The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1931, Page 16, Image 16

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregory Sanday Morning. February 8, 1931-
"i -;
Police Control Never
1 - j
Proper Function for
Hoss' Office
'Local-high school girls are to
hare a chance to nin a unlTer-
sity scholarship through partici
pation in an essay 'contest which
has Just been launched-..
t Announcement of this erent,
the eighth national meat - story
contest, has been received from
the National Lire Stock and Meat
Board headquarters In : Chicago.
The- board is sponsor or the con
test which, It Is said, also has the
approTai of the Bureau of Home
Economies of the Lited States
department of Agriculture, the
home economics departments of
many state college and , univer
sities and high school home econ
omics teachers.
Each year since the first eon-
test In 1924 several thousand
girls have been entered by their
teachers and it is expected that
the enrollment" for 1131 will at
least eqiiei and perhaps surpass
previous eontests. " r
Judging of the story will be
handled by a committee of home
economics authorities. ' Contes
tants will be eiven conmleta free-
trauve . one, . specHicawy - cu sa i - . - 4 L j i iom . as to-cnoice or . bub jecta so
ith the duty 'or aeepingi me maw ABii suounuuna naa iong t8 they dal with some
Governor Meier gives prompt
and sharp rejoinder to the letter
of - Secretary ., of State ' Hal illoss
protesting against stripping bis
: office of the traffic - division to
incorporate It in a system, of
state police. - The governor In
his letter in reply to - Hoss says
he 'has no sympathy with Hoss'
protest because law enforcement
in the contemplation of lue con
stitutlon waj never : a proper
function of the office of thf sec
retary of state, lie repeats his
hope of saving to the taxpayers
through a state constabulary ana
a reduction of the population of
the state penitentiary. - j . (
TJ n d e r our - conatitution.
Meier writes, "the governor Is
specifically charged with the ex
ecution of the laws.' while; the
secretary of state is an adralnis-
; .
a court of honor at "the Polk
county court house Wednesday,
night at t o'clock. ;
, W. I. Bayward, regional direc
tor from Seattle,, will deliver the
main address and Judge Harry
Belt of the supreme court bench,
will preside at the court. O. P.
West, scout executive, will also
be In attendance from Salem.
. Mr. West reports- that scouts in
every troop in the two counties
are making some special observa
tion or the 21st anniversary, A
window calling attention to tft
event ; la being arranged . ,ln the
Court atreet tide of the- Hiller
store, building. f :
Today special services In honor!
the Jason Lee church and the St.
of the birthday wUl be held, at
Faul's Episcopal church, the pastors,-
Iter. - Hugh B. ? route and
Rev. George Swift, respectively,;
announcing that they will preach
on an appropriate topic . , j
Next Friday afternoon at X
o'clock, II Boy Scouts in uniform
and 21 men Interested In i the
movement will call on Governor:
Julius L. Meier to present him a'
book outlining the history) of;
scouting from 1910 to 1931 and
asking .the governor to assign to
them some specific duty for the
city. ; W. 12 Hayward - will be
spokesman lor the group.. , .. .
Groups of scouts In each 'state
are calling upon the state gover
nors, to remind them of the anni
versary; . :-v
JEFFERSON, Feb. 7, (Spe
cial) Miss frFrances Pierce,
teacher In the schools here, was
called , to Portland tonight on ac
count of the death of her cou
sin, Jra Pierce, in that jy.
