The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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Waconda Community
Glub Plans Party
'Waconda- Mrs. Bradford J.
Miller was hostess for a few spe
cial guests and members of the
.Waconda Community club at her
homo Wednesday.
Quilt blocks were made for a
quilt which when completed will
be presented to a needy family.
At noon a pot-luck dinner was
During the business session
Mrs. P. R. Nusom was appointed
to assist Mrs. E. J. Sharff on the
quilt committee in the absence of
Miss Skelton.
Plans for the annual party
were discussed and It was decid
ed to hare a program followed by
an evening of cards and a rap
per at the school house Saturday,
February II.
Special guests present for thelj
day were Mrs. Roy Pitzen, Mrs.
T. A. Ditmara and Mrs. Andrews.
Club members were Mesdames. A.
I. Lamb, E. J. Sharff. Richard
Patterson, Fern Runcorn. Will
lam McGilchrist. A. W. Nusom,
Ellsworth Hubbard, F. R. Nusom,
Karl Brown. Robert Cole, Frank
Felton. Henry Stafford. Thomp
son, George Lemery. Ray Jone?,
C. M. Hall, Van O. Kelly and Al
lyn Nusom and Miss Mary Jones
of Portland. Mrs. Lewis Hall
will be the next hostess February
Monmouth Mr and Mrs. Earl
Conkey were hosts to a pre-Val-.entlne
card party Saturday even
ing, cards were in play at seven
tables. Honors went to Mrs. W.
J. Kerr and E. G. Harris.
Red carnations carried out the
Valentine motif about the rooms;
which was further emphasized in
the two-course lunch served by
the hostess, assisted by her sis
ter, Mrs. George Zlegler of Au
rora. Guests for the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kester, Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Kester, Mr. ana
Mrs. E. G. Harris, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Clai
ence Rltchey, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Stryker, Miss Ruth Harris. Miss
Doris Conger, Miss Verle Harri?,
nienn Harris and Harrv Kester,
all of Suver. Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Muhlenian and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Perie of Monmouth;
Mrs. Arthur Ray ,of Cloverdale;
Miss Lillian Olson, Robert Tre-
mayne and Mr. and Mrs. George
Zlegler of Aurora, and Mr. and
Mrs. Conkey.
Mill City A group of friends
of Miss Lucille Spry met at the
.home of Mrs. Bert Catherwood
Saturday evening where they sur
prised Miss Spry on . her fourr
teenth birhtday. A lively even
ing of games, followed by refresh
ments met with th eapproval of
the young folks. The members
of; the group present were Dwight
Catherwood, Lois Lovett, Alberta
VanDahl, James Lovett, Oliver
Schaer, Violet Carter, Agnes
Brown, Loss Hoeye, Winona
Swan, Helen Mason, Blanch
Swan, Estel Swon. Jack Turner,
Jennie VanDahl, Homer Thack
er, and Lucille Spry, guest of
Turner Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee
Theissen entertained with dinner
at their home Tuesday evening,
complimenting Mrs, R. E. Stew
art of Spring Valley. Minnesota.
The table was beautifully center
ed wlth daffodils' and pussy wil
lows and lighted tapers. Mrs.' J.
R. Cox and Mrs. Neal Edwards
assisted Mrs. Theissen with serv
ing. Covers were laid for Mrs.
JU E. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. C.
A Bear, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Ed
wards, Mr. and Mrs.' Ted White
head, Prof, and Mrs. J. R. Cox,
and Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Theis
sen. t
;.; ' i
Clear Lake A erouo of friends
gathered at the CA. Baker homel
in-compliment to Mrs. Ruby Mc
'Clung of Portland.- At the-close
of the afternoon refreshments
were served by Mrs. Baker. Those
present were Mrs. James O'Xiel.
Mrs. V. B. Boyd, Mrs. Eek Dutoit,
Mrs. E. Whelan, Mrs. Orel Gar
ner, Mrs. - Chanchy Starr, Mrs.
Ray Lick, Mrs. George Garner,
Mrs. Amos Smith, Flora Schlag,
Mrs. Frances Ganiard.-Mrs. Cecil
Boyd. Miss Frances O'Neil, Miss
Pearl Baker, Mrs. McClung and
Mrs. Baker.
Mrs. L. W. Biddle was hostess
to members of the. Englewbod
club .Thursday afternoon at her
home with Mrs.. D. O. Near and
Mrs. F. Wells as assistant host
esses. Following the business pro
gram. R. R. Hewitt, dean of law
in Willamette university, spoke to
the club members, and musical
numbers were given by Luverne
Homyer and Mrs. L. W. Biddle.
