The OREGON EiTATmiANSalga, Oregon. Tuesday noriilag, J&ncary 27, 1931 PACE TheMeng Place for Biiyer m This Page The Statesman tiwrnei no ft nanoial responsibility (or errors which, mar appear In adyertle nseuts pubttshod in itt cdumnt, bat la mni whirt this pa per Is at fault will reprint that part of sa advertisement In which the typo graphical mistake occurs. I CJUssifisd JLdrsrtisiax filiurla Insertion ter Una Three rnser Uou per line hlK Inaartlona per tine una moat a par una W I ntmiim rhiirL'B Copy for thia page accepted un--tll :3 tha evening- before publi callaa lor classification. Copy, re ceived efter thli time will be ma under tha heading Too Late ta Classify. . J , .' SITUATIONS WANTED? Will Accept labor In exchange for cottage rant. Paierbaging; painting, earneatertng. a mn-sery werk. 'VVen a tehee Auto Camp, t milee north. TeL FOR SALI Miscellaneoiia FOR 8AI.K Good clean oat and tft.h bar. I ml west of Salem, on 3iMa highway. Inquire Valley View uiing stswon. My httsband deceased. Will sell Cheap.- farm Implement. tool", in cluding wood i anw. Ford delivery. low. etc. Tel. iiivu. Good piano tor sale, cheap 41$ Center street. I M enjwi FOR SALE - I ' Furnishing of an I room hoaea suitable f oa board and rooms. S bed-f-oome. Cloaa In. Bargain for few Oars only $00. SKI? Mrs. EUrs with LEO N. CH1LD3 CO, Realtors ISO 8UU Street ' Tel. 1T$T Applaa 40c and up. TeL 14 Fl 5. nrtfrirtfw"B"irii " r ------ -i - Applaa, lOo and 60c bos. Tel j 13. FOR SALKs shafting, pulleys, hang ra. .btateaman : Publishing Co. nvyyyKinfirMi'i"rrrii - riii " v FOR HALE Old papers. lie a bun 01a. Statesman fries. 1 i Typewriters, all make, new and tiKiL Adders and typewriters tor rent. Vyr-wriler Knlianite. tit Court Kt. TRADE Miscellaneous Will trade milk cow for wheat and vt Fhon- 1SS4M. - WANTED Miscellaneous Want furniture. 14wW I5S & Commercial L WANTED Used ptaaos, to ex Change on radios, phonographs, or far rlt'ir. H T.. Htlff EVmitur Cmnpin MISCELLANEOUS repression and dramatic art. Pri vate lessor. to grade and junior high a-o'-ool pupils. Experienced instructor. EDITH K. BROWN j lftiS Sprue Bt. Tel. I189-J. sowing machines repaired like new. ItVrlte Israel Hartman, IS! Highland vn'i, ' " - ROOM and BOARD SjMMWMMweeMWM ttmm . iiwwwwWi PLEASANT rest home for semi-ln-valtds or elderly persons. Best of ears and food, box 712. T States man. EXCELLENT board and cheerful rooms In private him. 34 Center. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Olympic spts. 79 N. Liberty, i S room turn. apt. Two furnished rooms, light, water, rhona, close in. Adults, bachelor pre Cerred. 8.0. 641 Mill St. Ies(rabla heated S room apt close In. Inqviire 12 J Union. j r WELL furnished rooms and ants. tor rent at 22 tl Hssel Ave TaL I:W. t S rooms and kltchenetta. furnished ; water, lights, phone. Close la, Adults fit. 1 altU street. S ranm furnlahod ant. first floor. Caraga. ( Mill Bt. Heated apt. Private bath. 413 Mar- Ion FOR RENT Modern, room apart- rient. eioaa in. Teu isi Furnished apartment, heat, l!(ht, prnf ItS 14 Iwle H. FOR RENT HOUSES r FOR RKNT Houses and flat. Ill llC; Tew. 114 V 51 B. Coml. ll rooms wtth giraes and flrs flaca West Salem. $20 7t Rich mond. I rooms. 1 1 5 53 Leslie. rooms, furnace and garage, fli 574 K. ISth. I rooms. ISO i Ferry. I room fist 135 710 Marlon. S room flat. l leW N. Summer. I rooms, t baths $50 2115 S. Church V. nice home outside limits south. rooms. We hare also 13 furnished houses, rent from 114 to l3. J BECKE IIENDWCI'S . ! 113 N. High Btreet - Tel. II L & room bungalow on N. Com'l. Bt, Basement, gwiage. Fruit. bee Mrs. I tad well. Bt a tennis n of floe. New cosy I . room bungsiow. Nicely furnished. TeL 343 7 J. ISA s'i so - WANTED Comfortably- - fur&labed aramnent for two. Call 1711. FOK RENTALS fVo Bechtel or Thomason, 141 Rtate Street. Room 4. Houses, fur tilKiicd and unfurnished, lit. to 143, nlw Itmines sold wtth no down pay Itient. I30-I2S per motith. FOR RKNT Feb. 6tlu Modem 4 room ana noon. rnrnsc- garair-, s:5.00. Paved street And -alley. 1141 M. 4tll Ht. yMwwwMMeeeAeeweMe FOR RKNT room house, large rooms, modern except fireplace, large lot with fruit, double garage, located llli N. Commercial street. $25.00 per month. Immediate possession. - L c- Hirrier. TeU-600 or can at liio n. 17th Bt. evenings, if Interested. ron RENT Houses furnished and vniumlslied. F. L. WOOD 111 Etste Street S room, furnished house. 