Miinpn.i ri lo . ; . : . O bUlntn LANU HEADS REVIVAL First Baptist ; Church to Start Evangelistic Cam paign Sunday An evangelistic tierta In the First campaign will Baptist church corner of North Liberty and Mar lon, Sunday, February 8, wun i)r. James A. Sutherland, of the Moodv Bible Institute extension deoirtment of Chicago, as ithe nrMeher and teacher. Every where he has ministered through out the land high commendation is heard concerning his wont with thorough literary land Biblical training. Dr. Sutherland combines a striking personality tad undoubted soiritaality. ! He Tiu a most comprehensive under Lsndin of the Scriptures and a teaching method which strips a subject of its confusing element and presents It in a vivid man nar Dr. Charles Calvert Ellis.; of Juanita college, a well known writer in the Sunday School Times, aava of Dr. Sutherland. "It Is not everyone who has jthe teaching gift, jand I can but pray that the Lord will see fit to use It largely in the extension of His truth." i Dr. T. T. Martin, southern evangelist of note, says. "Hei is the best evangelist with young people I have ever known." The people of Salem are in vited to hear him for themselves, and test the sincerity of these commendations, says Dr. W. H. Robins, the regular pastor. Meetings will begin Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Sunday evening at 7:30 Dr. Sutherland will speak again, and every af ternoon at 3:00 and evening at 7:30 o'clock during the week days. Special vocal selections of gospel songs will be presented by the choir, male quartet and so loists, f TWO PLAYS FEME Sunday evening there will be presented two one-act plays at the evening worship hour at the First Congregational church. The first ts the dramatic story of the Indians of the northwest sending So the St. Louis trading post for the "White Man's Book of Life". The principal characters i in this play are David Com p ton, Billy Ward, Alan McCallister, Robert Clarke and Edwin John son. ' The second, play Is entitled: "Camilla Brings Hyacinths" and deals with the fact that a person needs food for the soul as well as for the body. It Is based on the old quotation: "If-1 had but two sons In the world, with one I wonld bay bread, with the oth er hyacinths to feed my soul". The east Includes Floyd Albln. Marjory Drorbaugh, Iris Nelson, Marion Sew art, and Franklin Van Pelt. Trinity Dorcas Society to Meet At Larson Home SILVERTON. Feb. 6. Trinity Dorcas society will meet at the home of Mrs. W. C. Larson Tues day night. Mrs. Silas Torwend will be Joint hostess with .Irs. Larson. Plans ' for the annual birthday social of this organiza tion will be completed at this time. The social will be held -n the night of February 20. Trinity Aid society which imet at Trinity church Wednesday made plana for a parcel social to be held In March, the exact date to bo set later. EVENING SERVICES Week's Sermonette The Ideal Church By B. F. SHOEMAKER ( Pastor Court Street Charrh of Christ) Matt 16:13-26; Eph. 1:22-33. Where shall we go to find "The Ideal Church?" We' must have a standard by which to Judge all things In life, the: measuring stick, standard of weights. ' and others. If each Individual could be a law unto himself In all these things there would be chaos. There are all sorts of Organizations in the world In the va rious relationships of man. How are we to know which Is the church? We bare the standard, the Ideal, In the Bible, the Word of God. If we profess to take It as our standard In all things, let It guide ns In this. j I. The Ideal Creed of the Church; Christ Is the creed. Matt. . l:lt. This creed' Is common to all Christians and will never need revision. Is-all-inclusive. If we all believe Him when He speaks on the great fundamentals of Christianity, we shall be safe. ! " II. He Is the Ideal Head of the Church. Eph. 5:23f. The church needs no human head or heads. Anybody with more than one head is a freak or monstrosity. Let no man usurp Christ's position as the only head.j . , III. The Ideal head wjll result In the Ideal body. Christ cannot be