About SO members were pres
ent for this meeting.
Mill City The Happy Hour
club met at the . home of Mrs.
Cliff Phillips last Friday after
noon where . a Jolly time was
spent. A; contest . which created
much merriment was , supervised
by Mrs. Elmer Shaw with Mrs.
Lyle Woods winning first prize,
and Mrs. Russell Wallace being
awarded second prize. A delight
ful lunch was served by Mrs. Lee
Daly and Mrs. Russell Wallace. .
The Methodist ladies
held their February Silver tea at
the borne of Mrs. J. R. Cox Tues
day afternoon. - The rooms were
tastefully decorated with - pussy
willows and red hearts with ta
pers to match; the same color
scheme "was carried out at the re
freshment hours. Mrs. J. It. Cox
presented the numbers of the
program which consisted of de
votions led by Mrs. F. C. Gun
ning; after music, guessing games
were enjoyed. Those taking part
In the urogram were Mrs. Alice
Asquith and Mrs. Mae Hadley,
Mrs. T. Palmer and Mrs. B. S.
Prather were Joint hostesses" In
asslstinr MZ3. Cox at th' tea
hour. ".
News and Club
;OUVE M. Doak.
Monday, February 9 '
L Delta Phi Mothers club, chapter house on Court
street. J ;
I History section of Salem Arts League, fireplace
room, city library, Dr. Mary: Rowland, speaker, 8:00
o'clock. ; . .
i Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett, hostess to, Chapter A. B.
of !P. EJO. sisterhood. y ,
f Sunday school teacher's guild, children division,
Mrs. C. M- Byrd, 2)6 North 14th street, 7:30 o'clock.
! Miss Betty Vance will entertain Salem alumnae and
members of Delta Zeta sorority, at her apartment, in
Sunberg. tonighf. r :
j Marion Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign - Wars,
open meeting, 8 o'clock, Woman's clubhouse; any wom
an eligible to membership la Invited to attend. Program.
Tuesday, February 10
Regular meeting, Young Married People's class.
First Presbyterian church, 6:30 o'clock, . no host'dln
ner; Miss Mabel Robertson, speaker of evening.
Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans, 7:30 o'clock.
Woman's clubhouse; initiation.
Merry Go Round club, dinner at Argola, hostesses
Mrs. Russell Catlin and Mrs. E. C. Cross.
Junior Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church, Mrs.
V. E. Kuhn. 896 Cottage street.
Salem Arts League, regular monthly meeting; 7:30
o'clock; Prof. Ralph Winn special speaker on "Art of
Modern Russia' auditorium room, city library.
, Mrs. L. D. Landeth, 875 Market street, hostess to
Delta Chi Delphians, 9:30 o'clock; Mrs. N. C. Kafoury
talk on Italy.
Wednesday, February 11 ,
,' First Presbyterian missionary society, election of
officers, in church parlors. Mrs. Ralph Winn special
' Ladies guild of, American Lutheran church, 2:00
o'clock, churcfe parlors.
Monmouth Mrs. O. C. Chris
tensen and Mrs. Delmer R. Dew
ey entertained the Social Hour
club Wednesday afternoon at the
former's home. Mrs. J. B. Lor
ence and Mrs. Cora Riddell had
charge of the program, pleasing
their listeners with information
on wild flowers of Oregon. Mrs.
Lorence. a former sciene teacher
in the Salem high school, gave a
comprehensive survey of the sub
ject; augmented by colored slides
shown by John J. Fuller. Re
freshments, carrying out a Val
entine motif, climaxtd the after
noon. .
Gervais. The last card party
until after Lent was given at the
parish hall Tuesday night by the
members of Sacred Heart church
when 23 tables of "500" and Pe
dro were in play. High scores in
"500" went to Miss Marie Man
gold and George Gent and for
second high to Mrs. Frank No
sak and Frank Adelman, Jr. In
Pedro Mrs. Frank Adelman and
Fred Heckcr took high scores
and Mrs. Joe Zellner and C.
Hagenauer, second high. Simon
Barnes received the door prize,
Independence The Rebekah
lodge met Tuesday evening.
After a short business session.
a lunch was served by tne fol
lowing committee: Alpha Bascue,
Maud Baun, Stella Calbreath,
Naoma,Craven and Bessie Craven.
Dancing and cards were enjoyed
fill a late hour.
