The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 06, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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The OREGON STATES5IAN, Satem, Oregon, Friday Morning February 6, 1931
em? High Plays A Ibany
i n
n n
Red and Black Then Leave
On Tillamook Jaunt;
Reserves Winning
- Salem high's speedy basketball
quintet will meet Albany high
here tonight and will go to Tilla
mook for a game with the cheese
makers Saturday. !
While Coach "Holly'' Hunting
ton is not expecting too, hard a
game, he Is not taking any
chances and will likely start)
first team. This lineup will in-
elude Bone and Kitchen
wards, Siegmund center.
Sanford and Sachtler guards!.
While the team is going
strong and is undefeated byj any
high school this season. It i es
pecially pleasing to Huntington
to note that his second team is
nearly as strong as the first
string. In practice Thursday! the
second team was able to make
point for point agaftnst the jflrst
team most of tire-time. Th& a'd-
dition of Graber and Johnson at
the Btart of the second semester.
" has strengthened the Salem high
squad. Both are big men and
handle the ball well.
The second team which may
see action tonight as a separate
team includes Johnson and Fore
man forwards, Graber cetoter,
and Brownell and West guards.
A stron second team will be a
big help to Salem high in com
pleting Its tough schedule j pre
paratory to the state tourna
ment. Last season the red and
black was a bit worn out when
the tournament started.
Tonight's game will probably
be no complete set-up as Albany
high always puts up a good bat
tle in any form of athletics, Sa
lem high is the target school of
:. !
all tha other schools Lin this sec
tion of the state and each oppon
ent realizes the distinction at
tached to winning from the red
and black. The game will start
at 8 o'clock and the preliminary
will start at 7.
Players who Beat Huskies
At Corvallis Picked
To try it Again '4
CORVALLIS, Ore., Feb. E.
(AP) Ten Oregon State college
basketball players accompanied by
Coach "Slats" Gill, left tonight
for Seattle where they will meet
the University of Washington In
a two-game j series Friday and
The Beavers, now in second
: BU UVl U 111 , M.
o'clock, tonight. j ciflc Coast conference, will hare
The games are as follows: I to win both games in order to pull
First M. E. vs Congregational;; f UD even with Washineton at the
Church League
Games Tonight
Are Announced
Salem high school's prelimin
ary game Friday night will te
between the Presbyterian church
and the Wranglers, according to
an announcement issued at the
Y. M. C. A. Thursday.
Other basketball attractions
are the games between members
of the church league at the Y
M. C. A. commencing at 8
Christian vs. Jason Lee; Calvary
Baptist vs. Hayesville.
A meeting of the governing
board of the church league was
held at the Y. M. C. A. Thurs
day night.
Max Baer Faces
Tommy Loughran
Garden Tonight
NEW YORK, Feb. 5u (AP)
The question whether Max
Baer, the big Californian, Is tho
youthful hope of the heavy
weight division or Just another
preliminary fighter, will be an
swered tomorrow night in Madi
son Square Garden barring ac
cidents, long and short counts
and fouls.
The lanky walloper from
Liverpool tackles Tommy Lough
ran, former light heavyweight
champion. In the feature ten
round bout. Max lost his open
ing engagement here to Ernie
Scbaaf, Boston blonde.
top of the division
The starting lineup. Coach Gill
said, probably will be the same as
defeated Washington in a game
here last week: Ballard and Mer
rill, forwards; Fagans, center;
Lyman and Grayson, guards. Lew
is, regular center, accompanied
the team, although he has not ful
ly recovered (from injuries.
Kantola Misses
Perfect by One
Pin; Hits 759
One pin less than a perfect
bowling score, 299, was rolled by
Wayne Kantola, Winter Garden
habitue, last night. He added to
his prowess j by scoring what is
said to be the highest three game
series ever bowled in Salem, 759.
Game counts in this record
smasher were 236, 299, 224 759.