the bead of a body that will not allow him to govern It and seeks to be controlled In some other way. - j IV. irthls body Is HI and Ideal, it will wear His name, both as an Institution and las Individuals making up the instltu-J 'tion. Exalt His name, rather than any man or system. May we ? not be ashamed1 of Him. The church Is His bride (Rev. 22:17; Eph. 5:22-23). We think! it strange when a bride desires her husband to wear her name. "Nothing in a name!" Try it on a 1 check, and In various other ways! V. The church 1st ideal in Its ordinances, baptism and Ithe Lord's Supper. Christ gave; the example in His own baptism and taught the world what to do and how to do it, and why. VL Lord's day Is an ideal memorial of His resurrection and of the institution of His church on the first day of the week, the day of Pentecost, not the Jewish sabbath. i ' TIL The discipline and rule of the church are ideal This teaching touches every problem ot life in Its greit principles. In the church and in all man's relationships. ; i "VULThe church' Is Ideal in its organization and its purpose. Democratic so far as man's. part in the organization. The whole purpose may ha summed bp In the salvation of man from : sis ' here and hereafter, and thns the blessing and welfare of mankind. Church Items of Interest to Folk: of Salem and Vicinity SPECIAL SERVICES BRING NOTED SPEAKERS A f..- "IJ ! : . . . I U- i s .. , - , J - . - i . , X w- 'y-'K J , . , ! - ' f :, I : V ' ' ' - . .:." ;. ,i : . v , , i i t t " . a - . i 1 I 1 malA -, ,, .I. i.miii. fcMIIWJIll fZmmm. m ill M ihMHMfMINMIsi From left 'to right, the men above are: Her. J. Lyle Castoa, pastor of the 5Ioant Olivet Baptist church la Portlaad, who will speak at the Jason Leo Brotherhood Lincoln program on Tuesday night; J)r. James A. Sutherland of the Moody Bible Institute extewdoa department, which win open m revival rmnlrn at the First Baptist church Sunday, and Rev. W. WMcConnlck of Seattle, who is con- ; . CAiVAJIT BAPTIST ; Jciiki. SoDt. Conten wih CorTHU Bp- tiit ehurcn. Fmity nnilly 10; . Janior ehorcH preehinr 10:50 i .m. Dnt: "Clsr to Jeu" ( MtDiU) K. th Dirks Brothers. PoDliUr OiPl one. Mrrie 7:30 p.m. Prearhinf,: p eial mnaie. Thr B. T.' :30 i p.m. Trniti will met Mondy Tninr 7:30 a civca. ... v. " - - . home f Jen MeElhinny, 290 Superior . . r . n n netday CTeninr 7:30 o'clock. ; rOKO MEMORIAL M. E. COMMTTSITT Gerth irn nd Third trt. Mere dith A. GroTrs, psior. Sunday ichool 9:45 a.m. Mornicr worship 11 o elock; mbject: "God Sekiir Sinnert." , iter. Axl Oktoa will prrach. Special music by .Miss Trola Grant and Janior choir. ETnnins worship 7:30 'rlock; aubject: Th Great Adveatnre Life." Special mnaicby chair, orchestra. Vocal aolo by Felix Wnrht and Maxine terjesoa. Yoanir People's meetinga 6:30 o clock; Mill Mildred Simmona, trader. Junior church 11 a.m. 8UMMIT Orchard ITe'ighta Hoad. Meredith A". GroTe. pastor. Sunday arhool 9 :o iS.. Mornms worship 11 ociocn; uo- ect: " Lost. ocal idu&:c oy tne sin- moot family. FOIST PRESBYTERIAN Corner of Winter and Chemeketa streets. UrOTer tJirTcnef, ir. u pm tor. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. L. M. Karaage, Hupt. MWtmr worsnip. is 'elulr florann hr the castor. ''Pay- Day Gram Mere." Ajilhem. "The Lord ia Exalted " (Weat. urran aumuera, Fantasia" Stiner. ' 'Intermexao' (Dunham). Marea Poinpoao" (Gal- V i W l rI.Mittm r.il...av eAAItiM meet at 6:30 p.m. Ereninf worship at . , I . K 1 . - V . 7:w o eioea. oennom oy krr. dukh "Specter and Skeptics." Anthem, "Be Glad. O Te Bit"htoa" (Spenee). Mrs. nn Milils will ii m sola. Mid-weak prayer meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Thuri- oay. ; rmtrmjurD mssioir F. E. Fisher, paator. Sanday school at ft - W Am. I' w finnl. 11 Preaching. Subject: "Prayer and Katur al Laws RICK RE ALL Sunday school 19 a.m. Mrs. Warren Bare. Supt. 7:30, ETtnins service) in caarre of the Missionary so ciety. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST - . Chemeketa and Liberty streets., gun. day aerriees at 11 in the mominx and S ia the evening. Bubject. "Spirit." Suaday echoed at 9:45 and 11 for pup ils nnder 20 years of age. Testimonial meeting every Wednesday evening at 9 Reading room at 406 Masonic temple open from 11 to 5:30 except Sundays and holidays. - EVAHGELISTIO TABERNACLE Thirteenth and Ferry streets. , C. 0. Wrston. pastor. Sander school at 1:45 p.m. Church service at 3 p.m. Subject, Love." Evangelistic service at 7:45 p.m. Pnbjct, "Son Rmember." Evangelist W. W. Clark will ispes at each service. LABISH MISSION EVANGELICAL CLEAR LAKE Church school 10 a.m. W. P. Collard. Bupt. Worship at 11. Subject, "Prayer and Missions." Jr. E. L. Ci E. at 11. Mis Marie Harold. Rapt. Young People's E. L. C. E. at 7:15 p.m. MIDDLE GROVE Church school 10 a.m. T. V. Walker, Supt, Jr. E. L. 0. E. at 11. Mra. Lydia Scharf. Supt. Inter mediate E. L. C. E. at 6:30 p.m.. sub ject "Why Should We Pray." Evening worship at 7:30, subject. "Help For tho Needy. Prayer meeting Wednesday ev ening at Frank Scharf home. E. L. C. E. bosinets meeting Friday evening at the paktor's home. aS.t in the Churches kMM ' ' f L LABISH CENTER Church, school 10 A.m. W. A. Starker. Supt. E. L. C. E .at 7 pjb. Subject. "What Is Implied ia 'God is My Father'!" leader Joha. nie Dow. Prayer meeting Thursday vi ntag. - - xl. K. sehenerman. pastor, list union street, Salem, i. Ore. COURT STREET CHRI8TIAN Court and 17th street. B. T. Shoe maker, minister, 345 8. Winter street. Phone 2589-J. Bible school, 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Frank Marshall, Supt. . Moraing worship. 11 a.m. Subject: "The Taber nacle aa a Type." Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p.m. The Christian Endeavor so ciety will give a program at 7:30 in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the C. E. movement. Aid society meets Wednesday and Friday. Mid week meet ing Wednesday, 7:30. 8ALE1C BAPTIST TEMPLE Robert L. Payne, minister. Services are held in the Fraternal Temple, Center street between High and Liberty. Bible school 9:45. Morning preaching service 11 o clock. Sermon topic, tor Troubl ed Hearts in a Troubled World." Young People s meetine; 6:30. Evening preach' ing service 7:30. Sermon topic - "The Meaning and Mode of Baptism aa Taught in the Bible." Beautiful Baptism ser vice, Sunday evening. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. LESLIE MEMORIAL South Commercial at Myers. 3. IHrltxv Johnson, pastor.. Res. 348 E. Myers St. Phone 2764. Service 11 a.m. Sermon topics: ''The Lost Harmony," by the pastor. Special masic: "Who is Like Unto Thee" (Rogers). Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Stearns Cashing, Supt. Toung People's meetings at 6:30 fol lowed by evening service at 7:80. Ser mon: "The Bey Who Left Home" by Stearns Cashing, Asst. pastor. Special musie in charge ot the Intermediate league, Misa Lena Medler, advisor. j TTRST CHURCH or THE HAZE BESS One block south of Center on 19tS street. Rev. Fletcher Galloway, pastor. Residence 47S K. 25th street, phone 3309-W. The pastor will speak Sunday from the following subjects: 11 a.m. "What is the Choree, For " A brief prelude. "The Heme." Solo. Miss Thee. Sampson, contralto. 7:30 p.m. "A Soul Expert.'' Solo, T. M. Litwiller. Sun day school 9:45 a.m. Parents' Day. N. f. P. 8. and Junior society :30 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. i TTRST CHRISTIAN High and Center streets. D. J. Howe, pastor. Phone 1833-J. Morning service 11 o'clock; subject: "The Highest Typo of Evangelism." Special music: solo. "The Lord i My Shepherd" X.iddle Miss Helen Cochran. Evening service 7:30 o'clock; subject: "The. Fight for Character." (Sermon for Toung People of Christihn Endeavor). Special numbers at all services by choir directed by Prof. E. W. Hobson. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Orville J. Hull. Supt. Mid-week ser vices 7:00 p.m. Wednesday. KEIZER COMMTJUITT Services held in Kciier schoolbouae. Hayes Beall, pan tor. Sunday school meets at 10 o'clock. Jos. E. Eartrnff. 