The OREGON STATESMAN. e&Ia, Ore Wednesday Uerrlr.". Febrery4, isil PAGE "TWO STiiTE PDUGE QBE TOLL IS iooofiEO 1 HEADS SEJICH f S- ; ' -o 0 fllES wish in, eleslag the- Ras-ae. after the measure had Just been voted down last November. To legislate a basis industry in Curry county out . ot existence, ; especially In times of economic depression, was unjust and unwarranted, said the, opponents of the measure. I The debate starting shortly af ter I o'clock, lasted for nearly two hours and was conducted be fore a crowded gallery la the house. j -..J. WHEN LOCOMOTIVE JUMPED THE CURVE I muEn close Final Count Goes -J4 to 16 BILL IS FILED A 'Eya Witness Says Buildings Administration Measure is! Designed to Combine Law Enforcers FT U ) r:;: . , ; - " -l - - ; ,. ..... ... fell Like Ccrrfs; f.!ucV - Damage Reported (Continued from page 1) millions of pounds sterling, rery Jo Shut Stream to Com merclal Fishermen ) (Continued from pass 1) , erner. Deputy to be appointed by the superintendent at a salary ot 2.. Superintendent given power o nam& mem ben of force. Num ber of member consist lug of captains, lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, privates and recruit t determined by governor. ' S. State -provides uniforms and equipment and officers are to be reappointed biennially. , '. -m 4. Ware scale set as. follows t captains 13000; lieutenants-? $2,- . 0: -MieMM ts asioe; corporal fl80; privates $100: recruits In training 11200. 5. Game funds, stats- highway funds, fire- ;marslial. funds aad greaeral -.funds to provide- xer aues. "';.. " V'" V ; ' I :- Bills TTovhUons . 4 In a special message accom panying the bill. Governor Meier said -in part: 'The Oregon state pelice bill "creates a department f state po lice under a superintendent of aU.te police appointed by the gov- . amaf a1ia tjra wltlh fa atl after th oreaent state traffic department consists otj noh jan44T iiitn nta mn eanta- ennonla and wheat es as -hair be required and -who are ap pointed by be .superintendent I with the- consent of. the governor. 'The Oregon state- police" is charged, generally, with -the en forcement of all criminal laws -throughout the state of Oregon with headquarters organized for ihe purpose- of f urntahing ekiUed. aerrtoes and advice in all crimin al carters .Including complete records rith reference to -persons acctwed-JOf crime, finger, prints, handwriting and ballistics. I "The -great duplicatioa In ac- tlTity In traffic . regulation wil be ebrlated ' and all state police will haTe 'the duties of enforcing all criminal laws, the- violation of which may come to their atten tion. The act provides for i coor dination for the purpose of ob viating duplication of ertort and J xindTie expense. The act has been -or a lira wiin me teei reaiares oi the Canadian Royjj.1 Mounted po lice. -the -Texas Rangers aad the -atate police organizations of New J ersey, Pennsylvania and other states which have proved highly auecessful- TieiEIEBl IS SMOOTHED OUT (Continued troru page L) -compromise, proposal was made I 'In the senate and another: 4roached. Harrison JBrlnjcs CompromLie Plan IHtrrlsen of Mississippi, a dem ocratic advocate ef -the ovr rnentat relief prevision, proposed that the .