The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 30, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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The OREGON STATES51AN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, Jannary SO, 1931
eOuve M. Dojlk. Society Editor
r or ma l lea is
- Event
One of the most brilliant rent ,
la Salem for tome time wu the
formal tea .complimenting Mrs,
Julius Meier, . between the hours
of three and ilx o'clock Thursday
at the home of Mrs. John McNary
with Mr. McNary. Mrs. Frits
Slade and Mrs. Henry Hansen of
Portland as hostesses.
The guest; rooms were spring
bowers of lovllness with a profu
sion of acacia, daffodils, . hya
cinths, treezlas. roses,- and other
sprint; . flowers all la pastel j
shades, which combined to form
a" beautiful background for the
lovely afternoon gowns f the
many guests who called during J
w The ruests were received la the Mrs HJL. Carl
wide spreading hall. Mrs. Me- j IJ-L,.--Nam
Mrs. Slade. Mrs: Hansen IS nOSteSS
'and Mrs. Meier formed: the reeelv- j Hubbard Mrs. H. I Carl was
1ng line. From the receiving line j hostess at her home teast of Hub-
- the guests were usnered into tne i bard at an all day meeting or me
long living room, ; here to oei community guild or tne reaeraiea
-tree ted by Mrs. W. H. L.ytle, Mrs. ehurehes of Hubbard Wednesday.
-David Eyre. Mrs. Frank Snedecor, I Dinner was : served at the noon
I Friday, January SO ; ""-,-
i First Spiritualist church circle, I o'clock, George
Stoddard. 1420 North 4th street. i
i : West Side Circle of the Ladles Aid. Jason Lee
church, business and work meeting at ibe borne of Mrs.
Alfred Vick, 1495 N. Liberty streets.
! One o'clock luncheon. Woman's Alliance of Unitar
ian church lu church ; social rooms, program following,, i
) Camp Fire Girls, swim; T. M. C. A., 7:45 o'clock, f
r ; Camp Fire sponsorers and guardians, meeting at
chamber of commerce, 7:30 o'clock, Miss Janet McKel-;
lar, national field worker to speak. ; ; T I
Pringle community eiub, 8:00 o'clock; program ;
. planned. ! : ; -
! Mrs. V. R. Griggs, hostess to members of auxiliary
of St. Paul's Episcopal church, at her home,; 1745 John;
street; 1:3 o'clock. J
: I. I . ' i . - - 1 .'
Mrs. R.' P. Boise, Miss Mable Ro
bertson. Mrs. W. T. Stols, Miss
Nina McNary. Mrs. aanel. Busn,
Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mrs. James
Linn, Mrs. Connell Dyer and Mrs.
Keith Powell of Woodburn.
Mrs. Harry Hawkins and Mrs.
hour by the hostess who was as
sisted by Mrs. Lillian Foster and
Mrs. Neva McKenrle.
The day was spent at sewing
for a future bazaar,
At a business meeting in the
afternoon plans were made for a
Dan Fry. Jr., had, charge of "the colonial silver tea. to be held Feb-
dining room where tea was served
and assisting them were Mrs
Frank Chapman, Mrs. Dolph
Craig, Mrs. Willard Marshall.
- Miss Rovena Eyre, Mrs. Breyman
Boise. Mrs. Frank Spears," Mrs,
ruary ll. Mrs. weva. aico-ensie.
the president, appointed the fol
lowing t committees to have
charge: Mrs. Margaret MeMan
nis, Mrs. Marie Claypool, Miss
Verna Ott. and Mrs. Ethel John-
Cus Hilton asd Mrs. Don Young ,on, decorating: Mrs. Vera Boje,
and Mrs. Gwendolyn Stolllker
Presiding In turn at the beau
tlf ully appointed and formal tea
table during the afternoon hours
were Mrs. George W. Joseph aud
Mrs. Max HIrsch of Portland. Mrs.
T. A. Uvesiey. Mrs. T. B. Kay,
Mrs. R.- E. Lee- Steiner and Mrs.
