PAGE SIX The OltEGON STATESMAN. Galea, Oreron, Tuesday Mornintr, Febreary 3; 1931 ocie Kusnweek markea :y: By Much Social 1 Activitv r Willamette ' university women will spend a buay week for tbls Is rash week and will be marked with much entertaining both for "mal and Informal- M - Beta. Chi sorority will be host ess for an Informal dinner party tonight at the sorority house on State street. Thursday afternoon between the' boars of four and. five o'clock the sorority will be hostess for an Informal tea. Sunday, members of the Beta Chi sorority entertained with din ner, special guests were warren McMinnimee. Prank Alfred. Her bert Hardy. Charles Hageman Frank Grower, Alelvin Crow, Lajw rence- Gibson.' Homer Roberts, j - The Alpha Phi Aljna3ororty will entertain with ; an informal tea between the hoars of 4:20 ad 5:30 o'clock this afternoon. tA program of music and readings will be glTen by Constance Fisher ' and tirtrm Henderson. Wednes day the Alpha Phi Alpha ' will be hostess for an informal dinner, i . Wednesday the Delta Phi soror ity will entertain with an infor mal tea between the hoars of four and six o'clock. ' Thursday an la- turn auiirei win uv kucu. - A formal installation of new members will be conducted by Daleth Teth Gimel. order of anl . versity women. Friday and this will be followed with a formal Banquet ai the Gray Bene Satur day night.. . j Other things will be planned by the university women for later in tne week. Returned Missionary To be Speaker . Mrs. Leoda voegeielne, a re turned missionary from Indija will be the speaker at the Wed nesday meeting of the Woman's Missionary society of the First Christian church. The society will .meet In thje church 'parlors at 2:30 o'clock. Following the lecture will include the showing of slides of Indian life and curios from India, a so cial and the tea hoar will be en joyed. All the women of the ch arch are invited to -attend this meeting., .; : -- j; Mrs. Ralph Winn will be the speaker before the Friday meet ing of the Y's MInettes club at thje tome of Mrs. W. C Jones. Her topic, will be something to Sd witn Russian . life. Club mem be will meet at 2 o'clock. ;j Chapter G of the P. E. O. sis terhood will be . guests of Mrs. Gardner Knapp for the regular meeting Thursday afternoon. Mr. Asa Fisher will give the paper which will be on "Indian Legends of Oregon." j " 2083 By ANNE ADAMS . A dainty and wearable . little frock has a becoming square heck and short kimono sleeves clever ly cut to correspond. The bodice is !ut In smart . straight - lines, and the skirt is gracefully full in truly grown-up fashion. Note the little straps that hold the points of the sleeves in place and the tiny colored buttons - thai trim .bodice and belt. Aren't they love ly details? r - Pattern 208? makes 1 'up' de- - llgatfully n cotton broadcloth. percale, dimity, lawn, pique or wash silk. Choose a light ground well covered with colorful posies and match the binding to! the outstanding color of 'the print for a ravishing frock. - j - May be obtained only In sixes 4. C. 8 and 10. Sise 4 .requires 2 yards of 3 6-lnch material. - No ttrcumakiaf axporieflca -'Is ' aacataary to Bk this aioaal wits -ear eattera. Yardage for vcry nit, . aad iinapa. ox act initrijo in ara triea- . Send fifteea anta la eeiaa 'aro taHf wraoned. or alamoa tor aoek pattera. Writ plainly roar urn, addroaa and ty ! anna bar B aura tat site wanted. ;- Oar aew fill and iriater fataios took containing; - oxqniait modal, for adult aad ehiJJrea aad aa axeollrat assortmaot of traoafar Htttrii aad (tamped oovatttoa. ta o raadj. Pri-o tifteaa eonta.. Book who aattara 25 aonu. Ad droaa all email aad ordara to Stta " - Pattern - Denartnxat, 4S Wast ma atreol. Vrw York City. Pattern ! &r yf - ews and Club OUVE M. DoahV SOCIAL CALENDAR : Tuesday, February S , Hiawatha council, at I. O O. F. hall; program plan- ned; Tisitors from Portland councils expected. .. P. I. E. and F. club, Mrs. Wayno Greenwood. 