- i i -4 Tfca OREGON STATE31IAN, Salary Orfcru Thcrsday tiers!:?. February & 1231 - WEST S'lEI TO STAGE C0,ViE0Y Proceeds to be I'sed for Building a Community -Hall is Report ;: - WEST BAIM.''Febv4-e play. The Mummy ! and the Mumps a tare act fare which baa', been recently given at aev ral of the atata institutions win be presented Thursday i aad Fri day evenings la the West Salem oommnaity hall. -i '".",.?-, r It baa been previously sponsor ad by tha Institutions department of tha- Salem Women's dab and baa attracted much favorable mention aa a mirth provoking and thoroughly, delightful entertain ment. It is a West Salem produc tion, the characters being West Salem folk. Perry. Reigelmaa ot Salem ii directing tha pUy. j j Members ot tha easj are: Sit Hector Fish, JLyla Thomas; Fran cis : Briscoe, Curtis Ferguson: Wiaiam Laidlaw, Charles Wright. James Stammon, ' Vernon Stebl; Perkins, tha sheriff. Ray Fern- aon; Anna Hampton, Berniee Wood; Maud M alien. "Dorothy Bancroft; Dulcle Dumbib,' Martha Warren ; - Agatha' Laidlaw, Esther Hennlngsen; Phoebe Beebe Vlda McCauley. Miss Claudine Gerth and" Miss Betty Bedford are prop arty manager aad prompter, re spectively. - -. v - -k Walter Gerth and A. 3. Hen nlngsen are directiag the sale at tickets and Gerth reports that over 1400 tickets hare already been sold. - :"i ;.. Tha proceeds of the play are to be applied on the building fond for- the new community v hall which. West Salem hopes to build in tha near f utnre. - :v-: ! , .. ! ,r. ' FARM IS SOLD - - INDEPENDENCE.. Feb. 4 Mrs. rear! Vaa Orsdel has sold her 25b acre farm near Craw. tordsTllle In. Linn county to Wil liam Titer, a recent? antral; in Oregon from Oklahoma. Ha will lira on the place, using it: for a general farm and stock . ranch. There are soma buildings on the place, and 159 acres ef Jand that la under cultivation. -- It's a raiR7-anuill. IvflDCE&OirDEGl RM)iJ(b For 1931 See and Hear It Today for First lime AT OUR SALESROOMS IN SALEM New, improved 8 and 9 tube SUPE HETEROD YN ES. first to use new sen sational TYPE 51 i tubes. larger, more efficient full dynamic Speakers. Better - tone with ren less distortion. Blore , Selective aird More Sensitive tatic l" Modifier. :.. " : i - Aeconstic Control., New Lower Prices .-1. r 466 State St. Phone 2112 Today?s Menii V Tana, Omelet For Jnnc I. Ttu Omcltt Batterer Pea Brsad . .Pineapple CoaierTe RaaS'Lettsea sad Kutilta IrMiag ; Africot Caka and ttmoa Saaca , . ' CUm .... ! Y-.--'' Tana - Omelet, Serving aiiHiuM att . l-S eaa Milk liiiMW wit - 14 tmmi paprika ' 4 kt vaitaa, ht 1 tables poa rappd f anlrj A laaapaaa cclarr aalt ' -t 1 ttblaapa a' choppeA ' 1 rmm tmm. favkaA ipart - Beat eg yolks and add milk.' Beat two minutes. -Add season ings and fold in egg wiites and tuna. pour lata trying pan in which tha butter has been heated. Cook slowly until little brown on tha underside. Carefully fold half over. - Cover and cook five min utes. Turn onto warm; platter and surround with peas. 'Garnish with, strips of pimentos and pars ley.-; J: i; VI ; ;:;;- Ptaeappl Conserve -. FVaam fraah r caaaaaV piavaapplt) , . a eapa aUcad pincappla - t 1 tap rmna-a ftip ' i Vt cup chapped rul paat '' 1-S cay lava Jmiaa T t , 1 cap vatar . . : j" eapa anr' j - ' ; i ' ' " teaapaB aalf - Mix traits, fruit juice, peel and water. Cook - slowly, in covered pan 10 minutes. Add sugar and boil genUy until conserve thick ens. Stir frequently. ;.Pour into sterilized jars. When cool. aeal. Try this with hot biscuit or muf fins. - . . Apricot Cako . - - S enpfl floar ' . 