Henry Meyers.
A large number of Portland wo
men were present for theltea.aa
well as many from near-by towns
a'nd 'Eugene, Albany, and Corval
11s. In all over 200 prominent
women called ' to compliment the
charming and distinguished hon
or guest.
A delightful luncheon preceded
the formal tea when Mrs. H. J.
Bean assisted by Mrs. , George
Rossman, and Mrs. , George M.
Brown entertained at one o'clock
in the Bean residence in compli
ment to the wives of the senators
and representatives and the wives
of th supreme court judges. - A
large number nf out of town wo-
men were present fof this affair NeTa McKenzie. M
out! men nueuuea iue ie inirr
in the afternoon.
' . -
Hubbard Mr. and Mrs.-Lester
Will entertained at a delightful 7
o'clock bridge dinner at their
country home north of Hubbard
Saturday evening. They were as
sisted by Miss Lenore Scholl. Yt
A lovely color scheme of yel-
low with a bouquet of yellow jas-
.Following the dinner the guests
repaired to the spacious living
room in the old loghouse adja-r
cent to the present Will j home.
The walls of - the old binding
were decorated with evergreens
taking a festive- room in , which
six tables of bridge were enjoyed
tbrfgbout the -evening. Prizes
were won by Mrs." Ella Stauffer,;
Mrs.- Blanche Brown, L. A. Beck
man.' and Waldo F) Brown.
. rrweni. were nr. ana irs.
George Grimps. Mr, and Mrs. Ed-
, f tt. t . . . j r
C.fH.-Cleaver, Mr. and -Mrs. L. AJ
Beckman, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mo
Mannis; Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Stauffer. Mr. and Mrs.' Waldo F.
Brown. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart, MrJ
and Mrs. Orlle Boje. Mrs., Neva
McKenzle, Miss Lenore .Scholl,
and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Will.
.. . m i
Sunday evening a number of
friends surprised Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Boyanovsky at their home in
the outskirts ofScio, on the occa
sion of Mr. Boyanovsky's birth an
niversary. The gathering .was
more off. a surprise to the host
fo rthe reason that it took place
two days prior to his birthday. j
- Frank " KrumI and V. Prokop
made merry with the former's
accordion, while vocal music,
games and other forms of enter
tainment made up a pleasant ev
ening for all. Among the callers
were Mr. and Mrs. V. Prokop, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Patrny, Mr. and Mrs.
oeorge Fatrny Mr. and Mrs. Syl
vester Kroek. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Palon, Mrs. Annda Doubek. John
Jlroch, Mary Jiroch, Portland,
and Mr. and Mrs. John iDobes.
Lebanon. ' -
Independence The Sigma The
ta chapter or Delphian met with
Mrs. Asa B. Robinson Monday.
The lesson was "Italian Art to
the end .of the Great Periods of
PalnUng. Topics were taken by
Mrs. J. H. . Hart. Mrs. H. C. Han
eoo, Mrs. E. Wunder. Mrs. J.:H
' Picture study, was given by
Mrs. D. A. Hoag. H. Mattisob, M
J. Butler. Asa B. Robinson. The
travelogue was given ' by Mrs.
Delia Butlers Current event by
Mrs. J. H. Hart; talk on. the in-
- flaeaee of pictures upone one's
life, by Mrs. W. H. ; Cockle and
Mrs. L." I. Bursell. ; !v .
It was voted to meet each Mon
. day during the month; of Febra
r. - i 1'. '
- Mrs. Hart is. assistant supervi
sor for this month
Miss Pauline Primus, Miss
Frances Field and Miss Ruth
Dickey will ; entertain . with i
dance, at Kent! hall this evening
Tor. ji group er tne youarer see.
-Mr. ' and Mrs. E. M. Primus. Mr;
and Mrs. H. V Field, Mr. and
Mrs. N. Panger,5Dr. and, Mrs.