1 10 Breys ave. Call Tl Breys ave. riLLIE, THE TOILER -mG&ss TiLi-iB ; dam cinq ATH A (SUY AMO SHG TTJUO MB CMQ VAlOULOM'T GO OUT BBCAU3B SH FETUT SO feACk MAC'S ilJSAtAr-.XVTirf-i- . . , i i'i L ei mnniret W 1 HBBe - ' -Saj e II ! r -37 Aw A 4 SMr AS I FOR RENT Keren room first floor apartment, new i modem overstuffed furniture, electric, rsnge. gnrsfre, tieat .furnished, three. blocks sf court house, also fur nished two room - and kitchenette apartment, also old aeren room house partly f eraitdted, garage, good loca tion. $1S per month. Ivan d. Martin. Phone offtoe 419. Residence 7S3. Modem i f urr!l-JieV 4 -room . Umise. Adults only. Write Statesman, Box 111. ! . -- 'iiVrrrvwYvwvijui Kloety fwralslted room. Board op tlonnt. Rewsonahte. tit K. Church. FOR 8 ALE Real Estate dene with a sronderlul e-iew. Built for r owner, a. J. it A UN, iliO Jslrreoutit Rn-et, rhona l17, If BtaWs Street Tel 171T. r L'.fL'--iri " n n n FOR liU-Atttecuve home, built in 112. modern mmnlMM nb onabke, : j. ita, yuon evenings, I SIS J. W have ! snrea. good location, near tewS. f4r Improvetnettta, sxrnie fine tlmUnr, II acres tillable, all bot tom land prtce and can use clear KalPtw liome. tled modern T room ' house worth 40a to 4ra4e for farm and .will as sume. Bpttmdid s jroora modern house ta Palem worrit I4509.SS to trade for farm. t Wa have $:& in good 7 securi ties and Income property to trade tor farm. . 119 seres fair t-nproTements, 7 acres tiriable, nm timber, running stream worth l; oqalpped and will U2c Salem homo or small acre age. ! 1 - . i Oood room : house, modern, near ly new for only I3354 or will rent for "McOILCHRlTT A PENNINGTON !0-l V. a Bank Bids:. Tel. 140. 64 A. farm near town, bottom land,' bldga, fruit, t A. alfalfa, tock and tools. 4&00 terms. GooJ country store and tUUng sta tion, good bualneas 12000. 1 A. close In, good bldgs. fruit, nice home. II Su; terms. Oood city property for farm or fruit rnndi. PEURINE A MAHSTEnS Brand stew I rm. at Hetty modern house, ! close In. $4500, term a. S3 A. 6 rm. hotise, barn, chicken house, some stock and equipment, err!o stat9rn, pomp, confection ery, llOOe. Trm . 19 A. il e.nWr cultivation, running water, ne Uldga. $4000. Trade for house or lota I rm. plastered house In No. Salem. Pries $S0Qi Will trade for acre age of same value. RENTALS INSURANCE J. F. ULMICH COMPANY S23 State Street Tel 1354 New 4 room Enetlish trne home. Jtardwood floors, lota of built Ins, full basement, far-tare, fireplace. Fine lot. good triew. Will trade for- Port land property. 14500. Apartment house, 9 apts. doing good business, fine lot close in. Owner not able to care for business. $6800. Will take small hotise, or acreage. Good small store, doing good bus iness. loo. Money to loan ' Insurance MELVIN JOHNSON $20 U. S. Dank Bldg. TeL 137. REAl THEN IIURRT 9 -room modern . apartment house. Income $44 per month from 4 room located a Mocks from the Monmouth normal college, double garage on pav ed street, clear of incumbrance. Price (&0.09; have Photo of house at this office. WU1 trade for good house In t-alem. Better hurry and BEE DEAR1 4t TUCKER. Realtors 114 South Commercial TOU CAN BUT! ! A HOME WITH UMALI. PAYMENT WWN BALAKCK LIKE RENT AND BE TOUR OWN LANDLORD r 1 Her are a few srlth sneclai .redu ced pricea for quick sale. Imiaeliat toeaesstoti or 4 room plastered bungalow In East Salem, garstrs aao woextsneo. good lawn ana shrubbery. Price $14(0, cash $20 and $2 each month, 111(0 with mvina extra for com fortable 5 room house la South Salem, close- to school, choice corner lot wtth fruit and shade trees. 15 down and lis per month. Beatfful 4 room Boanlsh stucco homo WITH tile roof, hardwood floors. plenty or , built ins, . good ptumoing, nook. hall, basement and furnace. Lo cated tn one of Salem's best resi dential districts. Price reduced from $& to $!. For good twiys tn homes, SEE LEO i. CHI LOS CO., Realtors $ Htste Street Tel. 1727 t4f0MaseiiSasias4 SPECIAL HOME B.VUOALNa $1100. Buys a new 4 room home with S bedrooms, renient basement, pear school and bus line, located in, West Kttleiu. ISTO. rash, bal ance terms. EXTRA OOOD VALUE. $1100. Prsetlcslly new . 4 room homo with I bedrooms, with fireplace, paved street, located near the Leslie Jr. high school. $100 cash, balance $10. per month to in clude Interest. A REAL-SACRIFICE SALE. , i $2S0O. Buye a good S room plastered heme-, baaenae&t. furnace, S large ! Iota, '' paved street, east front, i only $21. down and . $25 per I month to Include interest at 7. j WHT RENTT $245. Buys a late built boms near j Btate street, east front, paved ; street, basement. furnace, gar j age. $V0. cash. bal. t int. SEE j TliiS HOME NOW. $!