The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    T OrUTWl STATT5MAN; fiI?-. Crc n, T
-. r,:--rv 10. 1231.
GnnWqn Estate Estate of
loader Creenbaum hM been p
; praised at I24.2IC.3S, according
to papers . filed with the county
clerk yesterday showing that the
"widw, ae executrix. U ready for
bearing on her final account.
The bearing baa been set for
'March 10. An rdeF was entered
'allowing the executrix and- es
tate attorney. Pge and 4 Page,
each 1608.75 fees for their band
ling of (be estate. The accounts
show eosts alnce demise of Mr.
Creenbaum reacbed IS.7tS.Ct.
'The estate was appraised by Ed
Rostein, Joseph Adolph and Al
ice H. Page, and puts value of
17.900 on the deeeased's bait In
terest In the department f store.
owned lolatly with his son
' Adolpb. ' " ;
Dollar dinner ever night 5:45
:. ft af UartAII Ka1 I
TTo Committee) Meet R. W-
Ta renner. secondary- school ' su
'tervlsor. win be ., In Corrallls
Thursday sight to attend a meet
lag of tbe executive -committee
of the high school principals' aa-
oeiatlon. Tavenner la secretsry-
treasurer; Principal Blttner of
'Grant high school. Portland, is
president; John Hanson of Prine
"rille fs vice-president; Paul Jack- j
eon et Klamath Falls is bold oxer I
member; and Principal Brand
etator of Astoria is new mem-
. her. gupt. C. "A.'. Howard of the
state education department will
ralw attend. ; ' j
v 8.BJI. dance U. Park tonite.
. O'Leary Arraigned Richard
" "Dick O'Leary. who baa been
"la the county jail here alnce tbe
latter part of the year, waa ar
raigned before Judge McMahan
yesterday morning and Friday
"morning he .will enter bis plea on
charge of larceny by bailee. Tbe
charge on which be waa arraign
ed 'was for removing luncheon
pads from tbe restaurant, which
b operated here.' which pads are
alleged to bare belonged to the
Capital City laundry.
Kef erec Report B. J. J. MI1
' lex,v Theodore Rubens and, Hugh
Fisher, refereea in the property
dispute in the circuit court ease
of Herbert W. Savage val Mar
i tha M. Clark yesterday filed
their -report, showing distribu
' tion of certain landa to ! Helen
Saucier. Kathryn HeNulty, John
P. Kavanaugh, Henry J. Kavan
augh. llary C KaTanaugb, Anna
McKay and Martha Clark.;
Drv planer. O. T.. milt block.
or dry slab. lS-ln. Large Id. $SJ0.
,m ava
r. r
z Ids. S10. Tel. 1542. rrea e
-Wells, Inc.
: Divorce Granted Divorce de
"' eree'bas been ' filed In lease of
Gladys M. Schmidt vs. Louvera B
1 Schmidt, allowing plaintiff dt-
vorce. She is given care of tbe
minor child and 150 a month
support money. Defendant is or
dered to nar S75 attorney fees
for the plaintiff before certain
date. They were married la Long
view, Wash., -February 1929.
Delegates NamedConstance
Krebs, Agnes Miller, Russell
Scott and John Fisher bare been
named Salem high delegates to
the annual educational j confer
ence to be held Friday aad Sat
urday at the Oregon State col
lege at Corrallls. These students
expect to attend the college next
fall. The faculty chaperane has
not been named.
Shed dry wood-coal. Prompt de
livery. TeL 13, Salem Fuel co. -
Motions Seek Clarity Motions
to make parts of the complaints
more 'definite and certain, were
filed with the county clerk! yester
day in two circuit court cases.
They are: ' Crown Mills vs. Cherry
City Milling company, and A. D.
Candland' vs. J. H. Campbell.
Both cases Involve alleged breach
of" agreements. -: j''V.