$25,000,000 appreprla- -tion be made for the Red Cress -with- the stipulation that it be caed only tn case cbaritable ar- aniEauon9 were net taking cars! vt thealtnatlon. ' i enaior : iensens, repnbucan, Mtchtgam. daqnired of Iemoc rat- la 'Leader Jiebinson If he wonJl ccept a proposal of a 15.00. C&t food loan Instead ot -the S2S.60M0O Jted Coss appropria tion. m Senator Jtoblnson declined to conMnent until a definite eom- troml9 was formally olfered. In two speeches, the democratic I aeaaer defended his own relief 1 aneasure- and xl escribed as the sltoation. assailed what "indifference" he to President Hoover's statement expressed the fear of the chief -executive that if once tae -government Iras turned its hand to ward pushing the cart of relief, tha Telunteered by private cltt sena will be lifted and the -sense ot local. Individual responsibility to ear for the needy' would be -aissipated. Bill to Separate Judges, Politics Senator Crawford yesterday In troduced a bill providing for a non-partisan Judiciary in Oregon, .similar to that new In operatloa in the state ot Washington. The 'will has the indorsement of the Oregon State Bar association and the legal fraternity in general. "The- till would allow candidates tor office to tile either by peti tion or declaration. 5, jrrmn mo ITJCLEJf A FIKST NATIONAL AND I VITAPnONE PICTURE WARNER BROS. 3 ww MJAm AA.aha) A The Ibceraetlve of the Suwanee SseeiaL 'FhridaJoud tnun ox Severn Railway, tore off 1 tie nils in ronnding a curve i Ueleawooa. Temt. ana Ul OE CITY 1i . IEH1 HELD (Ceutl.uef -from page 1) later by newspaper wen but she I refused ts ' discuss her arrest. Sho also refused to eay In what Portia ank -alleg ed missing i"m yvrm ; LA GRANDE. Ore.. Feb. r.-- (AP)-Mrs. Ward W. Fowlor, for several years La Grande city treasurer, eto was arrested- on aa epen caarge at Pendleton to day, -will returaed here for CruestioaJag -in connection with an alleged shortage In her ac counts.! ! City- Manager A. B Cherry said tonight. - ( Mrs. I Fewler was removed from office ; F-ebruary 1 because of consolidation of city offices. She was to hare made a turnj- over of accounts today but when sbe failed to appear at the off Left this auerneoa a search was started. ; yy yj rj TJ f J tilgtl tlOpG tlGlU. For i Recovery Of Julia Creech Condition of Miss Julia Creech; Salem-girl who, is attending the University or Oregon, at Eugenei, is better, -and- ''a great deal jot hope" Uheld tor "her recovery, act cording fo word received here last night by her father, T. W. Creech from Mrs.- Creech, who is in uj gene with J alia. J i , j Mr. Creech returned to Salem yesterday afternoon" after being assured -that everything was being done fo Julia. He will go back to Eugene today , . ? Julia nnderweat an emergency operettas' at the Pacific Christian hospital there -Monday. Her con dition was considered extremely critical. ( She U a -sophomore at the nnirecstty and was a popular member of-aer class, while going to High school here. i J O lilt iLXeCUXlVC c 1 f r 3 SeSSlOtl OT ROBG proupsScheduled Members f the state highway commission -end tbw reads- and, highways tosrmtttees ofthe house and- swnat wtll itetd an executive session "here renight. -The- dis cussions rHl in devoted- to hills atWin Th 4tat highway pro- r- i - t ; it weld that the highway commission especially is opposed to Senator Upton's bill under which large sums ' of highway funds worildr te- returned to the t counties; . ' k : Great Briiairfs Jobless Fewer ; - r ' i i. LONDON, Feb. (AP) For the second successive week, offi cial statistics show. Great Brit ain's somber of unemployed lias decreased, f . ' ... The--figure aaon January it, waa Z,z,C. which was 15, T6 vnder-the -previous week At Che jsns time it was 1.191,131 over tttt ot the same date a year go. t - i : XRAcn w roruLAiv CHTCAGOi Fob. (AP)--Thousanda teonged a boat Lake Michigan's ahorw today aa the thermometer climbed to 64 de grees the j warmest February temperature on record. ; . i STARTS tg::orrow Mory cy 'GRACE J J -e dragged eleven passenger . cars- 1;' withit. Five sersnns were iSled and rew: Injuries. Tha wcotwutb, wn iwuutn i"""- in toe xerecroum u. uu w W.IRXER'S CATITOI er Men's 'Women." Friday