The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 01, 1931, Page 9, Image 9

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ocietv News and Club
e Olive M. Doak, Society Editor i
Farewell Party is
Saturday Night
' Affair K.
A DELIGHTFUL etnt ot Sat
urday evening- was t1 Ure
. veil bridge and; late apper
nartv riven br Mr. tid Mn. Wll-
Mrs; W. C. Franklin
Sweet Briar Hostess
Wallace Road. r- Mrs. Nina
Adams was - pleasantly surprised
upon the occasion of her birth
day anniversary by fellow .mem
hers of the Sweet Briar club
when they were . entertained at
llam Stacy In compliment to Mr. j the home, of Mrs.tW. C. Frank
.r.ri Mrs William Gosaer , wn
will leave this week t6 make their
boms in Woodburn. . ; "
Th go est Tooms of the Coasef
home wars attractirely arraajed
-with pussywillows and red earna
tlant. Here cards were Is play
until a .late hour when' supper
was served. Mrs. E-j Armstrong,
Mrs. Bertram Thompsion, and Mrs.
.v Russell Bonesteele assisted at the
- supper hour, ty ! - ' ",
-Quests in compliment to Mr.
I and Mrs, Gosser were Mr. 'and
Mrs. ! Bertram Thomson. Mr. and
j- Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Armstrong. Mr. and
1 Mn. Jack Johnston, Mr. and Mrs.
f E. C. Charlton. Mr. aid Mrs. Rus
; sll Bonsteele. Mr. I i and Mrs.
Karl Ileinlein, and Mr. and Mrs.
- Iran Brown. - .
i: ' ' ' , ' .
- Mrs. W. Greenwood
To Entertain Club f
- "Mrs. "VVayna Greenwood will en
tertain iriembers of the P. L. E
and F. club at her j home Tues
day afternoon with Mrs. Henri
etta Ferguson as assistant host-
' ess. ' ' . ':! '
- At this tim the club will elect
j otlicers for the coming' year and
1 wil lmake plans .for the work
r of the club, in addition to this
i ther will be a valentine contest
! and some sewing Vwork has been
planned as part of the activity for
the afternoon. .
-:- . ; , I
Brooks The' home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Bailey was" the scene
: of a merry surprise t arty Tues
day evening when l-Mrs. Bailey
entertained with a: fSBO card
party honoring her 'husband on
his birthday. Four tables of
'500'. were in play ;in the large
living 5om, where f baskets of
pussywillows and ferns were ar
ranged. .
Prises for the evening went to
Mrs. Willard RamP,' first,, arid
Mrs. W. E. Bailey consolation.
Men's prise went toiJ. J. Snsee.
1 first, and consolation to Ronald
E. Jones. A special! feature of
; the evening was the icuttlng of a
large birthday cake decked with
: pink and yellow candles. !
Refreshments were served st
the close of the evening to the
following puests: Mf. and Mrp.
R. R. Phiffer and Mr. and Mrs.
John Bates of Salem. Mr. ' ana
Mrs. J. E. Wall. Mr; and Mrs.
Ronald Janes. Mr. and Mrs.
John Snsee, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ras
mnssen. Mr. and Mr. Willard
Ramp. Howard Cluff and the
host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
' C. A. Bailey. ' I
r ' " -: ' I
Chemawa. An ail-day meet
Ins, a pot-lock dinner, sewing
and : conversation i were among
the features of the Royal Sewing
Un on the Wallace road VTednes
day afternoon. At the tea' hour
Mrs. L. Crabtree presented' Mrs;
Adams with a beautifully frosted
birthday cske graced with ; tiny
pink' candles.. ; ,. , "' -'.; "
I Mrs. Ed Pratt. ) vice-president,
presided at the' business session
in the absenee of ; the president,
Mrs. A. E. UUey. : . .
I A very worthy project was
taken up at this meeting, that of
making baby clothes for the Sal
vation Army at Salem. Mrs. M.
C, Fettys and Mrs. Nina Adams
were appointed as a committee
t make arrangements for ' the
sewing.- ' -"" i; . ' '
I Special guest Tor the" after
noon was Mrs. .Lockwood. Mem
bers present were Mrs. Ed Pratt.
Mrs. James Imlah, Mrs. E. O.
Moll, Mrs. M. C.! Pettys, Mrs.
