The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 03, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salecy Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Fefcreary 3,: 1931 i
PAGI! tii::::::
gag .RSBMSssn
; IPfflllTEO
1 '. - ' - .: ' ----- -
Public Convenience Regula
tion i Erasure Favored
By 28 of Senators j
All ot Oregon's senator wbo
answered the. roll call, with the
'exception of J. O.-Balley of Mult
nomah county toted Monday to
Repeal the existing aUtate re-
Quirlnjr ' the Issuance of fterttfl-
cates of public convenienca ana
ineeessitT to nubile utilities; Sen
ator Brown of Marlon county was
recorded as absent.
I "The existing Uw is not pn the
best interests of toe public, said
Senator Burke, sponsor of the re
peal bllL "We know that th,e rail
roads own most of. the bun lines
now operating In the state of Ore
gon and they are now attempting
to corral tho truck business! w ny
khould the railroads hare a! mon
opoly on the highways?, It s the
operation ot this law tnat nas al
lowed the telephone corporations
to charge- excessive ratesj . and
build up large financial realerves.
Th repeal of the present law
would take away the monopoly
now enjoyed by the large utili
ties, and open the way for legit
imate competition." : .- k
)i Senator Strayer declared no fa
vored Senator Burke's bill for the
reason that he believed - in the-
fundamental principal of compe
tition. I
jr there I any necessity or
convenience at issue it is on the
fart of the utility, said. Senator
Strayer. "It has been the policy
of the railroads to bottle up ter
ritory wherever possible, and we
how hare, the spectacle of the
pnion Paclfie railroad company
requesting permission to tear up
part ot its tracks in eastern) Ore
gon. -
Bailey Suspects :
It's m Boomerang -I
"If It is right to giro the util
ities a monopoly, why not grant
a similar concession to merchants
end other persons engaged in
f "It Is my opinion." said Sen
ator Bailey, "that the passage of
this bill will proTe more advan
tageoue . to the large utilities
than the smaller concerns. j The
large utilities, under this j bill,
will be able to Invade territory
new occupied by the smaller con
cerns and comiell them tp sell
oat at a financial sacrifice.!
P Senator Upton declared j that
the roads and highways commit
tee should be commended fcir re
fusing to recommend a certificate
of necessity and convenience for
trucks and busses now operating
upon the highways of this state.
j The present railroad jrates
are not based on what the traffic,
will bear," said Senator Upton,
"but are higher than the shipper
can afford to pajcj never liew
of' a rate being reduced unless
such a reduction was desired by
the utility. I believe the stale of
Oregon should adopt a policy! that
there be no future ; monopolistic
control on the part -of utilities in
this state."
Upton and Bailey
Ideas Disagree
j i'Thls. certificate of public con
venience and necessity - has not
halted the large utilities from
nLoTlng Into small communities.
The contrary has been true. If It
were not for the opposition of
"the Union Pacific, railroad com
pany the farmers of eastern Ore
gon and Idaho would he enjoying
the benefits of barge transporta
tion on the Colombia river jat a
Just and reasonable rate. j
j"Thls law has helped to keep.
Ho freight rates and retard! de
velopment. Its, repeal would re
dound to the benefit of the pub
lic" - ' .
Other senators who spoke In
favor of Senator Burke's bill in
cluded Woodward and Bennett.
Abolishment of the three offi
ces of stater Industrial accident
commissioner,' as now constituted
and substitution of a full-time
business manager, and three
commissioners who would; sit
only when controversial matters
areat "Issue, is provided In two
bills Introduced by Senator Djinne
on Monday. The business' man
ager would receive a salary not
to exceed $6000 a year. The three
commissioners would be paid at
the rate of 10t0 a year. -
Two - of-, the comm'ssiqnerg
would be appointed by . the gov
ernor, ,whlle. the third would be
the state labor commissioner.
One commissioner would rt pre
sent labor, . while the other - rom
mlssiocer would represent the
employers. - . - . - , .
Wants Efficiency
la; Accident Office
I Senator Dunne declared that
he had prepared the bills in the
Interest of : efficiency and es
tablishment of a business admin
istration, j ; . . I
) Senator Bailey introduced, a
bill that would require an affirm
ative .order from the public ser
vice commission before any new
Utility rate schedule would! be
come effective. -
rate- schedule's i become effective
uunvi sU9 Aiowusi aa v o i aivrw
in lOi days after they axe
unless there is a protest and the
application Is -suspended by the
commission. In no event can the
'commission suspend a rate sched
ule for more than six months.
