PAG 13 SIX aociety jfsl ; " 1 - - Mrs. Linnie Lee Again Heads Mothers Mrs. 'Linnle Lee was again . elected president of the Salem Chapter No. 1. American War Mothers, at; the Tuesday boslneas meeting id the American Luther ' ait church. Other officers for the coming year elected and in stalled were Mrs. Mary E. Wat i kins, rice president; Mrs. Carrie ; Beechler, recording 7 secretary; Mrs. Minnie Humphreys, treas i urer; Mr. May Myers, corres ponding secretary; Mr. Addle Curtis, historian; Mrs. Mabel Lockwood. custodian of records; Mrs. Mary Ranch, auditor; Mrs. Rose Hagedora, chaplain. A beautiful memorial service was held in memory of Mrs. Jen ale Landegraf, gold star mother who passed away recently. ' At the business meeting, Mrs. Emily .Hendricks suggested that $25 be sent to the Red Cross for drouth relief and this was voted to be done by the organization. Special, music was , given ! by Miss Margaret Schrleber and Miss Elizabeth Odgen, ot W lllamette ' university. - j Mrs. Stella M. Wilson was ad jnltted as a new member to the organiaztion. The committee to call on the sick for the next two "weeks was appointed and included Mary E. Watkins, May Salsbury. and Susan Balderee. , Mr. Sarah Hobson, chairman of the social committee appointed - the following social committee" to . serve for the meeting February 17: Sirs. Jennie Vincent, Mrs. Norma Terwilliger, Mrs. Rose Schaffer, Mrs. Mary Mohr. Mrs. Minnie Gabrielson, Mrs. Laura Clatter, Mrs." Russel Catlin, Mrs. Katherine Bernardl, Mrs. Mary Crashow, and Mrs. Elisabeth Uekeach. A tea hour closed a very suc cessful and pleasant meeting for the Mothers. . " "" i ' "" Mrs. Ralph Kletzing Lioness Hostess , - . One of , the social meetings 'which are being sponsored this ' year by wires of members of the Lions club will be held at the Ralph Kletzing home Thursday af ternoon with Mrs. Kletzing as hostess, assisted by Mrs. Newell Williams, Mri Harry Scott and lira. George Lewis. . The party has been planned in unique fashion from the social af ternoon to the refreshment hour. St. 1 Valentine's day has offered several motifs for the originality of the plans. Mrs. Roy Keene assisted-'. Mr. Richard slayter entertained members of the Kappa Alpha The ta alumnae at the Keene home Tuesday night. Sewing for Salem general hospital -occupied the at tention of the alumnae members. Pattern 2074 . 1 . . . . There are many delightful ver sions oi me tunic dress, some tai lored and some decidedly femin ine as the model sketched inAv The soft, flattering shoulder cape lets are the essence of femininity. The tunic Skirt nrf th nnrtar skirt are moderately flared to acuieve just me ngnt degree of chic The frock is belted, and worn slightly bloused. , Pattern 2074 may be made ot sua or wool ror equally smart ef ' feet.' Wfl SUrrest Ctntnn ir.n. satin, marocain. wool erenc wnai georgette or one of the many nov elty rayons so interesting this sea- ' a . . . . son. a piaia coior, a mixture or a print mar be used successful! . i May be obUined only In sises as, u, se, it, 3. is, e and 2J Size If requires 4 H yards of 1- mcn material. . H Sriaak1as rprae to seSMry u mk tkia Bodt vrts or pktttra Ysrdtcs fsr'tvtry iM. d iimi. xsei Uatrse tiaoa ar sivcaw - ;. 