I ' " A - ' ! i - INSURANCE 61 THE WEATHER Fair today and Saturday , becoming ansettled lat e Saturday Max." Temp. We cannot prevent 1 accidents, -but most every one ran carry the One Dol lar "Accident Insurance Pol ' Thursday 53, Mln. 83, rivet ' Icy issued to subscribers. 1 foot, rain .03. FOUMD.nO 1851 EIGHTIETH YEAR Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, February 6, 1931 No. 271 :,"'- t - i ' - , .... :sv. i . - ' i' j- ) I. , . " J ' ' I --.." ).:'''-''.:.-': HER FORCES ON PORT ISSUE Obtain Amendments to let i Governor Appoint - for : .The Present Year - j- But House Expected not to f Accept Changes; Vote : In Senate 15-13 By the slim margin of 15 to 13 votes, the senate yesterday reject ed the minority report , of the Multnomah delegation on the An gell bill tor the election of Port of Portland commissioners j and at same time accepted the! majority report which provides for the fill ing this year of the four existing vacancies by the governor and the election of the commissioners in succeeding years. i - The matter is up for- a final senate vote today when House Bill 73, the center of the nOst con troversy In the legislature thas far, comes up on final passage In the upper house with the amend ment made by the Multnomah senatorial delegation attached. I Technically, yesterday was one of victory for the Governor Meier forces, while the governor has agreed with the senators on the on the men who will be named port commissioners, should the power be handed the executive, the act of appointing them will be in Mr. Meier's hands and he can state that he lias received the au thority requested of the legisla ture in his Inaugural address. Issue Decided by Narrow Margin ! On the test vote in the senate yesterday on the substitution of the minority report the j roll call was: I Aye: BilWnssley, Carsner, Dunn of Jackson.! Fisher, Franclacovich, Johnson, Kiddle, Kuck, Mann, Miller, Moser, Schulmerich, Stray er, Upton 14. . No: Bailey, . Bennett, Booth, Brown. Burke, . Crawford, Dunne of Multnomah, Eberhard, Eddy, Jones, Spauldlng, Staples, Wheel er, Woodward, Marks 15. Absent: HalL ,V " V, But th battle ia not over. ' . Tfie forces arrayed against the gevernor In bla campaign to . se cure the port commissioner ap pointments may defeat House Bill 73 when It eomes up for final pas sage. . r If unsuccessful In the senate, the battle ground will again be transferred to the house where there Is little likelihood 1 that the amended bill will be acceptable. - The majority of Multnomah re presentatives does not favor it; a group of upstate members of the lower house are opposed to the (Turn to page-10, coLi 1) TO STUDY PENSION 110 FUND PROVIDED r - f r The Joint ways ! and means committee last night eliminated an appropriation of $2 $00 from a bill introduced by Senator Eddy providing for the appoint ment of a commisslqn to conduct a study of old age pensions and unemployment. ' ! The bill provided that the re report of the committee should be tiled with the next legisla ture. .! Senator Woodward . object ed to the appropriation.; and it finally was decided that the study should be madei -by the higher board of education. A. C. Marsters of Roseburg appeared before the committee and requested an appropriation of 1100,000 to pay premiums at the, Oregon state fair.,' This is an Increase of 125,000 over pre vious I appropriations. . Marsters declared this increase was war ranted by the natural growth of the fair which necessitated addi tional; premiums. : Request for an appropriation of $75,000 for the Pacific Inter national Livestock association , was presented by O. M. Pluni mer, manager of the show. The: committee considered a number of other routine budget requests. ' i Rusk Requests His Ashes Put Atop Mountain YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. 5. AP) A letter from - C. E. Rusk, Grants Pass, Ore., who died from a heart attack Wed nesday, was received by the f Yakima Cascadians here today directing the mountaineers club to place an urn containing his ashes in a cairn on top of the castle on Mount Adams. The letter was dated November 30, 130. . Rusk, founder of the Cascad ians in 1920, took members on the only two trips up j the east slop of Mount Adams on rec ord. In 1910 he exposed as false the contention of Dr. Fred erick Cook, that lie attained the summit of Mount McKInley, Alaska. He returned last sum mer from Alaska where he ex plored glaciers.1 ; Rusk j was the author of "Tales of a Western Mountaineer". Lincoln Viewed as Crafty Politician In Book by Masters Martyred President Treated Much as Rupert Hughes Handled Washington Character Says he Gould Have Prevented war By RIChXrd"mASSOCK TVJEW YORK, Feb. 5. (AP) JLl sought to strip the garments of heroism from another famous iAmencan.1 - j The author is Edgar Lee suuject is Aorauaiu i-iincom. in "Lincoln, tne Man lished tomorrow, the Spoon river anthologist treats o martyred " president fmueh HkeO : ". 