"The 299 game leaves room for
Improvement, anyway," said Kan
tola laughingly as he talked over
his feat. i
Campbell Sets New Mark
Of 245:7 Miles an Hour
In Racing Car at Dayfona
5 (AP) Captain Malcolm Camp
bell, 48 year old .British racing
car driver, today established a
new world's automobile speed rec
ord of 245.733 miles an hour on
the sands of the natural beach
speedway here.
Roaring twice over the course
in his huge 1,450 horsepower
Bluebird machine, he exceeded
the previous record by 14.371
miles an hour and became the
first man in the world ever to at
tain a ground speed of four miles
a minute or more.
The previous record was 231
miles an hour, established here
in 1929 by the late Sir Henry Se
grave, also of England, who later
was killed in a motorboat acci
dent at Lake Windermere.
Campbell was clocked at 246.
575 miles an hour on his first run
southward over the course and his
second trial at 244.897 his ave
rage speed for the kilometer
which is approximately 5-8 of a
mile was 248.086. The kilometer
course was laid out within the
measured mile. l
Despite the fact the! beach was
not in perfect condition, the giant
racing car held to the sand and at
no time showed tendency of get
ting off Its course. ;j
After completing both rans,
Campbell expressed disappoint
ment that he had not been able to
set a higher record. j
"I am not satisfied with 'the
record," he said, after he had
torn himself away from a huge
crowd of spectators and saclngj of
ficials who swarmed Out on to the
beach to congratulate him.
"The car has lots more speed in
it and 1 am a bit disappointed
mat conditions prevented
from going faster."
Dallas Faces
First County
League Game
DALLAS, Feb. 5. Dallas nigh
will play its first county league
basketball game here Friday
against Independence high. Inde
pendence has played two league
games with Monmouth and has
lost both. This leaves only four
games to be played in the A divi
sion with Dallas playing two with
Monmouth and two with Inde
Monmouth seems to be the
team headed for the county cham
pionship, with Independence and
second team entering; the tourna
ment from this division.
Dallas won the county cham
pionship three years straightj but
has been having rather tough
luck this year.
- Dallas has won only five out of
15 games played and scored -246
points to her opponents' 283.
Webb is still high scorer with 76
points. Frack Is second with 46 J
points ana LeFors third with 37.
The standings in the A division
now are: ,
W. L. Pet.
Monmouth ..... .2 0 1.000
Independence ...0 2 ,000
uanas o 0 ,000
Lee Nelson and John Brown
j Jo Meet In Prelim
Bout, is Word "
Another spectacular wrestling
match is to be staged at the arm
ory tonight when Bobby Samp
son and Wildcat McCann. match
strength and skill n Matchmaker
Harry Plant's card.
Lee' Nelson of Albany and
John. Brown of .Portland will
open the evening's program at
8:30 in a preliminary match.
Nelson, has appeared here several
times in the past and has proven
popular with the Salem fans. Re
ports come from Albany that he
has added a lot of new tricks i fohnny Adams, former star pitcher
this winter and is improving
I .
ft' Jhf."miM.
' ' - - - I 1
Extensive Program is to be
Carried out; Intercity
Matches Outlined
Attention! Statesman subserlb
ers. In giving a change of address
for your subscription be sure tot
eive vour former address n ivotli
uauas ngnung u out to he the as your new address. T.
Health Officer, City of Trenton, N. J.
- i
In this period off
cold weather
and cracked lips,
above all Insist
on a cigar free
of the spit germ. -
x. s. I
f ' -J
Tcrlc City. .
- . .Kiufaotur. of ei6r.
.8ilt.TlP?S- 1 . , oWiously ar.
ca tWJl
LU.r will b. to !
ono of 56 health officials
from 56 different points
approving Cremo's crusado
against spit or spit-tipping.
Every smoker, every wife whose
husband smokes cigars, should read Dr.
Fell's letter.
. ' 1
"Who are the friends of Spit' ?
- - ;
' !
Dr. Fell writes: "You are doing
a work which deserves commendation."
