The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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    Th CnEGDN CTATn3::A!J.ri!:r?. '!r- "Tcrry T:r! , nirr-rr X.
i! 5!LL IS
ffi BIO
I , viNOFiGirr agah; elitidiczss
;-:vnsi,gu: it
Five Hundred Persoib out
- At Hearing on Upton
Senate Measure -
(Continued from page jj)
The opposition was led ty L. P.
- Putnam; who declared himself the
floor leader of delegations from
12 of Oregon's 36 counties. He
stated mores of this kind were
"manufactured by liquor men and
the wet press. lie called upon
A. L. Veazy, Portland attorney, to
detfne the Volstead act and com"
pare tt to the present Oregon dry
law. - ' f ; . -
" Mrs." David T. Honeyman and
Mrs. Henry O. Reid. ot .Portland,
representing the National League
of 'Women tor the Reform! of Pro
hibition, an organization they
. auted with a membership of 2SX).
: 000 women, aupported the, Upton
measure, on the-basis ' that the
- people of the state tad a right to
-exerea themselves. Mfra. Elden J.
teele, also representing j the or-
gaafntion-, charged tnat opptra-
ent were afraid to nut the matter
to a popular vote. -Our law is not
:belng enforced she declared.
( iMims CUl IsuV j . ,
- fZnfoTcemrBt Aid I -
"This is the day of modern liv
ing and no time for a step back-
Teirtng oriaiizan
?Jlf? De-
feat of this measure la an econom-J wmU. -under the 1929 state
iTneceaslty, if good citizenry wUfl intangibles tax. which was de
n hi arrued. EarTTNott. I clared -unconstitutional by the
Yamhill-county prosecutor, de- atate supreme court, Several
clared it was not the purpose ot members s of the- -committee- ax
thnBorter to obtain better en- gued that the refund should be
.fArMmnt hnt th measure was a
n-hrrfnce. I
The -hop growers were -repre-
1 EMi ted by Louis Laehraand; Salem,
vLo referred to the- election of
General "Martin to -congress from
Multnomah county on a wet plat-
form as an indication thel people
demand a right to Tote joa the
Issue? He cited the Wicket-sham
committee report as heing ansat-
Isfactory to the dry admialstra-
ttow arter spenaiBgra naii ;raiinou
dollars In a survey of prohibition.
Why do not the opponent, preach'
temperance In drinking, .tamper-
nce in au xnings. riu-
press fear of the people's!
He added there never was, a law
enforced which did not have popu
lar support.
Says Oregon Dry 4 fvaeerior
Picturing the Oregon ory law
of Oregon, asked that rainer tnan
- . . m j 41i.
aragtneexaie iaw uou iu iuc i
tional law. why not bring thena-
tlooal taw up. i a par wuu
gon'a statute. He entered into an
itf rn thA tbor ot the bilL
' aaTine he never had been for-law ,
enforcement. He declared. "VTe
will fight Upton and these worn
ea'a organizations who are oppoe- ;
iag the dTy cause j i
Renresentatire Herbert Gordon,
lira. J. a. Oat man. Portland, and
. a J T M'lafita tTea I
atiw C T U apWred inop-
tA!.?!' F" Tl. - "tlrA Ali
T VC :r r Pr"
also Dr. E. C. Farnum. effc
eecreiary ox Q" w" " "V.";
iana cnurcnes. rw I
ciarea me grange
bition -and opposed to suoexmms i
this, measure-to the people, vt. i
Raymond B. Walker of the Port- j
Tan ministerial associauon saia i
there wa no demand on the part
'" of the people to vote on the ques-
-tion. and that this was not me
time to eubmit it. Elisha Baker,
Portland attorney, and Waiter C.
Winiow. Salem attorney, opposed
the WU. . 'j . .
