The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 31, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE TWO ! - i ' . i 1 The OREGON STATESMAN, Saiga. Oresron, Caterday Ucnl
z", IzzMZTj 81, 1S31
! I
Clues That Seemed "hot'
At First Fade out After
Officers Trace j
.(Continued from pin 1)
. criminal. Flynn was sentenced
to IS years in prison In Multae
" man county, December C. 1J2S. On
an assault and battery enarge.
Duncan was sentenced from
Douglas county In 1925 oa the
charge of assaulting an officer.
While held In. the Douglas county
jail, Duncan eonrriTed to make; a
"sap" from putting pieces, of la
hearr coffee cud In a sock. With
this h attacked the Jailer and
. caped. be4n recaptured la. fife
days. . - ' j
Flraa weighs about ISO
pounds, and is Are toet, nine and
one-half , incnes in neignc a mi
too of a woman In red and blue
Is on his left forearm. XKtnean ?s
about the game height as Flyn.
has blue eyes and u&ni. complex
ion. , ;., . 1
"' PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 8 -
API Lee Duncan and Dan
Flynn. conficts who escaped from
.the state penitentiary at Salem
e. . i . v.ii.w.j r ka f
last nijui, we uousiwj
Portland tonight. 4
The proprietor of a pool hall at
2nd street and Foster road told
deputy sheriffs tonight he belierf
ed two men who stopped at nis
business place. for about 20 mini-
ntes today were tne convicts
They continued toward Portland
he Rald.' ''
Deoutr sheriffs Keller and
Talley showed the proprietor pho4
tograpns of tne two men ana oq
said he was confident they were
the ones who had stopped. j
Bins fobII o;i
Continued from pas 1) j
members of the commission, since
an, allowance would be made of
Interest paid as an expense be
tween gross and net income on;
". Intangibles. . - i j
The commission said its reason;
for this stand was not contradic
tory to its former statements and
that it desired to conserve tor the
state the moneys already secured
along with much more the com-;
mission feels available. '
The specific point on which the
former intangible act met its Wa-
terloo was the decision of the j
court that the 1929 measure was;
a property tax since it assessed aj
S per cent tax on the gross of in-i
tanrlble rerenue. irrespective of;
f how mneh money was borrowed j
for 1 their . purchase or to carry
them. On this basis; the court
held, all intangibles held by cor
porations must be included under)
an amendment to tne eonimauon
providing that direct taxes must
be levied equally among all hold
era of the property. Since the old
intangibles act did not assess in
come from intangibles held by cor
porations, the court held the mea
sure discriminatory. .
Haled Not Tar 1
Upon property.
Courts hare ruled, the tax com
missioners said yesterday, that a
tax on the net Income from In
tangible, revenue, rather than on
the gross Income, was not a tax
on property was but a true tax on
income, and as .such could be lev
led on Individuals and not on cor
porations, and yet be within the
t provisions of the constitutional
The tax commission feels that
with the excise tax operative on
corporations, with an income tax
operative on individuals and with
a further income tax on individu
als on net revenue received from
money and credits, the move to
add intangible property to the as
sessment - and taxation, - roll . will
be well under way.
A preliminary hearing was held
bn the two measures yesterday at
a joint meeting of the assessment
and taxation committees of both
houses, i When the bills come in
next week they are expected to
hear names of legislators rather
than the committees since the lat-;
ter groups feel they, can giro sv
more unbiased consideration to
the ; measures without the hin
drance of .the committee's name:
pa the bill,. - -. , '
Clyde Anderson
.: Seeks Damages :j
) Aiter Collision
Clyde K. Anderson Thursday;
'filed suit against & C Ingram
to recover a total of $393.75,
damages alleged to have been
sustained in an automobile acd-
! . dent at Shipping and Summer;
' streets January 24. - -
; Anderson alleges the deten-v
cant was negligent,, driving with
defective brakes and in excess of;
20 miles an hour and that he
, failed, to give the right of way.
Plaintiffs car. was damaged to;
extent of $300. the complaint
says, and he lost the use
; for seven and a half days, which
. at $12.60 a day amounts to
- 9S.75. , ;
Tremors Again "
"V Spread Terror ,
- In Oaxaca Area
Sharp earthquakes Thursday
r spread terror in southern Mexico.;
shaken by tremors Jan. 14. and
. were estimated to hare been felt
. In 11 or 11 stakea.
