The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 30, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem Oregon, Ffiday Monilner, January SO, 1931
- - - - ' - - ( j i i 4 -
Local News Briefs
""-a mmm mmm mm mmm mm wmmmm Mwaaai Ma MmMaa
Petaali-iderwi - Dfder of de
fault has been signed by Circuit
- Judge 1. H. McMahan la the case
.of Annie M. Himaa against El
oiao M. Stafford. , An Interlocu
tory decree Wed : yesterday pro
rides that the defendant shall
pay to he clerk of the court 2r
14 and Interest for use of the
plalnUff, the clerk to pay the
lumi U per warn -ay --
deed for the property lnToired la
the salt Is delivered by plaintiff
to defendants.
1 Ld. If dry slab $5.50. 2 Lds.
for $10.00 rred E. Wells, Inc.
Car In MI Up "I had stop
ped at stop sign and was -Just
drlring- out onto the highway
and oyer on my aide of theroad.
says L. D. MeAIUster. Shaw. In
reporting an automobile . accident
Thursday morning InTelring car
of Mrs, Mabel Drorbaugh. Salem.
The mishap occurred at the In
tersection of the Mseleay and
Turner road.; j
Johnson Case Today Judge
Gale S. Hill of circuit court de
artment two will be here today to
bear arguments of two questions
in the water ease. f The ease ot
Johnson t. Lathy, to quiet title.
Is also scheduled to get under
w ' 'h - ; . I '. -
- Haiel Foster will be at the Mir
ror Beauty Shoppe beginning Mon
day. Call 184 for ap"Aptii
Balcony. Gunnell-Robb Studio.
i Judgment Entered George C.
Jby Ethel Bobo. administra
trix of theestate of W. 1 Bobo,
is. awarded judgment of $222. 90
and costs from the plaintiff, in
- decree handed down yesterday by
Judge L. H. McMahan.
Hoan Authorized The probate
court has authorized Brazier
Small, guardian of, the estate of
Gerald K. Allan,! incompetent, to
make a loan of ! not more than
S1480 to KAman "W. Faught of
Salem. ; !
Grade ! "A" raw pure Golden
Guernsey milk,, 9c quart. Call
Will in Probate The will of
Frank A. English nas been ad
mitted to probate with Henry
Weber as executor. W. E. Keyes.
,iLra R. Bergsrik and Ariel K.
T-Howell hare been appointed ap
praisers. :
Appraisers Rep or t F. O.
Johnson. J. E. Smith and S. H.
VanTrump, appraisers, hare giT
en report of the estate of Blanche
Drake Henkle showing Talue ot
$2,184.78. R. K. Drake is the
Administrator. j
Appeal Filed H.-F. Weitman
has filed appeal In ease brought
against him In Justice court by
Sherman Swank. - The. . lower
-entered judgment of $58.44 i
for the plaintiff.;
Reports Accident S. R. Tan
dy, In accident report to the sher
iff, says his car skidded on the
- highway, tour miles south yester
day, causing; the machine to col
lide wltha highway truck.
I L. C. Meyers 1 now located at
341 N. Comfl St. Ladles,' child
ren's and men's haircutting, 25c
Account Filed-r-Lillie M. Ma
gee, executrix of the estate of Da
rid A. Harris, has filed her final
, aecount, showing; a cash balance
of $954.48. The account will be
up for final hearing Tuesday,
, March 3". j
Case Dismissed The case of
- Vitagraph, Inc., against Frank D.
Bligh, has been dismissed from
circuit court.
Crocus In Bloom W. J. Hage
dorn, 1405 Fir street, report! he
has & bed of yellow crocus In full
; bloom. ' .
Belcrest iilcmoria)
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Just ten minutes from the
heart of town
JL rrnrsKAx. dibectoxs
Oar Snrica is F.raonal
Oar Price Are BaonU
Oar Rom Is MoSara
Xteanaa a Idy
Easiness as usual
at the
357 StattfiJt.
An Item In Sunday's
Statesman relating to the
bankruptcy of n Salem res
ident - stated erroneously
that he. was" manager of
the Kafeteri Shoe ' Store.
This was not' correct, and
this store la in no way con
nected With that or any
other - bankruptcy or bn&I-
nesa difficulty,
Rwunigg-i-Sili The high
school Girl Re-serres will hold a
rummage sale Saturday at the old
American Fidelity building on
North Commercial street. Funds
will be used to send delegates to
the spring conference to be held
la Astoria February 11 a to 15.
