The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 31, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon,' Saturday Mornim. January 31, 1931
Society News land Club Affairs
' .. m -'. - . m -mm aaBaaBBaaaaaaaaBBBBBaa
Ouve M. Doak. Society EdUor
Miss Betty Boyle
Is Hostess
Miss Betty Boyle was hostess
at her home Thursday evening to
the memberi of the mix grade
room of Grant school, for a fare-
wel : lparty . fa honor of the C A
class, Kaeh guest came la cos-
tame and represented the follow
ing Chinese, downs, brownies
cvosles. old ' fashioned! ladies.
aaflors, troubadours, queen of
hearts and fairies. ; The evening
was spent in games and later.
dainty Valentine refreshments
were served? -: - i : - ' '
" Gnests .wer Maxine Asbcraft,
Jeannette Hnlst. Nadine Orcutt,
Edna Paulus, ; Florence Hickey,
nth O'Neill, Zolma Barnholdt,
Jeanette Arehart, Doris Marston,
Charlotte McKee, Earla Mauk,
Weekend Social
; Events to be
I The week end promises let be
one of activity socially. Supper
-parties, both formal and Informal,
will be events of both Saturday
and Sunday night. (Many Informal
parties' are being planned for Sun
day .when small groups will be
entertained -for supper; many of
those being entertained ? are folk
who are here for the legislative
cession. ".- '"':"' 'i:':''; '-'",.,."'"' '1". J
' Among the gayest of the week
end parties will be the dance to
be given by a group of the young
er folk at Hazel XSreen tonljght.
At least ID o invitations are tout
k. .laKrittik arrangements neve
been carried out lor aecoraifona j Helen stronmaier, tiarnin wiu,
mA 4nnti Tti decorative mow i Nadine Conway, trances wansun
.nt Mm ftnt the. idea of Jun-t Rett notson. Arthur Upstori. El-
rle Miss Georgie Nash Isj In I mer smith, William Foster, Hart
ob.rro of the arrangements dw6n zehner Wayne Wiilard.lKirk
assisting hostesses are: , jxiip j Bell, Biainevogi, js.ennem bvjiv
Lottie Nash, Dorotha Cannon, and the, hoatess Betty Boyle and
lane Harbison. Dorothy ltrjeps, i tnft teacher, Miss Mable Dotson.
Jessie Cooper. Francis Keea, kob Kathrvn Rowe, Char-
rick, Emma Variey. Rosemary Entertains
RMr. Frances waiaer. hwh
Nash. Evelyn King. Helen Hajuge
and Phyllis Hauge. i
M Patrons and patronesses
tf mmA ir r C. Cannon,
and Mrs. J. A. Krebs and Mr, and
Mrs. George Nasn.
K Mrs. William MeGilehrist.
will entertain wlh a smartjone Ufternoon of entertainment Pink
o'clock luncheon at the Gray ce i carnations I and waxy cactus
today In compliment to Mrs..po-I Dlooms ;fianB;ej with pink tapers
meo Gouley. L centered the attractive tables.
Vr tnil Mrs 'John BrOPnV Win I r f. ..raMii tn Intnrpat.
entertain Sunday night at the jSpa J j contests were glen. The prize
in nmnllment tO Mr. and Mrsi - I ... . K fra T jnnard
G. Malson. who will leave Wednes- zlelke Mr9, George Hlgglns re-
day for a tnree monms m Ceived the orize in the second icon-
Georgia.'"' -';''! ' j test. 1
i Mondav nirht will be observed! . - tl- ' n
by the Salem Macpowell club ifith Coolidge Mr8 Esther Query,
its January pro?" Mra rlora Holley. Mrs. H. B. Car
penter, Mrs. George Higgins, Mrs
Forest Edwards, Mrs. J. P. Bres
sler, Mrs. Roy Rice, Mrs. S. C.
Davenport. Mrs. N. P. Kugel,
Mrs. Bud Statesman, Mrs. Buster
Klien, Mrs. Raphael Bettlncourt,
Mrs. Leonard Zielke, Mrs. Gordon
' ... " i n.,i i tU Bowman and the hostesses, Mrs.
