The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 06, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN. ' Salem," Oregon, Friday Morning; February 6. 1931
o ; , i .. : . , . ' o
Obtain Amendments - to let
Governor Appoint for
The Present Year
(Continued from page 1)
amendment and a stalemate 1,
very likely -with the bouse ref us
ing to accept the changes in Its
bill which the senate probably
: wni Insert today.
Tharsday Victory
likely Boomerang
. -It such a stalemate occurs, the
rlctory of the. Meier forces yester
day will be a boomerang which
' will mean a victory for Moser and
the anti-Meier Kroup for the com
missioners would then be chosen
by the legislature as the law 13
bw operative. Meier' wouH have
lost his campaign to appoint the
commissioners; Angell would have
been defeated in hu fight to e!e:t
them: Moser. as a strong factor
la . the Multnomah delegation
would have been opposed by an
army which marched its troopers
up a hill and marched tnem down
The rafters rang with senator
ial eloquence In the progress of
the debate yesterday la the sen
ate. The senate gallery was pack
ed with visitors. In the after
noon the house suspended its sit
ting and its members were Inter
ested auditors of the stirring ror
ensica. Charges and denials were
hurled back and forth, the atmos
phere growing tense when Sena
tor Eddy repeated charges that
toe proponents of the Rogue Riv
er bill had made a trade with the
house on the Port of Portland
proposition. This brought Sena
tor Miller of Josephine to his feet
with vigorous denial; and Sena
tor Dunn of Jackson county said
they had refused a suggested
trade on a road matter and that
he was as free to vote his will on
the port b'-ll as the birds to fly
the heavens.
In the morning session Senator
Moser tore into those who had.
made sinister allegations concern
ing his service as attorney to the
port. He read off every fee re
ceived by his firm and stated the
service rendered, and claimed- his
charges had been lower than
would have been proper due to his
deep interest in the work ot the
port, averaging J1T00 per annum.
The governor's letter on the com
mission Moser asserted waaj fill
ed with misstatements and errors,
and not In accord with the facts.
Criticizes Moser
For Inal Office
Crawford of Multnomah ; who
headed the group of five from
that county favoring the amend
ment of the Angeil house : bill,
pointed to the wide powers: pos
sessed by the board and, criticised
Moser for sitting as a senator and
serving the port as attorney at
the same time, demanding that he
resign from one position or the
In the afternoon debate Burke
of Yamhill urged to rally behind
the governor who asked the! pow
er; Woodward of Multnomah
pleaded for the amendment in or
der to end the controversy; Joe
Dunne of Multnomah while sup
porting the majority report, de
fended the integrity and ability of
bis colleague Gus Moser. Dunne
admitted that there was one per
son designated to be appointed
commissioner whom h wouldn't
want to serve with, and Upton,
who followed, named that oine as
Itufus Holman.
Upton was the heavy hitter for
the Moser position. He unleashed
his heavy artillery;
"I do not see any reason for a
change and none has been given.
The interference of the legislature
with the port, against the advice
of the commission and its engin
eers cost the port 250,00 in
dredging the Oregon slough In
North Portland money absolute
ly wasted. This question impure
ly political. No complaint! has
been made to the legislature
about the work of the commis
sion. Everybody knows the real
reason, which is.politlcal. A few
Portland politicians with budding
ambitions have , undertaken to
boost their political fortunes and
pat a crown of victory on; their
brows. You are camouflaging
and making noises for the mob.
The junior senator from Multno
mah (Crawford) did a dastardly
thing wTaen he said Moser should
resign the senatorship or attor
neyship. Other members of this
body and the house ' serve as at
torneys for cities, and some mem
bers are also members of school
boards or other municipal
Deplore Endles
Wrangle Over Port
Senator Strayer of Baker vet
eran of many sessions, said he had
heard the fight over the Port of
Portland so long that it had only
one rival, that over the Rogue
river. He knew the verses and
rtioru8 of the Rogue, rivet song
but sometimes got them mixed
with the port melodies. He fav
ored letting- the people rule in
good old democratic fashion.
Senator Moser in closing the ar
gument pointed out that the Mult
nomah delegation of the, two
houses stood eleven on his side
to eight or nine on the other. He
said the house would not recede
from its position and a deadlock
would result. "You are going up
, against a stone wall, if the gov
ernor had known the 'facts he
would not have gotten into this
mess. -
.Moser defended the achieve
ments of the' port, reviewing itsJ
worg in areaging the channel, ac
quiring Swan island, filling in
lands now valuable for Industrial
sites, and handling ' its finances
with care.