4 taaapaoaa baking' ' powder k' teaspooa salt 1 tablaspoas aagsr : 4 tebleapoona laid . j , 3-"8 top milk ; Mix flour, baking powder. jsait and sugar. ' Cut la lard , with a knife. , Mixing with knife, add milk. When soft dough former spread one inch thick on 6hallow, greased pan. Spread with apri cot mixture, i -,i r AT HOMER HUBBARD, Feb. 4 Eighteen members of the Pour ; Square church of Woodburn, including many from Hubbard, - motored to Vancouver Monday night to at tend a union baptismal ; service held in the First Christian church. It was said to hare i been the greatest service ot its kind held in the church with 48 persons Im mersed seven of whom were of the Woodburn church. The group went in Alvin Earl'e truck and after the services they went sight seeing abotpt Portland. Those who went were Rev. R. P. Disbrow. Miss Daisy Disbrow, Reverend Graell, and Vera Kliew er, Woodburn; William McCully, Miss Gwendolln McCully, Bud. McCnlly. Miss Hilgla Wormdahl. Miss Hed wig Lee, and Harold Schneider, .Monitor; ..Harold Springer. J. C. Moo maw. . Earl Scott, Elsie Jungnlckle, and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Earl, Hubbard, and Lester Cole and Mies Dorothy Fulton; Aurora. ! " r- Wilbur Howell i -Dies From Fall GERVAIS. Feb. 4During the forenoon Saturday while working in an onion house on the Hayes Lablsh farm Wilbur Howell f ell from tha .eighth shelf in the Blaine Brown onion house i frac turing 'his sknlL Ha was rushed to a hospital at Oregon City where he died Sunday evening. Mr. Howell was a 1 brother ot Mrs. Blaine Brown. He was 35 years of age and he leases a wife and five small children and his parental Mr. and Mrs. C. Howell of Lebanon add four brothers and three sisters. Interment was at Mountain View cemetery at Oregon I City Wednesday. ; 1L. i - PURE SILK SPECIAL SHIPMENT WIIX ARRIVE FOR cr.i u in u ' ! SPECIAL SHOWING i LADIES' WASH DRESSES . . - for ! HOUSE AND STREET WEAR I - j '$1.89 Z .i- In !i Boseleigh Peter Pas Prints. Finest wash fabric K the market. Guaranteed fast, colors. . i' . !. - ; : . jr. i . AT BLOCIl'S GOLDEMULE STORE 220 K. Liberty: Salens, Orefin Tel. ICO 5 SH1LEGI0I1 S'EEd 0 PTIi $1000 : tax Exemption' jor ' Veterans is not Fa- vorcd SILVERTON, Feb. .4. - . The $10 0 tax exempt! en bill for vet erans did not meet favor with tha Delbert Heaves post of tha Ameri can Legion., according to a vote taken at I tha post ' meeting held Monday night before the big "open- house." The post voted Ma favor of tha $25,000 toTielp de tray the national Legion conven tion to be held, at Portland in loss. m. . y; The auxiliary also held a short business meeting; at -which they made plans tor a card party to be held in. the near future. Mrs. Myr tle Bennett and Mrs. Larry Aus tin were made general . ehairmen of -tha committee to arrange this. V Following the business meeting: members apd friends gathered in the armory auditorium- for ; a splendid program. Particularly attractive numbers were those by the Kiltie band, numbers by stu dents of the Barbara Barnes school, and skits by Bute White,. Frank Zlnn and Dr. Sam Scott, all j ot Salem. After the program dancing was enjoyed for a time. OREGOfJ LEGISLATORS ME COMMENDED LABISII CENTER, Feb. 4. Action of the Oregon legislature in defeating the Manning - bill which would refer prohibition to the voters of the state was unan imously commended by a rising vote at the Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday evening. Rev. F. B. Culver, presiding elder of the Portland district . of the Evangelical cburch