The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 22, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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'Golden Wedding
Will be Friday ;
The doable golden wedding f
Mr. end Un II. Meyer,-' 1SS5
Market street and or Mr. and Mrs.
August Hackert will be celebrat
ed at Christ Evangelical Lutheran
chnrch. Eighteenth and State
streetsFrlday evening, beginning
at 7:50 o'clock- The celebration
will begin with a service In the
church - according to the lrapres
eive liturgy that the Lutheran
church proTides for occasions of
this character. Thereupon the
membership and the friends of
the church ' will gather in the
chnrch parlors for a short pro-,
gram after ' which a wedding
lunch will be served.
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer, nee Jo
hanna Raserr were married Jan
nary g. 1SS1 by Rev. G. Wolff.
Flstelhoerlde, County Roteaburg,
Hannover. Germany. A little more
than a month later the young
coiipla emigrated to. America,
where they hare since made their
home. For almost 23 yearn they
made their home In Iowa, for 22
years In Monnesota and for the
last fire years la Salem. The
Children, who will gather for a
family reunion later, to ceieorate
the fiftieth annUersary year of
ir .ni Mr Mvr's marrlase
, i . TlS-4
are isrncai jmcjcj vi
Springs, wy.: Paul Meyer of Val
ley City, N. Dakota: Henry Meyer
of Laramie, Wy.; Mi?s May Mey
er of Salem. Oregon: Mrs. Alvlna
iHuth jof Salem.; Ore., rand Mrs.
William Kraushaar. Seguin. Tex
'as. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer preferred
to have, their aanlTersary celebra
tion together with that of Mr. and
Mrs. Hackert rather than on their
own anniversary date in order
that the services might be made
the more lmpresslre.
I Mr. and Mrs. August Hackert
(nee- Ernestine Boek) were- wed
ded January 23. 188L la Kesels
muenle, West Prussia,- Germany
by Rer. H. Strner. Two years la
ter the . youthful couple emi
grated to America, maZing their
home in Dodge Center", Minn., for
1 7 years, In Jenkins, Minn, for
12 years. In Nam pa, Ida., for IS
years and in the ricinity of Salezu,
Ore., for four years. Their daugh
ter Is Mrs. Albert Zamzow of Sa
lem, Ore. "
I Both couples are members of
Christ Evangelical Lutheran
Church In Salem.
I. .. "
McKee-Carrol Vows
Plighted in Kelso
- i I Jefferson- Miss Verna Maud
I McKee, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
, ! J. R. McKee of Jefferson. le
, tame the bride of George H.
( Carrol Jr., at a quiet ceremony
solemnized Saturday, January 17
I St 2:30 o'clock, at the Presbjterr
' lan parsonage at Kelso. Warh
j lngton. Rev. Mr. Bartholomew
officiated. Only members of the
1: Immediate i family were present.
; Mrs. Era Gray was bridesmaid,
! and Kenneth was best man.
i The bride-elect accompanied
! by her parents, left for Kelso,
; Friday. I :. :
I Mrs Carroll i 8 a graduate of
the Jefferson high school and
also majored in home econom
ics at Oregon State eoilege.
i ' where she was a member of the
Kappa Delta sorority.
I -The romance developed during
i college days, for Mr. Carrol also
attended Oregon State college.
where he majored In forestry and
was a member of .the Larnda Chi
Alpha fraternity. He is the son
. at Mr. and Mrs. George Carrol
r. of Kelso. Washington.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Carrol will make
their home In Kelso, Wash..
r where the groom is employed.
The Pythian Sisters of Salem
Will ; aaempUfy the Initiatory
work ' In the district conrention
to be held in Hubbard In March
according to plans made in the
regular meeting Tuesday night
ia response to the Invitation ex
tended to them by Emma Snyder,
district deputy grand chief. The
Tuesday, night meeting was the
first one of the year with newly
Installed officers la the chairs.
At the close of the bwnloess
meeting a social hour and re
freshments were served. Mrs,
Susie . Paraenter, Mrs. Maggie
Knighton. Mrs. Pearl Kinser and
Mrs. i Hester Hogan had charge
.pi me social hour, it Is planned
to entertain with an evening of
cards and dancing for Pythian
Sisters. Knights of Pythias and
their; friends January 27.
