PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, SAlcia, Oregon,' Thursday Morning. -February S, 1831 If . I -T . i i TELEPIEE RATES coram Med Haney Expected to be its Chairman; Will Start ' AVcrk , Today, Plan Members of tht committee ith olnts4 today for U porpos of conferrlnj? with officials of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company la an effort to seen r Jeirer rates irithomt la necessity of lnrestlsatlon and costly litiga tion, mil swing Into- action this afternoon. Reports Indicated that Bert Haner of Portland oM be elected chairman of the commit' tee. - The resolution . creating the committee gives It authority to . summon officials of the telephone company to Salem for any confer ence or conferences that may, be desired. Members of the commit tee are Senators Bennett. Miller and Strayer, Representatives An drews, Schnell and ChtasocBV and - A. I. Barbur. I. H. Van Winkle, at torner general, and Mr. Haner The first meeting will be devoted to organization and outlining llans for future operations.- -,; ( 'The senate approjred a proposed . constitutional amendment offered hj- Senator Crawford which would give persons accused of a crim inal offense the right to waive Jury trlaL Capital cases are ex empted from the previsions of the amendment. Senator Crawford de clared that the approval of this amendment by the voters would eliminate a large nnmtter of Jury trials and reduce materially the cost of court procedures Uniform Traffic Laws Are Sought Announcement, was made Wed nesday that committees of the Washington and California legis latures would arrive in Salem early Friday to confer with the roada aad highways committee of the Oregon legislature In connec tion with uniform traffic regula tion. ' There will be considerable discussion with relation to re ciprocal .highway legislation now affecting the three states. - Members of the state highway commission may attend the ses sions. The fisheries committee of the Washington legislature will spend Saturday, February 14, In Port land, conferring with a similar committee of the Oregon legisla ture with relation to. proposed leg islation affecting the fishing -industry on the Columbia river. The conference will be held in the Portland chamber of commerce. .The senate .tabled a bill Intro duced by Senator Billingsley au thorising chattel mortgagesto be filed In the office of the county clerk, instead of the recorder, at the option of the-mortgagee'," raras. in IIEffl. IM About 20 Methodist churches of the. north Willamette district will be represented at the meet ing to be held Friday night at the Jason Lee church. Winter aad Jefferson streets, when Dr. Lather B. t Love Joy. national leader of the stewardship de partment of the church, "will be the speaker. The meeting was called fay Dri M. A. Marcy, dis trict superintendent.' Included In the church groups expected to attend are first. Ja son Le and Leslie churches : in Salem, j West Salem, Sllverton, Woodburn, Hubbard, . Stayton. Lyons, j Turner, Dallas. Falls City, Brooks, Donald, Indepen dence, Bnena Vista, Oak Grove, Marquam, Kelxer, and Pratum. The meeting is in the Interest of evangelism and stewardship, arid wiH open . with a dinner at 6 : 30 o'clock, served by the women of the; Jason Lee church. Following this- a jdevotional serr-ice-willjbe conducted by a team of men) from the McMinnville broDierhood. I Dr. Lovejoy will then be Introduced by-Dr. M. A. Marey "and" will follow his ad dress' with a round-table discus sion of methods and plans look ing toward the program, of East er and fhe Lenten season. Dr. Lovejoy 's visit; at Salem Is one of five In J the district, the -other places feeing Springfield, Marsh- field. Albany and Garabaldi. State College v -j Student Loans i : Fund Depleted 1 OREGON STATE COLLEGE Corvallis, Feb. 4. The student loan fund at this Institution has Lbeen - so depleted by unusually heavy demands that for the re mainder of the year loans wlU2e limited to seniors graduating this year, announces Dr. W. M. - At- wood, chairman of the loan com mittee. . ' - -. -. - r The Wresent situation followed excessirely heavy demands last spring: whlcH la torn wan aggra vated by - slowness '" with which present - loan holders hare been able to repay the loan fund, due in part to unemployment, - " Last year, the loans from local sources totaled more than 5t,00 in addition to jnore than $31,000 from bdtside sources. The local money van distributed among 560 . , - , : w . . - . .- - men and 111 women who obtain ed Alt average of abont $7 5 each. IS -i " 1 "KECOVERIXa FROM ' : ?