8a4 t it ta 'east - is aolaa fallr mpr4. r ttaapa (ar aacb sattera. Write slaiaty Taar ea ma. a4oasa sad atyta aaabajr Ea aara to atal aixa arastad. . Oar m4w fad. sad wiatat taakios k contaiains axaaUita ao4al for adults aad childres sad as axeallaat sortmeoi sf traaifer paUaraa aad atampad BOvalti. is aaw adr. Prtea fiftaa aaata. Bk vita aattcra. caau. ad draas Bail aad rdera to Ctataa "a Pcuera DvatrtmeM, ttt Wc lTik atrMt, Haw Tors City., ( 1 ! ' rr. . . :-.f ; ; ews ana QUVS M, DoAK. - SOCIAL l Wednesday. Salem Dakota -xlub, basket dinner and program, "riO -o'clock, American Lutheran. church. Woman's Home Missionary society of First M. E. . church, church parlors, 2: SO o'chxk.' - t Missionary society of First Congregational church, Miss Constance Kantner, &3 North Commercial street, "7- t:tO o'clock. - 7". j. -lv ; if. Woman's Missionary-.; society,' First Christian - church, t:30. o'clock; church parlors. - 1 7. - j Spring Valley missionary society, Mrs. Charles Me ' Carter, 2:30 o'clock. " -7."f, i ' f Aid society of Knight Memorial church. Mrs. E. L Powell, 2160 Trade street, 2:30 o'clock. t Maccabees social ctub.j Mrs. Lottie Smith, 1245 Market street. ': - - ! r " '"' . ' . J St. iVIncent de Paul altar society,' 2 o'clock, parish hall, business and social afternoon. , 'i St. .'Paul's Senior guild,) 2:30 o'clock. - If Salem Primary Teachers council. Grant school, 4 -'o'clock.--!'.'", - j '". 7 ' " r'"'-: - - -j -Ladies aid of Leslie Methodist church, 2 o'clock In church parlors. Tea meeting, -';;!.;,:. j 'p Thursday, February 5 ! J Hayeeville Woman's club, 2 o'clock, Mrs. W. H. Kay, 2461 South Commercial street. ; .! North Salem W. C. T. jC. 2 o'clock, Jason Lee church, (business session?' " . " " 7 j Mrs. R. O. Lewis hostess to members of the Brush rn) Intra TTolnorX I ' v v - p. v - Chapter G. or P. E. u. guesi oi airs. u. &napp. Friday, February 6 v v r.. A. nroeram.: 8 o'clock In auditorium of V; Children giring program; public inited. ! I Mrs. W. C. Joues, nosiess 10 x s xviineiies ciud, ivvv Caoitor street. Apt. 12; 2 o'clock; Mrs. Ralph Winn, speaker.-. t-:. ! 1 j First Spiritualist church circle, 8 o'clock, Mrs. Lu cille Baker, 630 Union street, f f Brush College grange at ! Brush College school house; representatires ol Dallas chamber of commerce present. ' i '' , t United Spanish war reterans auxiliary. Tegular meeting; Friday, Z: 30, armory. - . I Mother's meeting. 3 o'clock; ; Leslie Junior high school, x ' 1 I " - ; : : j Saturday, February 7 Illihee country club Will sponsor Valentine dance at club ; house. ' . I D. A. R. will meet at meeting, Woman's Relief Corps, Mrs. Wallace Carson Compliments Father Mrs. Wallace Carson win com- pliaent tie birthday of her fa ther. E. El Bragg, within inform al dinner) party tonight at o'clock at the Carson home. Corers (will be placed for Mr. and Mrs. ; E. E-j Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLellan, Mrs. John A. Carson, and from Monmouth, Miss Jessica Todd, Miss Bertha Bralnard. Miss Maud McPherson, Miss Katherine Arbuthnot, Miss Laura Taylor, Mrs. R. D. Parker. Hazel Green A group met at the home j--of Mrs. Alvin iVan Cleare Thursday afternoon to or ganize a sewing club. The offi cers elected are: president, ' Mrs. Alrin Van Cleave; Tice president; Mrs.. Herman Wacken, Jr.; see--retary-treasurer, Mrs. R. H. Wacken. 1 1 ' . f The club was named the Sun shine sewing club. Mrs. Thomas Van Cleave will be hostess for the next meeting.' February 12. The charter members 'I are: , Mrs. Thomas . Van Cleave, Mrs, Bar- net t, Mrs. Joseph . Cook. Mrs. Herman Wacken Jr., ' Mrs. Charles ZellnskI Jr., Mrs. Archie MeCockle, Mrs. Ralph Gilbert. Mr.