$. Buys a large I room bunga low, north front, paved street, I full cement basement, furnace, ; garage. I260. cash, bal $31. per ! month to Include Int. Well lo- i rated la South K1m. NOW VA- ! CANT. NO BETTER BUT IN i 8ALKX. $1000. Buys a modern S room home. . nit estra larse rooms, hardwood rioora. noon, wnmnt, lumacc, fireplace, double garage, east front. r a rr1 t nt. located St SIS South $l street, ono-half csstt. : : ; room home, hardwood floors ; tnrougnouT, gumwooo iinisn in i living-room, dining room, and ! front hall, has efctra large lot, ! double garage, east front. Iocs- i terms. A REAL HOME AT THE NOW 13 THE TIME TO BUT. Real Estate and Firs Insurance. W. H. ORABKNHORST A CO., . REALTORS 134 8. Liberty Bt. . ' TeL S15. i - T UKS I VOUR. fTLlCUO ..'-'r-.r-'Mve: . - " 1 . - J x-rv 40 'e--- ! 0 ; ET-t VlVtil I FOR SALE Real Estate- '-"',--- iii'inririirrii-iiri.n.rLnjjui : ViV MIMW Wvt.V. h.. . - -w ..v.. aw ot iw. HMUWVUV iiowi,,urepiiCT, iota ok ount.ine at tractive grounds, garage, $6 and iv. Hi ww Kn uanu s t WTNNIE PETTTOHM, Realtor . 171 South High Street AB Tins. HOME' Mr. iirtiA (Ikv.l own home that has flTe rooms, bsth. llS'htS. Kit Hm.nt mmr-mm - li pavln paid, fins locaUen, A I4IM noma tor titau. iHuz seal coma ana see us. BECHTEL-THOMASOX ' ClatHrf nr tMrm ' 141 Stats Street - Ttoomi I and 4. Bayns Bhlg. SDeclal 24 acre farm on navetneatti all la cultivation, family orchard. ber rlea, good Improvements, 4,$0$. T 9 vmi a I n I.m.1 In Knvfn a farm In the Willamette valley or western Oregon, let me send you a catalog containing - description of soma of the best farms to be had. It aim ronmrai oiner inrorwtatton tnat in no nc neip you. i will mall you catalog upon reviueat, It C. SHIELDS ' Oregon Bldg. TeL 1TI4. tlood lot clear excrnt nsvlns: to trsds for light sedan or coach, $110. v,a in ouyer ror aaooern netise, pre fer 1 hadroome undur 110OO. Xtnat be like new. 7 room house and lunch room, at ln mter section of aiichwars at Junction City. Good paying business snd prop erties priced -ritfht st S4J00. Will consider acres ge or Balem property. i O, J. Jacksoa with '. t ' W. O. KRUEOER 147 North commercial EXCHANGE Real Estate --------- r-irvn nn n rif-.rri(ri.nsjj-ij will trade for car, my equity la classy little 4 room bungalow, good Income property. Close in. TeL 34J7J. - - Tr -i-,-M-iirv-if-Mii-riiiruv-irii.nj'xo 8 -acree fine land soma fruit creek and trees $1600. Easy terms. Wanted Oram farm hi Willamette valley In trade for 460 acres, li miles from Tlllamoolc city, too acres open pasture sad hay land. About 10 mil lion feet fir timber. Large amount of large alder. Watered by creek and springs. Clear of debt, and give tha rignt party or aamiy traie. te my agents. i E. K. ROBERTS or W. O. OR.4NT 314 Masonic Bldg. Tel. i $0$. Would trad for tract of fuel wood. I have nearly an acre just outside Salem. East front, tine building loca tion. Pries $100.00. 89$ North llth etreet. ' FOR S ALt FARMS I' BIO SNAP 20 A. IMPROVED FARM Price $1S00 Well Worth $2800 Mat li. nouhe. barn. rouitrr bouse, about one acre orchard. 14 A. cultivated, located on good gravel road. 3-4 mile town. Owner in the east writes us to sell at sacrifice price, $1100, with good terras Imme diate possession. Hurry and SEE BELHIKU-THOMAWON ' Or Mrs. Clarke or Mr. Gatliff Office at 341 fitate Bt. Room S and 4. Four Autos at Your Hervlco. Farms Our Hoedairy. IJirge or Btnall. ACREAGE TWO OOOD FARM BUTa 121 acre farm 7 miles out on Pa- clflo highway, fair set of buildings. part in cultivation, balance pasture, snd timber. Price reduced to $3000 to close an estate, cash $1B00, baL good loan 80 seres S miles out on good road. 20 acres cleared, bal. Pasture and some timber, all well fenced, Small no use, good barn, chicken eoopa, drilled well and spring, water piped to buildings, Price 14300. WH1 ac cept small house or vacant lots as part. lbo n. CHII.D3 CO.. Realtors 52$ State Street TeL 1717 PRICED TO SELL. 14000. cash will buy 6 seres with room plastered liouse, electric lights, bath, water system, storehouse, good garage with concrete floor, t barns, close In. The buildings would cost what we are ssklng