Virginia Wassam is In general
charge of the ! sale. The girls
will be assisted by their adrlsor.
Miss Helen Breitkiupt, the fol
lowing members from the Y. W.
C A.: Mrs: Otto Hesdriek. Un.
M- B. Warstaff and Mrs. Eliza
beth Gallaher. ;
Dollar dinner ever night 5:45
to 8 at the Marlon hotel.
To Attend Banquet-. A number
of the local Southern Pacific em
ployes will be n Portland Satur
day erening to attend the ' fare
well banquet to bo siren In honor
ot William H: Jenklas. who Is re
tiring as traveling passenger agent
oftar-40Tyears service with , the
company.., s
i Diseases Report - Marlon coun
ty reported to the state board of
health cases ot communicable dis
ease tor last week, as follows:
Measles, 29; scarlet ferer. whoop
ing cough and chicken pox, one
each; mumps, 14; pneumonia, 4,
and tuberculosis, 4.
. Cars washed. $1.00.' Open all
night. 217 N. Church St.
' j ' ' "5 L
From j Klamath. Falls Klam
ath Falls had, by i coincidence of
visiting. four Lions present at
the Salem Lions' club meeting
yesterday noon. They were: Har
ry DeLapp, Walter Abby, Randall
Borgild. and Frank McConnlck.
Petition For Road B. H.
Herman I and others hare peti
tioned the" county court for a
road leading Into the . Salem
Butterille road. This petition
contains! more than CO signa
tures. Try a ! Boyer's French Hunters
dinner. Winter Garden, 333 N.
High. ;
Decreo Filed Following su
preme court mandate recently
handed down In appeal In ease of
Lela Jerman vs. Merxe O. Nelson
to quiet title to property, a decree
was yesterday filed with the
county clerk.
Cake Baking Contest The
Holmes Monarch grocery. Court
street, is ( announcing a special
cake-baking contest for Saturday,
open to ; the ladle ot the com
munity. i
Marriage License License to
wed was Issued here yesterday to
Raymond Peter Bernatski of Mill
City and lAllce Pearl Kunkle of
Credit Men to Meet The Salem
Credit Men's association will hold
its regular luncheon meetlnr at
fheJLrgola today.
See Trenta! Mat Becke & Hen
dricks' on classified page, also la
office window, 189 N. High.
Ladlee Xlght-iThe Lions club
will hold Its next ladles' night
gathering Thursday night, Feb
ruary 19, it was announced at the
luneheon meeting Thursday.
Corner Crash Two stories as
to "how it happened" corns from
the drivers of the two ears which
collided at the corner ot Court and
High streets Thursday- morning.
Lolabelle ; Foster, route 3, says
that she was going east on Court
street when J. D. Kastrldge. ot 558
North Church street whipped t in
frost ot her from High street,
bumping the rear wheel of the
car in front of her and tearing the
fender - oft her car. Eastridge
claims that he was going north on
high street at s.nt 25 miles per
hoar when the jester ear hit his
in the left rear wheel, damaging
the hub cap.
New Signs PUnned Propo
sition Is on toot for erection ot
abont 1(0 new read signs over the
eoanty, with the county court to
furnish the post and the Oregon
branch of the A. A. A. to f arnlah
the signs. Signs will probably be
placed in a number of new places,
as wel las old ones replaced.
Office Reopened The United
States marine corps recruiting of
fice here will be reopened shortly,
after having been closed since
September, according . to word
from Sergeant Maek Sherman,
former recruiting officer who Is
now stationed at Portland. : -
' Benefit dance. Fraternal tem
ple Sat. night. Jan. 31. Given by
all fraternal orders. , .
Porter HI John Porter, county
commissioner, who has been con
fined to his home at Silver ton for
the past week with an attack of
Influenza,' is reported to be some
what improved. It is not probable
he will return to the office before
next week. .. ; ;
Released With. Fine -A sum of
$50 was paid in a fine by William
C. Clark. Hillsdale man, who was
srrested early Wednesday morn
ing for driving an automobile
while under th Influence of In
toxicating liquor.
Big auction SaU 1:30 p.
Woodry's Auction Market.
Account Approved Sixth an
nual account of Gertrude Gau
bert, as guardian of the estate of
Johanna B. .Gamble; insane, has
been approve by the probate
Petition For Road B. N. Mill
er and others have petitioned the
county court for a short county
road in district eight, near Wood
burn. Smith, is Caller John W. L.
Smith, who was rural supervisor
In the Marlon county schools - a
number ot years ago, was in the
city Thursday from Corrallls.