- Charlie Kobow, Mrs. Ru dolph Wacken, Mrs.. Alvin Van Cleave. Children present . were Barbara and Delmar Kobow, Ro salie Wacken, Dafyl Van Cleave. Hasel .Green Mr. B." C. Zet- Inskl entertained with 'a dinner Sunday honoring " ker husband's birthday. Covers were laid for the honor guest and Mr. and . Mrs. Charles ZellnskI Sr., Edward and Paul Zellaskl,r Mis Ann Meimit- ry.' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Domo- galla. - Alfred, Herman and Charles Domogalla, all of Salem, Mrs. ZellnskI and- children Lewis, Quentin and Helen. ;i Mrs. Ralph ! Winn will address members of the Dakota dab at its regular meeting tonight-In the parlors of the American Lutheran church when It. meets for its regu lar monthly meeting. .She will dis cuss some phase of -Russian life as she has known It. The program for the club win be prefaced by & :jb o cjoca- dinner i Today's Menu Chicago Chicken For Dinner, j ' j " Breakfast V ' i Oranga Joiea ' . Wbtal Cral aad Craaaa FraBek Taast - Sjrop . , - j. -Caffea-- ; i , Lnncheon . f J Craamed Oyttara , , ; - Sveat FieaScI . erea ! Float Jelly, Frait Cooktea Ta ' t ' . IHnner ducajo Cliek Bakad FoUtoa ; - tsaiteraaV Caa;a : -' ( Braid Battar Bakad appla Pnddiac , Craaaa - .. : jCMfaa : . French Toast. Servtoar 4 - S piaees ttala. bread or taaxt H tpoa salt 4 taaapoos paprika r 1 teatpoea.Mgar - t 1 ana aailkf i . ' . 4 tablatpoona f at T t " Beat tae eggs in shallow bowl or deep soup plate; add salt, pap rika, sugar and milk. Beat with fork. Quickly dip bread Into mix ture and while 4 dripping" place in frying pan in which ,the fat has been heated. - Cook over moderate fira until well browned-. . Creamed Oysters -i- - (SerriBf C) l- rap butter J - 4 imp flaar - ' l.tuMa aaH . v t H Vep paprika . ihb aapa milk . Ihk capa-aaaali syatcca ' Melt butter and add flour, salt and paprika. Mix well and add milk. Cook slowly, 'stir constant ly until very thick, creamy sauce forms. 'Sauce must be very thick.' Heat oysters one minute, add sauce, mix welL Serve . at once poured ' over toast, crackers or patty ases. . " , I The -hi Scrtcf 2 Editor CALENDAR . February 4 j . . I ( ' ' Woman's clubhouse; regular 1.... ; ' . . . ' . Miners nau a z o ciock. - ! Mrs. W. Greenwood Heads P. L. E. & F. Mrs. . Wayne Greenwood was elected president of the P. L. E. and;F club at its regular meet ing Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Laura Johnson was elected .vice president. .Mrs. Mary Pugh, sec retary; Mrs. Pearl .Kinzer, treas urer; and Mrs. Florence Shlpp, press correspondent. J After the business meeting a social afternoon was .enjoyed with, refreshments ; served , . by Mrs.' Greenwood assisted, by Mrs. A. R. Ferguson. 4 - . . 1 .Those present were Mrs. A. R. Ferguson, Mrs. L. B. Hixson, Jr., Mrs.; W. L. Calloway, Mrs. W. Lansing, Mrs. : M. A, Callaway. Mrs. Lettie Hanson, Mrs. Alice Davles, Mrs. Hester Horaa, Mrs. Laura- Johnson, Mrs. -Mia? Vin son, Mrs. Pearl . Kinzer, Mrs. Mary Marshall, ; Mrs. Mary , Pugh, Mrs.' Florence Shlpp, - and Mrs. Greenwood. i - - A prize was given for the most original Valentine present ed and Mrs. A. R. Ferguson won this.: I y ' Hazel GreenMrs.. Rudolph Wacken entertained :' Friday eve ning with a party honoring her husband's birthday. Contest games were played in which Carl Stettler won first prise and Miss Marie Klsh ? consolation prize. The guests were honor guest, Mr. Wacken, Mr. - and Mr. .Charles Kobow and children Barbara and Delmar, Mr. and Mr. Virgil per- tine and daughter Alice 'Helen, Mr. and Mrs. ; Herman - Wacken Jr., Carl Stettler, Elmer Wacken, Miss Marie Klsh. Lauren Stet tler, Irene. .Lois 'and ' Rosalie Wacken " and -I hostess, -Mrs. Ru dolph Wacken. Delicious refresh ments were served at a late hour. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. C A. KODOW. - . . ; , Slrverton.- Mrs. Sarah Adam- son, a i native Oregonian, ;. cele brated her seventy fifth, birthday Friday at her. home, on South Water street. A number of rel atives gathered te . assist in the observance. Among those were Mr.; and Mrs. Frank Holmes and George Holmes of McMInnvllle, Mrs. Tom Riches and Tom Rich es, t Jr.w ot Salem, Mr -and Mrs. Jack Riches, Mr. and Mrs. C R. Riches. Mr. and Mr. Mae Mal key, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giv en,, Mr. Alice Terry, - Billie King and. Miss, Emma Adamson. iss Aimee Porter of New Zealand, traveler, who "will present a travelogue, "The Bottom cf the World" tn. night at the First Methodist cnuTca. Club OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oret?oiW Wednesday Horning. Febraary 4,1931 AW aire ICJSTJLJL Encinitis Club ' Plans Coast Trip . The Encinltls club held Its reg ular dinner meeting Tuesday eve ning at the Argola. Miss Mildred Judsoa, rice-president of the northwest council of business girls,, reported on the meeting held at Seattle last week. Plans were made- for the mid-winter conference to be held at Cen tralia March 7 and . ; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Purrine of fered the use of their house at the coast and a number ef girls are planning a trip this week end, Those present were Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, advisor; Alice Falk, Margarita Farmer,' Helen Richard son, Betty Elafsen. Dorothy Franks, Ruth' Waterman, Mildred Judson, Mabel Currle, Lavada Carter, Jewel Cox, Gertrude Chamberlain, Mabel Wiederkehr, Evelyn Poulsen, Marie Waldorf. Mildred Wyncoop. ' Elizabeth Welch, Bessie Tucker, Anona Welch, Olga Gath and Leila Park. - i . - - ' - - - .. Symphony Orchestra Plans Program - An announcement has just been made-that the Salem-Symphony orchestra, whose jdirector is Dr. R. W. Hans Seltz, will present a symphony program in the armory', February 17. t - ' . ; , The orchestra was organized last fall and hard practice has been in progress since that time. The personnel numbers about S instruments. .The! number to be played have not ! yet been an naunced. , . -i lVrs. George Weller Is Hostess Today Mrs. George . Weller will enter tain with a luncheon and bridge afternoon at her home today in compliment to her club members and a few additional guests. Mrs. James V Elton of Port land, sister of Mrs. Weller and her house guest for a few days, will be a special guest as will Mrs. Bertram Thompson and Mrs. Gor don Hadley.t ii " Club members i are Mrs.- Rex Adolph, Mrs. Wlilard Marshall, Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. Frank Chapman, Mrs.. John Caughell, Jr.;, Mrs. Walcott Buren, Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs. Jerald Back strand, Mrs. Milton Stelner, Mrs. Kenneth - Wilson, I Mrs. - Frank Deckebaeh and Mrs. Weller. ' v .;-). e;;X - v. Large Church Meeting Planned for Friday v-; A'mass meeting of the women's departments of the First Congre gational churches of the state will meet in the parlor ot the Knight Memorial church Friday for an-all-day meeting. There are ex pected at least SO women from Portland and there will be repre sentatives from churches from as far south as Klamath Falls on up to Portland. A ; full . program; has " been " ar ranged for , and a luncheon hour has been ' planned- for 12:20 o'clock. Mrs. Bert Adams la chair man of this; committee.' Mrs: Nlua Mclntire is general chairman. Central Howell Mr.'and Mrs. Bert Bye entertained with a u0" party SatnTday evening. The guests were Mr.'and Mrs. A. A. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J3ye, Sr.. Mr. and MrsJ Robert, Janx, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Mr; and Mrs. .Lloyd Bye, Mr. and Mrs. s, Horton . Hughlett. Henry Bye, Perle Bye. Gladys Hagen, Ruth Simmons, Lucille Hall, Mar garet and Ruth Hughlett, Phillip Simmons. i - ' :- Mr; and Mrs. Clarence Simmons' won the. prise for high score and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bye won low score. " . .. 1 . " 1 Scotts Mills, Miss. Grace Dunr agan . entertained at her home Saturday evening; with atf old time dancing . party - - and cards. Refreshments were served .at - late hour. - Those : invited were Misses Norths, Shepherd, Vanetta Haskins. Doris , I Hogg, i. Leona Korb. , Stella and .Evelyn . Taylor, Margaret, and Paddy . Beck and Jeanette Carlson - of - Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon - Woodford of St. Helens, Mr: and Mm. Jes sie McKlllop and son Earl, John Taylor, John and Ray, McKiuop, Ray; Telfer, , Jack Taylor,- Carl, Glenn. Otis and Frank Shepherd. Averitt Dunagan, -' Dale Magee, and Harlow Hickox of Corvallis, Ambrose: Gerseh, . Pearl Reed, Mrs. CA'Reed .and; Mrs. C.. A. Dunagan. i - . Aurora Mrs. Christina Sny der. - pioneer who crossed the plains In 18(7, . passed another milestone Tuesday ;wben she ob served the anniversary of - her eighty third . birthday. : Her chil dren :' and grandchildren f paid their respects -o her . throughout the day. and evening." Those call ing from out of town were Mr. and. Mrs. Rupert' Anderson, Mr: and Mrs. Henry Snyder, Oswego; and : " Mrs. - Clyde Cammach - of Portland. Many gifts were pre sented, and in the evening birth day' greetings wete received over the air- from Tommy - Luke and hi flower girls, f , . .. -.:?rt- t;v-' ' Mr and Mrs. Leslie W. Skugie and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mont gomery, who were- married recent ly in a double wedding ceremony hare returned: to Salem . for a brief visit and are at the home of i Mr. and Mrs. W. N. 'Ash; par ents -of Mrs. Skugie, nee Harriet Ida May Ethrldge. Mrs. Mont gomery was Miss Pearl E. Mack of Monroe, Oregon. . The young people - expect to leave soon for southern Oregon where they' will be located for some time. - Hazel Green Mrs. Charles ZellnskI gave a 1 birthday luncheon-'for - her daughter Charlotte Saturday afternoon; Games and music were enjoyed. '.The . birth-' day cake has .seven - candle. " The guests were the - honor guest, Charlotte and - Shirley Johnson, Helen and Dorothy Huf ford, -Caroline. Cecilia,' and Stella Kosper, Mildred - and -.Earnest - ZellnskL The latter-sister and brother of Charlotte. - : - , Rainooiy CluJ Plans f To Sponsor Dance Miss Lillian' and Miss Louise Kayser . were, hostesses for a few. special guests and members of L the Rainbow dub aL their home Monday night A business meet ing preceded the social hour; At the business meeting it was de elded to sponsor, a benefit dance at Tew Park; hall .February lCTf Arter a pleasant social hour re freshments were served. -: Sr-cial guests were Eunice Sturges, Ef fie Wlnchoomb, Let tie Ray; and club member pres ent were Pearl Bairey, Florence Bressler, Pearl Harris, Nora Bus sey. Bertha Ray, Delia Steward. Dorothy-Stafford. Velma Teeson. and Lillian and Louise Kayser, nost esses. - f , " . Mrsf