Looney and Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Shade will bo palrons a4 pa
Irones&es: a -iw V- Ti, j'V; .-. -
Mrs. Winnie Brown, Mrs. Mina de
Wolf. Mrs. Lillian Foster. Mrs.
Esther Moon and Mrs. Kathreen
Hecker. serving; Mrs. Ellen Carl.
Mrs. Alice Adams, and IMrs. Neva
McKenzle, eats.
Mrs. Maud Bidgood, Mrs.! Mar
garet McMannis and Mrs. Vera
Boje will be the hostesses for the
next meeting to be held at the
Bidgood home February 11-
Present were Mrs. May Hamp
ton, Mrs.; Susie Ott, Mrs. Merle
Stewart, Mrs. Ellen Carl, .Mrs.
Hazel . Zurlinden, Mrs. Esther
Moon, Mrs. Kathreen Hecker.
Mrs. Wilma Lef fler, Mrs. Ethel
Johnsin, Mrs. Margaret McMan-
nis, Mrs. Winnie Kocher, Mrs. Al
ice Adams, Mrs. Amanda Dimlct;
Mrs. Greeta Murphy, Mrs. Mina"
de Wolf, i Mrs. Eunice Braden,
Mrs. Vera Boje, Mrs. C. V. Poln-
dexter, Mrj. Amanda Grimm,
Mrs. Julia Dimick. 1 Mrs. Marie
Claypool, ; Mrs. Cathrene Slltten
hart. Mrs. Sarah - Colvin, Mrs.
rs. Maud Bid-
good, Miss Verna Ott, Miss Ce-1
cile Coyle and Miss Lenore
Scholl. Mrs. A. JI. Hughes of Red
land was ; a dinner guest. Mrs.
Hughes had 4ed on Mrs- Carl
as she was od ner way to Salem,
it . .
Mrs. p. T . Pierce
Is Hostess
Aumsville Mrs. Edgar T.
Pierce entertained members of
the Aumsville Women's club at
her home : in Salem Thursday t or
a delightful one o'clock luncheon.
The. luncheon- tablewas artistical
ly arranged with assorted fruits
and tapers In pastel shades. ,
After the luncheon hour the
afternoon j was spent.: in a short
business session, in social conver
sation and in needlework. -
Mrs. Plummer was a special
guest "for f the afternoon.
Club ; members present were:
the hostess. Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, j
Mrs Charles Hein, Mrs. : Arble
Martin,' Mrs. Charles Martin,' Mrs.
Millie Martin, Mrs. Bland Speer,
Mrs. Margaret Strayer, Mrs. J. E.
Towle, and Mrs. Geo. R. Claxton.
Mrs. John Ransom will be host
ess to the club members at her
home In Shelburn, February 5.
Hubbard Tbalia Rebekah
lodge , held initiation for Mrs.
Mina deWolf Tuesday evening..
Out of town guests were Mrs.
Stella Ball. Molalla, Mrs. Minnie
Melvln, Woodburn. Mrs. Ida
Hochstettler, Mr, and Mrs. Carl
Ingstrom, i Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Peebles, Mrs. Clara Schlelds.and
I. H; Carleo, air of Salem.
Refreshments were served by;
Mrs. Caroline SmolniskyJ Mrs. i
Sarah Colvin and, Mrs. Winnie
Brown, .members of the commit
tee. The Rebekahs voted to serve
the banquet for the Pythian Sis-
ters Arion temple at the district !
convention which will be held in
Hubbard the third Saturday in
Marlon 5 Mrs. Elda McGrath
entertained at dinner Tuesday.
January 27th, (at her home at
Mountain View Ranch, in honor
or the 80th birthday of her mo
ther. Mrs. si Ji McCready. Those
present were the guest of ; honor,
Mrs. McCready, her daughter! Ms.
Llda Ward, of Montpeller. N. D.;
Mrs. Llla Allison and Mr. and
Mrs. C- D. Chllds, of Salem, and
the hostess. Mrs. McGrath. The
birthday cake was ' sent', from
South DakoU by a daughter of
Mrs. McCready. Mrs. McCready
was born ! at Freeport, HL, in
1851, and has lived In Iowa.
