The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1931, Page 9, Image 9

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, breon, Sonday Horning. February S, 1931
: WORK ene
Seasonal Pickup Augmented
By Recovery Following
Late Slack Period
. ; . t
I "Word from tka motor capltil
f th world. Detroit, U to the
fleet that auto factories bao ra
recent weeks ereatly Increased
their working forces. Productldm
of auto has Increased greatly
from the low point of NoTember
and December. Praetic&lly all
makers report gains in. operatlris
crews and In orders for cars. j
1 To A certain extent this Is sea
sonal, as production In the early
months of the year is always
' hearier. This year the gain is felt
the more -because factories hare
been on slow speed or shut down
for some little timet. I
i Dodge and Chrysler plants aye
stepping np production; v Chevro
let which presented new models
In December, hns felt a grati'jr
ing inflow o orders. Ford -assembly
plants over the conntry ate
accelerating their pace. 1:
: With the approach of spriag
dealers are showing more opti
mism with greater number, of Vft
qulries and sales. The used cr
business has held up well and
dealers have kept their stocks jof
used cars at low levels.
r The Tnternatioaal Harvester
company of America aanwuncej a
drastic price red action ' fm their
mew 1H -ton six speed special mo
tor track, accord iag to James iR.
Maden Co.. local dealers. j
The new Xaternatioaal all
speed ' special 1-ton truck In
corporates all of the desirable
characteristics of its predeces
sor" said Mr. Maden, "and. at
the same time, has many si
features which makeetit the out
standing track In its class.
"New power and better
formahce have beea' made
aible in the six speed special
through refinements in engine,
clutch, transmission, and In the
famous two-speed axle. Added
power and Improved performance
have In no way affected the kix
speea specials ppraiuig econ
omy. High gasoliae mileage and
unusually- low oil - consumption
are still outstanding ' features of
this truck. The six 'epeeU , spe
cial's 13j5-inch wheelbas sot
only adds to IU adaptibUity to a
wider variety of bodies but. cdm
bined with streamline hood and
cowl and full-crowned fenders,
also contributes to its attractlre
appearance the six speed spe-
; nmi'" 1 1 1 1 n j ! n ii l ww pw wiwyna torn yiu'iif mm x y ww . ..luiilj; .w'A'mj.w wmuhhj.'" xm-, .
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v Jo 4Lr ' I !? r
' kBMBaMaMMMMBkK' '' I II . : WMMI. II II, .III r " I ' " II
One of the cm lata ailing attractioas -of tbe carreat aato f-hw is the 1041 Dvran euan pictured
. above, which Is eqaipped with a Iullaaa lownge arrangrmcat. By means .of a convenient lever,
the body Interior Is Instantly converted into either an ravithig day towage or sans;, comfortable
aleepiag accommodations. :
Th d laxe Model la also fitted with a wtaterfrot! radiator. This device UkernsostaticaUy
and closes radiator shatter, permitting the correct snout ef eooUsur lor every chaam in
pei'atai e, . i .
Since Durant motor cars were frt presented, more than a decade ago, the pc ogives of the line has
been distin gaiahed by the rapid adoption of ante motive advancement ef type that are nsoally
idcratlfled only with costlier ear. ( l
For 1091 Dnrant presents the' best performing smartest appearing car ever te bear the Daraal
Tkere are beak X oar and six-cylinder models, with aedan er ceape bodies. Dtivfac ease has
racreased this rear; the motor's power Is greater; mere np-to-date comfort la encompassed wlthe
tn the smart body lines.
8 slew Ante Co. Is the Salem distributor.
mam m
Dress rehearsal for the eommnn
Ity club three act raral comedy,
"Aaron SIfck from Fnakla
Crick,'. -wrUtea by Lieut. Beale
Cormacku which will bo presented
Tuesday evening, February XO.jat
Ui Lablah " Center school house,
will be held Monday evening, ji
The play Is a comedy la which
the old farmer gets ahead of the
city "Slickers." Dramatic scenes
with plenty of fanny lines inter
spersed evolve a great deal of hi
larity throughout the perform
ance. ...j : , " ' - ""' '-
.The cast Includes Aaron Slick,
an old farmers and not as green
as he looks played byf W. 'jB
Daugherty; Mrs. Bosy BerryJ a
widow, played by Florence Burr;
Mr. Wilbur Merrldew, a crooked
speculator, played by . Raymond
Blanton; Little Sis Biggs, a regu
lar tomboy, played by Mrs. H. M.
Bibby; Gladys May Merrldew, a
sweet young thing from the city
and. Wilbur''. niece, played Iby
Mrs. H. E. Boehm; Clarence
Green, a breezy young man, play
ed by Fred McClaughry; the Girl-In-Red,
! a cabaret singer, plated
by Mrs, Harry Bennett; and the
cabaret guests. - Mrs. W. R.