1281 f South Liberty; election of. officers. - : ' Salem Music Teachers association, Mrs. Lila Lee, . i 72$ Stewart street, -i'-u, - ; . - T.r, American War Mothers regular meeting, American. ? Lutheran church. 2:80 o'clock; election of officers., ; I- Salem W. C. T. -V,- meeUng, Union hall; Charlea . Hewlett of Albany speaker. . Hospital auxiliary, f chamber iof commerce, 10:0ft r o'clock; general meeting. . ( 1 - ' ' Etokta club tea. Mrs. A. J. Vlck. 145 North Lib- ;erty' street, 2:30 o'clock. . . . :. ! . I ' Wednesday, February 4 . - v . - -t 7 Salem Dakota club, basket dinner and program. f 1:30 o'clock, American Lutheran ehurch.. ' Woman's Home Missionary society of -First M. ES. 9 ' ehurch. church parlors. 2:30 o'clock. t -..-. , - Missionary society of First Congregational church. Miss Constance Kantnerf 853 North Commercial street. ' ';2:30 o'clock. . , ' - ij ':''' 1 - "'-:-: i '-.:i-:-vr- . Woman's Missionary society, First Christlaa i church, 2:30 o'clock; church parlors. Spring Valley missionary i society, Mrs. Charles Me-V, Carter, 2:30 o'clock, i !- - ' , '"- ' t Aid society of Knight Memorial church, Mrs. E. L. t Powell. 2160 Trade street. 2:30 o'clock. . : 1 Maccabees social club. Mrs. Lottie Smith, 1245 :' Market street, -I ; I ;'H . -.' - -,: -- .' ;-'L j ; Thursday, February 5 r I Hayesville Woman's dub, 2 I o'clock, Mrs. W. H. Kay 2461 South Commercial) street. North Salem W. CJ T.- U.. 2 o'clock, Jason Lea ; church, business session. ) Mrs. R. O. Lewis hostess to members of the Brush College Helpers. - - . ? . 7 Chapter G. of P. E, O. guests of Mrs. G. Knapp. j ""j i Friday, February 6 yj C ;.; T. M. C. A. program, 8 o'clock In auditorium of T; . children giving program; public invited.' ! Nebraska club, mid-winter meeting, Parrish hall,? Chemeketa street; : 30 o'clock supper; bring own table service. j . I :"'". r ' ' . t . Mrs. W. C. Jones, hostess to Y's MInettes club, 1000 Capitol street. Apt.- 12;! 2 o'clock;; Mrs. Ralph Winn, ' speaker.- 1 j i ' ' '-' '' ' ' ! 1 First Spiritualist church circle, 8 o'clock, Mrs. Lu- dlle Baker, 590 Unon street, f ) t . Brush College grange at Brush College school house; representatives of Dallas chamber of commerce present. , j " ! "! - ' , l' . United Spanish war veterans auxiliary, regular meeting, Friday, '2:30, armory, i i :, , i : - I- ? . i Saturday, February 7 Illihee country - club will; sponsor Valentine dance at club hoase. 1 j . f D. A.R. will meet ; at Woman's clubhouse; regular meeting. :i , j j i Woman's Relief Corps, Millers hall at 2 o'clock. i Sigma Nu Chapter Has Study Class The Sigma Nu chapter of ;the Delphian society met Monday in the auditorium room of the city library and enjoyed a study- hour on the subject of Latin literature. Mrs-i R. D. Paris. Mrs. Glenn and Mrs. Hal Hoss were hostesses for this meeting. , ; j A business meeting preceded the study hour; and it -was announced that the next meeting would be the regular time for election of officers.. All members , are urged to be present for this meeting;. A resume of the last meeting was given by Mrs. George Ross- man, j Mrs.' B. B. Herrick land Mrs. Oscar Lapham were the 'Del phian travelers. Topics were tak en by Mrs. Guy Smith. Mrs. L. L. Nelson, Mrs. Frederick Decke bach. Miss Xroretta Ford and jMrs. Albertj Gragg. 0 Eldriedge An enorable eve ning of : cards was - that spent Thursday at the A. L. Collins home when Mr. and Mrs.1 Collins entertained a group . of friends. Five hundred was In play until a late hour when a midnight sup per was served the following guests:: - Mr. ' and Mrs. . George Lemery. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hall. FMr. and Mrs. .Romer and .Mr. and Mrs. .Henry Stafford. Mrs. Lottie Smith 'will be hos tess to members of the Macca- nee Social club at her home 1245 Market. street. Wednesday after noon, i. ;.1 Ur i ! ' I :: f : :' ' j ' :" . The regular Y. M. C. A. i pro gram hlch ts given each Friday night In : the auditorium rooms of; the Y will be a children's pro gram land will begin at 8 o'clock. The public la invited to attend. : 3pot? ComrMt. , 3 .ri.. , ; I Soeiety Editort ; (Today's MenuP A February Day " Breakfast ' I Poached Efrra - Broiled, Baaoai i Hilfui ; , .Coffoo i Luncheoa . Croaad Chaeao oa Toaat Swoet Pieklca Peach Saao Coeoannt Cooklea i. - Ta I i "-; Dinner - ' Chili iCon Carno Peppef Broad - Plana Jolly ? . . Pear SaUd . Relit Ckoeolato Padding , Cream Coffee Creamed Cheese on Toast, Serve Q 4 tablet poona butter- . 6 tablespooaa floor . - - . X toaapooa aalt leaspona paprika ' . 5 enp aailk . 3-9 cop ebeoaa. eat tine v . 1-8 teaipooa onions, chopped t era;, well beaten. "?;. tableapooM chopped vimeatoa i j Melt butter and add flour,-salt and paprika. When, blended add milk' and cook' until T creamy sauce forms. Stir constantly. Add cheese, cook slowly and stir con stantly until melted. Add rest of ingredients and cook one jnlnute. S.tir : constantly. Serve, poured Over hot toast. : : " Cocoanut Cream Cookies (4 doa.). H euV batter , 1 cap so tar . . , v P cream , I teaipooa vaailla ttteaapooa lemon extract 14 toaapooa aalt " 1 cup eooooant 4 cap almoado 2H capa floor 1' teaipooa baking powder I Cream butter and sugar. Add eeggs and ' cream and beat -two minutes. Add rest of ingredients. Drop portions from end of spoon onto greased baking sheets. Flat ten well. . Bake twelve minutes in moderate oven. . SKIRTS AND HAIR LONGER FOR 1931 i : - . Mmrrrrv f-A Ar500MbOEl 1 mm Curls? act. Corn kg dj Affairs Dancing Party is : Delightful . Event An nnasually pretty dancing party was that given by a group of high school girls at Hatel Green Saturday.- night. , The In terior of the ball room was ar ranged to represent a jangle and created a most attractive deco rative motif. - - . - - -" Hostesses for the ' affair were Misses . Lottie .Nash, Dorotha Cannon, Jane Harbison,' Dorothy Krebs. - Jessie ; Cooper, . Francis Reed,' Roberta ."Varler. ;.Kathryn Rowe. Charity i Watson, . Jewel Fitzpatrlck. Annabell Hitchcock, June Fitzpatrlck, Emma Varley, Rosem ary Sawyer, j France Walker, Lucille Nash, Evelyn King. Helen Hauge and Phyllis Hange. ,--.;"v:' ; - . Mr, and Mrs. E. T. Reld -and Mr. and Mrs. Ed C. Nash , were patrons and patronesses... "Guests .present ". were the Misses Georgia Nash. Peggy Wagstaff,-. Helen Lange, Dorothy Blalsdell. Harriett Bealle, Wllma Glese, ; Dorotha Cannon, Betty tteaa,. naset ; Johnson. Helen Ol son, Roberta Varley. Jewell Fits- patrick. Zelpha White,. Constance Krebs, Dolly f Moogale, Phylll Day, Rosemary Sawyer. Lv- vonne watkins, Doryce Qaamme. imogene Miltenberger. Madolyn McKlllop, Helen En gle. Dorr la Kemp, Esther Glbbard. Rosealee Nasbaum, Jeanne . Lunsford. Tetn Harris. Wllma Klnr. Jane Fitzpatrlck, Lucille Nash. Althea Allison, . Evelyn King. Ruby roge, jane Robinson. , Lottie Fao Nash, Phyllla - Hange, Nina White, Daisy Varley. Dolores Mills, Jean Eastrtdge, Bernlce Fnrenian, Mable Ryan, Kathryn Rowe, Kathlene Day, k Dorothy Krebs. Dorothy Moore. Maxine Myers, Echo Hall, Audrey Till man, , Jessie- Cooper, . Lorraine Kinzer, Kathryn Sheldon, Jane Harbison; Frances Reld, Anna- belle ' Hitchcock, . Donna ' Bishop, Charity Watson, Mildred Zehner. Messrs Sam Harbison, Don Cannon, Fred Reidyl Laurence Blalsdell, Dana Sanders. Glenn Wilbur, Carl Collins.! Bob Jud- son,- Leslie Whlttlngon. Floyd Da Harpport, John Bone, Earle v. Potter, Lynn Helse, Georga Fowler. Robert Ramsden. Lorne Kitchen, Fred Foreman, George Miltonberge,1 