1 fte Meeting wir inuiwvr mm isvuvw. tsum iimiQ i&eaa mmsam I' i i , f : ' Th Statesman assumes no n- MMtniiMHtv rw 1 errors J-whicw mar appear la adverMse- - A- ....v.i i-v..4 in Its ra)iimD& but In enaea where this poper is at advertisement In which th typo- 4 graphical nusuix wvu.j Classified Asvertlstas lnr luH!nn Mr 11m . Thre insertions per lin Six insertions y On nronth per line -t Copy xr im J"" HI tb eveuin- before publi- catioa fr -clnsxiftcatio. Copy . ceived after thin time ra b tuxS under the heading Too , Uitt, to Classify. . - i hwip wanted -Male f Jf you car to maker money &nd cm 94 1 aa. rticl without oo3petitto nd cm handl two cwntUi, call Mr. i MAIL CLERKS-CARRIERS. AL SO t tSX yer. Ken l-lfc. Steady work. Common education. uf Ocienc. Paid vacation, taasupte wtBtki coarhiag and fall partlcuar FREE, Apply t0ar urb Box fetatea- ....... . liEU VVANTEDFEAlALg Thera 4a !- attractlro propoattlon rs-aiUiOC- few 7WM! ldM? with ilinr cxperienc. ; Apply il Utxtk !.-.-.!. 'v t i Wram. c1r! OeairhK- to -eam tnon SITUATIONS WANTED 4 Taunar nun, 2. alogl; with can can. u t anytnm-. jiorw. , ' ExffortenceA : xrunera. ; ' EaraeninK ) Krporteneed house We per. ; Tot lU'u"irLri-rLrvi iiirrvii"iiJTr-'' " AeconntaiK. bookkeewr and trplrt. 41 year old 29 yra. rarted oxper ence, itom aelllae) Boat .character fnd fial!ricatlon ; reforeacoa. - Bo t OII : SALE Misceilaneons T'e4 ftiralture at a bargain. Ranirea tS.fr and np. Oregon Tradlac Pot. S N. OomO. MoMMaWMaoaNWWMoao1oiWo1Nooa I Horaea and mules, tafcen In on tractor; tit Ferry Su Wm. H. (Apple 4c and up. Tel. lifli. TjririruirLj"jLri niuMa " - (Apples, Xo and SOo box.! TeL 9 1 a iz. oaMaaMMMaMMMMMMMMMoiooWo1MMMMM FOR SALE : ahartlns. ponera. hans sa ttsman PubUsbinc Co i FOR SALE Old paper. 10c a bun- Cla. State t nan offlca. . ITrpewrttera, all maicea, . new 'and Cted. Adder and typewriters torrent. WANTED Miscellaneous . . . . WANTEI Habbard table aquaah tho aacic Box 27, . Statesman. (WANTED Used piara to x c'wngo on radios, phonographs, or fur 'htre. M Stiff Firmrnr OomrwTty MISCELLANEOUS IC'aU li V. Ryder tor. palntlna. pa- r 4rUai)Bre, tin tin... , Reliable work. Tel. 20UM. . r ;Motor recondltioulng' ' on. -our , new tiie payment plan. , Khjoy this aer-'air-e while you rid and pay. Stat 't-t (Wirae-. 21 -ttit. Tl. 17. - f ROOM and BOARD PLEASANT rest homo for cml-ln- raiids or -elderly persona : Best of car and food, box T1S, StaLe ansa. EXCELLENT board and cheerful ooth tn ivrlvnt home. 26 Center. X)R RENT APARTMENTS waaaWsaSasaasaBaasM Art. tor rent. 1248 C3mekrt&. . 1- ri -urLin inxuxojxxu-truxriJXrxjs i R. AtK. 1st noor. 1U5 Slate. s a ir-y-a-aTvai'iarvnjXrtJt Sic furnl!id apt. S Center. S room bl xrU forniabA An in. dependent home, front and back perch -bum 4ns. gas and wood rang, dar : port, garago. 6S .K. 6th. i HVrtX. furnlsthed vooraa and apta iter rent at 2261 Ilaxel Ay. Tel. tSW. . , y Ieslrab! heated x room att eloao -tr.i Inquire 127 Union, i. Z rooms and kltchenetts. tuxalshed: ! water, Kg-M ptione Cloao- ln,,A4ulta ! 1S 64T SfilT Mrert. - 1 f I FOR RENT HOUSES FOR ttKVT Hauaes and flata tit 1;S ITew- f!4 15J & ComX - J t 6 rooms wlfU gnrag-and flre piaco tVat Salem. 20 171 Rlcb vtond, roomx f 25 233 XaosHa, C xiir. furaac and earaKa. : 674 W. ilith. roomx S ; 7erry. room nt tCi "to Marlon, f roam flat, lift 1035 N. Summer. 1 room. baths. ; 2115 S. Church--9 V. etc- hois outsid limits tmth. f 'roorra.r '..) We have also IS furnished; houaea. rest from $14 to t5. I j BECICE A HEXDRICK3 l K. High Street - TeL ill. ltrictrr. modern, well faralahed tpuse, fla location. 2S K. lttlu ( room bungalow on N.vCnl St. Rxsemont, garage. Fruit. See 2Ira. Cartvrell. Statesman offico. r FOR - RENT House furnished and iriiUTOixusxi. i v f. r wood ' t . 