Jefferson Mrs. Harley. LIbby -k- t Z,a
Roberts The members of the
G. T. club spent a most enjoyable
aTe afternoon at the home of j Mrs.
John Orsborn Thursday, when
they were entertained by (Mrs.
Orsborn and Mrs.' B. D. Fidler
with a luncheon followed by an
Mark ? Daniels, baritone, will j be
presented In a pleasing program.
e -e . ..'it
Jefferson Woman's
Club Meets
and Mrs. D. Y. Hammil were feos
tesses for the Jefferson Woman's
club, which met Wednesday -afternoon
at the country homef of
Mrs. 'Xibby. . . j
I The" president, Mrs. P. i J.
Vfled' presided over the businjess
and . urogram meeting. Currjent
events were given in answer! to
John Osborn and Mrs. B. D. Fid
ler and Mrs. L Robert Judson who
assisted in serving. i
, J
Silyerton Lodge Plans
Special Ceremony
Silverton Dr. L. L. Baker of
j l jfc wmt-t tin. r i . i.i hb sr st
roll calL The. scripture reaomg Eugeae Grand Maflter of j tn0
was given oy an. . Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of
Mrs. J. G. Fontaine gave an , in, Oregon will attend the special
terestlttg book review on A Lan- eeiehrfttlo ta hA A ,f th- 1rt.a,
tern in Her Hand," by Aldrch
Mrs. R. C. Thomas gave a re.A-
in'ir.--it - "'Mi:- .
During the social hour which
followed, refreshments were serv-
mA bv the -hostesses. Whiter
sreenerv and pussy-willows fotm-
edi the decorations ; about f jthe
room. Members present were Mrs.
J.IG. Fontaine. Mrs. Lee Farlow,
Mrs. A. B. Hinx, Mrs. D. H.
Looney," MrsJ Earl, Lynes, Mrs.
l;- D. Looney, Mrs. James Pite,
Mrs. S. E. Roland, Mrs. W.fH.
Rherman. Mrs. C. M. Smith, Mrs.
Karl Steiwer, Mrsr Robert Ter
hune. Mrs. R. C. Thomasl Mrs.
Fred Wied. Mrs. J.:0. Van! Wfin-
ITn Trman PiHnn lr ! TJ.
r.nlA M!ks Kleanor Loon
ey. and the 'hostess, Mrs. Harley
Libby and Mrs. D. J. , Hammji.
i Guests for the afterpoon were
Mrs. Haynes and Miss Marjarie
Fontaine. .
celebration to be held at the local
order Saturday night i when j the
members burn the t mortgage
which was 'acquired ten years
ago when they added an addition
to their hall.
AH Odd Fellows and Rebekahs
are urged to attend.
Ankeny Bottom Mrs. Gl M.
Belknap was pleasantly surprised
Thursday evening when a large
group of friends gathered at her
beautiful country home near here
in honor of her birthday anniver
sary. Cards was the diversion for
the evening, seven tables! of
500' being in play. Cake land
ice cream was served at a very
late hour to the following: Mr.
and. Mrs. ' G.; H. Maria tt. Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Wintermantel, Mri and
Mrs. Sidney Howard, Mr. j and
Mrs. Ray Reeves, Mr. and Mrs.
D. E. Blinston, Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Freeman, ; Mr. and ; Mrs. Frank
Kieper, Mr. ) and Mrs. A. IL Em
mons.. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole,
Presbyterian Folk
Plan Interesting
The spirit of Valentine' day la
already making' itself felt and
plane are being laid for entertain
ing on that day. The first exten
eiye planar to be announced are
those being made by. the people
of the Presbyterian church-
A "fair will be featured, cop
ied after the old eighteenth cen
tury Idea of a. fair. All partici
pants will be in costume: booths
will be arranged and articles of
all: sorts will be ; on display rUut
nothing will be for sale save food
which will be characteristic of the
country represented by the booth
In which the food Is on display. ;
A continuous program, has been
planned or music, piays, rwamp,
feature dances and pther novel
hm Th fatr -win bet bedh at 11
o'clock in the morning and contin
ue i through until 11 o'clock at
night. '-.,..
km rrnkr dinner will be D re-
pared but those who car to come
and spend the evening win do ame
to secure food or various ana nov
el kinds to make a "high tea," at
least. -: .-: ;.':,- '
Among the features planned
ir. & witch "-with a wondrous
stew. Mother Goose plays, a men's
chorus wnicn win . aaapi some
Mother Goose rhymes, and a
urnteh tnAtb which will have an
unusually Interesting character. ;
Miss Pearl App legate is gen
Ars.1 chairman of this uniaue en
tertainment and Mrs. A. F. Mar
cus is president of the. Ladies' Aid.
which is sponsoring the idea.