Thursday, January 22 jf '
Auxiliary to Patriarchs Militant, Installation of of
ficers. I. O. O. F. ball. S o'clock. : ;
Town and Gown club, Lausanne Hall,1 2:30 o'clock.
HayesviUe Woman's club; Mrs. Raymond Kites, 2
o'clock. . !. . - ; -
North Salem! W. C. T. lC Jason Lee church, 2:00
OCl0Ck., j , ' : j ( ';
Kensington club with Mrs. Frank Power, 2 S3 North
13th street, 2:30 o'clock. t
West Way club, Mrs. Thomas Maptethorp, 2:30
o'clock, at her home 235 South 22nd street. Bring nee
dles and threaftj ;
Mrs. Alice M. Epley, hostess to PrisciHa, club. 2:00
o clock. ,
Photographic section, Arts League, 7:30 o'clock,
city library. M - - - ! .. .,'! : ,
Ladles Aid of W. R. C. all day tneetlnr. fair
t i-:
grounds; potluck dinner at
Merry Minglers club, Mrs. L. B. Malm, Honywood
district, 3 o'cloclu. - : i . i
Friday, January tS ; . ' -
Woman's cltrb guest day; board meeting at 2:00
o'clock; Woman's clubhouse on North Cottage street.
All women, herein connection with legislative session
: special guests. " .- r. j : "'-vU
Mrs. E. E. Gilbert, entertained Woman's Bible
class, of First Methodist church, at her home, 94$ North
Summer street, 2:30 o'clock. . f
Daughters of Union CIvJl Wkr Veterans, Woman's
clubhouse. North Cottage street; first meeting of year
under new. officers. .j . 4
Saturday, January 2& . . --
Roberts Burns anniversary celebration, Masenia
temple; Burns club members invited. ;-
Mews anid Club
OUYE M. Doak.
Gervais"Camp Honors
U. S. W. V.
GervaU The dance given Sat
urday night at the city hall by
Ellas Hutchinson camp No. -1C.
United Spanish American ; War
Veterans of i Woodburn drew a
large crowd : and a very en joy-
able- time la reported iy those
who attended. The Micklison orr
chestra of Howell Prairie fur
nisTTed mnsfo for the dance.' The
ladles of the auxiliary assisted
and served the Lunch. The : hall
was beautifully decorated with
flags and greenery and ' many
curios collected by the members
were on display. Members of the
company were dressed in the un
iforms worn, during the service.
. Members of the 'camp present
were: W. H. Barrett. Co. M.
Second Oregon; G. II. Benjamin,
Co. M., Second Oregon; William
Frye, Co. M.. Second Oegon;
Ralph Hall, i Co. M., Second Ore
gon; and Charles Whitney, Co.
M., Second Oregbn; William
Chenoworth. Co. K., First Wash
ington; John O. Harrington,; Co.
E.f 14th U.s 8. Infantry; Robert
Hall, U. S. Marine Corps; Mr.
Hall has serf eel 35 years, Wlllard
Sterena. Co.! K.. Second Oregon.
and Edward B. Smith. Co. K., f
Second Oresron: William Uppen
dahJ, Co. K.. First South Dako
ta; Ernest Naftsger. Troop A,
Fourth U. S. Cavalry; John
Bloser, Co.M., Second Oregon
and Charles': McDougali, Co. L.,
Second Oregon. William Frye is
also a World War veteran. He
has been- decorated many times
for distinguished service.
Leo Bau mans Are
Complimented v
Gerrafs. Mr. and Mrs. Leo
B&umah were the inspiration- for
a surprise party at the parish
hall Saturday night given by
their son, 'Steve, assisted by Miss
Mary Deutsch. in observance of
their twenty-fifth wedding anni
versary. Cards and dancing, fur
nished amusement for the
guests. Mr. and Mrs. Baaman
received many beautiful gifts. A
delicious lunch was served at
midnight. ' v
Those ' present were Mrs. The
resa Zoller. Leo and Steve Rol
ler. Rosa Neusom, George kut
muth, John Demert and family,
John ZoIler: and family. Art
Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Emii Kuborn,Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Frahler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Becker, Mrs. Le-ina Hoffelner
and son. George, Joe Frehler,
Ollle Scherzinger, John Schestak,
John and Joe Aufmuth, alt of
roruana; Mr. ana -Mrs. uerrg
Crimps of Hubbard, Mr. and
Mrs. La Vera Ot Jen and Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Bauman and family,
Mrs. Elizabeth and Miss Mary
Deutsch ot Woodburn, Mrs. Ollie
Cox of Canby, Mr. and Mrs. F.
S. Scheible of Astoria. . Mx. and
Mrs. H. E. Nlbler, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Scheible, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Frehler, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bau
man, and children. Steve, Mary,
Albert and Margaret, all ot Ger
vals. . !
Mr. and Mrs. Bauman were
married at Gervais, Father Theo
dore Danm performing the cere
mony, and have spent all their
married life ; here.
Mrs, Joseph Mortimer
la Complimented
Mrs, Joseph Mortimer enter
tained in compliment to her
mother, Mrs A. Caughey, on the
occasion of her eighty-third
birthday. Monday. A 1 o'clock
dlnaer was served. -Pink roses
combined with a white spray of
flowers, aid a lovely birthday
cake wfth candles centered the
table where covers were placed
for Mrs. Canghey, the honor
guest, and Mrs. Almlra Reed,
Mrs. Maade Pointer, Mrs. A. A.
Flynn, Mrs. ; G. A. Conn. Mrs.
Elstrom. Mrs. J. F. Ulrich, Mrs.
Quay Wassam, Mrs. S. Rue&t.
The afternoon was spent in
conversaHon and sewing. Many
lovely aitts were presented Mrs.
Miss Genevieve Anderson, Jew
ell Cox, Bertha Vincent, Mabel
Whltacre. Olga Gath. Kraa Bat
terman Marie Waldord, and Mil
dred Wynkoop were pledged In
membership ; to the Endnltls
club Tuesday night. In an impres
sive recognition service at the
home ot the advisor of the club,
Mrs. W. M. Uamllton. Miss Alma
Johson and ; Miss Ruth Robbla
were special guests for the eve
ning. ., ; , !';.-
Society Editor I
' itiVott Bottom. Mr. and
Mrs. i C. F. Johnston were boats
tor al etfrd party at their country
d Thursday night. Six ta-
Mem nf "B00 were In play duf
ins the evening. High score for
ladies was won by Mrs.
rrumti and hiah score for
!h E. J. Freeman. , Mrs
Rails. Jr.. won consola
tion if or ladles and J, O, Ttrr
won consolation . ror men. t
Mr and1 Mrs., A. L. Emmons.
Mr. ad Mrs. Frank Kieper, Mr.
and Mrs. O. IL Marlatt, Mr. and
Mrs. ?Delmer Davidson, Mr. And
Mrs. !E. J. Freeman, Mr. and
Mrs. IJ. W. Cilmour, Mr. and
Mrs. jDeorgo Ralle, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. iJ. A. Farr, Jdr. and Mrs.
Robert Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Sid
ney Howard, Miss Edoise Math
ews, tolsel Mathews. Lloyd Mar
latt. George Ralle, Sr., and the
hostsj Mr. and ."Mrs. C. F. .John
ston i were - preseni. xteiroa
mentsl were served at midnight.
Bethel Tha ladles of the Dor
cas club are serving a chicken
supper at the ueinei icnooiaouw
Friday evening. January, 30 from
8:30 to S:00 o'clock.