Ob, fit Ceorse fhes an expert
twimiuer, bat the polat Is she's
broke : in Han Francisco and
can't swim home to Memphis,
: , Tenn - because the drought
states are In between.' She went
- to San Francisco to compete fa
swimming marathon and her
r name is Martha Hill and she's
JO. She collapsed i ber 5th
- boar j aad ' Myrtle HuddZestoa
- went on to set a ZS-hzsx aiark.
- So-3xrtha has no prize' money
to nse for carfare.
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Society Editori
Macleay Mrs. D. Baker. Mrs.
W. Welch and Mrs. D. Wilson
were hostesses to the "4-M" clubl
ntuunua; a u me jua;acij nail.
Dinner was served at noon, and
the afternoon was given over to a
short business meeting and the
fctudy of China.
Mrs. W. Frink and Mrs. Charles
Baker will entertain the elttb
members at the Frink home for
the March meeting, at which time
the United States will be the sub
ject for study. One member, Mrs.
W. Farr, was reinstated, and one
new member, Mrs. Charles Baker,
was received into the club at tlie
Wednesday meeting.
Those present ere Mrs. Bartel,
Mrs. D. Baker. Mrs. W. Frink,
Mrs. W. Jones, Mrs. M. M. Magee,
Mrs. H. E. Martin. Mr3. A. Spel
brink. Mrs Jo Tekenburg, Mrs.
M. Wells, Mrs. W. Welch, Mrs. D.
Wilson, Mrs. Charles Baker, Mrs.
Harry Philips. Mr. and Mrs. W.
Wallace. Salem: MIses D. Baker,
W. Welch, D. Wilson and A. Spel
brink. !
Mill City The Santiam Sew
ing club met at the home of Mrs.
George Flook Thursday after
noon for the first meeting of the
new year and election of officers
resulted in placing Arthur Roda
in the president's chair and Mrs.
John Schumacher in the, position
of secretary-treasurer. Lunch was
served at the close of the after
noon. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. A. W.
Emmert when a Lincoln's birth
day party will be given February
Central Howell Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Ramsden entertained a
group of friends Saturday night
at a "500" party. Cards were
in play at three tables. Those
playing 'were Mr. and Mrs. Carl
MJkkelson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Schmideke, Mr. and Mrs. Charley
Waltnian. Mr. and Mrs." Albert
Mikkelson, Faye Ramsden, Ar
thur Vinton and Mr. and Mrs, R.
C: Ramsden. Mrs. Albert Mikkel- f
son and Arthur Vinton won high
scores and Mrs. Charley Waltman
fend i Albert Mikkelson were
awarded low scores. -
Lunch was served at midnight
by the ostess.
Orchard Heights -Mrs. William
Schwartz invited in several young
matrons Thursday afternoon to
meet Mrs. Herman V. Fry, a re
cent bride and a new arrival in
the neighborhood. The afternoon
was! spent in playing cards, after
which Mrs. Schwartz served light
refreshments. Those present were
Mrsj R. W. Clarke. Mrs.- Robert
Eugene Southwlck, Mrs. A. A.
Adams, Mrs. Ray Einegar, Mrs.
Withers, the honor guest, Mrs.
Herman W. Fry, ant, the hostess,
Mrs. William Schwartz.
A delightful birthday compli
ment to Mrs. Elmer V. Wooton
was the bridge evening, planned
for her by a group of her friends
Friday evening at the home of
Mrs. Willis Vincent, - with Mrs.
Curtis Johnson and Mrs. Alexan
der McGee as assistant hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs.. Rupert Magee
have been hosts . for two parties
the past week. Friday night din-.
ner complimented a groap of
trends and Thursday nght Mr. find
Mrs. Magee, dinner and cards.
i ...
j The Luther league of Christ
Lutheran church presented a
successful playlet In Nelson hall.
Friday night and will repeat this
play Thursday night at 8 o'clock
in the same halL Miss Gertrude
Oehler and Miss Lena Siebens
directed . the production. Those
taking part were Jacob Fox, Ed
win Minneman, Otto Gronke,
Leonard Zamzow, Ernest Beyer,
Erna Batterman. Clara Siebsns.
Irma Oehler, Mollie Fox. an.1
Laura Minneman. ' ,
The Bireans of the First Metho
dist .church had a very pleasant
dinner and social evening Satur
day at the home of Miss Grace
Taylor. Miss Mildred Simons and
Miss Adella Chapler directed
clever ; entertainment. Members
and guests for the evening were:
Miss Hetta Field, Miss Amy Mar
tin, Miss Grace Elizabeth Smith,
Miss Laura Hale, Miss Adella
Chapler, Miss Maud Simons, Miss
Margaret Stevenson. Miss Alma
Pohle, Miss Ethel Roberts, Miss
Mildred Simon, 'Miss Jessie Mar
tin, Mrs. Josephine Taylor, Mrs.