The Bailey bill would appljr to
situations such as that in fort
land where 10. cent fares became
effective automatically after a
six months suspension.- - j
I Bailey also has Introduced a
btH to repeal - the state intangi
bles tax law of the 1929 legjisU
tive session which has been de
clared unconstitutional by j the
state supreme court. , j. -
A public hearing , on ' thef so
called hydro-electric . water con
servation measure which (was
scheduled for 8:30 a. in. today,
has been . continued until Wed
nesday morning. . This was neces
sary because of the Illness of Sen
ator Brown, chairman of the sen
ate committee on railroads land
IX8 AX.ELES Six pairs of red-rimmed eyes, still watery from the
Jail cells prisoners as the result, of at communistic demonstration
prior to the arm's. i .
; Twelve members of the joint
Multnomah county delegation
many voted to report out favor
ably at proposed constitutional
amendment that would opes the
way for consolidation of. the
Portland and Multnomah county
governments. Senators Bennett
and Staples and Representatives
Gordon - and Gill Toted against
reporting the amendment out fa
vorably, i
The original offering ' was
amended so as to allow the vot
ers in the territory outside of
the city of Portland to vote as a
unit on the consolidation pro
posal. !,,
Whether the proposed amend
ment will be reported out as a
Multnomah county delegation of
fering will not be determined un
til tthe ballots of several mem
bers absent from Monday's meet
ing are received.
fired German, Multnomah
cownty commissioner, appeared
before -the delegation, and op
posed abill introduced by Judge
uuoen ot me couri 01 aomesuc
relations.- This bill .would gire
Judge Gilbert authority to em:
ploy a number of additional pro
bation officers, and fix their sal
aries. ; It was tdeclded to refer
this bill I to a sub-c.mmlttee for
further consideration.
. Mrs. Wm. Kletxer of Portland,
vice' president ot the Oregon con
gress of parent-teachers' associa
tions, has sent in material relat
ing! to the cost of free textbooks
in Salem. The ' total enrollment
In Salem schools is 5,370. i At
$1.50 per vear, which is the limit
that may be paid under the law
the annual cost would amount to
18,055. j
However. Mrs. Kletxer states.
the 'actual eost In Washington is
$1.38 per child; and on this basis
the ! cost ' to Salem would not be
$1.50 per child after the free sys
tem Is established.
In the bulletin from the state
office of ; the P.-T," A. Is the in
formation that nine states furnish
textbooks free at state expense;
12 states require the districts to
supply books and 22 states permit
the districts to furnish textbooks.
Lonergah Picks
J Fishermen Six
- ' i
Selection of a committee of . six
to meet with a similar committee
ot the Washington legislature In
regard' to fishing legislation i of
Interest to the two states was an
nounced ! -Monday by Speaker
Prank Loner gan. Members of the
committee are Representatives
G. A. Hellberg, Clatsop; L. L.
Kna pp. Coos and C u rry ; E. : B.
Dar. Jackson : W. A. Proctor.
Clackamas; Gust Anderson; Mult
nomah and A. C. Schaupp, Klam
ath county, , " . j.f ' '-:
O-" i v"' "
.4 V : - 1
. ' . '-:
- ' ' '.' V- ' .
, - I
- - -. -, d -
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Edison
rw I
Jn I
pictured, in the waiting room
the Pennsylvania station. New
York City, waitinr rr their train
' v
Lefgjgl ativeSideligMs
Oregon's :3 6 th Legislative Session! Brings
Interesting Personages to Salem;
THE session Is more than half
oyer and Elbert Bede has his
arm out of the sling. Time
does fly!
-j 'M:
I The session was technically
half over Saturday afternoon.
That marked the close of 20
full complete days since the ses
sions opened with the joint
meeting at the inauguration of
Governor Meier.
! V
Senators and legislators are al
lowed a salary -of $3 daily and
some ot the members have already
drawn on their accounts although
the majority do not appear at the
'teller's window In the state treas
urer's office until the session ends.
I Clerks and stenographers are
less flush with funds than the leg
islators. ''Most of these hirelings
come to Salem with no more than
a dirty shirt and a dollar and they
certainly need money 3 quickly,"
commented one member of , the
state treasurer's office yesterday.
"As a result we have to deal out
$5 to $10 a day wages almost
from the opening of .the session.
Stenographers for the various leg
islators draw $5 each day. Some
of the clerks of the Important
committees get as high as $10
each working day." i
I W. B. Dennli of Carlton, for
a number of terms a member of .
, the legislature, renewed . old
friendships here Monday. Den
nis was the father of the origi
nal gasoline tax as a means of
raising road funds. His leader
ship was truly a pioneer one,
for no other state at the time
Dennis brought through his bill
had a gasoline tax. Now the ma
jority of states hare one. He Is
strongly opposed to any raids
on the highway revenues from
other sources of government ex
penditure save the construction
and maintenance of highways.
"The horses from other fields .,
always look at the green pas
tures provided by this conven
ient and fairly painless tax."
commented the former repre
sentative. H .
. ! . . e . .' ! . j.
A special section of senate seats
has been roped off for visiting
school delegations and the Ushers
hare orders to permit only stu
dents to use these seats. This Is
thought to solve. In part, the prob
lem of accommodating Interested
youthful onlookers and yet not
filling the gallery to the exclusion
of older and supposedly more serious-minded
1 . ; . . .:; ;:
iWalter Norblad slipped away,
from law studies at the University
of Oregon yesterday to look In at
the senate where his father repre
sented Clatsop county for so many
years. ' Walter, who has finished
his liberal arts work at Eugene, is
now la his fifth year of law work.
When he. concludes-his studies In
'32, he. will probably go back to
Astoria and together with his
father. In the firm of Norblad and
Norblad, pursue his senior's policy
of - supplying - legal counsel for a
considerable, group ot Swedes, of
whom the former governor is an
for Fort Myers, Fix- to be made
: up. The Edisoni left for the
South -and their annua Winter
effects of tear gas, looked from behind the bars of Ixw Angeles city
In the city ball district. Above photo show a little of the action
- ' -.,, :-.-,
Anyone who listens in for
some time at the senate sessions
soon, detects the difference In
each senator's voice; As the roll
is called it Is safe to say antob
server could Identify the differ
ent men, without hearing their
names, by the SO different va-
rietles of tone used in "answer- .
ing aye or nay as their names
are called."
Senator J. O. Bailey of Multno
mah county was alone yesterday
in his vote against the repeal ojC
the certificate of public conven
ience and necessity. ' Without ex
planation or hesitation, the sena
tor who heads the list on roll calls
gave an emphatic "no," but the
remainder of the senate voted
with Senator Buike In his repeal
measure. !
Senator Woodward continued at
his desk throughout; the day, al
though be received word as the
session opened -that ibis brother,
Donald Woodward, had died sud
enly Monday morning in his of
fice in Portland. The senator also
made an address he ; had agreed
to give - at the chamber of com
merce Monday noon.: He touch
Ingly mentioned the! Incident at
the close of his speech, saying he
was one of a family of four girls
and four boys, of whom only three
now survive. The Woodwards
were born on a farm in Minne
sota. Their father was an Episco
palian minister. j
Immediate. Investigation of the
activities ana operations of hold
ing companies and bancorpations
affiliated,' or which have "inter
locking directorates with savings
and loan associations or building
and loan associations. Is demand
ed in a resolution Introduced In
the house yesterday by Represen
tative Perry O. DeLap, Klamath
county. ' k
The investigation is for the
purpose of showing the relation
ship between such savings end
loan ' associations- and 1 building
and loan associations, and such
holding . companies or bancorpa
tions with - particular , respect to
stock ownership and interlocking
stock 1 holdings and directorates,
together with list of members
or depositors whose funds have
been withdrawn and Invested In
stocks - or bonds - ot affiliated
companies, with their; names and
addresses and amounts with
drawn; - I
The report will contain -a sche
dule of Items representing se
curities of all classes which hare
been purchased or 1 transferred
from any saving and; loan asso
ciation or affiliated companies. -
- Information feached here yes
terday that Joseph Hanley, an
employe of the state leg! "Uure,
had committed suicide in the
-Imperial hotel, Portland. He is
said to have taken poison. - Han
ley was employed in . the bill
room." He was absent the latter
half of last , week when he was
confined to -his rooms in Salem
by illness. His home was in-4
Portland. I
Dancing an Hour
jLater is Sought
Regulation of dance halls In
the state through county courts Is
proposed . in a bill filed' in the
house yesterday, the hour of clos
ing changed front midnight to 1
o'clock in the morning.. Appllca-4
tlons must be signed by 11 free
holders in the school district in
which it is located. A bond of
$500 must be. posted by the appli
cant to Insure an orderly dance. :
. Regulation of collection agen
cies and - providing a license and
bond is desired in a bill fathered
by Representative J. H. E. Scott-
A Jersey cow owned by W. H
Weetcott of Occidental, Cat, pro
duced lta own weight in butterfat
In a year. It weighs-750 pounds.