On Business Trip Everette
Dotson, manager of the Hlllman
Fuel company, was a business vis
itor In Portland Thursday. '
City View Cemetery
Established' 1S03 Tel. 12WI
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices .Reasonable
Dz. Obum Lmm Ohi
ea WAIgf. 180
K. Ownrnlal St..
a&lB. Offle kvrs
Try Saaday S:30
U 6:30 SJa. SoTtrnt
tie aMBias ef Dee.
aa4 Jaa. :
Meeting Held The advisory
committee ot r doctors and physi
cians to the county health depart
ment met last night at the Medical-Dental
headquarters with Dr.
V. A. Douglas, Dr. Estill Brunk,
Dr. C. C. Dauer and Miss Elisa
beth Freeman of the health office.
The advisory committee, whleh
meets with the public health
group three or tour times a year,
is composed of: Dr. H. J. Clem
ents, Dr. H. K. gtockwell. Dr. R.
L. Wood. Dr. W. B, Morse, Dr. W.
W, Baum, Dr. Fred Ellis and Dr.
L. B. Schmidt. ?
Beyer's French Hunters
Winter Garden, 383 N.
Tar i
Three Charges'; 'Fined P. C
Cnrran was arrested Wednesday
on three charges of drunk, disor
derly and possession ot liquor. Es
was fined $20 Thursday on the'
first two of thecharges.
Speeding Expensive Hettston
B. Johnson paid a fine of fli and
costs In Justice court on Thursday
when he was convicted a a
charge of Speeding, -
. Order For Salee-Order for sale
of personal property belonging
to- the. estate ot Estelle Howard
has- been entered upon petition, ot
Ralph S. Howard, - administrator.
Brasier C. Small has resumed
his general practice' of law at
40 f Guardian Bldg. (formerly
Bank of Commerce Bldg.)
Fails to Give Way Failing to
give the right ot way cost Clar
ence Ingram, Junction City, $10
In the local police court Thursday.
From Garibaldi Perry Bar
ton of Garibaldi was among the
out-of-town risitors at the legis
latlve chambers Thursday.
Card of Thanks
We wish te express our thanks
to all neighbors and friends for
their kindness, sympathy and
floral offerings, during the Al
ness and death of our beloved
husband, father and brother.-
Mrs. F. G. Smith and family.
RICKEY. Jan. 28 Felix La
Branche who has been quite ill
Is improving. Mr. LaBranche Is
Week-end Candy Treat
This Wees: Schaefer's offer
chocolates by the world's most
famous makers as
Brown & Haley .
Imperial Candy Co.
. Kranses
Sierra Candy Co.
These are fresh stock and
were just secured by s for
this event. At the low price
at which these are offered we
believe thla to be the out
standing candy sale ot the year.
now offered at .
36c per Pound
2 Pounds ..70c
5-lb. box $1.69
' Drug 3toire
The original yellow front can
dy special store of Salem.
185 S. Coral 8. Phone 197
v Penslar Agency
dji em idea
Would Vote on Tuesday and
I Put I Primary la - Fa!!;
j Reasons QutflnecJ , '.
1 Changes ta . Oregon's . elect loo
lawa to red ace the time etspatng
between primary and general
elections and to seeare a, larger
rote are betas sponsored bp. Sen
ator J. E. Bennett in the upper
house; I y v -(;. L-r .-
i Senator - - Bennett i proposes,
first, to change the speejlQe day
fbr elections - from, Friday to
Tuesday. His reason tor this
Ilea In the alleged tact that when
Friday, a state legal holiday. Is
election day, cltlaena are inclined
to leave the commanilj for a
three-dav vacation , trip J exttnd-
lns until tha following Monday
I and defeating the purpose ot the
vote. Setting tha election day
On Tuesday, following Monday
when nearly every one Is back, at
work, would, eliminate thla prac
tice, senator Bennett leeU. -
Xelegate Election ; y , ,;. j . ;
PrManU Problem- :' - - M: ':
1 Senator- Bennett . would have
the next primary election, Ireld
as usual In May, since delegates
then would he elected to the na
tional nautical conventions. - In
15$ 4, the primary would be held"!
the second Tuesday la Septem
ber rather than In May, under
the Bennett proposal. He would
also make the next legislator a
provide ways - and means j ot se
curing delegatea in the national
convention other than by ! a pri
mary election. When this had
been arranged for, each biennial
primary would fall in September.