8upt. "The Great Teacher" is the topic of the adult class lesson. Moraing worship at 11 o'clock. Theme: "Foot steps Toung people will make final plans for attending the Salem Di&trict Convention "St Corral lis. JASON LEE MEMORIAL M. E. Winter and Jefferson streets. Hugh B. Fouke, Jr., pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub ject: "What Chance Has Love!" Musie by the choir. Evening worship 7:80 6 clock; subject: "Tomorrow's Man power" a service observing the 21st an niversary of the Boy Scout movement. Troop 12 will attend and have part in the service. Young People's" meeting 6:30 o'clock., Three leagues launch their contest at the services tonight. FIRST UNITED BRETHREN 12th and Mission streets. A. 8. Hen derson, pastor; phono 1903-W. Morn ing service 11 o'clock: subject: "The Journey ot Life." Sunday school 10 a.m. Mrs. Alice M, Henderson. Supt. Mid week tervieea 7:30 p.m. Thursday; Mr. Burt Baell, leader; place: church. Young Penole's meetings 6":80 p.m. Subject: "What Is Implied in "God Is My Fa ther' I" . BEVEJTTH DAT ADVENTIST Corner of 5th and Cains streets. J. Mark Comer, pastor. Sabbath school (Sat) 9:45. Mra. Mae Tartar, leader. Morning worship 11 o'eloek. Speaker, Eld. C. J. Cole. who. was a missionary for years in the South Sea Islands. - M. p. Society 3 p.m. Sunday evening service at 7:30. Subject: The Book of Revelation. The pastor will continue his Verse by verse studies on this book. CHRIST EVAHO. LUTH, (in. Lnth. Synod) Eighteenth and State streets. Rev. Amos M. Minnenssn. paster. Phone 872R. German aervicea 9:45 a.m. with Rev. J. XT. Pfleuger. professor at Paciflo Luth eran college. Parkland, Wash, as the speaker. Sunday school 9:40 a.m. Mrs. Amos E. Minneman. Supt. English ser vices 2 p.m. with Prof. Victor Elvestrom of Pacific Lutheran college giving the address. English services 8 p.m. with Prof. J. P. Fleuger in the pulpit. Luther League 7 p.m. Miss Laura Minnemag. ItrriTfliv t tmrrv ' Church street between Chemeketa, and Center. Rev. p. W. Eriksen, pastor. II n.m. "Do Wo Ignore Bmnll Beginnings I" Anthem choir. 7:30 Stereoptieon Lec ture, all colored alides. Luther Leagues as o:av. KNIGHT MEMORIAL H. C. Stover, minister. Morning war ship at 11. Sermon. "Blessed Are They Thst Hunger." Duel "Prayer of the Wanderer' ' sung by Mrs. F. E. ' Brown and H. C. Stover. . Evening aervie nt 7:80. Sermon, "Youth and the Church." Anthem "All Shall bo Peace" (Wil-oa).- JTie Church School meets at 10 -" 0. a Harris, Sept. Tonne Peoples societies at 9:45 p.m. TTRST RPIBrTUAlJST Kelson building. Chemeketa street, be tween Liberty and Commercial. 7:80 p.m. Mm. Scfcwedal ef Portland will give the address. Topic "Tha Object of Life. Messages. Circle from 5:30 to T by accredited mediums. - . SOUTH 8ALE3C FRIENDS i Commercial at Washington. Ca. 8. Hawerth. pastor. . Sunday achool n-ss. r.ataan Cook, Sopt. 11:00 morn- -o Special muslo by the ejuartet. S p.m. vespers. Angola time V. IS. meeting with reminiseense! led bj the ' C. E. alumni; A good meeting is stored. Short pray er service following. Thursday 7:30 p.m. Prayer meetipg and Bible study. IrroNs ic b. William Cone will speak at the Lyons Methodist eharch Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock. FREB METHODIST 1230 North Winter streets. Rer. J. R. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; subject: "Self Examination." Evening worship 7:30 o'clock; subject: "The Wedding Garment." Young People's meeting 9:30 o'clock; subject: Third in the series ef studies on the Tabernacle. Mr. Emory Goode, leader. FIRST M. E. Church and State streets. B. Earle Parker, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub ject: "The Secret of Endurance." Even ing worship 7:30 o'clock; subject: "When Overtaken in a Fault." Three Young People's meetings- at 6:30 o'clock. Junior church 11 a.m. Mrs. B. M. Locke nour, leader. CASTLE ' UNITED BRETHREN North 17th and Nebraska streets. L. W. Biddle, pastor. Sunday achool 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub ject: "The Savior's Memorial." Com munion service. Evening worship 7:30 o'clock; subject: "Four Impossibilities." Young People'n meeting 6:30 o'clock: subject, "Why