Mrs. Estil Brunk ;
Compliments Club
Mrs. Estill Brunk entertained
in compliment to the Bono Tem
po club Friday afternoon at her
home.- The afternoon was spent
In bridge. Mrs. A. L. Adolph-
son won high, score. At the tea,
hour Mrs. Brunk was assisted by
Mrs. John Beakey. Violets were
used as a charming decorative
note, for the guest rooms. :
Guests were . Mrs. A. L.
Adolphson, Mrs. John Beakey,
Mrs. Carl Emmons, Mrs. L. B.
Endlcott, Mrs. Willard Simpson,
Mrsi Kenneth Watert, and Mrs.
E. iT. Hartman as a special
guest. .
s. R. F. Jacobson
Is Complimented
Mrs. Roy F. Jacobson enter
tained with a -7 o'clock dinner
Wednesday evening, compliment
ing her mother, Mrs. Chas. Vick,
on her birthday anniversary.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
son were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Vick and Miss Harriet Vick, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Bosell, Shirley
Anne and David Bosell. Mr. and
Mrs. Hans Chrlstenson. Theo
dore Helen and Frances Chrls
tenson, and Mr. and Mrs. George
F. Vick.
, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Farr, Mr,
St ay ton Complimenting Mrs.
r it Rrr on her birthday and
nf j v. iotter on ner weaaiag i uinou.i. uu
-rtniTwiarv. i trouo of friends J- O. Farr, Mr. and Mrs.. J
.nmrticH them Wednesday dve- Gllmour, Miss Oma Emmons,
tn- mt th Potter home. Bridge Miss Elda J Winters antel. j Miss
w. -ntnT-ii for mm time, but Phyllis Cole, Miss Louise Gil-
h event of the evening was the mour. Miss ! Marjorle Cole, Miss
-mnrt wedding. . which wasl a J Neva Emmons, Miss Louise Gil-
urprlse to most f those pretept. J mour. Miss j Hene Blinston, Miss
The "weddlnr narty was eompios- i Janet Belknap, Miss Ida Bel-
d of Mrs. G. F Korlnek, Justice knap, . Robert Gllmour, Robert
nt th neaee: Mrs. Dave Jo nn. ring i uoie. ana tne nonorea nosts, Mr.
hearer; Mrs. - ti. . laie, na mrs. v. ja. iwiuap
irl? Mrs. C. H. Brewer, onae-
groom; Mrs. J. . Potter, bride:
xi m norre H. Hall, bridesmaid;
'Mrs. Glen E. Fox, best man ajnd
Mrs. O. L. Hagen, train bearer.
One ,'of the most successful
meetings of the winter for! the
Ladies Aid of the First Methodist
church was the one o'clock lunch
an elaborate supper followed fhei eon Wednesday In the church! par-
remonv. Mrs. Brewer and "Mrs. I lors, witli 100 covers placed for
Potter were each presented with members of the seven circles of
a lovely primrose. i 1 the aid society present. East Cen-
f tral circle, of which Mrs. E. P.
An attractive luncheon in, leg- Koontz is president, was host.' Fol
lalative circles was that given by lowing the luncheon a business
Mr :Rm Moser Tuesday in ber session was presided over by (Mrs.
anartment in the Roberts. COv- W. C. Young, president ofj the
r nlaeed for Mrs. W.
Carlton Smith. Mrs. D. BUI
ingsley, Mrs. Joel a BoothJ Mrs.
W; E. Burke,- Mrsi
Mrs. B
.W. Johnson
General Aid society. A distinguish
ed guest present for the luncheon
was the mother of Mrs. A. Al Un-
George , W. I derhlll. Mrs. Littler, who
Dunn, Mrs. Colon R. Eberhard. passed her ninetieth birthday.