The war against spit Is a crusade of
decency.Joinit...Smoke Certified
Cremo-a roally wonderful
smoko -mild -mellow- nut-
sweet! Every leaf entering the
clean, sunny Cremo factories is
sciontiflcally treated by methods
: i
rocommondod by tho United
States Department of Agriculture!
rapidly. Brown, his opponent, is
a new figure in the local arena.
Brown is a speedy boy and
hopes to -establish himself with
the Salem 'wrestling fans -by to-
nignt a performance.
Since. Sampson wrestled Robin
Reed here and came so close to
taking the speedy grappler from
Reedsport, he has been meeting
some tough men in several Wash
ington towns and has been
good drawing card there. It
took all the figuring and calcu
lating that Reed could muster to
vin from Bobby here and Mc
Cann is going to '.avei tough
sledding. On account of the
strength of Sampson, Reed did
not come to close quarters with
him until Bobby was worn down
a bit. However Wildcat McCann
does not mind the strength of
his opponents and never fails to
push the match.
McCann's favorite hold is the
body slam. However it is rather
hard to get at Pampson except
by nis bead and it is not so sua
ceptible to attack either. Samp
son and McCann are evenly
matched and the outcome is
WOODBURN. Feb. 5. Wood
burn high school's second string
basketball team took another
victory" Tuesday-Ight when it
beat Oregon City's "B" team by
a score of 20 to 10.
Woodburn had the advantage
during most of the game- and at
the half the score stood at 12 to
9 for JWoodburn. The Oregon
City team was only able to ring
up -X one . point during the last
half, while the Bullpups made
eight more points. Pardy was
high point man for Woodburn.
making eight points. The for
wards seemed unable to start
scoring effectively throughout
the game.
A oodburn's lineup was: cen
ter. Pardy: forwards. D. Rams-
dell and Nelson: guards. E.
Oberst and Hastie; substitutes,
M.j Ramsdell, Stevens and Court
In a preliminary same Wood-
burn's freshman team beat a
team from Oregon City junior
high school. The final score was
20 to 4. The first half ended
wlth Oregon City in the lead, 4
to u, but in the last half the
Woodburn freshmen calmed
down, got their offense In action
and scored 20 points. Wood
burn s defense v . rk ii the last
naif was exceptionally good. Tho
lineup for Woodburn was: for
wards, Kraus and Nelson:
guards, Schwab and Jackson:
center, Block. Kraus was high
point man for Woodburn.
f the University of Richmond, has
realized the ambition ox every
baseball player a chance in the
big leagues. 21in be ne of John
McGraw New York Giants this
year if he can survive the training
N" sf n s rnvrr 'i
There Keem to be some dig
satisfaction anions the fans,
with Wednesday night's fight
show. Jut how widespread, ef
course we can't tell; We have
- our own Ideas but we have
learned that they do not ne
cessarily coincide with the
O '
We haven't heard any sugges
tion that the show was lacking
in box office names. Just Thurs
day morning fair Gregory in his
Oregonian sport gossip, speculat
ing on who'd be state champions
at the various weights, men
tioned Ratzlaff as probably the
middleweight who'd get the call.
Ratzlaff has defeated Georgte
Dixon twice and Wesley Ketchell
once. Denny Lenhart also is
recognized as a rriln? battler.
The trouble, according to
the man on the street, was -that
these boys weren't ade
quately matched. The trou
ble when fighters aren't well
matched in either that one
Kets an awful Wat ing or that
the other, doesn't quite do his
best; and as for Wednesday
night's main event, the im
pression seems to be that both
of those things' were - about
'half true. , . Y;
Wednesday night's card was
the first under the Lew plan.
Every thing couldn't be ideal.
Maybe now that Ratzlaff has
been lntroduced.he'll come back
again, pitted against adequate
opposition. We could be hasty
and condemn somebody for
something, but we know our
weakness we're suspicious of
professional. sports to begin with.
'ineya never let us serve on a
ury. ".
