Thn OnCGON STATESMAN. Salen. OrcTca. Thursday Herds?. Jar.cary 22, 1231 1 ! tags cnvnir - fl own and Gown Club Has Special Program . J Members of the Town and Gown club' are anticipating an In teresting; program this afternoon at Lausanne Hall at which time Siipt. O.-.H. Lipps of the Chemawa ' Indian school will speak on the subject of "Work .Among the In dians of the Northwest," ; t Musical numbers will be given by the Chemawa Sextette under the direction of Miss Judd. Those who make up the sextette are: first sopranos Alice 'Slater" and Me-lba Arnaux; second soprano -Marie LaFrance and Eleanor San derson; alto Grace Marshall and Katherlne Gartleman- The sex tette is directed by-Mrs. Alice M. . Judd. " - .. .'- , - The sirls will sing a group of popular numbers. Two Indian songs, ,"W1-Um,r and "The Wear er" both composed bysLIurance, will be given a? a duet by Miss "stater and Miss LaFrance.. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. Almlra Hale. Mrs. George Alden. Mrs. J. D. Foley and lrs. F. G. Franklin. p Mr, and Mrs. Ted Chambers were hostesses la compliment to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Phillips Tues- day night at the Chambers home. An evening of cards, which were , in play at four tables was enjey ' eI. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and ; children, William Jr., James and ! Don. will leave today for Calif or l nia where they will spend the i next two weeks. ; h i " '' ' " .- ! Miss Maude Covington. : Miss " : Leila Johnson, and Mrs. Ralph ! Curtis were guests at the home of ! Mrs. Rodney Alden of Woodbnrn, t ."Wednesday. , COME INTO THE KITCHEN ; By ELLA M.jLEHR "Wife-Savers.' - Poor little Cinderella rhuge blackened j pots and. pans, Ashes and ' soot ) and ! back-breaking bending, singed eyebrows and parboiled hands is ; It any won der that It took a fairy godmoth er - to transform her! ' Into a prince's prise?:"-. ' j j-.-r: : ..... , There's been many a Cinderel la since then there still Is! But the power beneath the pan i3 the godmother ! today and. the modem- Cinderella, slipping off her wisp of an aproa, ' turns a button and with a click, of her French heels shouts, "goodbye kitchen home at six' with the dinner cooked,M-s-prine or no prince! ' A 100; device for use by the gentler sex the electric range has assumed a prominent part in happy home making -md has come to stay. It never tires," nev er gets a ; headache, never de mands a day off to visit a grand mouther, or fails to appear- when you're entertaining rich Aunt Hetty. Clean, quick, convenient! And speaking of ranges the modern gas range certainly isn't any slouch! Far be It! Decora tive, colorful and practical pos esslng the earmarks of quality which makes It cousin .to the elertrie range! On either the oven heat regulator Is the "open Sesame to a woman's outside world and enaUes her to leisure ly cook by mathematics Instead of calisthenics! The wages of these modern Did You Ever See Shoes and such Stylish ones too, ' as displayed at the Buster Brown Shoe Store ... i and imagine . j '.! all Pairs for the price of Pair SALE OPEN S TODAY 1 8.i chefs are up to yon! Never art they ezhorbitant If you recall the help problem and if you utilize their possibilities. 