Mrs. LOnn
Fred E Kiddle,
; Hones. Mrs.
ra. Edward Schulmerlch. Mrs.
Pattern ;
Grand Island A group! of
SDauldlng. Mrs. Wil-1 friends greatly surprised
liam F. Woodward, and tne nasi
ess. Mrs. Moser. !
. j. ' i, e .- .:J' 'r ' '
Jefferson Rev. and Mrs. A.
w iniiver i Antertained at 12:00
Adelbert Smith Monday evening
by calling to celebrate her birth
day. The evening: was spent in
playing games and - chatting.
Those present were Mr. and IMrs.
o'clock dinner Thursday, honor-J Clarence Badger and daughters,
ing Mrs. Oliver's mother, Mrs. I Ellen and Elolse and aon Ronald,
DJ H. Hllderbrand. of. Albany. Mrs. E. A. Lefley, Mr. and IMrs.
whose birthday anniversary c-1 Worth Wiley and i baby Donald,
t-urred on that day. Covers were i and Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert smitn.
placed for the honor guest, Mrs. I a birthday cake rurnlshea by
T)J Hllderbrand. Mr. and Mrs. Ar-1 Mrs. Badrer tnd punch were
low Hllderbrand of Albany, and i served for refreshments. -
Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Oliver and I i .
son Wilfred. SI Grand Island The : Mother's
i I circle met at the home of i Mrs
SUyton The Lady Forresters Mildred Smith Wednesday after-
gave an enjoyable card party Tues-1 noon. The ladles spent their Urns
day evening. There were ianes i quUUng on a r quilt lor IMrs.
o -500- In play. Prise for high I Smith. Dainty refreshments rwere
score went to Mr. ana Mrs. i v . i served ust t prior -. to adjourning,
Ruef,- while consolation j prises i Those ; present were : Mesdames
went to Mrs. George Duncan ana i Mercy Tompkins, ? Agnes Tomp-
Charies Ftretr. Tne commiejiu itms, Anna ; umbanhour,; Florence
charge, Mrsi Laurence Smith, Mrs. Robertson. Grace Wily and the
riuit uaueuH uu ..m i auisiTrrsa, nuareg BDUtnj' -
Van Ermen served excellent re-1
ireshments. . s I Gervais. Mrs. P. W. Seelv
" t rave a dinner at her home Wed.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Gilbert i nesdaV evening in honor of ! Mrs.
ef i Portland are receiving eon-1 otto .Schwab on her-birthday an
graiuiauons upon me nirin oi I niversary. : Tne guesu were Mr.
son, January 18. This ts the I and Mrs, Schwab, Mr. f and! Mrs.
first child in the Gilbert, family, j F. H. Cannard and Mrj and Mrs.
Mrs. - Gilbert was Jkliss - Ines Vol- Seely. The evening -ws seeat
Ah adorable model for a mem
ber of the youncer set is fash
ioned of a gay print, and smart
ly trimmed with banding -of solid
color. . The cape collar ends at
either' side of , the sauare : neck.
disclosing tiny , tucks that give a
surprising ' amount of additional
grace and fullness : to; the ; frock.
There are French panties, too.
quite the vogue this season.
Pattern 194 C will be lovely
made of dimity, Swiss, organdy,
lawn, voile, etc. A white ground
printed with colored flowers may
use white trimming or a .colored
ground may use . banding the
same shade. Many . delightful
combinations suggest themselves.
May be obtained only in sizes
4, C, 8 aad 10. Sue 10 requires
24 yards of St-inch material.
N dresnlriaf experieae te
nmmtt tm k this model with
or ttm. Trdx for ttt
U. Dd :np. xaet faatrM-,
I!mi-n giva. - .:, .jK -.V --.
Ben fff ices eemt te oin ar-
faily wroied. mr rtaxjt tot h v
pattern Writ plainly roar wm,
sd4rw mm style a amber. Be mr
e state sits waotad.
k Onr ntw fall tad wlnt- faiMoe
(took MnUiBisc e(jaisit , modla
Ur a4alu mm eaildraa aa4.
xealleaa atEortateat ol '- traaaiar
pattvna and tamped aavaltiaa. 1a
ow rcadT. Prica fifteas eeata.