Ercel W. Kay was elected presi
dent of the Salem Golf club for
the fourth successive year, at a
meeting of the board of director
of the club held Thursday. Dt W.
Eyre was t reelected treasurer and
Graham Sharkey rice president
and secretary.
The directors voted a budget
for the year, of J20.000, which
will provide for a considerable
program of betterment. Includ
ing Improvement of the condition
of rreens and fairways and! in
stallation of 'tome additional
traps. j-. 7 i ,
Graham Sharkey waa designat-'
ed by the directors a3 chairman
of the tournament committeeand
he stated Thursday that he bad
plans for six home-and-home team
contests with clubs in other cities
already lined up tentatively.
The first of these will be March
1 when the local club's team will
probably go to Portland to meet a
team representing one of the
clubs there. Others will be with
a second Portland club, Eugene,
Oregon City, Cottage Grove j and
Silverton, .
There jwlll-be-no lack of compe
tition for the members among
themselves, say3 Sharkey, and one
plan calls for a beginners' tourna
ment in which members will in
vite friends who do not as ye:
Play golf, to be their partners irj
an elimination' tourney.
Commercial Body sop bowlers
walked away easily from Salem
Sanitary; Dairy pinmen to win
three-games straight in Commer
cial league at Winter Garden last
night. Fleener Electric failed to
get started on their first game
with Pacific Telephone but in the
next two they far out3cored Ue
phonemen. .
Fleenbrs', aided bv a number
of 200-plus games, took high hon- ,
ors with series count of 2562 and
game of 922. Cline, of this team,
was high individual game scorer
with 255 to hi credit. R. F. Tay
lor of the same team, however,
played more consistently and as
result won the series count with
601, two points aheal of Cline. .
Iynch .1I7 Ho 139 4. "in
AllUon . J.;
Total. .L..
.1ST 1(11
.152 173
:i 740
Curly J.j ; 18V J0 3 113
Waldorf f 1 r in jsg
Loveall 1... . .... , ,123 idj -ill
Hfrti . . isi lit 117
J. Xathmaa 1J J.-o 110
611 594 18??
Ce rtiie cl
r fvYuS -TrPifp)
CHICAGO. One of the most
farorable elements in public util
ity operation at the present time
ts the gradual Increase occurring
in; household consumption of both
gas and electricity, in the, opinion
of Albert E. Pelrce. president of
the Central Public Service corporation.;
j In discussing this development
Mr. Pelrce pointed out that when
the consumption of gas and elec
tricity by Industrial plants declin
ed last year practically all public
utility companies were forced to
redouble their efforts to encour
age household usage.
! "Through greater sale of addi
tional appliances and the wider in
troduction of natural gas at a low
er cost, it became apparent before
the end of 1930 that. Increased
household usage of gas and elec
tricity had gone far to offset de
clining industrial consumption,"
he stated.
"This trend is continuing and I
believe that it will have a pro
found influence on utility opera
tions in 1931'.-
Brooks Hoopers
I ClashingToday
I With W.Salem
1 BROOKS, Feb. 5. Boys' and
girls' basketball teams have been
organized in the Brooks public
school, under the supervision of
Principal WTerner Rar. A doa
ble header game between Brooks
and West Salem teams will be
played In Brooks on Friday aft
ernoons.' ',":-
! Those in the girls' team are
The I ma Reed, Irene Hlgglnboth
am. Norma Roberts, Mary Clark
and Edna LaFlemme. . The boys'
team Includes Leonard Chastain,
Eugene Miles, Junior Hlggln-
am. Leo Ramp. Richard Potts
and Billle Cofflndaffer.
Normal Five
Beats Salem
RiVlcetta li 217 l.M
-Miller j Li.127 i.s
Jfler j, ,,.,112 119
K. P Tajlor lot 2:0
.715 922 893 'J5f2
MVMnlU. ij 137 "08
Vhlt i ITS 11 1S8
Collins 2 1S 179
Eelier 1 19 147 11a
Yarnell 233 l;z 175
MONMOUTH, Feb. 5. The
Oregon Normal team defeated
the Salem ",Y" qulptet 3 to
on the large basketball court
Independence tonight.