South Dakota. California and
Oregon. i
; j ' a. j : - u' J- ; : -
The . Pringle community club
will meet' Friday night at Sfe
o'clock In; the community halL A
special program has been plan
ned which will Include dancing
and glee elub number from Les
lie junior ; high school; j piano
number from Leslie junior -high
school; 'piano number, played by
Flavia Downs; talk on gardening
by J. W. Mamny; duet by May
3. Henderson and Mildred Guth
rie. .... . i ..
Mrs, Allan Bynon of Portland
lias .joined, her . husband h ha i
-herv alreyresentaiive front Molt-
nonfan county, ' ad will remain
over -the weekend, T5rbre t here
Mrs. Bynon will renew her many
acquaintances made while her
parents. CoL and Mrs. E. Hofer,
bad beir-onie la-Salem. "
Wenda Pinochle ' '
Club EjitertaineH I ;
v Mr. and Mrs, Frank Belt were
hosts. t4 .the Wenda- Pinochle
club at : their houae Wednesday
evening.4 High 'scores were held
by Mrs. E. R. Niles and Frank
Bell, and low scores were held by
Mr. and Mrs. , Don Poulin.
Mrs. A. W. Andres and Mrs. A.
Poulin "were special guests for the
evening. Mr. and -Mrs. W. W,
Holman will fie hosts to the club
for the. next meeting which will
be In a fortnight.
Travelers Are ;. !
Complimented .
Mrs. Alma : Henderson and
Mrs. Louis King were enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Ida
rragiio weanesaay nigbt as a
compliment to them before they
leave for a , two weeks' f trip
south. The party carried out the
Idea of travel. A porter met the
guests at the door and the guest
rooms resembled the Interior of
dining , car and a parlor ear.
Travel games and much fun pro
ceeded m lunch served 1 by Mrs.:
Traglio assisted by Mrs. Florence
Yarnell. Mrs.. Elsie Townsend,
and Mrs. Hattie Cameron.
Guests to compliment Mrs.
King ana Mrs. .Henderson were
Inez Siegmnnd, Llla Greene. Net-J
tie Elwell, Ella - Harra. Adolph-j
Ine Harra, Belle Carlton, , Ethel
Fletcher, . Grace Webber,, Pearl
Formick, Llda Brougher, Mrs.
Townsend, Mrs. Cameron,' Mrs.
Yarnell and Mrs. Traglio.
.. ..
Hubbard Mrs.; O. II. Boje was
hostess to the members of the
bridge club at her home Tues
day afternoon. i ,.
Pussywillows placed 'about the
room were suggestive of spring.
Three tables of bridge were en
joyed with high !. score held by
Mrs. C. H. Cleaver, Jr., and sec
ond by Mrs. C. H. Cleaver, Sr.
Refreshments - were served by
the hostess to the following
guests: Mrs. L. A. Beckman, Mrs.
Waldo F. Brown, Mrs. Julius
Stauffer, :Mrs. Elmer Stauffer,
Mrs. Lester Will, Mrs. George
Grimps, Mrs. W. . S. MeMannis,
Mrs. Neva McKenzle, Mrs. C. H.
Cleaver Jr., and Mrs. C. H. Clea
vejr. Sr.
Independence Mr. and Mrs.
Edd " Wunder celebrated their
26th wedding anniversary Mon
day evening, neighbors and
friends came at seven o'clock to
help them celebrate the occasion.
A potluck dinner, .was . served
after which music and cards were
enjoyed till a late. hour, f
High honors in cards went to
Mr. Oren Kellogg and Mrs. Hen
ry Mattison. - - ,' '",
Those present were Mr.' and
Mrs. Oren K el log. Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. RIney, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Robbie Mr. and Mrs. Valen
Guild, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guild
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matti
son. .. ;
Julnaby Mr. and Mrs. C; L.