Baek with patUra. 2S cents. Ad
mm T1 mail a ad ordera ta Etatca
mtmm Pattara DmifrnMi til
Visitor is Given "
Farewell Party -
Scott ' Mills X farewell sur
prise party was- given Tuesday
afternoon for Mrs. Elisabeth Ha
gen at the home of her brother.
Al Dale. - Mrs. Hagen , has been
here the past -year and left Thurs
day for: Portland for a few days
visit before leaving' for her home
in Minnesota.
Lunch was served ; late in : the
afternoon. : Those present were
Mrs.: Hagen, Mrs. Joe Dale, . Mrs.
Lulu Scott, ' Mrs. ' Addle Smith,
Mrs. Vina Losinger, Mrs. Albert
Rich, Mrs. Grace Dart,; Mrs. Reva
Moberg and daughter, Valleda:
Mrs. George Crites. Mrs. Robert
Quart,. Mrs. Ruby Gray7 Mrs. Gus
sie Rank, Mrs. E. Sloan, Mrs. Gill
GIger and I mother, Mrs. Bier,
Mrs. Elmer Doolittle, Mr..; and
Mrs; Grant .Thomas and Mrs. Rude
and daughter of Portland. . -
' . .. m m
Club Meetinjzs Part of
Week's Activity
With! the manv InncbAona.
teas, bridge afternoons and mu
sicals of the city this week th
clubs have been keeping apace
wiia meir snare of social ac
Mrs. Frits Blade entertained
members of her contract bridge
club at her . home Monday, Mrs.
William Walton will be hostess
to the dub this coming Monday.
Mrs. w. F. Poorman was host
ess to Iter club .Monday. Tuesday
memoers of the Merry Go Round
club were entertained at the
home oil Mr. and , Mrs. Will
Thieisen following a no host din
ner at the Argo. This was the
first time this club has met for
in past several weens. Mrs. Rus-t
sell Catlln and Mrs. E. C. Cross
will be hostesses to the club in a
fortnight. - : . - -1 .,;
Mrs. Carl Nelson' entertained
with a bridge luncheon for "her
club Thursday at her home. Mrs.
Earl C. Bronaugh,' Jr.. Mrs. R.
G. Brady, Mrs. J. E. Law, Mrs.
Edgar Pierce, Mrs. Wayne Lo-
der, and Mrs. F. -W. Poorman
were-special guests. Mrs. P. D.
Quisenberry will be the next
hostess in a fortnight.
The f Salem Woman's Press
club met Wednesday night at
the home of Mrs. C. A. Sprague.
in addition to these has been
the study classes of the Woman's
club, the Salem Arts League and
a worthy production. Belinda.
three act play sponsored by the
Salem Drama league. All in all
there have been very few dull
moments In the social .calendar
of the week Just closing. -
Benefit Card Party
Tuesday Night
The women of St. Monica's al
tar society will entertain Tuesday
night with a benefit card nartv In
St. Joseph's hall.
Mrs. 'Lawrence Bach is hostess
and assisting ber will be Mrs. F.
A. Albrieh, Mrs. Julia Bach, Mrs.
R. F. Corbin, Mrs. Joe Domagal- i
la, Mrs. Henry Hartman, Mrs.
Henry Hartman, Mrs. Frank
Hrubetx. Mrs. A Herberarer: Mr a.
Kllllan. and Mrs. Ray Wehlan.
Shaw The Woman's commun
ity club of Shaw, met at the
home ef Mrs. Lloyd Keen, Wed
nesday. A delicious lunch was
served after the meeting. Mem-
bers present were- Mrs. Ed Gil
bert; Mrs. Fred Gilbert, Mrs." Joe
Sherman, Mrs. William Berg,
Mrs. JohB Bottlneo, Mrs. Joe
Perry Mrs. Elton Brownell. Mrs.
Ed Goffln, Mrs. Ed Amort, In
vited guests; Mrs. B. Wells, Mrs.
A. Matter, Mrs. II. Keen, of Sa
lem, Mrs. Howard Gilbert of j
West Stayton, Mrs. John Grueh-'
ow, Mrs. Mable Draughbow, Mrs.