Proposes Wider
Curves on Side
rRoad at Brooks
f' "-' " ' . : '
: The two- curves on the west H
of the county road Intersection
with the Paclf io highway at
Brooks wll be widened to, 51 de
gree curves, Hedda Swart, county
engineer, reported Saturday fol
lowing a visit to the place for pur
poses of surveying and staking
out the new-lines,,, j j j
. The curves are being, widened
as a safety measure. ; with j the
small curve at the site at present,
cars must necessarily slow down
before traveling oft the highway
onto the county road; either that
or miss the road. With the curve
there will need to be no slack in
a reasonable speed. The curve's
on ; the opposite side of the road
are 86 degree ones. ;
state's, records ana auouinpoi ";" 4.Rj St- Phase of meat, such ;as produe
Its accounts. It was never eon- vlfJZ "o, marketing, . selerfloiv con
templated. : under our ; form of ;nAeV1? .tilJ'fc lug. place In the diet. etc. V
government, that the secretary 5j? "t!?? h The contest . announcement has
- ... in, ir.nrn.rnni mnnnnin .
the criminal -lawa oi -me -siaie. tt. v : j I-"Vv I tfiarhpr m alt nari f thA
-tm or otherwise. X I JP o irpm xaixw as I Z "rT I JrT. J
m i 1 I tnr ATlif 'MUST! 'tnncr Va In Kw
- . - a . n.ii i ww a vi wbb rcceivcu Liasas. sa 1 wnman i w - - j
A7 r ar raw t n islsi ruiicu - . 1 i
or. the executive, is a euestlon
In which I am not vitally con
'I am. however, vitally inter-
i The other nine will be employed
j on the county road near the tu
berculosis hoanital. The nine men
ested In the financial saving to go to work on the county roadj
that may be made for the bene- un(ier county pay, will replace a
fit of the taxpayers by the en- Bumber of men laid off recently.!
etment or measure, ana c0uaty - roadmas-!
"ZTS mWAi,m ter are still receiving applications I unargea with possession of a
"aAu.p?:r;v. ,t hi from men who declare they need "till Joe and Edward Degnlre
"-. "".v-" work at fence. InvesUgatlon often no sianiey Bowes were bound
S'UU:UwP' that conditions overdo and lury by Jus-
. i.i. .i .in- i aii iBe mm axe doi u uaa m i vi x-mcv nmer nijaa
rle Uw enforcenent departinent described by the applicant: so the on Saturday. Bond was, fixed at
gie law eniorceweav uciiwiuicui . I 1500 for eah of th thrML : .
onni ilont V t& a DUSineSS JW- I v1uv..v' . . "
In favor of someone whose clr-i H. D. Thrless, charged with
-It now costs the people icon- J cumstances show to be In dire J being' drunk on a public highway
siderably more -than a million
dollars to enforce the fish, game;
forestry, proh" Uion and traffic
laws under special and separate
enforcement agencies.; -Of 4 this
amount. $372,540.00 is expended
by you as secretary of state in
the enforcement of traffic laws,
and an additional 1200.060.00 is
expended by the highway Com
mission in the enforcement of
the same traffic laws. Certainly
neither you nor any one else can
logically contend that such a di
vision In expenditure and j ad
ministration can be especially
conducive to efficiency. ' !
to give the job to the most needy.
f i h
Three six-round fights are In
cluded in the card announced for j
the Silverton armory for Febru-i
-It 1. the purpose of the State if?? ' ;
Mite mAMiir. which is oat-l0'"1 wi" " " "t -"
terned after successful state po-
need. An attempt is made always j was fined $20 and costs in Jus-
uce court.
The case of Sarah Palleson,
; charged with pointing a gun at
another., which was taken under
advisement by Justice of the
Peace Hayden, was settled Satur
day morning when Mrs. Pallor
son was declared not guilty.
The case - of Charles ; Lehman.
charged with giving an N. S.
check was continued until Feb
ruary 14.
Bobby Ambrose will meet Andy
ii : ..t. i nth-r atatel' to Jeorg of Silverton: Terry Kileen
enforce all these laws tnrougn xiui Vl 0u,tl
single agency and to co-operate I " aao Kea witcrart win; oppose
with local aeencies. when re- iiujjuwu i
quested, to enforce the criminal
laws generally, -especially
mom of
J scon
In nor'tat nhumiiM nf thA
Four round fights Will find .t.V.I.r nf Pit. Contln
. I TT--1. T J ftl . -v J , L I , - "
ininsu ftoujr ui Duiniwa uu iiujp I I. J Ctsts wrilcri will
mral onmmiiBlties where law vi-1 Williams of Scotts Mills matched. I K ima .u
olaUona, have become rather also Ypung Douglas of Silverton trV next week tne D4Ua9 , Boy
prevalent on ccuuui. ui u u i v. "... r -"&. t scout troop has arranged to noia
Of tne, auiomooue on oar . siga- uuMnerf mu uv Buiyitso cui-
wavs ln - the commission . of I tain raiser.
crime. - -.-' " : . .