Beckner - entertained at a one
o'clock dinner Sunday for a group
of jold time neighbors and
friends. This is the third group
for which Mr. and Mrs.r Beckner
have entertained In celebration
of their 30th . wedding anniver
sary. Following the dinner hour,
the afternoon was spent in con
versation reminiscent of 30 years
ago, most of the; guests having
lived in the Immediate neighbor
hoood from 20 te.over (0 years.
The ages represented in the en
tire : assemblage totaled! 1129
years with J. C. McFarlane the
olders. and El din Beckner, the
little grandson of Mr. and Mrs.
Beckner the youngest, i Eldln at
this time celebrated his fourth
birthday anniversary. f
Covers -were placed for Mr.
and Mrs. C L. Beckner. Mr.' and
Mrs. J. C. McFarlane, Mr. and jp
Mrs. James O Neil, Mr, and Mrs.
Bruce Jones, jM.r. rand Mrs.' Roy
Lick, Mf. and Mrs. Alex Harold,
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Anderson.
Mrs. O. P..J. Nolan. Miss Zulette
Painter. Mrs. C. M. Harold Lyle
Beckner. and Ismail sons, Eldon
and Lawrence , ;
Mrs. Lyle Beckner was assisted
In serving by; Miss Evelyn Beck
ner and Miss Pearl Jones,
Dallaa Mrs. Earle . Fulgham
was hostess !to members 'of the
Tuesday bridge club, January n.
Bowie : of i spring flowers were
used about the rooms. v . .'
' ! Invited guesU for the after
noon were Mrs. :V. C. Staats, Mrst
Charles N. Bilyeu and Mrs., Har
ry Pinkerton. : . . ' . .
I Members, present were Mrs. R.
B. Knason. Mrs. FTed SUnnette,
Mrs. Earle Richardson, Mrs.' Ivan
Warner, Mrs. E. W. Cruson, Mrs.
Ray Scott, Mrs. Maurice Dalton.
Mrs. P.nj. Walton and Mrs. J. C.
Tracy. Mrs. Staats received the
guest prize. Late In : the after
neon a one course luncheon . was
served. ' - -, - ' , - - '
r - : ;
Mrs. E. G. ' Ford, of : Portland .
who wa guest of Mrs. . Bertha I
Junk Darby for th past week. I
-leivior ner r-U
Spring Weather Lures
Camp Fire Girls
An "all Camp Fire hike was
enjoyed by members of the . va
rious Camp Fire groups of the
city Thursday morning. .. - The
destination was Englewood park
and here a large fire was started
ami 'breakfast cooked. . Then a
treasure hunt' was enjoyed.
Camp Fire songs sung and - a
happy outdoor time enjoyed by
a large group of rgtrlsand .their
Guardians present were Mrs.
Irene Douglas. Mrs. K. Smith!
and , two leaders. Esther Hun
saker. Helen Moullet, and ' the
following girls, Elizabeth Grant,
Betty Burdette. Helen Wilson.
Mabel Lord. TRuth Alice Grant.
Aleen Douglas, Marjorie Van De
walker, Delma' Bunn,' Dormalle
Bann, Billle Jean Oswald. -special
guest;, Margaret Albln. Lo-
raene Viek Martha Cox. Merle
Lange, Nadine 5 Conway. Mary
Elizabeth Hunsaker, na Mills,
nd Peggy Mtaktewlts.
Games and .s: bike homo fin
ished a happy early anrlnar mut
ing the first f many to follow
this season. ) ' i ,
Mrs. V. R. Griggs will be host
ess to the woman's auxiliary of
St. Pauls Episcopal church this
afternoon at her home, 1745 John
street. Guests will begin to ar
rive at 2:30 o'clock. .:
Increased Enrollment Over
List Semester! is
DALLAS. Jan. 29 .The Dal
las high school resumed1 its work
last Monday. January J! with 25C
students attending school. This
is a slight increase over last sem
ester. f,'v y-. ' !' ': ! v -j -
The honor roll for the last
Quarter of the first semester is:
-Seniors: Laverne Aebl. Mona
Brooks, Laura DoeH. Edith Dunn.
