The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Wednesday Mo'rnin?. February 4, 1931 i it llaiiy at "Work Stay toa bas contributed Its share to relief ; of unemployed, Judging from report of Mayor George Keech, who vfas In Salem yesterday.' Keech says ,30 men hare been employed on road "work -there since the fiirst of the year, and; ; about that many men will be at work during February, icach man la given Six days' wor, this helping mater tally to relieve distress condition. The cemetery niU i road, about three-fourths of a mile long, has been graded by the crew. . ; Buick coach, 19 IT Model. A-l condition. Tel. 3U0J. I January Building . Permits Announcement came from the city engineer's office Tuesday, of . the building permits issued in the month of .January. 19$ 1. Comparing with January, 19 1 0. the figures jtre as follows: num ber of permits 1130. 23; 1931. 28; new buildlngs-i-1930,' 323, 825; 1931, 129,710 j repairs and reconstructions 1930, $(.907. 21; 1931, 317.4K.26. I . Diphtheria Reported Dr. Ver noa A. Douglas, county health of ficer, was in Anmsvllle yesterday to investigate a case lot diphtheria .reported from there. I The patient, an adult, has been 111 since. Fri d ay, but fortunately there were no contacts except the Immediate family. He was. given antl-toxln Monday.- There are two school children In the family: 4 ;.;-. . " " Dollar dinner every night 5:45 to 8 at the Marlon hotel. -, j v Sale Conflrined-U)rd6rs con firming sales of - real property have been Issued in the following cases: FV W. Whitney vs. Mabel .Coldwell; Pred Meier vs. Albert R. Meyers and others; sjjd 'An tone Gehrmann'vs. E. A. DeVln ney and others. ' The orders aire signed by Circuit Judge Gale jS. Hill. - . . : ; , . Committee Named -L e w 1 s .Melson, Bachel Yociim and Elva McCnne have been named on the nominating committee of'the Lat in club" at the high schooL Mar garet Doege, Marie Llppold and . Kenneth Stuart have been named .in general charge' .Jot the open . bouse event which the group will ' bold shortly. . j . . ; ; jj s 1 In. O. F. mill block or 16 in. dry slab. 1 large Id. $5.50,1 2 Ids., 310. TeL 1542. T. E. Wells. - - ' J ! -From Portland-Mrs. John Bagley Jr. of Portland was here "yesterday for a short visit with -her mother, Mrs. Cora E- Reidiot .1 the' county school superinten dent's office. Mrs. Bagley came .-down with Mr. and Mrs. Harper , and their daughter,, Miss Kal drettu .. : ,-;, Physical ' Directors Meet Bob Boardman, physical director lot the Salem Y. -M. Cj-A. and five or six laymen from the local as sociation will Journey to Port land Saturday, to attend the phy sical directors', convention for the ' northwest. . - "j ; - t '.' Here tor Fnneral Coming to Salem to attend the funeral i of Mrs. Ernest Glover, their niece, Mrs. J. S. Sammons.of Tacoma and Mrs. Ed Bayse of Takllma on the Redwood highway are guests at the- home of their sister, Mrs. Nona White. - -J, ";:. , , , Drives in Ditch "Drove off the " roadway .into ditch . says John Joerg of Woodburn in reporting an accident which occurred Feb . raary 1. Ethel Ousley and Martha . Ousley, both of Sllrerton, sustain ed cuts as result of the accident. ; Dr. B. F, Pound. Practice lim ited to removal i of teeth, gas or Local and dental x-ray. 303 First ..' National Bank. Phone 2040. Case Transferred -Case of W. rW. McKlnney vs. John A. Hen derson and wife has! been trans ferred to department two of the circuit court. In order, signed by Judge L. H. McMahan of. de partment one. -.. j '., j I; .. Would Beautify -The .Salem - Garden club Is sponsoring; a movement to beautify the court : house lawns. Petitions . asking that this step be taken were be ' lag circulated down town yesfcer- 7- ' jr .:':. : - " LnTM For East-i-H, I. Ellis t left last night by train f or Wash t lagton, D. C. He Is traveling east i through .Canada, going that route . to join his brother who wllf con tlnue the Journey to Washington :- with him; 'j , i- ' . ' 1 I 1 From Port lano Jake Rlsaey of Portland, where to Is .with the