PAGE NINE, j ' The OREGON- STATESMAN." Balcra, Oregon,'. Saturday Morning February, 1S3V eeiihg Place for Buyer tra$ :SeMer;j:; The M 3 Tns Statesman iuumn no fl-. ria racial responsibility tor error which way appear in advertlee meats published In Its columns, tout la caa where tola paper ' ' fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which th typo graphical m La take occurs. Claaatfied avr-C 0n4 InuH !sv 1fn fnres Insertions per Una Six Insertions per line On moron per- una tiRimwHi v.." " , Copy for Uite page wcimcu -til 4:34 the avesiitg before publi cation for classification. Copy re ceived after this thne wHl be run under the beading Too Late to L'lasslfy. HELP WANTED MALE 3 neat appear lac men lor looas sales rork permanent position for tnoe willing to work i hours a day . -. .. B ltd lr mrt K. irt 5 ' B. Knatehart. 670 N. Winter SLi 4 :- : p. m. only. WANTKD A stiuTl ruan or boy for eaoral farm work. Route 6. box 04. Ualem. HELP WANTED FEMALE rwrvsfVrYJr " " m a a sal Refined sales Udy for local trri4 I torr who will ,orfcr t hour; Tl I .ftrmaaent poaltloti. Meaaant. aijftu- ru .rk A W.i it tlS.OO week to at art. Bee . B. Knalehart. $70 K. Winter SU -$ :00 p. m. only. s Women. iria desriclns to earn roon-j ay m-fi Mrw. Ianlel, Senator Hotl. ; SITUATIONS WANTED 1 isyy M-a'w,sairmi"i" Kxpertenced raner, rardenin. TeL tSSCJ. j Accountant, bookkeeper and typlatj 4S years old SO jrra- varted . ewrj Isnce. aom selling). Beat character lind qualification; .references Bo TSf. ptateemnn. ! 1 FOR SALE Miscellaneous I - - - 1 Tfound, good trailer ana tree o UI run anything- tout at-er. toicruico at $1. 1125 Jefferson St-. Balem. 1 WesthtKhouae electric rant with Insulated ovea. AU In first ekss eon jjwian. Taken In trade on a new smooth top (us ranire. Portland Gat & Coko.Co. Tel. 11J. Cbotco ctovor, oata and retell hay. Tel. llfll evenings. - e.weei.'..''eeeveVMie"'' 1 TTtM furniture at a bargain. Ranges I $. l$2 f and p, Oregon Trading Post,: N. Oorn-1. . unMa a nit TniilMs. taken In oni tractors. 54 Ferry St. Wm. IL. Trumn. -: Applet 40c and na. TeL Apploa. $Co and 60c boa. TeL; ?w?-Larv-- ---- v- - - ----- .n-in.n.W KOR SALE: ahafttng. pulleys, bang era. Statesman Publishing Co. FOR 8ALK Old papera. 10c bua Clu 8tatestoan of flea. Typewriters, all makes, new and vsed. Adders and t-pewritersfor rent. Typewriter Evcliange. 421 Conrt v-t. WANTED Miscellaneous iv M-rvr I7il rtanaa In ex- change oo radios, phonographs, or fur-j r'tee- H t Stiff T-Xrrtlmre Cnmnmr ! MISCELLANEOUS VtfWMVVVVVVMSWVWAA.j . fall FL V. Rrder for painting, pa rhanging. tinting. tetaoio worn.; l :4iM. FOR RENT ROOMS j ""Large furnished housekeeping Vootn. ; II t and cold water and gas in room. 11 eat and light furnished. 110 i- Uion. ; " Warm sleeping rooms. 1 block north of capltol Ws- Tel 1114W. ROOM arid BOARD PLEASANT rest homo tor seml-!a-Talids or elderly persona Be ri car and food, bo 712. ?$ States man EXCELLENT board and cheerful rooms to private hwge0Cr!ter I ,)it RENT APARTMENTS SVMMwwvwweeeeeAaMei Two largo sunny three room; partments furnished or unfurnished. Tio Na CapltoL Plono ft!2W. ; WELL furnished rooms and spts.;' for rent at 22S1 Ilazel Ava Tet ir.3W. IVsirablo heated X room a close la. Inquire 12 T Union. - j: - n n a- n i rirJar"vMVr"tiJr1 -: room and kltdienetta, furnished; t"if r, lights, phone. Close ta. Adults ; $U 51 Mill street. i 3 room, fully furnislied. Clean,: 609 .'-9jlurch'-?'fV1.Ju?!1 - -2 large room fur. apt., lutlit, water TeL 10S. 2 week. m0 Oak. ; FOR RENT HOUSES Srictly modern 6 room furnished; fcome. (S( North 20th Ht- Call 217. i r,: room bungalow on N. Com' I. St i Basement, ga-rage. Frutt See Mrs.. C'ndwell, Stategm'n office. . .-- - - -- - - i- KOR RENT Houses furnislved and; EnfurnlBhed. F. I WOOD S41 State Street F"OR RENT- room nouse. 18o 10c "si oo 23a I rooraj, modern except fireplace, large 1-t with fruit. dotiWe garage, .located 14 N. Commercial street 25.0 per month. Immediate possession.' ;tiffler. TeL 600 or call at 1710 N.j 17lh St evenings. II inieresiru. room bungalow tot rent 124S; C'.uenieketA. 