"I conservatively estimate
that, If enacted, the state police UT 5?r7pm TpfTIQ
Mil nt u ba neonlA more I " wwiCJJJ A CaiiJo .
than a quarter of -a million of
dollars In . administration, which
saving alone ought to be suffi
cient to Induce yon to be willing
to surrender np r a . function
which, as heretofore stated, nev
er properly belonged to your of
flee. :
I observe that you state that
you have made, a considerable
study of crime as member of
, the parole board and as a dl
. rector of ' the' American Pflson
association, and that you express
doubt that crime would be ma
terially reduced through the 'es
tablishment of a state police, or
our prison population be dv
creascd. You are, of course, en
titled to your opinion .on this
subject, but I wish to remind
you that under the present -system
our penitentiary, which you.
as a ' member qf the board of
control, have administered for
several years past, is now r over
populated to the extent that it
was necessary for the emergency
board to provide funds for addi
tional facilities, and that there
is now a demand for more funds
. for the same purpose. -
" my opinion that the
state police system, efficiently
and effectively administered, will
not only materially reduce the
population : in ' our state prison
but in our county and municipal
Jails, and will avoid theneces
slty for additional prison facil
ities and will reduce taxes.?
WILL ID 14 ffi)
Fourteen more men will be
placed en road work in this ter
ritory beginning Monday morning,
Roadmaster Frank Johnson said
Saturday. Five of these men will
join the state highway j road
crews working west of the river.
Defeat Brooks
- i- , , - p: -.-
WEST SALEM, Feb. 7.- (Spe
cial) Both the boys' and girls'
basketball teams of West Salem
grade school won from Brooks,
the boys winning 31 to 1 14 and
the girls winning 23 to 13. The
girls' game was close and inter
esting, but the. boys game was
one-sided. This , is the 1 second
time the boys have won from
Brooks.; The next games will
be played with Liberty. I
VP yea have Freqaeat HEAD
I ACHES, i ";
IF yea eaaaei read fine print st
! thread a needle.
IF yew are NERVOUS and Irrt
; table. Consult as NOW.
Chairea Seasenable :
Service Facilities
Reliable Firm
j Select Your Triicking Needs Here
1923 Dodge 195" w.bJ 3 ton Cy. Lie. & Body, 9.75 Balloon
Tires. Truck ln perfect : ClftTtnn
J mechanical condition.!... J......... $10iUAJ3
' " t ; -
1930 Dodge 185" w.b. 3 ton ; Cy. Lie. & Bodyrun only
9,000 miles, 8.25 balloon tires. - - C1QOC
; Truck looks like new j
1928 Graham 1(5" 4 Cy. 2 ton $2xS dual tlresvrrA Art
; " , License and flat bed, exceptional value 3jvUU
1928 Dodge 185" 2H ton Cy..
! IT x 7 duals A.... j...,
1927 Graham 4 Cyl. lryd. dump truck.
Hydraulic hoist,! dual : tires . .
1927 Dodge
ton Screen
1929 Chev 1 ton
-1 32 x C duals .
. . ...... ,
Many other excepdbaal valnes la both light and
Heavy duty tracks. -
jBonesteele Motor Co.