In closing" argument, for .Ms
caeaaure Senator Lpton declared
lie did not expect much from the
iTf!" "
7i IvJi i ii T .IT "ses usuauy 15 per cent less
tice but added that, tt all thelth Hnr,BB. th. Lrtki -v
aenators who have had. a erink
with me during the past 12 yearsn
.ote for this bill, it will pass by
a. large majority ; - ! ;
..I.-Aa.NS VALLEY; Feb. 9. Ar orxnu weeic at Hazel Green
link the ETans Valley distHct I
with the Silver creek roaa nasi " nu nvmowi naa an ia
(? riled with the count court. I vored this date of Saturday nirht
The petition was headed by Os-j but through an error it was un
car Loe and bore the signatures J derstood- that the hall was not
-of a number of Evans ; Valley
folk. ' '1.3 i '
The Durnose of the road Is I
-chief lyto give the acbool chil- fnrnmt TflyJCTn
dren a "safe and sane" way tofliCCiii- A CI A to lO
reach the schoolhouse. -At pres-j
ent they have to go across fields,
pastures or. fences, or go i"mlles
. tCantlnutti. from pax t-J
Hons are conducted efficiently
and ' V cannot see- any need for
aaooplng. j .
Senator Staples defended the
atate f lax-iadustry which- was- at
tacked mildly by Senator Barke.
Burke declared that there was a
deficit in the state flax, industry
of approximately 3900.000; and
"that -much of the flax purchased
In the years IS 2 8 and 129 had
not been sold.
Bays Flax Industry
Great For Oregon
"The state flax industry has
been a grand thing for the eUte," 1
tnid Staples, "and I do not Intend J
to be carried away by this recent
Senator Btirke argued 1 ' that
Governer :ieiers Investigitions
rould save the state many times
twenty thousand dollars -ia the
tiro year perloo.
The governor's budget wal au-1
t Prized la full. Included la the I
freral Items was $31,400 fori
This picture, -taken at Karachi,
India, -shews a scene -following
the disturbances quelled by po
Uc charge. If ere than 2,000
salaries and wages,; fSSSS for
j general operating expense, S3 500
for capital outlays end 120,000
for -apodal .investigations
budget for" the preceding two
years wm f j 5,112. "
The- ways mad means, commit
tee voted -to report out favorably
ofJM.0Pe with-wAich to refund
1 made ; In. rent -"the atate iwaa to
I keep faith with the taxpayers,
It was decided to eliminate the
emergency clause- front: the bill,
however, wken Fred Paulas, dep-
i uty state treasurer, declared that
I tnere-wa a -deficit in the general
fund- of 42e atate- on . February 1
0I J1,41F,. and that money is
not availaole-at the present time
ta refuad the tax. In ease the bill
J jg approTd.tlie payments will be
i (ejaxei1 o -days.
I ftI,ialni mmItm) tvm ti
I attorney -general held that the
appropriation necessary far the
refund does not come within the
six perceat limitation amend-
I senators Burka and Wood-
ward: served' notice on the ways
and means committee that they
intended rte acrutisixe carefully
each -and every item, of expense
contracted 'by- the legislature.
rrr ' y HIT 1 1
Wlllaia MaTKS
m n - - -
Y tL'a . "J
To Kiwariis'Club
Willard L. Marks of Albany,
president I of the state senate,
will be the speaker at the regu
lar weekly luncheon of the Sa
lem Elwanis -club today.
Th B,Q8lc1
provided hy Misa Dagmar Kanp-
P. contralte, of Portland with
:narrr Givin as accompan-
1st. oy? Hewitt, vice president
of the dub.
rill preside.
; . - i
iW 2y I OlU P SLIT
m rif- C-fr-.
. A YCCK tttBXilQT
i To secure greater surety from
n on-atate fair - week, Repre-
.enUtive Homer Gouley 1 yester-
day introduced a bill in the house
providinif that the state fair be
beld the ; third, rather than 'the
oartli week in September. Rec-
AwAm. .
'be third week of September ave-
than during the fourth week.
Gouley seeks in (House Bill No,
277 to give the state fair the ad
vantage ot this condition.
j.,.. -
Date of Dance
To be Saturday
- .. i-i r
1 The subscription dance which
had been' announced for ( Friday
of this week will be held Satur-
f oUowing i a committee meeting. I
available reept for Friday.
Be Payable Soon
i ; :! j.
' ' Collection of the state income
tax will begin shortly after
Marc a 1. according to announce
ment made at the offices of the
Btate tax i commission yesterday.
Retuma are -now being prepared
and win he mailed out within the
next few days.