preached fol lowing the j. Endeavor meeting, also conducting the communion service. r 1 Final rehearsals of the com munltr club's three act drama, "Aaron Sliek from Punkin Crick", which will be presented at the Labish Center , school house next Tuesday evening, February 10, are being held now. The east includes seven char acterajid several extras. . Mrs. W. R. Daugherty is coaching the production, which promises to be one of the beat ever presented by local talent. Gervai&P. T. A. Disagrees on Free Text Books GERVAIS, Feb. 4 The month ly meeting of the Parent-Teacher association held at tha school building Monday night was large ly attended and momentous sub jects were discussed. . On the subject of free text books--, the attendance seemed about equally divided. The school gymnasium was discussed and a committee composed of . A. FerschweCLIer, Ross Cutstorth; and John S. Harper, all of whom are members of the high or grade school boards, were appointed to take charge of . plans for the,, building of the gym. . ; . Miss Verna Kepplnger acted as J secretary in the absenee of Mrs. C. W. Cntsforth. A fine program was given 1 and refreshments served. if: Lyons Telephone Company Elects LYONS, Feb. 4 The' Lyons cooperative telephone company met and held their annual meet ing Saturday. January 31. - About 15 members ot the com pany were present and officers were elected, as follows; Floyd Boylngtoa, ' Mebama, president; Chester Kubln, Mehama, director for two rears. J. H. Johnston. Ly- pons, director for two years. George Beny, Lyonsr director tor one year and Waldo Zimmerman, Mehama; director for one, year. The company plan to make changes In the present conditions of financial affairs, and hope to beable to maintain and conduet the business on a self supporting basis. -- . --. '. - i - A number of phones are not In use at present and this throws the burden heavily on those-who do keep their phonea on the Una and it is hoped conditions will be bet ter and more phones be la use when tha adjustments can be made satisfactory to patrons. Literary Group Gives Program QUINABY, Feb. 4 Tha Bue na Crest literary society met Fri day . evening and tha following program was given: x ...Vocal solo. Glen Savage; hu morous reading, Aaron Nusom; playlette, ; Crystal ' Gazer Ruby and Leona Orey; piano solo, Ruth Palmer; play, "No Mora Wom en; tap dance, Leona ; Orey; reading, Mr. Fruitf, The next mecflnf will be Feb ruary 12 with tha tingle people giving the program. - ATTEST! FUXER.iL MONMOUTH. Feb. 4 David Campbell,' -Portland' pianist, and Mrs. Campbell who came Monday to attend the funeral of h their aunt, Mrs. John- B. Stump, re mained ' ever - night as guests of another aunt. Miss Cassia Stump. Mrs. Clay Egleston ot Stayton, sister of Mrs. Darrel B. Stump, was is Monmouth Monday to at-! tend the JfdneraIof Mrs. Stump. Darrel Stamp who accompanied his father and brother home from , Phoenix, Arizona, went to Port land on a business trip Tuesday. He will leave for the south Wed nea day. Ext) ruing , t . ... . o - T I TOILETRIES ; 184 Ih Commercial " ; . It xi a pleasure to hdp at BYRNE'S. You car) buy TOILETRIES, REMEDIES and TO BACCOS every day In the week at greatly reduced prices, and on week-end tales piclr -up the moii wonderful bargains in well known "and nationally advertised goods.(j Then too, our stocks aro new. laro and ths aortm en ts complete. - TOBACCOS CIGARETTES (FRIDAY ; ONlT :j CO Bottle Lixteriae 23 Listeria Shavtssj Greain - ' ...V--' v Sa Xiiterina Tooth Fasto .. :-:.-: .