Some damage was reported, es
pecially in Oaxaca, which receir-
ed the worst of the previous dls
.. aster. I ' '..". ' '
Too Late to Classify
V " innnirufvtrijeni
FOUND Dor. small black female.!
white forefeet and breast, bob-tall.
eooui year old. U. tt. uofX, SIT 14.
CotUge, TeL 2317.
Audit of State Industry '
Reveals Loss of $214,033
(Continued from pas X) j .,
elation were found. Respecting
the deficit the auditor remarks:
"Undoubtedly some of the de
ficit could be charged to pioneer
ing or experimental expense and
set up as an asset. Being-, the
only industry of its kind in the
United States, . experiments have
Sales . . . i ,
Inventory -30-'17. .$
Purchases ........... $744,904.81
- Labor A 'Mfg. exp...... 230.164.08
Insurance .......... . 2S.724.7S
Depreciation S3.738.8S
Auto exp. ........... 18,200.41
Junked equipment 10,737.14
before adjustment
Manufacturing loss -for period.
Commissions paid i
flAiiM-al and adrn. m i . j
Office salaries f. .......$
Office expense -.
.Matrons sal. tc exp.....
Trav. exp. ...........
CoU. exp. i ,
Exp. plots
Financial expense I
Interest, loans . .
Insurance,' loans .
Storage, loans . . .
Bad debts ......
Discounts allowed
8,5 81.81
Ifet loss from operation... ........ ....r. ........
Profit and loss charges: ;
Adjustment of- inventory..:...... 1143,865.79
Loss -on sale auto. .............
Loss for period. ........ ........ .
Bart ram Makes O
Comment f I
After a study of the auditors
reoort Col. Bar tram In a letter
to the board . of r .ntrol submit
ted a statement of "apparent
OTerchargesi which if allowed
would reduce the deficit $39.-
773.01. His letter further said:
Taking the report as a whole
we feel rery much encouraged in
view of all the circumstances
and problems surrounding ; the
development of this Industry, j
The state of Oregon has up
to ; this time and including this
year subsidized tne growing or
flax In a very substantial way.
The flax Industry has been
Americanised from the orthodox
methods employed in Europe and
the United Kingdom.
"The plants have never run
full time throughout any year.
with the overhead expenses nat
urally having to be carried on
for the entire year."
The comparative balance aheet
shows that the deficit at the be
ginning, of the period was $64,-
915.49; and lat the end $278.
949.11. The cash position had
altered from $68,949.26 in 1927
to $900.22 In 1930. Of the
$245,000 emergency appropria
tion granted in August, ?830,
cash balance of $553.36 re
mained on! September 30. I
The inventory Of flax .roducts
increased $116,103.50 in the
rlod and the inventory of flax
pollers decreased $16,491.68,
The Investment In flax bulKlngt
grew $6,129.19 and in Oa ma
chinery $44,202.88.
Debts Pile w
Oa the liabilities side 'accounts
payable had increased from
nothing to $41,998.07 and notes
payable - from nothing to $10,-
439.74. The net worth of the
property after deducting the de
preciation is $562,722.75.
The detail of manufacturing
expenses shows $79,666.51 paid
for prison labor In the flax in
dustry and $62,306.11 for sal-
arles to- persons not prisoners, j
The state has made to tar ap-
The shocks which came at
10:41 a-m., and 11:11 a.m., were
barely perceptible in Mexico City,
but were felt plainly to the south
ward. " !
Prisoners Leave
In Fog; Sheriii
Waves Farewell
Four prisoners at the county
jail made it to the outside world
la the fog Friday morning. Only
the sheriff and deputies were on
hand to pass out the hats , and
coats.'" v 4 : : - r!-
Three of the men. awaiting on
a liquor charge, went out after
they had put up $350 ball each.
They were Joe and Ed Degulre,
brothers, and: S. N. Bowes,, who
were arrested together earlier In
the week. -. 1 - ..
Carl Tallon finished time on .a
liquor violation sentence and was
released from JalL
Conspiracy Case
Now up to Jury
8POKANE. Jan. 20f API-
After 13 days of testimony and
arguments, tne liquor conspiracy
case azalnst Sheriff Pete WhuU
el and seven other Chelan coun
ty residents was given to a Jury
in federal court early tonight.
. , . , , ,
been necessary.: Tor that matter
the industry as a whole might be
considered as an experiment.