1 J t ; x ? lAs a rery close relative we'd introduce ths modem Iceman, the mechanical refrigerator eool ed jby wire or cooled by the flame, that also heets! Doesn't track mud in on your nice elean linoleum, neitlTer does"he elope witn the cook, and provides a veritable - safe deposit vault "for your foods. j :,J. ' , Tat th beastly cleaning- up automatic water heaters gas or electric give f forth j steaming disipansful at a twist of the wrist while an electric dish washer Is the housewife's idea of a culinary Utopia, and a sure cur for the bane of husband's existence! . t. : - v-'j ' Then there are motors galore which do everything,; It seems, but spank the-baby any woman whoj does Anything by hand that an electric motor can do Is valu ing herself at three cents an houf or less! Think of it! Who said equal rights for women??!! Adequate) light In the kitchen is all important a central light ing fixture whjeh casta no sha dows a light over the sink and one over the oven; and appliance outlets to conveniently take care of Ismail ; electric appliances beaters, and the like. Switches for jthe lights In basement, back porch, and : garage should be In the kitchen. : . -' . i Plumbing ah, what "ins are committed in thy name! 'Member the bid soap&tone sinks and drain boards?, And the architect who consults the kitchen queen a to the heigth of the sink Is as rare as the dodOI Look to this by all means. ' Aching backs ae not make for domestic fel!c!tyv There are scads of built-in fix ture cabinets, work shelves. bins: corner cupboards axrd the like. Some llttle-thought-of fea ture are coat closet -for wraps and ! galoshes, a built-in i broom closet (have : this about I feet wide. 1 Inches -deep, and atz feet i high so that It provides a shelf' for cleaning supplies with ihooke underneath- toang up broom, mops and so forth) ; a package receiver merely a trap door, with a spring opening from the pntsido onto a shelf, a gar bage incinerator or garbage re ceiver; cold eloaet, clothes chute. dish; warmers; a breakfast al cove drawer and cupboard space galore. Was there ever a woman who couldn't fill every nook and cranhy and then not beg for mora room? Tet too much closet space encourages accumulations, I while a dearth of space makesN rreqnent elimination neeeasary and discourages quantity buying. A work table of course, porce lain topped, is a necessity if the kitchen la large, and we prefer the kind on rollers with an un der shelf this table slides easily about between the. cabinet and range and back to the sink. A drop-leaf serving table hinged to the wall near the dining room Is most convenient for serving. .'. ' By all means include a fire ex tinKnisher. an electric fan, ; if possible, and sanitary trash and garbage cans. A step ' ladder stool saves needless stretching and risky climbing, providing a seat af that the worker can sit while ironing, paring Yegetables, etc a memorandum paj&, order list and don't forget the clock wound by 'wire If you please! Now for putting out the cat--1 To the rescue you young Invent ors! -.. ' ',....'- A hanging shelf or cupboard for cookbooks, a small desk for housing accounts, meal plans and planning a weekly note home to mother while the potatoes boil. a low rocker with a magaalns rack close by a gay little flower print on the wall, crispy curtains rustling in the breeze ah! if we could make but one resolution and carry It out, would ' not this (paraphrasing a bit) be most ap propriate- "To build my own kitchen, to give It within and without the character of my own thought and taste, to live In It, to love it, and make of ft a new. strong bond of affection between KITCHEN. - . o o . .1 ' : Flowered and Plain Pure Silk Flat Crepes Only . Absolutely no rayon substitutes or mixtures Tliese - Dresses sell everywhere from $9.90 to - $12.75 -) K ' EXTRA SPECIAL! Friday and Saturday Only 100 Dresses, Sizes ijij to 44 " ? WATCH OUR WI NDOWi DISPLAY j j Following our usual policy of Cleaning House. CCft Cfl CCfl ' Wetre offering . idJ On T f nt 5illr rirasM- Wool DrfiiM. Jersev U Q , ' Suits & Rayon Dresses, reg. price up to $15 at L Saturday Only ; ; 250 New Spring Wash Dresses Guaranteed fast colors Latest Styles, , A Dress Special- Purchase r j - Clean-up Price Friday Only f A stocking like the best twist r Dull 99 