The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 04, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tht OHEGON STATESMAN, ZsJtn. Ortim. Wednesday 'iZtnht 1S21
... , ; f-3ET7 - j " rT,; : -- T - -4 - r- -lit.' " I i w r
36 to 32 'Victory is Taken
After nip and Tuck
Hoop Battle
Names of famous football play
er three of them considered for
All-American honors look good
even In a basketball lineup, bat
they didn't quite servo to over
come the Anderson Y. M. C. A.
quintet's record of no defeats. The
local boys won from Kit miller's
Ail-Stars of Eugene 3 S to 32 Tues
day night on the local high school
floor, -after trailing behind mqst
of the game.- ,,: ."-:.f
. Kltimlller brought two diminu
tive: but deadly forwards, Ruben
stein and Wirth: an awkward
lookJng'but accurate-shooting cen
ter, Jerry Llllle, ! and three mas
sive and. capable guards in the
well known persons- of Colbert,
Christensen and himself.
Against that J combination It
took all of the speed add team
work of the 'Y hoopers to pre
rail -finally and the outcome was
in doubt up to the last second.
The "Y" was ahead for a shre
of the first half but it ended with
the visitors leading 19-16. From
then on it was nip and tuck, with
" the score frequently tied. j
In the wild scramble which
characterized the last few min
utes. Flake tied the score at 32
alt by shooting till the sphere fin
ally went in; Nash looped a beau
ty to put the "Y" ahead and Ben
jamin wound up the scoring with
one from medium distance. j . .
Though Flake did the heavy
scoring for the "Y," it was the
cool playing of Ash by that kept
the local team in the running
when the tide of battle was la the
other direction.
o o o
i V
In this period ef
cold weather
and crocked Hps
above all Insist
on a -J 2 a r free
of the tplf rjerra.
r .;
ft Wil ArtcHcia Clear C.
tThe score: ;'' '-"
T. M. C. A- KltxmlUer'el'
Nash 9 . ; . . .P. . .2 Kltxmiller
Benjamin 10 ' . ,F . . . ..13 Wlrth
Flake 11 . .. .. . C. , 7: . . 11 Lillle
Kleinke ...;. .G ....... Colbert
Ashby 4 , . , . .G. . s.Christensen
Ward 2 ........ ,S.. Rnbensteln
Referee Bashor; -umpire. Ma
son, i X - -
Wildcat and
Bobby Ready
For Big Mix
Bobby Sampson and Wildcat
McCann are eagerly awaiting
their! meeting at the armory Fri
day lilght on Matchmaker Harry
Plant's grappling card. .
McCann, who' Is one of the
best drawing cards on the mat
herej thinks that he Is not only
the wildest grarppler In his class,
but .also the; strongest one eren
though his name doesn't happen
to be SampsonTl - M '
Sampson was well liked here
in his match against Robin Reed
and proved strong on an arm
stretch hold. Sampson holds
wins over a number of the best
wrestlers in the country Includ
ing Yaqui Joe. His strength
and sturdiness stand him In good
stead and 'the Wildcat will bate
to go some to best him.
A's Fiist Sacker 1
Plays Basketball
'- I .
FORT MEYERS, Fie., Feb. 3---(APJ
Jimmy Foxx, slugging
first baseman of the Philadelphia
Athletics, has added basketball to
his pre-season training schedule.
With his new contract reported
signed, the A's first sacker don
ned the colors and uniform of a
center In the city basketball
league. Foxx has a reputation for
banging out 300-yard drives on
the golf course.
itg of i W"1
5.St-bT t
I -
ea Clt
rift to001
TorVs Tfrlu
1 '
of eler
:J all
! .it la rorew.t .
, I :
-,..ion la
tilt ir! -
" psssss',
Holds JFast Portland. Quint
Scoreless Second Half
and Wins 47 to 10
Holding the visitors scoreless
throughout the second - half, Jthe
Salem high basketball team
trounced the Sell wood Colts on
the local floor 47 to 10 Tuesday
night, leaving the suggestion In
minds . of red and ' black ; rooters
that Coach Huntington's squad
had ; improved mightily since
these same teams played a close
game ' in Portland earlier la the
season. . ;.';.' . ..
. . The score was 26 .to 10 for
Salem high at half, time and
from then on Sellwood's sharp
shooters scarcely had a chance
to score, even though a second
qnintet went , In , for Salem . for
the entire, fojurth period. --. Fore
man and San ford were Salem's
scoring aces though Bone was la
the same class : and . Graber
scored with. Jrreat 'rapidity when
be went In
for- the first time
this season.