5 room liouse. basenent. Stoves, $!'. . l-el. HslK. st--.-' I frigfrW:ly j i 'rnlln from BemL Vahu must rent See EKCHTELi . wiu cJear anj pay cUf ISON. ?t State ct., on)lje'rea) 6a Salem home. If yon THOMASOX HftlKKX $ to 8I FOR RENT Oarago and furnished apt-, cayj i -.v nr mnnrh 2455 State. I -- - . . ,.) TILLIE. THE TOILER TolAtiMffll&i 1 voo . Cfe:? C5T 7-CxJ iNfS- THYtJ-fooG L.L I fc& - " t " FOR SALE Real Estate FOR 8AL.B Fan-mount Hilt real- denre with a wonderful vlrw. Built for home by owner. A. J. RAHN, 1510 ralrmount Street. Phone 1927. $20 Stats Street Tel. 172T. WITT It EXT? We liave a fine, modern 6 room bun galow well located In Sooth 8alem that we can sett you on rental wisis. Property nicely financed. Call Ut about It. Price $1600. skk aira, Kiifa -with LKO H. CHi LDS CO- Reallers 320 SMte -Street TeL 1727. FOR 8ALE-Attractive home. bunt In 124. modem convenience. Reas onable, XttS K. ltU- fiiune evening , 2S4VJ. i We Itajvo a m4endld medern t room home la alam -worth. $4J0 to trade for a tarn and will aasumo a reas onable amount. Wo have 4 eood acres fairly well Improvod -wUK ecessanr farm ma- cliinery on ood road worth $4500.00 " , "f' A svlewdid 10 acre tract 2 miles north f - Htlerti worth 35O0.00 and can use Setoattboroa worut 00. A well -improved small tract In suburba of Jtalem worth $2500 tar ataall faxaa MMrthtr out. A good 0 room Salem home worth $5500 to trade for a farm. A adetMMd modem Salem homo worth $4fc0 -to trade for small unim proved, acreiute. , " ,, plenty of fpult for only $5500 McGUiCTHtrST c PENXINaTOM 10 -l V. i. Bank BkU- Tel. 140. DOWN TO BEDROCK! Well located - room borne on Win ter street. eatiful east front lot. Owner forced to sell at sacrifice price of only fSMM). Keusonaule terms. Immediate poaaeaaioa of a food room aotae Ui eutt Salem at a fore closure price, $1709. Little cash. bal. monthly. 4 room plastered liouse, garage and woodshed. Price reduced from $3100 to $1450 for quick sale. Terms like rent Kor ood -tviy-s ta liomes SKE LK(i N. CHIUJS CO.. Realtors SS0 State Street TeL 1727 KPECIAL. Distant owner reduces price on Ms C room -modern Iwom for Unmedlato u u.m.aa l wll In K. in Ml ls4em. commaada splendid view of mta clom to school and bua line. Price $4760, small down payruent will handle. BEH Mrs Fails with LKO K.TEHILX)S CO., Realtors $20 Stata Street TeL 1727 TWDArS BEST BUT la a room plastered house on larre lot. close to bialnsa section. street -paea ana pa.J. lotai price ony tl J0 fafch 5 per month. B'EE M mUh LEO 1. "CHILDS CO., Realtors J20 Stat Street TeL 1727, 11600. Kor f acres 14 east of Salem small bouse, good bom, well and pump, -ceod soil, -$100 down. $1&00. 6 A. nil. east of Salem, about t bearing trees, most!' cherriea Easr terma. $00. ( A. 2 rat. faom alem, 4 room house. alectrtc lights. chicken Itouae. double garage, good fam ily orcaard. IVs aeres of stxaw- berriea, excellent soil. 117 A. 24 -enL from R. R. 8 room house and aH kinds of outbuild logs, on tall .ract of timber, lays welL -A. of clover, all good dark soil. 0H). Federal loan at 5H. One of the best farms In the valley. flt.Ov. Money -to 3oan. Hn Auto Ins. S2A v. s. iafLBank uidgl TeL $37 100 acrea on pavement. 7 acres cultivated, fair buildings, . 12 miles from Salem. Running water, best soil. Will consider some trade. Owner 2170 Myrtle Ave.. Salem. 2 rm. limine witii bath and built ins. rar&er. corner lot with shade -trees. pav?d street, fruit, $1260 4 rm. houee with batli. garage, near Lealie Jr. bJgh. learing fruit ana nuts, J1T0. These are attractive DroDeTtlea and caa be handled on very easy terms. WINTCTE PETTTJOIIX, Realtor 176 South High Street C R. iMMia-f, basement, furnace, all nlcelv fnrnished inside, with built ins. Price $CS0.