Following tha supper ine tal
ented entertainers, the Benner
famllyi of Salem, will furnish, a
program. A small door tea will
be 'charged. The public Is cor
dially ilnvited to attend. , -
m m m
The nhotdgraphte section ef
the Salem Arts league will meet
at 7:30 o'clock in .tha city li
brary r Thursday night. .A mis
cellaneous program will be pre
sented. Miss Esther Bell will be
leader. Any one interested In
photography la welcome 10 at
tend, this meeting. , -
i - . . i ' - - Mi
i l' M K : : --"0 . 1 "v 1 -
Drastic Reductions on distinguised high quality Coats ..... .
former prices' not considered . we must clear jour stock rooms
j R:chly Furred
!$1 A .75 ad -'Sl0.75-
WERE $29.30 TO $115.00
Sizes 14 to 50
429 Court Street H. MARIE BUTLER
-11. ' ; - -l ' " T
I Gr Worns. .' Grp 2 1
I poucc GsloSHCS- j i?oni?3 -1 1
Women' High - (SHGQEI1"1!IICD Women High ' H
Grade Footwear ' ' Qf ' Grade Footwear "
2 pairs, " rtlfl-TS'-. .: 2PASRS :!l
Hill i iur Vy 4i ki " II
J:'-:-::.-.:. Women's w ':tv::: n
I Values in the Lot , CeTslliTie" V ' Values: to $3.98 .
I Brin? a Friend and pA- Pir Brinjr a; Friend and ' l
; J t Get 1 Each , 4x Get 1 Pair Each
; j, ' . , Scion's Fastest Growing Store i'
OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Orcgan. Thursday Morninz, January 22, 1931
1- -
Sacred Heart Recital
Friday Afternoon
Sacred i Heart
academy will
present the junior musicians In
recital Friday, January 23, at 2
o'clock In St. Joseph's hall, cor
ner Chemeketa and Winter. A
number of Juveniles from first,
second and third grades will, ap
pear tor tha first time In recital.
Tha' program will be varied
with piano. . Ylolln, and harp
numbers. Choral groups of boys
and girls in , the elementary
classes will also take part.
. Those featuring la the Instru
mental selections ! are: . Betty
Jean: Burns, Dorothy Eng el, Dor
othy Holman, Rosa Gibson, Ruth
Hillman, Winona Smith, Margar
et "Mary Huckestelit. Patricia
Llvesley, Jane Clearwater, Yron
ne Torgler, Myra Callin, Virgin
la Steed, Betty Ellen Demerast,
Peggy Thompson. ' Gertrude
Schelss, Lillian Wlchmann, Ger
trude Meter, Emily Bremmer,
Valeria Amort, Nellie Harring
ton, Mary Ann Schnlder, Betty
Steed. Wilda Jarman and Wal
lace Steed.
- .
Silverton- Mrs. W. L. McGIn
nls and Mrs. A. E. Jani were
hostesses at a delightful after
noon of bridge 'at the home of'
tha - former on Coolidge ' atreet
Friday. Five tables, were In
play during tha afternoon. Prlaaa
were awarded for tha high score
at each table. Those receiving
the prizes were Mrs. Custer E.
Ross. Mrs. E. A. Banks, Mrs.
Robert Duncan, Mrs. Earl
Adams and Mrs. Rudolph I.
With or without fur
10M to $39
WERE $19.50 TO $39.50
Sizes 14 to 44
Continues Entire Month of January
The Fashionette
Chad wick Chapter
Honors tyew Officers
I Recently Installed r oCTJcera of
Chadwlck chapter. Order ef .the
Eastern Star, were compliment
ed with -a delightful reception
Tnesday night following tha reg
ular tneetlnjr fn Masonle lodge
rooms. A program" ef i readings
and musical numbers added , a
special note of charm to tha re
caption : hours. ;r. v:' i -y -- -i:
' Out of town guests were
greeted tn tha Una as 'well as
the officers of tha local lodge.
The Una lBcluded.Mrs. David
Wright who rntrduced. and Mrs.
Paul Hauser, associate grand
conductress of tha Oregon grand
-chapter; - Frank Payers, past
grand patron and a member of
Tualatin chapter at Hlllsboro;
Mrs. Albert C. Smith,; worthy
matron; J. O. RussalL Worthy
patron, and tha other I officers.
Mrs.' Wsyna Henry, H. S. Boss
hard, Mrs. Alma Thompson, Mrs.