' . The score:
! Salem
Foreman 9 . .
. .F.,.. . $ Green
. . F. . . . . 2 Hsuby
Bone 8
Siegmund 4 . ' J , . C . .
. .
Sanf ord 1 3 . . , . . G . . 1
Sachter. .. .... .G. .2
Johnson 2. .... S
Graber 8 ........ S
Brownell 1 S
Referee, Mason; umpire. Bash
or. -1. ' i .
: Statesman subscribers have re
ceived a total of '82,C06.CC In
claims, paid by the North Amer
ican Accident Insurance Co., on
their $1.00 policies. "
mm i
Health' Officer, Olympla, Washlnrjton
. ; , : '
...n -.silv nder
Werica Cltr
, A-
. r
Horsehideis :
To be Thick
Next Season
NEW YORK, Feb.. S (AP)--Major
baseball aa exemplified by
Hack: Wilson . and. Babe Ruth, the
home run twins, was curtailed In
the national league today with
the announcement that the 1931
ball to be used, in the senior cir
cuit will have a thicker cover and
heavier stitch.
'. The ball designed as aa ans
wer . to the cry for - fewer extra
base ; hits, ii not only expected
to be a trifle slower but will fur
nish the - pitcher a chance for a
better grip, iln addition, the
stitches will not be counterset.
No change was made, however,
In the size or center of the ball,
the former being regulated by
Joint major league agreement.
i League presidents and owners
In session at . the hotel Commo
dore had no opportunity to reject
or approve the new hall as they
were merely informed by ' Pres
ident John A. Heydler of the new
ball designed for the league's use
by the manufacturing - company,
whlca furnishes the balls.
Astoria Forfeits
Y.M.C.A. Game
j v Scheduled Here
"Since Salem Y. M. C A.-Anderson
team beat Astoria in basket
ball a few days ago; Astoria prob
ably thinks it unnecessary and
unwise to travel clear here for an
other game," was the opinion ex
pressed by Bob Boardman, physi
cal director, of the local associa
tion, Tuesday. !
" Word was - received Tneeday
that Astoria would forfeit ' the
game scheduled for Friday or Sat
urday, of this week.
eeeono of 56 fiocilth officials
from 56 difforont points
approving Cromo's crusado
against spit or spit-tipping.
, - Every smoker, ererr wife whose
husband smokes cigars, should read Dr
llurphy's letter. j"
Dr. Murphy writes: The..
campaign against spit-tipping9 in . the
manufacture of
the endorsement
PubUc health."
Tho wcr against spit is a crusado of!
doconcy. Join itSmoko Certified
Crcmo-a roally wonderful
smoko mild-mol low-nut-'
swootl Every loaf ontoring tho1
cloan, sunny Crcmo factorios fs
scientifically treated by mothods
rocommondod by tho Unitod
States Department of Agriculture.:
... V-
Ed Cardinal Leaves gap in
Bearcat" Lineup; . not '
In School now
Willamette university defeated
Albany college, 40 to 34. Tuesday
night in a non-conference basket
ball game played at Albany. , j
Albany tamed oat to be a much
Improved team since playing here
several weeks ago. Peterson play
ed center for Willamette ,and
worked in well on offense ! al
thoogh he was unable to get the
tip-off. Cardinal will, not be In
achool the second semester and la
through : playing basketball - for
Willamette. Ed was rarely out
jumped and the loss of the tip-off
Is going to handicap the Bearcats
in .the championship race.' Car
dinal was playing his .fourth sea
son with the Bearcats. . ,
Outside of Cardinal, the regu
lar starting lineup, was used, with
Adams and Scales at forward po
sitions and Gibson and Carpenter
at guard positions. - - -'
"Spec Keene used two , teams
In the game, looking tor the play
ers' .who will' go to Tacoma for
the games with College of Paget
Sound and the game with St. Me.
tena on the return trip. Ten men
will go on the trip, but who they
will be is not fully decided yet.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Feb.
S. (AP) Taking-; the lead r In
the opening minutes of play and
holding It throughout. Whitman
college defeated Pacific -university.
Forest . Grove,: Ore., 46 to
20 in - the opening Northwest
conference - game here tonight.
The score at hte half was 21 to
9 lor Whitman. : v : I
ere the friends of 'Spit' t
cigars should receive!
of all interested in the
Parrish Five,
Parrish Junior 'high will meet
thje Chemewa JB basketball " team
at! the Parrish gym tonight .