1 1 Rupert Hughes treated of that other. February-born j statesman, George Washington, h i Lincoln he Interprets as a po litical personality-aj "slick and crafty politician; cold, manner less, t unkempt, at times neurotic and .superstitious. j The union of sovereign states f which Lincoln spoke at Get tysburg "perished with the I Civil) war". Masters writes, and i Lincoln's mind S "was not profound enough" to see It. Could Have Kept i atlon out of war j Lincoln, Masters said, might have prevented the Civil war, 1'one of the most colossal blun ders in history". I Masters calls his book a polit tical and legalistic analysis of Lincoln's mind and nature, based on available biographies, j "In the middle western small town." Master said ftf an . Inter num to page 10, col. 3) NAPIER, N. Z., Feb. 6 (Fri day) (AP) New Zealand's realm of ruin was under martial law today. Armed marines patrol led the streets to prevent looting and to see that nothing hamper ed the ceaseless- toll ; of rescue Workers seeking survivors among the wreckage left by Tuesday's earthquake. All day yesterday a great ex odus continued; the remaining In habitants fleeing from sickness It was feared might follow destruc tion of the city's sanitary system. Communication between the taxed towns of Hawkes bay prov ince and the outside world was reestablished. With scores of doctors, nurses and other relief workers present all that was pos sible was being done for the hun dreds of injured still' unable to be moved. Red Cross workers i estimated the number of dead In the whole quake district at more than 1,- 00, but other reports made the figure lower. A final count will not be known probably far days, and probably never will be com plete, because of the fires which raged through both Xapter and Hastings after the buildings had tumbled down. SHIM SCHOOL I ; BONDS VOTED SILVERTON, Feb. 5. The pro posed $36,000 bond issue for the Sllverton school district. was de feated at the polls here today, 325 negative votes being - recorded against 232 affirmative. . J The bonds were proposed to fi nance construction of an addition to the senior high building, which has become overcrowded. I Much interest has been aroused In the issue, both for and against. With the result that 557 voters turned out to express their de sires, as compared to only 17 vot ers at the last regular school elec tion. Today's vote "undoubtedly sets a record for school elections In Sllverton. ' j HOCKEY GAME TIE PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 5 (AP) The Vancouver Lions maintained their place at the top of the Pacific coast hockey lea- .gue here tonight, playing Port land to a 2 to 2 tie in an over time game. miSIei) The Legislative Calendar SENATE YESTERDAY ; Almost entire day occu pied with debate on house bill 73, providing tor elec tion of port commissioners. Majority report of commit tee providing for appoint ment of four vacancies this year by governor, election thereafter, carried by H to 13, after Incisive attack led by Senator Moser. j r ; j :' " 1 ' ' . '! !: ' f HOUSE YESTERDAY I Group of minor bills prin- I cfpally effecting lawyer ; passed. " : ' j ! f F 1 e measures recom- ; mended by League of Ore gon Cities secured approval of house. ! j HOUSE TODAY ' Third reading house bills : 0, 82, 1. 129, 130, 131. ! 135, 153, 171. 172, 191; 195. 