Grant Mitchell la -Man to Man." HOLLYWOOD i Today Bessie Love In "Good j News." - i : r Friday Charles Sogers in "Heads Up." i , . ; WARXEIT8 KLKIXORR Today Ben Lyon in "Hell'a f Angels" - Thursday Dorothy Peter- son in "Mother's Cry."' w GRAND J Today SllHo Bennett ' I in "Courage." Friday Illton SHla in "The Sea Wolf." f Jim Ham Lewis Sees 4 Parties Looming in 1932 ! LOS ANGELES, Feb. t. (AP) J. Hamilton Lewis, U. S: senator elect - from Illinois, pre dicta the appearance of two ne political parties at the next na tional election- Lewis made his statement to a group of news papermen who met him upon, his arrival here. . '"--! ' One of the new parties, he said, will be out-and-out prohi bition. He said the prohibition ists at present are net satisfied with either, the- republican- or democrat attitudes on the ques tion, j - : The fonrta- party, he predict ed, will bo- made an of those fa voring public ownership of nub- lie utilities and any other easiness the government coald. own and op erate. Thla party will be semi-so-cialtet, he said; ' , Abondonment oft Plant is Denied DETROIT. Feb. I (AP) The ; Ford Motor company, in stead ot planning abandonment ot its Brazilian rubber planta tion, intends to " speed up the work i there, a statement Issued, by the company today said. "There is no truth la the re port that the Ford rubber plan tation is to be abandoned," the statement said. James Lata, of Catawba coun ty, N. C produced 121.6 -bushels of corn on one acre aad won $71 in prizes thia past year. - ' COMING SCNDAT , HOLLYWOOD ALL QUH-T Oil TVS: WESTERN FRONT Bros. Vita phone Picture The Call Board v; Bjr OUVE SLDOAK ' pheto picture, while wtp turaeeL passenger coaA can ha te n the other sids of th track. .:.')-: REVISED 'TOUU rSURE EXPECTED I A revised tunnel hill, which would connect .Washington and Multnomah counties is scheduled for Introduction in the senate some time this: week. Instead of providing that the- proposed tun nel be built under the supervision of the-state highway commission, the new hill will provide that a tunnel board bo named by the governor to supervise the- con struction and operation of the tnnneL' It was not certain last eight d whether the proposed bonds for the tunnel world be an obliga tion solely against the tunnel constructed or whether a tunnel district embracing part of Mult nomah and Washington counties would be formed on which the bond issue would be placed, serv ing with the tunnel itself as sure ty for. the obligations. Senator Fisher of Washington county will probably sponsor the new bill. Considerable surprise waa oc casioned in the senate yesterday when Senator Woodward announ ced that ho had. decided to with draw his own bill providing for tho construction of the Tualatin tunnel. Estimated cost had been placed at $,00 0,000. Liquor Plot oi ( National Scope Reported Nipped J NEW YORK,!. Feb. S (AP) country wide plot -resulting in tho- diversion for beverage pur poses of more than, a million gal lons of alcohol land perfume was alleged by federal agents- today as 19 men and two women wero ar raigned. . I I The - defendants, residents of New York state and New Jersey, were held for hearings in remo val proceedings to Chicago. They hare been indicted there for con spiracy to violate the federal dry laws. ';: - - J- 5 - V mm tubes; WAY ES WARNER 1, Whose Woman IsSHe? . . . i' Does she owe herself to the- man she married or the man she realljr loves? 4 A great cast of artists unfolds her strange story in MARY ASTCn - GRANT TTTTIITSS-FRED EOIILEIt J. Farre3 MacDonald 'tu3 Joan EUnt&Cl TO -DAY Matlneo Continuous 2 to 5 P. IL - - AficUj . 