for the ptscs. it you are loosing ror an ssceptioa al bargain, let ua abow you thia. W. H. GRABENHOnST CO.. REALTORS 114 & Liberty U - TeL f II. INSTALLMENT ACREAGE j $100. down and $$$. per month witl handle improved I acres, on mala highway, new house snd good well, all In orchard close ta. Price $3710. $30 down and 111 per month will buy I acres close to highway, I room house, well, chlcfcen house, soras ; or chard. Pries $1150. Int. IT. 125. down and 111. per month will buy I acres, located south, class to the Mali way, good gravel road, pow er line, all cultivated. Price $1000. Int t. 1281. down, balance terms, will handle 10 acres close In and doss to school, good road. 7 room house. 1 acre of bearing cherries. 3 acres of prunes, larauy rruit, running water, Price $3500. Int. 6. $25. down and $11. per month win buy s acres, iocs tea east or 4aiem, best of prslrie soil, first class berry or filbert soiL Pries $1000. Int. $100. down snd 4alance terms, will handle 20 acres wtth a acres ox orch ard, some fins timber, soring water. good road, small house. A bargain at $2000. int. 7. will handle 30 acres with acres of orchard, some fine timber, spring wat sr, good road, small house. A bsrgatn at izooe. int. ot. $1000. down and balance terma, will handle 30 acres with good T room houee, haa basement, batti, toilet, hot and cold water, stationary Waal, tuba, fireplnoe, and elctr4o lights available, good barn and chicken lkouee, 13 acres of fruit and nuts, price $370. $23. down snd III. per month wilt buy S acres, located east of Salem, small house, good well, gravel road, close to pavement. Price tzzvo. 123. down and 1 10 per month will boy II acres of first class berry or nut sou, on cultivated, gooa location. Price $129. - If you are looking for a small acre age at a rignt price, ana on terms WiUcn you can nanuie, ecu W. H. CRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 124 8. Liberty lit. TeL SIB. 'Losing; IT'S ALL TO Dill I'Li. XAKiCC VAI1TH MlVl WHO ( av a ACREAGE eMAeAewwwwMAaajW PICK TOUR 'CHOICE- i all. noon SARaAiNfl lf-Acree, extra good land. S R. bouse. smaii oam, garage, ana poultry house, 4 A la raspberries. I A. straw he rriea IVi A. orergreens, location fine, .price $4100.00. Trade for servico statioa la good location. I l-Aoros, good soiL 1 Oood Improve- manta. All in paying crops. Le- raa. strswoerries. 3-A cherries, prunes, 10 A. oats and roateh, 4 cows. I horses, chickens sad all tools and machinery: only 7 asMss of 8lem. Price $$000.00. $J600.00 down bal. say. i I lers Is A Dandy Place i 1 1 3-A. river bottom, sand loam land. 410 A. cuKivatlon. it A. la in clover, sreod 7-R. hollow tile home with bath, i toilet and water system and ban went. Bars, large, potato cellar. Poultry houee, ma chine hows and eta Separator for clover seed, hay bailer, tract or plows, d ise, harrows and all tools and blacksmith ahop. i t cows, $ .-good horses and chtckeoa, Will trade tor good securities) or Income prspertr or will sell for 1:3.000.00. $ 10. 000.00 down? In come this veai sear 11040.00. potter look this .over before huy lng. SB.K ii .i ... HEARS TUCKER 114 South Commerlcal Street 114 U. Commercial Street WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted to rent modern house i in city or out aide by March 1st or will jvuc , . i.vinins iva man 1 as least year's lesse considered. TeL S7F1L or address Box 111, States man. MONEY TO LOAN S a 1 a ry Loa n s To People ISteadlly Employed . STATE IXJANJ COMPANY ! Ill Oregon Bldg. i Second Floor ortter state ; ana High Office hrs. 10:0 s, tu. to 1:30 rw m. Telephone 922, Licensed by Stats ON FARMS AND 'CITY REAL KS. TATE. LOWEST INTEREST BATES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLTXJ. rEUSONAL LOANS t A TjTH Asa lliem f f t Vae asp a 1 SI e4aa esws aw a sss imiuiwi f as us 4 aa 4 I v or other rood security. Raosvsbls monthly, when in financial need see ua before closing a loan. CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phono 1200 OOSSSSsiSsSastjSSaaa. WE HAVE $2509 to loan on rood city property. LEO N. CHILD 3 CO- Realtors 320 State Street i TeL 1727 3'M',s'Va,,4,M44sasWsBib CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms : obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service In all lines. HAWKINS S. ROBERTS (Inc.) TeL 1427 205 Oregon Bldg. SaSaaSia a. a aSt ah,Sa .Ba .mmmmfyyj NEED MONEY QUICKLY? Cash Loans of; $10 to $30) Within 24 Hours Small Monthlji Repayments You'll be surnrlsed how easilv a loan can be arranged. Our friendly and courteous service has helped many when they needed money quickly. Come In. 