The phemawa - B - team - has a
number of fast men,"- Coach
Downle baa been : coaching them
as well as the members of tho A
teamIn addition to being faster,
tlx Indians are also older : than
tbe t Parrish. players and perhaps
a bit. more experienced. '
? tipacb. Brown' team at Parrish
is still , undefeated Uhis season
howerer, and has played moat of
Its 'games against high school
teams; Brown: states that his
team is in good condition and the
only ImproTement now will come
through better passing, shooting
afid team play,'-.- t,-y7; ..f-v.
; r. Friday; night Parrish will play
Gerrais high In the "cracker box
gym" at G errata, . The game at
Gerrais Is one of the, league
games of the county.' Parrish and
Gerrais are still undefeated In
the league, ; each haring won
three games And lost none. In
the southern division of the Mar
lon county league, Mill City is
leading. ' - . ,. y-'
Parrish Is now looking . for
ward to two basketball, games to
be played with Mfidf ord Junior
high here February- 13 and 14;
Proriding Medfbrd - wins the
southern ; Oregon .'. championship
Which now appears likely, the
games here will help In deciding
the state championship title for
Junior high schools. - - .
-j Nicholson, Clark and Meyers
are new additions to the squad
this semester and may prore rat
eable when they get in good con
dition, .-.v
Indians Plan
To Get Scalp
CHEMAWA, Feb. S The Che-
mawa Indians will make a desper
ate effort to defeat Woodburn
high whoa they meet the Bulldogs
at ( the Willamette gymnasium
Friday " erenlng. ; Considerable
rests on the outcome of the game.
The winner will represent Marion
county in the district tournament.
The .Redskins and the Bulldogs
hare - both v defeated ' Sllrerton.
While the Indians hare defeated
the Woodburn quintet. It took
them .three orer-time periods ' to
win by a. 31 to 29 score. Offen
slre and defensiro play has im-
prored to the . point that both
teams switch' 'with comparative
smoothness without leaving too
many tapa.; - lA 1
iv- Vincent Pratt, a fast and rangy
forward.-has worked .his way into
the Redskins'' line-up and in all
probability will start the i game
with Vivette In the other corner4
Isaac Shoulder Blade' la another
whose playing has commanded Te-
cognitlon. He started . the game
against Silverton and played ' so
consistently in a guard position
that he went the full route.
Though the Indians hare few re
serves they hare y managed - to
keep up the pace in . all , their
games so far this' season. -
Just' who is the chief when It
comes to hitting the basket for
the Redskins has not been dis
cerned, f orf all hare gone 6n bas
ket hitting! sprees at times during
the season; to be high point ! man
of the game. Howerer Hatfield,
center, Vlviette, forward, and Dog
Eagle and5 Miller guards, - hare
been the most consistent.,
Evangelical church league
team. Jumped Into the league
leadership Tuesday night by de
feating JTultland, . last year's
champions, IS to 14. It was a
tight game, tied 9-all at half
time. - Presbyterian i won from
Congregational .45- to 8. Sum
maries: L . .
Evangelical Fruitland ,
Barqulst 4, , , ; k'F... . 4 Moraan
Bewely 8. ... F...4 . Xoregard
Esch 4 ; . ; ;-; . . ; C . 1 j, - Johnston
Mares S . . . . , .. G. , , 4 " Smith
Hiltlcker 1 Q i . . . 1 , Fagg"
Presbyterian - v Cmrefational
Schmidt 25. V.. F. ,.4 Gingrich
Hale 1Q. . ; . . ,.F. ..4 McKenzie
Colgan 4 . . . . , , .C. . . . . . . Beits
Maranlss 3.....G.,.. Van Pelt
Johnson 3..... G.... McClary
8....... Albln
Referee, Grlbble. . -
Oregon Normal
Is Victor Over
Pacific College
MONMOUTH. Feb. 3. (Spe
claL Oregon Normal basketeers
took an easy game, from . Pacific
college- of Newberg -here tonight'
by a score of 09 to 25. Pacific was
outclassed and never had a chance
to get a start on the Normal team.
The locals led 37 to 13 at half
time. ' . -
Holt was hirh man with 23
points to his credit. Engebret'sen
scored ix counters and Ayers, a
substltnte,' nine, ; i, T, .