01eomargerln will come In for
a generous amount of attention
at the hands of the legislature
with several bills ' ready for in
troduction. One of the most ef
fective, it is believed. Is one by
Representative McPhllllps, Yam
hill county, who would place a
10 cent excise tax per pound on
any butter substitute sold to any
person other than a dealer for re
sale. McPhllllps , estimates that
should his bill be enacted, an ad
ditional! 4 00, 000 revenue would
be received by the state as ap
proximately 4,000,000. pounds of
butter substitutes are sold an
nually in Oregon. In less than
half an hour McPhllllps obtained
the signatures of 15 representa
tives and three senators, who
will Join In the introduction of
the bill. ' .-
Out of the host of conflicting
plans for cashing veterans' bonus
certificates, there " grew . today
talk of a compromise and a new
warning of disastrous effects that
might be expected from a $3,
500,000,000 bond issue to pay
cash In full.
Representative Patman of Tex
as, a democratic advocate of cash
redemption, said Senator V and en
berg, republican, - Michigan, had
expressed belief after a t visit to
the White House that a 50 per
cent Increase in the loan value
and a reduction in Interest .would
be approved by the 'administra
tion. 1 -- -.: : 'v-k'
Meantime,; Charles E. Mitchell,
chairman of the National -City
bank of New York, predicted
"hundreds' of small bank fail
ures woUld follow a bond Issue to
pay in full the face value of the
certificates. He made the-statement
before the, senate banking
subcommittee. .v
Mitchell said such an issue
would force down prices of other
government . bonds and - would
cause even greater declines In mu
nicipal, state - 'and industrial
bonds. .
Pattman said he had definite
information that the compromise
proposal would please Secretary
Mellon and the administration, .
Code is Viewed
.For. a final conference on a
new building .and loan coete that
is to be. submitted to the legisla
ture members; of the legislative
committee - ot the State Building
and Loan league will meet, here
today with . State Corporation
Commissioner. Mark D. . McCallia
ter. The bill will be Introduced
some time during the , week If
enacted into law It will I repeal
the present code. ' . . . -r
Basic Levy Bill I t
Gets Opposition
"The Multnomah county delega
tion voted-against, reporting out
as a delegation measure a bill .au-1
thorlzing an Increase of $1200,
000 a year In the basic levy of the
Portland school -district. Senator
Bennett declared that the propo
sal had twice been voted down by
the people of the school district!'
Free. Textbooks -Hearing
'. A public: hearing will .be held
here tonight on the bill providing
for ? free- textbooks in the public
schools. ( The hearing will be
conducted by the Joint education
al committee of. the senate and
house. . .V's .'':'-: i---J''-:k-
ioa. get almost instant re- . k
83e 1 lief 'with one swallow of C0c
Capital Drue Store
Lower House Rules Forbid
Any More Except Vith
, ' Special Consent
1 virt-m- ... -
ed the closing day ot free Intro
duction of bills In the house of
the Oregon legislature Monday as
the session started Its final three
weeks limited period. , . -. ;
: r Creation of a . tar lupervlsing
and conservation commission and
a measure calling; tor estates and
relatives -oti feeble-minded or In
sane people to aid toward main
tenance in -state institutions were
Included in the bills. Measures
now must have the permit of the
rules, committee for introduction.
.The much debated Rogue river
measure comes up for action in
the house tomorrow, . and a' close
vote Is expected. The bill passed
the senate by a one-vote margin
last week, and the house commit-!
tee reported the bill out without
recommendation. If passed com
mercial fishing on the river will
be prohibited. ; k -,
Five public hearings have been
set for today and one early Wed
nesday morning. Transportation
ot food animals will be the sub
ject . of - one . in the afternoon,
while . In , the r evening free text
books.'. Increase .of dealers tax on
gasoline,' general fund provisions
and the .tunnel bill will be dis
cussed. The hydro-electric power
commission hearing was delayed
until Wednesday morning. -
The bill providing for a new
state police . system, under one
head, declared an administration
measure. Is expected to be intro
duced In the house today.
ALLAHABAD, India, Feb.
(AP) After sounding a call to
his followers to continue their
civil disobedience c a m pa I g n
against Great Britain, : Mahatma
Gandhi, frail $ 6-pound nationalist
leader suddenly went Into trance
like silence today lasting 24 hours.