- ; s '
LINCOlSt, -Feb. 9. Mr. and
Mrs. E. C Deckles were called
to Portland -Monday by the sud
den -illness -of their son, RusselL
who collapsed at a- drinking
fountain- and was rushed to a
hospital where an operation was
immediately performed.
: Mr. 'Buckles returned home
but Mrs.. Buckles s remained In
Portland to be near the son.
SILVERTON'. Feb, Sllver
toa friends and relatives have
learned that Wlnfield Brandt, the
lr Brandt, ana rwirtmii ah.v
ot Gresham, were . mam .
Gresham.' Thursday. They will
mare their home at - Eugene
where ,Mr. Brandt is employed In
a creamery.
AMITY, Feb. Walter Dickey
Is ' almost ready to pump - gaa
again. lie la building a new aerv-
ice station on the corner ot
Fourth and Trade streets,;
were reported' Injured in the
rioting. Arrow point to two Of
the victims of the disturbance
lying prostrate in the street with.
e e-l
' : 'e
Today "All Quiet OB
western Front.
Wednesday iRobert Mont- j such "becomes so steady it doea)
gomery ia 1Lovo la the :jaot stir the watera therefore tt
ROUXh. -I M mnrh tnn Mfm 1M -t. I
Friday Bob Steele
"Headia North.-
la !
! i :
Today Fannio Brlce la "Bo
Wednesday Douglas Fair
banks. Jr. ia "Wm of all
Men. -FridayDouble
Bill Bessie
Love in "Conspiracy and
, Hoot Gibson in "Spurs.! :
Today Richard Dlx la "Clm-
arroaj ,
Thursday "The Cohens' and
Kellyi In Africa.
Today Grant Withers in
"Sinners Holiday..
I e e m m f
To the long list of the explor
ers and discoverers of the world
there has been added one more
name and I though he mar he a
myth yet his spirit ia the person-
IflcaUon of aU those men who
hare gone before and have dared 1
first one unknown frontier after
another, until now the frontiers I
are those of th air and mea like I
Byrd and I Llndberg are making
history of these last remaining
ones. Thlaimaa is Yancy Cravat
and ho is the spirit of adventure 1
and dlseovery, of fearless action J
wnicn knows no limits and which I
wins over the- heaviest odd
wins Decauee it is ngnt, and yoai
may see him and the remarkable
msiorr mat ne maae in tne me-1
ture "Cimarron" which ia now at
Hi vitinAM I
The picture is so mighty that
it awes one. It portrays raw llfal
without exaggeration and In most!
reasonahle 1 manner Tt t. tiAt . I
Ufe that you or X know about if I
we belong. to the younger gener
ation or to; that generation which
lacked the prge to find new fron
tiers or lacked the need of a
chance for a new home. !
PT The background for the plc-
ri . . . . . .. w 1
lure is tne history of the state of I
Oklahoma. : Beginning with the
ar wnen an inose wouia-De iana I
owners unea up on, a line oesig-1
naiea oy government officials
and at tho crack of a pistol I
swarmed in hundreds over the I
plains to the land that would
long to the man who first arrived
and placed a white flag on thel
spot which he wished to claim.! : l
The phetographr la thla scene I
is spectacular to say the least I
Horses to wagons, ; buggies, peo-1
pie on horse back, some even on
bicycles, all going with as mueh
speed as possible ' toward land-
the one goal of mankind since the
caves were deserted.
i Then la taken un in turn the
development of the small town
of Osage, then the Cherokee ree-
ervation Is opened. And la time I
tho plcturegoes from April 22,
IBM to It30. ; .
oiyies cnange, towns grow
irom tents to skyscrapers, and at
no time Is the continuity lost nor
ia the development forced or un
real. Terrible things banoen and
one realizes what the contrast Is
between the life of today and
tha w11
some of ourj worthy eitlzeas. And
w " n;Mau MV lUTUiuir V A. 1
waicnmg oniy to nna l
themselvea jut times wishing for
tne sincerity and red blooded ac
tion which Is going on In the pic
ture.- , . i . "
! And one also realizes that for
the most part all of humanity is
me same wnetner it oe now or
1189 or 1412. There were the
yellow curs so beautifully char
acterized la Stanley Fields;
there is the elimblar women as
perfectly played by Edna Mav
Wyatt; there Is the Dixie Xees
wonderfully j played bv Estelle
Taylor; and; there are all the rest
If Ton suffer from ltoMnir. bllnfl.
protruding- or blaodlnjj Files you are
likelr to b ajxiasea aX the Soothing'.
orauns power o tne rare, imported
Chinese Here, which fortitiea Dr.