Russian Lumber
Entry Opposed
In Resolution
An embargo or drastic restric
tions on the Importation of Rus
sian lumber Is asked-of congress
In a joint resolution; introduced
yesterday lnthe upper house by
. ! '
- I 4 1 ' - s ' '
- I I - :
I I 1 f i t - x - ; , ,
; 2-:Va
With hand upraised, Gilford
Pinchot is shown taking the oath
of office administered by Chief
Justice Robert Frazer (center)
during his inauqruration as Gov-
Senators Eddy and Eberhard.
In a resolution introduced by
Senator Hall, the postmaster gen
eral is asked to include the cities
of Salem, Eugene. Roseburg and
Med ford on the regular air mall
route between Portland and San
Francisco, thus permitting these
cities the same service now given
the terminal municipalities.
Boy Scouts of Marion and Polk
counties are preparing to observe
the 21st anniversary of Boy Scout
ing in the United States, from
Sunday, February 8, to Saturday,
February 14. The movement was
incorporated In Washington, D. C,
February 8, 1910.
In special recognition of the
day, two Salem ministers, Rer.
Hugh B. Fouke, Jr., of the Jason
Lee church and Rev. George
Swift, rector of St. Paul's Epis
copal church, will preach fitting
sermons from their pulpits Sun
day, reports O. P. West, scout (ex
ecutive. Badges designed especially for
the anniversary are being distrib
uted from the Scout office head
quarters in the First National
bank building. All who wish these
may secure them by calling at the
All former scoutmasters, scouts
and present members of the Boy
Scouts will be called in for a spe
cial meeting observance of the an
niversary. The anniversary Is be
ing observed in all sections of the
United States in which the Scout
movement is functioning.
Further plans for the observ
ance here will be announced later.
TACOMA. Feb. 5 fAP) Out
of dim, forgotten ages of antiquity
has come a Tscovery in Alaska
which may throw light on the or
igin of the North American Indian,
a question that has long puzxled
anthropologists. Ifews of the dis
covery was first given to Russell
Annabel, noted Alaskan guide
now in Taeoma, by Dr. Smith of
the Alaska bureau of education.
Dr. Smith wrote that miners
operating the Wells brothers pla
cer mine on Henry Creek, . 90
miles inland from Nome, had un
earthed a pair of stone anchors,
weighing about 200 pounds each,
carved with ideographs "resembl
ing those of the Chinese language.
Their apparent great age and
presence so far from any now na
vigable waters led to conjecture
that they were lost in the mud
of the old river by a people un
known to history, possibly by
Mongoloid seafarers who crossed
the Bering sea from Asia and
founded the first colonies on the
North American continent.
Annabel sent this information
to the museum of the University
of Pennsylvania, and today receiv
ed word from museum officials
that they intend to send an expe
dition into the Nome country to
Investigate the find, as soon as
climatic conditions will permit.
Local Debaters
Beat Woodburn
By Three Votes
Salem, high school debaters
won three to nothing j from
Woodburn in the district debate
at the high school auditorium
here last night. The: local
school, debating the affirmative,
was represented by Ward Horn
and Eleanor Barth. The Watt
brothers spoke for Woodburn.
This debate gives Salem four
straight, victories in the district
contest. .
; l-X
Further trouble came to harass
carface AT Capone, i when
State's ; Attorney's men. working
with the Chicago Special Grand
Jury, raided a hotel, amid te be
Capone's headquarters for the tn
tuitry of illicit liquor, gambling
and vice, where, it ia reported, they
uncovered important information.
SS' - I- -
era or ef Pennsylvania for the
second time in his career. Re
tiring Governor John S. Fisher
is shown at the left, with hat in
hand. In his inangnral address!
(Continued from oag I.)
pending trial.
"In the regular course of
events,' Secretary Adams said,
"the charges " and specifications
are made public when the ac
cused Is arraigned in open ses
sion before the court-martial sit
ting in his case."
Reply Sent to
Six naval officers and a for
mer marine major general will
weigh the charges against Butler
in Philadelphia, February 16.
Already the'state department has
formally apologized to Italy for
the references to Premier Musso
lini as a hit-and-run driver.
The state department fo
warded today to Vanderbilt at
Phoenix, Ariz., an acknowledge
ment of his letter pertaining' to
the Butler-Mus30linl case. j
Officials would not comment,
but the Inference was given that
their part of the incident was
closed with the formal apology.!
Major Leonard said tonight he
expected to return to Quantieo
tomorrow to continue work i oin
plans for Butler's defense. :
I (Continued from pace 1)
view, "there usually was a boy
genius who wore his hair long.
thought he had superior abil
ities, studied words and debated.