25c little of it covered by eartnuake insurance. - Relief Sent From NearbT Citie ' ; . Quick to respond to the call. It doctors and 7 S nurses from nearby cities aided in minister ing to sufferers, vi.'r There was no panie today. The survivors, having passed through a terrifying experience, seemed daxed as . they ; moved quietly through broken streets. On eith er side stretehed flattened areas, wifft brick chimneys standing like tombstones in. cemetery. Tfle sea Toa was thrust up ward 15 fact by tho earthquake. Ships at , anchor In Hawks - Bay wero forced to more farther out. 1 Tho motor ship Taranakl in fix, pier roaoa repozxea ill snip was snakoa violently as though- by ex plosions, aboard . l ' Soon .parties wero landed from th ahips carrying food and sup plies to devastated Napier, BnfhBngs FaJJ like Cards i Describing the scene, 8. Lewis ot Sydney who arrived at Wel lington last night, said two story buildings came down like packs of cards. In one street, tho two sides of buildings met, burying a whole row of taxi cabs with, their drivers. - . .. Levis said no was strung la m car outside tho postoffice ot Ka pler. Suddenly . the ear was shaken violently, he leaped' out to see what was wrong, but was thrown down by tho plunging earth. . Looking up, ho saw all build ings on the opposite side of tho street coHapslng. Then clouds of dust enveloped tho whole place. as people rushed out screaming. Thousands rushed to tho beach, at-first thought the. safest place: Bluff Hill, its slopes covered with houses, - collapsed inward. covering the whole town with dust. Flames, spread by broken gas pipes, roared, through the town. with water mains torn apart, firemen wero- practically help less. Tall ; buildings -were dyna mited to halt tho spreading fire. with little effect. ii I0CREASE IN FEES Leon DuBois, Salem barber. yesterday, took excetion to a state ment given out in Portland Mon day! that the Master Barbers asso ciation favors passage of a bill which would increase the license fee on barber shops. . DuBois declared that the state ment did hot reflect the sentiment of the majority of master barbers, who wero opposed to tho' bill In its present form. ; ... v ' - - v DaDel. said St out of C5 em ployed barbers fa this city wore opposed to increasing the annnal fee tor a barber's oard from f t to f S. He said ho had petitions from mm BROS. 'with- . WARXRR BROS.T? GapitoI MB S ose Professor C; W. Grace, of the Unt versity of Wichita, Kan., is prima Nr aa expedition that will csmku Coienel ; Charles A LIndberrh by hantinr new Mayan rains in Vaca te and Guatemala jungles by-air-piano. . TOn scientists-, tvn Y1ti. a nKHBR in raoia nan wi n ac- cwmnany aim. naany. barbers in-Eagene. Grants Pass and Pendleton also opposing the moves, . . .. ; - - DuBois also objected to the plan which calls for SI additional m- sv ticenso sren owners ox bar ber shops. - -4.,..- .. A: i .-r -;ir II I. DIES AT M OF 59 3Irs. Leen Waechtler. St. resi dent of Sublimity, died in a hos pital Jtero last night, after 'a oro- longed Illness, She is.survived by tho widower, Frank of Sublimity; children. Margaret and Eugene of Sublimity, Mrs. TJ. J. Cvar of Lakerlew. Arthur of Oakland, CaL, and Tresla of Racine. Wis.: brothers, 'Arthur and Herbert French of Racine, Wis., and Will French of Milwaukle.. and one daughter, Mrs. U. Vivian of Ra cine.! : Funeral services will bo held today at 2 p. m. from the chapel of! tho Clough-Barrick. company. Interment will be in tho Odd Fel lows 1 cemetery, j Unknown Slays Indiana Oificer 4; m t ! RUSH VILE. Ind., Feb. 3 (AP) -Patrolman William Gar rison. 