Victor Bryant, Bus ter Herrea. Robert Cannon, Jack Groat, Bill Dyer, Virgil Harri son, Bob' Eyre, Gordon. Whlttlng- ton, Darwin - Calfee, . Loring Grier,' Thornton Coffey. Curtis Woolley, Edgar King, Paul Rei- dy. Vernon McQuald. Fred Wolfe, Edwin C. Enegren, Wes ley Klelae, .Wray Morehouse, Frank Willard. Lea Weisser. Er- rol Damon, Bill Brinkley, Emma Lee Varley. Vera Mathis. .Vera Berg, : Anstln Gardner. Willis West, Glenn : Woodry. . Edwin Brlnkec, Charles Claggett, Clln- toa . Standish, Olven M. Bowe. Donald E. Woodry, Rollin. Re pine. Clair Thomas, Merritt M. Nash. Lawrence Brown, Allen Earle, Melvin Travis, John Diets, Mark Sachtler. Members of the newly organiz ed Lometakin group of Camp Fire Girls report a successful dough nut sale which they sponsored in line with their work of rworklng honors" done to . secure : higher, ranks. The award of higher ranks will be given at the council fire! to be held in February. - Mary Elizabeth, Hhusaker won the prize ror selling the 'most doughnuts. Others participating in this sale were Loralne Vick, Nadine Con way. Margaret Albln, Martha Cox. and Joyce Chambers. The regu lar meeting of this group, will be neid at tne home of the guardian. Mrs. K. Smith.' Esther Hunsaker assistant to Mrs.-Smith. ; Miss Lena Dotaon and Mrs. Le na Waters will be. assistant .host esses with Mrs. Lila Lee. to enter-' tain the members of the Salem Music Teachers' asosciati on la regular meeting at the Lee home. 73a center street; tonight. - Mrs. E. L. Powell will be hos tess to members of the aid socie ty r of the . Knight Memorial church at her home 21(0 Trad street,. at 2:30 o'clock. Wednes day. . o I IJote i? Ftrnrra Stoutoca ! ! Nebraska Club Will Meet The" annual mid-winter meet Inr or the Nebraska elnh will take place Fridav nia-ht hf Par. rish hall on Chemeketa street. It is expected that a larre aaaem blare will be nresent for thia I event, with man r member from out or town m attendance. .. . There will be served, at : lo'alock a basket sapper, each f familr with them their own ta bla serriee., Following the dinner nour taere x.Zil be a program.! . Hubbard The dance sponsor ed by, the ' Hubbard - community band drew a large crowd to the cltr hall Raturdav ultrlit Th hall had' been, beautifully decorat ed for : the . occasion In - a color scheme of red and white bv Mrs George Grimpg assisted by the girls of th band. Musicians were Dr. A F. deLespinasse. Clar ence, Bevens, Franklin deLes pinaase, Willis Duncan. Charles ifyers. Mise Marie deLespInasae. and Miss Anita Bevens. .Harvey Moshberger and Melvin Mitts were in charge of the door and of tne xioor. - ' . Refreshments were served by the following committee: Miss Marie deLespinasse, t chairman Miss . Hazel ciavnool. Vitnr h1m ClaypooL Mb Dorothy Scholl, as- asiea oy- Mrs. George Knight, Mrs. John Claypool and " Miss. Ra- oy cnttenden, - McCoy -r Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Finn eatertained 30 of friends at dinner Thursday, even ing. Thoae present were Mr and Mrs. O, T. Roth, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter. : nickev : of Am it . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell, and oaugnier, Kooerta. Of Perrydale; Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of McCoy, ir. ana Airs. Henry Domes, Mr. and Mrs. John Romlg, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Christensen, Mrand Mrs. George Werner; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. George Shields, Mr. and Mrs. Ce cil Graves. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tamer, -Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Gus Prang, Mrs. Emma jRohde and Mrs. S. L. Stewart. :.i ' Ot . . Silvertoo Silvefton friends and jrelatives; have learned of the mar TUge of Ludvig E. Moe to Dor- Oiny C HOIien. of Mannt Annl The wedding is said to have tak en place at Mount. Angel Monday morninr. ' : . , . Mr. Moe is employed at Port land. He Is A former ' Silverton boy and has a brother and several sisiers nere, namely Joe Moe, Mrs. Ben Bunrue, Mrs. Hans Jensen, Mrs. Martin i Hatteberg and Mrs. Oscar Satern. , The young . people will make tneir home at Portland.. j Turner I The Methodist Aid society will hold a sliver tee, Thursday, February 5, at 2 o'clock at me. noma or Mrs. John R. Cox. Mrs. E. S.. Prather and Mrs. T. : T Palmer Will aasUt tha hmta.a with the program and serving re- iresnments. All ladies are cordial ly Invited. ; " : - .- " . I : j Mr. Jessie Honeyman will be the house, guest Of Mrs. L. HJ Tarpley while she Is ; in . Salem. Mrs. Honeyman addressed mem-' bers of the garden club Monday night. , i . The First Spiritualist church will hold circle at 8 o'clock Fri day at the residence of Mrs. Lu cille Baker, 190 Union street, cor ner Of Church. t h . - y- ' ' Woman's Relief corps will meet at Miller's hall Saturday afternoon at o'clock. . 1 vj -''.I; v,. ARE. ErJTERTAIHED NORTH HOWELL, Feb. 2-4 Mr., and Mrs. . K: D. Coomler. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wlesner, Willard and Ronald Stevena drove to Fairfield - Wednesday evening and attended' the regular grange meeting there. - . ! . W. H. ; Stevens, -who la a past Pomona .matter and' past eounty deputy, gave a very Inspiring talk on . agricultural ' work in the grange. : Mr. Stevens has just been appointed chairman of the Mar lon 'county Pomona grange agrl eultnral committee. '- l . Mr. and Mrs. George Lowery and family, who have been. living on' the Cutsforth place, have mov ed to Brooks. ? -i fllE OPTIMISTIC PRATDM. Feb.. 2. Peter Hot-' Stetter is building another - new brooder house. J Apparently Mr, Hof stetter does' not ; believe the' chicken business is' down ' and out , forever. ? isXs: :- . ,.-.j: $ : Fred, de- Vries- is .building a new milk house with, an auto matie cooling system, : M rs. Zona Fisher ' and the G. Steiger family..: all,; f ron .Portland,- were -v weekend - ' visitors here. :4 i'4. ' -V , The Larson ' family Is building an addition : to their house. . The " new " electric - line -: exten sion; which is going as far south as ' the Cordier farm 'will soon be in operation. The cables are being strung' on , the .poles. -,;.Ci-'V ; i KXJOY WIXTKU SPORTS 1 SILVERTON. Feb. J A group of .Silverton young folk motored to - Government Camp on i Mount Hood Sunday to watch the winter sports. Those in the party were Peggy Goplemd, Esther - Towe, Elain Clower. Ida Oas, Harry Lar son, Merl Larson, Paul? Benson. Roy Brady, Dr. H. ' E. Johnsoa. They were Joined at Portland by Ethel Larson, Helen! Short and Lee Chalmers. , -j-: - i "j-- CTOIJX: VERY ILL i 1: BETHANY, Feb. 2 . Joan Sa tern, ,was taken : 111 -the. last Of the -week and Is reported as be ing quite ill this week. It Is said the illness is kidney trouble. She is cored so .her bed. : eRARieE MEMBERS TU M IK T CHAMP Or A,. standing; feminine motorboat rac ing driver in the United States, to whom has fallen the honor of be Inf the first woman ever to be 'ad mitted to membership by the Na tional Men's Motorboat - Racine A - 1 a.f a . "W tvasoaauon at no Angeles, KM. . SCHOOLS PROUD OF good wmm WACONDA, ) Feb. 2 The ' at tendance at Waconda and El drledge j schools i' Is reported ex cellent so far, this yeir: and both schools are proud of their honor rolls, i . '. ! . -. . Eldriedge. was, ' among the 43 schools which - received ' certifi cates from the office of the coun ty school superintendent for each! of the four months for having 95 i percent or more of the pupils present every day. Those having an average above 89 percent In all subjects for the first half of the iyear are: k second grade. Ma-I rie Hannegan, and