Charles Gilbert Sr., and the hos
tess,. Mrs. Lloyd Keen. A valen
tine party will be held at the
home ef Mrs. Ed Amort on Feb
ruary ; 14, to all members and
their families.
Keixer Mrs. G. W. Browning
was hostess for the Royal Neigh- (
bors Sewing club Wednesday af
ternoon. A friendship quilt .was
presented to the hostess as an ap
preciation of her work in the or
der" and also a memento to re
mind her of the friends she, has
left in the organization. ' Mem
bers present to enjoy the delight
ful afternoon .were Mrs. George
Campbell, president, Mrs. Charles
Beckner, secretary; I Mrs. J. C.
Zelinski, ! Mrs. Francis Ganiard,
Mrs. C. W. Beecroft, Mrs. R. B.
McClay, Mrs. Martin Miller, Mrs.
Noah ! Carter and Mrs. Frank
Mathes. Mrs. Carroll Poole was a
guest ef . the club. - i '
Kingwood. - Mrs. . Eugenia N,.
Rader who has been the guest of
her sister, Mrs Mary Lister, for
several months- has returned to
her home in Portland. -4
.Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kennedy
were dinner hosts Sunday to Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Basch and fam
ily and Alfred " Isaac of ' King
wood Heights road.
Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
McKee entertained with a
o'clock dinner - Wednesday eve
ning, the occasion being the
birthday anniversaries of Mrs.'
J. - R McKee and Mrs. Kate
Spragg. Covers were placed for
Mrs. Kate Spragg, - Gilbert
Spragg, Mjr. and Mrs. J. R, Mc
Kee and Jean McKee.
Among Salem - folk to be Port
land gnests this week were Mrs.
A. F. Marcus, Mrs L. L. Laws,
Mrs. L. M. Purvlne and Mrs. John
Harbison; ' - v - "
. Miss Charlotte Zieber will re
turn from a two weeks' visit
with her sister, Mrs. W.: Earl
Shifer, in San Francisco, Tues
day. ,
- Mrs. Wolcott Buren and young
daughter Nancy,' will spend
most of next week : In . Portland
as the guest of Mrs. L. A. "Haus-
House Warming
Is Gay Affair ' il
McCoy Mr." and n Mrs Waldo
Finn were most thoroughly1 and
agreeably surprised Wednesday
evening when 10 of their friends
and neighbors gave them a house
warming in their beautiful large
brick house built since a fire de
stroyed their home last March.
Their friends gay them a lovelj
set of table 'silver. ; The evening
was spent in visiting and cards.
The guests brought lunch which
was served at a lata hpur. Jju
" Those present were? 4ir. -r and
Mrs." George Richards. Mr. 4 and
Mrs. Cecil Graves, Mr. and Mrs.
Jake Sears, Mr. and Mra. Tom
Sears, f Mr. and : Mrs. rliewii
Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. . Fred Jen
nings, Mr. and Mrs. Hienry
Domes, Mr.. and Mrs. John Rom-
Ig, Mr. and Mrs.;George Shields.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry FrewlngiMr.
and Miss McGowan Mr. and Mrs.
Fournler, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight
Wyattj-Mrrand Mrs. Joe McKee.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Stewart, Mr. I and
Mrs.5 Leon Turner, Mrs. Emma
Independence Series cf
' Classes tiow Attract-
; ing Farmers I
Attendance at the dairy evening
school , held each Thursday - eve
ning in the agricultural room of
the independence high school, ad
vanced to 17 at the last meeting;
the second of a series of ten.
Discussion centered about the
problems that, arise la the feed
ing and management cf calves,
and the experiences of the group
In - successfully meeting these
problems. An especially interest
ing topic and one which aroused
considerable general discussion
was that of the proper time to
senarat the new born calf from
Its dam. Experience varied, but
definite satisfactory, conclusions
were finally arrived at. j ;
The topic for the next ; meeting
will be the feeding and manage
ment of the dairy calf from the
age of six months to one year.
These discussions warrant a
greater attendance, since they
are seemingly interesting and
worthwhile, and are belnr con
ducted wholly on the popular
conference basis.' 1
GERVAIS, Jan. 10 Mrs. Earn
H. Brown was in Oregon" City
Wednesday to visit at thehome
of her sister, Mrs. Harry Price.'