241 Stat Street FOR RENT room Tiouae large rooms, modern except fireplace, large tot witn fruit, doable garaga, : located I45 M. Commercial street. $21.00 per tnontii. Immediate possession. I li ttffter. TeL-tfr9 or call at ITlft Ii. IHh S. arenlngs, tf toterested, I , ;saa-saasaw BBCHTEL, or THOilASOV J ?41 St-ae Htrt - - Mm 4 WANTED TO RENT rr i" - . w WASTTED 4 room, modern fur- r!aied housa. Adults only. Box 77ft, Ktateamaa. I TILLIE, THE TOILER 10a Sl.ftO I t"M VCRRy, .,-(pr JX 1 I'M ajgn' I i A V r tvav-.J ' . . ," ill '. 1 V!c--rora AlttrA-T- 44 1 . , KIWI' fftieM t-i .. OOM'T ttgttg WrVff HSV HA ffC VO MtXi f 1 rui5y . &eh VOOT 1 1 IXl- . CT HO. WM1P Vr. to bb vioomoJ SSS-B-t TO? ltW svSTIr- r-rr- Ss11: - lg. . " i! . : I : H " 1 : -' " - .-' ; - ' ; i: .Vi& : :i': f: .: :::;-:': : ' MWWMM ' .UJ. JJL "sy nttv ..... w ii nm l OH X T . V ...- . . -.77 i , . '". uosie, duui 11 ,ira-r8BMrlenc. B&a- i1? ,a pliKl modern c room rwm .4itta to trad r oo4 acrea fairly-woll imwrDTeA wt neesary farm ma chinery oa od road -worth JI500.6O aa4 can ie terraa. I - - ' . " tref s mnea "ort" -oz aleta worth S09.a end can T1Mb JIiiAih fi a n i . t'an rr . .... n wwt' e4WV. A -e Imprrored amaU tract 'la worxa ditu lor .. r0"- iTa- homo" worth t--tratta-iw a, farm i worth- 460 to trad tor small unim proved acroMge. -i 10 iwionKi- t aere eloao ia a do MRbtfut itoaao witk od laad and !MJ U. . Bant BMk. Tel. liO. 2-S aero tracts. Ono with bulldlns 4 rra, atrtrly modern home to "a. tat, owrartira imiMtery ana Cow ers, a amo worth wlifle at 4 1000 and VTtSKIK PETTTJOtrV. Boaltor . li 8oth Dljh Street i Well located A room .home on Win ter streot., beautiful at front- lot. Owner f ewred to Mil at aacriflco- pde ot. otmr wasoeaoM term. ! Xaaaiediaaa pa aaateo of a arood. room Din in eaaa ts&iem at a ?or rloauro price. f!7. Little caab, baL monthly. , . t i . i -4 tooj plastered house, Rarave and woodshedk Ale drjeed from 210 t414i for quick sale. Teem Ilk rent. . Tor -Kood bnya In home SE3S : -) I-EO V. T1LFUS CO.. Remittor ' State uet . Tel. 1727 J FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE r Modern 7 cooi stucoo xiouee and -sar ase. Ciooe to tmaltteaa section,; corner lot. atreets pared. A real baraalOt Ono-thh-d -of -vatue -would b onaid end in xcaans for- other property. Iaquiro &1S , lth atreet. i I triIX BEXTf " I i V tiate fine, modern S room bun galovr -arell ocated In South i Salem that we eaa aell -you on rental basta. Property -nicely financed. Call ua about tt. tt-ice MitO. 1 BF.-R Mrs. F31ls arith ! I LEO 21. CHHJ8 CO.. Realtors 2S Stat Street - Tel. 1727. 1 EXCEPTION Al. VALUES 1: j Thin -new home of fire uniquely ar ranged: rMai m ground floor; t larar -upstair room, beautifully tiled Wiu hen. hrln-od floera throughout. Two faeautifuny papered bedrooms, ten? lirinaj room arftb flreplaco and twit of wall paper and well. ) words fail us. Xet -as Show you this fine corner eloso la batsaln. $150& and easy term ' ! , i-SA.VE.15ta.eft OK THIS OXE t iton atrlctly modern bungalow, paved atrefO, all new surrounding. A rent barmin at 2S9 $gft down. U 'ii. ROBERTS W. O. GRANT 31 tUsdnic XUdc TeL 809. j v'., . -RENT. r..' I U" ? T t ? T L : ; - CTHECH AND IXXTELK CHECK . rWnen ,o e-ra truy a house. 5 room ooooplcteljr furnished with a small payment down, balanc like rent. Prire JlSPft. alake your own term Mar ult me. Owner- tion-rea- ident. PKB any aartit t - - i ' BKCHTKL-THOM.VSON- ! I i ? 3 it -State- aHrefc - - v Room ,4, Distant owner, reduce prlo on bis room snode-m homo for Immediate sale, liocse la srell located In ! South Salem, commands splendid Tiew ; of mta. close t school and bu ; Bno. Prie t7i. meOa.il onra payment will band be. j , - - j SEE Mr, mils with . I LKO K. C1UIU5S CO Bealtor . ! tala Street ! TeL 1727. ! ! . TODAfS BEST BUT -! la a sworn- plastered: . nous on larga lat, - doe to basta section, street pewed ana paid. Total pric oetr II TV, caair fit. S20 per month, I SKK Mea KtH with . 