Clyde Equipment company; was , calling on friends at the county court house yesterday while en route to Eugene; .U - i , Free facials through, the cour " tesy of Colonial ; Dames and Mil ler's,' aU this week. Phone 2397 .: for appointment.!'; - . Supervisor Calls Lewis J U d son, supervisor i of road district 59. was a business caller at the office dl the county roadmaster - Tuesaay.".. .. i ij s Two New Clubs Two new Li ens clubs bare j been established recently In the. state, one at jH gard and one at Waldport. accord ing to word to the Salem den. . .. - - ! - ' r - 1 ' - J : v. Points Gun, Chrge---S r h - Pallesen, charged with pointing a gan at another! person, will be given a hearing- in Justice, court this morning at 10 o'clock. ' - . i 4- - . ' a Teachers to Meet The Salem Vprlmart teachers council will " meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock at Grant school for discussion of problems of the, early grades,! . Divorce Case Judge Cale 8. Hill will bear the divorce suit of -Schmidt vs. Schmidt, In bis de partment of circuit court today. - v .in . I I .Birthi Bauman To Mr. and Mrs. George Bauman. 1495 B street, a boy, ArnelilAlbert,' born Febru ary lt at' the Henderson, mater 1 1 Bailey t at Lions Senator l J. CX Bailey of Multnomah, will be the speaker at the Lions club meeting Thursday noon at the Gray Bella. Lion Mark M;Callls f er, - state corporation commis sioner, will, introduce, the sen ator.- Some new members will be introduced at the session Thurs day, among them to be- Percy BlundelL manager of the Oregon Packing company. A string trio composed of Vina Emmett, Lena Dotson and Chester McCUln : will furnish the music , . :., . 4 FonrUt Debate "JU The fourth dbtrict debate of the year for Salem high school will be held Thursday ni'ht. beginning at 7:30 o'elock. at the high school auditorium here, with Woodburn high the opponent. Ward Horn and Eleanor .Barth will uphold the negative side tor the Salem high. The local debaters have won three straight victories, ; and are not anxions to have the Woodburn alkers upset the rec ord. ' . . i ' -''' : 1 1 j ": w. , . ' ! Stock Case Dismissed Case of H. B. Craig vs. E. C. Moffitt and the Sixty-Seven Petroleum corpor ation was - dismissed J In circuit court yesterday, following adjust ment outside of . eourt. Craig nought to restrain Moffitt from disposing ot 50,000 i shares of stock in the petroleum corpora tion, which had lease! on a large body ot supposed oil lands in the Mt. Angel district. Craig claimed he bad a halt Interest ta the 50, 000 shares of stock under dispute. i - - i, i To Submit Briefs In the case of Hartman vs Lima Flouring mills, which occupied Monday and 1 Tuesasy in Judge Mcllahan's de partment, of circuit court, argu ments were finished yesterday and the Judge ordered briefs to be submitted. The suit) Is one in which Hartman seeks to- hold the stockholders of the flouring mills, defunct, to payment of monies al leged dne. . j ;- "j . v : I. . ' 1 Inventory Corrected A cor rected inventory of the estate , of Amelia E. Stockton has been filed with the probata court, and shows the value of the estate to be 322.548.54. "Appraisers F are David W. Eyre. Roy Henry . Mills and F. T. Wrightman. The" old appraisement showed i a value of 318,000. S. B. Elliott Is execu tor. ; . ; i : . I . j Order Vacated Order of the probate Judge vacates a prevlus order appointing Roy ; Burton,' Cass Gibson - and William Caves as appraisers of the estate of John W. Harritt and enter ap pointment of Burton, Caves and Karl Wenger as appraisers. Pe tition to that end was filed with the court by Rachel C. Harritt. administratrix. i . . ... ' ' :'., ' To. Direct Scout Troop T h e Lions club will sponsor Boy Scout troop C la Salem, ft was decided at the regular meeting of the board ot directors held Tues day. The Lions committee direct ly in charge of the sponsorship includes: Charles Hudkins, Rev, H. C. Stover and Leland Smith. t Demurrers . Overruled Judge Gale S. Hill yesterday overruled motions for demurrers