Summary: . - r-j-v' -
Marr 4 ...... .Fl . .4 Sandr
Holt .22 , . ; t ;P, , . ...5 McDyer
Engebretsen 11 .C; , . ... Tonnell
Edwards 4 . .G. . . . . 4 Brlckett
Watkins 5 r;,.,0..., ..2 Werger
Ayera ; , ; , . S . v . . . .2 Moore
Bennett 4 - ' -; :
Rogers 4 .....,;8 V -
Vaughn 2s..', .V.S' v ;
Referee, Larry Wolf.- i-
U, A. JJobinstm, wlio is the pro
moter of tonight's fight card svt
' the armory under a new plan
whereby promoters other than
- the regular matchmaker are In
sited to put on programs. -j
- Lots of fans went to the high
school gym last night to look at
Kltsmiller, who made the ' ex
perts squirm because. they didn't
pick him on the AU-Amerlcan.
One thing, they could see
more of . him in basketball
suit. ., .. -
The Hollandlsh grin was there
all light, but from his gait in
basketball shoes and on a maple
floor, you'd never pick him for
the lad. who made 'em all sit up
and take notice because he could
shift -either direction In eluding
tacklers. . ...
Kits' boye didn't, look re
much accustomed to handling
, round ball, but with two tiny
boys to shoot ' 'em , and three
, football players to stop the
opposition,"' they did Tery' well
Indeed, and . One , of the ; big-
boys turned out to be n Big,
Bertha at lona; ' range ; gun-;
ning. vj ..-. ,
.Colbert looked familiar! as
well as efficient; . with, him : and
Rnbensteln in there, we were re
minded of a state tournament
four years ago yes, very much
Pinrneh Get
High Scores
ed-In league play were made last
night by City leaguers In their
first match or the second half
season.- Willamette Valley Trans-t
rer, . continuing its recent sport;
rouea iusu zor team game and
iaSS for team Beriea. VTall PV,
Rite, setting high individual re
cords as he did the first match
In the fall, came within 12 points
of bowling a perfect game,
reached ! 2S8 and ehallred nn i
"Series count of. 703, doubtless the
mguest ever rouea in Salem la
three games of league play. - - -
high -scores were made by Elks
Club over McKay Chevrolet and
Bake Rite over Winter Garden.;
Despite records Willamette Valley
Transfer set, they lost one game
to Capital Bedding company.
Bate jute repeated its act of
last-fall in smashinr down th
pins to make series count of 2s41
and game 1042.. which wer al-
mosi tne same scores that held the
City league record from Konfom.
ber until the last game la Janu
ary, wnen tne Transfermen stole
"y too nonors. . ...r - . : , s
-Summary: . ;
wn.T.ivTTT VAir.r-r tdivitt, !
IT. v iai ma o a . mn ?
B. Hemaawty 15 301 Ml
fibkrkcv . . ITT ia 4ii -
KanUl. ... .l,;,.824 11 - 800" SSS
Hmtmwmr 29S 18 : 014
.3 - 970 ,100 299S
CArTTAT. Mnnrra rr j . I
UHto , . .. ....213 148 218 " 1 ST4
AlliiOB ., ... .. ,.?H J5 108 2
Penh j . 818 lftS 8SS ' 578
Ke ,. , ) 169. 14T 170 48(1
Mokr 161 194 170 625
..964- 801 920 (687
8. etclnboek . 178 178 . 224 678
"MJ m 3 leo. 179 S83
Bekmldt 14tt JV 10 " iai
Ctf . ! 18S 171 188 542
H-ll i 218 288 208 70S
.917 1041 982 2941
Basaatt . lit isa . ij . ah
1. Miller .... , 188 808 14 SS
H. Browa - . , 191 168 ' 17T -. 521
Tmjloy ... ... ,,, ,.20 194 1ST 67
Karr , 174 208 808 690
.8BS . 897 83$ 2628
H. Brr 132 157 149
R. Johno . 19 . 191 198
R,-DeMm 160 148 ISO
Ltlear i 181 148
H. P8 ; 202 16 . 191
.788 618 849 2436
159 151 225 K83
, , 189 . 539
H1 UJ 170- 684
. 179 814 608
, 205 212 183 600
Pratt .
Tn( ,
Victor ,
.927 91S '981 2823
Attention! Statesman subscrib
ers. In giving a chsnge of address
for your subscription bo sure to
give your former address as well
as your new address. -
V '
' .... ,..
my . ...
: . ,-
it ....
1 ' :
I v -" - i ' V 1
i! 10 El'Ei
Card is First of Series in
- New Plan; Robinspni
Promoter ! -" :
Main Kvent Ratxlaff, CO
Minot, North IMkol. rs. IK
ey, lOO, Portland, Oregon; ten
rounds. . I "
8rml-final Ijpnlxarfri0.