Nixon's Cbtnarold. IVm th nvwast
Md faateat mlinr tmlnunt n.
Brings ease and comfort In a few
mmucea o mat you can woric and
enjoy- i - wniie it continue , iu
(ootoJnr, heaJ lng; action. Ikn't .
but and eortly operation.. Try Dr.
Kixoa'a Cbinarotd Undwr our froar
antae to aa.tiafy completely and be
worth 1 tiniea the amall tsom.
your mooer back. .. i
ferry Drag Store. ;
11S 8. ! Commercial Et.
the police standing .guard la the
backgmand. Spectators are raia
tsterinta. the injured maa at
but mere are two la.- the picture
Who are not -often found. That la
why the. picture is great; -
Riebard Dlx aa Yancy Crarat
the explorer and "pusher of fron
tiers" and his wife relayed by
Irene Dunne,' a womaa equal la
every way to her husband and of
the aort -of intelligence and un-
SKl-Sfi! "
. r! I .woru-
: She stood in the background
wa wuea aeceemry aemanaea snel
wwwuv nwwr uu i idct
but she did not have the dartnrJof theenato from the-xeewtir
hers la. the -ateadv hand; md
: Aa tor faults the -picture has
them at do all people regard
less of how great they are. Why
ootner to raenrtea them? Per-
hapa only one ir so otttstandta
a to orn-rthtfuIlyfeeUjtio
not the aort of man to ever faM'
to the deptha of aa "old nnan '
I lurking about the oil flelaa"
without name or location. Hej
would have beea: a figure to thi
last day his spirit could never
1 have slumped 'so low even though i
nia. wo was a succession of high i
places under . terrific fighting j
wita the low places la between.
Yancy Cravat would have died
a maa doing things, not a loafer.-
Salem Heights
Club to Serve
Chicken Supper
Friday evening, February the
Salem Heights Commnnitr elnb
wilt hold another chicken nie ann-1
per at the community halL At the
last supper several requesta were!
mdo by Salem people for table I
reservations for groups who wish- J
fed to have separata tables f or 1
themselves and friends and thai
committee in charge of the ap-i
Pr s masung preparauona to i
compiy wua inese requests.
1 " apr e i u
J1"" crowd many were Ute in
,cu wmuunwi
now ttes mat henceforth there I
will "be ao dlff lcnlrr. Tbe aannr I
WIU 06 rea' to "
. - .
MtlTtl M ATM IS!
'" C
j l?MC7 TInnn
$1000 Bail Eals j taw. jah,w
Bairof $1000 each was posted I
by L. R. Martin. Dean Martial
..j nr.MA. i .i
bended in Portland and brought I
back: to Salem, L. R. Martin 114
Dean Martin being charged with!
giving short measure of wood to
Salem customers and -Welifon
be-(charged with giving an n.s.L
1 check.
Frank Pikea was sentenced to I
" aT- a " local jau on Mon-1
aar wnea coavicted of using ob-
language on a puanc ajga-.i
Bill is Passed
The senate yesterday approved
a proposed constitutional amend-
meat providing that only taxpay-j
era shall rote at -elections called
for tho purpose of voting bonds
and special tax measures. Then
resolution ' was Introduced by
icepresentatire Nichols and Sen
ator Schulmerich. r
JEFFERSON. Feb. 9 Miaa
VwaiMMjui Tt kha. asai m a . I
una aoa Sixm
arai"a taafiAa a m. . w . m
iool. wis called to Ported
gstnrdav n!ht on a..
the death
of her cousin, , Ira
vapors i also aauff up
V Vac;,uj
) Home of i Talkies
e u I G T
on THI
viwu nuua wuan ubt
appeared la Justice court on
Monday. The trio waa appro-lrr0m
IA w Lr.