12-In. and lC-in. wood, also
planer wood. $5 per cord load de
livered from car; 15.50 from
yard. Cobbs & Mitchell Co.; 349
S.12th. Telephone 813. , ;.
- Case Set The case of -Relstad
vs. Hansen. In which the plain
tiff seeks $2359 as result of In
juries sustained in an automo
bile collision, will be beard be
fore Judge Lv H. McMahan be
ginning this morning at 9:00
o'clock. i .
Committee to Bfeet -The ex
ecutive committee of the Marlon
county- department of health will
bold its - regular monthly meet
ings at the Salem health center
! Wednesday night at 7:39 o'clock.
Judge J. C. Siegmund -Is chair
man of the committee, j '
. Hearts Salem'a finest and lar
geat display.- Packed with that
know bow touch. Tbe Spa.
f Clinics Today Preschool and
school children at Mill City will
be examined in a clinic tn be held
there today by Dr. C. C Dauer
; of the county health department.
A toxin antitoxin-clinic will be
held at Scotts Mills, with Dr.
Douglas In charge. j
Applies for License G. ' G.
"Beckner., operator of the M. W.
A. dance hall three-quarters of a
mile west of Chemawa, yesterday
: filed application for renewal of
tbe danca ball license, s
; Drunk is Charge Joe Falllni
was arrested early Sunday morn
lag on . drunk and disorderly
charges, T He was later ! released
upon an' order from Judge Poul
sea. !
O . .
Bfarchand To Mr. ahd Mrs.
Roy Marchand of Salem route
six, a boy, pal Irrin, born Feb-
ntary 7. .-"v
Robins To Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Lester Robins, 1197 North
' 5th, a girl, Barbara Jean, born
. February 3.
Rarey To Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Russell Rarey of Tillamook,
a son, bonx February; 8. Mrs.
Rarey waa formerly Charlotte
r j
Dixon Released G.I Ct Dixon,
arrested Saturday for Condon of
ficials, was released . from the
county Jail ISondiy after the Gil
liam coaaty sheriff arrived and
Dixon settled . the bad cheek
counts on which, be was ordered
held. fHe was arrested near
Hearts Hundreds new on dis
play, and this year for less. The
Spa.-; rt;,;....r' v ;
-Klamath Wiaste Battery D.
3 Ota coast artillery, Klamath
Falls, has been awarded the Ore
gonlan trophy for tbe highest per
centage of drill attendance of any
military unit In Oregon during the
past year. This is the -third con
secutive : time that the Klamath
Falls company baa wen this honor.
Settled Oat of Court Tha
case of Rice vs. Director schedul
ed to have been heard yesterday
by Judge. L. H. McMahan of cir
cuit court department one . was
called off. after settlement bad
been reached outside of'coart, -
May Hear Boon Application
to place on trial docket waa made
yesterday in circuit court cases of
J. C. GIbaoa vs. Alfred Down; and
Clarence R. Shroek vs. C. HL Oa
trin and others of the Salem. San
itary Milk company.
Sale' Reported I Ellxabeth
Janx, guardian of the 'person and
estate of William Wiley Gash, a
minor has reported sale of real
property belonging to ber ward to
Fred i Tracy for ft.000. The
property Is in Ashland.;
I : ! I ' ' ."
Manages Estate "A. M. Han
sen has been appointed adminis
trator of tbe estate of! John De
Laywood and appraisers hare
been named as follows: Paul Ras
mnssan, W. J. Lfljeqaist and Kd
L,. Townsend. t
Fresh candy. Heart boxes beau
tifully ' packed. Priced lower this
year. The Spa.
To I Reroof Ho
use A d 1 1 a
Cbapler of 2245 Ferry istreet wUl
put a $150 reroof ing" Job on her
dwelling at that address, accord
ing to a building permit issued
Monday. . ;;;; - '. . '
Fined for Conduct John Wil
liams of 1260 North Commercial
street was arrested Sunday after
noon for being drank and disor
derly, j He waa fined f 10 Monday J
i -. I I s - i
Reckless Driving Fine EL H.