1 i LKO H. -CH3XD3 CO, Bealtor 32ft Htat. St roe TeL 1 1727. ! i . i t ACRE HOME U; :t j t room house, Jarg chicken nus& weHL -ronninc water. located clone In on good 4-ravei rovtd. Price 32 ft. i W. H. OHABKKHOIWX 4c CO, r r REALTORS J i - " 131 S. Xilberty Sc Tet IIS: 54. down and lift, per month will buy t aens with mew 3 room hwoset well, and chicken house, soso fruit, X acre of ota and etxm, good ; loca tlon, a real buy. Price fllftft. J Int. VT. H. CRABEXHORST A CO, I - REALTORS 134 S. Ubortr St. Tot lis. If. For acre 1 east of Salem, mm ouaer aTo aam. well and Tnimo. aroott mM. tla Awn: 31 1, i A IS mt oast of Salem, aoouT. re nearm; troo. mostly cnerrw-a Kaeor terma 34o. 6 A. 2 sal frara -ftalem, 4 room iMBse, eieetnc rgrus, - cnicxen hous. doabla garago, good - fam- llx wFchard. 1H acres of atraw herrie! excellent eotl- 1 tilt-A. tnh front R. R. I ! room nous aad an Unas or outbuild tng. tsmUl tract of tlmbr, lays well, 4ft A. of clover,, all good dark o4L . Federal loan at fi. Od f the- beat- farms In nll UltM Honey to Joan.' Ftre tc Auto lna ! UJCLV2X JOH.XSOX i 324 V. R. Ksfl. Rank TeL 437. EXfJU AN ( Ileal Estate I ' -TOR EXCHANGE! ..(.: 1 Chaic corner In small town on paved street. aWl place for Store aad eonfef-tioaery. Bldga. need some ro modeling, som-fixtures and furaitar to go. 1 acre of fi land with barn and chicken- tiouaa. creek In -i rear. VaJe- 3s. Want faJern home or small acreage near. Will pay X!Tfer ace or assume tip to - j. I 4 acres 3 miles out on pared nlgb way. fair tddga, hundreds of cords of Jgood timber. acres clear, crask cndT sating water. Woven wire fence. Value isaoft. Want Salem : horn la exchange' 1 . : SSft acres la Deschntes eountr on hlirawajr 51 miles from Bend. Value 1C1 'give clear and par dlf f srenc oar &alem ltom. J For WKchang-a SICK - S2 atat Street , TeL 1727. -f mm " 'i"ir"ii"M"M" nrin rutri n.njiji.n.nj-i -.FARH TRlItPA. 4 4-A. f room house, fair barn, drier, etc Sft-A. prunes, 4 A. logana, family fruit aad berriea 1S-A. . timber and pasture, baL la crop. Runatng water and good walla, 4- mile from Salam, and wUl trade tor anything- can use. owner cannox operate. . 204-A. near rood aUe-r town. 17ft A. plow land, 19 ft-A. dlversiflad crops, fair bullduura, aad a. moneT- maker-. Wish to exchange for Til- lUDOOK-ca -4. ( T:l''' .'i El II fiOBEKTSi-W. n GRANT 214 Uaaonto Bldg, TeL Ml. SOME REAL OOO r TJKALS . 23-Acres, all in cultivation. lft-A oata, . and veatch. amay orcn ard. aom toerrioa 4-R. houaa, , with bath, electric lights and city : water, large barn, poultry house. good hog aoue. Join ladepen dence,. ptic xodneed ta f tf sold in the next 14 days will glvs good oew, team -horses, wag on and all impiemant and left nena uetter burry, V down, aal - a nee eur. . - . - 33 -Acre. ,4 R. Jiouae. barn.' good taca: oti, M m cattlaation, prioe -ts0.M..Trad for smaUer pace. . 27-Acrea, 2 A. euldvatlon, ft-A prunes., good shape. l-A. Jsttaaa good 4-R. fconiie, -carbide nghting : avatem. good, aprlng pricn, 44, B00.09 ; liftfrft.ft down: baL easy. ii M-Mxcrea, House, largo oacn. poultry nouse, bog houso, 4&-A. culrivatlon. . 1-a, timber. haL . paatnrsj rado Tor bom 4a. Sa lem-up to 260ft.ftft. SEE , SEARS tc TUCKER, Realtor . 184 Mith Commercial . St acres. 7 - nU.- S. of ISaJem.- SS In culttvatioa, some timber, ; 1 room fair nouao, sprmg water, and -creek, !, 0ft. 1SH loan. .Trad baL for Salem 147 -acres near . Marion. Small house. Well. barn, if Am cultivation, more easily cleared. Sftftft errrda wood. 45.eft per acre, dear. Take' Balem nous 1 or . Term en balance, Z 3. Jackson with f ' W. O. ERI7ECER - ' 147 North Commercial ! Fay 4 tnterast and own on of tho- best farm in Marion county, lftft acres, elver bottom aoll, old build inga Owner will aell you build to suit yourself. Pay Interest on farm until you can pay for It. Inves tigate uui rtdi X have an outside cash buyer for 2 to S acre near Salem suit hi for berries and vegetables. Let me know what you nave. , , II. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel.? 1734. CUT . PRICES CASK TERMS 2ft A. imp. with building near Sa lem, ; 3150.0. aOO A. f ie imp. mod. house. Near town. 1 10,00. Good go ing grocery stocx- ana itxt., uu. J. LINCOLN ELLIS '443 State Street i i FORCED TO SELL 1 acre suburban tract has small house, 4 room, garage, electricity, fine -place for chicken. About on acr berrien; Price cut to 111 eft. Small payment down, balance to suit, SEE Gatlif or Mrs. Clarke ' 341 State Street Room 4. INSTALLMENT ACREAGK 32S. down and 325. iter month win buy 6 acrea located eaat of. Salem, new 4 room house with good drilled well, gravel street and close to pave ment. Price :?. . Jut, S. $25. down and 216. per month will buy 4 acre of first class Prairie soiL all cultivated, best -of drainag,- first claa for berries and filberts. Pric 310O0. Int. 4. - $25. down and $14. per month wfll buy 10 acres xm oarket road, closs to men way. several acre of bearing ore hard, some timber, balanc of the land cultivated. Price $104. , Int. If yoa are looking for a small acre age at a right prlee, and on easy term. . W. 1L. CBABENHOR3T at CO, - REALTORS 134 & Liberty- t, i TeL S15. BELOW VALUE lft acre . located . oa good road. 7 room hous. basement, water system. tath and toilet; atationary wash, tubs, iirepiaco, cmcaea pouae. gooa barn, family fruit.: several sores of prunes, 1 acre 01 xuen mce vvv. W. H. GRA B ENHOsaT 4k CO, - REALTORS ' . 131 Liberty St. TeL 314. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED X ' -to 2 - acres - and hous. Stat price and location. Writ nts. atewnan. ' - - Business Opportunities -i1 - -1 rim i','i ".iifni-,rrir-wyiir-wrw-iri FOR TRADE Ltrht- mfrr. bus iness say CTofU. - Trad for closed atttomoblie. Address xnfgr P. O. Box 844.'Saim; Orwm. MONEY. TO LOAN Salary boans !;T 4) People B t a a d il T Employed !. STATE LOAN COMPANY i , 213 Oregon Bldg. ' Second Floor ; Corner Stat and High -i Offlc bra 20:40 a. m. to . ' . " :$ P. m. : Telephone 912. Llcenaed by StsU ON FARMS AND OTTT. REAL ES TATE, LOWEST fStTEITEST UATIaV BERI T. FORI3 FIRST NATIONAL BAN'S BLDG.. - - - . i 1 1 mjy .1 1 "ii n I. t'UM- ijjfi.0 WANTED to loan on liv. stock and mvM frrvpvrif. J. CI 11 !3 10 sun your convenience. National Loan and Finance Co. 41ft Bank of Com. Bldg. Licensed by stata. , . PERSONAL LOANS . -MADE on furniture, cars, salaries or other -rood security.. ReDavabl monthly, when hi financial need see US neior Closing loan. - 43ENERAL INVE3TMEXT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Phon 1500 MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Jontracts Kenaanced Arrange to reduce yeur payments, - Tou keep the 'car. . a i (!" P. A- EIKETt i -.U Cor. "Liberty St and Ferrr 1 Phon 121 - Salem. Or CITT AND FARM loan at lowest rates. Best term obtainable. Our Insurance department" offers yoa ex pert advtre and service In all Unsa. HAWKINS ROBERTS, line.) TeL 1427 ' - 20 Oregoa Bldg. No Friend ACREAGE MONEY TO LOAN - ; Caah Loans f $ift to $10 WltWa $4 Bonx . . Small Monthly rtepayments , TouTI b Mrprtsod how easily loan can be arraaged. Our friendly and courteous service has helped many when they jtevded - snoaey . quickly. Com wj, 'phoa or writ for lull la- wnnsumv iOfra I ODiigauoa. BINEFICTL1X. LOAN BOCXETT 113 Bligh Bldg. T licensed by TeL 3-7-4-4 th Btais Fsdoral Farm Loans, ft Vj per cent. f. wvHnA.iiL btat street. LOANS WANTED WANTED -Prtvat money to loan on -real estata- W. If. GRABENHORST 4k C. REALTORS 134 a Liberty St. TeL tit- TVi mt