William Dlllman Smith, Mrs. Al
mlra Hsle, Mrs. Lacey and ; the
, hostess. Miss Grace Taylor, s
Prof . Winn Will Talk
On Russian Art'
Professor R. B. Winn, instruc
tor in philosophy at Willamette
university, will give jt lecture next
Tuesday evening in the auditorium
of the publie library on the sub
ject "Art in Modern Russia." This
lecture will be the February of
fering of the Salem Arts league
to. the Salem public. President
John. : Clifford declared he was
especially pleased to obtain Prof
essor Winn for this number as he
was once a student in the Univer
sity of 8L Petersburg and served
In the Russian army during the
world war.
Professor Winn, who left Rus
sla 14 years ago, and who traveled
eight i years In England. Europe
and Africa, has been in the United
States six years. He has kept in
touch with affairs in Russia under
the soviet government and can
give a clear idea of the difficul
ties under, which artists of all
kinds have to work.
: The public is cordlalry invited
to attend this lecture, witch will
begin at 8 o'clock.
Oak Grove Mrs. John Blaffas
and Mrs. Gardiner entertained the
Ladies' Aid at their home Thurs
day afternoon. After) the usual
routine of business, plans for the
quilt show were disjeussed,. and
which is to be given Jointly by the
Oak Grove Aid society and the
Orchard Heights Women's club on
February 2. This meeting will be
for an exchange of ideas and pat
ternsof quilts and visiting.. A
pot-luck dinner will be served at
noon. There will be no charge for
exhibiting and everyone lslnrvited
to come and enjoy the meeting.
At the lecture hour the two pio
neer members, Mrs. Allen and
Mrs; Cass Riggs, gave vivid ac
counts of the early pioneer life.
Mrs. Allen gave a summary of her
trip across the plains as a child
of nine years, by wagon train in
1853. Mrs. Riggs told of happen
ings that befell her grandparents
and parents when they crossed' in
At the social hour a dainty
lunch was served, Mrs. C E. Pe
terson assisting. Thirty-six were
Mill City The Mill City Wom
an's club was entertained at reg
ular meeting Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. A. A. Holthouse.
Mrs. Harry Mason gave a pa
per on "Colonial Days" and Miss
Bonnie Haack was in charge of
the i book report. During the
business meeting a committee
was appointed for guest day,
those appointed being Mrs.
Charles Gentry, Mrs. Srg Jepsen,
and ; Mrs. W. E. Allen. The next
meeting which will be guest day,
when each member is urged to
bring one guest will be held In
about two weeks, the exact time
and place to be announced later.
Lunch was served by the hos
tessi Present were Mrs. W. W.
Allen, Mrs. C. M. Cline, Mrs. R.
L. Cooper, Mrs. John Daws, Mrs.
Leroy E. Dike, Mrs. Otto Geert
sen,: Mrs. Charles Gentry, Miss
Bonnie' Haack, Mrs. Sig Jepsen,
Mrs. Harold Ladd, Mrs. F. R.
OUn; Mrs', Al. L. Raines, Mrs.
Clyde Rogers. Mrs. A. D. Scott,
Mrs. Harry Mason, Mrs. Vivian
Albert, Miss Halley, Mrs. Pear
son, Mrs. Robert Schroeder and
the hostess. Mrs. Holthouse.
Monmouth Mrs. Fred J. Hill
was hostess at a Valentine bridge
party Tuesday afternoon at her
attractive new home ' on Knox
street. Three tables were In play,
with honors going to Mrs. B. F.
Butler, and Mrs. A. F. Courter.
Enjoying the affair were Mrs.
Butler, Mrs. Courter, Mrs. Larry.
Wolfe, Mrs. James Gentle, Mrs.
Van den Bosch, Mrs. A. Hage
meier, Mrs. Homer Dodds, Mrs.
A. IE. Tetherow, Mrs. Velma
Smith, Mrs. Delmer R. Dewey,
Mrs. O. i C. Christensen and the
hostess. - A late afternoon lunch
eon was served.