Lou Gr'ote, Mrs. ! L. Crabtree.
Mrs. Carrie Bonn. Mrs. Ralph
Allen and daughter, Betty Zoe of
Salem, Mrs. R. O. 'Williams, Mrs.
C. C. Chaffee. Mrs. Sarab Pat
rick. Mrs. WiUiam Stoddard,
Mrs. Nina- Adams and the host
ess, Mrs. W. C. Franklin
1. r .
! Turner The Methodist aid so
ciety ladles who accepted the In
vitation of the Pratum ; church
ladies to attend a dstrict meet
ing of aid societies at the Pratum
church Wednesday,' are Mrs. W.
S. Burgoyne. Mrs. E. S. Prather,
Mrs. W. A. Martin. Mrs. L H
Smalt. Mrs. T. T. I Palmer. Mrs
F. C. Ganniruc. Mrs. J. R. . Cox,
Mrs. R. O. Witsell and Mrs. Alice
Astiuith; I
I Mrs. Geonre Lewis will be host
ess. to members of the Standard
Bearers of the First Methodist
charch at her home. 1180 North
Winter street, Monday night. Miss
Doris Armstrong, and Miss Mar
garet Rosa will be hostess. Miss
Esther Cook will present some
special music. ' r '
mm 4
1 Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Mackenzie
bar returned to their: home in
Salem after baring spent the past
month visiting In Seattle. A few
davs of the return trip were
spent in visiting in Kelso, Wash
ington, t
I Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Phillips and
sons will return this weekend
from a two weeks motor trip into
The Sigma Nn chapter of Jel
phlan society will meet Monday
afternoon in the auditorium of
the city library. The" topie for
discussion will be latin literature.
Mrs. Albert Gragg. Mrs. Guy
Smith. Mrs. L- L. Nelson. Mrs.
Frederick Deckebaeh and .Mrs.
James Heltzel will,, take : topics.
Mrs. C. E, Robin; Mrs. Breyman
Boise, Mrs. E. Ci Cross, Mrs. Bam
Koser. Mrs. HUgh Latham of
Silverton 'wil lspeak on current
topics. Mrs. R,: D Parts. Mrs.
Claude Glenn, and Mrs. Hsl Hoss
are hostesses for the afternoon. -
Mrs.' Jessie( Honeman
Address Garden Club
-- - - ,".r- i -o- -,
Last fall a survey was made of
the bill board situation- In Oregon
along Its highways. - The report.
called rtha Lawton report, was
later sent to the State : Garden
club.', ,;':;: ' - : : '
Monday night Mrs. Jessie Hon
evman of ..Eugene. ' state chair
man of roadside planting. "will
sneak- concerning the-- Johnson
bill which is expected to do in
troduced in the i legislature ' this
session and which is being spon
sored bv" Oregon federation of
garden clubs. 1
j This Monday night meeting . is
open to the public and it is urged
that all Interested In the bill
board situation be nresent for
this meeting.. - i -i
The Institutions department of
the Salem . Woman's t club will
sponsor two programs ' at Institu
tions this week. Tne nrst win
be Monday 'at the girls' indus
trial school and the second wu
be Tuesday ai ine scnooi ior iue
feeble . minded. I Both programs
will be given by the West Salem
community players, in a play di
rected by Perry Relgelman.
Miss Ruth Irene Armprlest-was
hostess in compliment to her
birthday Friday afternoon at the
home of her parents. Mr. snd urs.
Carl Armprlest. A -social ' after
noon was concluded with a pretty
birthday teal Mrs. Armprlest as
slsted her daughter In serving.
Hayesville Mrs. W. H. Kay
and Mrs. J. ' Jj. Morrison will en
tertain the Hayesville Woman's
club next Thursday afternoon at
2 o'clock, at the; homo of Mrs.
Kay, 2461 S. Commercial street.
Salem. 1 - -
, m m
Donald Allison; who is attend
ing the University of Washington,
is home to spend the weekend
with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Allison. ! :
Hayesville Club
Has Open Meeting
Hayesville Th Woman's club
entertained at an open . meeting
at the C. HV Talmadge . home Fri
day evening with the husbands
of the members as special guests.
Games and - guessing i contests
furnished ' ; the evening's enter
tainment. J: Refreshments were
served at' a- late hour.'