Fight not Over; Struggb
: In Mousa Looms up ori
, Amendment .Voted -
; ; t Continued front page t
leglaUture on three occasions. I
come bero for 12 per jday f to
aarro the 'people of my district
andtho-state at large. . - :f j
"We are la a peculiar situa
tion with .regard to the port leg
islation. There is- nothing, in
this amendment except that one
member of - the eommlaaioa will
ba dicuted by: the governor. I
bar bo fight - with Rufua Hoi.
man but I do disagree with thai
manner in . which the. aanate
amen anient wag pat over,
Predicts Howse WfU
,i nejecc AJnenamet - ?
I " Six members of - the aenate
aiaitaomaa county delegation
drafted this amendment and bow
you. want to thrust it dewn the
throats of the entire delegation.
It ia my opinion that the house
wui rezase Ato concur In the
I amenament ' and that, yon will
have the port of Portland with
yea daring the entire legislative
aasaloar7 - v .'. ..... ...
Senater Moaer called attention
that Senator .xreodwanr-
and a
of the
thelr number ot other members
upper house represented
lxatlxma and rrouns la
renaloiraot TeeTa
home eountlee. He aald!
fbecaase they had come to the
lCisiature. - Bfoser also ratimat-
a voxx, pressure Had ; beea
1 iugui Duuii ram mnnrnera
I' department. Thla - waa deii i bv
Senator ! Eddy, who ecoredj Moser
twhta acttrltlea la behalf of the
POrt district. , . I
port district.
Senator Woodward replied ! to
lfeaer that while- It wa true
that he was a member of the
roruiaa acBooi boardi ba had
not received anr comnenaatloir.
eeaator Hail decUred that al
ai close
Moser for
many years,, he would have i to
vote for the Angell bill becanse
zne majority of the Multnomah
ueieguuon larorea it.
, The bank at Nyssa. Malheur
county, b as beea placed In the
ilslM j4at m $ . m. a a
LJ!ft:,!F f
I Schramm. tt euperintendent of
f t. -
I - i?eii08lt Vth bank. r
. ?f'"ai - ita
I "2rl55..r5'?0". mWIvf d-
u. ,0-00i 1
r, " " J?, r:
Si0,1- p ward president; John
Jlc PfwWent; and J, P.
"auiTor- ia airectors
rLI Ia V fr J, r'
" fuuuyj.
1 . , - v
- i
Oh Flower P6t
A unique flower pot was being
aiapiayea ny Mrs. Alrla; B. Stew
art oa Monday. The Jar was" Imade
K S.fM Q. .1 .
of color, r- r .
AT rLi9 ro:
uVZ. 7!T??J-?lim 5 mm6rai
fnwvcuuvu ia ins concrtia m or
i .v. . mi.- . .
I i J J f minerals ; are all
Dcth .Valley and the col-
" .. "wuonaiiy onuianttor
"" luc iormaona.j
pieces noted fwere.
mocK a01a eopper ore, flint, ail
Ore, agate. Iron, demoritie and
I mineral known as Death Valley
IfoaslL . , ;, . j .
The Jar is very heavy and the
sray or tno concrete makea"an ex
cewent setting for the ; brflliant
stonea. N , 1
The Way of
AH Men
Dot :
Dorothy Revier i
and Noah Beery
Times v7J-i
CHH wearing: dark giaasea. Booth
Sarkiartoa. the eelabrated IIoos-
ler author; U shown la aa inter
view with newspaper mea la thai
3Vilmer Eye InWtute, at Johnai
Hopkins Hospital. Baltimore,
A real estate transaction la
which i property : worth around
I1S.900 waa Involved' waa re
ported Monday by the Leo K.
Chtlds company, local realtors;
when Ranald -C. Glover, local at
torney, oecame owner ot tho fori
mer T. A. Urealey borne at 19
South Winter; - i
1 The home baa been owned the
past tew years by A. C. Nelson
and E. E. Ling, and is one of the
finest in the city. Glover plana to
pat It in good repair and handle
tho property : as an Investment.
In jtha deal. Kelson' and Ling;
take the property at 94 S S. 12th
owned by Gtover as part pay
ment. - - j ' ; I!
The large i residence property
which Glover secures in the deal
was occupied until the first of
thei year by John H. Carkln, tax
commissioner, and family.' Car
kln has leased the property at
E street. ; .