J. Coburn Entertains , Pringle Mrs. J. M. Coburn was hostess at dinner last. Thurs day la her home at Pringle, hav- Ing as her - guests,' member of the Pringle-Pleasant . Point social club. ; o; Mrs. C -H. Kemple, Mrs. George Guernes, Mrs. George Wilson, Miss, Evelyn Coburn, Miss Hallie Kemple. Mrs. Shirley Duncan, Mrs. E. P. - Anthony of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and Mrs. B. H. Ruby of McMInn vllle were special guests while the club group included Mrs. W M. Coburn, Mrs. V. E. Meek, Mrs. John Yates, . Mrs. Harry Wechter; Mrs. George Graben- horst, Mrs. E. S. Coates, Mrs. Ho mer , , Harrisor, Mrs. , Clifford Jones, Mrs. T William Propst, Mrs A." Cassellins,; Mrs. -J. R. Clarke, Mrs. W. H. Grabenhorst, Miss Margaret Jones, Mrs. L. W. Pot ter, Mrs. O. T. Sealey, Mrs. Wil liam McCarroU. Mrs. E. Clarke. Mrs. George Adams and the hos tess, Mrs.. J. M. Coburn. - The club4 will meet again on Thursday, February. 12 at the home- of Mrs. W. M. Coburn of Pringle. ; -- v . i Hospital Auxiliary Starts Activity The Salem General Hospital auxiliary met Tuesday morning at XKomock in the chamber of com merce grooms to make plans for the work of this year. Mrs. Harry Hawkins, newly-elected nresident. presided for- her first time over this group. '..; ' ; Informal plans were made to take un the problem of resunnlT- lng the hospital with needed lin ens. Plans were also made to be gin at once to increase the mem bership of the organization. Two Classes of membership are avail able, the regular membership of 91 which covers dues for a year. and the sustaining membership of Mrs. Keith Powell Tuesday Club Hostess . Mrs. Keith Powell of Woodbum entertained members, of the Tues day club and two additional guests at her home Tuesday., A one o'clock luncheon was served and this was followed with-an after noon eXbridge. W' w , Mrs. Save Eyre and Mrs. Archie Jerman were special guests. Club members present were Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs. Arthur Rahn. Mr. W. Connel Dyer. MraFrits Slade, and Mrs Ercel Kay. Mrs.. Dan.Fry, Jr., wno under went a minor operation in a Port land hospital Tuesday ' morning, was reported as Xzt a satisfactory condition Tuesday night. I . . ...... . r ... ..; ,, - ; j' ... ( v; i. ' . .. i . ; : . ...j- -r. : - . - ' 1 - : Jin ' . r Ml ID E R . : . an t ' r 7 ' z : V;: i.v" 1 v , - rfccsr . H-:z ;:-j:;:';;; v r-v-r- 1921,Lkcxtt k Urzas Tobacco Co." k - . NCw 7 . . . 1 WHALE 3 rlILLION YEARS OLD "( , 1 ' A- Oil; . " . . - u , Palentologists expressed great interest in the discovery in a hillside near . Los Aiigelea In rock, day and sand, of the perfect remains of an. 18-foot -beak, whale, which Is said to be mora than three -million year old. The find again proves that all of the land front the Pacific ocean to the Rocky mountains, was once the ocean's floor," said Dr. William A. Bryan of the Los Angeles museum. Mrs. D. M. McClellan Luncheon Hostess Mrs. : Dan McLellan ! will en tertain i informally at her home this 1 afternoon with 'a 1 o'clock luncheonallqwed by bridge. The : guest list Includes . Mrs. Earl Bronaugh f of Portland, Mrs. Frits Slade, Mrs. John Carson, MrsJ Prince Byrd, Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mrs. W. Connell Dyer. Mrs.' Carl Nelson, Mrs. Dan Fry. Jr and Mrs. Harry Hawkins. 5- .mm. raui nauser, wig is saao- . . vt . . r . . clate grand conductress of the r ; ,-.r. ;:nr:- -;-; t,-;..; .rl-.---- -j--.": t -BUT 1 1 .''