209. Another author of notd has ; . Masters, lawyer-poet, and his pub- the PDSTOFFICE LEA Beneficiaries Contrib u t e d To G. 0. P. Campaign Funds, is Claim WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 4(AP) Chairman Blaine of the senate committee Investigating postofflce leases announced today he would attempt , to prove that benefici aries of these leases contributed $1,250,000 to the last two repub lican presidential campaign funds. Blaine's announcement j was made after the committee opened its general Investigation of the government's postal leasing pol icy by questioning former assist ant postmaster general, Bartlett about leases made during his term of office. . Bartlett was asked by Blaine if he would be "surprised to know" that beneficiaries of the postal leases had contributed about a "million and a quarter dollars" to the campaign funds used to elect Presidents Coolldge and Hoover, Had Heard Rumors. Of Contributions The former postal official said he would rather not -answer the question, but testified he had heard people say they should be "given fair treatment because they bad given to campaign funds In the past." Blaine said later he would de velop the basis for, his question tomorrow. Meanwhile Postmaster General Brown was challenged In the house by Rep. Mass, republican, Minnesota, to make public an in vestigation on charges by Mass against Charles J. Moos, St Paul postmaster. Maas asserted Moos was link ed directly with a St. Paul post office lease which along with about 6,000 others Is under in vestigation by the Blaine commit tee. EVIDENCE 16AINST WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 (AP) Information tonight from with in the hearing being conducted here on charges against Bishop James Cannon, jr., was that tes timony had been given that in formation on which part of the charges are based was from Mrs. Helen McCallum. who later be came the bishop's second wife. The presentation of evidence against the temperance leader of the Methodist church, south, was completed at midnight. Tomor row Bishop Cannon will present his defense. Among the witnesses examined today were Austin O'Malley jof the New York Journal, against Whose publisher, William Randolph Hearst, Bishop Cannon has filed a suit for $5,000,000 damages which the prelate said he suffered when letters alleged to have been written by him and statements concerning him were published by the Journal. ' ! BURNETT CONFINED WASHINGTON. Feb. 5.-4-(AF The senate today confirmed the nomination 1 of Davie Burnett of Cincinnati, Ohio, as commissioner of internal revenue. Third reading senate bills 28, 55, 71. Third reading house joint memorial 9. Bills 129, 130, 131 to be considered today, providing changes in the regis trat on of motor vehicles. . House bill 172 proposed by Representative Gouley,of Marlon county provides for a revolving fund for motor vehicle registration. SENATE TODAY Third reading senate bills 5. 8. 30, 7. 102, 123, 124. 145, 169, 165, 166, 171. 173. Third reading house bills 7. 35. 44, 73. - :J Senator Booth's bill up to give ex-eoldler's property ex , eruptions. ; s -r j Fight to pass house bill 73 as amended, I presiding for appointment and election of Port of Portland commis sioners, is expected. I CHS IN SES COMPLETED LOANS INSTEAD OF FUND Compromise Plan on Relief Agreed to by Both of Parties in Senate President now Considering Proposal; Amount for Drought aid Same t WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 (AP) The . senate coalition blocked enactment of one of the vital ap propriation bills today while a compromise . proposal to break the deadlock on relief legislation was being weighed by President Hoover. T h compromise emanated from the senate and was sent to the White House with word that It was acceptable to both repub lican and democratic leaders. It called for an additional- $25,000, 000 drought loan appropriation in place of the $25,000,000 -Red Cross relief fund which the pres ident and the republican house have flatly rejected. Appropriation Bill Called Up As the fresh peace negotiations moved forward In the hope of avoiding an extra session, the first of the eleven appropriation measures was called up In the senate for final enactment. Democrats who have threaten ed an extra session to obtain their relief program lined up sol idly In opposition to final appro val of the bill. Sixteen republi cans joined them. The vote was 47 to 22 to re ject the conference report on the billion dollar treasury-postoffice bill. While showing their strength, the senate coalition made no open declaration against the ap propriation measures. The debate on the treasury-postoffice bill hinged on differences between the senate and house. MURDER TIL NEW YORK, Feb. 5 (AP) -James Matthews Maxon Jr., of Chattanooga, Tenn., was acquit ted today of the murder of David Paynter. A considerable crowd had re mained to hear the verdict and applause broke out in the old court room where Foreman Alex ander McLean announced acquit tal of the son of a bishop. Among the crowd were many persons from the south, who erowded around Bishop Maxon and his son and clasped