Craig was "a little reckless in a
slight accident," according to po-i
lice court reports. He waa fined;
850 for the offense. - I
Account Allowed nnal ! act
count : la estate of Edward E;
Reeves has been approved by th
probate judge. Mrs. XL E. Reeves
is administratrix. j
Erects Dwellings A permit was
Issued : Monday to J. B. Peters to
erect at 5C5 Oxford street, a one
story dwelling, the cost of which
will b 82,500. i u i
Repairs T Dwelling A repair
job will be . done on the Boise
dwelling at 254 North Church
stret soon. AC 3 125 building per
mit was Issued Saturday. .
Hearts 20c to 37.00. Salem's
finest,! The Spa, . :
' - i ! - - - - i r
Estate Appraised Estate of
John W. Harrltt, has I been ! ap
praised at 36051.43 by Roy Bur
ton, Karl Wenger and William
Care..! , ! . ... t
Marriage License License to
wed was issued at the county
clerk's office yesterday .to Pres
ton W. Hale and Leora Redfern,
both of 1902 Broadway street.
Yaitm ffnrth sUn.'U.TCatAtA of
E. E. Dent had been appraised at
3405 by George Palmer, W; H.
Scott and. F. W. Turner.. : ; I
Waste Fire A waste fire at
the corner of Laurel and Hickory
streets attracted firemen at an
early hour Sunday. i ; i
Sawdust Burner Fire -A dam-
ageless fire occurred Sunday
morning in the aawdust burner
at 708 North Liberty atreeU
Church League A church
league governing goard meeting
will be held at the T. M. C. A. at
8:30 Tuesday night.
Junior Board Meets Tbe jun
ior board of the Y. M.C. A. will
meet Wednesday at 7 pi m. I
Speeding Charged .Harry 1 Ey-
erly of Salem was arrested - Mon
day on a charge of speeding, j ; , (
Investigation E. L.i Camieroa
was held for investigation Sunday.
.... ... .-
Growth; 10 are
Sold by Bowman
G. B. Bowman, farm manager
for the E. A. Rhoten j farm aear
Finzer, sold ten pigs ion the lo
cal market that had made hogs
of themselves quickly. The! tea
head were three days! less than
f jar and one-half months j old
and weighed 2030 pounds. ! He
received top price for seven of
them jas they weighed exactly
1400 pounds but the remaining
three j were oversixe! weighing
C30 pounds and Bowman had to
be contented with a less price on
account of their overweight.
This Is unusual tor pigs of that
age. f
- Mr.; Bowman, keeps i about ten
brood i sows i and . markets j the
sum -: mux zrom tne a airy
through this method. Every
week or so be brings; In a load
of porkers but this let was un
usual ! oa account of the heavy
weight, age considered. He ships
sweet cream daily to Portland.!
. j i j-- i
BETHEL, . Feb. - ti - - i The
friends .and neighbors of Mrs.
Mellada Creech and . the , W. . L.
Creech family, extend to . them
sincere sympathy in their sorrow
over the death of their much-
lored ; granddaughter and niece,
Report on Progress is dus
Today; Workers T,!ec
' ' At Lunchecnr ':v
First reports on response met
by tbe T. W. C. A. finance cam
paign worker will be announced
at the luaeheon to be held at the
Y. M. C. A. this noon. The first
meeting of all workers "was held
Monday noon, when Mrs: Elisa
beth Gallaber. general secretary
( the association, aad Rev. Hush
B. Fouke of the Jason Lee chofch
were the principal speakers. ;
Rev: Fouke stressed the fact
that the association Is engaged la
a constructive enterprise for bet
terment of women and girls of
tbe city,, and pointed out bow
much greater is the force of euch
n organization than : et one
Which engages in reconstruction
of human, beings, i . ;
Mrs. Gallaber said I that tha
program-of -the T. W. - C -A. Is
doing much in the city, especially
for the young girls, of whom
there are 300 belonging to the
If Girl Reserve clubs in tbe city.
