The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 22, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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A section of The Oregon Statesman featuring Merchandise Savinss
Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, January 22, 1931
Watch for this Section each Thursday
4 1:
Phones 1885-6-7.
275 N. High -St.'
Successors to Roth Grocer to.
,-""'!" Thirty-day' account service,:
No charge for delivery,-
We handle only the fruit packed by Baker Kelly and McLaughlin, in the original
one pouna canons, mis assures you of the very best fruit and handled under
tne most sanitary conditions. t
Raspberries and Strawberries, 25c Carton .4- 2 Cartons for 45c
Gait's Blue Ribbon Black Tea
, ;; Nothing, finer we know of. 1
Snider Tomato Juice j
Just the pure juice of the tomato. -
Special Half Pounds
Special Quarter Pounds
10 oz.
Tins Special ; 3 for
9 dc Dozen
Hearts of Gold Grapefruit
New crop pack and it's fine, j
72C 6 Cans S1.40
3 Cans
Tasty Pak Grapefruit j
New j pack but smaller pieces.
2 Cans 1 37c 6 Cans $1.05
Thompson's Choc. Malt. Milk
Special 39c Can
Royal Baking Powder
12 oz. Cans
This week only
Tasty Pak Oysters - ,
Now is the time for oyster soup. .
25c S1.45
2 Cans
Fisher's Blend Flour
49 lb Sack
1 .
Sat. Cjatie Special
. Our 3-Layer Chocolate Cake
A real treat for the whole family,
Regular 65c Sat.Special 49c
Our Home Made Loaf, 10c loaf
Doughnuts, 20c doz. '
Parker House Rolls, 20c doz.
. Maple! Rolls, 25c doz. -
Sat. It
Veal Roast
Boned and Rolled
eat Specials
Shoulder Pork Roast r
See Purity News for Purity Specials
Salmon Bellies
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Roseburg Broccoli, Head Lettuce, Rhubarb, Artichokes, Tomatoes, Cucumbers,
California Bunch Carrots, Brussel Sprouts, Calif. Celery, Spinach, Red Cabbage,
Squash, Mustard Greens, Turnips, Rutabagas. .
I ;j Oranges and Grape Fruit
Oranges af 2 Doz. 25c, 30c; 30c, 40c, 50c and 60c Dozen.
Fancy Florida Grape Fruit, Large stze 3 for 23c; 3 forj 20c.
California Seedless Grape Fruit 60c Doz. j ;
Rome Beauty Apples 98c Box. Spitzenbergs $1.00 and: $1.25 Box.
Golden Delicious $1.25 and S2.00 Box. Starks Delicioui $2.25 Box. ,
Open Saturday Evenings Until 8:30 !
meet sranjy
BETHEL, Jan, 21 Th Ja.n-
uary metlng et the Btbl Com.-;
smnitr club will b held at thm
Bethel icliool Stardaj venlng.
Janaarr 84. Mrs. -John Ilaio,
Mrs., Georga' Bahnson, and , 8.
Hamrlck are.the committee In
charge of theprosraia. The la
dies who furnish the refreshments'
are Mesdames A. R. Darr. C. A.
Boling'. J. R. Carruthers. 8. Ham-,
rich, w. Ij. Creech, nd A. Spran
ger. . . -
These meetings are open to the
public; All who are Interested
: are lnrited to be-present.
' Earl ' Sheelr. teteran drafted
from the Pacific coast league.
will have the first call-.for first
base with the Boston Braves next
345 State
These are J not special
prices but ; evcry-day
Extra long wrapped
loaf, white ; or whole
Small t
lAHil C
Our Jumbo 1 o
Twins ICtC
We use Montana hard
wheat flonrj
Special tw Saturday -Assorted
Cookies 1 ft
Prr down ........ AtlC
Orange Cream Rolls O A ,
Dozen. ..T...... 1UC
Boston Cream Cakes OQ
Each LVZ
Cream Pies wltfa Whip
Cream ?ftn
Topping c. ....... . "v
Phone Tour. Orders
268 We i Deliver
ay s ivienu
y ' Breakfast
-. , JU4r OmM Wkaat Wrtl
. f-r... - . ea '.Oreaaa, r - r
' Battm4 Tm- CeffM 'i -
. ': ' w . -JUnncbeosi ! ': ?
Crtntl Ck hUwiaku '--- - Ts
Karwtgifta TrvU Paddloy - v . Cre
''. . Dinner . -lv
Battered Oniana
Bc4 Lottoe mc PlBp Drtiaiif
Norwegtan Prtue-Paddlns;
caps )lrM frMe i
1-1 u id far ... .
3 tblrpooM fln . '
H tMrpoon mH - " '
1 tihliipon 1m fule :
Wash, the-nrunes and . corer
with the water. Let stand orer
night. In morning cover and
cook Tery slowly 1 H hoar. Cool
and rexnoT seeds. Mix ; the Su
gar and flour. Add to prune mix
ture. Cook ilowly. and stir con
stantly until mixture I. thickens.
Add rest of ingredients Cool and
chiir. Serre plain, with cream or
lemon sauce. ; - - ' .
Pineapple Dressing '
i st m i ya i .
S tablespoon near . ' i 1
1 tablespoon Soar - . I '
1-8 taaapeoa salt f !f
1-8 teaspoon dry auttrl '
S tablespoons lemon Jnlee i :
1-8 enp pineapple jalco j
1-8 np water ,
Beat the erg and add dry Ingres
dients. Mix well and add rest of
ingredients.. Cook In double boil
er i natil dressing becomes thick
and : creamy. : ' stter constantly.
Cool. .:r.i ; " --- - , .
lHi ps Uoar ' . v . '
8 teasyeens oaklaa- powder
I S tspooa sals .... ,
cap Mfac - '--
1 teaspoon. vsaUla . ,
X gg -. . , . -! . '
a-8 eap anltk - . -'x
8 taHlespoons fcattor. molted -
.. Mix Ingredients and beat 1 mln
utea. Pour into shallow pan
which has been lined with waxed
paper. Bake IS minutes in mod
erate oren. cut in squares, serve
with, sauce, u- h.-. r" V:
JErrEItSON. Jan. 21 Char
Hart, Kingsley Thurston and Mr,
Barnes motored . to Reedsport
Tuesday, where Barnes will be
employed , on road construction
work. The Barnes family hare
been occupying rooms in the Jef
ferson hotel for several months,'
and are relatives of . the Hart and
Tbarston families. I
Hart and Thurston expect to
return to Jefferson the latter
part of this week.
BETHEL, Jan. 21 Pupils of
Bethel school .hare received the
following palmer Method awards
of penmanship. Gold Star Button,
Mary Mamrlck; Silrer Star But
ton, Mary Hamrick, Lois Ham-
fAd is on Another Page of This Section
Turn! to Page 8
. ' This Section
distribution of this .section
with; complete coverage" of
Salem and Salem R. P. D's.
rick; 25 Drill Pin,- