The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    "The CIIEGON .STATESMAN. EzUrz, Ofegcri, Tttcsday ETornfor. February 10. 1931
Visitors - From N carb y
Towns Attend Evening
' '' Meeting
TURNER, Feb. -The Wg
rally . that the local "Christian
church has been preparing for.
for weeks, was a reality ; Friday
evening with -the church, auditor
lorn filled, and a number of -people
present from nearby towns.
The Kellems party arrived Fri
day afternoon and ware enter
tained at the parsonage., f
Rev. E. J. Gila trap wheq Introducing-
the guests. , mentioned a
boy's Sunday -school." class he
taught Borne years ago at Eugene.
The Kellem brothers werei mem
bers of the class And a more mis
chievous i group, could xiot .'be
found. ,j ' : .
Singing Featured
Homer Kellem. led the congre
gational singing. - Tlaltlng groups
were asked to stand - andj each
ting & Terse. V..: 1
Mrs. Homer Kellem was! lntro-
- duced from the- platform j where
she . drew a picture of natural
scenery, during the opening song
service. The picture . was i - later
. presented to Mrs. E. J. Gilstrsp.
Prayer was offered -by W. JH. Ly
man of Etayton. , , j ,;
The .scripture lesson was-' en
Joyed by members of the. congre
gation, repeating. Bible verses.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kellem sang
very effectively, "Ashamed j of Je
sus" accompanied by Mrs. Earl
Cook. - - ". ' - '. - .
. Theme Is Question - -Dr.
Jesse Kellem was Intro
duced and said it. seemed like a
homecoming to get, back jto the
beautiful Willamette valley with
its fine atmosphere and fine peo
ple. The theme for the evening
was an old one but the greatest
question found la the new . Tes
tament. - ; . . j
' "Sirs, what must do to be
saved' with three parts io the
Biblical answer "BeHeve en ' the
Lord Jesus Christ," "Repeat ye"
and "arise and be baptised." If
the people of, today would - only
. 'get back to real faith and prayer,
the kind Paul and Stlaa had,
when they preached to ! multi
tudes who were moved to confess
and believe after ,.- hearing one
sermon. -
Peter and his effective preach
ing was also referred toj The
story of the talented Paul was
; dramatically . recited, mentioning
- the steps Paul took -before he be
came a Christian;- he was con-
i vlcted,. he .prayed, believed' and
; was baptized, then went to work.
!-. - Salem Pastors Heard
Rev. D. J. Howe, pastor jot Sa
lem First Christian church and
. who Is also state president of the
'New Testament board of evan-
. gelism. was v Introduced and
said, "If we are not working for
evangelism, we are , loosing out
K and the gospel dots not reach
lives who need help We certain
ly need evangelistic teams and
; gospel campaigns. . , r " t - :.
Rev. B. F. Shoemaker of the
; Bungalow Christian church, Sa-
:. lem, said a county. earn palgn and
rally would be of untold benefit
for the people .and the church,
: the same sentiment, was express-
ed by w. H. Lyman of Stayton
i and Mrs. M. Livingston of Sil
i verton remarked, that j their
church had already, started a
campaign. Dr. H. C. Epley said
he believed the time was ripe for
. such a rally as proposed . and
that the churches broadly speak
ing are not working with the zeal
they should, also he mentioned
the challenge thrown out to law
abiding people, to do something
; against the propaganda against
; the enforcement of good laws and
surely a revival la needed i to in
spire people to . help get big
: things accomplished.
Dr. Kellem mentioned some of
his experiences when preaching
: in England and South America,
. and closed by saying "history
says, periods of depression have
r always been followed by religious
revivals and America has been
worshipping gold and the god of
war . if Marion coanty churches
r decide for a religious campaign
in. the spring it should follow the
big 'Portland meeting ttat is
opening in Portland and will be
conducted by the Kellems.
A plan was mentioned that
iWestl Salem News
WEST SALEM. Feb. 9. Mr.
and Mrs.-: Delbert Moore- and lit
tle daughters, Nlta" Marie and
Patricia Colleen - of Eugene were
Sunday visitors it - the .home of
Moore's parents, ? Mr. i and Mrs.
F. .M. Moore. Delbert who will be
remembered here for his" skill on
the violin when a boy -la a teacher
of music at the University of Ore1
eon. He also teaches music at the
Eugene high school and has pri
vate pupils as well. Other recent
guests of the F. M. Moore family
were Mr. and . Mrs-. Jesse Moore
and small son .Donald of Portland
and ,Ross .Moore of Fairfield. -;
Mrs.J. A: Gosser spent Frjday
and Saturday, in Portland as. the
guest 'of relatives. -j i, v
"MrTand Mrs. W. TS. Ruth spent
the week end In Portland where
they were guests' of MrkRuth's
brotner and sister-in-law. Mr.t
and Mrs. , Lee ; Hods-don and ' also
visited 'the automobile show.