Those enjoylnr the affair' were
Mr. and i Mrs. J. L. Batdorf, Mr.
and Mrs. E. iff.' Bailey.' Miss Ida
Denny, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Day,
Mrs. Mary ' Geel : Mrs. . McAfee,
Mr, and Mrs. J.rL. Morrison, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles. Andresen, Mr.
and Mrs. E. R. Bedwell. Mr. and
Mrs. Clark- Ritchie. ;Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Reed. Gerald Reed,
Mr. and, Mrs. Albert . Stettler,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams. Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. ; Kar. Mr. . and
Mrs. Frank . Marshall, , Mr. ana
Mrs. David Greift Mr. and Mrs.
W. 'k "R. t Powerst M rs. , William
Rlckman. Miss Gladys Kearns.
MravKobon Mr and Mrs.. George
Talmadge .... and . Mr. and, Mrs.
Claude Talmadge. i
. !- .
Brooks' The" regular meeting
of the - Brooks community club
present. S. H. Edwards of Cor-
vallls. - state grange ' organizer,
will be there to assist in the or
ganization. -
; As tho result of a resoution
passe at the community 'club
several men of tho community
met at the hall during-the past
week and gave the : interior a
coat of paint. Friday afternoon
n-r wlshedTihe Repeal of bus !aw for Trans-
windows and ; hung fresh eur
talns: The paint was, furnished by
tha CommnnitT clUD.
Mrs. Harold Lane who under
went an oneraMon at a Portland
hoanltal has -.returned to ! her
home here. '.t ' " :"
t Mm Bert Lathron of Crescent
CItr. Califs is making an extend-
mA vlalt with her sister, Mrs. O.
L. Dencer and; other retatlrew. 1
porting Pupils is not
Desired at 'Green
men. oflha Community dub gave
a program Friday; evening. A
short basraess meeting was held.
Harold Stattum." oresldrng." A re-
soluttom waa passed; Instructing
the. secretary. Mrs. Wampier to
write to senators and represen
tatives protesting against the re
peal, of the law allowing- trans
portation of rural pupils to high
SChOOlS. . '':. t-,t jr'rU" '
Th program commltteo for
February are preparinr a pay.
The Committee on -refreshments
was appointed as 'follows, Mrs.
Fred ' Hashlebacher, Br . Mrs. Jo
seph C. Zellnskl. -Mrs. Thround
Slattum. - The Women's program
wiir be glren in March, Mrs.
Louise- wampier, chairman, i A
very enthusiastic over tho beauti
ful handwork emnroiaery em
Mrs. La Rosa by relatives in naiy.
Mrs. La Rosa and daughter, mas
Hilda served an Italian luncheon.
The La. Rosa family.! former resi
dents of this community, are now
living on the Allen if arm, LabUh
Center. . t '
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. ZelnlskI ana
children, Louis, Quentln and Hel
en attended a- social at St. Paul's
church; Sllrerton Thursday ev
ening. :"'?-', 1
... MMMaee int. M
jars, wimam wuuamson ana
small son, Junlorsre suffering
from severe colds, f ;
-i. . ' .' "i
II. . Representative and Mrs.
Perry DeLap and daughter. Miss
Virginia Richmond of Klamath
Falls, were v recent visitors at
the homes of Mrs. DeLap's two
brothers: A. R. Southwlck ana
Barn ham Bouthwick. Perr,y De
In - Is a renresentative from
Klamath county ana mus mcn
mond ia his secretary. - The fam
ily are living in an apartment
during legislative - session. -
WJ Fliilill 13
to de to ii:::,
MONMOUTn. Jan. 91 Fun
eral services for Mrs. John u.
Stump. " who passed away in
Phoenix, Arizona on i uesaaj,
will be held at the Smith Fun
eral chapel la Monmouth at 2
p. m. Monday, February t.
Mrs. Stump, "who was a native ,
of Polk county, went with her
husband to Phoenix in December
to visit at the home of their son
Darrel Stump and . wife. Her
death came as. a great shock as ;
she was ill but a short time with
acute pneumonia. ,
1 She Is survived by her hus
band, ohn B. Stump, well known
Polk county farmer, and two
eons, Darrel of Phoenix. Arizona
and John B. Jr., of Monmouth.