I Senator Bennett said yester
day that the. cost of conducting
campaign starting early in ; a po
litical year and extending until
November was far too excessive
tor candidates. He also pointed
Out that the long interim be-
! i :
the second oldest member i of the
community. ,
Ttut, 7m se,r - :
. KXX 111 XxbHUnA l
S:00 Tows sleek. - -.u
T-.OO Wkite Wlurd. ' ,
V:1S BerasaS and aawa. ' .
T:i Aha koar.
S:1S Ort BiotU.
:OS Elmr Viaerat, tmr, KB& ' !
S:1S JaJta Hatm. ..
S:4 Tocalist. HBO.
1S:SS Boy rriaaS. KBS. ", ' '
ll:oe-MMr hatka, KB. f
11:11 Boas .... 'I
11:S Th Pilaaaoc .Sjk-.--'
lt:O0 Oirla' avcaattra.
I'M MoearUU' ketara.
I fS -Matiaaa fc Viatetara, .
S :ec Marai On WES.
S :0 Tima Ckaaara. 'I
t:46 T TIsm Tala, KSX
4:00 Hi-gtavpan. KBS.
S:a Taaatneal rawiaw,.
S:O0 SUaaC
' - KOW SS0 Kav FarUaad
T rOO Ivotloaat.
1:15 Cooking aehoot.
:S0 Batty Crocker.
S : 4S TranaeripUen.
10:OO Priaea at Pep, KBO.
10:tfc. Jaaaahlaa Ciaaaa, KBC
10:S0 Masaiiaa, KBC
1 1 i 0 MaatarwsAs. '
.11:00 Kdaa Baeaan SBC. ' .
11:15 rarat aa4 Haaaa. KBOU
' 1 :00 Towa orir.
S0 Orcaa. talk.
twecn the-primary and the gen
era! election , allowed public In
terest to die down and issues to
change. He characterised the
practice of allowing more; than
five months to elapse between
primary and general election as
oae markedly out of step wua
tbe times. . c
Vacuum Cleaners
OU 2103. Used Fnrnltnre
131 N. Hlgta
Reproducing Musical Instruments
No matter where you lire to this incomparable
"Brunswick" the program you wish to hear is
no farther away than yonr own instrument.
; For more than two decades the name of Bruns
wick: has been synonymous with Quality in re
producing musical Instrument performance.
These years of successful, endeavor now culmi
nate in instruments containing: the three latest
developments in radio Uni Selector, Complete
: ly Armored Chassis, and Perfect Tone Control. 7
J Remember the price you pay for this radio is
reflected in its quality of tone and the beauty,
i and durability of its jcabinei.
In order to contribute our share to the aid of national
relief work and aid local charities and unemployed
girls we are accepting I saleable farm products of all
kinds as part payment! on any Brunswick radio pur
chased during our Three Fold Contest. j
We are also : continuing to take your old radio or
phonograph as part payment.' You who are planning
to trade In that old set soon, do it now! Take advant
; age of this opportunity Remember
All cash derived from sale of the above articles will be
equally divided, one : third to American Red Cross,
1-3 i to local charitable organizations and 1-3 to local
unemployed girls who enter contest and qualify. -
If you are interested in assisting us In relief
work, as well as competing: fqr valuable prizes
we invite you to call at our store for an inter-
; view. "
1 i ; 1.. : t !.-'.,. . . .a '.' 5 ; ;
- ' ' ' ' " a " ' - ' :
j . Exclusive Dealer.
nil aim SDnp
Model 15 $158.60
Model 22 .$189 JO
Model 32 $269.10
Blodel 42 , - 499.10
Prices Include BXLA. RadiofroM
See Display of These Won
derful Instruments at . the
Warner Bros. Elsinore ' and
Capitol Theatres, i
r. T-
, DTunsiviCK w viing
Place to Credit of
2020 No. Capitol
i Salem, Ore.
Telephone S7B7
130 So. High St.
1 Address .-1 JL. I
1 Deposit In Ballot Boxes la the 1
Foyers ot Warner Bros. Cap!- I
s. to! and Elsinore. - -' j '
Originators Of Low Prices
351 State St.
Abont oar meats might seU you the first time, but lfs yonr
experience with it that will make yon, a regular, customer.
Oar aseata are appetite teasers, health, builders, .xnoney sav-
RetaO einantitles at wholesale prices.
No. 1 Milk-Fed Veal
Veal Steak
20c lb.
Legs o' Veal
22c lb.
Veal Roasts
18c lb.
Veal Chops
22c lb.
This veal is creamy white and firm. Not the
skim milk variety.