Betty Hawkins, Virglnli Leitch,
Lois Miller, Eugene Morrison.
Doris Newbill. Hulda Peters and
Ruth petre. . i . i
Juniors: Dorothy Elliott. Ottb
Fischer, Irene Guy. Arlie Mae
Hartmaa, Catherine ' Hawkins,
Mary HImes, Edward Jaasen, Lo
is Jones, Lydia Mehl, Carolyn
Mellln, Coy MInnicb, Rachel Nel-
Mrs. Ella Hathaway wtU direct
the sketch class of the Salem Arts
league ;la the fireplace room f
the eity library tonight beginning
at 7 o'clock. Miss . Florence Mar
shall and Miss Frances Doollttle
will pose, as models front which
ine eiass will sketch.
Mrs. J. L. Morrison of Port
land Is -a.jruest at the home of
her sister, Mrs. R. WlckJander.
Treasured by Resident of Sclo for 30 Years
ECIO, Jan. . 29 A fifty-tent
bill, United States currency, : was
exhibited in Sclo a few days ago
and created a great deal of spec
ulation as to its age. Its probable
present value, - and Us history
generally. 1 - .- ;
"Is this money any good at
this store 7" Uncle John Riley in-
Quired of W. J. Turnidge about
30 years; ago. 'Turnidge -was eon-
ducting a- mercantile- business at
Crabtree at that time. "Yes, that
is as good as any money , to : me.
personally. Turnidge informed
his customer, feeling that if Un-
son. Rex Pembenon, Elrin Quir
ing, Helen Shreeve, Irene Soeh-
ren, Mary Starbuck and Helen
VIers. j.. r -..i- . '
Sophomores: Robert . AH good.
William Cadle, Lois Clan field. Ro
se&a Domhecker, Buelaa Dpwling,
lth g, -Alice Hereth, Dorothy Hol
man, ' Paul in Hughes, . Harriett
Lockling,, Dorothy McBee, -Roe-
ada Mole, Lydia Neufeldt, ' Maria
Neufeldt, . Laura Peters. Hazel
Plummer, Maxlne Reavls. Eleanor
Rutledge, Myrtle Shieyely, Eu-.
gene Steller, and Mabel Warrell.'
Freshmen: Ormand Aebl, Carl
Black, Jessie CrHehlow. Bill Dal
ton, Edward Hamilton, Lydia Hie
bert Henry : KUever. Marianna
Peters,-' - Marceil Reaves. Ada
Schmidt, Lola Walton. . , ,
cle Sam did not care to redeem
the little bill he would be glad to
preserve it for a keepsake and a
curiosity. , . :
' -l have ' many times refused
double the- 'face value, of the bill.
simply because. X wanted to bold
on to it," Turnidge said la . dis
cussing the old currency this
week. No date Is discernible on
the little paper note. It would be
interesting to know the year or
its issue. ". . , ,
Lodge Protests'
Acceptance of ;
Final Account
. , . i ,'. -
Woodburn Lodge NO. 102. L O.
O. F., yesterday , filed la . probatd
court objections to- the court's ac
ceptance of the final aecouftt of
the executor of the estate of John
C Wilson, on jrouads that the
executor did not pay tothe lodge
$300 bequeathed to that order in
the wUI. - ; 1- M ' .. V. '.;
The motion requesting vaca
tion of the court's order says that
the bequest of $300 was for up
keep of the family burial plot of
the decedent was not paid nor or
dered paid by the final decree of
January 21. In the fifth provi
sion of the will, the: lodge la
made trustee of the trust fund of
$300 offered in, the bequest, and
the probate court, the motion
says, has so jurisdiction to de
clare, the decedent performed
acts before bis death nullifying
said bequest because there was
no written evidence to that ef
fect. !, . ,
Bethel Homes
Are Improved
' BETHEL3an. 29 i- An exten
sion of the electric tine is now
under construction t supply
light and power to rms.of
W. I Creech and A. t . nger.
The 109 phone lie; i. tend
ed last week, and. connected up
ibe A. C. Spranger home. ,,
Mr, Bpranger has made eri I-
id improvement on tla faro t
winter, a full height, w:i-l :t
30x38 feet addition to hU t rn ;
a 13x39 reel nonow, ui r .c
house; and a tine large mow m
hen house.
sf? et & m sa m mm.
