points were touched
upon by Mrs. Ohmart. Mrs. . W.
J. Linfoot of Salem favored the
club wltlr two vocal solos accom
panied by : Mrs.; Emma .Whealdon
on the piano. Lewis Judson fol
lowed with an . interesting talk:
on the -arrival of his grandfather
to Oregon and his pioneer experf
lenees. - ; ' , - " 1 j
Luncheon was served , by Mrs.
FVy Hulsey, Mrs. Grace .Craig
and I Mrs. Irma Robare. . Mrs;
Emma Whealdon was in i charge
of the program. ; ir j 'j'j
: J - r-,---e. . j . I
The Twenty: Century elub met
at .the home of Mrs. Ivan Put
man. Members present were,
Mrs. John Amort, Mrs. John Bot4
tlner, Mrs. Neal Wolf, MrsL Cbas
McAllister, Mr. Vernon McAllls-i
ter. Mrs. William - Howd. MrsJ
John Grunchow. The nexi meet4
mg wui oe a i me nome ex Mrsj
Byron Wells. i I .
"s.. "Jf aS
to C cert
Tcbrcsry 10jf
Colonial Tea Planned
For February 21 i
The annual Colonial tea spon
sored ;. br the members ot the
Daughters of the American Rev
olution each year as a benefit af
fair for the scholarship loan fund
of the; organization will this year
be given February 21 and will be
held In the home of Mrs. Hal D.
Patton, according to plana made
Saturday in ' regular meeting.
Miss Ruth fRullf son Is chair
man of the committee in charge
ot planning the tea and others on
the committee include Mrs. W.
W. Alien, Mrs. B. L. Steeves.
Mrs.. "Homer Smith. Mrs. Francis
Cornell, Mrs. E. L. Loose, Mis
Nina: MeNary, Mrs. John Carkln,
Mrs. ! K. Hvan Putnam, Mrs. J.. Ly
man Steed. Mrs. R, O. Balderree,
Mrs. G. C Rlegelman, Mrs. H. 8.
Plnkerton and Miss Lillian , Ap-.
plegate. " . '': . '
. A second matter of importance
waa the reminder that the dis
trict' convention - would - meet in
McMlnnville February 28. Mrs.
Lewis Griffith, secretary will re
ceive reservations for : those who
are going. .-- - -'-"v-U-; v"
' It was also announced that the
Salem 1 Daughters would serve as
hostesses for ' a tea to be given
March 120 in Cbampoeg. Mrs. A.
Western Boy
Amazes Mother
. . . . -
"J. C Jr.'s stomach was often upset
and he had very little appetite,,, says
Mrs. J. C Bradley, Mesquite, Dallas
County, Texas. "He was feverish and
Ids breath was bad. I found he was
"My ' mother always used Cali
fornia Fig Syrup, so I decided to give
my boy some. It surely surprised me
to see how quickly it stopped his
feverishness, cleared , his breath and
tongue, regulated bis bowels; made
him a i strong and energetic boy
again! . a.-,--. -" -
i The quick, safe way to cleanse and
regulate the bowels of bilious, head
achy, constipated children is with
California Fig Syrup. Give it at the
first sign of , bad breath, coated
tongue, i listlessness or feverishness.
Every child loves its rich, fruity
flavor and it acts without griping or
discomfort. Appetite is increased by
Its user -digestion is assisted; weak
stomach and bowels are given tone
and strength. -
i For fifty years,"doctors nave en
dorsed this pure vegetable product.
The genuine is always marked by the
word California, Look for that when
buying or you may get an imitation.
C .M i M r i 1 gOfi t z
e -
v - - i---. 1.
W f'J W:
. . . . i. i. - r i
. - i ..- - : - ' ' - - .. t -
j !. " M esjs " mm ' '
E. Austin, Mrs. H. T. Love, Mr.
Kelta Powell, lln. YT. D. John
ston, and Mrs. William F. Fargo
were appointed by the regent.
Afrs. John Orr, to'tci on tho tU
committee for this affair. - . r
The Toung "K Married People's
club of . St. Paul' Episcopal
. . . baking
kitchen-corn fort w ay !
TS really amazing the dlf-
fcrence the Insulated Tappan
makes in kitchen tasks. Your
Oies, cakes, and delicious roast
dinners seem to march out of
the oven in lest time, with
less work than ever before!
And through it all your kitchen
stays pleasant and comfortable
U the heat sealed in the oven
br hearjr Insulation Mirror
like chromium oven lining gives
a tempting brown to your foods.
Automatic oven heat control
does the 'pot-watching; you
aren't detained an extra min
ute in the kitchen 1 Has closed
cooking top and a new Smoke
less Broiler. '
i a
Joyous ;
for Smart Feet
SUPERB creations, with
exclusive inbuilt features
that banish fatigue, civs joy
ous action-comfort, keep the
foot youthful expressive,
buoyant.. : ...
New styles for every occur
ion every costume
church will meet V.eJn?K isy
night for a no host dinner at 1:20
o'clock and this will be followed
by a Valentine party in the p ar
ith haM. Mrs. Thomas Larkin
jyUJJaiis is chairman of the com
mittee i and will be assisted by
Mr. G. Sanders, and Mrs. V.'iu
i. Tionrhton.- Richard Robertson
1s president of the class.
this ne w
,' ' authorizes j
$10 off
from every new Tappan
Range '
i- :