Portland, rs. Cokey. 180, Ta
coma. Washington: Ix rounds.
Special Watts, 135, Salem,
rs. ly lS3, Portland, four
rounds. .
8peclal Young Jck John
son, Portland, rs. Chief Thom
as, four, rounds.
' Preliminary Smith rs. Al
'Ambrose.' '."
Herman.' Ratalaff and Jlggs
Dossey are both reported to be 1 .
fine condition for the tight at the
Armory tonight on Promoter 11.
A, Robinson's opening fight card
in Salem. ' ' 1 '
This Is the first effort to bring
in first class outside fighters and
If it goes welirrmore will be ,
matched here in the future. The
card featuring local . boys last ;
week drew a good house land to
night's turnout will be a fair indi
cation of what Salem, fans want. '
The present plan is to alternate "
the matches, using local boys ev-.
ery-other ,week. Robinson is
bringing bis fellows here this -time
and will try feather-weights'
and lightweights In the future.
.The main event tonight will be .
one of the old fashioned slugging .
kind, according to Robinson, as '
both boys deal out a lot of pun
ishment and can also consume
plenty. This will be Dossey's big
opportunity and he is sure to be
in there giring Ratzlaff all be
has. 1 This fight will by no means
be a boxing exhibition, - as both
are rough and rugged fighters.'
In Dossey's. corner will be the
veteran Mickey Rockson who will
guide the willing and , ambitious
Dossey. Mickey has met all the
tough boys and Dossey Is fortun- '
ate In baring such a second. In
the German's corner will be Jack
Capri, reteran manager and pro
moter who has managed some of
the best fighters in the country
and who also has X,enhart and Lee
who are appearing. in' preliminary
bouts. . j -
Semi Final Will 4
Be Good Boat
Lenhart is another young
heavyweight with ja big future;
and for his size can outspeed and!
outssaneurer a lot of the smaller -boys.
.Lenhart is meeting a clever
and hard hitting opponent In. Roy
Cokey. 'Jimmy Lee Is one of the '
very few Chinese fighters and is
billed to go four rounds with Orln
Watts, a local boy. Watts, who
stole the ' show at Portland last
Friday after, going along with
some other fighters as an observ-
er and being pressed Into service '
at the last minute.' will go against '
tho Chinese fighter.
' Young-Jack Johnson, the negro
fighter who met Terry Kileen
hero last Wednesday night, will
meet Chief .Thomas here tonight
In a fonr round special. The col
ored boy has only fought twice,
before, but has been , working
hard recently and will be more
evenly matched with Thomas, a
bi? Indian boy. This match has '
been arranged as a special feature
on the program as an Interesting ;
mix is expected when Johnson
starts throwing his haymakers;
He was one of the most willing
fighters on last week's .card here.
Sigma Tau is
Donut League
Hoop L ea der
League Standings
W. L.
Sigma Tan 4 0
Faculty ........ s 0
Kappa-Gamma Rho 3 1
Sophomore ...r-. ,,"3 2
Freshman - v....,; 2 3
Law School 1 2
Unner Clam' r 5
' -.400
Wesleyana ; 0 , 3
Alnha Pst rAit. A 4
With the season approximately
half over, the Sigma Tau basket
ball team Is leading In the Wlli
lamette . do-nut league, having
four wins and no defeats. The.
faculty Is also- undefeated," but
has met -only three teams.
The Wealeyans and "Alpha '
Psi's are resting peacefully in
the eellar although both atill tn
In the runninr. 11 (hi tpama
which ' finish I the . round robi
series with .600. per. cent or bet
ter, will play off for the cham
pionship. v
The Sigma Tan and Facultr .
teams are now favored to win es-
peciaily since the second semester
has occasioned several '. changes
on .Xhe other teams. The gam e
are played each noon on the Wil
lamette gymnasium.
School for Deaf ;
Is Winner Over
- Jason Lee Five
The School for the Deaf basket
ball team won again Tuesday
night, defeating the Jason. Lee
church 14 to 10. VI
The core at half time was 12!to
2 la favor of the deaf boys, but
in the loose playing of the second
half, they were unable to do much
scoring and the lead diminished.
School for Deaf Jaon f ee .
Crawford 4.. . ,.F. .. . . 4. Miller
Wood 10 ,.F..... . Duncan,
Frest. ..;.C 2 Eamartaer
Hultt G. . . . . 4 Dourls
Adams ........ G ..... . : Leeper