- , . Zoss Is Sliowa
The following. s the profit
and loss statement for the per
iod from September so, HIT, to
September SO, 19.80 J
.M TIMI7.Xt -
.$ 214.033.64
propriatlons for the benefit . of
the industry of $796,997.17. Of
this amount $416,997.17 carried
provisions for repayment ; aha
$380,000 carried no such pro
visions. : f
: The audit was first begun in
May, 1930, but the books were
not posted so the audit had to be
delayed until entries could be
posted, being resumed the latter
part of November. The auditor
says: "This condition was caused
by the bookkeeper apparently
having." too much other clerical
work." ;
Depressloav Hits Industry ' :
: The report comments on the
effect of the business depression
on the flax Industry as follows:
"This industry like many
other business enterprises, has
felt the depression existing in
the markets of the world to a
considerable degree. The price
received for the rarlous products
at the present time is much be
low that! received a year . ago.
There is ialso. I am informed, al
most no market for some of the
products.' This has -caused the
sales of receipts to be greatly
reduced while the expenses of
operation remain practically the
The report, being a financial
one, doea not touch on the ralne
to the institution in having ; tch
an industry for the occupation of
the convicts; nor does it remark
npon the value to agriculture
and to state, development of the
industry. i ; .
Now Before Legislature
It is expected with the filing
of this auditor's report that the
audit by accountants for i the
ways and means committee will
not be considered' further. The
problems of the flax industry are
expected to be aired in sessions
of the ways and means commit
tee. ; . -
The state flax Industry is a
part of the penitentiary plant of
which Henry W. Meyers is su
perintendent. The direct man
agement of the industry Is In the
hands of Col. W. B. Bart ram.
The general authority over the
whole institution rests in. the
state board of control.
The board of control Is known
to have devoted much thought to
the problems of the industry.
Recently "U ordered a reduction
in acreage to be contracted for
in 1931. Its further actions
have awaited tr , audit which
members of tho board are now
studying. :
Home of Talkies
Matinee 2 P. M. f
Mickey Moaae Matinee Today
- 1:80 P. K. -
Ken In His Latest All Talking
Action Western'
Also Ria-Tln-'Tin in
x i-'
u Talking Comedy, Fables
Comedy and News
(Continued front, sage' U
creator of Penrod,w u erenteen,
and "Alloa Adams' saw again.
Three Pairs of -v ! .
Glasses Heeded -
r" Special glasses are to be pre
pared for bim to wear, ens while
hj.jrd when looking at distant ob-
lects. .
"I gness I will, hare to bar a
holster mad to carry them
e about." he remarked whimsically
as he sat on a hospital bed, smok
ed cigarette after cigarette ; and
talked of literature and life. ' His
monogram mad cigarettes are twice
as long as the ordinary kind, three
umes as tuck and many ' times
stronger. v. :
"I will continue to write but no
mors, drama " he said. "It Isn't
fair to the producer. X don't know
the tastea of New Tork and unless
a play pleases there it hasn't a
-My writing in the last few
years has been easy compared
with, the time when I used to do
the stuff In longhand. Now X Just
alt in an easy chair and dictate
fire hoars a day to my stenograph
er. Then she and my wife read
to me." --: ' : -
Tarklngton expressed the onln-
lon that the time may be coming
when there will be no more novels
and novelists.
Perhaps In two or three hun
dred years," he hazarded, "mechy
anlcal apparatus will permit neo-
ple to push a button or two and
Bee produced whole works In Col
or. . ;:
If that ever takes place, writ
ers will be producing material for
that type of production."
Tarklngton said he was nleased
that the Nobel nrlse went t an
American. Sinclair Lewis. Later.
however, he observed that "Tha
present school of Pessimism and
opnvucauon in American au
thors is imported. It is unreal and
unnatural. We are naturally an
optimistic race and a people not
easily discouraged. It is this
characteristic that should prevail."
Harry Morton, former Salem
resident, died, suddenly at Lewis
ton. Idaho. Tuesday, according to
word received here. Pnneral ser
vices were, held at Lewlston.
He was connected - with the
Portland Railway Light and Pow
er company when the offices of
the old firm were located at the
corner of Commercial and State
streets. He lived in Salem for
seTeral years and was actirt In
social and fraternal circles, es
pecially the Elks and Masons, i
From Salem, Mr. Morton went
to Idaho and for several years
was connected with a loan and
investment business at Lewlston.