-0; street paved. $300.00 down; balance easy. : New S R. Knalish tTTe house, all strlctlr modern and a real beauty and very cheap for the price of si. 600-t'O f TW.OO down ana move in. SKE REARS S: TUCK. Ell 114 South Commercial Street 8400 Aaah will bur 40 acrea build Ings, 20 cleared In crop, balance Urn Per ; outrange lor stocK, crop in. S acres close tn, prunes and cLer riea 6l.o. S acres close in. house and barn. $1050.09. $150 00 cash, and balance terms. t??aa for 10 acre farm and build inas 2 miles Donald 3 miles Hob- bard. 180 N. 3m'I. Tel. CC1-M-SI0S-M. flOLIEN OPPORTUNITT Mod. home on Garden road, hlglilr ii7iDroved, to trade for 4 acre un proved farm. OOOD bouse fn Salem to trade for 5 acre Improved tract close to some good town. $2 a -re fanr, 7 miles Salem, tradeor good Salem property. to LA FLA R ft MYERS Lndd ft Bush Bank Bldg. Room EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE Cl.olra corner In small town on paved fttreet, ideal place for store and coniectionery. oiuks. neeu rnmic ic nwvri.viina' anmA fiKtur and-fumiture to go. 1 aero o line una witn purn nnd rhicKen rwurt. rreea in ru. v.i., trass Wnrt Sal.-m home f-mall acreaite near. Will pay d'.Ifer- Kr.A& ew himi. ' tiD tn 81000. AO acrea 8 miles out on pared high war. f4p WdK.. liundreds of corda of good timber. 5 sores clear, creek nd inHnir r:irer. Wovt-n wire lencs. VainK I'Ova. Want Salem homa In exciianxe. . tn Ti. r': utes COTintV lor ewfMBKWi f-.i. i va.m r:HiI.rSi CO.. Realtors 5"0 siatK;r5et Tel. 172 Wanted to trads house and lot tor lot or residence. 0wr only. TeL I 2S3 or 1382M. i 3 ' uiirL:..i. B.a a In, Inn EXCHANGE Real EsUte - - - - -- -i-ia-i- - irirwLfxo WANTED 4 or room house in exchange tor' 9 room modern houae corner lot. 49k15. Khj-bhet-r. fruit, erand view South Balem. Deal with owner, write 77. Statesman. aaaaa - .-v-..-.-..-. j-j- UNKiCTJMBKRED 4 lota fins- district TRADES , mall . farm out (aorta. TWO RESIDENCES . ' I Clear to mA. for (.m r I Ansel up to $7504.40. I t-w virn I h-herries close In. will-glva even trade xor modern t room bouse. See OKI- SER with ANDKRSOX ft RUPfHtT 188 South High Street FOR SALE FAR3IS FARM BUTW tU Oahs A W Vtiava poultry house.' prica Sl76.0: will v aw,i tnk a . iUVUOd. muiti give terms. 40-Acre rood land. miles If. Sa lem. 4 R. house-, cood lajva barn, trait house, poultry i-.ouee, nice livtna; stream throttan lac. ifuuac son. finest little dairy place around, food roaaa arm geoa location, prleo f lv- ztro.wo: aawn. 15-Acres, house, barn, garac and poultry house, danc soil. I A. rod raop- perrtea, 4-a. strawberries, 1H a. evergreen.- Soma fruit trees, bal. la oats ani veatca.. Frice $S30.00 : alva terras. 7-Acres eood land, all stocked and poultry houses, water system, runxilnjf water, 1 cofi lioraea waaon. all Ira- plementa and wood In basement for furnace, fine location, price )v0.9v; rive terms. zo Acres au in cultivation, I milea north ; 3-4 miles from K. Pacific hurhway. aood location: 1100.00 acre: will rive aood terms or trade for income property. tat zarma bEK 8KARS. ac TUCKER 184 South Commercial Street 21a ko your terms at $35 acre. 18$ A. Klamath lrrlg. Sandy loam on rlv- surfaced bwy. Fres water. Ideal lfalfa, potato, poultry and ' stock rt. 144 Krtad-ay. ACREAGE $7 ACRES ON Dayton-McWlnnvllla hlghwayi All under plow and clover soli, la pared highway, electricity, full set build ings. Pries $126.00 per acre. 83 ACRH PRAIRIE FARM On Silverton-Saleai hlghavar ora- fourth seeded to clover, famlty orch- rd. house aad barn. Prlca 810.008.- 0. take 20 of Salem property on seai. g ,ACRK!J rir. in nn..iuiif n Br. i berrlea Pries $1000.00. See GKLSKR 1 with i ANDER30X ft RUPERT 1C Soath High Street Big farms small farms adro- agea : located tn Marlon and Polk counties; terms to suit SEE THIS: 04 acres bottom soil, needs a boubo. Xou built It and nay balance like gov ernment loan. I sneciaiiza ta ex changes ! If. CI SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. 