Spring Here (
For Sure; Ball
l Players I Appear
BRUSH CREEK! Feb. 9 -There
Is no longer 1 any doubt in the
minds of the Brush Creek croak-
era that spring has arrived. Son
day afternoon saw a. large number
Of the younger "fans" out oa the
school grounds with,, baseballs,
glovea and bats. ! This It a sure
sign ia this district. . The Brush
Creak school children hare been
playing baseball during the aehool
days butyesterday was said to bo
tho first Sunday ot tho. baseball
season this year. i '
4-H Cooking Club
Activities Many
The 4-H cooking club members
held , their regular meeting Fri
day .afternoon at .the home of
i T
Doctor's 3 RULES
Big flelp to Bowels
What a Joy to hare, the bowels
move like clockwork, every day!
It's easy, 'If you mind these, sim
ple rules of a famous old doctor:
1. Drink a tumblerfnl of water
before breakfast, and several
times a day.
2. Get plenty of outtoor exercise
without unduly fatiguing
I. Try for a bowel movement at
exactly the same hour every
day. -
j Everyone' ' bowels need help
at Omee, but the thing to ase la
Dr. I Caldwell'a Syrup Pepsin.
Youll get a thorough eleaning-
out. and It won't leave your ln
sidea weak and watery. This
family doctor's prescription la
lust fresh, laxative herbs, pure
pepsin and other helpful ingredi
ent that couldn't hurt a child.
But how it wakes up those lazy
bowels I How good : yon . feel
with your system rid of all that
poisonous waste matter.
' Clean up that coated tongue,
sweeten that bad breath, and get
rid ot those bilious headache.. A
little Syrup Pepsin will sota free
the bowels from all that waste
matter that makes tho whole sys
tem tlugglsh. ; You'll oat better;
sleep better and feel better. -4
Yoall like tho way Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin tastes. The
way it works win delight Ton.
Big bottles all drugstores.
, 1 Da, VV. B. Cuowf.u'a .
A Doctor Tamils loxcsir
Md after -surgeons had snaeeae
folly removed a cataract front
his left aye. The operatioa
marked the success of a 14-year
flgktr against blindness by tho
author, who ( 61. :
their leader, Mrs. Frank Thomp
son. --. One visitor, waa present,
Mrs. William Melthof with her
two children. Evelyn and Billy.
Club members present were
Cora Marie McGUchrist. Arnold
Thornstad, Francis and Delores
Thompson, Evelyn Cane and
Anita and Junior Jones. ,
mmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmir "mmmm .
ya .1
, k.l .1...
There are only two ways to ef
fect tax . relief, ; RepresentatiTO
Homer D. Auge!!, chairman of
tho house ways and means com
mittee, told the chamber ot com
merce here Monday noon.
The first Is to cut down ex
penses. .. j
The second Is to reapportion
tho tax hardens .
"With the legislature controll
ing1 tittle mora, than SS.000.000
of (the $62,000,000 expended by
tho state every btennlum, it is ob
vious that any. great reduction
cannot be made by us," said the
speaker. Ha went. on to Bay that
tho operation expenses of certain
state- Institutions, - now . over
crowded and unequipped, was al
most as low aa possible, but he
indicated that the present ways
and meana committee would do
everything-; reasonable to keep
thel requested appropriations as
low as possible. . -
Mr. Angell declared ho waa de
cidedly la favor of aa Ineomo tax
as a basis of raising revenue, despite-
its "unpopularity la Multno
mah county..
He-indicated that there waa
soma -likelihood that a lax on to
bacco would be Introduced at the
present session and might ba car
ried. A tobacco tax which would
raise 11,0 00.0 09 annually, would
wipe out tho deficit In four years
ho aald. . f i '
"After an we get la your coun.
try Just what we vote aald the
speaker. "It wo are not satisfied
with tho kind of government wo
receive wo can change our ad
ministrators and repeal our laws.
The people shall i decide. Surely
with this tho case we cannot
complain but rather work to
make corrections when we find
existing conditions intolerable."
ST S) Qi
hzr Sivccihc
Olid Guilty ;
t i .. ' ' ,7 J j