their hands joyfully. Some gave vent to their emotion in a flood of tears. The liberated youth said he had not decided whether he would accompany his father back to Chattanooga or stay in. New York and hunt a job. .The youth confided to a re porter that last summer, while he was out on bail he got a news paper job In St.. Louis but was fired for being sco FOUND ON DESERT ROSWELL, N. M., Feb. 8. (AP) Cadet Joseph B. Donnelly, who had been missing since noon Wednesday, arrived here tonight after his plane had crashed 35 miles -southwest of here at 1:10 p. m Wednesday. Donnelly was brought to Ros well by Allen Doyle, rancher, who found him walking over the des ert shortly after 5 p. m. today. Donnelly and 50 other student fliers left the training field at San Antonio Wednesday for El Paso and when he failed to land at Fort Bliss yesterday afternoon officials instituted a search for him. Donnelly told the Associated Press his motor stalled and he at tempted 4 make a landing, as he neared ground the wind direc tion shifted and he landed with bis tail in the wind. The plane turned over and was demolished. Donnelly suffered only a slight bruise under his right eye. Former Official Of Washington Dies of Injury LONGVIEW. Wash., Feb. 5. (AP) Injuries received In a traffic accident "near Centralia January 81 caused the death here today of E. W. Ross, about 70, former state land commis sioner. Mr. Ross held that posi tion for two terms, eight years, and was succeeded . by Clark V. Savldge, present land commis sioner.' ; ' : Mr. Ross was United States court commissioner at the time of his death as well as director of the First National bank of Longview. A widow and one .son survlvev FAVORED MXI ACQUITTED MISSING AVIATOR Tables I Turned as Butler Faces, Trial - - 4- V When Brigadier-General Smedley Butler goes on trial In general eonrtmartial, before Rear Admiral David F. Sellers (left: below), he will only be taking new role In an old drama. At left he Is shown as witness In the famous trial of Col. Williams, whom he accused of drinking m cocktail when they both were serving at: San Diego, Cal. He often was the accuser, also, when safety director in Philadelphia. At light, he Is shown m he left City Hall when he was firod. Right below, he) Is shown at Tien-tsin, China, in 19(27, where, he won commendation for his work. His eonrtmartial because of accusations against Benito Mussolini only mark a new episode in his stormy career as :a member of the U. S. Marine Corpse f I ' BUTLER IS SILENT AS TO VfDEllLT r-i' Refuses to Comment Upon Statement Mussolini Story Misquoted WASHINGTON, Feb. 5 fAP) The defenders of Major IGen eral Smedley D. Butler conferred seriously today over news reports from Corneulls VanderbiltL Jr., that he had been "quoted Inac curately" by the accused marine, but neither Butler nor his coun sel would comment further.! After an all-day conference at Butler's Quantlco, Va., quarters. Major Henry Leonard, one of his counsel, said Yanderbilt's charge had been seen, together with bis offer to "relate correct-? ly from the witness stand" What he had said.. Leonard asserted Just as promptly,' however the defense had nothing to say. I Meanwhile word came from the navy department that at least so far as the navy was concern ed the specific charges made against Butler will not be made public until they are read at the (Turn to page 10. col. 3) Liquor Chargesi Filed Against Two Men in Auto Liquor-gasoline mixtures I late last night caused the arrest of two men, William McKenzie and E. H. Craig of this city. McKenzie alleged to have been In possession of liquor on! the highway, was released on $100 ball by order of State Traffic Of ficer E. B. Houston, who made the' arrest Craig was lodged In the. city jail pending hearing to morrow on charges of driving an automobile while drunk. -r i Day in Washington (By the Associated Pressi) Senate leaders placed com promise relief proposal tip to President Hoover. : j Politics charged in post office lease Investigation, j Veterans Administrator Bines proposed a cut in dis ability allowances! for vet erans undergoing hospital treatment at government ex pense. ' Secretary Adams declined to make' Batter charges pub lic. .,.!.-,! Senate ordered court . test on right of Chairman Smith of power commission to hold office. ! y, Chairman Legge said the drought might bring wheat shortage. ' - : Senate adopted amend ment to prevent government employes with fSOOO or more annual salary . for ac cepting retired officers dis ability pay. f ! J - President Hoover apprdv ed four decreases and one Increase in Smoot - Hawley tariff DHL ' Senate confirmed nomina tion of David Burnett as in ternal revenue commission er. - I Wlckersham commission adjourned until March 4. r i House approved f 2,000, 000 for medical aid to drought section. Congressional action com pleted on $45,000,000 defi ciency blU. " 1 RepresenUtlve Ralney op posed confirmation Of Est gene Meyer ( to federal re serve board." i i A - A A ' t f n j0T . Woman in Hospital Exercises Leg l and Thigh is Fractured Joy that she could exer cise leg to the extent of drawing it to near her shoulder proved short lived for a woman patient at the Deaconess hospital. : Calling one of the nurses to show her how well she could exercise the leg, the patient drew the leg upward. It snapped. A thigh bone was broken. j JDr. V. A. Douglas, county physician, and Dr. E. A. lie bold were called to set the bone. ' i The lower part of the pa tient's body has been prac tically paralysed for almost three years, nor has there been much motion apparent, so the patient has been con fined to bed most of the time. JURY IS SELECTED : IKINGSLEY CASE MEDFORD, Ore., Feb. 8 (AP) A Jury was selected late today In the trial of James E. Kingsley, 23, alias J. C. Adams, charged with the murder of Sam Prescott, traffic patrolman, who had stopped Klngsley's stolen au tomobile to question ! him con cerning Its ownership.? j The court ordered the jury to remain Intact until the trial is completed, and denied the state's request for an alternate juror. ' Kingsley, it is said, will be the only defense witness. ; The state called three eye wit nesses to the shooting, Earl Rem ington, 19, of Wenatchee, Wash., a chance companion of Kingsley, was one of these. The others were Mrs. L. F. Batchelor and her son, Johnny, aged 10 years. - Other witnesses to be called Included E. J. Farlow, .service station operator where Kingsley stopped a few minutes before the shooting; Mrs.- Tillie Rose who pointed out Kingsley to pursuing officers, and Herbert-' Moore, traffic officer, who. captured him. The ease will be concluded late tomorrow. Mrs. Fowler is Willing to Try To Return Cash i LA GRANDE, Ore. Feb. 5. (AP) Mrs. Emma Fowler, whose accounts as La Grande city treas urer allegedly have been found short $112,000, today was given until Monday to enter her plea to a charge of larceny 1 of public funds. She was to have entered her plea to a charge of larceny of publicjfunda. She was to have en tered her plea today, i I Cart Helm, district attorney, said Mrs. Fowler had Indicated she was ready to return the mon ey If given an "opportunity." An audit of the city's books was started today by a Portland firm of auditdrs. Oldest Mason Has Birthday l ':; :"r , ..... , -.j". CHARLTON, Mass., Feb. f. (AP) Leprelet Miller Logee, be lieved to be the oldest living Ma- nn In thu TTnttaA States, today celebrated his 105th birthday, the feature oi it a nuge caae contain ing 101 candles. "-I ;: '! s ,4 ; . 1111 CITIES BILLS IE PASSED DY HOUSE Lively Part of Program is Provided by Mott and Andrews; Brief - - ; I - . Five measures designed to Im prove governmental conditions in Oregon cities were approved yes terday.In the house, marking the principal accomplishment of that body. The bills were (drawn by the League of Oregon Cities. included In the provisions of the five measures are provisions exempting cities from; penalties and interest on delinquent taxes on property they own; changing payment on Bancroft bonds from an annual to .a semi-annual basis; permitting creation in advance of : sinking funds for j the pur chase of fire equipment and sew age disposal plants; simplifying procedure on street vacation. Mott -and Andrews j Engage in Debate ' I - Representatives Andrews and Mott engaged In a heated but short-lived clash over a bill pro viding that the eight-hour day be effective on all state highway jobs and that overtime be paid after that time had elapsed. A letter from State Highway Engi neer Klein was introduced by Andrews in which Klein said adoption of the bill would add $100,000 annually to mainten ance costs for the department Mott criticized - Andrews for not placing the objection before the labor and industries commit tee where no opposition ' to the bill is said to have developed. Andrews said Mott's attack was the first made on his j methods during his own membership in the house. The bill was report ed out favorably by the house. Adjournment is expected this afternoon until Monday, Arguments Upon Change of Venue Heard in Court - I PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 5. (AP) Arguments upon a de fense motion asking a change of venue for Nelson C. Bowles and Irma G. Loucks, indicted for first degree murder, were heard by Circuit Judge W.' Ai Ekwall here today. ! Jndra Ekwall said he- would make his ruling tomorrow. The state did not oppose the -motion, nnwles. Portland 1 millionaire. and Miss Loucks, formerly his secretary, are accused, or mur dering Bowles' wife, Mrs. Leone Bowles. . - -. 