17$ t NOW IS THE PROPER TIME To move on that small acreage tract Here are a few that are priced right Choice 8 1-4 A. Rich, loam solL income last year -on strawberries wao 8 soo. some rrult 6-K. hoase, barn. fries tor uuica deal sisoo. CHOICE V. A. SI 600 Adjoins city limits of Salem, cory room honse. eiec iigat snower oata. paved street. 15 A: SNAP. NO BLDGS. $115 Has nice creek ot running water 11 rear. 6 A. cult. Some wood tim ber, best of soil for filberts, -walnuts, berry or fruit land. Worth twice the price asked. -Choie b A. Tract ro Kidgs. Hayesvllle district worth $2v00 no reasonable offer refused. Iandy 5 A. luver Botom Land--Finest of garden ground, small house, barn. Pries $1450. Worth $2, 250. -If It's A Larger We - ha ve It some ars stocked and equipped. Good terms on all of them. For farms or any sice or land, blub: BECHTKL or T.1I03US 311 State Street Room 4. Four Autos at Tour Servtco 5 A. SNAP $21S Beautiful 6 A. tract, located Just off the highway north of Salem. Trad for small house. BKH BK HTKL or THOIUSOS - 341 State Street Room 4. 10 acres on highway, south, mostly In apples- good walnut ground. No bldga, $3300. $400 loan. Take Salem house, same value. 40 acres. 7 ml. southeast of Salem. 37 in fall grain, 2 a. timber, r.O bldgs., $1500, clear. Take house in Salem, good paper, or aeil on easy terms. Want 3 acres with large house, have good lot as first payment C J. jarKSDS witn W. O. ICRUEGER 117 North t'ommerr-inl Business Opportunities J-MM-SAS4WMywWMrVkAArVMM FOR QUICK SALE Ooldle'a lunch at Junction City. Ideal location, spe cial price if taken at once. Good rea- nona Tel. 139. ' FOR TRADE Light xnfgr. bus iness nay 6'0 profit Trade for closed automobile. Address mfgr P. O. Kov P-tlem. Or-tron. MONEY TO LOAN. Salary Loans To People Steadily Employed STATE LOAN COMPANT 212 Oregon Bldg. Second Floor Corner Stats and High Office bra 10:00 a. m. to 4:50 p. m. Telephone 832, Llcessed by Stats 6ar " sasasiSsaps-aaas MOXKT LOAXED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payme-ta. I OU MtP i-jr. P." A EIKER rn t !hrtr St. snd Ferrf Phono 121 Salem. Ore, MADS oa furniture, cars, - salaries or other s-rod security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need sea us before closing a loan. ... . GENERAL INVEST TEX If T-i--. .-.ioi n . r, if niA Phdna 1200 X A-.vr. - i i : ' j - - ' ' : " i 1 ' ' I MONEY TO LOAN HEED . MONET QTJICXLTT Caah Loans of f 10 to Wlthla 14 Hour Small Mont lily Repayments can DS- arranges, w inencuy courteous service has -helped many wuen toey needed money quickly. Come ta, 'phono or write for full In- ...-n. . - a. a . m . sv, .. . - UU BUga Bid-. I'll BUU TeL 1-7-4-0 Ucensod by tha State WANTED to. loss on lire stack and personal property. Terms to suit your coorenlenos. National Loan and Flatno Co. 4f0 Bank of Com. Bid. Lfesasad by stats. CITT AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers yoa ex pert artvlco sad service tn all llnea, ; HAWKINS A KOBERT3 (Inc.) I TeL 17 205 Oregon Bldg. 0?f FARMS AND CITT SEAL EB- TATK. LOWI3T DITCnaEBT BiTUL ;; - . BCirr T. JftioW FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' BLXXZ. i . i, .-H--1-,. ii .-l. nrm r,nni Federal Farm Toasa W nar not F. L, WOOD, 841 Stats Street. - LOANS WANTED WA?TTKD Prlvats money to loaa oa real estate. r W. H. GRABENHOR3T ft CO. REALTORS 14 S. Llhortr Ht Tel. 514. INSURANCE rrovft PROPERrr insured? If not or befora you renew, better sea Sears ft Tucker. Ws ara axonts for New JlatiMMr firs. lfmrane coaiMnv also ths Merchanta Both Old reuastA companfe. kKJUM tt TUCKER 1 84 South Commerrfal Street LIVE STOCK and POULTRY XAROH HORSES AND MCLKS- wi arrive Sunday. Fab. Rm. Z oar loads of mules, l car load at I .horse a i All atxea and all ages. A horas or team -for evsry purpose. Sell very nasonabls. AH stack guaranteed . as represented, rres aeuvery. inter stats uorss cow Market, union ava.-and Columbia Blvd. Portland. Ths WUlametts Valler Hatcherr. Chicks svery week. Reds; R Box: w. koxj j. a. Giants; J. w. Giants: M?rff Orps, Hanaos tghorna All B. ,-Wi. v. -tasted. 