mmm m fl. m. m mmm Tears. Excellent securftr. Stat Inter- . at QTtA a mt a?i- a. jw . n Awtr i mt ouisanian UVE STOCK and POULTRY 41m. tVINSnaM. afaA. wv 441 si s isjis, iw- BltCr uatouiir7 Chicks Yfrry weelc Redsi B. Box ; W. Hexj - J.' B. QUnti: ,7, -W. , Giant ; t)wf -aTW -T aas W vs 4Awwii 4Va,isil Iran- UA J3 1 TJLr -tTh mt tm O- 4Aa. 43. - - 11 nC rbace ZJlt-W. Custom iiatchi&cJ nd coira.. Auction mtdm deDot TeL 9Ifata rSm0 ' WW W FOR SALE WOOD To trade dry alder for what hars you xet i7is. Blr Snd growth dry fir. Ed Varbla. isza rarry. xei. zitzK, J3ry 14 In. oak. $4.74 delivered. Hon trellis -poll cut -to order. TeL 44F4. 3aras9 aXalak - AT WiAdTrvSh : l-l i inws $!.(; per load. C8rd wood $4.50 per serric. Honest naaare. Darts Fuel IO. J.C1. zis. - - - i- ii ,-ir - - - -i- T.rxn.njxn.nj FOR- BALK OR TRADE 14 In. old fir. $(.00 cord. TeL 1SF4. WB bar IS" wood on hand an th tlma Prmpt delivery. S4 B. 12th. Cobbs 4k MitcheU Co. Phon $13. ""iVVHrsnnfVrsri fsrsrrsOiOsTrai xjxn MJm DRT. all kinds, any length. TeL 3739. - " - I - DRT fir and oax wood, coal and fuel OIL Call on-us fr price We Eire food measura rood aualltr and good service. . LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAGE 'l eiepuon 3131 . ' , 14 In. and 4 ft- wood on nand at all tfrnea Also planer wood. Ttl- 29H Tracy' Fuel Tarda GUARANTEED DKT "Wood -eoal. TeL 13. Salem Fuel Cou TS2 Trade 34 m. old fir. 17.&0 cd. and dry hard wood. TeL 1524 W. Ray AsplnwalL WOOD SAWING For better wood sawrnc. TeL 1223. LOST and FOUND - FO&ND Keys near Statesman of fice. Identifr and for td. Kaa at Statesman of flu. - FOUND Small -brown eonr. IL B. Peck. R. 4, Box f Salem. . LOST Small tan Jananes -txtcket book, on Court St. Reward. '27$ N. Cottac fter 4, TeL . IST Dai crav atrtned fmr- slan cat, femalev Rdward. TeL 171M. FOR SALE USED CARS rta'w'aTSw4sssa Ford and Bulck Used Car Lot $ Bukk Sedan ,. ,:,.....,tl250.6ft 1S14 Butck enclosed Bda, 250.00 1515-Bulck Coup- It Chrysler SO Coach I!t Chevrolet Oaup , .- , IMC- Chevrolet Sedan - n 124 Chevrolet Cup ' 1923 Dodg 4 Coupe ltS Doda. 4 Sedan . 243.6ft -I 22S.ftt 235.00- 186.0ft 125.0ft 460.0ft 365.0ft 100.4)ft 125.0ft -75,-Oft $15.00 125 Dodge 4 Touring- Ir& udg ft -Trnca 123 Dodg 4 Coup T3ft Model A. Ford Coup its Model A Ford Roadster 1928 Model A Ford Coach. 193ft Model A Ford truck 454).0 f 875.00 445.00 485.00 185.00 495.04 160.00 125.00 76.00 45,00 45.00 23.00 495.00 1929 Model A Font truck 1928 Chevrolet truck ' 1929 Chevrolet truck 1927 Model T Ford Coop- 1924 Model T Ford Coup 1924 Model T Ford Roadster. 1924 Model T Ford. Tourtng - !: &idei 7 ora uoup 192 A Model T Ford, touring . 1924 Model T Ford Koadatftr 192 ft- Hupmebfl ft Coup , 1925 Hupmobtl 4) Roadster - 260.00 1zt otdsmopuo coach Z7s.es 245.44 485,0ft. 1T6.00 30.00 1927 Oakland Coach ., 11I -Pale-s Sedan 127 Fmr S Coach 124 etar 4 i Touring 1914 Srudebafeer Big: 4 194 W.-K. Tonrlng . tour. 96.00 A 1934 W.-1C. Roadster -95.0ft 250.0ft 1928 Whippet Coup 1318- Whippet Coach 250.04 North End of Ford Aft-eacy, TeicptKm 103T . , - Salesi Used Car Center North end of For Agency. 1 Telephone 1027. GOOD LATE MODEELS ' USED CARS 1928 Dodg four door sedan S3.oe 1930 Plymouth Coupe, six wire wheels, .special 49S.H 102 OldamobiJe Landau Sedan, Ilk now -, 85$.$$ 1928-Pontlad i Coach, extra good . - - - 450.-ftft 1924 Kash advanced,.' Sedan 395.0 1325 Hudson Coach,, good con- - aiuon i ---- iib.vv We bar several other cars priced at $25.00 and" up. James Maden Co. 34$ N. Commercial St. TeL 1244 la Need- I FOR SALE USED CARS 1 j INTERNATIONAL TRUCK H HAD QUARTERS 112$ O. L C. Dump truckj S yard body. Woods tinder slung hoist, dual tires, .licensed d iyi. r, . ftltftt lofft Graluun. $ ton. 2H yard body. Woods Understung- hoist, dual tlras 1350 1334 Ford dump truck almost new, 'Overland sprlngx, dual tire and nB''' .u' 'i'' I" T bdr to 132$ Federal -toa with Cat boidr nd dual irle . ' : - : ' ' , "ft i$2t Ro "Tonner'.' flat botty, kui 1J$ International. 