Donald . Rom er. third grade, Dorothy Sharff and' Rosemary' Nusom, fourth f grade, Leila Runcorn and Evelyn Hall, sixth grade. Thelma Bruce, seventh! grade, Dorothy Hanne gan. For the last Quarter only. are i Lela Woods. Nancy Keene1 and Edward GudgeL The honor roll pupils at Wa conda are those who have been neither I absent nor- tardy and have attained an average grade of 80 per cent are.' third grade: Dorothy Sabli; 1 fourth .grade, Mary Meitfeof and seventh grade, Frederick Sabll. - M DAMAGES DALLAS, Feb. 2 The circuit court awarded Mrs. Worrell $400 In the damage suit of Worrell vs. Estell. Tbls suit -was the re sult of an auto accident near Sa lem. ' j Judge Walker did not sentence D. C. Simmons today due to new developments In the case. Sim mons plead guilty to larceny In' a dwelling. The case will be contin ued next week. . t Two arrests were made In Dal las ; early Saturday morning. Ed Harrison waa arrested "at his home at 118 Church street for being drunk and disorderly. Sher iff Hooker and Chief of Police Neufeldt made the arrest, : Neufeldt arrested Oikle ' Peter son for; driving a car with an im proper license. Both Harrison and Peterson are confined in the Polk county Jail.: j t.,,-"- ,1 ; ;t PLAT IS PROFITABLE PRATUM. Feb. 2. Over $40 were 'received from - the play -Civil f Service" given at the school r house Friday night. ' A men's orchestra - from ... Popcorn district la Polk - county - enter tained the audience with musical numbers "before ' and between acta - which 'was very much en joyed, t The play will be riven at Popcorn Friday evening, Febru ary .rr.- 'i';r-'t:' --1 v-H McCOT. Feb. 2. Bettv Lou Finn who underwent' a serious operation at the Dallas hospital Saturday, January 31, is recov ering nicely which will please her: many friends. ' ' ! Amethyst For ; r 1 By C D'OBSAY .. -j F' you were born In February, . with your zodiacal 'alga In Pla ces, you are very fortunate In hav ing for your, birthstone the ame thyst. For, according; to Paris standards, , the violet hue of the amethyst, la to be one -of the' out standing fashionable colors during the year. 1931;. amethysts promts to b j more Important - la fashions and therefore of more ralue. than in many yearn. They are already , being used for big-stone neck-laces and,, are especially lovely when combined ' with one of the stones 'Of 'their" only family roa quartx. The superb purple or violet ahad ings ef the amethyst,- which vary ln depth,- la : said to come from manganese. .' Although '. the atooc. of deep color are aometlmea trailed "orlentaJ," the real orlenUI araa thyst la a . purple sapphire and Is exceedingly nre.. One Greek leg end. . baa , It ' that ; the meaning of amethyst has to do with , wine be cause! of Its coloring, and that .Its wearer would never feel any evtl effect from drinking, 1 - j s Jlhis legend; is carrted" down' to our times in the form of a warning against excesses ln.apy form. Dla slpatlon is said to have especial tn Buenca upon the February-born, and If over-indulgence were to gala 'any hold. It would require mere than human power to remove ' 1 - - :.--r The rullnr Planet' for this period ot . the year is Neotune. ruler ef 'i':-Thh Information Furnished AWARDED WOBREL PI PROTEST W OLEO R1ILL1S . A protest against tha recent ruling of the national bureau of Internal revenue which allows tha making of oleomargertne with yellow palm oil and exempts the product from the 10 cent tax was made at the meeting of the Salem Milk Producers associa tion at, tha chamber of commerce on Tuesdays v r f The dairymen termed the rul ing a "serious menace to the dairy Industry" and commended 'those Salem merchants who " are refusing to push the sale ot oleo or , display. It . conspicuously. ' Many, producers from the- Sa lem territory are planning to ' be InTPortland today to attend the annual meeting' of the state asso ciation which is to be held at the Central library building. The first . meeting of the new execu tive board of the state group will be held on Saturday. 