Last 3 times as loner as other sheer hose. Regular $1.98. Intro duction price QGS A Pair po not Call rnone 814 for Blocira Golden Ilnle Store. Please Call 1606 Remember, every dollar spent here at this si sUys in Salem, helps develop Salem, - makes Salem a better town to live In. Spending your ore 4 rx not.' J money , out of Salem only helps to retard STOwth of Salem. This . independent store asks for your patronage. I Those Who Trade at BLOCll'S GOLDEfl ROLE Salem Oregon ' 220 N. Liberty ; Save a Substantial Difference the Phone 814 for Bloch'a (jioMeti Rule ' ' Ktore.' P lease Call 1606 STORE Phone 1606 House Warming Jolly Affair. Mr. and Mrs. . Amn B. Stewart; entertained Sunday afternoon with a "house warming" In com pliment to their new home on CulTer Lane. Salem Heights. A potluck supper was eerred late In the erenlng and music, cards and games madela .happy social time. Guests. were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lintoot, Ross'IJnfoot, Mr. and Mrs. Robert GiUom, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.' Johnson, Helen Johnson, Margaret Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Luther, Vera Luther. Glenn Luther, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. John ston, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ost lind, Mr. and Mrs. William Gahls- dorf, Mr. and Mrs. H. Flshback, Mrs. Bessie Rogers, and Miss Edna Garfield. e Marriage Comes As Surprise A marriage which came a a surprise to their friends was that of MIse ETeljne Young to Chester E. Pace. Monday In the First Methodist church, Rer. B. Earle Parker read the simple serrlce be fore only immediate family and friends.- . - i The brM was attlrr d la a green traveling ensemble with ac cessories to match. ; Immediately roilowlng the 7:30 ! o'clock cere mony, Mr. and Mrs. Page left for a-snore weaamg trip. , Mrv and Mrs. Page will return to Salem where they wiU caake their home. Mr. Page Is a mem ber of the staff of the Thomas Kay Woolen Mills. Mrs. F. Snedecor Is Hostess Mrs. frank Snedecor will enter tain members of the Thursday Bridge club with a luncheon at the Marlon hotel and afternoon of cards at. the home, of Mrs. Reu ben Boise today. Members include Mrs. DaTld W. Eyre, Mrs. William Walton, Mrs. Harry Hawkins. Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs. Henry Myers, Mrs. George Rodgerst Mrs. Frits Slade. Mrs. Dan Pry. Jr.. Mrs. John McXary, Mrs. A. Bush. A few additional guests will also be present. Clear Lake The Wo man's Missionary society of the Clear Lake Erangelical church held its first meeting or the year Thursday at the home of Mrs. Roy Smith, with Mrs.'L. J. Massey pre siding. The topic, "Women in Social . and Welfare Work." was presented each member taking part. The next regular meeting will be held February 19 at the home of Mrs. Cecil Boyd. Refreshments were served by the hoBtesar-as sisted by her mother, Mrs. Eck uarou. Members present were Mrs. L. J. Massey. Mrs. V. R. Boyd, Mrs. Amos Smith, Mra. Bill Donnan, Mrs. Alex Harold, Mrs. Theo Stolk, Mrs. Eck Dutoit, Miss Hasel Clement and Mrs. Roy smith. - mm a m . - . uunoarci. Firty-one persons aaenaea tne cara party spon sored by the Knights of Pythias and the Pythian Sisters at te4 Pythian hall Monday night. TwelTe tables of "500" Wife la play durinr the evening" with high, score won by "Mrs. Nellie McLaughlin and Louis Alns worth. Second honors . went to Mrs. Elizabeth Fobert and Philip Welgand. the latter of Aurora. Miss Mildred Smith won1 the door -prise. Miss Anita Sevens, Mies Orva Barrett and Mrs. Susie Ott had charge ot the refreshments. t . Genrals. The Tast Nellie Grand club met Saturday ntfht with Mrs. Mary Sowyer where the members enjoyed a pot lack supper? and pleasant social eve ning. - The club Is