1 LEGION ' CHIEF ILL NEW YORK. Feb. 6-WAP) Ralph T. O'Neil, national com mander of the American Legion, has been crlticallv 111 with pneu monia at a hotef here, but has passed the crisis. It was disclosed tonight. . . , DROUTH RELIEF FUND SUBSCRIPTION American Red Cross, i 508 First National Bank Bldg. ' Salem, Oregon.' - Enclosed please find $ to the Red Cross drouth relief fond. Signed, Address., Clip and fill AURORA STATE BANK CLOSED; : SUITJS CAUSE Run Occasioned by Stories Of . Action,! Involving Mortgage Company No -Connection Between two Institutions; Data cn ; " Condition Lacking " Following a "run" occasioned. apparently by news stories of le-. .j gal difficulties in j which some ot Its officers had become? Involved the Aurora State bank cjlosed -its doors Thursday afternoon and by vote of its directors,' was placed j In the hands of the state bank ex aminer.- , - The examiner, A'. A. Schramm, spent several hours In:- Auror.i Thursday afternoon and on hU return here that night stated that liquidation apparently would fol low but -that he could not at this time give any indication as to what the bank's conditio was or what the depositors' prospects of . recovery might be. The December 1 statement ot , the bank showed deposits of $352,570.06. It was capitalized at $25,000. Fraud Claimed in Snyder's Action Claiming that officials of tua Willamette Valfey Mortgage Loan company had defrauded; him of $25,200, 1 Andrew C. Snyder filed suit against the company and Its officials. Dr. B. Ft. Glesy, presi dent, Zemo Schwab, secretary anl William Phoenix, manager, all of Aurora. j ; Sn3der charged that many oth er citizens of Aurora and vlclnffy had also been diefrauded but tbera, was no Indication on Thursday that others would Join him In his attempt to recover mbney he claims to have lost. I Dr. Giesy who is 'president of -the Aurora state bank, branded the charge as "hokum." He said that the ' defendants in the suit would not oppose the appointment ot a receiver for j the loan com pany Friday when on , an order , from Judge Evans ot Multnomah county.they are to appear to show cause why a receiver "should not be appointed. Gelsy was reported to have said: I i "We, want to do what I Is best for all concerned but appointment of a receiver won't: help, j It would be best Jo leave it "in Its present management and try to work it out as best possible.!' In Snyder's complaint he charg es that the loan company Issued mortgage loans on farm land tar in excess of the value of the land and that these notes were sold ta farmers who are now "holding the sack." He cites cases and in some instances declares that dou ble mortgages were Issued. Dr. Giesy declared that the Wil lamette Valley Mortgage Loan company had no connection witik the Aurora State bank except that Its offices Were In the bank build ing and that the bank carried mortgage loans temporarily for the loan company. Proposed Laws Add Hazards to Life of Bandit CARSON CITY, Nek, Teb. 5 (AP)Tbree bills introduced in the Nevada legislature today are Intended to make life hazardous for bank robbers, and the penalty for being caught alive more se vere, f Said to be capled after Texas laws, the bills would legalize re wards for killing bank robbers by making such an act "Jjustlftable homicide" and would prescribe the penalty for robbing a bank with firearms' as death or life Impris onment. Woman Burned To Death Lived At Grants Pass SAN DIEGO. Feb. S4-(AP) Mrs. Velma Cole, 27, who died of burns received In a stage acci dent at Capistrano beach-today, is a resident of Grants Pass, Ore. She was the daughter of Percy Everett ot that city and formerly lived in Portland. She returned only recently ' from an extend 1 trip to Alaska. She was on her way to Saa Diego to visit her uncle, the Rev. U. G. Clark, pastor of the Church X of God here. as my contribution out and mail -TV