Mr. and Mrs: P. L. Clarke and
sons Robert and Donald of Sa
lem were Sunday dinner guests
ot Mrs: Clarke's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. I. Miller. . i , -
Misses Lena i nd Leu ora Bohle
of Lebanon and Mrs. Hi W. Rled
esel of Salem were callers at the
Floyd DeLapp and the S. p; Wise
homes Sunday. The Misses Bohle
are cousins of Mrs. DeLapn and
Mrs. . Riedesel is " her grand
mother. .. ;" , -i -
Mrs.tM. E. Davis who recently
suffered a paralytic stroke Is still
lying at the point of death at her
home on Skinner street;
H.,C.! TJnrulrrbo since. the first
of the year has been- visiting rel
atives In South Dakota1 is expect
ed home In a few days." .
Overnight guests of Mrs. Nan
nie , Griffin Sunday were her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. O. V. Sloan who recently
Sold their rooming house in Port
land and have now gone to Quin
alt, Wn.," where they will both be
employed in the government for
est service. Mrs. Sloan In office
work and her husband: as a for
est ranger Mrs. C H.I Chalfant,
another daughter of Mrs. Griffin
Is employed in the forestry office
at Bend. j "
Mrs.! Elmer Boyer i who has
been living this winter at the
home'of .her sister, Mrs. Felix
Wright at 1272 Franklin" street
Is returning to Hood River where
her husband Is employed. The
Wrights recently traded -- the
Franklin street property for acre
ge near the fairgrounds and ex
changed the acreage for a house
la Salem-, where thex expect to
make their home. : .' , - !
Mrs. Rose Burleigh Is home
again after Upending, a week at
the Joe Barber home at 30 Hbyt
avenue, Salem. Mrs. Burleigh was
an overnight guest Saturday at
the J. W. Simmons home at Orch
ard Heights. - '
Claude and John Martin, small
sons of-Mr. and Mrs: E. A. Mar
tin: have been quite 111 for several
days, v . . ... , .
One hundred and - seventeen
women members and friends of
the. West Salem Missionary so
ciety composed the group, who
visited two Salem laundries sev
eral days of last week. The so
ciety is about 85 richer as a
result of the plan. 1 .
would i take are of the expenses
of a : rally. -Rev. Shoemaker pro
nounced the benediction.
t HAZEL GREEN, Feb. 9 The
4-H Sewing club met Friday af
ternoon at the Peter . Woe Ike
home with Miss Hazel Woelke as
liostessJ ." Mrs. J. V. Lehrman and
Mrs.-.; Mathleyfi visitors. The 20
members : were all present, -
First : division includes Klml
Tada. Dorothy, Dunnlgan, Hilda
Slattum, Beatrice Johnson,- Daisy
Rutherford. They having finish
ed dish towels, will make needle
cases. -" -: v
-' Second division.' Ina Zellnski,
Eml Tada, Symlo Mlo, Klyo Mlo;
Stella I Cook. Jun Dunnlgan,
Charlotte Van Cleave,: Edna Ru
therford, ' Ruth Montandon, Lu
cille Dunnlgan, Dorothy Hufford.
Margaret Dunnlgan, Alice Mon
tandon, Hazel Woelke. ! .
; This : division is making pillow
slips and dresses. Mrs.- Ralph
Gilbert, r leader. Mrs.: Woelke
served refreshments. Mrs. Gilbert
and Hazel Woelke played piano
solos. : . - - - - - - ....
Bus Bill Hearing
Attracts Many
i LINCOLN. Feb. 9. A number
of people of Lincoln and adjoin
Ing districts attended the public
bearing before the educational
committee In the house of rep-
resentatlves Wednesday morn
i This hearing was the discus
sion of House Bill 51, which is a
bill to repeal tne rree ous trans-
nortatlon of high school stu
dents. I T. J. Merrick: was the
Lincoln representative, i
The Pacific Telethone Aivb Telegrath CoSipant
- ' ' . i. - 1 V .
ji gracious fXJalenime
TPjTE WHO would tend thought to iom fair
JL JL lady oa St. Valentine's Day can search far for.
a way to her heirt,' and fare worse, than by. tending
his own roce. :. . ..-v.. .j. j ' - ...,....
Inter-city telephoning Is a method that St. Valen
tine never dreamed of, but one of which that gallant
eld saint would heartily approve. ' r f
- WOODBURN, February - t
The 18 6lh howitzer company of
Woodburn received It s, annual in
spection .Friday. Major ' A. M.