Daugherty Is directing the per
formance. !:
Proceeds will go to the club's J
treasury and wui help pay for the
new curtain -which the : club, pur
chased this winter. Refreshments
will be served after the play.
Orchard Height-
TURNER, i Feb. 7 Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. DeUell will visit their
children, Mr. and Mrs. D. i G.
Fehlen and Miss Thelma Del
sell Sanday at Oregon State col
lege. Others ; in the party going
over for the day will be Misses
Sheila and Faustina Delzell.
James Denyer, Alvin Schirmln
and T. W. Diets.
airs. J. R. Cox, leader for the
Turner, 4-H club was in Salem
Saturday attending . county
club meeting,
Turner . has an epidemic of
measles which seems to be in a
light form.
clal Is a remarkably good look'
lag truck." ;
Arthur Robertson is able te be
about after suffering from a
crippled foot. -
Mrs. J. I Bacon Lasher of
Portland was the house guest of
Mrs. G. A. McKay the first of the
week. Mrs. Lasher was at one
time a resident of near Turner.
The W. C. T. U. will hold
their Frances E. Willard Memor
ial; meeting with program Wed
nesday afternoon, Feb. 11, at the
home of Mrs. J. R. Cox. All la
dies are cordially invlt-d.
Mrs. Gayette Barnett spent two
days with Turner friends, com
ing from. her mother's home at
CrawfordsVille, Mrs. Barnett went
on to . Dallas to visit her aunt,
Mrs. Nannie Harris.
H. S. Bond, agent , for the S.
P. i railway, is vacationinj for a
short time on account of poor
Miss Grace Ham of aytoa m
a guest at the H. R. Peetz home.
S. H. Baker Is feeling. himself
again after a severe heart at
tack while oa a trip to Newport
Sunday. Those la the party for
the day were Mr. and Mi U. S.
Talbot. Mr. aad Mrs. Rue Steph
enson and young son 4 id Mr.
and Mrs. B. White. They found I
the ocean experiencing one of Its
highest tides and they found the '
sight very much.
Mr. and Mrs.' John Barnwell
and family have returned from
McFarlend, Calif-, where they
went last fall. .Their son- Ken
neth aad daughter Helen hare
gone to Wilder, Kan.; where the
family j lived before coming I to
Oregon several years ago, Mr.
Barnwell, his sons Harold aad
Bob and hi nephew, Lloyd Barn
well, are vorking here oa Dr.
Hendershotfs fruit tana, hat the
family are making, their head-
quarters at the McDowell auto
camp ia West Salem. - j
Mrs. Margaret Adams has re
turned home front Marshfleld.
where she was the guest of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.' and
Mrs. Nathan Sumpter, tor several-weeks.
Mrs. Sumpter and
soa Roy brought Mrs. Adams
home and remained ever
week-end,-i - i.-:-I
Dinner aad all-day guest - of
Mr. aad Mrs. J. W. Edgar Tues
day were Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Smith ef Kiagwood. .
A piano tuner from a Salem
music house recently put the pi
anos at both.. the opeora and
Mountain View schools in good
working order as well as Instru
ments la several home - of -the
neighborhood. - ' - '-;' !;
i : Mr. and Mrs, Blaine ! South
wick of Klamath Falls were re
cent guests of relatives here and
of relatives and friends at Rick
reall where they formerly lived.
Blame I brother of A. B,
Southwlck," Barn ham Southwlck
and Mrs. M. A. SchaeUerH -M
Members of the B, L. Smith
and Ed Bad, households are af
flicted with chicken pox, and
Fern, small daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Wilson, has mumps.
j Albert Bouffler is grubbing and
clearing about three and a half
acres of pasture land which h
will plant to "potatoes this spring
and will probably put out later
In cherries or walnuts.
thai af.l rs rn A
Gives Founders
Day Program
SILVERTON. Feb. 7 Found
ertp day wis observed by the 811
vertoa Parent-Teachers' associa
tion meeting held Thursday after
noon. A candle lighting cere
mony. arranged by Miss Marie
Roanlngen, was a special feature
j . Kingwood
.! KJNGWOOD. Feb. 7 Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald C. Larkln and fam
ily have moved from the Beck
ley house on the Glenn; creek
road to the Earl Wood house In
West Salem.
; Mrs.! Helen Pearspn and
daughter ' Betty Jean of j Salem
spent Snnday at the Theodore
Bernard - home.' Mrs. Pearson Is
niece of Mrs. Bernard. i
. I Recent overnight guests ; of
Mrs. . Mary Lister were Mrs. Wil
liam Southworth and Mrs. B. O,
Miller, t h of Albany. Mrs. Mil-
Xl ler and Mrs. Lister are sisters-in-
law. - . .- - - ;.. -1 .
f G. W. Olmstead and -soa Glen
of Salem iiavs been staying at
t 9 R. I A. Taasey . home aad do
ing pruning work In. the orchard.