- j Dodge Bros. TriickSales and Service
(Ask for R. W. Clark) ; Phone 423 474 8. Coral
TToc3E Elonno ILncti do ILonn
Well-seasoned lumber that can stand' the test of
years of every weather condition is the'only kind of
lumber that will make" your home a profitable in
vestment The finest quality lumber is the only kind
we sell. A complete stock, including 1 2 and 1 6 inch
;mill and planer wood, j U f r '' .; 'V-! ";
':5&BBGi :;r.0II(5IHn3ILE, (2. ,
'347.8. 12th , I- j" ; !' ' " .1 -''l.vTel. 813
- An) f
. 4 r 4 ; ,
and say something you wouldn't have said if you had waited until you
v, had cooled off a bit? j
: We all do that. I wrote ih ad this mbrrim when L was good and sore and this afternoon I read it over and
' wouldh t think f having it put in the paper. . ..... . ..
C Vw, J 'llviV-.c. Va ; L- VJ.-
Now laugh if you want to I don't care. I Now you see, I'm still a little peeved. I bet you'd be peeved too Ifi
somebody came snooping around your place, prying into your private affairs. Now wouldn t you? ,
v Here's What Happened One Day This Last Week:
'A man I didn't know (but I think somebody said his name was Skaggs) and another fellow, I thinlc his name
is Bean I don't know, of course, what kind of a bean, less it's Green Bean, of course I'm cruessinrr at that
Well anyway, they put in a lot of time at both our stores asking the boys a lot of questions about bur business,
looking at our prices, which are all plainly marked, and I guess they must have got sore about our prices, 'cause
they sneaked out when they saw someone come m that knew them!
Nn THw Tlrni'r T.ivo in Solom
. vj js- jLaxvj ja-r vaa y jls a t V a. a. a kjuivails ! '4,
but they get some of the money here to keep up a big office fore in some bi&reer town than Salem. Now as I
said before, I'm not peeved any more -4- in fact I feel so good I'm going to tell you of a lot of nice thinirs for
m..m a. Ty 21 9 -a . 1 ' :r? i l J' . ; . . i . - . nr is . . i .
oi ousiuu uure-vanu none ormc money you spena nere goes to wan street, eitner. une or these days
1 m going to tell you about tricky prices: j ;
Real Fancy
No. 2 cans
2 for Sic
. ; Dainty Bits
No. 2 cans 4.
2 for 28c
'Fancy Cove j'-
- Oysters
Wg '
i New Pack
Fancy Shrimp
2" cans 2Sc.
k jr.-"- e rj " 'j r - i
California i
Domestic ,;
in on
regular size cans
, I k i ------
Fresh Frozen
Just Pure Caiie Sugar
Added to Oregon's
Finest Berries
2 lbs. SSe
We Have! a Lot of the
Finest Rome Beauty ,
.. Apples
You Ever Saw-
pb, and
They Are Only
97c bbii
And of Course We Have
Other Apples, and .
Some of Them Rome
Beauties, Too, at v
... -.- i
Don't Confuse Those
. 97c Apples .
With Ordinary Apples
Fresh New Stock
6-pound pails
Ivory Soap
0 &ars"25c
' " - f " ... . '
White Wonder
11 bars S8c
.., . I ,. v., ... ;- ,..
Creme Oil Soap
5 bars 25o
!'-:-r,". v j i " :."
."'"'. . j -' V : .;.
C. oVIH. Manufacture
Pure Cane
Sugar ;
10 lbs. 46c
100-lb. sacks, $4.53
., -4 I--:- . -.- , ' ' . . '
We Have Only a Limited
Amount of This Sugar
Left, So Order Early -
Pillsbury's Best
Crown Flour
Blue Daisy
By Jove! I'll Bet That's It
, One of the Boys Told
Me He'd Bet a Nickel the
Reason Those Two I I
Chain Store Fellows
; ; : Sneaked Out !
of Oiir Store Was
Because jfriey Didn't See
Any, Tricky Specials!
Now Do You Supposo
That Was It?
Fresh Standard
M.J.B. Coffee
Costs a Few .Cents IYIoro
Than Some Others,
But It's Worth It! :
-1 . . . -ti i
. 1 lb. ean (!3 1
Pet Milk
7 cxnall cons for 25e -
i i