4 is 9. 24Ut St. Salem. Ore. Phone 77 S-W. Custom batchlac Ulror Narh auaianteea his horsea ana cow. Auction SOI depot TeL 28 HaaMWVMMMMMwa FOR SALE 80 food ewea Ara VimWnit. C. -A. Owlnn. Rlowreall, Ova. FOR SALE WOOD lt and II" wood, also Planar wood, 85.00 per cord load delivered from car. $5.60 from yard. Cokbs ft Mitchell Co. 14$ a 12th. Sit. Mixed oak and ash srrub. 14 in. ds- livered $4.60 cord. Call 1437. To trado dry alder for what liars you T01. SZ3i. Rig Snd growth dry fir. Ed Varbls. IK lrry. Tel. Z8I2R Wood sale on olaner trtmmln a. 3.80 per load. Cord wood $4.50 per load. $8.60 for double load. Prompt service. Honest measure. Davis Fuel CO. TeL 2435. JlrwMAMS)sasMStaj FOR SALE OR TRADE 14 In. old fU-. $6.00 cord. TeL 18F4. - DRT. all kin 3a, any length. TeL -738. DRT fir and oaa wood, coal and fur! OIL Call on us for orlcea We giro good measure, good aualJty and srood aer Ice. Ii:ATSrt,K St S1UKAUI i Toii ft ftfftl I igwwywvwwwwwo 14 In. and 4 ft wood on band at I all tlmea Also planer wood. TeL 3818 Trasys Fuel xaraa GUARANTEED DRT Wood coaL TeL 13. Salem Fuel Co 753 Trads. I VWwMVVwVwVWwwrWrVVVNArVVV4 1$ la. old fir. $7.6 ed. and dry hard- wtwvl TeL 1S24W. Ky Aspinwail. WOOD SAWING For better wood sawing, Tel. 1523 FOR SALE USED CARS FIVE DATS FREK TRIAL '58 Studs Commander sedan $5 "8 Buick std. 2 -door sedan 2 it OldsmobUs 4 -door sedan 426 '30 Essex csacli $50 2 Whippet sir. sedan . 486 28 wex coacn - '24 Studs ota six sedan 35 'lis Tode sedan 24 Hudson coach 260 ' Hudson coacli ,- 175 I ants l-'ords Fords Town sedan 62 2 Tudor sedan - 42 STATE MOTORS irU. Hudaon Essex Studebakor Open evenings and Sundays . High and Chemekata TeL 1008. Iood-VVill Used Cars sold wrrn a guarantee 1320-vr.ntlc Cinni $675.00 1 S -Chevrolet Sport Co'Jpe t64.00-( 182-Chevrolet Coupo 425.00 460.00 1829-Oakland J-dr. Sedan lJ2$-MaazobIle Sedan 1827-Star Six Sedan 675.04 335.00 425.00 4&5.00 835.00 146.00 345.00 S35.60 1837-OakIand Sedan . 127-Nash Cairlolet ... 1826-Huditon Brousliam 19!6-Overiand Sedan .. 1827-Dodge coupa .. . , . - l27-Pontlc Panel DeL j Some real buys to cheap cars. Wood-Wheaton Motor Co. .i Oakland Telephone 2123 PorUlac USED CAR D PARTotEX T j CIS Chftueketa Street i REPOSSESSED 1828 Chevrolet coupe, fine condition, all around. Easy terms. Also model T Ford truck, taka it for ths balance due. $64 casn. 1 OREOON FINANCE CORP. 1 Masonic Bldg. TeL Z$L FOR SALE USED CARS Ford and Buick Used Car. Lot J Bulck Sedaa $115 vO tzc Bales: snclossq - AUla. 340.00 S84.44 125 Bcdck Coup n Chrysler Coach 1418 Cbsvrolet Cowpo 3 1 S.St 8 36.44. 18J.44 125.00 454.44 $46.04 104.04 128.04 16.44 SI 6.44 lz Chevrolet eooaa 12 Chevrolet Coup. . 1828 Dodge Coups ii:i uixic.i Ms oan 82S Dodgs 4 Touring. , 26 Dod- 4 Truck 1028 Dodgs 4 Coups tSO Modet A Ford Coups 130. Model A. Ford Roadstsr 454.8- 2S Model A. Ford Coach 874.44 44..04 2 85 .OS 110 Model A. Kord -track 1! Model A Ford truck . 1828. Chevrolet truck ,T 1820 cjnevroiet trude ,. 1$ 2 T Model T Ferd Coups 182$ Modal T Ford Coups 4S5.04- J 64.44 125.4 82 Model T Ford 'Roadster. T0 4S.44 - 45.44 450 X0.04 12 Model T Ford Touring J826 Model T Ford Coups 1824 Model T Ford touring 1825 Model T Ford Roadster 184 Hupmoblk 1 -Coups 18 2 S Hupmoblls 4 Roadstsr 454 300.0 137 otdscnoHie CJoactt .. . 7a 1827 Oaklaad Coacls . . ... 346.04H 182S Patxs Sedan , . 485.09 182T Star Coach., 175.61 1824 Star 4 Too ring ., t . 84.00 1824 Stodebaker Big tour. 45.40 1824 WB Touring 45.44 824 W.-KL Roadster 42.04 1828 Whippet Coups 1928 Whiooet Oaach - 350.04 254.44 Nortn . km or oro Agency. Teloplions 1027 Salem Used Car Center Kortb ond sf Ford Agency. Telophoas 1027. The Used Car You Have BeeM Waitihg Fori SPECIAL MODEL A FORD "BAROAINS - VALLElr MOTOR CGMP4NT Liberty and nter Streets TeL 188$ is 1 0-4 -door Sedan demonstra tor m . 8625.00 If S0-2-door Sedan demonstra tor . 