In a previous game the "Y"
team beat the teachers 41 to 38
in a game played at Monmouth.
Thursday night the outlook
changed and the Normal schoel
hit a fast certain stride on of
fense and with a man to man
defense held the opponents
score down. Marr and Holt were
the mainstays of the Normal of
fense. Ashby of the "Y" team
went out on fouls which crip
pled his team Immensely.
Salem "Y' O. N. 8.
Nash 6. F 11 Marr
Benjamin 7.... F Holt
Flake C.2 Engebretsen
Ashby 3 ...... . G..6 Steelham'r
Ward2 ..G...l Watkins
S 2 Aycrs
S..... 2 Peltin
. a.-. . . 1 Vaughn
S.... 2 Bennett
Referee, Geo. Allison.
7tl3 817 24C-J
Guest artists were featured In
the regular weekly radio program
of the Salem ; Breakfast club.
broadcast from the Silver Grille ot
the Gray Belle Thursday morning.
Vida Starr and Marcia Jlelen
Stinipson were featured in solos
and a duet. Suzanne Crumb of
Dallas sang a delightful number
In French, which she dedicated to
the boys in the Veterans hospital
in Portland. Marie Xeram, also of
Dallas, was featured in a vocal
number, while Al Adolph's Silver
Grille dance band went on the nir
with their usual numbers and a
special! one written by Adolph.
A fusillade of wise cracks, aim
ed chiefly at the legislature, char
acterized ! the dialogue between
Carl .Gabrielson and "Rufe"'
White, the latter impersonating
Senator Sage ot Brush County."
uueau or me ciuo were Emma
Broderlck of Bend, Jack Eakin of
Dallas Blair Thoma n t
.. yi.iuMij ana verne Case-
At the Wednesday nlsrht tnept. A7 o-r- 7 Df. .
e Salem General hoinu w "cXI ITldllS
ing of the Salem General nosnl.
tal board , two members retired,
H. S. Gile, president, and Frank
wecaeoacn. w. H. Dancy was
elected to the prssidenv of the
board to fill the Tacancv left h-r
Mr. Gile and Miss Elizabeth Put
nam was "elected to turiMt t-
Deckebach. The committee
which has active uinarmn nt
the hospital will be composed of
r. iuancy, jb.. t. Tarnes. and
Milton Li. Meyers.
0 Y.W.C.A. Are
Told to Zontas
National issues of the Y. W.
C. A. and methods which the na
tional office uses to, plan Its work
so that the program ot the associ
ation will reach women and girls
in all walks of life-were discussed
beforA ttlA 7.nnla olnt. 1 tv
In addition to the election of Ur Mrs Elizabeth Gallaher gen-
y-ucjr presiaent, otflcers rai secretary of th Y. w We
and a member of the club.
- The! Y, W. C. A. Is a changing
association, she said, pointing to
the fact that the
elected were ylce president, E. T.
u.uen; treasurer, -Milton L.
Meyers; secretary. C. A. Park;
assisUnt secretary, W. L. ; Phil
cnanges Its program to fit the
Jr.. WTilllm nrnMrnTr-WTW ""I1 J".e, b
Ollnwr n7 VV' "' lor. lB 1 Reserves, sang , sev
Jinv.ti. wiiu.I .V ""sMv",uus neeua or women ana
. ,, iuwui aicviiicnrist. i nria.
Doris Clarke, song leader -V
niinrar r n V . jiri iteserves, sang sov-
mger. Dr. R. E.;Le Steiner. ieri .,. kV
William M. Hamilton. -Mrs. Orol vtZ ur.l i'
Inedecor Baenin Frank at the aV;; Belir 1
bnedecor, and. ittt, 7. C. Con- Th ,rft., m . i,.t,,
meeting- next Thursday noon.
nell Dyer.