1. Courtney Home j Following Trip, With Bank Head Eugene Courtney of Woodburn returned on Friday from his tour. through Arizona, California, Nevada' and Utah. The trip was made in company with D. H. Otis, director, of tha American Bank- UK1I0 .Rose; u General Passenger DepL, 637, Pittock Block. .Portland, Ore. I: Fcbrixdry-Born Important. In the subconscious. He glvea yon an understanding of , humanity and Ufa.. In general something which may be -even beyond your jown comprehension and1 may cause you to become moody l and depressed. Yon must avoid this tendency, as you are lacking la self -confidence and may miss some of the biggest opportunities of your life that ara likely to come to you in l3l. jf new propositions ere presented to you, do not magnify small ob stacles to such an extent that you spoil your own success. , However, It would not be wise to accept any thing that Involvea. taU-the attendant responsibilities Through the Courtesy of TOMEROY A KEENE,: JEWELERS era ass oela t ion conci: ,:oa. Courtney was awarded the ti cak ing tour post because Oregon ha again won the .highest place in the banker-farmer Work of the national association and Court ney is chairman of the banker farmer committer of the Oregon association. . During the entire trip, which began January 13, much boost ing waa, done for Oregon in ex plaining i work of the . Oregon bankers in behalf of. farmers. Roy Loclzcnour VritcsAriicle OhCIxi:zZ2 Law: .Vi Roy Lockenour, ' Willamette professor, has been recognized by publishers for writing a vital ac count of world affairs. Prof. Lockenour has an article entitled China's Court System" in the last number of the Temple Law Quarterly which Is published in Philadelphia. Mr. Lockenour has made some Investigation In China . and has specialized tin law and court pro cedure. His article compares the Chinese system with our own. He points out the matter of the the ory and the practice of the Chi nese court system-not agreeing. HONOR PULASKI SenatorvWoodward Monday in troduced a resolution authorizing the governor to proclaim October 11 ot each year as "General Pul aski's Memorial Day," la com memoration ot the death ot Briga dier. General Casimlr Pulaski." A TRIUMPH IN Itrain COMFORT PERSpNAUTY is the keynote of charm on the distirrctrve Portland Rose.;, decorations, furnishings, the many exclusive features of convenience, comfort, pleasure... breathe the lure of the great North west .Line hospitality of its people. . Products from Northwest farms and 'streams have places of honor on the inviting menus. Clubfobservation car; radio and fountain, service; valet, maid, barber, bath. , it ONLY THRU TRAIN PORTLAND to CHICAGO ,lv. rerNo)nl . . 30 t. M. Ar. Omvhm . , 8.25 Ar.St.Ut4a . , &3 A. M. Ar. CKicate . . 8,i)A M. Thru Sleepers to Sail lake City, Denver, Omaha, KTonsas City, Chicago. Direct connection at Omaha for St. touls. Another daily train east CONTINENTAl LIMITED 9.40 Soitdrt end tooriat .Steeparawnd Coeahoo r3, U3U 1931 Fashions might drive you .Into a frenzy. : Though you are timid about ad vancing your own cause, your sym pathy la unbounded for those whom you - consider, aort- . unfortunate than yourself, and you wUl do any thing In your power aid them. For this reason you r.iust be care ful that your eraollora.1 nature la not Imposed upon. Tou will find the persons in Taurus, Capricorn end riitces, nearer your own level. Pisces creates writers, arUats acJ leaders of larje Institutions e-jca aa Chopin, Du Maurier and Baden Powell. It even pro ura klnr; Victor Emms nntl-af lUJy woo corn under t: .1 t'-rt. 1 ' aw ' I