Interment will be in Mount
Crest Abbey at Salem.
ttawesVILLE. -Jan. .il. P-
tta n th honor roll . for. , the
nrst semester oi mo jnjcr7s
pit no i are: -
Eighth graaeLeipninloiuir number of visitors fromi Central
feL- Robert ' smun- ana i AtTn. i HoweU were present. Program:
Frey. - ' . . - . ; j - j . I violin solo with piano accompani-
Sixth' grade Kicnarq meat. Carl Mlchelson.i Salem.
Bobble Ratseburg ana - jcasmmii Song guitar accompani-
Saito. - - ; i : i. ' 1 ment. Earl Isham. Labish Center;
Firm graae ircwu,. v'Msolo saxophone with piano. Ray-
Fnrnnml Alma : -r-1 --a .mi rh,ril. rtaiuui
was : held in lh . club i house row George Ishida, .Ceorgo, Sal- Cnemaway reidlngs, John Dow!
Thursday.' Mri. A. J. Rasmussen. to, Vernon ' Greig and AUn DSrCenter: music. Salem
president, conducted the business
meeting, and the day was spent
quilting.- Plans were completed
to hold a benefit card party at
th. club house next, Friday vr-
jrade Frederick El-
i Second grade Adeiie Frey,
Carol , Stuofel. - Jea.n stetuer.
Heights orchestra; yodellng by
Saucy, brothers, Mark,! David.
Pierre:, songs, Neal Fisher and
QrvlUe Beardsley; nree numoers,
musle. 'piano, songs, I Spanish
A pot luek dinner was served Wne, sikuchl. and Bernlco Rob-
at noon to the following ciud I ortson.
members: Mrs. -: A. , E. iHarrls.
Mrs. B. F. Ramp. Mrs. Msry Msr-
tln. Mrs.. Sarah Irvine. Mrs. C. A.
Bailey. Miss Gladvs Otto. Mrs.
Mary Mathews, Mrs. Cecil V. I
Ashbaugh. Mrs. Chris OUo. Mrs.
Willard Rsran. Mrs. A. J. Ras
mussen and Mrs. J. 8. Dunlavy.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. No
ble returned this weekend after I
ha vine soent th past year" In
tourlnr the world. Their plans
are at present indefinite but they j
will remain In Salem for some !
time. They are at the Senator
hotel but will take an apartment
In the near future.
Valselz The H. G. L. bridge
club met at the home of Mrs.
Lester Green Thursday after
noon. !
The birh score was won by
Mrs. Doris Sandstron. Cut prize
was won by Mrs. Dorothy Harris.
North Salem W. C. T. TJ. has
postponed, its Frances Willard
day celebration until February
12.- '.,.- i
Mrs. Domenlauo La Rosa enter
tained the Nemo Sewing club
Wednesday.. Tho visitors were
Salem; f music, Salem Helgnts or-
First arade Robert Olson,
Dorothy Green, Armond Carrow,
and Alko Abe.
ThMt nnnlls havo been; nei
ther absent nor . tardy and Tiave
had an average str 'ding in an
snbiects above 80 per cent.
W. R. Powers who teacnes in
tho Gates school. Is spending the
-wAlr end at bis home herso
Mr. and Mrs. Harry raw ,oi
Portland are week end guests at
the R, L. PhllUps home. j.
v r phone ii nr t9 3 "
rr:i.i,----'--:ri4 . .
LIBERTY, Jan. 31 Tuesday,
the Liberty boyB' chorus met at
the school house. Mr. William
Wright, assistant pastor and
choir director at the First Pres-
rlub at the Wirt Browning home byterlan church m addressed 40
xx'AA-m TVinca nfMni rA DOTS ana BUUi JU i
uuuc)ut s' " i . . m
MTTt ramnhell. MvrUe Beck-1 in uDjrvi t.
fieulties in financing feeding op
erations this year in some sec
tions; and to the ! relatively small
supply of -feeding: cattle available
at markets. ;i il
Feeder shipments in 1930 in
cluded an unusually large pro
portion of feeder calves. While
total feeder shipments from four
leading markets were 17 percent
smaller during the last half of
the year than for the same per
iod In 1929,, calf shipments were
actually 9 percent larger and
made up over 20 percent of the
total wmie in 19Z9 tney made up
mnste. and
XrxEa nski "Su bfUs to feV derived from prop- only 16 percent and in ISz.o-U
"e5 H11.!.?,- "l-if ;f.t!n r amclnc- dnrme the last part of percent. Shipments of stocker
Miller. Ethel McClay. Viola Car- tha00! ht,8tn 7i JSt
ter. Georgia Matthes. Blanche Mr. Wright-Is taking work un-
Brownlng. Mrs. Carol Poole was der Prof. Paul Petri ot-O. S. C.