'phone or ; write for full in formation. Thar Is no obligation. ; BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY 111 Biigh Bldg. TeL $-7-4-1 ucensea oy trve etate Federal Farm Loans IU ner cent. F. L. WOOD. 341 State Street, ' eaweMawwwyw(VVvwM WANTED to loan on live stock and personal property, i Terma to suit your convenience. National Loan and Fiasusos Co. 410 Bank of Com. - Bldg. Licensed by state. MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS i Contracts Refinanced -Arrange to reduce your payments. You keep the car. P. A EIKER Cor. Llbertr Bt. and Ferry Phone- 121 j ; Salem. Ore. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money- to loan oa real estate. : ,i W, It GRABENHOR3T CO. ! REALTORS I 134 R. LfHerty Ht. Tel. IT 5. LtVB STOCK and POULTRY The Wttlamstte Valley Hatchery, Chicks every week. : Reds i B. Rox: W. Rax: J. IL CUnts; J. W. Olants; uutr orps, Hanson Leghorns. All u. W. D. tested. 410 S. 24th St, Salem, Ore. Phone 2774-W, Custom hstchlng. WaMMWa)Aaw)WWWw FOR SALE t Jersey rows. Harry Phillips. R. 1, Macteay, Oregon. Elroy Nash guarantees his horses and cowa Auction; sals depot. TsL llli, i 1 i Tesm and harness. Take In cow. HOC N. Sth. t Hanson baby chicks $13 hundred, custom hatching. IF13. D. B. Max field. R. 8, Boa- 111. Setting egtrs. FOR SALE WOOD SeWesAaalr4Seea lrnse weed $t.60 Tr load- 4 ft zna rawtiLa, per co. Tel. 113. 4seaaaesaaai FOR SALE OR TRADE II to. old fir. $4.00 cord. TeL 19F4. ' Wood sals ' on i planer - trimmings, $4.00 per load. Cord wood $4.50 per load. 1 1. SO for double load. Prompt service. Honest measure. Davis Fuel Co. TsL 143$. CHOICE II In grub oak. II per cord, J. Amort, Macleay 22F24. , wk have is" wood on hand all the time Prompt delivery. 140 8. 12th. Ooribs m Mitmeit uo. rnoni DRY, ail kinds, any length. TeL 1719. ! i DRY fir and oa wood, coal snd fuel OIL Call on us for prices. We give good measure, good quality aad LARMER CTRANSiFER STORAGE Telephone $131 II In. and 4 ft, wood on hand at all times. Also plsner wood. TeL 2931 Tracy's Fuel Tarda GUARANTEED i DRY Wood coal TeL 13. Salem Fuel Co- 7S3 Trade. 10 to- old fir. $7.90 cd. and dry hard wood. Tel. 1S24W. Ray Aspinwall. Time' THAT 1 f jrA TOfJWB I MATTTJ2- DiLi. I I WOOD SAWING VaeeeeWMWMWWM'wawwM rr better wood isawtax, TsW 113$. FOR SALE USED CARS S3a4$g3ijg31eaatt Valley Motor Company Used Cars Late 112$ Fordor Model A $411.6$ Lata lll Tudor Model A 371.00 Lata 131 Bus Coups , . , Lata-1931 Sport Coupe) $15.00 Lata, 1121 Roadster, $91.01 1 Ill-Model T Tudor -5.ll . 44.00 1933-Model T Fordor 1034-Model T Roadster-- , 1934-Model T Touring , ...... Model T Truck. lnoter. 11.00 $1.00 good body- licensed 7S.00 1930-Lonff wheel bass trues $00.00 1929- 0 cyL Chevrolet truck 493.00 1930- Model A truck, closed cab, body. Dual tires and llceass $!$. Valley Motor Company Center at Liberty; 1 Tsu till MeeeWaaaaaaaaaaai) McKay's for Used Cars WlthanOeK. That Counts r-.; 1157 Bulok Standard- ISir .coach, Perfect condition I $4zS.l 1921 Whippet 4 door sedan I8S.00 1937 Chev. Coach, new. tires, i new iiattery, perfect- ahape 344.00 1927 Chrysler CI Coupe, new tires, fins sliapo XSJ.0I 112 Chevrolet I -Coach; an - O., K.'d car : 4JI.M 1929 Chevrolet Coupe, looks llks new 471.00 1921 Chevrolet Coach fully equipped. , new ' tires, fine ; shape .i $11.11 1939 Ford Model A.Tudor re- ' conditioned, guaranteed i - $91.00 1129 Chevrolet I Landau1 se dan, new I ply tires 491.01 1931. Oldsmosile 4 door sedan. fine shaps, good rubber 4. S7S.00 Douglas McKay Chev. Co.! 333 Center Street Tel. 1101. Ford and Buick Used Car Lot 1930 Rulck Sedan $1230.0I 192$ Buick enclosed Rds. 250.00 2&3.00 325.00 S3S.00 185.00 125.00 450.00 S65.00 100.04) 125.00 75.00 115.00 450.00 875.00 645.00 463.00 285.00 494.00 150.00 125.4)0 76.01 45.00 41 00 15.00 50.00 495.00 300.00 $71.00 245.00 485.00 171.00 30.4)0 93.00 05.00 95.00 1925 Bulok Conn 1924 Chrysler 60 Coach 1921 Chevrolet Coupe . 1921 Chevrolet Sefcu . 1424 Chevrolet Coupe . lz ide a coupe 19SS Dodge 4 Sedan 1925 Dodge 4 Touring 1925 Dodge 4 Truck 1924 Iod8 4 Coupe . 1930 Model A Ford Coupe lso Model A Ford Roadster 1921 Model A Ford Coach 19S0 Model A Ford truck 1929 Model A Ford truck 1928 Chevrolet truck i 1039 Chevrolet truck 1927 Model T Ford Coupe 1921 Model T Ford Coupe . 