in the com panion suits of Prudential Savings and Loan association against Ralph J. Stevens and others, and against Blanche B. Huffman, and others. - j ( Account. Approved-; Final ac count and report of ! the United States National Bank of Salem, administrator with will annexed of the estate of Alta M. Dean, has been approved by the probate Judge. - j : .., i Estate Closed Final account of 'Julia Hanson,' administratrix of the estate of John Hanson,' has been approved by the probate court and order, entered setting aside to the widow I and minor Children property Of ! the estate. i Citizenship Class Wednesday The regular date for the x. M. C. A. citizenship class has been changed to Wednesday, nights. Tonight's class will meet, at the regular hour. f l GuardiaA Named The First National bank of Salem has been appointed , guardian " of Walter Spruaace, insane, and C W. Panlus, A. W. Smither and A. B. Bates are appointed appraisers of the estate, valued at $3,500. 1 Hamilton to Address Rotary Ralph Hamilton,' member of the Oregon legislature will address members of the Rotary club today noon at their . regular weekly luncheon at the Marlon hotel. f Hearlof; Set Hearing; on peti tion of KliMLDetn Kieeman for appointment of a guardian tor Elizabeth Quincy,- alleged lncom potent, has been set for Febru ary 17. Stipulate Property Alfred and G oldie Downs, in answer to fore closure complaint of J. C. Gibson, ask the circuit court to sell first. to satisfy the demands, certain de- scrlbed property. j t ilT '.. Homestead Set Aside Order In probate eourt sets aside for the widow, - Jane Moser, homestead belonging to. the estate of J. H. Moser. . -. , . r. "'L' ?,7' "ii Learea for South Mrs. O. Kirkpatrlck left last night tor Los Angeles, . where she will .spend several weeks. c". ' ! Attachmeat Writ of attach ment has been filed with the coun ty clerk in case of I E. Langs vs. H. D.,Long. .. i . , Card Tables TO RENT vC3 OH 21 OS. Ced FsruUaxe .;- ,131 K, ELlsh tlSER TO EI mm mi Senator Refuses to Vote for Amended Pert Bill With ; Names Attached ) i Declining;' to depart from ; an agreement he had ' made - with house sponsors ot the Angell Port ot Portland bill. Senator Gas C Moser yesterday, refused to Join with the other members of the senate Multnomah . delegation in reporting favorably on the bill with an amendment that would legislate. four men into office as port commissioners. . T : '- The four' whose names will be written into-tbe bill by a major ity of the senate delegation are Harry L. Corbett, Rufus c. Hoi man, Kenneth Dawson and'HUl maa Luddemann. Moser will pre sent a .minority report. " Because of the absence of Sen ator Woodward tomorrow, when be will be in Portland to attend the funeral of his brother, it was agreed that the majority sad mi nority reports, will net be read in the senate until Thursday morn ing..- f- '-: - i : v; - ri As amended the bill will pro vide that the four men shall flH the vacancies to occur on the com mission next June, and that there after the commissioners shall be elected by the people of the dis trict. Corbett and Dawson . are now members ot the commission. In voting with the majority Sen ator Woodward explained that he was violating his conviction that the commissioners should be ap pointed by the governor subject to confirmation by the governor. Senator Moser explained that he had agreed with the house mem bers to stand strictly by the An gell bill as it passed jthe house, therefore he could not support the measure with the names included. Senator Crawford's bill, provid ing that the-' governor appoint to fill the vacancies occurring in June and that thereafter the peo ple electwill remain in the hands of the delegation until after dis posal ot the house MIL. j The meeting of the senate dele gation was heated at times. "There is going to be a fight in the senate," Moser said. "Things have been said about me as attor ney for the port commission and I am going, to make the far fly." Senator Crawford referred to rumors that he was