Jones of the seventh Infantry at
Vancouver Washington, Inspect
ed the . guard company. Captain
Alexander Magee of Salem and
Captain Hutton, of the SUverton
company' were also visitors. ; ? ' f
, A satisfactory rating Is expect
ed for the company, as . the In
specting officers- were apparent
ly well pleased -with: the eam
pany's ; appearaheer Lieutenant
Elhurn T. Sims is in charge ot
the JWoodburn company, . taking
the post vacated by Oliver 8. Ol
son, who was recently promoted
to the rank of major. Sims ex
pects to receive his commission
as captain soon. '
over the records and equipment
cf ; the company laT the" afternoon
and Inspected the personnel of
the- eompany- In the evening.-
Before official Inspection be
gan Major Jones presented Major
Olsen with a'saher and spurs-and
Chain, a gift from . the.Woodburn
company.-'"'" r " ' " '
t : After Inspection.' a. 'feed, was
served and a dance jras.-given-
SILVERTON, Feb. . John
Porter, - county, road Jcommlsslon
r, who has ' been "seriouslyl 111
with i an attack ot;lnfluenzai - Is
reported as being slightly im
proved although he Is still under
the care, of a special . nurse.-Mrs.
Porter who has- been -suffering
from Infection Is also improving.'
- ' ' r -, , j r: f .
i BETHEL, Feb. i 9 Mr. r and
Mrs. jtoy Mars hand r are th.e
proud . parents of a fine boy,
born - Saturday morning In the
Henderson maternity home: The
baby has been named Dale Er;
win. f- Mrs.- Marshand and. baby
The. Inspecting officers looked are doing well. -
ll.'.S COSIM Fffl
I HUBBARD, Feb. 9, -A feature
of . the Country Fair j held at the
Raraldel school house'- Saturday
evening was the singing by the
Ruraldel . chorus directed by Ed
win : Eyman. The songA "Way
Down Yonder in the Cornfleld,, a
rollicking ' negro melody,- was
greeted with rounds of -applause.
: Other numbers on the program
included a skit, "A puarrel In an
Automobile' by Miss Inez -and
Clinton -Lyle - Impersonating , a
young married couple, and Edwin
Eyman,- the traffic cop; - and;, a
humorous play, "A Dude in a Cy
clone 'Cellar.;, by Mrs. Florence
GotUwald. Mrs. Hilda Jackson,
Miss Eleanor Mitts, Vernon Hey
erly, Clifford Mlttr, Melvln Mitts,
Theodore Kyllo : and Stephen Er
in an. Both numbers were warm
ly received.
After the program . the play
shed and school house became the
scenes of a "lively country fair
with booths of many money-making
devices. Miss Anita - Bevens
and Miss Gungadene Bidgood of
Hubbard, members of the chorus,
dressed as gypsies in bright color
ed, costumes and had charge of a
fortune telling-booth. - ;
Fire Hazard to
: ' - Be Inspected
salary of Oscar Moore, chief
of police, was Increased from
$100 to $120 a month at the
February meeting of the city
council. Edd Becken will act
as pcundmaster for the year,
Mrs. Arthur Hor tod' was ap
pointed as' member of the li
brary board to . succeed Mrs. A.
L. Thomas who: resigned.
The city recorder was direct
ed to have the state fire marshal
come to Independence and make
a survey of the fire hazards of
the city, . -
Ihil liUU.. ; i
ald Jones is having the Vz (litcli
on his Lablsh lake land, Cn-JreJ,
also' having the road Improve ! by
graveling from James Yad's to
the Market road north from Hazel
Green church to Labish Center
road. -
; Peter Woelke, lineman is hav
ing a number of new poles et on
No. 104 Farmers' line. Williara
McCormack is helping.
Joseph C. Zellnski has had qyer
300 cords of fir cut on tbe land
bought of IL a Powell. William
McCormack of Oregon City, Da
vid McCoustln, Hood River and
James Kelzer doing the cutting,
except 25 cords cut by Mr. Zelin
skl's son, Lawrence from ends
left from Doles sold to the new
electric light line last autumn.
i .iti g a
for the best letters on
H ow adverti si ins: ; has
These prominent mm
will make the awards
Heucan Nath
Vice-Pres.,Bank of America National Trust
and Savings Association, Los Angeles;
Pres , Pici&c Advertisiog Qubs Association.
; i. Don FtANOsco
Vice-President Lord & Thomas and Logan,
international advertising sgencr. 4
' 1
Here is Youx. opportunity to turn a pefsboai experi
ence into money, simply by writing a letter. This prize
contest is sponsored by Foster and Kl riser Company, out
door advertising, and a group of the leading newspapers
of che Pacific Coast. j J . i .