1H ton jcbaaaui 1927 Graham track, single tlrea, good 112$ InternaUonaL 1H toa Iduai. ttrss.1 1 speed traasmlssion.; ty , -, Vo$ 192$ Q.'t H. $ toa heavr! duty, long; wheel baas. Xt Rock Dual trans- . " kalsslon and bannn'ffr. -Aai v - : ' - . t54 These trucks, are In good ordra and ars guaranteed to be exactly aft rep resented. wV r In poltla to- make attraotrr terms on each and every on f them and you should ee them If you are considering" the pure has of truck qulpnient of any kind, either-used or new. Y JAMES HiDENXOMPANY, INC, $$ North Commercial slwrwS8s4sws4jsa .The Used Car You Haver Been Waiting Fori Special Model Valley Liberty and Center Streets' 19 $4-4 -door Sedan demonstrator . 1934-2-door Sedan demonstrator . 1980-1-door Sedan, good condition 1930-Std, ' Coupe sood shap llJI-CabrloIet cost over I300.00; 1429-Repo93essed Sport Coup . 1929-Std. Coup, new tires 1329-Sport noadater all new tires 1923-Lat type Ford or Sedan,! new tires 192$-Latft Typo Tudor Sedan, reconditioned 1923-Lat e Typ Business Coupe, reconditioned a. . , ... i i - - 1928- Early Trp Sport Coupe, reconditioned . 1923-Lat Typ Roadster, fecondlUoned 1923-Latft Typ Phaeton, reconditioned, , 1980-Truck, closed cab, dual; tires - 1929- Truck, closed cab, dual j tires ' ! . - ;! ' I j r; -. Jf Other Make's of Wft Pay Cash For MWWWWWWWMWWWWMI Qood-Will Used Cars SOLD WITH A GtfARANTEia 1980-Pontlao' Coup 2875.00 Coupe 550.00 li29-Chevrolet Coupv. 4ZS.WW 450.09 575.00 S35.00 425.00 425.00 335.00 15.00 245.00 S 55.00 1929-OakIand 2 Mir. Sedan 1928-Oidsmobil 4-dr. Sedan 1927-Star Six Sedan 1927-Oakland Sedan ,- 1927-Nash Cabriolet 1J ft-Hudson Brougham - 1925-Overlai- ' Sedan 1927-Dodg Coup - i:7-IontUc Panel. Del. Some real buys In cheap car a ! '. : ' -, 4 - 4'., K Wood-Wfaeaton r " Motor Co. ' Oakland Telpbone- 212K Potlae USED CAR DEPARTMENT 616 Cuamelceta Street! - t . Guaranteed as flu I I I, ! il 11 d I - . i.g;y i xjx;i rxi 1921 Sindebaker. Commander S8- f$7f i76 650 dan 192$ Buick J-doer sedaa 1930 Essex Coach 1929 vVhlooet aedaa $25 12 . Ford sedan -. 425 1328: Essex Coach' 283 1924 Sradebaker Standard t-door - sedan , ' ' iSB 1924 Dodg-1 aedaa 1245. 1914 Hud- Coach . 125ft 1925 Hudson Coach 1175 I -192 Ford roadster, pick-up body 1125 "FORDS FORDS T FORDS 193ft Model Tudor- aedan. r: Only; run a xew nusawci mue4 Can hardly be told from row ; - . $!J 1921 Town- Sedan, extra ood ; tn ! -: every respect . -, i ', 493 112$ Tudor Sedan, new rubber A-l mechanically, xmisn rn sWand out ltk new. i TRADES AND TERMS STATE MOTORS?," INC HUDSON ESSEX STTJTEraAiR , i Open Nights and Sundays High 4V Chemeketa. TeL 1004. 1 Business o- AMUSEMENTS ! J - T i 8afim tloTT Course 2 -mile aoath Cou a River Drive, 18 hoi watered fair ways, largo-grreu, aces isc eunoays and bolMar. $1.00. ' - ' ' v AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry fi ll Tears Salem'sLeadlng Auctioneer and Fumttnr Oealer .j -3tes1denc .and Stor . . - . 1810 North Eunnrmr Et c; r - ' Telenhons6lljijll BATHS TOTktsh hatha and mtOTCe " R H. tenn. - Telephone f21 4.-- New -Bank. aUTTERY EIIOTRICIAN It- Dl , Barton NaMdnal Batteries &tartar and generator work. Texac tatlon. corner .Court and Uharch. :- FOR SALE USED CARS - i --- tlrfts, splendid. buy -- , M : $09 aad 'cab, single tires, fin shap M $59 aervicaabl flat bod ' ? 7, , ' $54 ' " Telephoh 12$V A Ford Bargaina Motor Co. - TeL 199$ -$525.00 . 650.00 . 835.00 . 495.04 ; 44S.00 . 400.04 . 275.00 . 150.00 . 450.00 .' $40.0$ . 850.00 . 825.00 . 295.00 . 285.00 . $65.00 . 485.00 now i f. - -v - .... .(. , Cars- to Clioos From Good useo iara. Lowest Prices, Better tars "- ' '' ' - - " 27 Dod-g Roadster oomplet gnaraateed, motor overhaul- good rubber . . ,. $250. 