seeking the post of attorney for the port and declared that I couldn't get it and wouldn't have it it X could." US. 1930 HE :' : -'-'ir' Willamette university .y regis trar's - office f announces that grades will be I issued- sometime next week. Late last . night, there were "430 students regis tered in -the liberal arts, law, and music colleges, , ' Compared with last semester's figure ; the same day, this number is 5 i less. Last semester's first registration was done in three days; .where as this semester' the work has lasted a . week. )--'- .' . :i '. Individual numbers i of stu dents are as follows: Liberal Arts college freshmen, men, 78, women, 77; sophomores, men, 32, women. 65; juniors, men, 37. women, 53; seniors, men. 30, women, 54; graduates, men, 5, women 9; specials, men, 6, wom en, . 3 ; Law . college freshmen, men, 5; .juniors,' men, 9; sen-, lors, men, 8 ; no women. Results from the music - school are j not recorded. . -. ; it ' ;- i The total number - of students registered: last semester were 357.. ; ' I f- i . ; - -. Grant Bay Grant died at Sierra Madre, Calif:, January 31, aged 48 years; husband of Lyda. father ot Ruth; son of ,W. L- Grant1 of . Salem; brother of Mrs. Charles Pierce of Salem. Funeral services Friday. February 6. at 10 a. m., from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and son. Interment City view cemetery. ' ' l . H Waechtler f - - Mrs. Leon -Waechtler of Sub limity died in this city February 3. aged 59 years; wife of Frank; sister of Mrs. U. Vivian of Ra xcine. Wis., Will Freaeh of Mil waukee, Arthur and Herbert French of Racine: mother of Ar thur W. .Waechtler of Oakland, Calif., Tresia ot Racine, Wis, Margaret and Eugene of Sublim ity and Mrs. TJ. J. Cvar of Lake- view. ' Funeral services Wednes day, February 4, at 2 p. m. from the chapel of the Clough-Barrick company. Interment Odd Fellows cemetery. . . . . ? ' ... . Qty View Cemetery Established 1893 Tel. 1200 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided tor . Prices 'Reasonable ; nPERWILLIGER'S JL TirmAx. nnticroaa . TVS oaXMSXSTA - t 0e In llll rMHl Trt m Imm xr Utlxxtit iOttnorin) Dnr& S20S l(darst!y A Park Cemetery With perpetual care . Jost ten minutes from the heart of tows " r" 1 - ' ' 1 :- ' "v- ' iJbituary U. OF O. P.1AN GAINS WIDE HONOR; i i ' m " i - i n I 1 I I Mill For accompUsLlng the outstandlag; piece of research la the field ef experimental biology ta the United State la 1930fc Dr. Ernst GeKhorn, 'professor f physiology at the TZniverslty of Oregen, was recently awarded thw New York Aeademy of Sciences award. She award Is re- garded as the foremost recognition fdr research far this field, and carried ' rlth it a cash prize ef $250. which research y. I W. DK Hi Members of three of the five teams that will start next Mon day morning on the annual Y. W. C. A. finance campaign were announced Mrs. F. A. Elliott, general chairman; Mrs. Elliott also announced that Mrs. B. C. Miles will be ; in charge of the church coopera tion committee. This teams now ready and cap tains under , whom they will serve! follow: Miss Helen Louise . Crosby, captain; Magda Heff, Mrs. Olga Hoffard, Mrs. - Maude- Pointer, Mrs.JMyra Shank, Miss Merle E. Dimmick. ; Miss Julia Webster, Mrs. t Wianitred . Herrick, Miss Yaura V. Hale, Miss Goldle Wheeler and Miss Phebe Mc Adama. . ' Mrs. Frank M. Erlckson, cap tain; Mrs. John. McNary, Mrs. Claude Glenn, Mrs. ' Herbert Rahe. Mrs. Roy R. Hewitt. Mrs. Harry Scott. Mrs. H. S.. Gila. Mrs. W.