He is survived by his widow and
two daughters.
Adams Funeral
Services Held
At Spring Creek
Funeral services tor Mrs. Mary
Catherine Short Adams, 72, Wil
lamette valley pioneer who died
at her home at Spring Creek Jan
uary 23. were held Sunday at the
Spring Creek schoolhottse. and in
terment was made in Spring
Creek cemetery.
Mary Catherine Short was born
in Linn county July SO, 1858. Her
Another Big Show
Mickey's Latest Picture
"The Haunted House"
If fta thtrs wtrs
two COUpftS :
mad ? LJSU V VUV-.
What? pretty -divorce
J T ton
-n . WAENER KTC3. v
Ife Gall:;.j
e e e
, WAicmnvs capitol
WkI TlelM Fwelratraaa e
In i"Cat Creeps."
Today James Hall Is
"Divorce inmr Friends' 1 -
e - Toiler Tjm Ifavnard la
"Fighting Through."
Todav Bnclc Jonee in '
"Men Without Law."
parents. Elder John Wesley Short
and Mary Ann Short cross tha
plains from Iowa in 185 S and set
tied - oa- tha Albany prairie. ; In
I860 they moved to Waldo Hills,
11 miles east of Salem. In Octo
ber. 1873, she earn with her par
ents to Klickitat county, Washing
ton, returning in July. 1171 to
Waldo Hills. .-',.) .
Bh was married September 11.!
1179. to Elder Jacob Edwin Ad-1
ami and returned with her hus
band to Klickitat county, where
they Bred six years In tha Pins
Forest neighborhood north of Gol
den dale. In 188 5 they moved to
her old home at Spring
Creek, where she lived until her
death. Her husband I was , pastor
of the Spring Creek and Cedar
Valley . Baptist churches for 23
years prior to his death 12 years
ago. She joined the Baptist church
some 40 years ago. Her youngest
son. Hugh, passed away iii No
vember, 1909.
Surviving children are Claude,
Klickitat, Wash.. Roy of Colton
and Chris of Qoldendale, Wash.
Two sisters, Mrs. T. T. Hlnshaw
or wmte gaimon, wasn ana
Mrs. Susan Smith of n Sutherlln,
also rrir Mr. x
,;-! v-
Sorority House
f Mother Missing
EUGENE.' Ore., Jan. 10 (AP)
A search was under way hero
today for Mrs. Liu Thatcher,
aboutj SO, house mother at Chi
Omega sorority.
Mrs, Thatcher has been missing
since j Wednesday night. Fear
has been expressed for her safety.
She had been in 111 health recent
ly. - f - " ..;;::.;-.;
Whitsett Dies;
Hurt in Crash
ROSEBURO. Ore., Jan. 1 0
(AP)- S. D. Whlteeett, 70, prom
inent Douglas county stockman,
died here today from Injuries re
ceived when his automobile col
lided with a freight track driven
by Donald Savage. The accident
occurred two miles south of here
this morning. s
Marshfield Has
72 Degrees Heat
MARSHFIELD, OreJ, Jan. 10.
(AP) The mercury climbed
to .71 1 degrees here today, the
warmest January day on record
here, i The previous high mark,
which was equalled last Tuesday,
was TO degrees, recorded.
Mrs; AlUe 8auer..l$47 North
Chureh street, died in this clry
late Friday, night, January SO,
aged-67 years; sister of Etta
Holt and slter-in-Uw of Mrs.
Russell Hurst. Remains in ear
or tne Kigaon mortuary. '
Doors Open
At 1P.BL
AdmlU 5c
of this
7Sn CfAivn$b
Kfn it er
noses ICI1
Miss Lena Belle . Tartar, con
tralto, scored a triumph with, her
audience Thursday night, when
she appeared in a delightfully
well balanced sola recital in
Waller halL accompanied by
Dorothy-Pearee, :
From the depth of "Qui aedes
ad ( d ex tram" by Bach, through
"Aaf Dem Meere" by Frans
Dia Mainaehf, Brahmst the
dramatle "O Don TaUle' Verdi j
the soft '"Zuelgnnng, Strauss,
and ; Into the modern lighter
things Miss Tartar sang with
ease and swift and sure adapta
tion of Interpretation and dra
matis expression. .