Mr.. Olmstead Is Mrs. Tansey's
father. . '.
! Mrs. Ed FlSley will be host
ess Tuesday, Feb. 10, to mem
bers ot the Laurel Social, Hour
Marloa county Holiseas associa
tion will hold their regular aD
day meeting at the Jef fersoa
Bvaagellcal church ea Tasedsy.
February- 1. There will be
preaching service la the morn ing
aad afternoon to which the pub
lic Is especially invited. The hoar
of services will be 19:11 v m.
aad 2ii9 9. m. A basket dinner
will be served at noon.
la honor of the founding of the
organization 1 4 years ago. A
large birthday cake adorned with
candles figured in the service
and 14 mothers and patrons of
the circle lit the candles, reading
a short article descriptive of the
work as they did so.
Mrs. Lee Alfred reviewed the
Parents magasine and Mrs. Harry
Wells gave a report on the child
welfare magazine. . Mrs. Earl
Adams Was chairman of the
meeting. I Mrs. W. C. I Arbuthnot
Is the president, I
3Bi at naaensl
JP'W .aw 'SUM I
i' '
1930 Model A
Standard Coupe
1929 Model A
Standard. Cotrpe
1928 Model A 1
. Business Coupe
1928 Model A
Sport Coupe
1927 Model T j
Standard Coupe
1926 Model T V
Standard Coupe
,"i . - . . . : I 1. 1- ' . '; 'i ' . '
Corner Center and Liberty ! j TeL 1905
SCIO, Feb: 7 Honor cards for
the last six weeks of high School !
were given out this weeks as fol- '
lows: student body. Sylvia Bar-;
tu; I senior class. Rose Novak;
Junior class. Opal Shillings; soph
omore class, Lorena Thurston;
freshman class, Cylria Bartu.
!??.".v !7s? ..v.'.v.v.Tvm
Xvav ACvXvXvSX-y
Save ii ms n5
it J !Tf
tW' is
iv.-.v.-.-.r .-..-.-.....v.r A-.-wX ' ' . -' I
K-y :.-.v.vr-,CL ' 4 SI
rv""v!v" v--"'-'---'-'-"-"-"-'" " AVA i J.
We booght thousands of tons of rubber at the low
est price in history i . . thousands of bales of cotton
at the lowest price in 14 years . . . saved tremend
ously. That is why you now get RIVERSIDES at
these unheard of low prices.' 4 ,
?! . . ' ' '
Riverside Quality Remains the Same
29 x 4.40
Riversides are made of lire, fresh rubber - built
wider, thicken and tougher for EXTRA mfleage.
They're backed, by our famous Unlimited Guaran
tee. I. ,r.;. - , i f J , ;! i
Buy in Pairs for Greater Savings! !
. .... 1 j- -:- - . r . .:
Buy RIVERSIDES in pairs a&d you get still great
er reductions than when you buy singly. "Ask about
. this new feature, j - t-
30 x ; l W CI. O. S.. . .S4.49
4.40 Balloon...
4.50. .
. . . I S.89
5.25... ...... JsgO
x 5.00,
29 z 4.75 ,...f 8jJ0
29 x 4.40 Balloon.. 7.1S
30 x 4.50 . . . . T.48
28 x 4.73 aSO
50 X 6.. 17.93
30 x' 6.25......... 0.03
X 5.50.....;... 10.03
1 : . i re- t i " ' '
X,, 6 ' a a SaSadfS
30 x 40
- Bay
On Easy
Payments ,
. v-tf .... - t
j - All Other Sizes at Proportionate Savings!
as to time
or mileage
275 N. Uberty
Telephone 1435
1 .
Salem, Oregon
When the first Durant motor cars
rolled off the finish line more than a
'decade ago they met with instant
approval of huyers who seek fine car
style and service at low cost.
And down through the years, Durant
engineer) continuod to adopt new
developments with a promptness that
has kept costly car designers on the
alert for added innbvalions with which
to distinguish their products.
Now, for 1931, Durant presents a
series ofjmodels with new advantages
that bring out, more clearly than ever,
the price worthiness of the line. Driv
ing ease has been enhanced . . . more
power is available . . ..more smart
comfort is contained within the hand
some body lines. 1 '
This year, too, more dealers are re
selling to. satisfied owners; more new
owners are buying their way into the
Durant fold.
i .
So, here in the West under the di
rection of the parent company 931
finds j the nationally famous name
Durant more firmly, established
than ever.
' . . I - 1 : ' v ! 'J-'.-- ' ' . " I
In the Durant of 1931. you will find a special pullman lounge arrangement.
The mere pressing of a convenient; lever instantly converU the sedan interior
fzto pleasant., comfortable resting or sleeping accommodations . . . by all
' - means, see this particularly attractive feature. - -
437 N. Commercial
,. ... K .. ... , .
Telephone S7
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