630.40 1934-t-door Sedan, good con- . dltton . er.oo 183-td. Coups good soaps 495.00 1828-Cabrlolet c est r s r 8804.44: now ; 445.O0 182-Revioss8sed Sport Coup 404.44 1828-Std. Coupe, new tires ; 875.00 1828-Sport Roadster au new tires , ,. . us.vs 1824-Lats type Fordor Sedan, new tires . , 454.44 18 1 8-Late Typs Tudor Sedan, recorulltlsned w.vo llil-Lttt Typs Business Coupe, reconditioned , $5.0o 182$-Early Typs Sport Coups, TecondDtlonea . . 192 8-Late Typs Roadster, re conditioned r.ot 1928-Lats Typs Phaeton, re- condiUoaed 1914-Truck, elosed sab, dual tires ... ,. .w 1828-Truck. closed cab, dual Urea 4S5.48 44 Other Makes of Cars to - Choose From Wa Pay Cash For Good . Used Cars. 27 Buick fnt aetl mv 127 Buick CoUOS by Feb. 8. Will take $154.04 idown and balance In monthly payments. Call at 128. Patterson Ave . W. Salem. Am Leaving Town Feb. 11. Must sell my 183$ Pontlac coach before that time. Any reason able offer accepted. Terms can oe given if desired. This car is In stor- ee at.saa is. t-ommercini. NOTICE OP FINAIi IuHIUXG In Probate No. It5 i la the Cotrnty Court of tho State of Oreson for the Connty ojt Varlon. Ia the Matter of Una Estate oI4 WILLIAM P LORD, Deceased. Notice Is Hereby Given that th-e vhdersitrned, administrator Of the estate of William; P. Lord, deceased, has filed his final re port and account with the Cona ty Court of the Stato of Oregon, tor the County of Marlon, In probate, and that Tuesday the 10th day of March. A. -, till. at 2:00 o'clock, P. M, of aaid day and the court-room of Bald court haya been appointed . by the Court as the time and place for tha- hearing- ot objections thereto and tha settlement there of. -- - ' . . All persons are hereby noti fied to appear at aaid time and place and' enow cause. It any there be, why said 4tafe should not be finally closed and aaid administrator discharged. WILLIAM Pi LORD. Administrator. CHESTER O. MURPHY. Attorney for Estate. Date of first publication. Feb. T, 1931. . Date ot last publication. Mar. 7. 131. PT-14-21-28-MT ; l - NOTICE OP FHV.VL. SETTLE MENT .!, . Notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of tha State of Oregon, for the County of Mar Jon, his duly jreritjed ; final ac count, as administrator of the estate of Flora Von Behren, de ceased, and that said Court fcaa flrod Tuesday, the 17th day of February. 131. at ! the hour of tan o'clock A- M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court Haau at . Salem, is Marion County, Oregon, aseth place for hearing said final account ana all objections thereto. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 17th dar of January. 1921. GEORGE CHRISTIE JOHN STON. I Administrator of "the aetata of Flora Voa Behren,; deceased, RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administrator, Ralom. Oreeon. J.l7i24-31FT-14 I GOT JOB n f - Altrie8i aha nerer aaa- appcarea n the stage or in the me vies, pium Loretta Sayera. younf aocietyrl of Larc-xnont, N. Y., has a Ion term raomo contract with Colum bia Pictorea. The smile she wear, above dazzled the camera aad tha Uim r-affiates. . F. OH CULLED BY DEATH SILVERTON, Feb. . Mrs. Fred Dickman, a resident of SIl-refto- and Tieinity for tha past 20; years, pasaed away at the family home lata Thursday night after aa Illness of aeTeral weeks. , Mra. Dickman was I bora in Germany July SO.- ISC, and came to the United ? States near ly 40 years ago. Sha is survived by I her widowar, Fred Dickman and two children, Arthur Dick man of Eilyerton aad Mra. Em ma Dunn ot G errata. Funeral aerrices will ba held Sunday at 2 p. m. from the Christian church with, i Rot. W. o. i Livingstone officiating. In terment will be in the Bethany cemetery. Jack and Esman are in! tiharga ot funeral arrange ments. 1 : ; v : fcrWKRH SECOXb STROKK wtroNDA. Feb.' '. News came Wednesday evening of the abrlous illness of Major Towna, brother-in-law of George nur- man, now ot Forest oror. mt. and Mrs. Thurman navs Deem Tlaiting la CallforttU, ; but they hara returned ana . witn ineir darirhter. Mra.