- , OPERATION" HAZEL GREEN', Teh. 4 The odore Wacken. who underwent a major operation at Willamette sanitarium last week, la getting alonfcjjlcely. He, will be able to come horn soon. BIr. Wacken is a brother to Rudolph and Her man" Wacken of ear community. BACH FROU CAIIFORXIA STAYTONVebl 4 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fehlen are home from a two' months visit with their sonr Charles and : wits in San Francisco. Owing to the fact that Mr. Fehlen is to report for Jury duty their visit""waa curtailed to some-ntent. They report they much prefer oar Oregon weather to that of California. ; 7 - Scouts to Visit Governor Meier - On Anniversary 1 1 . " 1 In observance of the 21st an niversary of Boy Scouting in this country, 21 Boy Scouts and 21 men from Marlon and Polk coun ty troops are planning to call upon Governor Julius Meier some day next week to- present to the governor a sketch of the history pf scouting in the 21 years. 1 The group will also ask the governor to designate some spe cial duty which the Boy Scouts ican do la Salem next year. The Boy1 Scouts will appear in uni form. i lit v una My Wo- That oisht to interet every reader. You may not have heard of it before, bujt many hardware stores are doing it. You can't af : ford to miss it Here's your chance ::, .-V :r ' . ; . '4 ...; Friday and Saturday and All Next Weels S : We offer-You V" ia bars IVORY SOAP g0G with any .cash purchase - X or: 2 -25 bars IVORY SOAP for . . . . : . with any cash purchase of $5.00 or over. v Limit, 1 deal to a customer and - " while you are getting your, soap deal- tako time t6 note the great price redactions on Hardware, Paints and Plumbing. You will be surprised to know that many metal lines are below pre-war prices. Also note our many Spring Specials and make It a habit to"SHOP OUR WINDOWS. V &Go ISe I Mg& Hardware - Paints - Plumbing - Machinery 236 N. Commercial St. I '. i- i .. ., . ' 'i. ;! 'i '., . : .' " ' VvHAT gives; Coffee;: ; 5S ;Sparkling f LMPll? j - i - I sp- " "$sfL . it- 'rsH - - ; "vrr J j ! .. aw i - ' . . - , '-e ) --.-. -r- 1 . T-4 ;. v. r - f -v 'v . . -: 7- ' i 20 Gash Prizes' . . - . - .. , s- :-: .... : i - ' . ... ... .. : .:A-':: pp?lpf. ES 1 for. the best recipes using : bread in .the preparation 1 of special dishes Just write ioufybur fjcivorite recipe dressing, bread pudding Frerrch toast, breaded meats or other dishes in which light or dark bread is used in any form i . . then mail it to the Contest iDeparfmehf Cherry City Baking Co. 4 Salem, Oregon t Send as many recipes as you wisK First Prize V. ;j$15.oo Second Prize . $10.oo Third Prize ... $5.o Fourth Prize . . . $3.o Fifth Prize r. . 1 $2.o Fifteen Prizes of $1 each and many other vdluablo merchandise prizes. Each i recipfe must be written on a -separate sheet of paper with your -name andaddress at the bottom .All recipes will be judged and tested by prominent Salem home economists. ,The Cherry Ciry Baking Go. reserves the right to use any recipes in advertising. . No recipes will be returned. Contest js open tp any person in Salem or the adjoining trade territory except employes of the Cherry City Baking Co. Contest Closes at ! Midnight Saturday, February 21st, 1931 - Winners to be announced March 2 Contest Sponsored by, the bakers of H ONE Y ! SNOW F LA K E BREAD ACOFFE3 EXPERT would answer Immedi . ately, "It is the quality o the green coffees from which It ia blended; it is the care with which tt is roasted, ground, and packed. And then he would add And die care With which it ia made." Golden West Coffeo owes Its popularity to all of these important steps . ' the choicest hard-as-fiint green coffees from the mountain tops of Brazil, the hlghrownj coffees from Central America, the Mochas from far' away Arabia, all help in producing a mellow blended smoothness. i - . v ii expera grinding. 'The World's trirs . win : , , ; . 1 . .. . T i i. .. " ! . i - . . ., : .'- i .... 1 , ? i ..." . 'JL ' - ' ' . .... ; ' . - I."...:., - I. ""'I : flavor" In tht Tacuura Oolden wett tiai Golden West even $ug-wt poskhrt method c tnaldns . . the drip system as Iff usuref the bringlnjf Into the cup all the scored up Cw Hrlnntnm of Qolden "Wert flavor ' OsUm West Cefft mnd At "drip" cofft Wot Am next tim m. U Z-A .L YsiswUZ I WoMckly enjoy that "UW wfcfcfc 4i ttefMs QoWen W from all other cef s. - ; . i - . : . v - Finest Coffee i. n ge of Oveership Sale ; J' : j GI?E(SIIAILG:I7(5)a " w . . ..... n, I s Women's Pumps and Ties A Good Selection of Broken Lines and Sizes .' High, Cuban and Low Heels $1.95 For Women - . '- --.; 4 Womtn'tf hlfh' and Cuban heel pumps and oxfords. ; A good as sortmsnt of brown, blue kid. black. ralTits and patent Former values &00 to 910. $3.85 A Pair ef Host Free For Men jTa JT. Carter Shoes and Oxfords Men's Broken lines ' Black and Tan $2.95 Women's Selby Arch Preserver - Shoes - A few dozen pair left of these high gtade shoes in patentnd tan.' Nar row widths bat nearly all sizes in th lot. ' 0gC5 ', v These Shoes - Sell negnlarr at S10 and Up For Men 5 . 1 " I .. Men Tan Shoes and Oxfords Several dozen pairs of men's taa shoes and oxfords $1;95 Imported EnirHsh ,: Scotch Grain tfxforcb for men in "Ski" and regniar toes. A great boy at ', I 1- $5.95 See Them Jn Onr Windows FREE!' Thursday. Friday and Saturday A pair of women's fall fashioned silk hose u with every $2.85 parehase WHILE THEY LST - 9 1 NEXT TO L ADD & BUSH BANK ; J 326 State Street o ' V! ..;: !i"