- M. Hamilton, Miss Olive Dahl j Mrs. C. , M.: Lee, Mrs. Lois Latimer and Mrs VanWeeder. Mrs. W. D. Clarke, captain; Mrs. I William - Gahlsdorf, Mrs. Mark McCalllster, Mrs. R - H. Baldeek, Mrs. Harold Hughes, Mrs.! W. I. Staley, Mrs. E. J, Donnell, Mrs. C. 8. McKensle, Euln McCuUy, Prlscllla Fry, Mrs. Wayne Barham, Mrs. S. C Coates, Mrs. W. W. Moore, Mrs. S. A. GUlette and Mrs. JBT. A. Chadwlck. The Y. W. drive will continue until . Saturday night; , February 14, and in it the women seek to raise $7,000, the minimum bud get necessary to conduct work for theyear. - . Neighbors Beat Trucks to Blaze At Hug's Home Two trucks from the tire de partment rushed to the George Hug homo, 1805 Fir street, short ly after 9 o'clock last night, only to find- that neighbors had extin guished the blaze, originating. In the basement, shortly after it was discovered. - . : . Supt and Mrs. Hug were away for the evening. The housemaid had left the electric iron on the ironing board In the , basement, causing a smudge in the .base ment. There was no damage aside from that to the Ironing' board and burning' out of a fuse. J "' . . .. ' Mrs. StolikerJ i Given Divorce i Child's Custody Absolute divorce from MV Stoliker was awarded Tlrgtl Gwen dolyn M. Stoliker when the case was heard - before Judge Gale 8. Hill: yesterday. Mrs. Stoliker is given care and control of their minor' child, however he is given right to visit the child at reason able times and on reasonable oc- Ot. Chin Last Chi nes ftUdidae. ISO K. OuusareUl St alm. Office hoers rmj San day S ;S0 t S:S0 pja. cartas tke nantka ( Dm. ana Jan. -! i SCHAEFER'S Throat arid Lung Balsam; A Reliable Remedy for Cooghs, Colds Hoarseness, " Bronchial Coughs ' . Sore Throat This syrnp is recommended as a safe, trustworthy remedy for coughs and colds in Chil dren as well as adults. 4 T In liberal sized 50c $1.00 and bottles at iSchaefer's Drug Store . The original yellow' frost caa - dy special store of Salem. " 1S3 N. Coml &C Phone 19? v Peaslar Agency 2 'j.. t TEAM MEMBERS .1 . mm 11 g Dr. GeUhora plana to use for further c ) 1;-. i f. casions by giving: notice - of his intention to do so, provided he contributes to the- support and maintenance of the child. They were married at Toledo, Wash., August 21, 1929. , W. F. Carothers was j granted divorce from Edith L Carothers; to whom he was married at Butte, Mont, -September 4, 1919J plaintiff was awarded care and custody of their' six - children; ranging in age from 10 to three years, r , . . In both suits, cruel and Inhu man treatment was charged; YOUfie EETS YEAH; II Brigham Younr appeared be fore Judge L. It. MeMahaa ot the circuit court yesterday for! sen tence on charge of an unnatural Crime and was 'given a year in the . state :. penitentiary, r Young made application for parole, and when Judge MeMahaa denied the application Young gave notice In open court of appeal to the state supreme court. . ;! j He waa trying -last night to raise M00 hail. V , - The ease of State vs. Lucil Howard was continued until Fri day at 3 o'elock, when sentence will be-pronounced, i .j 1 f Lucille Howard waa the state's star witness "In the case j against Brigham Young. ! j :'.-''' .- -.A K,. :.-t,- Ji: , ': Road in Silver I Falls Area Has j New Right-oi-way - - . ! i -i Kumeroas bad curves will be eliminated and one 16 per cent grade will be reduced to per cent en the new Victor Point road into the SUver Falls area. Joha F. MeOee of the county road-en gineering department said while la town yesterday. -. I - r Along a large share of the dis tance the right of way is taking; in -entirely new. land, he reports. For. a distance ot about thrca and a halt miles only 1300 feet of the old road is being used, he says. ; WILL APPEAL CASE ;- . 7 . "'ssiw. -. i 7 :-.:YyQ-.?:.SLI ---. ,. files Fon j::b H SJLFJ,1 51,204 Salem's arrest crop harvested by the police department in .Jan uary totaled 89. Over : 850 au tomobiles were tagged tor over time parking and fines netted 31,304.50. A detailed account of police records follows: . Complaints and reports oil the police blotter numbered 134 while 160 accident' reports were filed. There. were less accidents than this number since each par ty in a vehicle accident Is sup posed to file a report. , Three were arrested tor fel ony while 17 drunks netted the city. 3180 tor drunk and .disor derly conduct charges. .-, Four persons in possession ' of alcoholic liquors paid 3255 into the city coffers. Speeders, reck less drivers, and . drivers falling to stop at stop signs, boulevards and at officers' signals numbered 13 with" fines? amounting to 40, 100. 