The purpose of the contest is to secure first-hand infor
mation,written out of personal experience, as to the contri
bution which advertising is nuking to out eretyday lives.
Nearly everyone is influenced, consciously or otherwise,
.advertising. The sponsors of this contest believe that
tout letter on how advertising has increased happiness will
De a valuable contribution to ajdvertisersjand business men.
Vernon McKenzh
Dean of School of Journalism, University
of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
I . tfllf ' 4 I
To win one of these
. ; generous prizes '
You have only to describe a way in which advertising has
come into your life and changed ir j
Perhaps you have learned through advertising to aban
don a tiresome and difficult method in your housework;
and so have increased your leisure, and your freedom to
follow your own pursuits and pleasures. J
- Perhaps you have substituted the vacuum deaner for the
broom, and made yourself happy with long hours of open
air and sunshine which had formerly been spent in monot
onous, wearisome work. I . x . j : I ' '- .'! j K
Or you may have become acquainted, through advertis
ing, with ranges, refrigerators and other appliances which
lighten labor and safeguard the health of your family. I
It is possible that through advertising you have learned
of a book or a play or a bit of music that has opened to you
new avenues of enjoyment and improvement. - . j
Or a travel adverrisement may have set your wandering
foot on paths of delight that fea'd rxrwhere-- everywhere.
Or you may hive learned of a new food, or soap,: or
tooth paste which has given you pleasure and satisfaction.
Or advertising may have helped you in '
the skillful management of your house
hold budget. I I ! !
newspaper or a magazine or if you received it through the
mail, or over the air. (
f Their only interest is: A dear description of an experi
ence you have had through advertising of any kind without
any mention of what kind of advertising' it was. They are
interested in the experience and not in the advertisement.
It is only necessary . ; !
To relate the effect that the advertisement had upon you
how it sent you off to buy the article or service that you
saw advertised, and the effect of that purchase upon the.
comfort and pleasure of your everyday fife. i : "
. To do this it is not necessary to be a trained writer. A
simple story of an event, filled with deep, personal, humaa
Interest is of greater value than a more pretentious literary
-effort wim less meaning. '
How to enter the contest
To enter the prize letter contest is a simple matter. The
contest is open to everyone except j
An employee of Foster and Kleiser Company, f
An employee of this newspaper. 1 1
Or any persons professionally engaged in advertising.
All other persons are eligible. .'. V
The rules are simplidty itsel '
Letters must not exceed 500 words.
They must be written on one side of the paper only
preferably typewritten otherwise in dear, legible hand
writing and signed with your full name and address. '
They must be addressed to Department of Education,
Foster and Kleiser Company, Eddy and Pierce Streets, San
of February 28;
Write about your
experience . .
1 JW. F. G; Thachex
Professor of English and Advertising,
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon,
. r ; Royal A. Robexts
Associate Professor in Economics, Unfvef
siry of California, Berkeley, California.
These are but a few of the many kinds of
experiences which you may have bad with
advertising. There is no limitation upon
the experience of which you may write .
we are interested in any kind of an exrjeri- :
ice providing ; that it was brought to you
by advertising of some form. - ;
Although the sponsors of this contest
tre engaged in outdoor advertising and
newspaper advertising, a most important
rule of the contest ; is that you must not
mention tbe namt cf tbt publication or the
advertising medium what you saw the advep
tisment which influenced yourtife. The judges
are not interested in knowing whether the
advertisement appeared outdoors or in a
$1000 00
i - i .-I... -
$100 00
- 10 prizes of $30.00 each
- 30 prizes of $20.00 each
100 prizes of $10.00 each
- I -
They must be mailed before midnight;
1931. - . u.
: , One person may not claim two prizes, but may enter as
many letters as he pleases. .?:
Foster and Kleiser Company reserves the right to i eprint
any or all letters recdved in the contest.
No letters will be returned. ; ' j
As soon as the judges have made their
dedsions, announcement will be made in
this newspaper and by personal letters to
the fortunate prize winners. ,
Begin now to win
your prize .
Remember you do not have to be a pro
fessional writer in order to send in a prizd
winning letter.
You must not mention where you saw
the advertisement or whether it was in a
magazine, a newspaper, or an outdoor
poster or in a letter or folder.
- It is thepersonal experience that counts.
Advertising- at one time Or another
'has opened the way to a fuller life and
. greater happiness for every one of us. Tell
us in your Own wordsnot more than1
500 of them how advertising has in
creased your happiness. I
C J-M f V" M rwf Cww n
-'- - - , -: i v ' ..
The Oregon: Statesman.