Best Oleomargarine, 2 lbs. L. . .25c
Young Pig '
Pork Roast
15c lb J
Dainty Lean .
Loin Chops
22c lb.
"Nut Sweet" Sliced Bacon, lb. ...30c
Made in Salem from young Oregon porkers
V 1
Ham Roast
22c lb.
1- - 1, x m
Pure Pork
i -
Little Links
25c lb.
! - ' !
Sugar Cured Bacon
15c lbl
Sugar Cured
Bacon Back
22c lb.
Choice Sirloin
on it
Pot Roasts
I 15c lbe
Salem's oldest meat market 16 years nnder
the! same managemenU
. ' i . : , . .
Oat of consideration; to oar employes we close
Saturdays. at 7 p. m.
Harry M. Levy, Blgr. . :
f k XI
1 .-SO W.rl J ia atasle, SEC.
S:1S Orraa.
S:0 Black sad Gold room, KBO.
t:45 Bitt at melodr. NBC. "
a :00 Lrra and Uteratara, KBC.'
uttia Tbiaga ta Liia, a BO.
XOZXftS JU. arUn
S)S ' Clank i
T:S0 Naraltr Saa: Early Birds.
rnuj aaa raaf.
S ;00 BaiT.ra' orebrtlra. :
Srtfl Caeeiaa. DLB8.
IS E tw' archaitra.
llO KHehm.
lt:00 Bmt.iV archaitra.
11 JO nawaiiaa aiaaic.
1 :0a HorUaa.
S:Se Ceckae claft.
S .-OS .. Mail aaa awaria.
. S e Barapbaak.
S:30 KJddica elob.
HOAC SSe Xa, CrraUia
12:00 fara Pracraat.
1:00 Vaadmlla.
1:45 Maaaa Vr ta
S:1S Araa4 a Oai
S 00 Heiaankar Bmt.
S :SO rarai Pratrraat.
T:10 fihetaeas lartitaU at taa Air.
S:H Blaaiaa fraaa Aaaaricaai Hiatary,
'". I
BKTHEU Jaa. X9 Word has
bessi reeeired taat Mary Bamrlck
and Hilda Bahnsem wtre jsaccess-
fol in paasior the state exaxalaa-
tioa la geography. .' .
(A?) Co-oducatlon was aban
doned today by tha Ilartwlck aca
demy, Cooperstown, N. Y-. a prl
rate school owned aad supported
by the 'United Lutheran synod ot
New York.
-Striped baaS planted tn the be
low-sea-lerel Salton Sea. Cat., be
gaa to spawn after a year..
kJ -w
IF yee bars Freqaent rmV
XT ym mmi sea Cm prtai
tbsead a needle.
IT yea are NT3VCU3 aad trrl
Csasalt as HOW. .. .. .
Caatcea ffrataaailU
. I
' : , . ; - . - ;
' " r- . r t - I a. . .
"fuse z1:
TT 1 1 1 TV 7 T T71 1 U
1 f
restored Mr
"Btcaus ibt ptril of fin bad
touched US, err felt that -wi wtrt practically
immune ffrmm disastc Year after year urn
tvere satisfied ta tarry almost- nomimat ia
tttranet 91$ our home and its eomteuts.
'..jrr- 1
1 1
"Then it happened! A. faulty ebimney teas
rtsponsille.We steed hj helplessly utile the
flames, he m sheet half hear, badly damaged
our heme ' and the hetenrings it bad tahrn
tn fifteen years to accumulate.
- - - -I RllsKiilP2' S
"Luckily, months before, teith the help of our
insurance agent, we had carefully envente
ried our possessions. Our protection -was
found to be inadequate and we promptly
secured additional and proper coverage.
r I i "-iMiiiifTTTnaissiasaiss'-i
"Accordingly, we were fully and promptly
compensated far emr losses, and soon were
happily re-established in our renovated and
refurnished home. It was a lucky day when
we first awoke to the importance of carrying
adequate insurance." ' I
i " 9.
rrr- " j ' ' 1
1 00 muck insurance is wasteful and iutile.
Too little may prove disastrous. We skall m
glad to kave you on us for competent,
impartial information as to wliat ekould hm
proviJetl for adequate and safe protection of
your Lome and its contents. A copy of our
"Inventory of tne . Contents of tLe Home."
to aid you in. keeping a systematic record of I
your nouseLoId possessions, will te sent.
Irce, upon request. .
. 1
Fred E;
Telephone jij
New BHgh Building ,
. Salem, Oregon
1 - ...f1