Home ' and school relationships
have been ' greatly. Improved
through tbe Girl Reserve work,
mothers have declared, Mrs, Gal
laber pointed out.
RemodeUn; Is ,: ' -
Done by Owners
; : She explained that the present
remodeling at the Y. W. head-
Quarters is not costing tbe asso
ciation anything, being done en
tirely by the F. and W. Grand
company, owners, and that no
funds from the campaign are go
ing into thia project. She spoke
also of the housings situation and
acknowledged donations made by
the Ministerial association to as
sist girls la need. '
Devotlona were led byi Miss
Nina MeNary and instructions
were giren by Mrs. F. A. Elliott.
campaign cbairman. . Mrs. M. B.
Wagstaff, employment secretary
or me association, win give a
brief talk this noon on the em
ployment phase of the work.
' Mrs. Maude Presnall has been
named on the team of Miss Helen
Louise Crosby, taking the place
or. airs, uiga noiiard.
srain LEIVIS
For acommodatloa' of patrons
who are asking for the novels of
Sinclair Lewis since ha won the
Nobel prize, the Salem public 11-
orary aas replaced and added a
number of his books, reports Miss
Maud Covington, librarian. There
is an Increasing demand for Lew-
Is WOrkS. ' r . :- t: ,- ,
Among other recent additions to
the library shelves are fire biog
raphies, and with the biography
now such popular reading these
are expected to be in great de
mand.. The new ones are:
Welgall's Nero, the Singing Em
peror of 1 Rome; Petrova, Twice
Born, la Russia; Adams, The Ad
ams Family; Ford. : Letters of
Henry Adams r and Henry Ford,
Edison as I Knew Him.
Among the novels which have
been put in circulation recently
are: Macaulay, Staying With Rela
tives; Maugham, Casuarlna Tree;
Stenso, Waters under the Earth;
Tarleton, Some Trust In Chariots;
Tarklngton, Mirthful Haven; and
Wharton, Certain People.!
New booka for general reading
are: Personality Adjustments of
School Children; Troth, Selected
Readings In Character Education;
Johnson,.' Free Trade, .which Is
largely - debate material; Muller,
County Manager Government:
Eichler, New Book of Etiquette;
Phelps, Socialization of Medicine;
Blinks, Food Purchasing for the
Home; Butts, Reach-Touch .Type
writing; a pamphlet. Cotton, Fab
rics and Their Uses; Wicks, Log
Cabins and Cottages. How to
Build and Furnish Them; Sand
burg, American Sand Bag; Loyd,
Loyd and His Puzzles; Best Short
Stories of 1 9 3 0 ; Douglas. Good
bye to Western Culture: Peffer.
China: The Collapse of the Civil
ization; Kittl, The Peace River
Country of Canada, its Resources
and Opportunities, k t
Three Cases of
Scarlet Fever j
; Noted in County
Three cases 'of ' scarlet fever
were reported yesterday to the
county department of . health.
Two of the cases appeared In one
family at Aumsrille, according
to the county nurse who serves
that district, and "The other ease
was reported from Mt. Angel.
Dr. V. A. Douglas, county
health officer, will visit the pa
tient this morning. - No know
ledge of origin of the cases was
had yesterday. ; "
Club Works on -
: Grange Quilt
Tbe regular meeting of tbe Home
Economics club was held Thurs
day afternoon In the grange halL
The ladles : put another quilt on
tbe frames and began quilting on
It. This quilt was donated by Mrs.
Wttavet epraas er Tom f Usm. j
! SIS Orasaa Bug.- ,
Da Chaa Lam Oat.
ee MxUcin. its
V. Commercial Sfc,
SalMk Of Me soar
very Sob4 :S0
f 6:30 fa. Sarins
ta moatas et Im.
and Jan.