Lincoln was that kind of boy. ;
"One of his principal gifts was
satire. Others were mimicry,
histonlc antics, deep-seat d an
tagonisms, coldness, a sort of
logic such as you would expect
the village genius t develop.'
Lincoln, he writes, "was man
nerless, unkempt and one won
ders If he was not unwashed. J .
For this reason the myth has
grown up of the easy, good-na
tured Lincoln, the democratic
Lincoln, who loved everyone and
whom people everywhere hailed
as Abe or Uncle Abe. This was
not the case. He allowed no
one to be familiar with him. Al
ways he was addressed as Mr.
Lincoln. j
"On the other hand there was
his sense of humor, perhaps the
only aesthetic gift be had."
TOKYO, Feb. 5. UP)-A bill
introduced In the Japanese diet
today by the Hamaguchl govern
ment Indicated it was prepared to
give the women of Japan a small
taste of political power, in the
shape of the right to vote in mu
nicipal elections.
The sample, was accompanied
by the Implicit promise that, if It
were taken with no ill effects,
within a few years the full feast
of politics, equal rights with men
to vote and hold office, should be
spread before the 15,500,000 fe
male subjects ot the mikado.
The bill sponsored by the cab
inet would permit women to Tote
in elections for village, town and
city assemblies and to hold seats
in those local legislatures.
Backed by the overwhelming
majority held by the government
party, the minseito, in the house
of representatives, the bill should
pass the lower house without dif
ficulty. There may be opposition
In the more conservative house of
peers, but the chances are the
measure will become law.
Delinquent Tax
Roll Expected
Judging from present indica
tions, the d Mnquent tax roll
now being prepared by the coun
ty tax collecting department of
the sheriffs office will vary lit
tle from the roll of the past few
years. ' Delinquencies ; may pos
sibly be a trifle greater says
Deputy Sheriff Sam Butler.
. The tax delinquent list will
probably not be completed until
late this month, as there is still
considerable work ahead in the
compiling. The list is posted
March 6, four months after the
books close.
Citizenship is
Held up Due to
Finnish Paper
ASTORIA, Ore., Feb. 5
CAP) Naturalization applica
tions of John F. Torla and Sahar
at Ilanisburg the new Povemor
made caustic reference to jmb
Ue utility dictation. . This is con
strued as a more for the presi
dential nomination in 1932.
P. Lassila, both of , Astoria, 'were
continued at a hearing here to
day because they were subscrib
ers of "The Toveri", local Fin
nish newspaper.
. W. Blackman, federal natural
isation examiner, who conducted
the bearing, said recent investi
gations by the government had
revealed The Toveri has "reput
ed" strong communistic tenden
cies. He warned the aliens that
their support of this paper was
sufficient reason to deny them
Twelve other applications for
citizenship were granted.
VALE, Ore.. Feb. 5 (AP)-
Work has virtually closed down
on the 8,000,000 Owyhee dam,
30 miles sooth of here for lack of
funds, resident engineers ot the
General Construction. Co., con
tractors, said today. Company
neaaquarters is in Seattle.
A light crew Is belne retained
out the force of 300 men employ
ed auring the winter has been
released. Lack of funds from the
reclamation service was elven as
tne reason.
The dam is the main unit of an
$18,600,000 federal reclamation
project started two years ago to
reclaim over 200.000 acres of
land in eastern Oregon and
southwestern Idaho. The dam
was reported about half finished
ana work and several tunnels
well along.
A 900-mile belt of inland Alas
ka, dotted at 30-mile intervals I
with the shelter and supply huts
is Postmaster General Brown's
Idea of an airplane star route
service for that territory.
Not air mail, specially stamped
and scheduled, but all mail in
tended for remote homes would
be delivered by plane under this
plan. Brown said. Such a system,
he asserted, would add more to
the comfort and convenience of
Alaska's inhabitants than either
or the plans for a regular air
mail service from the states to
Alaska now being urged upon the
postornco department.
CHICAGO. Feb. 5. fAP) -
In the same federal court where
he leaped to international fame
by nonchalantly fining the Stand
ard Oil Co. of Indiana $29,000.-
000 In a rebafe case back . in
1907, Kenesaw Mountain Landis
fought today as a defendant
aeainst a legal move to test his
dictatorship o- the ranks of
organized baseball.
The case was wrought by the I
Milwaukee club of the American
association, which sought an in
junction to restrain the com
missioner from further . interfer
ing with the movements of Fred
Bennett, outfielder. The suit
was filed when Landis ordered
Milwaukee to return Bennett to
the St. Louis club of the Ameri
can league on the grounds his
movements from club to club in
the St. Louis farm system were
In violation of the major-minor
league agreement.