Mr, price has been transferred to
San Diego, California, where he
will hate charge of the Montgom
ery Ward store. The family is
leaving in iwo weeks lor the
southern city.
ROSEDALE, Jan. 10 The
cooking club composed of most
of the pupils of the upper grades
gave a demonstration last Fri
day. Esteline,. IUersatt; and Roy
Cameron demonstrated the mak
ing ot sandwiches. Needless to
say all enjoyed the samples. Mrs.
Blrcher Caldwell is the teacher.
ROhde. Mrs. William Rohde,
and Mrs. Aug Rohde,, v Mr,
Mrs. George Werner," Mr.
Mrs. Glen- Stevenson, ' Mr.
Mrs. R. K. Cobban, M r, and M rs.
J. P,. Peterson; Mr. and Mrs. Jo
Baker,! Mrs. - JacTt DePries. J.Mr,
and Mrs. Rutlidge, Mr." and Mrs.
Art: Lynch, Mr., and Mrs. Frank
Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Chrlstensen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Massey, Mr. and Mrs. Neilsens,
Mr. and Mrs. Porter Frizxell, Mrs.
Alive Friwell, Mr. and Mrs.
Locke Cooper, Mrs. Anna Cooper,
Edgar Cooper, Miss Eva Chrls
tensen Miss Louise Scrogglns,
Miss . Sandwlck. Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Kahle, Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Prang. Prof. and. Mrs. Stnlts,
Miss Mona Brooks,. Miss Eva De
Pries, jaiss Paulina Domes. !
Mrs. J. W. Simmons!
Club Hostess
Orchard Heights. Mrs. J.J W
Simmons and Mrs. A. A. Withers
were Joint hostesses Thursday
afternoon at the Simmons home
to members of the Orchard
Heights Woman's club. Follow
ing the transaction of routine
business with Mrs. C. H. Fisher,
president, presiding, a social aft
ernoon was spent and plana were
discussed for a quilt show to be
held Jointly by the club and the
Oak Grove Ladles' ,AId society.
Arrangements will be further
perfected at the next regular
meeting February 12, which will
be an all day session at the
home, of Mrs. W. E. Knower.l
Club members . enjoying, jthe
afternoon were Mesdames Frank
Farmer, Harley Moon, William
McDowell. i Frank Wilson, Cash
Roberts, Ernest Anderson, MJ A.
Schneller, C. S. Matthews, Grace
Bliss, W. E. Knowcr, Burnham
Southwick, C. H. Fisher, Albert
Bouffler, -Prudence Bouffler,
R. W. Clarke, Robert Adamsi J.
W. DeLap.i Fred Gibson, Misses
Helen Bliss and 1 Mary Wait and
the hostesses, Mrs. Simmons and
Mrs. Withers who were assisted
at the tea hour by Miss Mildred
Simmons. 1 I
Guests were Mrs. J. F. Row
land and Mrs. W. B. Allen, both
of Oak Grove.
Gervais. -The Hermosa social
club met Thursday afternoon) at
the home of Mrs. C. W. Cuts-
forth. Officers for the ensuing
year were elected, Mrs. P. W.
Seeley being - elected president
taking t.he place of Mrs. ' A. De-
Jardin. Mrs. Cutsiorth was ire-
elected secretary. Refreshments
were served late In the afternoon:
to Mrs. G. J. Moisan, Mrs. Sum-
F. H. Can-
Harper, MrsJ
S. D. Man-Wadsworth.
Mrs. J. V. Keppinger, Mrs. M.i D.
Henning and Mrs. Cutsfortb.
The , refreshment table was cen
tered with' -a large heart . and
place cards and favors were i in
keeping with the season . of :SL
Valentine, j
Talbot -i The Talbot Women's
club was entertained by Mrs.
Claude Johnson at her home
Wednesday afternoon. " Roll call
was responded to with a new sand
wich recipe by each member. Af
terward, an interesting business
session was held; during which
plans were made to be carried out
in the years work. - r j I,
Members present were: - Mrs.