Should We Prayt", FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Center and Liberty streets. Charles E. Ward, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 ajn. Morning worship 11 o'clock; sub ject: "The Investment of Life." Even ing worship, 7:30 o'clock; Subject: Two one-act plays will be given. The first is entitled: "The Indian' a Search la Implied in 'Cod is My Father' t" for the White Man's Book of Life" pre sented by group of boys. The sec ond: "Camilla Brings Hyecintha" will be presented by a gTOcp of young peo ple of the church. ST. JOHN'S X.UTHKBAM (Me. Synod) North 16th and A streets. Rer. H. W. Gross, pastor. Services at 9:45 with Holy Communion. Preparatory 9:15 a.m. Sunday school 9:00 a.m. Tuesday even ing at 8 p.m. Special service, incidental to the convention of the Oregon Pastoral conference, to which St. John's ia host. immanueiTbaptist Corner of Hasel and Academy streets Sunday school at 10 n.m. Lessen: Pent. 4:1-43. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer and testimony meeting Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. EMMANUEL ruiX GOSFEX, Chemeketa and 17th streets. C. Lewis Rounds, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; subject: "The Word." Good musie and rood "sing ing. Evening worship 7:45 o'clock: sub ject: "Marriage of the King's Son." Young People'a meeting Friday, 7:45 o'clock. REFORMED Corner Capitol and Marion streets. W. G. Ltenk semper, pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m. German worship 10 o'clock: subject: "Jenus, the World's Teacher." English worship 11 o'clock: subject: "The Great Denial." Choir anthem: "Rock of Ages" by Dudley Buck. FIRST EVNQEXICAL Thirteenth and Center streets. A. P. Lsyton, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock; subject: "Nominal Christinas." Evening wor ship 7:30 o'clock; subject: "The Ser mon on the Mount. Yonng People's meeting 0:30 o'clock; subject: "What la Implied in 'God is My Father' t" FIRST UNITARIAN North Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Rev. Fred Alban Weil, minister. Church achool at 10 a.m. Milea H. McKay. Sopt. Church service at 11 o'clock. Sermon: Walter A. Denton, organist. FIRST GERMAN BAPTIST North Cottage and D streets. G. W. Rntsch, min liter. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Sam Schirman, Supt. Service 11 a as. Sermon topic, "The Closed Door." Choir anthem. Women's Missionary so ciety will meet at the church at 2:80 p.m. Sermon topi", "The Summons to Seek the Lord." B. T. P. U. meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday with Henry Neuman tn charge. Regular mid-week prayer ser vice at 8 p.m. Vednesday. TURNER CHRISTIAN Etlmore J. Gilstrsp, minister. Bible school 10 a.m. Fred Bates, Supt. Com munion and morning worship 11 a.m. Morning sermon. "A Complete Word." Special musie by the choir. Evening service begin with the Christian En deavor prayer meeting led by Mrs. Parks at 6:30 p.m. Sam Smith. Wallace Chandler, Frank Sack a and Moaart Tap pan, will sing a special male quartet. FIRST BAPTIST Corner ef North Liberty and Marion streets. William H. Robins, pastor. Re gular services Sunday. Bible school at 9:45 with classes for all age. ' Mr. Bro er and eerp of competent teacher in charge. Dr. James A. Sutherland will begin a series- of meetings at the -11 o'clock hour. , Dr. Sutherland will speak a tthe evening service at 7:80, and at 8:00 and 7:80 p.m. every day.- Be will slso address the Young Peoples meeting at 6:30. The Friday night Bible study elasa will meet the Sth. but will be postponed afterwards nnlil the meetings are over. ' Jason Lee Methodist Church Winter and Jefferson HUGH B. FOUKE. Jr., Minister . 11 A. St. "What Chance has IxrveT 7t80 P. If. "Tomorrow's Man Power" ' (Evening hour changes to T:S0) Parents' Day ForNazarene Next Sunday The parents wilt be guests of honor at the Kazaren sunaay school Sunday when an effort is being made to have the parents of every child in the scnooi present.