Grand Island. - An all day
meeting of - the Mother's Circle
was held Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Mercy Tompkins. The
day was spent in completing the
quilt belonging to Mrs. Arha
Lawrence. . A potluck dinner
was enjoyed by all during the
noon . hour. In the afternoon a
brief business session was held.
Those attending were Mesdames
Hattie Lefley, Arka Lawrence,
Lulu Rockhill. Florence Robert
son, Mildred Smith, Mercy Tomp
kins, . Grace Wiley, Mrs. Nelson
and one visitor, Mrs. George An
trim. MeBpCiiiiill'
For want of medicine a hand was lost. .
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For want of a nurse an arm was lost
For want of a doctor a life was lost.
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405 State
Old English Fail- P -To
be Jolly
One of the unique affairs of
the week will b the "Olde Eng
lish fair" which will begin at 11
o'clock Saturday, St. Valentine's
day, and conclude at 11 o'clock
that night in the social rooms of
the First Presbyterian chureb.
Color and gaiety will mark tne
affair. In addition to the clever
booths which "will carry out the
idea of "Mother Goose" stories,
there will be featured' a contin
uous and clever program. The
merchants of London will sing
choruses, 'the Queen of Hearts
will hold an audience, Tom. Tom
the Piper's son will .go on trial
for stealing the historic pig, and
many other -unique things will
take place- during the entertain
ment hours, t
. Monmouth , Monmouth Par
ents and Teachers sponsored a
''Jitney" supper in the domestic
science roams of the training
school department Tuesday . even
ing, as a benefit toward financ
ing recreational affairs for the
school children. The cooked food
was donated by the parents, and
was served under direction of
Mrs. J. E. Winegar, general chair
man of the organization's refresh
ment committee. June Craven as
chairman of the candy commit
tee, was assisted by Anneta
Schweizer, Dorothy Fjiesen and
Mildred j McKnlght in making
candy asi a special sale feature.
The affair was liberally patron
ized, and between $35 and 040
was realized to augment the
fund. . F, E. Chambers acted as
cashier. : 5
Following the supper, a pro
gram was presented in the audi
torium, which featured i a play
presented by children of the
fourth and fifth grades, directed
by their supervisor. Miss Dora
Mrs. F. E. Chambers, presi
dent of the organization, presid
ed. -
Dallas Twenty-two members
of the McMlnnvllIe Woman's club
were the guests at the February
meeting of the Dallas Woman's
club and presented the program
for the afternoon, with Mrs. Win
ifred Dlelschneider, president of
the McMlnnvllIe club In charge.
Vocal solos by Mrs. E. V. Blair
and Mrs. Erwin Barendrick ac
companied by Mrs. David East
man were given as well as a dra
matic book review of Ben Hur
by Mrs. J. H. Cook.
Mrs. Henkle, president of the
Dallas club stated that May 7, a'
return visit would be made to the
McMlnnvllIe club and present the
program. 1
The March meeting 'in Dallas
will be a luncheon honoring the
state president. Mrs. Charles N.
Bilyeu;, Mrs. Saidie Orr-Dunbar
and Miss Louise Cottrell, all of
whoi will speak to the club
women. The committee in' charged
of arrangements are: Mrs. Roy
Donahue, Mrs. Ora Cosper, Mrs.
J. A. Smith, Mrs. L. E. Viers and
Mrs. Georgia Godlonton.
The club endorsed the policy of
a free text book bill, highway
advertising restriction and amend
ments to the present law concern
ing the care of dependent and
neglected .children. I
Fountain Pen
New Points " l-'.i New Sacks
Ink Adjustment
rjave yur pen repaired at the most complete
pen repair shop in Salem. J ' ,
Guaranteed Fountain Pens, $1 and Up
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Name engraved Free
Hiss! Helen V. Goettler Is believed
to be the first member of her sex
in the Keystone State to hold, the
position of 5 secretary of a city
council. In addition to her politi
cal activities. Miss Goettler; is ac
tive In the direction of the town's
weekly newspaper, which; was
founded by her grandfather and
father, both deceased- !
' It was announced that 310.00
had i - been j contributed to the
Doernbecher Hospital Fund and
815.00 to the scholarship loan
fund. j . . I '
Mrs. H. j A. Woods announced
that $33 was received from the
card .party held last month in the
club room ana that a dance would
be given the evening of Febru
ary 12.
The date of the annual hospi
tal shower was given out as Feb
ruary 24 when the wives of the
local : physicians will serve as
hostesses for the tea and shower,
and that sewing will bo done for
the Doernbecher hospital in the
elub( room,1 February 18.