Ellis Stevens and promises to be
very attractive waea fiaishtd. "
i At ' the regular grance meeting
to be hell Friday eveaiag. Febru
ary 13, a program will b given
during the lecture hoar. It la pos
sible that EUte LecUrsr Llarie
FUat McCaU will be sreseht and
some of tha numbers on the pro
gram will be given by W. H. Ste
vens. Mrs. Lb A. Essoa. Miss vio
let Kantaby, Mrs. Florence Oddla,
Mrs. A. J. CUne, V. Vaa Brock
Ua and ethers not yet announced.
ANKEMY BOTTOM, reb. . .-
The : Good Cheer Circle, Sidney
school C-H ctab. held . its .regw-
lar meettnsT Tmesday atternooa.
Roll call war answered by It
the club pledge and a report of
work done. Mist- Oaa Emmonds,
local, club .leader, presented the
crab charter. : ; : - .
Mrs. JC F. Glmear was a vis
itor at the school 4 wring tbe
past week. . .. -;:','
- Tbe fallowing ., pupil af f5ld
ney school : received nenmaashit
awards this week: Fourth grade
Aneta Gllmour, C, M; Ida Bel
knop, Lois Gllmour, Velma Shel
ley, G. Fifth grade Lanlae GII-p
mour, Russell watts., o: Neva
Emmonsf M:- Elsie Doughty, VI,
D. ; Sixth grade Norma Hamp
ton. C, . M, D. Seventh grade-
Arthur Zehner, C; Georgie GU-
mour, C, M. D..
Medal C is the first award, M
the second, D the third. r - 1
, Tbe average rating Of this
group . according to the AyreS
penmanship test givea weekly Is
much higher than the U. S. av
erage by grades. v r
Annabelle Smith, - first grade,
has been absent this week be
cause of Illness. -
The Ankeny Grange play,
"Two Days to Marry" will be
presented at the grange hall on
Wednesday. Feb. 11. at 8115 P
m. Chances, on a quilt will Je
sold at the play. Daring an inter
mission this quilt will be raffled.
Admission is 35e for adults and
10c for children.
The .committees for the coming
meeting of the community club
oa Thursday evening, February
12. is baaey preparing an Inter
eating program. They hope to
have aeveral musical numbers
and readings and a two act com
edy A Perplexing Situation"
will be given.
Members of the cast are: Miss
Irene Windsor, Miss Marjorie
Walling, Miss 'Blanche Haekett,
Mrs. Grace Crawford, Mrs. Hulda
Smith, Mrs. Helen Craig, Mrs.
Grace McKinney, Donnel Craw
ford, Frank Matthews, Ben Mo-
klnney, Vivian Stratton, Claude
Walling and Arlle Simkins.
Mrs. y. B. winosor, Mrs. rv.
A. Stratton and A. E. Simkins
are in charge of the program.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smith and
Mrs. S. 8. Wilson will have
charge of refreshments.
The young people In the dramatic
club went to Hubbard lest Friday
evening - and gave- their play,
"Beads on a String," In the white
schoblhouse there. Next Friday
evening It will be presented at
Bethany, near SUrerton. it
A baseball team baa been or
ganized at the North Howell grade
school, with John Coomler as cap
tain. Other members of the team
Include Anton Woelke, Raymond
Jefferson. Joe Ditchen, Dale .Ful
ler, Paul Hagan, Merle Kurre,
Glea Rlckard and Harry Seism.
Joe Woelke has kindly agreed
to act as coach, and the team ex
pects to play its first game with
Parkeraviile next Friday.
Several of our yoang people are
helping the Parkersvllle folks ar
range a program for the near fu
ture. ; - . i
The electric light service Is be
ing extended to the homes , of W.
M. Oddle sad 8. & Rlckard.
Governor Asks
j How Much Pay
Governor Meier yesterday sent
a letter to Attorney General Van
Winkle asking for a legal opin
ion as to the amount of the gov
ernor's salary.