-The pastor. Rev. Fletch er Galloway Will give & brier jpre lude on "Parenthood and i. the Home" In the 11 o'clock service. Frank M. - Litwiller, superin tendent of the . Sunday school, has arranged several Interesting features on the pjrogram which will be riven In the opening; per iod. The 75volce Junior choir will sing. The parents who de sire to do ' so willj be given the opportunity of visfcing the chil dren s classes. In order to can nect the religious training in the home more closely with that of we ennrcn. t i The report of the secretary. Clyde " Hoff er, on( January 1 showed a 30 per cent increase in average atendance fof the Sunday school over the previous - year. This is in line with the increase throughout the entire denomina tion of 17,944 or 11 per jcent gain In 1930 over 1929. A goal of zoo.uoo by 1933 has been set by tne denomination. FATHER-SON EVEHT L BE The annual father and j son banquet for the Ford Memorial M. E. church and community will be held in the community 1 hall Monday, February- 9, at :3JU The meal will be potIuck. Pro gram will consist of the follow ing numbers: Group singing, male quartet; accordion solo, harmonica mu sic, whistling sold by Wesley Warren, talk for the fathers by J. W. Simmon8 talk for the sons by Lyle Thomas, a skit bys the Boy Scouts and a skit demonstra tion by the Friendly Indians. Roy R. Hewitt. ;dean of jWil lamette university law school, will? give the main address of the evening. His subject will be I'Tag You're It." j j The Ladies' Aid business meet ing will be held at the- home of Mrs. Marie Burgqyne at, 1015 Second street Wednesday at 12:00 o'clock; Bible study Wednesday 7:45 p. m. j Evening Service Will be Resumed j Starting Sunday ' . i . - The hour of venlnr trvt will be resumed by the jjason Lee Methodist church, beginning Sunday. February i 8, after to months Of afternoon VMner narv- ices. The Epworth Leagues will meet at C:30, followed at 7:30 Dy tne church service. The! Boy Scout troon snonsored bvi th church will have a part lnl the evening, recognizing the 21st an niversary of the : Scont move ment. They will: attend in a body and the pastor will speak on "Tomorrow's-Man Power" In the morning at 11 a. m. the ser mon tneme will be "What Chance has Love?'" : 1 : - - ; - . j Local Pastor in Portland Pulpit . Rev. Amos E. Minneman I will occupy jthe pulpit of Peace Luther an church, Portland, gain day morning both at the English and the German 'services; Mr. Minne man will be In Portland in his ca pacity as official of the American Lutheran church to hold a visita tion in Peace church. Two weeks ago Mr. Minneman occupied the pulpit at St Paul's, Portland, In his capacity as visl tator of the northwestern district of the Amer ican Lutheran church. j SEVENTH DAY Corner of 5th J. MARK COMER, Pastor Sunday Evening-, Feb.; ELATION chapter. Most intensely Come ask questions, i Wednesday Eve. 7:30 GRESSOR". Lecture EVERYBODY American Xwus.aumxrii ruaau L NANCY MAMXS. Af fMCIH m-, AStOIWM UtCOU( WK SOSN SJA! tot Ats) a msurvuu. ky, mi u. ISO. With a stout heart tne people he loved his fellow Americans. v JT7 QI7DI7 ATITLJ. A rnKtcinrD a Tr cvhid a tuv tu PARKED COLLEGE MEN WILL SPEAK Christ Lutheran Will Hear 1 Of Washington School 1 - At Sunday Service : Pulpit of .. Christ . Lutheran church will be occupied Sunday by Professor J.. P. Pfleuger and Victor Elvestrom from Pacific Lutheran college at Parkland, wash.. 1 . j ..! - . " -I Prof. I Pfleuger was called to the Lutheran mission fields of the Hermansburg Missionary so ciety in India during the war but was retused admittance since for a . time no missionaries were allowed- to enter the German fields. Thereupon Prof. Pfleuger engaged In -home mission work being pastor of the Queen Anne Hill Lutheran church In Seattle, Wash. From this place he -was called ' to his present position. Prof.'