; Case A ppealccry
Fay Almeda. guardian of Les-i .
, Morgan, Prtscllla Morgan and
Virgil Morgan, minors, has filed .
appeal from the order of the pro
bate cqurt entered January ZB,
which vacated previous order ap
pointing her to the guardian
ship. Under the order of January
26, the court allowed petition of
Elsie Dunn and SV M. Baughmaa
for vacation of the Almeda order -
and appointment of Ena Harmon
guardian. Fay Almeda la
mother of the children. I
I s5 A ft l I Y : " J.
p i ' ' ' " ''''' ' ' j
mmmY,w ) WJ
k , LXJ . i
- i -3 -
. ! " y :,-Y Y- Y - f - -
"Eveiryon sv; a m a r t
style, everyone a big
value! A coat for busi
ness wear, a coat for
street, a coat for
sport wear . . . at a
possible . saving o f
How can it be done?
Come see the values
for yourself. Fine
woolens, flat crepe lin-
ings, fine tailoring,
fine styling and above
all the wanted shades.
. Sizes,
12 to 44
U U;0
Our -annual inventory
clearance of main floor!
wash dresses begins this
morning. It Is a sale of
the better quality wash:
dresses. Nellie Dong and
Miss Spokane dresses la
. pretty : prints will be
shown in profusion. All
slies from small to extra1
Urge will be Included.!
Tour choice at - j
; . " '.r: I .. ' .
Women's Hosiery
One big lot of sport lisle.
clox, chiffons in lisle, lace, etc.
Former values to 32.50 pair.
Light tans and spring shades.
(Main Floor).
Boys- Oliver
Twist Suits ,
Y S1.89
Boys' 'wool or combination
wool with cotton blouse Oliver
Twist suits In this close-out
at $1.89. Many of these sold
regularly at $3.45.
. Clearance
French Note
: 59(
French note paper makes Its
own envelope by a simple
twist of the wrist.,. In all the,
pastel, tints that are so plea-
lag to the eye. Tfeese are reg
ularly priced at $1X9.
. Oaala. Floor)
Fibre Carrying:
- A miniature suit case with
16, 18, 20,
36 and 38
In keeping with our policy of keeping our promise we announce to those whom we
disappointed last Saturday that we will show their sizes in those very desirable polo
. . or sports coats in electric blue Jbeige tan, ruby redr silver-orchid, sOver-green, etc, .
1 These new coats come in an ample showing of sizes 16, 18, 20, 36, and .38. We have all
tizes and those who did not shop early enough last Saturday to get fitted may rest as
lured that their-coat and their size may! be found among these.- Special'll.OO.
Crepe Suit : i: - 'CI OR
Brouses r .-JL-:. 1. & X uO .
C$ . Popular Pastel Shades tor Spring. '
: .: , ..! I.. ,
...... . . I AtjTJ
waterproof lining
for school books, etc
one today, and save.
i Bur
Clearance IV
Boys' Long Pants
, S1.98 . , .
Boys' longies in brown, tan
and novelty greys. Elastic or
plain tope. These are hand
somely tailored and will give
all around good service.
I (Main Floor)
Fountain Pens
; . AU-Amcrlcan fountain pens
i that sell everywhere at tl9
wa be sold at ica tomor- 1
i ; row at $L0O. The come ta '
i alxes and all the new colors
such as red, greenorchid, tan.
mm miUV. gOKI PCD,
- Last
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