The statute provides' that the
governor shall receive a salary of
37500 a year, while a provision
of the state constitution provides
that he shall receive only $1500
Oil 8103. Used FwraUare
Department " ;
131 n. mail
f w J Jvy p
hill I lliiiC OUiiUuL!
62 Students Aided Jnl Last
Semester, Kree nev
- Work that the part time eea-
tlnuatloa school, eondncted Joint
ly by tha Smith-Haghes project ;
ad tbe Salem school board, did:
darlag tbe first semester of the
fehool year has been santmw
tzsd by Miss Gertrade Aadersoa,
director, aad shows that 12 stu
dents, 37 girls aadj ts beys, were
carolled..' - ,1 . 1 - 1 A
Dnrtag the first term tbe ave
rage? attendance was 21. Half of
the girls enrolled were engagea
1st regular - duty as honaeauids
and the ether half? worked from
three to five - days a week as
bensemalds, - Fifty4wo per cent
Of the boys had steady t work.
while -others workef at odd Jobs.
; Three new students have en
rolled so Tar this aemesair, and
thare- U. room for a many more
boys and girls what care to " con
tinue their studies' while working
to- support themselves, snd xn
pome Instances their families. A
few students are making up. back
work and hope, later, to reeater
ruu ume school.
Each. Works a
Dwn Time Allows
At the part Urn continuation
school, which la conducted In the
basement of the senior high
school, all Instruetion Is indi
vidual, except apeiUag and drills
la rapid calculation so the. num
ber of aabjects taken by the stu
dent may - be governed by the
time the student Is able to spend
away from work. Some take as
high as four suhjedts.r j ;
.The subjects - offered . ire de
stined to help the! boy and girl
with the-job at which he! or she
is employed and to assist social
adjustment. .. ? , f ? - I I !
' Many students enroll for the
typing classes, ' which are con
ducted in room 1-M of the high
school each Monday and Thurs
day beginning at 13: IB t o'clock.
These classes ate ' open" to stu
dents who have naa typing ana
wish : to brush'1 pj while i unenvf
ployed and to beginners. Miss
Elizabeth Hogg of the high
school faculty is Instructor. It is
urged that boys and girls wish
tug to take this work for this
semester, enroll now, j j ?
The sewing class, organized
December S for a 24-hour course,
has 16 enrolled. Many things are
made, and some stress Is given -to
remodeling old garments. Mrs.
Davis of O. S. C. is the Instructor.
Any one Interested (nj enroll
ing In the part time work may
call Miss Aadersoai by telephone
at 403-W. , j
Men in Prison
Who Shouldn't
Be There, Claim
"One-third of the meal la: the
Oregon state penitentiary should
n't be there." wast the Startling
statement in a talki by Rev. Di" J.
." .' Osbbrm -: " j j, I !
Mrs. Telle O shorn died' at . the
residence Of daughter at j Brooks
February t, aged 63 years; wife
of J. H. Osbora; mother of Mrs.
O. L. Allison of ; Brooks, Mrs.
Cliff White of Turner aad Mrs.
Harvey King of Salem: six
grandchildren surviving.
al services " Tuesday, February
10, at 1 p. m. from tbe Tenrll
liger funeral homel Rev. Mickey
officiating. Interment Belcrest
Memorial park.
Kreba - A ' i
Marjorie Lois Krebs died ! In
this city February 8, aged 3
years; daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Krebs; slater of Eliza
beth May, EugeneJ Jr., and Al
bert William, all of West. Salem.
Funeral services Tuesday, Feb
ruary 10, at 1:30 p. m. from the
c ha pei of the Qlough-Barrlek
company. Rev. M. A. Groves of
ficiating. Interment City View
cemetery. . I j f.. . i
City .View Cemetery
Established 1S93 TeL 1280
" Conveniently Accessible ,
Perpetual care provided for
. Prices Reasonable
. saos Uodcrataly
A Park Cemetery
with perpetiial care
Jast ten minutes from the
heart of town
JL nnrsxii. prmixnreag :
Ow frrtb ki rvtMoat
Oar Pimm In
Ob Emm to Mora
Z4eust Zasy SatkatsMff
Waul &tcz?2zz:
i i -
Howe at Willamette nalversity
chapel. Monday. Mr. Slows is chap
lain, of the Oregon 'penitentiary.