1121 Modul T Fofd Roadster. , 192 Model T Ford Touring . 1925 Model T Ford Coupe 1924 Model T Ford touring 1925 Model T Ford Roadster lss Jfupmoblle s Coupe 1925 Huprnobiie I Roadster 193 7 Oldamobiie coach 1927 Oakland , Coach ... 1921 Paige Bedan 1927 Btar I Coach 4934 Btar 4 Tourtna . 1424 Btudebaker Big f tour. 1424 W.-K. Tourlns. i 1424 W.-K. Roadster i 1921 Whlnnet Coups 150.00 250.00 1928 Whlooet Coach ..... jsortn Kna t ore Agency. Telephone 1037 j Salem Used Car Center .11 North end of Ford Agency. Telephona 10S7 Guaranteed as Represented 1439 Hudson ' Standard Sedaa $731.11 192$ Studebaker Commander sedan . T.$$ 302$ Buick 3 Door Sedaa .1750 1917 Ford Rdnr..Plck up body 131.00 1930 Essex r-n.h 150.00 1929 Whippet Sedaa , 128.04) 1929 Ford Sedan - , ,, ,, , r 431.00 1921 Essex Coach - $!$. 1021 Dodgs Sedan : $15.00 1921 Btudebaker fStd, I door sedan ! , 150 09 1121 Hudson Coach . ... 354.00 111$ Hudson Coach . 175.00 STATE MOTORS, INC, HUDSON ESSEX STUDKBAKER High and Chemeketa TeL 1000. OOOD WILL USED CARS These Cars Are Guaranteed There is just nine days lsft to make us an offsr on a Ford coups or Ford -touring to he sold to the highest bid der on February 1. This la your op portunity to get a real buy.! Come la and see these cars then make us an offer. j . 1927 Nash Cabriolet ....ftze.oo 1931 Oakland Sedan 835.00 $00.00 160.00 $50.00 391.00 1927 Dodge Coupe 1929 Oldsmoblle Sedan 1925 Buick 4 Pass Coups 1920 Hudson Brougham . 1921 EssexCosch 135.00 1939 Chevrolet Coups 421.00 1930 Pontlao Coup. Run but a rew miies 1$29 Ford I Door Sedan 71.00 $88.00 $21.00 1127 Pontlao Panel ml Ot liars to choose from,! making room for sew cars Wood-Wheaton ' Motor Co., Ind Oakland Telephone 2128 I Pontlao UBED CAK DEPARTMENT $45 CJtemeketa A Special on Exceptional Cars '29 Chevrolet new tlrea f sedan. ..$175.00 '17 Buick '' 4 pass, coups i 415.00 31 Dodge Victory r 4 pass. ..... coupe - Bonesteele Motor Co. Tel. 428 474 8. CommerclaL ' : i i J 1 "" " ' , "V. . FOR SALE USED CARS wV44llla4ls4s44 llllOLDS COACUl at MMtfriBT i 1IA A 4 as In, I aw siaMw(lMei w . was . : ess araam bbbni saovsji Call MciHeroolde at llli. 903is44Slk4aiagaa REPOSSESSED 1131 Chevrolet NHIM fin. AAMl.fM. ll mmms XT m terms. Also model T Ford truck, talus it i or uw naiancs uua. ss, caan. OREOON STTKANCH mnW. Masnnle Bid. TeL ttfl. WANTED USED CARS !MaMMaaAaMaMaMaMAHWUWWhA WILL, taks good used car for equity to a modern 4 room bungalow. til less w. - " B10TORCYCLES I' ! f - aa - - --i-,-ii--i-vvvvv-Lru'ifLr.tfiin NEW HARLRY-DAVIDSOK8. naed motorcycles ot ail makes. Rebuilt and "aa Is7 snadUnea. BEND THIS AD tor eonKMete'descriptlvo list and lit erature. UARRT W, SCOTT, "The I CALL FOR BIDS f I Tha undorslimrd will ree(f loalod proposal! p to 7:10 o'cloik p. m rsbrnary 2, 1IS1, for tha COLLECTION OF. GAR BAOB tn tha City of Balom, Or ron, under exclatlra franchise for a period of flra year, and - tha OPERATION OF THE CITT IN CINERATOR in connection with same, subject to specifications to be famished by the Incinerator Committee ot the Council.- SjeclficatioDj may be hid at the office ot the City Recorder, City Hall. Salem,! Oregon. jj The Common Council reserved the right to accept any proposal or to reject all proposal! In the Interest ot the City. j! MARK P0ULSEN. City Recorder Salem, Oregon. J-23-24-25-27- 23. i ri NOTICE OP APPOWT3IKXT OP i ADMINISTRATRIX il Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned ! has beon duly appointed' by the County Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon aa administra trix of the estate of John W. Harrttt, deceased, and that ahe haa duly qualified ai auch ad mlalatratriz. All persons harlag claim! against the estate ot said decendent are hereby notified to present .the eame, duly L verified, to me at the, of flee ot Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building, Salem, : Oregon, within six months ot the date of thli notice. i Dated at Salem,' Oregon, this 20th day of January, 1931. . v. j RACHEL C. HARRITT, Administratrix ot the estate ; of John W. Harrltt, deceased. ! -" RONALD C. GLOVER, ' ji- Slem, Oregon; Attorney for Administratrix. J20-27-F-3-10-17 NOTIC1B OF APPOINTMENT OF Notice la hereby flrea that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State ot Oregon tor the Coun ty of Marlon, as Executor of the laat will and testament and estate of J. T. Westley, deceased. .and that he has duly qualified as auch executor; all persons 'having claims- against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly re ruled, to me. at the office of Ronald C. Glover, my attorney, tot Oregon Building.' salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within -six months from the date of this notice. ( . Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 1 Sth day of January. 1S1. j! ROT R. WE3TLKT. Executor of the last will and testament and estate of J. T. Weetley, Deceased, RONALD C. CLOVER, Attor ney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. Jit-io-27-n-ie. I II XOTIOH OF A PPOIXTMEXT OF i ' l .'it: EXHClrTRIX Q' . Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Lola-C. Own bey, has been duly appointed by the Coun ty Court ot the State jot Oregon, for Marion County, executrix ! of the will and estate of J. B.'OwaH bey, late of Salem, ' Oregon, de ceased, and haa duly qualified, i All! persons baring clalmi against the said estate are here by required to present them, with the proper Touchers, within six month! -from the date of thU no tice, to the said -executrix, la care of E. K. Piasechi. 40 Bank of Commerce Building, Salem, Ore gon m saia county, t Dated and first published this 18th day of January, llli. : Lola C. Ownbey, Executrix of the Estate ot J. E. Ownbey, de ceased. E. K. Piasecki, Attorney. Jll- 20-J7-F3-10. NOTICE OF nXAL SETTLE- ' . i . MKNT : A Notice Is hereby airea that the undersigned hare tiled v in the County iCourt of the State of Oregon, for the : county ot Ma Ion, their duly - verified final 'ac count, as administrators of th estate; or i Einora witsei. de ceased, and : that aaid court has fixed Tuesday, the 3rd day jj ot February. 131, at the hour- of 10 o'clock a. m.. of said dayi as the time,1 and the County Conrt room tn the County Court house at Salem, In Marion county, Ore gon, as the place tor hearing said final account and all objections thereto. it- Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 30th day of December, 1930. il By RUSS WESTO VER 30HB600V rla LIFTED My.vuATCH SlKlCE I'VE BUM ERTS FOLK Interest Keen in j Contest Series Between men ' and Women ROBERTS. Jan. 2--One of the biggest crowds since the com munity club was organised was la attendance, at the program Saturday night when the women of the club put on their last pro gram In the contest which they are having; with the tnenJ . The program was ; a isplendld display of talent, several of the numbers being original, some of the clever costumes used were brought from remote places. The stage - settings , showed j skillful planning and much hard work. . Mrs, Roy Rice read the pro gram, 'the first number Of which was- a piano dnelnyMias Janice IXiggina and Mrs. George Hlgglna. was- an unusual' number riven by iMra Jlpra- Hoi ley who gave "the. poem! "Maud Muller" la the- sign - language used by the deaf. Mrs. IL B. Car penter read the poeut as it was acted. i ! . Cowboy Skit Gifra A comic cowboy skit Was given by. Mrs. Forest Edwards, Mrs. Raphael Bettincourt, Mrs. ueorge Hlggins, Mrs. J. E. Flnden, Mrs. Henry Ghuebel, Mrs. John Ors- born, Mrs Lewis ' Sajchenberg, Mrs. W. C. rettyjohn, Mrs. Leon ard Zlelke, and Miss June Ed wards all tin cowboy costumes with all the accessories, i A niano-1 solo by Mrs. Alice Coolldge was followed by a little play la fivo act entitled "Pionoor Days, In L which ons of the traders ot early lire was aaown. This play was original with Mrs. W. C. Pettyjohn. Those taking the parts were Mrs. S.f C. Dav- MERLE W. PAINTER, rnriTia c. witzel. Administrators of the estate of Einora Wltiel. Deceased. RONALD C GLOVER, I Attorney: for AdmlniflraLors, Salem, Oregon. D30-J6-18-20- 27. STGE PROGRAM Cross !-Word Puzzle BjiEUCIi.NE SlIEFFEIt r '3-2. 3 h KWb I? I8 nil P w P '--37?f HORIZONTAL. : 1 -What Assarleas) Uroated the steaaaUat lersaeait-'' whfeh sailed js the lladsew River la 1S07? - : I ' . sWWhat fasseaw Eagliah fAysl ciaa discovered the circulation ef the Meed :(..: ' 11 Pertaining to any air-Tebicle. 12 Aa air er melody, ; 13 Chinese weight. ' ' 15 Seise suddenly and furtively. 16 Radical. . ; I ; 17 Indefinite article- i . - I $3 The wife ef what BiUeal asrscisr u tsrrmed fate a , stiller ef salt?. t : tw What kereagk. U central ertaera EaglsaJ U the seal of exteasive woolen tnaaa fac to res? l; ' tl Conjunction. I -". 