27 Bulok Spt. . roadster com- plot motor overhaul guar- - anteed - . . . $95. '25 Dodge Coupe,: A-l car. Lots of extras , 245. 2$ Dodge Victory 4' Brougham 600. 27 Chev.- Coupe 4 new tires 215. 24 Willys-Knight -Sedan runs good has good rubber 120. : Many . other light cars low, prlcea Boriesteeie Motor Co. 474 S. Com'L SL I TeL 422. 0000000000m000000000tt00 GOOD WILL USED CARS ' These Cara Are Guaranteed' Ther Is Just nine days left to make us -an offer on a Ford coup or Ford touring t. bm sold to th lilghest bid-, der on February -L This 1 your op portunity "to get a real buy. Com la and - .the cara then xuak ua an offer, iyz7 rasn jaonoix t T" 1 924" Oakland Sedan 226.0ft 300.00 550.00 250.44) 295.0ft 126.00 416.00 476.00 335.00 325.00 193T Dodg Coup -192$ OldsmoUU- Sedan ' 1925 Bulek 4 Pasa Coup , 1924 Hudson Brougham . - 192 Essex Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coup . ,, ; Jl93ft Pontine Coup. Ran but , - a few mller : ,,, ,. 1929 Frd 2 -Door Sedan, 1927 Pontlao Pane! DeL ' i Other to -choose room fr .new ears. : from, making- i Motor Co Inc.-' k ....!' . Oaklard ..Telepbon 2125 Pontlac USED CAR, DEPARTMENT ' - $46 Chemeketa WNMWW )MMMWMMi '- REPOSSESSED - 1929 1 Cherroiet coup, fine con dlrton, sH around. Easy term .Also model T Ford truck, take It tor the balance due, 46ft cash, t OREGON FINANCE CORP. Masonlo Bldg.. - TeL 2331. Directory X Ii BICYCLE -REPAIRING I LLOTD E. : RAMSDKN Columbia Blcxcies and repairing. J II Court. - Th-best la bicycles ii4 repatrtaf. EL W. Scott. 147 & Com'L TeL 44. C1MNEY SWEEP ! Telnrre lift. - R, ri ?Tttnsa ! i diiROpAUdroRS KDr Gilbert. Or. Bldg. TL 3452. f-Dr. Ol L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 254 N. High. TeL $7. Bea , 2104-J. ' D71S." ECOFIXLD, Palmer Chlra rractora XBay and N.C U. Nw fnk BTdr- - - ' COSTUMES i For o-f7,y party xwHitutnes call Sa lem Ca. 2204 K. 6th, TL 1947J. By RJSS VE3TOVER CLEANING SERVICE Center St. Valet erta. TeL- 2227. Stand. Cleaners Dyers. Call 143$. CORSETS ' Charts fsundatlOTi grrment. Frew spring modeL , Call represents tlrs JK19M. i T ELECTRICIANS HALTS raJUTRIC Ca New loca n. SST Con rt St. Tel. No, 2. . tTon FLOiUSTS Polnsettls. Cyclamen, fema com- bmatioca. Floral -lecea- Te4. 1280. "E. A. ennet Nursery Ca 2233 Falr grounds Rd. - : "FLOWER8 FOR ALL eecaslons Qlsec'a Court 4k Jllgh St. Tex. -40 L ALL ktnrta tit, floral work. - Lata Florist. lth dt Market. TeL 2124, CUT FJswrrai weddlna; "bouquets funeral avreatbs, decoration. CF. awrtthaurt. Oorurt. $12. tat wtreet. Tel - GARBAGE . Salem flc-erer.'Tel . 147 v 2290. f HEMSTITCHING NET3LEWOR. Margarets Shop. 47 V 1 Ownrt INSURANCE WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCT Wm. Bllven, Mgr. Exclusive ButlftvfU Agent fl$ Maasnlc Bldg. TeL 111. BECKS A) HENDRICKE . I8S-N "Hleh ' Tt-I 14t LAUNDRIES j THE "NEW SALLM LAITNDRT- ' THE W EIDER LAUNDRY LAUNDRIES CAPITAL j:rrt LAUNDRX W Wash Everything tn Lux." Telephone S1S 1?4 -RrrnVjrnv MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory t bom. Ask bont our wool mattressea Ren- ovaters and fumigetor. Capital i. City nenaing i.-o. -let. a. ush isortn t,"ar- MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pis no - Phono graphs, sewtag raaclitnes, aheet. music and piano studies. Kepairing phono graphs and aewing machines, k 433 btat street, baiem. OFFICE SUPPLIES Everything ' In office snppllea Com mercial Book Stor. 143 N. Com 1 TeL. 44. - PAPER HANGING Psper ranging and -Tvarnttcg. Neu msn't Paint Store. 153 N. Com'L PHONE GLENN ADAMS for bouse decora t Hi g, paper ' banging., - tinting, tv THInhfe workman. . i PLU31BING and HEATING PLUMBING and 4reneral repair work. Graber Bros- 164 So. Llberty: Tet. r.n. PLUMBING & SUPPLIES Mesher Plttmhlnr Bunnlr Cxx. 171 a COmmerelnl. Tel. S700. - i PRINTING FOR STATIONER T. card, pamph lets. ' crorrama books or anr kind f printing, call at The Statesman Printing- Department. 