a special guesL ! , and is taking an active interestin
- The club will meet WednoB- Salem's musical development. The
day February 4, at the George people of Liberty appreciate hav-
Campbell hornet This will be a ing him with the chorus boys
special meeting. , during tho evening. Thursday,
1 February S at 7 p.m., at the-Li-
. . t - f - 4Af kartv Hall tmfASIA, Aflll
"or tne nrst time since j. " t " j
when It came here with Mary his assistant will take charge of (JOTKIIIS GOCS tO
Garden, the Chicago xavic opera j mo v'" J"'; .
I 1 en more ouys are wnucu i.w
begin work, making 50 members.
Prof. Marshall came from Texas
to take the position of musical in
structor at Willamette university.
company is again to -, be In Port
land. It will be y heard there
March 12. 13. and 14 In the
Portland auditorium. -Reservations
are being 'made "rapidly.
Anion those from Sajem are in
cluded: M., F. Rosters. John
Shaupp. Edward Ssdter. Stella
WMllanis. IL C.r Morse. Marjtarrt
ITembrook. Frances H. Hodges
H-vrrlet C. Loag, A.C. F. Perry.
D-. Marv Purvine. Helene Price.
JMen Yockey and Joseph H.
Albert. - . ''I
, m m
Silver ton. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bevans ,wbo have been
with Mrs. Bevans mother. Mrs.
and feeder cows ;and heifers de
creased materially, both as a pro
portion of tbo total and also in
actual head. Reports of feeders as
to . kinds and weights of cattle on
feed also point to a relatively
large proportion i of. calves and
iigmweigni siocss
Portland Court
..... " .:-..!.-
Judge Orlando i M. Corkins of
the Lake county! circuit - court,
has been assigned to Multnomah
county, , where he will preside for
Judge Bobert Morrow, who is ill.
The asignment was announced by
Chief Justice Bean of the state
supreme court. Judge W. M.
Duncan of Klamath county,' who
has-been holding-court in Mult
nomah county, has returned to
his borne. '
The number of cattle on f eed
fn, m,rlfi fn His 11 cnrnoelt 1
Mary Fay. since their raarrlase I ..- ... m .,.. miw on
nt il - t.a I " ;
January i. win "r Jtnnarr 1. 1921 than on January
of the week for Portland where 19J0, according to the cattle
feeding estimate of tbe depart
ment of aericulture. !
In the western states there was j
they will- remain tor a abort
time -before going to California
on a combined business " and
pleasure trip. - Mrs. Bevans wss
EUIe . Campbell. Mr.' and Mrs.
Bevans will make their home in
Portland but will spend much of
their time here with Mrs. Fay.
- Mill City Friday evening "the
members of the Christian church
young people's class enjoyed a
party In the basement - of the
church. Those present . were
Audrey LaDuke. Chester . Eason.
Virginia Jepsen. Hugh Johnston.
Mabel Foster. Clyde Golden. Vel
ma Arthur, Edward i Howe, El
berta Roda. Harold Bates. Betty
Cough. Dorotheen Dunlvan,
Margaret Huff and Mr. and Mrs.
a decrease of about 13.000 head
or four percent .In- the number of
cattle on feed January 1 this year
from a year earlier. The number
of cattle ted In the Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, area this - winter
will probably not be much more
than half the number a year ago.
with a decrease of around 30,000
bead.- .".'. ;--"! A
S The- number of cattle on feed
for market .January 1 this year
was the smallest since 1921 and
probably the smallest since 1916.
The decrease this year was due to
the. shorn corn crop of 1930: to
the heavy losses suffered - by
many feeders in 1 92 9 ; to the dif-
LIBERTY. Jan. 31 A meet
ing Is to be held-Tuesday night.