35, respectively. Tagged autos were numbered at 85 6 with 36 arrests brinKlnx fin 867. There were two Jail sen tences, i i t . -' : The total number of burglar ies were 13 wbila reports ot lar ceny numbered 34. .Oat ot seven stolen autos, six were "recovered by members of the department. In the basement . of the city hall, 682, men were furnished with a bed for overnight lodging. Other tines than the above are as follows: failure to give right of way, 312.50; transporta tion or - alcoholic liquors, 3500: defective brakes, 35; no license. 10; four in driver's seat, 35; and breaking glass on public highway, 525. Women Appear to Urge Bill Taking Away Billboards A group of women representing various garden clubs and civic or ganizations appeared before the roads and : highways committee Tuesday, and urged passage of Senator Johnson's bill prohibiting F, N. Woodrj Auction Market ; Wed. Nite, Feb. 4 7:30 P. M.; Orpheas All Klectrlo Cabl et, naa's bicyele Uka sew,' 4-bwraer , Perfectlosi . otl raaaje larga adtchew eab4 laet, breakfast sable and 4 chairs, : drophead eewias; wiachlae, i good coadition. Bee Taewant electrie sweep er aadattachmeata, , 1 oaJc and leather Morris rocker, 9 oak rockers, bookcase, wxltiaf; desk, combtaation, 1 Remington typewriter, oak office desk and swivel Chair, " Wedgewood gas raasev Ivory eteel beds, coil springs and cottow mat trees. - large ivory dresser and chiffonier, 1 small oak library table, 1 large fir li brary table, baby crib, -bed sued mattress, 2-9x13 linolewm - and- felt rwgs. diahee. wtesuUs, taias aad Mwaaerowe arti cles). . , : Cash Paid for Used ' ' . Fnraltare -pnosre 811 . MOT ' -at - . -o I J pfNCHOT, JR. Giffori Pinchot, Jr., ' son of Penn sylvania's new Governor, is shown here with hia.Great Dane and par rot. both ef which have moved Into the executive mansion in Harris burg and are the constant compan ions ef the boy. - advertising signs on and along the publle highways. j ; - It was brought out at the meet ing that the Johnson bill is not satisfactory to the members of the committee and probably will hare to be revamped. Senator Johnson saio ne naa no oojection to re vamping the bill In. event i the amendments were submitted I be- toje the end ot the present week. assess Accessories to Make Winter Driving More Enjoyable CIGAR LIGHTERS TIRE CHAINS WINDSHIELD SWIPES I ! MIRRORS HEATERS LUGGAGE CARRIERS j HORNS i l ASHTRAYS! FENDER SPLASH GUARDS Pert crJ Accestorics fcr All Cert - We Jlzsi 'En Toer Gorcz FJci ff. E. BDRKS . r Not Brother Ferry at High t j v milder and better taste mils Mw' ii miSi) -if ffi.lli,l TO 1 i - I ( ISBFOS rl mum I" - The senate yesterday adopted a memorial introduced by Senators Hall and Dunfle requesting con gress to prevent immigration Into . this country of all foreign peoples whose economic status is such as to warrant their classification as possible competitors with Ameri can labor la American Industry. Twenty-four senators voted for the memorial. Senator Moser op posed the memorial on the grounds that It was meaningless. and would have no Influence on congress or the federal Immigra tion department. Senator Dunne's bill relating to the service of complaints and de fining the time within which they shall be. served, was postponed indefinitely. A hearing will be held follow ing adjournment of the senate this afternoon on the pollution section of the proposed new state game code. Reports indicated that a large crowd would attend the bearing.' The agricultural committee, will conduct a public hearing here tomorrow night on the bill providing for the creation ot a state agricultural depart ment. Cases Set For llarch Session Two eases for the March term of circuit eourt la Judge Gale s. Hill's deparment were set yester day. They were: Smith vs. Mlshler, to be start ed March 19 at 9:30 o'clock; and McDonald vs. McDonald, March 30 at 9:30 o'clock. ' , Ccn Sepply Yea - DAfl BURTJS the Sama nlan Salem, Ore. O I'M, IxKrrr a Km t Tobacco C. nni io) j (I tx "J nity home. . .'