215 & CommerciaL TeiepiiOD w. . Cross -Word Puzzle ' By EUGENE SHEFFER wLZMlt :!lfi v 1 1: mm teH 1 HORIZONTAL. 1 headpiece 4V rirfg , . dawrj; " 7 atmos- ' eherlc U iorbanea -11 18 money - 15 belief 17 rl 18 pertatuliix ' la VLv in flshinw y S5 nrudieh S drinkintT t reasel i 57 ahort sleea 58 a sheep VERTICAL. 1 amall bed 2 sa ba it 3 ro.jert t$ a penalty hyjaethetie ---:' ral aaturai foTca ; j , fruit 26- distaat .. , piii.m J ity 4a -lleradA X3 laza X2 ftal 4 relaxes jSplece as craund S7 bear dowa 17 masticates 41 receiving office - . (atbr.) 2 aquattea 43 rtcw 45 reci -,v 47 t ' away 4J ma a?wly fl frs tfg- t3 pcrsan ea- j! - " Ilerewita Is tha terayf rurtlft: . - - - r i- ij ' jii- -MO7: Tei Cin- - It i P!A'r . RADIO FOB every purpose, for evry purs All standard eises of R9 Tubes. EOFF ELKCTltlCAL fcllOP, 84 7 Coir Pt. 11 ST0VE3 ' STOVES snd stov repairing. Stove for sale, rebuilt snd repaired. All kinds of woven wfr fence, fancy nd Jlain, hop traskets and Isooks. IfMran' took Salem Fenc and Stove Worlrn, Et CHemeketB .treef. R H yieVte- TAILORS D. IL MOSHER Tailor for men snd wo-new. 474 Conrr f-t TRANSFER ' Let. tis- solvf your hauling problem. Call I9r0. IIARBAUGH TRANSFER rAPTTlf. fMf Tnni.f . : fm. Star St TeL 9Z2. Distributing, for- warain in ursga our specialty; Get our ratca. i FOR ' local ar distant tr-mnsfmr r-gs. call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co. Tmrlr. to Tri-finm -". Real Estate BTTtra a tt rvn t t mr a 13$ N. High " TeL I$l S, M. EARLS -22A N. High St. TeL 2243 - 4. LINCOLN ELLIS 442 Stat TeL 1471 HOMER a FOSTER REALTT CO. 370 Stat St. TeL 41 W. H. GRABENHORST 4k CO. 134 a Liberty St. TeL CIS , SOCOLOFSKT EO.f 804-5 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. TeL 974 ... Ul-BJCH - 129 N. Commejcial - TeL 1354 r. U WOOD 441 St Ht ' . Tel T04 Mis. Cecil Wood . Passes Awajr in Klamath Falls Wordof thleath at Klamath. Falls Monday night of Mrs. Cecil Wiod, loriuer .Salem reiiect, was- reorlred here yesterday.' Mrs. Wood and her husband tad ; operated a meat market and lunch room i at the fairground here. Surviving" Mrs. Wood ara her husband, Cecile, four sons, John, Carl, Walter and Robert, all of Klamath Falls, and on daughter In the east. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS , Notic Ia Hereby Given. That th undersigned, by an order of the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for tha County of Mar lon, duly rnado and entercl on the 80th day of January 1931 was appointed Administrator of. tho Estate of LEON WILLSON, Deceased, and that he has duly, qualified as such Administrator. All persons having- claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present tha came, duly Tertfied, as required by law, to .him at the City of Salem, la Marion County, Oregon, within six months ol the date of th!s notice. . t Dated this 4 th day of Febru ary, 1SS1. i - . JAS. O. HELTZEL. Administrator of the Estatft of Leon Willsen, Deceased. Data of First Publication: Feb ruary 4, 1JS1. Data of Last Publication: March Vlttl. I F4-11-18-25M4 i small child 7 throw violently' 8 rates of ' articles to wa paid oa Hher l(-ITeat . many peepift tosret-ier . 12 oot ever 14 ama!ler IS people! who tamt 19 sol ' 21 Teasel for " caTryic Lgui3 - 22 nurtak 23 a cleanser 23 jrt f t-4 i fac (plural). , . 28 Jeadlsj 89 a f lower 8 1 Ln-''sH ' ' pabiie chl 85 flesh 85 flat stria . at paper 88 esys 49 L ? 1 43 oa i ; - 44 former j rulers 45 an ama!e kite kir 45 part of tJi rye 4 Ireland solution ta Tea t- r-l.ti 1 y!4 ,c - -li .on L' - - j j tl 3 a RTTmLcf 62 mall 3 chemical r;: Jul '. .lot . ' f'-amariurf. ' if Oscns. U Soas i