-::- iL0O jrla & tot , (S5c -Thtusdar. .Fridaj. Saturday. SOAP (Limit 10 cakes) (Thursday Only) 50c Colgate Tooth Brash S5e Saai-Brae tooth Brnah holder 75c Value all for -TftV i t i So v: FEED MEYERS - 4 Lb. 18c tte.35c FnB Flavor . PtaB Weigh No. 2 Tins Fancy Florida 20c GRAPEFRUIT m2t Whole Pieces V tr- FRED MEYERS Orange Pekoe W Lb. 27c 49c 5 6 inch Gaaxaateed Torrid Waffle Iron Colored Handles and aiDc Appliance cord to mtchu While they last i 85c Jad Salts .59c 85c Radox J..l4..:....L.59c i85c Kruschen SalU JtU.59c .0QNuvoj:ll $1.00 LudfTi il -69c 25c Packer's Soap :.:..18c 25c Woodbury Soap.. 1 9 c 10 Speedaway Blades (for Old type Gillette Razors S9c ' Plus Four Golf Balls (New Standard, size, and Weight) 23c 50c , Tre Jur Face Powder and 50c Rouge Compact 39c 60 Watt Outside Frosted Jijjht Globes 3 for 25c 'Doz. SI. 25 1000 Sheet ToUet Tissue 3 for 19c, 18 rolls for $1.00 f One Pound Montags Marie Louise Writing Paper 19c ' ' One Pint Milk llagnesial (Full quality Full quantity) 29e . i Rainier Lime Rickey & for 19c One Dozen for S1.98 1 12 Sanitary Napldns ..19c CameL Liicky Strike, Old Gold, Chesterfields .. ' . of 50 28c FS $1.10 50c Frostilla ...i..36c 50c JergenV Lotion ...29c 50c Woodbury Creams 29c 60c Pompeian Creams 39c 75c Ayers Creams ..U..60c $1.25 Absorbine Jr. L.98c 51.25 Moone's Oil .1. .98c $ 1 .25 Pinkham Comp. 98c Yz'h Castile Soap..I39c 50c Ingram Shav. Cr'ni 36c 50c Williams Sh. Cr'm 39c 50c Aqua Velva ....-:L..39c 25c Mennenrs Talc .1---J8c 50c Gillette Blades ...30c 1.00 Squibb's Oil ..i:..79c Petrolatum (Mineral oil) Pts. 39c Qts. 69c Gals. $1J&9 Cod Liver Oil (Norwegian) Pts. 55c !Qtsf89c r Gals. $29 Agar Cut lb. 69c 1 lbf29 i uncut lb. S1.89 x 3 lb. Bar Castile Soap 89c 25c Mercurochrome 19c 4 Oz. Boric Acid 9c 1 pt. Italian Olive Oil 49c 1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol 29c 1 pt. Bay Rum 39c 1 pt. Witch Hazel '30c 6 oz. Glycerine 19c ' 6 oz. Glycerine and , Rose Water 19c 4 oz. Aromatic Cascara 23c 4 oz. Camphorated Oil 23c C oz. Castor Oil 23c 3 oz. OH Eucalyptus 23c , 10 lbs. Epsom Salts for ' Bathing 39c . I$1.00 Kleenex 79c $1.00 Pond's Creams .69c 10c Lux Soap ... . 3 for 19c 10c Lifebuoy Soap, 3, 19c 10c Camay Soap, 3 for 19c 25c Oxydol .....174c i 50c Straaska T'thpaste 33c Tuxedo 16 oz. tins 85c Prince Albert " OC or Velvet 16 oz. tins JD C 30c or Horseshoe 69c Graneer lfi oz. tin .and! 50c Brier Pipe Q 1 All for JJOt plug 90c1 COcPapes Diapepsin 39c 50c Natures Remedy 33c 25c Carters Liver, Pills 18c " 50c Cascaretts 39c 50c Packer's Shampoo 39c 50c Pepsodent j. 29c 31.50 Petrolager $1.20 Sal Hepatica . . 89c $1.00 Nujol ....I ; 53c ' - i. . i 50c Phillips' Magnesia 38c 15c Vitamont Dog Food lOe 10c Ivory Soap i.3 for 19c New Gillette f7 Safety Razor ' ! jrf and i u vl Oaa . Xew Blada ' : 10c Our Pet Fish Loaf o r for Dogs and Cats 3 for LOC 75c iDoans Fills 49c 50c Yeast Foam Tablets 3 for $1 $1 Marmola Tablets 79c 50c Midol Tablets 39c 25cjFeenamint 19c $1 B.&W.j Triple Bromides 79c 100 Aspirin 5 grain 35c 100 Blaud Iron Pills 25c 100 Cascara Tablets 6 gr. 29c " 100 Hinkle Pills 19c $1.00Miles' Nervine ..69c $1.00 Ovaltine j... ...69c $1.00 Pacquiri Cream..59c I ; A : 60c Mentholatuxn ...... .39c 75c Vick's Vapo Rub .49c r75c Balm Ben Gay ......49c $1.00 Vapex .79c INC. 184 N. Commercial HEME DEE G 25c Colgate Talc . (assorted . odors) 10c Colgate Big, Bath -Soap 35c Value all for m 50c Kolynos 29c 45c Kotex ..i:..3 for 85c 89c i GUESTS AT ZENA ZEtfA, Feb.'tV Mrs. Jesse Walllac end soa. Kills, iwere ac companied by Mrs. Loalsa i Pet-, rick vrhea they