Not even his favorite spinning
wheel, at which he spends so many
hours, eould draw him from his
24-hour "sacrament." His friends
say it gives him a chance to medi
ate, pray, examine his conscience
and commune with God. 1
; The self-imposed Isolation ot
there is
for every
s a m
tut tho
First Tsrse :
-. - Yssrs .
. Ag0B IStoSS 93,000 mini up
This policy calls for one Increase In rate
beginning with the fourth year; but
dividends begin at that time and on the
basis of current experience as Indicated
above these dividends; are more than
sufficient at all ages to fully offset the
Increase In the premium, thus reducing
the cost below the Initial rate. - v
Jesse McNeil, Asst. Supt.
Oregon Bldg:.,
'- k''" r ""' ! ' ""1
Call th Prudential Offlee '
end get rata for your age .
: Jfiisttrattr? Ctotnpatuj of Autprint
. -;
Miss EnpleXoss, daughter of Dr.
H. P. Moss, of Roanoke, Va., whose
a parent murder in Chicago on the
Zht of January 15 still is a mys
tery. The girl, whose father is a
retired physician, was department
manager for a wholesale Jewelry,
concern In Chicago and was de
scribed by her father as unusually
cheerful, fond of athletics and in
tensely interested in her work. ;
the Mahatma followed five days of
conferences with other leaders ot
the working committee of the In
dian 1 national , conference. The
meetings resulted in the momen
tous ; decision of the committee,
largely dictated by CandhI, to re
ject the proposals of . Prime Min
ister MacDonald for qualified In
dian self-government as wholly in
ad equate. - - k ': - ; ,. k . ; r ' -;
h f These -periodic "sacraments' of
the mystical' Mahatma are not his
only idiosyncracies. He usually
goes about with only a loin-cloth
and even when calling upon the
viceroy or appearing at , the high
court, he wears only a short home
spun garment which, covers only
a quarter ot his body.
He eats lightly, during his nine
months' Imprisonment having sub
sisted largely on cracked uncook
ed corn, - raisins and milk curds,
and when his health permits he
prefers to sleep upon the bare
ground under the stars.
Senators Named
For Fish Jaunt
President Marks .yesterday ap
pointed Senators Franciscovlch.
Kuck.j Moser, Jones and Mann as
senate members of a committee of
the Oregon legislature to confer
with a similar committee from
the Washington legislature . with
relation to laws affecting the fish
ing Industry on the Columbia riv
er. .I-.''
a Prudential Policy
kind of Life Insurance need '
fs deservedly popular for its
Modined Whole Ufa Policy
With Change of Rate at End of Three Years
t OMnS
Nt Ctt
Fsurth Ysar
ea this basis
ass Fiiwiie
' Yssrs
$60.50 $71.20 $13.20
80.25 94.40 16.90
115.15 135.45 23.05
174.90 205.75 33.10
Payable Quarterly, Seml-Annuallj
Completion of Five Year
Plan in Four Years
Is' Objective
MOSCOW, Feb. 2 (AP)
Turning , her back temporarily
Upon the rest of the world, Soviet
Russia is devoting every ounce of
energy to the five year plan for
industrialization - (
" For the moment the project of
educating the rest of the world
to communism has been virtually
abandoned and during the period
of truce the Soviet union is will
ing to make the best of capitalism
Insofar as the capitalistic system
can be of material benefit to her.
- Significant ef the revised at
titude of propaganda abroad is the
closing of the Sun Yat Sen univer
sity, a school for the training of
communist missionaries to China.
Stalin university; which educated
foreign students la the tenets of
Marx and Lenin, also has been
closed, and It Is not believed the
communist party is spending
much money on propaganda
Propaganda- Now .
Mostly Defensive j
' Such, propaganda as is conduct
ed' is In the interests of improv-,
lnar trada relations, snd combating
charges of forced labor and In es
tablishing credits necessary to the
success of the five year plan.
The party and the government
are spending considerable sums
on home propaganda, but talin
himself is watching every dollar
like a miser for he knows dollars
are needed to buy machinery and
to nnv ihm foreirn enrlneers at
work in Russia.
The towns are plastered with
posters exhorting the workers to
complete the five-year plan In
four years. ;
There are indications if the
"world' revolution" should come
tomorrow or even next year, the
Russian communists would be the
most embarrassed people in the
world. For it would mean dis
ruption of the industrialization
program voicu is npycuiosi iu
the minds of all the leaders.
host Cofdc
Rub well over
throat and chest
tu. N VAo(iua
4lh Yser
Assy's fr
n Utis seals
$58.00 $13.60
77.50 17.40
112.40 23.75
172.65 33.75
or Annually)