He recently returned from a crime
study convention in Kentucky.
The way to. check crime, of
fered Tt2V. Howe, "is ta train
small children. Uany gj gnr trlA
tsals comb from homes' in which
the children were Improperly rais
ed, we are at fault If one. such
home exists la Salem today.
- "Notions man In the pen Is to
tally depraved." Tbe speaker
brought oat In his talk that one of
the great causes of crime Is Idle
ness. "Keep doing; something
Worth while." he said.
; ' Announcement of the date, and
rules for the ' annual Marion
county public speaking contest.
which will be held April 17 at
the - Eugene Field sehoo.1 audi
torium in. siiverton, was maue
yesterday by Mrs. Mary L. Ful-
kerson, county school superin
tendent, i .'
; The - contest .-will be divided
Into two divisions, grade sehool
and high school, with one contes
tant from each district eligible
to renter each division.
Names of all contestants must
be sent to i Herman Kramer. SU
rerton junior high, Siiverton, be
fore March 20.
- Grade school entrants will
give a reading . of their own
choosing, . not mora than five
minutes In length.
High school entrants will give
an extemporaneous speech of not
mere than six minutes on "The
Unemployment Situation la
America". Sub-topics will be giv
en on the evening of the contest.
Both groups will be judged on
voice, stage appr trance and ef
fectiveness. No special costumes
will be allowed.! ' and promotinn:
contestants in their lines or ges
tures wm j be barred.
In each ! division, a gold -nedsl,
silver medal and honorable men
tion will be awarded. -
Tickets on Sale
For Symphony's
Program Feb. 17
' Salem's i symphony . orchestra
which Is organised under the aus
pices of the Y. M. C. A will give
a concert la the armory on the
evening of February 17.
- Tickets are now belng sold by
members of the junior division of
the Y. M. C. A. Any member of
that group has them.
; Salem music and bey lovers are
Informed by the junior board
that 75 per cent of tbe net pro
ceeds from the ticket sale, will go
to buying and keeping- la condi
tion soma permanent features
for the Y. M. C. A. camp at
oeeanaiae. i
J PRATUM. Feb. 94 Mrs. Har
old de Vries, principal of the
school here, accompaaled the
sixth, seventh and eirhth cradea
to Salens Wednesday to listen to
the lawmakers. Both Mrs. de
Vries and Miss Ethel McDowell
attended the teachers institute
at Siiverton Saturday.
Cure Colds, Headaches, Feyer
1 '6 6 6 SALVE
i A remedy- proved by the
test of time.'
j A preparation used aad
recommended every day by
many thousands of people,
for a run down condition of
the blood and the symptoms
caused by It.
j 1650 is purely a vegetable
compound and as such Is per
fectly harmless and does not
create a desire for opiates or
: Equally effective by all
ages and the most delicate
constitution. !!
, Sold only at ,
Drui? Store
Tha original yellow front can
d special store of Salem.
185 N. Com! ftc Phone 197
Peaalar Agency -
m -ODD
Special Sale of Salvage
Charles R. Archerd Implement Co.
349 Ho.
Jf interested i4
TOw,.Orcliard and Horae-drawn Disk Harrows, Binders,
Drills, Gas Engines, etc., you should look thesa gooda
over as they are being sold at very low prices. p .
Purchasing any of the above goods means profit to you
through saving in cost i
-;v";"'":: ; :: ;' -i .- .