The senate today ordered a
court test of George Otis Smith's
right to hold office a chairman
of the power commission.
After confirming, reconsider-.
ing and rejecting his nomination
it adopted a resolution directing
the district -attorney here to in
stitute quo warranto proceedings
against him.
Together with Commissioner
Marcel Garsaud and Claude L.
Draper, Smith was confirmed just
before the Christmas holiday.
While congress was in recess, the
three held a meeting and dis
charged Solicitor ' Russell and
Chief Accountant King of the
commission. " "
;mk mamok
l tmrm f ii T I JCl
Mniltla B4 am IM4( J
littc hmim mill wkfc UuV
Rlbbaa. - - Mm V
mm am. 5n KMlabla. Dm t
Pass. Resolution; Following
Talk by Senator Bailey
At Weekly Session i
I don't think much relief will
be granted to the taxpayer by the
legislature," senator J. O. Bailey
of Portland, declared in talking be
fore the Lions' . club yesterday
noon on the tax situation and o
the free textbook bilL f
; The senator devoted most of his
speech to the textbook' proposi
tion, of which he is a strong advo
cate. He declared 43 or 44 of
the states in the union have free
textbooks in one form or another.
and that Oregon was behind pro
gress on this matter. Free text
books will cost lesa in the long
run, are more sanitary when the
school keepa them in shape i and
when the district owns the books,
life of them is longer. Bailey said:
The Lions club adopted a reso
lution, presented before Bailey's
speech, favoring the free textbook
bill, with recommendation that
provision be made to supply the
funds from some other than the
regular school budget. Copies of
the resolution will ; be forwarded
to the Marion county delegations
in the legislature. . . . I
Bailey decried- the retroactive
act on the Intangibles tax bill and
said Portland people hold that the
money paid into the fund should
be paid back. "The six per cent
limitation Is one of the biggest
handicaps and greatest curses to
the state," the senator declared.
adding that the limitation has not
curbed, but rather circumscribed
through Its devices and that el
ties have kept pyramiding debt
because of it.
Ira D. Edwards, who described
himself as a physicist, filed an
action in federal' court today
against Professor Albert Einstein
of Berlin, charging Infringement
of the copyright laws.
Edwards charged that Dr. :EIn
stein, father of relativity, "lifted
the unified field theory" from a
book copyrighted and published
by Edwards November 19. 1929
entitled "The Why and Where
fore of Things." I
The complaint asked for a per
manent injunction prohibiting
the little German professor from
further use, either in lectures or
writing of the theory, for dam
ages set by the court, for costs
of the action and requested that
Dr. Einstein, who is visiting in
Pasadena be subpoenaed to court
to answer the suit.
pair Men's Fine
Felt Slippers
with any
Men's Shoes
$2.97 or over
"An Honest Confession
In order to raise money in a hurry, we are
only j ! . , '
We believe tnese
iruin in advertising,
Dfl &
$11 .93
tues to
2'2 to
ftO Boys
f only. ;
29 c
tm r hi r - -
, These three stodenU, Dorothy Eberhard. La Grande; Roy L Ilem
don, Freewater; and WHUaxn Whitely, Portland, now members of the
student advisory committee following: recent action of the. University
of Oregon faculty, will hear cases against' the students charred with
Infractions ef university regulation. Seven faculty members are la
a the committee. .
BERLIN, . Feb. 5. (AP)
Talk of a dictatorship In Ger
many is ridiculous. Chancellor
Bruening told the Reichstag to
day in his first speech since re
sumption of the parliament after
the Christmas recess.
It Is Imperative, however, he
said, that the members recognise
their responsibility for adopting
the "spartan" budget for 1931
by the end of March at least,
giving the world assurance that
Germany is worthy of credit, and
paving the way for an eventual
solution of the reparations prob
lem. -
I "The government Is unalter
ably opposed to a dictatorship
and has no intention of invoking
article 48 of the constitution for
putting the budget into effect,"
he said, referring to the "dictat
or clause" which provides for
dissolution of parliament' and
government by decree. .
PADTJCAH, Ky., Feb. 5--(AP)
Two national guard companies
were deployed in and about the
court house here today while a
Jury,itried Sam McGee, negro, for
a holdup slaying. He was con
victed of first degree murder and
sentenced to die in the electric
chair at Eddyville penitentiary
April 10. The jury deliberated an
He was brought here this morn
ing by soldiers from Hopklnsville
where he was held for safe keep
ing after bands of men searched
the, jails for him here and at
Mai field two weeks, ago. He was
are the greatest shoe values ever seen in Salem.
wnen you see it in
n if .i?inis
One box odds and ends of women's
shoes real good numbers included,
! 2i2's to 5's only
j HELP YOURSELF at 29c pair
About 300 pairs women's fine
pumps ties, straps and oxfords;
short! lines from regular stock in
cluded in this group. All sizes in
this group, r AH sizes in the lot. vfli.
j of ladies9 iuce ties,
and oxfords, in sizes
4V2 only. I
hi-tops, sizes 10 to 2
$4 values, only $2.48.