- R. W. Nusom. ara at tha bedside of their brother who I at 5. Vincent hoeplUl in Portland. This is a socond - naralvtlc atroka autfered h-r! Tawn and it la much I taore seyera man tot iutbv. .Mm M . JiEW RESIDENTS iUUUVI5 HAZEL GREEN.: Feb. 1-rMr, and Mr. John natiiei- nas mnrM from Brooka to tha houaa vacated by Mra. Fannia Klboy who moved ,to her aon-in-awa. r.Mrrs Tkateh. Airs, B-iddot a husband died recently. iur. iai- tield is from Oklahoma. I nrpila. HEAR LECTURIB SCIO. Feb. Scbool waa dis missed for aa hour Monaay morning to termit tha pupil to attend an illustrated lectura oa va ZaiLind eivea la tha high school auditorium by Mrs Almee Porter of New Zealand. jjo McCarthy, new manager oft tha New York (Yankee, saw tha clab'a famous stadium for tha first time this year. NOTICE OF FlXAli SETTLB-- j .! , MEXT" I , Notiea ia hereby glrioa that tha undersigned hat i filed in the County Court ot i the Stat of Oregon, for the County ot Mar io, her duly verified final ac count, as ; administratrix of tha estat of Sherman W. Thomp son. deceased, and that aaid rirtiirt has fixed ! Tuesd , the 17th: day of February, at tha hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as tha time, and the County Court Room in the Coun ty I Court' House fat Salem la Mirfon County, Oregon, as the place for heariag said final ac count and all objections thereto. Dated at' Salemv Oregon, this 17th day of January. i3l. ANA B. THOMPSON, Adralnlstr&tri- of ! tha ; Estate of Sherman " W. ToiP30. Do- RONALD C. OLOVER. Attorney for Administratrix, ! Ealem, Oregon. )? JU-34-S1F7-14 By RUSS WESTOVER ML ...I I. . w ft. I. , MBS iniiE host TO TEACHERS HATES VILLE. Feb. T-k lloderm Teachers club keld.ttil rosruUr monthly meeting at tn ayeaTlU - ficboolhooas Taesdar. Febniary I. lira. Mabsl Martin u prealdent of tha clab and Mra. nael l-arrhill acted aa gecre Ury In -the abaeacw of th ref ttlar a ec rotary, Clyde Hotter. A report vaa glyea iy Ml Ma rie Kfha a Jesting la arlth meUc." -. The club a changed Itg meet Ing time from the lint Taesdar In every month to tha second Tuesdaf. ' Refreahmenta. wera aerred by the Ilazel Green teaehera. COLLEGE TEfffi TO DEBATE VJI W00DBURN Fob. f. v- A de bate between the teams of Oregon Stato college and Pacific univer sity at Forest Orove will be held In Wood burn Thursday, afternoon. February 12, at t p. to. Tha de bate will bo held In the auditor ium of ! Woodburn nigh ichool and tha public is invited to hear the arKumentatlon. .. . The teams will debate oa tna Question: "Resolved. That chain atorea ara for tha best interests ot tha American people." Miss Hone Julew. debata coaca at Woodburn high achooL waa in- strumeatal in arranging for tha debate.; ' COUTS PASS TEST KEIZER. Feb. 6. The Girl Scouts ara beginning active work lit their organisation. This last week tha tenderfoot test was glr- en and tha following girls passed: June Weeks. Ruth Thomas, Rutn Melsoa. Dorothy Ackman, Lor raine Beecroft. Blanche Belter, Usona Claggett. Harriet Minturn and Loretta Bllren. '. nsrr xegisiliturh ROSED ALE. Feb. 6. Mrs. Ed Caldwell, teacher of the four up per grades of our school, took her pupils to Tlslt the legislature Tuesday. She waa - assisted by Mrs. Robert Ladd and Mrs. IUr- aoa. Tney also nsitea-tae cner ry. City bakery, and other points of Interest. - . cluh Cross - Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFEU ' "fi'L-Jt.- 2T" 2 Pl II57" So si I i 53 I wA I I i H"l illy HORIZONTAL. What Csraaaa maslctaa, tts first sf ths Csraaaa cssapsssrs f tks roasantic school, cssa jssssd ObtwsiwT ft WKs Is tWs classic saass of .- lyvis aad Isvs pastry? - 11 What is ths missing word ta - this name, spplisd sriag ths Asasricaa Rsvstatisa ts tks citizens ready ts tak s tip areas again', ths British at a sns msnt 's -otici "Th ' Mn"? ' 12 -Deep gully. j . 