Funeral service held " Sunday
afternoon at the St. Paul Episco
pal church for Julia Creech was
one of the largest ever held la
the city for a private citizen, the
church being filled to capacity
aad fully 200 persons unable to
get Inside. Floral pieces were
exceptionally beautiful and raa
into many . numbers, many of
these coming from Eugene and
Portland. ..
Her sisters of the Kappa Kap
pa Gamma, social sorority ea the
University v of Oregon campus,
where Miss Creech was a sopho
more, attended the services in a
body. Many other friends, from
the student bodr and faculty of
the university were here. The
procession to Belcrest Memorial
park was fully 150 cars long,
and it was necessary, to delay
the committal service a half
hour before all gathered before
the grave. v
. Miss Creech died la a Eugene
hospital Friday evening after a
sudden serious Illness. She was
the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. Creech of this city.
Japanese Pastor
Oi San Francisco
Conducts Services
HAZEL, GREEN. Feb. t."
Rev. Tsuder of San Francisco
preached to the Japanese con
gregation at the Ogura hall on
Lake Lablsh Wednesday evening
and at Hayesville Tuesday eve
ning. : ; ' ' --7;
, , i n
r' 'ri
The daily press tells of increasing nunibers of cases c?
sore throat. A sore throat is a menace to the person
who has it, and to those' around him. : Don't neglect
the condition. Check the soreness and the injection
, with Bayer Aspirin ! ' Crush three tablets in tuniHcr
ful of water and gargle well. You can feel the im
mediate relief. The soreness will be relieved at once.
The infection will be reduced. Take Bayer tablets for
your cold ; and for relieving the aches and pains common
to colds. Bayer Aspirin! brings quick comfort in
neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, etc. Get the genuine.
Willi tne .Bayer cross on each tablet:
r n 1; ) p
With lower rain and mill
lower prices on your feed.
In city.
as lb. sacks Ol.UU
with cod nver ell d-f or
anA mUk 3X0J
1M lbs,
ruLP, in lbs. .. DAUt)
D. A. Wliite& SoH
261'SUte St,
of the
Commercial Ct. Salem,
a Tractor Gang Plow, Tractor Disk HaiN
Sunday afternoon at t ,
Lee ciiurc-, -"!;::, V i -Rev.
'lwa, baptized Ey .
Kljro MIo, TaUuro YacJj, I
Greer, Martha Nakashina, I v it
land, G. El. Tsruim. r-v si-etSt-'GUtge
Ettjal, , Ca?'i
Fukuda, Quinaby, Tomrir C:xn,
Brooks, Shleje Furukaws .
i . ..
Baptism Given
10 Youths Ft cm
Labish Colony
Ten Japanese young; j-ople of
the community church at Lake
Labtsh were . baptized at special
services held Sunday afternoon
St the Jason Lee church here.
Rev. S. Ntwa, partor of the Jap
anese community church, was ia
charge of the service. T. S. 11 a c
.kenxie sang a solo. Mrs. G. Hi
Ross, president of the council of
church womea. was a special
The young folk who were bap
tised were: Tommy Orari,
George TerasakI, TaUuro Yada,
Bea Teruaaki, George Sural,
Shiga Furkaws, Sucte Fukuda.
Kiyo Mlo. Martha Nalcashlna
Sad Fumio. Mlo. A picture cf
the group waa taken. .
Forest Measure
Is Turned Bad:
The aeaate yesterday ref err.
to a committee Senator Woo
ward's bill authorizing the state
to acquire forest land. Acquisi
tion could be made under the bill
by gift, purchase or transfer of
title by the counties.
- Senator Burke declared that
the bill waa dangerous tor the
reason that it did not fix a mix
lmym price on the lands. !
feed prices we can make 70a
1 awe . . w - m e
lenns, jasn, iree aeiirery
loerbs. bl.OO
lt lbs. O.
'Ael V
DADEtT FTZD, a Ligh graas
str.......... si.40
Phone 160 !
... j 0 . j
T t-3 PI AT
rroisan of Salem. ;
juiia Creech. - - : .