working on a quilt which la to be sold. Mrs. Clara Shields made the birthday rake for Mrs. Ida Schwab, Mra.. Gladys Fitts and Mrs. Minnie Allsup, whose birthdays were be ing observed at this ' meeting. Those - present were Mrs. Slg Harris, Mrs. Clara Shields, Mrs. Jessie Coomler, Mrs, A. L. Col lins, Mrs. Ida Schwab, Mrs.. Min nie Allsup, Mrs. Mary. Sawyer and' Miss Ruth Palmer.1: - j ' Sigma Nu chapter of the Dei- Jhlan society selected Mrs. amee Heltzel, .Mrs. L. L. Nelson and Miss Loretta Ford as super visors of the chapter meetings for the second year's work ot the chapter, at the Monday after noon meeting at the city library, Mrs. Frederick Deckebach acted as presiding officer for tbis meet ing. Reports on the study topic, current topic reports, and a re view of Theodore Harper's book, "Forgotten Gods" made op the study program. ; i ' The Etokta '; club- was enter tained at the home of Mrs. A. W. Lane Tuesday. At the tea hour Mrs. Lane was assisted by Mrs. Richard Erickson. The program topic for the , study - hours was "Mission Days in Old Oregon." Mrs.-A. J. Vickiread a paper in point and a general discussion followed." r - i . Hubbard. - Thcf poetry club held- a ' meeting at the , school house Monday evening. " Carl Saadourg and - Vachel Lindsay were discussed and - many -' of their. poems read. Mrs. .Lottie Fry wUl be the TOILETRIES REMEDIES - , v - - . .- -w . . . ; ; -J ....... 184 N. Commercial TOBACCOS CIGARETTES SAVE ON TOILETRIES SAVE ON TOBACCOS SAVE ON REMEDIES in the week at Byrnes, Inc. . not only' on week-end sales, but every day VzJb. best ORANGE POCOE TEA, 27c; 1 lb., 49c ' 1 lb. FRED MEYERS fresh roaxted and ground coffee, 18c; 21bi., 35c V . 49e FEENAMINT and 25c ASPERGUM, all for 39c - 85c ICRUSCHEN SALTS and 10c RADOX, all for 59c 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste and 50c ANTISEPTIC, all for 63c - '$1 COTY FACE POWDER COMPACT and 50c Refill, all for 59c 1 ' loim strinff graduated Choker Pearls.' 19c i TWO 25c COLGATE TOOTH PASTE and 50c TOOTH BRUSH, all for 39c $1 LO V LOR FACE POWDER nd 15c Cased Powder Puff, allfor39c One pound MARIE LOUISE WRITING PAPER (Asst. Tints), 19c . 60-Watt OUTSIDE FROSTED GLOBES, 2 for 25c 1 1000 SHEET TOILET TISSUE, 3 for 19c; 18 for $1.00 4 , NEW GILLETTE RAZOR and NEW GILLETTE BLADE, all for 7c 1 1 ' 50c KLEENEX or POINDS TISSUES, 3 for $1.00 i Large Colgate, Ipana, Pebeco, Kolynos TOOTH PASTE, 3 for $1.00 2-Qt. Guaranteed HOT WATER BOTTLE (pastel shades) 49c $1 April Showers Body Powder and 25c Bath Salts, all for 89c 50c Phillips Magnesia 50c Chocolate Exlax ..33c 60c Mentholatum .1 i....39c 75c Vapo Rub J. . ......49c 75c Doah's Pills . .J. . .49c 30c Bromo Quinine ....18c 50c Nature's Remedy . 33c $1 Miles Nervine . .. ...69c ; $1.25 Pinkham Comp. 98c $1.50 Petroiager ...:....98c 50c Yeast Foam Tabs; 39c 35c Zino Corn Pads U..26c 60c Diaptepsin ...-U....42c $1.00 Danderine ........69c $1.00 Lucky Tiger :L 69c 10c Coring Aurelis, Van Dyck, Elsldelo, Rof-Tan 71 A x Chancellor Y2C . and all popular Brands (Box of 50 for S3.69) 1 i pt. ItalUn OUve Oil 49c 1 pt. Bay; Rum 39c 1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol 25c 6 ox. Glycerine 19c x 6 oz. Glycerine and Rose Water 19c . oz. Aromatic Cascara 1 23c . 4 oz. Camphorated Oil 23c : 6 oz. Castor Oil 23c 3 oz. Oil Eucalyptus 23c 10 lb. Epsom Salts for Bathing1 39c f Petrolatum '(Mineral oil) Pt3. 39c Qts. 69c Gals. $1.89 Cod Liver Oil (Norwegian) Pts. 55c Qts. 89c Gals. $29 Agar Cut M lb. 69e 1 lb. S2.39 'uncut lb. $19 3 lb. Bar Castile Soap 89c $1.00 Pond's Creams ..69c $1.00 Ovaltlne . ..I L..69c 75c Borden Malt. MiDc49c $1.00 Nujol ...63c $2.00 Reducoids ......