For a rolee so distinctly a
deep contralto, the modulations
and fine shadings of tone were
quite outstanding. In "Zneing-
nung- and Dle Nacht" the ef
fect; was. almost that of a de
lightful lullaby, tha tones were
so soft and carrassinsr. ret hack
of them was a secure power that
was; distinctly felt in "O Don
Mlsa TarUr h.s the sort of
roice which makes one wish that
she j would elng without accom
paniment so that no tone nor
finest shading would be lest In
the piano tones.
The Thursday night program
was; sponsored . by the American
Legion auxiliary and it was the
first- time that Miss Tartar has
appeared. in recital in Salem for
a very long time. Her first pro
gram this year was given in Eu
gene. Her reception in Salem,
while not as large as it should
have been, made up in enthusi
asm! what it lacked in number.
Encores v were demanded i and
were graciously given. !
Three house hois, two senate
measures and a house Joint mem
orial, asking; congress to act fa
vorably upon the bill providing a
temporary embargo on wheat and
corn products and to add poultry
products to the list, were passed
la tha short session of the house
Friday morning.
Ralph Hamilton, chairman of
the legislative and rules commit
tee, announced Monday was the
last day on which members may
introduce new bills. Measures to
be introduced after that date re
quire the approval of the legisla
tive committee. ,
Bills passed by the house today
were - 1 , i
H B. 7 By Deuel and Senator
Miller To permit United States
to acquire land for migratory bird
refuges and to conduct fish cul
tural: inrestlgations.
H.J B. 10 By .Anderson. Bro
naugh and Bynon To permit mo
tor vehicles te operate exclusively
in il . . II n 11 1 I M ' I
r f i H -L ) ' ;
. Ill " i . . .. I :. II ;
t ill - - . f.' 1 ' II :t-
i .. ,1 '
r i - .... o ! . i , !
i : r-1 -; r
"rR . -A I
2 ii ii w s 7 s'i-u i iflii ir r iiv i
7 1 1 1 1 1 . a a r- a v . ifiiiii . i l. . Li f . i i i
i r v j j - ) d d
J ZA ' TherJettonU Ulrthquake !
t 7 ' ! npntlirp ll A irr? a uri a r?r !
ss:'!!!! s JACK -viiiTino.. pnArm nciiuon
within tha boundaries of cities and
within fire miles of such boundar
ies without pneumatic tires until
f July 1. 1111.
JX B. 14 By Schaupp Relat
ing to impounding stock at large
la tha state. i .'
8. B. IS By Woodward To
amend oode increasing jurisdic
tion of district courts in counues
of 100.000 or more conulation. to
cases np to S1900 to relieve cir
cuit court or lesser cases, t
- 8. B. 11 By Brown To amend
cod reiatine ta iemnr taxes ror
payment of bounties la Marion
county, to Include gopners ana
Nurses? Visits
Reduced Where
Fund Not Aided
Dr. Vernon A. Done-lee. coun
ty health officer, has notified
rural schools of the county that
do net contribute to the expense
of the county health department
will hereafter receive but two
visits a year from tho public
nurses, one in the fall and the
other in the spring. Emergency
service will, of course, bo given.
! The retrenchment is necessary
because of reduced f nnds . on
which tho department Is operat
ing tnia year. cnangee i were
definitely determined, following
conference with the county
school superintendent, Mrs. Mary
I Fulkerson. j
"Howard Hariea i i I
baa produced an J 5
aviarioa spectacle. , J A
the like oY which , ') f Uh
haSDOCprcvaooaly' - j f $t
been seen oa the If Vt
if '.. .... 2 '
it y' 1
r' ' -mM, '
Protests are coming In from
all parts of tho state in regard
to the bill proposed by Senator
Woodward of Multnomah raising
tha exemption of wage earnets
from $75 to $115 per month,
according to reports made by the
legislative committee , of the Sa
lem Credit Men's association at
the rerular noon luncheon meet
ing on Friday.
Merchants are opposing the
the bill oa the ground that it
would make debt collection from
were earners, almost impossible.
The bill has been referred to the
Judiciary committee of the sen
ate which may grant a hearing
on the measure. i
Roy Wassam gave a report of
the luncheon of the Portland
Credit association at which sev
eral local members were guests. ,
Almost instant reZif fara&teed
sse with one swallow cf t
Capitol DrucStorc
Uoited Arriml
TaaartihajPlcfMre !
o (he Air
I .
Starting ' Sondax
,l.nJWfneen I J II I