82, ot tho Ttushville police -department, was shot and killed tonight when he w,ent to Circle ville. a suburb, on Information that a man in an automobile was blocking a driveway there. The driver of the automobile shot - the- officer through, tho heart ' and escaped. . FOOD IS SHIPPED COLORADO SPRINGS, Feb. S -(AP Residents of tho Elbert district ; today shipped four tons of foodstuff to- the Red Cross for use of persons - In tho drought districts. -.; :.'!! ,. ';'V :.:. . i i i m IWNLER mmy mm no iiin We Wm tfou . . . j ! ! t; 2Sc for Butterfat 13c for Medium Ecrga ; f; w .16c for Standard Eggs 10c to 16c tor Poultry, Light to Medium 63c fw Wlieat (Unscreened) No. .1 White Note fio Hatter Wlud the Market u We Allow 15 More! ' WE WILL ALSO TAKE IN TRADE YOUR OLD RADIO OR PHONOGRAPH ! tiiVTESTIGATE OUR LIBERAL TRADE - IN PLAN v OS' it uiitil Model 15, C150.C0 ILLTJSTltATED - ' Other, models in straight Radio and Radio Phonosrapa to SdBw.lO. RCA i trona tncloded. ; - - --- 1 Youns ladles ,ef Baled are lnrlted to rail vs tor lnforinaUon on how they may win a hand soae Tirusswidt Radb or a " snbstantial cash award. . Entry:' CZit Is open until Feh. ICth. - - (Continued from page J) the fight in tho house. Propon ents of tho bill declared that sport fishing was far more Important to the state than commercial fishing and that sport fishing was being constantly diminished because-of the- inroads of the commercial fishermen at the- meuth of the Rogue. The future of Josephine and Jackson counties hinge on the development of tho tourist and re creational trade, they declared. and the Chinook. steeJhead and sllvecside salmon must be Increas ed la number if the Rogue is to continue one r tfia-great sport stream of the United States. . November Ballot . ' Not Indfentive - - Proponents of the Rogue clos- lag held that ' the vote last No vember when Rogue river .dosing was turned down by the people was not indicative of public senti ment. Voters objected to the fact the- proposed measure was a con stitutlonsl. rather than an Oregon code enactment. Many voters were also said to be uninformed and consequently to have voted .no whereas a fairer action by unin formed voters would have been to cast no ballot whatever. Opponents of tho Rogue clos ing, including Representative' An gel 1 who was a member of the Interim committee named to in vestigate conditions, held that commercial fishing interests, had not reduced the number of game fish available for tho sportsmen. They held that tho legislature was acting contrary to tho people's Wed. -Thun.C whJi BELLE BENNETT MARIAN NIXON LEON JANNEY 1g ( rS. r From tho- ,:v ; pl7T 'U:' : Tom Barry. f j 1 " - r', mTT ,mm i 1 PERFECT REPRODUCING . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ' The exquisite tone of j BRUNSWICK " . . i -faithfully reproduces every type of broadcast music, from the full! round tones of a complete symphony orchestra to the most delicate intona tions ef a singinjr voice. Its- uncanny selectiv ity brinsrs In the station YOU WANT to hear and noothers. : "J' 'i . DAEDn GE3P j'; ; is Located In Salem, Ore, at . j .130 So. High. St. ; 2020 No. Capitol Bt Telephone 3797 For jYour Heat Dencnstrstica These wesidcrfal inatrnments are also display at both Warner Bros. rUsinere and Capitol theatres. j YOUNG LADIES BRUNSVYICK-RELIEF CONTEST 1 - ICOd Votes- ' :: ' Cotn Radie : . Pleaee enter in the J Kama e Address - .......-.. Mall or Bring thla Coupon to tho Hollywood Radio ., I Shop, 130 So, High St., 1020 No. Capitol St.. Salem, I 1 Oro tor Full Particulars. ; 1 i-. I TODAY and THURSDAY "Tonight Is Davenport .'..."Nlglit Bring Your Tickets Here's 1 tho Happiest, Snappiest Treat of Your (' Picture-Going Days! f . ., with' "... Resale Love, Mary Lawlor, Cliff Kdwards, Stanley Smith, Lola Lane, Bosh Shy. Also Comedy and News . , Davenport 9 P. M." j a :'. A ' O rn r am b Brunswick Radio Contest. 1 -Tew in tw A i i