Members appointed to serve on
the house committee are: Mrs. E.
W. Cruzon, Mrs. W. L. Pember-
Mrs. Erie Fulgham, Mrs.
Donahue and Mrs. W. G.
Brooks -Word . has been re- :
ceived here of the marriage of j
Robert Glover of Portland to Miss S
Eva Cooper of Portland. The j
marriage taking place at Kelso,-;
Washington, January 24 Robert
is a nephew of Miss Ellen Hackit
and ; Robert Hackit of Brooks,
with: whom Robert made his
home since he was eight years
old. Mr. and Mrs. Glover will
make -their home, in San Francis
co, where Mr. Glover is being
transf ered to the head office of
the Southern Pacific company.
! North Salem W. C. T. will be
hostesses to the mid-year session
of the Oregon W. C. T. U. execu
tive j committee meeting which
will meet In Salem in the Union
Hall! February 10 and 11. :
: Salem council of church wom
en will meet February 20 at Ji
son Lee church beginning at II
o'clock, ' for an all-day interna
tional prayer meeting. A lunch
will I bo available at noon.
1 r3?TV
on any peri purchased
f I
Tel. 31 18
Stanley Wllkenson - -Is
JL group of boys entertained In
compliment to Stanley Wllkenson
who will leave soon to enter a
special school in Portland, Fri
day night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Ney. Games, a social
evening and refreshments made a
delightful evening.
- Guests in compliment to Mr.
Wllkenson were Paul Carpenter,
Clifford Force, Harold Leeper,
Edson Tennant, Chester Oppen,
Wallace Newron, Luman . Ney,
Lawrence Banmgartner and Mrs.
Gordon Black, a special guest.
The Sunday School .Teachers
guild of the children's division
will hold Its February meeting at
the homo of Mrs. C. M. Byrd. 296
North 14th street, Monday eve
ning at 7:30 o'clock.
'Salem Rebekah lodge will hold
a benefit entertainment in the
I. , O. O. P. hall February 18.
The program as planned will be
varied and especially interesting.
The committee in charge is Mrs.
Owen Hutton, Mrs. R. C. Krea-
m well ad
"We wire concerned So learn that the owners
of a neighboring plant, following a disastrous
pre, found serious defii :tenctes m an tnsur
ance trotection they bad supposed to be
. completely adequate.
"We asked ourselves: If fir came what would
our situation be?' The more it studied our
many policies, the more perplexed we became,
and the less convinced of the quality of our
own protection.
"A 'GENERAL' Insurance Audit andSurvey,
snade at no cost to us, was highly illuminat
ing. It revealed 'overlapping of policies, lack
of protection at vital points, and plant con
ditions that raised insurance costs. 1
'Corrective measures indicated by the Survey
were adopted. Nov, for the first time, our
insurance coverage is adequate and accurate,
: - L 1 1 - - C A TTT7
giving us stmpttpea, compicic, jyii xi v
tection against all contingencies 'and
lowered costl"
pvtecttoiWmmi ,
jler tL loaa, !t ia too late to uiJ out
wLetlier your policies cover your hazards
properly. Autkorize us NOW to mate (at
no cost to you) an Au Jit and Survey of your
. insurance In force. Its written findings will v
disclose any deficiencies In your present
protection. Adoption o fit recommendations
will sutsure you (l) absolute uniformity of
, policies in force (2) accurate relation of
insurance to values, (3) COMPLETE
PROTECTION at lowest cost.
Telephone jv j ;j
Fred E. Mangis Agency
K v New Bligh Building ; 1 1
I Salem, Oregon ;
seL lira. Clarence Townsend,
Mrs. Josephine ' Ericsson, Qd
Miss Wllda Slegmund.
'.-'!-; i, '
" i-; : ; I
, Miss Mable Alrlck was hostess
to members of her bridge club
Thursday evening, at which time
bridge was in play and as a hap
py conclusion to the evening a late
supper was served. Miss Anna Mc-
Intyre will be hostess to the club
for its next meeting.
"- "I
Turner Mrs. L. C. Ball enter
tained Thursday evening with a
birthday party in honor of the
tenth birthday of her son Keith.
The yong guests enjoyed their
valentines i which were presented
by Elton Ball.! A variety of su
pervised games were much en
joyed, after which refreshments
were served. . .
Mrs. Wolcott Buren and daugh
ter Nancy 1 returned from a week
spent visiting in Portland. !
Mrs. E. J. Donnell will be din
ner hostess In compliment to Mrs.
Vernon Perry today. .