retarned home Saaday after a visit, of f oar days ia Portland with relatives! and friends. : uargaret P t r i e k, dseghter t Mrs. Pstrlck, came Ltroxa Poruand - Moaday and is a iso a visitor ' ac tne ( waumc borne. They will return to Port land d arise the week end.1! The Patrick family have hosts . ot friends la this neighborhood where they resided on the A. M. Patrick, fruit aad - berry . ranch before moriag- te Salem where they, are well kaewn. From Sa lem they moved to Portland where arey are aow making their home.' f ,. :; ;; ; j - ? i ; Bins. it. j. hall diesI ; GERVAIS, Feb. 4 Mrs. VL'J. Halt danehter-ia-law bt IMrsJ Margaret T. Hall ot Gervals, died at her homa la Dallas Saturday. The husband and three! dangh ters, Mrs. Floyd Holt of ; Salem, Mrs. Eugene Hart of Gojdeadsla, Washington, and Miss Barbara HalVand tha father nd three sisters survive; Funeral j services were held from the funeral : par lore at Dallas Wednesday at i: 39 o'clock and burial was at Eu gene. Mrs. Hall was MisS' Maude James of Eugene. She was mar ried to Ralph J. Han la that city '2i years ago. Mrs. Margaret T. HalVaad her two daughters, Mrs. A. De Jar din and Mrt. C. W. fyHta fortbr of Gervals attended i the e will Be Honored BRTJSlt COLLEGE, F.eb. 4 Brush Coneo grange win hold tha "next meetiag Friday night. Fsbraary 4 at tha local school boas.' : -v : j; Eepresentatires of the Dallas Chamber of Commerce will be present and wiU present to them th beaatifaX plaqaa which they gave as a prise to the grange ag ricultural aommiUee which did the best work for the year 1980. I PLAY TO BE PRESENTED , j ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Feb. i 4 -Aa nistrleale group from Pra tum will gtve a play, "Civil Ser vice," Friday ereaiag, February at. tha Popcorn school boose. Tha , nswly organized ' Orchard Heights orchestra will lurnish n ambers between acts. Miss. Eth el McDowsl lof this neighborhood, who Is a teacher in the .Pratum school has a leading part in the play which was recently presented at Pratom." Several from here at tended at that time and : pro nounce the play excellent, j . '"i 1 I ' I Mil"' I - J HERE FROM CALTFORXIA , . 1 0RCHARD HEIGHTS. Feb. v A A, Sunday guest ' ot, Jftr. i and Mrs. W. O. McDowell was J. A. Laycocic. who was at one time a resident of this neighborhood. He returned recently from Califor nia where heJiad been the guest cl jelaUr&a Jinl friends for aome time. Laycock has two ; sons la Oakland and says he ate Christ mas dinner ia company with more than 20 relatives. The J. A. Layeoek family spent S several years in Salem aad oa the place aow Occupied by Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Matthhaws la this aeighbor hood. ' Mrs. Laycock has slnea died. Laycoek's prasHmt .borne is on a large stock ranch which he owns ia tha Joha Day country, opmr noTJsn enjoyed BILVERTOK. Feb. 4 A big percentage of the town turned eat Ffiday night ta tha open house-land. sponsored by , thi" 4-L organize tlon. A vary! good program was enjoyed the early part of the ev ening;, and' this was foljowed by lunch and dancing. - TO CARE FOR IXVALTD HAZEL GREEN, Feb, 4 lira. Anna-' Albln of Monroe,. Ore came Monday te care for Mra. Ellea Van Cleave for an indefin ite period. Mrs. Nellie Reedy of Portland 'has been with Mrs. Vaa Cleava slnea October. Mrs. Reedy will visit her nephew Orvtlle Lackey before returning to Port- , IHI5)1? . . Out of'the Oven at 11 A. 1,1. " 445 Court St. Phone S34 : - fakes' for weddings, birthdays, etc. ..S Piesi Cooldcs, Doughnuts - -. '. Service with a Smile