February 3. at 7:30 o'clock a
the Liberty hall for the purpose
of organizing a grange. Consider
able Interest is being manirestea
in tho nrolect a over 50 have
signed to become charter mem
bers. Anyone over 14 years oi
aee is eligible to memoersnip
and It Is urged that an persons
in Liberty and adjoining com
munities who are Interested to be
rrr 4 CTTTTXT" TrW Tan 1. I API
The warning of Secretary; Mel
lon that conversion of veterans
rnmnensatlon certificates Into
nsh wonld shake tne eecunues
market was supported Frldsy by I
J. Herbert Case , and Roy Young, j
directors respectively of tne wew
York and Boston federal reserve
At tho same tims senator
Msmi. resnbtlcan. New Hamp
shire, predicted "some form" of I
legislation for conversion woma
pass at this session, ana do vetoed
hv President Hoover.
Case and Young were cauea bj
the house ways and means com
mittee to testify regarding propo
sals for total or partial redemp
tion of about three and one half
billion dollars worth of certifi
cates now held by the world war
soldiers. , ' - I
Albert W. Gentler of Portland
has filed with the state engineer
: here application to f " appropriate
20a second feet of water from
tho Sandy river for power devel-
opment in Clackamas county.
Harrulton'g Qearance Sale, whidx hAs bffI"!
SJtSSn are sold all of the goods taken la trade on new merchan-
S a tr cfpoi items in new furniture. In case you are in the
vrehbleseofuniUhm pay you to inake your selections from
7. V AUa if voa have furniture you wish to replace you may xraae n m on
nmeaneaSrI 840 Court St. or Hamilton'. Far-
niSr?EShange at 255 No. Commercial St. r . ; a
Here are a few of the real values offered by Hamilton'. Furniture Exchange. These
pricerneJn q?k sales so don't put off making your selections.
The Spa
. . ; : -1: : . . ... : . .
Out of trie Oven at 11 A.M.
445 Court St. Phone 954
- Cakes for weddings, birthdays, etc;
Pies, CboldesyT Doughnuts
Service vrith a Smile ' ;
Its! own de
licious can
dies packed
i n Valen
.tine boxes.
; than y o u
- . I paid a year
ago. 1.
?: '-. , - j i ' ' 1 i ' , '
Remember No Gift
Is More Appropriate
; -Than Candy
ine -;p -
TALK of the TOWN
Jy calendar tells me 1 need some
new duds! . . i
fYes, . . . end my style-sense tells
HE thai SHIPLEY'S is the place to
f IF you want to see the
newest styles in
,"r i-.Y ,: V.','". :t :' r -,4
Quality Merchandise i Popular Prices
PHONOGRAPHS Choice of several
styles and make. Originally were sold
for from $125.00 to ?250.00. QK
Your choice ipOJU
Per dozen
PLAYER PIANOS with record roll
fine instruments In good fJ7K up
condition from P 1 u - v
USED DAVENPORTS in useable .con-
Si?L- $19.85 up
In good condition
RADIOS Battery sets
with tubes froi
SPEAKERS, several styles, PO QK
cone type, your choice. S&i9Jf
BATTERY SET Atwater-Kent, with
i $18.50
AXMINSTER RUG Brand new, 12.
g $24:95
USED WILTON RUGS All clean and ;
in good condition. Good for years ot
S,1$29.50 10 $67.50
In two tone jacqfird gQ
floor sample slightly j
marred . -ILi 1
sEf$6.50 I Ste $12:50
.9x12, new stock
FLOOR COVERING New felt base,
'good patterns at,
per yard'
TABLES from,
Chest, Vanity, Bench and Mirror. Sold
new at $219.00. IxC excellent -condition
3 PIECE PARLOR SET Settee chair
.mi wvVm- ifade 1 with heavy oak
wv ,
frames and nnholstered in
leather. The three pieces
for ...".v...,." t , r .....
I Several other used sweepers at
various prices
IRONER Electrically driven and gas
1g $29.50
i May be operated by hand power or con
nected to engine. Less "Q1 K QK
' than V regular prlce.l X O O V
AVestinghouse -U
I in genuine ' 1
automatic oven. Used only a short
X 857.50
New value $225.00. Reconditioned and
offered for sale at , gg2.50
This is a wonderful value if you want
4 - a large electric range
SETS (factory seconds) -
USED CARD TABLES from our rental
service, new value $3.&o
While they last .