- Pfleuger, is In great da mand 'as a ' conference, ch'atau qua, and Sunday school lecturer. : Professor Elvestrom - likewise has been - engaged In church work for years and is known as an interesting and fluent Bpeaker. j - The 'two men will at this time seek to acquaint the membership of Christ , Lutheran church - here with the work of Parkland col lege which belongs to the Nor wegian Lutheran' church of America and towards whose sup port all of the members of the American . Lutheran conference contribute and to which this con ference sends Its young people wnere possible. First Methodist Opens Six-Weeks Training Course The First Methodist church opened the first meeting of a six week's tralnlne institute for church workers last Monday. The institute is unaer the supervi sion of Aliss ! Margaret Steven son, director of religious educa tion, and is nlanned for the nnr- pose of improving and enlarging tne . educational program of the church school. - The institute will be. in session each Monday evening until March 9 from 7:15 -9:00 o'clock. Among the courses listed are: "Training in Worship," "Teaching Meth ods for Department Aees " "How we uot our Bible," and "The Teaching Ministry of Christ." Members " of the farnltv tn. elude! Miss Stevenson. Mla Ad- Ona Cochrane,-" Miss Hazel Brun- ner, ur. jb. k. Parker. Mrs. E. C. Miller, Dr., E. S. Hammond, Mrs. George R. K. Moorehead, Prof. D- II. Schulze and Mm. W r Lockenour: Church Council Will Hold Meet Tuesday Evening The church' council nf the American Lutheran church will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. ! The Ladies' Guild of the chnrch holds its regular monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon, with Mm. n. M. Byrd!n eharge ot the mission Study. Hostesses for the day wilt be Mrs. George Quesseth, Mrs. Marie Schneider and Mrs. Stanley Quamme. ; Castle Church Women to Meet The Woman Is Aid of the Castle United Brethren chnrch will meet in all-day session Wednesday, and in the evening: the Woman's Missionary- society will meet, at the church at 7:30 o'clock. At the latter meeting the annual thank offering program will be given, and tea received from a mission ary In China will be served. advenust church and Gains 8. 7:30 o'clock. Ruhieet "RRV. verse hv versA atnrJv. rwHrinTiinor . Rt V interesting; part of the book. j Moving Picture "THE TRANS given by Rev. R. E. Close. WELCOME. ' Biographies rv7wu woaaa as a mot oat no RMCT IBStOUl 0I SMD Of t cxrowow. . m at ita a 4 through the ever deepening shadows of his life, Lincoln Served Program Told For Women's Prayer Rally The "Women's Missionary so ciety of the First Baptist church will hold an all-day prayer meet fng, Jn therhurch. Friday, bJ Kinnrag -at'10 o'clock. n LvThe program, . Including sub jects-amdueaders, follows: 'rVYe -Shall be My Witnesses," Mrs. James Smlther, leader; sec ond period, "A Witnessing Chnrch", JMrs. James Foster, leader; solo, "A Clean Heart", Mrs. C. H. McCullah; third per iod, "Prayer for a Witnessing Church",-Mrs. W. Robins; fourth period, "Prayer for Crusades of Righteousness", ' Mrs. Mackey; "Witnessing in This Age", Mrs. Mark . Skiff; solo. Mrs. Kllng porn; "Presentation of. Pro jects", Mrs. Prescott, leader; so los,' Gladys ' Edgar; subject, "Prayer of Dedication", Mrs. L. M. Meeker, leader. Membership War to Open At Jason Lee At a spirited meeting of .the three Epworth League groups of the Jason Lee Methodist church plans for a six-weeks inter-league contest were announced, to begin Sunday February 8. and continue through Sunday, March 15. The committee ' In charge of the af fair, appointed by - the Toung People's council, is Donald Dour- ls, Esther Black and Myron Fouke. A system of awards and points have been worked out including attendance at the league services, Sunday school and church; se curing new members for the lea gue; putting on the best . social event; the largest -, number at tending a hike on Washington's birthday; decoratings the church auditorium for the 'Sunday ser vices; attendance at the district Epworth League convention a Corvallls; and raising money for meeting the pledge made to the Falls City Institute. ; Members of the winning lea gue are to be the guests at a dinner given by the other two groups, following the conclusion of the catest. , Announcement was made that more than 60 young people are Jnembers al ready, and that the attendance in the three departments at Sun day school last week was 125. A keen interest has Already been evidenced by the leaders, and the three presidents, Clarence Poor, Elanor Barth and Loren Benja min have called meetings of their cabinet to plan the campaign. ! 