Jt 4
'jit ;
iii lilrttYilfi
alleged to have : slain - Charles
Clark, 19, in a holdup here Jan.
17. ;
- A 50 per cent reduction In max
imum disability- allowance to
world war veterans during hospi
talization was recommended today
by Veterans Administrator Hines.
Early congressional action was
forecast on his proposal for $10,
000,000 for Immediate construc
tion of 18 new hospitals.
Testifying before the senate fi
nance committee, Hines- said he
realized any cut in disability com
pensation would be "unpopular"
but believed it necessary to re
move an "incentive". among tem-
fiorarily disabled men to remain
n governmjfit hospitals j after
they are cured.
Several members of the com
mittee agreed and asked Hines to
draw up a bill, bote the concensus
appeared to be that such legisla
tion 'stood little chance of passage
this session. s ;
Reducing Grade
On Victor Point
Road is Sought
Reduction of a 30-degree grade
to one of six or eight degrees is
one of the ' problems on which
County Engineer Hedda Swart is
now working, preperatory to
sending out a surveying crew for
the victor Point road east from
Salem. This is one ot the market
roads' which will be constructed
this season.
Swart has surveyors working
now on the route tor the Ablqua
market road In market district
77, and also on the Sllverton-VIc-
tor Point road In market road dis
trict 79. I
Is Good For
going to give these specials For four days
i j - I
our ad, it's so.
Women's Farm Shoes and
diM rAmfAvl Ck. 1 a
" ouves, values
Broad toes, low heels, wide
Men's $5.00
$2.00 men's leather
sins L...
Men's $5.00 and $6.00 lad $ 77
leather full shoes L.........:..i. q2)
TACOMA, Feb. S. (AP)
Willamette defeated the College
of Puget Sound 33 to 24, In th
first game of their northwest
conference basketball series here
tonight. ! i
The visiting Bearcats had an
easy: time in the first half, lead
ing at the half way mark 2 to
14. !The Loggers made a better
showing In the last half I but
could not overcome the lead, i
'In the preliminary the Pacific
Lutheran college, team "defeated
the Logger reserves 31 to 26,
Lineup and" summary: i I
'Willamette, 83 (3 iFTP
Scales. V, 4 1 l
Adams, F l i i
Kloostra, C ......... 4 3 4
Carpenter.- G "... 2 3 :-a
Gibson, G ..... .. ..... 1 0 l
Peterson, C ......... 1 o
Totals 1,..;.JJJ12 !j
Paget Sound 24 6-KJP
Kenrick, F 4 $
Bowers, F .......... i ll i 2
Kegley, C .....! 02 4
McCov, G 03 2'
Grimes, G l( 0 1,
Bates, F 0 70 1
Piety, C ............ 1 1 2.
Totals 7 I 31 14
Referee, Al Hopksln.
Glad Rags Aid
Wily Japanese
To Enter U. S.
SALINAS. CaUj-eb. 5.(AP)
- Three Japanese farm laborers
who entered the United States pok
ing as the sons of wealthy Japan-
ese industrialists, were arrested
near here today for illegal eritry.
t The trio came from San Fran-
Cisco I about i two, months ago,
dressed in frock coats, silk hats.
striped morning j trousers, pearl"
gray spats- and I carrying canes.
They told Immigration authorities
they were on their way to Euro
pean universities.
The clothes that made them the
sons of wealthy industrials, offi
cers said, were shipped back to 1
Japan to aid a new set of laborers
to squeeze into the United States
under the ban. i I
mm evi
IF yoa have Frequent HEAD
IF von cannot read fine print k
I thread a needle. ill
IF you are NERVOUS and irri
table. Consult as NOW.
Char res Reasonable i
Sdfi- i 'in aTjT'?' "IT ' -fT " ti -i-?
1 pair $5.00
Silver Pumps
with any I pair
Ladies Shoes
$3.88 or over
The Soul '
We also believe in
$1.98 values J.99c
2.25 values $1.13
2.50 values 1.25
2.95 values 1.48
Old La- X HI .69
- nn 1 1 1 I
IU so.uv, 1 1
widths. i
... $3
:rr 2)S)c
1 i
i j