Sarah Taylor, Mrs. George Polls,
Mrs. Bob Austin. Mrs. A. David
son, Mrs.' Lloyd Johnson, Mrs. Gil
bert Belknap, Mrs. E. J. Freeman,
Mrs. Delmer Davidson. Mrs. D.
E. Blinston. and the hostess, Mrs.
Johnson. Mrs. Arthur Johnson
was a visiter, of the club. Dainty
refreshments were served at a late
hour. . , " -jv
Mrs. Irl McSherry has as ber
house guest, heiv mtlier " Mrs.
Robert E. Doak of McMlnnvllje.
Thursday evening Mr, and Mrs.
McSherry were dinner hosts j in
compliment to Mrs. Doas: r .d
Fred E. Blakely of Portland who
has been in Salem the past week
attending the sessions of the leg
islature,, j
i ;-; T' .: ;' ::
Mrs. E. 1 P. Thorn will leave
Sunday accompanied by ber
young son, Ernest, Jr., fori a
visit of a -week in Roseburg with
her sister, Mrs. C. A. Lock wood.
i . . . e , , . j
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jones
returned Monday from a month's
visit in California. I
ner Stevens, .Mrs.
hard, Mrs. - Robert
P. W, Seely, . Mrs.
hlng. MrJ .. G, T.
J. W. Kelley who lives on! a
small farm Just in the edge ! of
town' has been III for the last
month. He is .up in years; and
has always been a very active
man. He is one of the last! of
the Civil war veterans -ot this
section. Mrs. Mattle Roberta.! a
daughter ; from Salem. Is here
helping to care for him. Last
reports there was a slight im
provement, in his condition, i :
Jan. - 30t
Mr. and Mrs.- Howard Post and
two children : have oeen visiting
at the home ot Mrs. host's fath
er,- Pr J. .Peterson. -1 They hive
Just returned from a : several
months stay in ; Boiie, i Idaho
where Mr. Post was employed
3 L3LI3L
Come to Miller's Annual In
ventory Sale and Save "Big"
Money on Needed
'i " : ' "' ' ;' ' 1 '" ' ' ' - j
' Special sale of new coats at. ..... .lXXOi
Men's two pant suits.! $19.C3 v
Men's two pant suits j. .......... .$14.05
Men's leather coats and jackets. . $7.00
Boys' wool Oliver Twist suits. . . . . $1.89
Boys' long trousers, browns, greys - $1.3 1
Women's shoes and galoshes. ..... $1.00 .
Women's sample corsets. . .priced at half
Kayser's stepins, regular $2.98. . . . $1.98
Cosfuiiie jewelry in or e big lot . . . . . 19c
Men's ostrich leather key cases . . . . 60c
Table of gift wares, your choice at Price
Bajg rugs, scatter size fringed. . . . .1 19c
Bafii robes, wash dresses, children's $1.00
IWool berets, wool hats, bonnets. . . .
IWbmen's all silk dull finish hose. . .
French note paper, per box. .......
iWpmeh's wash dresses. . ..........
Women's lisle sport hose. . . ... . . . ,'J
Iroiiinsr pads and covers. Special . . .
iWomen's leather hand bags . . . $1.95
.Women's fabric gloves. Reg. $1.25 . . 75c
Silk umbrellas, values to .95; . . . $4.95
Children's winter coats. . . .priced at half
Men's wool lounging robes less one third
Men's coat sweaters priced less one third
!&U; luggage, bags, cases, etc le&sone third.
Annual Clearance of Buttons Todaj
All Odds, Values to $1.00
- j
This announces the annual clearance of wash goods which we feature
at lSel yard. Rayons, piques, madras, foulards, cretonnes, draperies,
eponge, prints and many others. Gome early for best choice.
j 1 ! (MAIN FLOOR)
Almost one hundred ailk dresses arrived from New York for this sale.
And being specially purchased the price to you Is considerably under
their regular value.
These are the new spaced1 prints in the newest style manner. Adcrttle
frocks at such a little price! Sizes 14 to Z 1 , - V"
-U-, - . ' - - 1 - - J -
r t
j:., playing bridge.
a Waal 17th airaea. (in Ynrk CH
They will i make their, home
-..I "I
I 1 ,
ler, mother of Mrs. Buren.
Salem d w.
- i