1 II.' Free Methodist Revival Service On Another Week Revival services at the Free Methodist church will be contin ued next week, with services each evening at 7:30 o'clock. Praver meetinrs are being held each evening from 7 to 7:30 o'clock. The evangelist. Rev. W. W. McCormlck ot Seattle, will preach each evening and at both services on Sunday. Rodgers Building i I i Junior Church. j A. M. Preaching 10:50 o'clock Three 'M - JJfc - Ooloa Baptict Jcrnplo Smnday Morning, Oar Troubled Hearts In a TronblHI Werld BEAUTIFUL BAPTISMAL SERVICE SUNDAY Evening Topic The Meaning and toe Word of Ood , ! Robert L. Payne, Minister in Miniature rHeutYOMntt MraSMU. AM m sm3 mm nr roHb m iMfcut litflU TO SMMt iAS4MH. IN MM NCtMSi fXKTta TO ths rssasswev. tffN stVOUNAH. uttx thc rvmrt Of TMC CrV It. waa. HIT THt . (OUHTftV i r ttRIGDOM ASON'MOKTUATOf' V.T. RIGDON.PRS. JIGYr5f7RIGDOhl rDAIlEVTAVlJOa! anity iTEDlOi PASTOR COWS s i n!JLj r Lincoln Birinaay rrograrii Of Jason Lee Brother hood to be Tuesday The Rer. J. Lvle tor of the Mount Olive mit;. cnurcn in I'oriiana and rHns- nizett as one or the outstartflii; ieaaers oi ms racial group -In t!in northwest, has been secured Ky the Jason Lee Brotherhood to ),. the speaker at the Lincoln bin day program to be put on bytl: brotherhood on Tuesday, Febn: ary 10, at the church. Winter ar l Jefferson streets.! Announcem::t to that affect was made by ti. president, F. P.kPhfpps. j The subject announced by Caston Is "The Moral Indepen. dence of Lincoln and Our Nerd of Jt . Today," An Invitation Is ex tended to all the men of the com munity to attend thm whlohionena with 1lnn.. oTc-l 30 i o'clock. Reservstlona mv mr . . w u.mw, ml 6: be 'phonCd to the . naator of I th cnurcn, i74i, prior to Monday night, February 9. f A number of other interest..-. features will be Included in ti e program. Perry Reigelmari will read Ida Tarbell's well know n work, "He Knew Lincoln," 8h l Billy Mudd will repeat the u? perance oration which won firt-t plSce On the recent Loyal Lfgt r contest, "Ben and Pat, Co-wor!; ers. The Brotherhood of First Met t odlst church gave the prellmlia y program at tbe district retrer t of that church at the First Method:-. church in Albany Wednesday. The theme was "Evaneli i and Stewardship,',' Judge O. v.", Emmons gave Select reai ir?, "Varnish." Two vocal solos ve; given ,rby Bruce SpauldlngJ Mr. Spauldlng Is a son and granlsoi of! pioneer ministers and -circuit riders! of the Willamette valley. Over 100 delegates were irs ent from the 10 charges, Lebaij on having 20, the! largest delega tion. iDr. Luther I T. Lovejoy of Chicago was the principal speak er! The district pre-Eastef jpro- gram of "Evangelism, Steward- shin and Education ' was adopted. A banouet was served by the women of Albany cnurcn. Pa&tors to Meet AiY.M.Mondab; Birtchei Speaker r 1- .ii .-- The Salem Ministerial associa tion; will meet on! Monday morn ing at 10:30 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. i - I . Dr.: Grover Blrtchet, pastor of the First Presbyterian churcb, is to ! speak on "The Progress of Church Unity". Rer. W. C. I Kantner has charge of the devotions. Impor tant matters of business will be considered. i i DISTitfCT RETREAT ATTENDED Br M l CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH High and Ferry fits. Church School 9;40' a. : m. "W. T. Jenks. Supt. Contest with Cbrvallls Baptist church, Dnctt "Closer To Jesus' ; 3IcDnlels) The Dirks brothers B. Y. P TJ.'s 6i30 p. m. P. M. Popular Gospel Song Service 7:30 - Preaching, Special music. , i . i WEUCOME j "W. Earl Cochran, pasto" 1 EVENING Mods of Baptism as Taught In Abraham Lincoln ! 1809-1865 rTvf MV) Amt Mi SC0Kt IHAIMUtAnON A ntwiHT. Ht WHHiMVHArtP IN fClfi TMurtf y jommw tooxn 1 a t in nn i i r -- S, iwp. oermon, "a Kal Revival." i -