3 What eollegUto towa has os Baite WlaeUer-eaHaa-Thaases, EngUedr , ' I , 5 Non-profsaional. t Location i . 27 Speedy, j. j :, :: h '. taChange. '. v i SO What eapitol eity 41 Seathera Spain is the site ef the Al hassbrar i, , I 31 What Americas dlaUst pest wrote "Pipes o P7T V ai Weasel-like wen-footed . car- weo-fo in add . nivore. -i ta Always. J -as nhln. 41 Form used In addressing a 15 Larre cistern i f or holding liquids, i ' se rian havinsr flowers with - white rays and yellow disk. . - a S. ll '...I 15 Negauve. 46 Half aa em. air LXTniVlfiw. i Oriental card-game. fo Srmbel for silicon.. II What Croclaa woman was visited by Zens to the fores ef ,2 Water-craft. 14 Prise. B 5 Dress. - ! VPBTICAL. lWLa avaa CkUf JelstSce of the Ualtsel Statst Ssereme Cosrt frees lSfS tmtil his. eata la t Nets In musical scale.. . t Numeral. -I . ; : ' i A tsTal4rie 4 ISMCll St Waiat SwaMliak chemist Is the tmJUm m. skA fasnSMta avisos nJ aaaultr t J those whoso work in science, litera enport, Mrs. B. p. I itldlcr, Mrs. Albert Blankensblp, Mrs. John, Orsbom; Mrs! Gordoa Bowman. Mrs. A. Ooodrlch, Mrsl J. E. Fin- den, Mrs. George Poage and Mrs. Henry Shuebel. After - the audience enjoyed two solos by Miss Julia Query, a pantomime entitled 'fAdrertislns; for a Husband,"- was given "by Mrs. S. C. Daren port j Miss Mar tha Sol by. Mrs. Leonard Zlelke, Mrs. Lewis Balchenbefg, Mrs. Al ice Coolldge. Mrs. George Hlg gins, Mrs. J. p. Rlankenship. Dorothy and Eleanor jPurcell and Mrs. Albert Blankenshlp. Mrs. Forest Edwards. Mrs. W. C. Pettyjohn and Marine Petty john gare a musical number, with Mrs. Pettyjohn alngtng. Mrs.. Henry Shuebel read a comle number entitled "Sales and a solitaire." v Pantominwo Given A lovely pantomime entitled "Captain Kidd's Surrender." was girea by Frances,, Jllaakenihlp, Clara Hanson, Naomi Crouser, Rose Anne Ooodrlch, Ruby Bab bit and Dorothy j This . pantomime I I Salchenberg-' was . original with Marine Petty! obn. She also drilled the girls who acted their parts so perfectlyl! . The biggest number on the program was a in two acts vailed "Not a Man la the House." The applause during the play and after? was sufficient proof ot Its success I both as to humor and to the i clever acting ot those who gave it. The cast was as follows: Maria, a widow, who said she would I not hare a man In the bouse, Mrs. W. C. Pettyjohn; Belinda, an aunt, Mrs. Forest Edwaris; Lucy, aister, Mrs. euoree juggins; Katy, the maid. Mis. Raphael c, a visiting Bettincourt; Jom niece, Mrs. John O reborn. The program closed with a song by all the ladies on -the plat- form. And so ended the womon's part of the program cantest. What the men will give In I gram which will be glren the sec ond Saturday lnt February, will be something to look! forward to. The Judges In the jcontest are Mrs. Minnie Beckelft J, E. Fln den and J. P. Bressler. A broken right wrist has aided the game of Sidney Yates, Chicago university" forward. He practis ed last season with it In a cast and and is now ambidextrous. g Who wrote "Toss of the IVUn WervUiesr 1 J . 7 Who U the Creek god of wart What Sute (ahVr.) Is called "Tfc. Mlaar atT rresideaU? 10 In that nlace. i - the Greek 14 Ninth letter ot alnhabet. IT Stake, in card pi laying. 19 Kutnmic 1 SeriAUl 22 Little island, 24 Wkat Iarsa rivor Of essler Africa passes ay llsaowctso oad ess-ties late the Calf of CalaoaT 2ft Strips of wood. 25 Thirsty. 29 Tin .tie. SI Wkat Am arte s a! Rarolstion ary here saade the tnidnigbt 4Ja la warm the residents OI Lsaiagtea thst were sossiog? the British I"; I : I- .12 Wkat eear of 1 Russia wal ealUd "Tha Terrible"! a Haw I . qr Q nallfahla ntetaL "Z . "I. a s 30 What croclaa geo or so m . a a e-1 i.e. Jt) tdsntihsd wita lias sossat CeaUt I ' 27 Cease from active partlclrf tion. . L ,. ! ' 39 The Mohammedan religion. 40 What U the stage " AastralUa priaaa deaaa new lie Porter ArssstroogT 43 Officer In attendance on a weneral or soverelrn. 44 What Asaerteaai lawyer wet) Secretary el State irm iau tana? i 47 Born.. 1ft (Teffesl era is. mT Untenant fahhr.l. SS Symbol for libctioa. Herewith is the solution yei terday's ptsttle. 'I I fit IHJUK, jATPtt M k Te r TfTrT UMjrs't i it kvj Oft 3 O.0' 1 r it nr 5 a g 0 t e c s mi: N (Ji I r i 11 -4-Vi i-4i-. I" NITII ILI jN'AlRlP mm v if nm ture aad f artheraaee ef world lose la coasidored ol aaool aeflt to kamsnltyt CamtsM. li. auas li ryaJu, IM rwnilTUil IWltt ICITICt ' r-"! !