! V:- ; '.'r A " f 'it. t r r grand chapter' of Oregon, order of Eastern Star, will leave today tor her official visit to Clatsop and Columbia counties.' She expects to be gone two weeks. - ,; - , Aurora. - A merry party ot young married people attended a party given for Ray and Rex Cattail at Newberg-recently. The Caff alls: were' resident of Au rora for a number, of years. Cards were In play during 'the evening. Those motoring over were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ehlen, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ferguson, Dewey Wheeler, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stafford. ; . :- Which Is bigger tho air plane's landing whoel or th getting sun? Guess first, then check your guejs with a measure. 't&lli.fhe:truthl I1D U TO i;u'.'J OSUJIL ilDILITY An exhibit of unusual inter est to Salem merchants is being sponsored by the Salem Adver tising club on Friday, February B. This Is the Direct Mail Lead er exhibit which Is being brought to Salem by Harry Big low Coffin, member of the advis ory department of the Zeilerlacu paper company of'Fortland. At the noon. .Inncheon of the Ad club wbich . will te. held in the .Silver- Grille, of tfcje Gray Bell at noon Friday, Mr. Coffin will explain the outstanding fea tures of this exhibit which in cludes 'the best advertising of 1930. . . i - ,t '' j The specimens for the exhibit were chosen from! 234-outstanding campaigns from all over the United States. The purpose of the exhibit is to stimulate inter est, in direct mail adrertlslns, to Improve its quality and to give ideas that may be adapted to In divid ual advertising problems. Tho " meeting 1 open to all merchants of the city and reser vations for the luncheon may be made by calling Gardner Knapp at 2522 or Edwin Thomas at 81. j The ealaibit will be on display from 11 a. m. until 3 p. m. on Friday. . "Z f .. WASHINGTON. Feb. -t-(AP) -4-States and counties -1 to be served by the Farmer's Seed Loan office at Grand Forks, N. D., in the making tot loans from the $45,000,000 fund' to farmers who suffered serious crop losses from drought last year, were an nounced Monday by Dr. C. W. Warburton, secretary of the na tional drought relief committee, j In Oregon, loans will be made to aid farmers In summer follow ing operations in sections where drought reduced yields materially in 1930. This includes portions of the counties of Baiter, Gilliam,, Jeftersoa,1 Morrow.. Sherman. Um atilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco and ' Wheeler. In. " thpse v counties, wheat, generally was -sown last fall. .' - vi CAMPS IMPROVED JEFFERSON, Feb. 3. McKee Bros, are making some Improve ments in their camp cottages by installing gas cooking systems which will add to the conveni ence of the campers. Heretofore they have been ' using wood stoves.. j The high school club of which John Lauderback is president gave their first dancing party la Myers hall Saturday evening.. The parents were invited as spe cial guests. -Lunch vas served at midnight. Guy Taylor, Al mond and Arthur Rich and Ray mond Kellis furnished the musle. .j I Hasel Green Miss Hasel Huf- ford and sister Miss Bell were hostesses for a slumber party Saturday night. The, guests, were Iola- Luckey, Nora Rutherford. Helen Davis, Alice, Hasel and Stella Cook. Miss 'Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith Schryver are expected to re turn Friday from an extended tour of California. i k 1 JS5 T .1 SEED LD1 SCOPE OREOOil SPED - . 1 . . t. j -J. i if t r I t':zz -:V.; ; :.; : - 6 " , : 7- . r- . , , " - . " 7 . ;