14 Hebrew name for God. 15 Letter.of the Greek alphabet tl la Cr'isg's opera, wks is Pssr Cyst's mother? - 17 Prefix: away. . J 18 -Venomou3 serpent. . CO Wkat U tha nationality af Caorgs Barnard Shaw? 28 Conceit 14 Dispense in small Quantities. tS--Frors what Shoshonsaa Indian i tribe do th State f Utah srivs its aaaas? XT What EaglUb writer-is tbs snthor sf "Beam Costs"? , S Rivals. i. . 30 What ' Amsricaa eossmodors said at the Bsttls sf Lake Eris. "Dos t civ mm th - shhs"? 11 Altsr what Hsbrsw ksr-sma-. whs tatsr bscams a prophet, Is m hmh af tha Old Tssta- MMst aasasd? 2 la what city at Italy Is tks f aaaawa "Lalag Tawsr! IS B-rdeaed. 86 Covered with mow or ludL 88 Incite. . -.'-a t9 Bleat af a sheep. -3 40 Religious ceremony. 41 Likewisa not. 42 Stone used far atr-dcf 1 rpark. - j , 44 Cleaa. 45 Short for Edward. i AS I And tna-ura. J-m 47 Exclamation of rurprij. 49 Prefix: from. . -1 & 0 Connected succession. . K Method. - S4 Exchange for money. Articles. --.VERTICAL. Turner Gets . Curfew Law 5 TURNER. Feb. 6. Th Tumr city council held its February meeting Tuesday evenJnr. Tha moat Important business for con sideration was the proposed cur few ordinance which came up for the third reading aad was paased by tn council. Nine o clock la th evening is the time limit for yonng children to be roaming about tha atreets by themselves. ; The trea- aurera , book wera found to ba correct, having been audited by D. B. Parks, Thosa present for the business meeting wore Mayor . J. Harri son, " Councilman George Crumo, E. . Prather and C. Martin; George E. Given, night watchman: F. . P. Rowley, treasurer and wa ter auperlatendent. and H. R. Peetz, city irecorder. II Marion 4-H Clubs Active f ; t .' MARION, Feb. . The "Mar ion Merry i Maid" cooking club and the 'Mother's Helpers" eew lng club each -held a meeting at the Marion school house on Jan nary 81, 111. All uembera of 1 both, clubs were present except Miriam Al len, one of the girls In the sew ing club. I S Regular order of business and discussion of, -work accomplished as well as explanation , of new work, occupied th j business hour, after .which game and light refreshments were enjoyed by "the member "j The club members are taking quite an Interest in their work. 8TtirKvrirri nruit: Rllim j MONMOUTH. Feb.j t Erla Maa Murdock was presented over KOIN Saturday morning, during; tha Lipnian. Wolfe 4: Co.. hour. In a tap dance; and John Mur dock and Philip Dodds in -plana solos, under direction of Mrs, Cora Combs Olday. These talent ed young-.folk are all studant at Monmouth : high school, and had previously appeared on tha Junior .concert club ! programe sponsored in Monmouth by Mrs, Olday. . - j ! HOME IS BCRXKD , INDEPENDEN'CE, Feb. A fire which caught on th roof near tho chimney of tha Mrs. Mart Scrafford house- oa their farm near the Valley and Bileta railroad destroyed the dwelling .Tuesday evening, MrsJ Scrafford was away at the time. th I 2 Half an em. X -Small cake. 4 Case for carrying matt articles. - 5 Note! of th seal. 6 Obliterate. 7 Bold. 8 Salutation to the Virgin. ' 0S rnhnl for tiberius. . 10 Wild ass of central Asia. 1 11 What Union General defeated Lss at th Battle of Getty n bmrc? 15 Very blacV. 10 One who beseeches, 21 -Grieves. i. ! 22 Neutervpo-sesav pronoun. 23 Eccentric - I , 25 Ant. . 27 What river ia Gsrmaay aassss by Mindea aad Bremsa and ssotiss ia ths Nsrth 9a7 2? Atom bearing aa electrical unit. 80 Fruit baked between tw crusts. 1 82 Plot 83 Passages. 84 Shelters.! 85 Long-tailed South Ameiica monkey. 8J Musical atudie. 4 87 Restrain. S 9 Honor and exalt 42 Liberate. ! 43 Correlative ta this; ' 46 Pain. L , 48 Single. U .' II Was ia the EgypHaa 4a god ft K2 The third cot af tha diatom: - aeale. - i 55 New llexic (abbr.) Herewith i th solution to yett terday puzxl. AwnateU4N4! 'Mi A TqrWE il F AW T T R qM yf 4P o rML ;M vKt5tMfelEB 1 What Asasrirsa PrwaUsat bad I n : i . II n 1 fri':M 1 1 7 - II I i -:. s -f tl I i, I I eSTW It I I I r taa Laegw af Nattoaa cUatt pat lata th Versatile Traaty? asi. jss rwasrw si Ms, i- i . -!! T:7 j, 4,' ' -I.-:-V.. I !:". 'I' " u ' - r;