$1.59 98c Turpo Vaporizer ..79c $1.20 Sal HepadcaJ:J.79c $1.25 Absorbine JrJ 1.96c 75c Balm Ben Gay . . ...49c 50c Cascarettes ...J.l. 33c 100 Aspirin, 5-grain ..35c Prince Albert! - Velvet or, Raleigh Smoking ;; 10 ox. QQ i a ' pocket nc Una OiJCj j Una ,DC Bull Durham 4 for 25c 3 Corn Cob Pipes 10c 50c Melba Creams .... 23c $1 Douche Syringes .. 69c 45c Kotex ... ..... ,29c 35c Palmolive Shv.Cr. 21c 10c Ivory Soap, 3 for ..19c 10c Lux Soap, 3 for .. .19c 10c Lifebuoy S'p, 3 for 1 9c 10c CremeOil S'p 3 for 19c 1 0c Creme Oil Soap, 3, 19c 25c Woodbury Soap ..18c 25c Cuticura Soap ......19c 25c Packer's Tar Soap 19c 1 Lb. Hospital Cotton 29c 1 Pt kubbing Alcohol 29c 1-pt. Vacuum Bottles.. 79c $1 Alarm Clocks 89c $1 Bottle Zoniti .79c S1.00 Squibbs Petrolatum 79c $1.00 Squibbs Cod JLiver DU 89c Squibbs Tooth Paste or Shaving Cream, 3: for $1 12 oz. Squibb Milk Magnesia 39c $1 Bottle ....79c $1 Listerine ...65c Chesterfield tuckles Old Gold, : Camels Two . 25c Cartbna iq of ay $1 Pacquin Hand Cr. ..69c ' -.-.J . . ...j I- 50c Strastkaa Tthpaste 36c 75c Takara Powder ....69c $1 Ambrosia ...79c Soft Absorbent ! SANITARY NAPKINS '3. Cartons of nL! ' 12 each for HtHC TOILBTEIIEC ': mm i L2j U L $1.25 Crcomulsion 98c ,35c Castoria 27c j -$1.00 Psylla Seed 69c $1.00 Lacto Dextrin 69c $10 Aragol 98c 35c Jad Salts 59c , 85c Radox 59c : ITS INC. 184 N. Commercial 1 Lb. Usola Cream 59c $1 Coty Face Powder ..67c Coty Body Powder ....89c Coty Toilet Water ..$1.39 60c GiUette Blades 30c $1.00 Gillette Blades 59c - 50c Auto Strop Blades 34c $1.00 Auto Strop Blades 65c ' 35c Gem Blades 29c Caroline Darls art the poets chosen for the. study," Tresent were Mr. and Mrs. W. Fry, Mrs. , Margaret MeMannls, Miss Prances Hatch and Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Bid rood.' i- i i . r , .' . '.'. $ Brooks. Mr. and ' Mrs. Sylves ter Ilarrlt entertained 'with "a Hangarlan toncheon In their home on Wednesday . evening". Guests 'present were: Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Coomler and chil dren, John Coomler and Miss Lois Coomler ot 2orth .Howell, and - Mr. and Mrs. Clave i Shields of Salem, and A. E. Harris, Miss Larona Harris. Harris and Albert Newly elected officers for the Alpha Phi Alpha sorority are Margaret Warnke, president; Helen Stiles, flee president; Elisabetn Ogden, financial man ager; Estel Chaney, house man ager; ' Beneltta Edwards;; secre tary; ElTtra Fawrer, treasurer: Lulu Allen, editor ot the house annual, and Lucille Flanary, re porter. - - -Si .-.i-. :- ' 'i-i Mr. and Mrs. Alvln B. Steward had as their pueets Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. Simon, Miss Ethel Simon, Miss Vera Simon, CaTl George, all ot Portland, and Mrs. Mary Schreiberof Ft. Towdsend, Washington,' i L. ' r- ' I ; The Merry Mlnglers crub wUl meet at the home ot Mrs. L. B. Malm. ot the Hollywood district on 1 Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. " - - ; - - Mrs. V D. Bennett of Lake La- blah has been spending a few ' '. :.. i vi-: .. "I , : r-t ' i I ; I lands as frentle as your own move vour clothes to and fro thromrh the hot. swirling suds In the Zenith Washer. Ther are the rmlqtie rubber hands of the Zenith an exclusive patented feature that means new thoroughness in cleans inar hands which wash with human care while the Zenith clothes separator keeps the clothes from twisting and. tearmg. ; ; . , ! Nothing: Washes Out but the. Dirt with! 1 ; t ; AM :-.--vr-: xhe m sn n but how, this ' washer does clean your clothes, leaving them. vhlte and brighter than you could have dreamed they might be. We want-you to Bde tor yourself next wash-day, Investigate this wonderful washer. See it on di$ play this week at " - . M7. , . Hardware I - Paints - Plumbing Machinery 23S N., Commercial St, 1 '.. i. " . ."' -''.' :. . j .'.". " ....... ...... . ... - . ...... i- .... ... - .... ' . i . . A