D. X. 'Beechler, Mrs. . Harry
Crawford, Mrs. George King,
Mrs.' Harry Mohr, Mrs. Miller
Hay den Mrs. J. O. Russell, Mrs.
Harriett Mercer, Mrs.. Ruth Hul
sey, Mrs. Larry Flagg, Mrs. El
len Gabriel, Mrs. Ethel KUes.
Mrs. Anna McKee, and N. P.
Rasmnssen. , J ;
Refreshments were served aft
er 1 the ' guests had passed down
the receiving line. Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Hauser headed the commit
tee In charge of arrangements.
Special features ot the regular
meeting were the special tribute
paid N. P. Rasmussen, who has
served, the lodge many years;
and the presentation ot chorus
numbers : by the newly, formed
chorus under the direction , of
Mrs. A. 8, Utley. -I..!:.
f ;j. -
Brooks Honoring Kreta Faa
Ashbaugh, ; Dolores Sargent, - Dal
ay ! and Lily Potts, Miss Lena
Rlggl entertained with a, party
In her home on Saturday after
noon. Games were enjoyed and
at .the elose of the afternoon re
Phone 946
freshmeata were servei te the
little tuesta. AdlTttonal guests
Included Mrs. CscU V. Asubausn,
Mrs. : Grant - Blxlsr, - , and Mrs.
'James Rlggl. r , : ) :.-x
; j - i e f -
Independence. The Rsbekaa
lodge met for the regular ses
sion .Tuesday erenlnf. After
the baslnesa meeting . the . ere
nlag waa spent la a soctft time,
playing cards and games. At the
close ot i the evening refresh
ments were enjoyed by all. . i
0 WU USE" G n iH IL D :
"AESOP'S fable;9
v1taph0ne subjects -."service
Her husband s en
! . H :. r
abroad on her honeymoon,
and when she reached
Pans Oo! La! La!
rro IN'T7 77 ;'l '-;':
: ;-i ; n n't' n
m uvodu
L t .L i i ' S:
wirn ener vacrs.enna
Rita LoRoy Louis Bartels
Which Woman f - ; ' -
Was to Blame? CW ' "
Tnej mothtr who for-, t "":sHh
srot lier child in a 'z.j
, mad rush for fame?
Or ih daughter who
" put honor above ev
erythinjf -else and de- I
fended it with a blaz ' v:'";:.'
: Fate tnrfaed ; the ita- ; ' " '
hies on the country's N-
treatest woraan law
yer .'and sent her . "
kneelinjf at the j fiet ' jr
: of j America's most :
notorious frun-girl.
,Qa Stagetc0 V TIMES.
eiLSffiG SOW- y : TODAY
r .Manon.c- 'V EDDIE
"ff Vf'raimk-ir'g 4 rj: "-'l- r:r ; : "NIGHT
P. LuE. and F. j -
Clufad Entertained f
' Mrs, - Mary Fugh entertained
members of the-P. 1 E and P,
club at her heme Tuesday after
noon with Mrs. Airel HUson as
assistant hostess. Plans were
mads la ' the business i meeting
for some special sewing to"l
done during thie-spring months.
Mrs. Wayne Oreenwood will be
hostess tor " the next i meeting
which will he February 1. Offi
t tier
. -
r r7
-ir,j- - . -1
: ! f ' .l.v.t 't 'mmm '
' Dasii Karnoone-
cers will be elected ct this meet
ing. This party Is planned as a
Valentine atfalr and; a prize will
be given for -the most original
valentine presented.) i .
. Guests for the Tsesday meet
ing werelrs. Azzel Hixaon, Mrs.
Pearl Klnzer, Mrs.
Hester llo-
gan. Mrs. Leila Vinson, 1 Mrs.
Leila Alice Davles,
Mrs. Laura
Johnson. Mrs. Maggie Knighton.
Mrs. Lettle Hanson Mrs. Mary
Aplln, Mrs. Mary Marshall. Mrs.
Prances Greenwood! and Mrj.
Alice Tipton as V special gueat.
11 w w
AT l. . f J T,
v --r-
8:00 P. M.
A Three Ac
Comedy Drama
' ' i I .
'a..',- iTjt5'J.t ,
- !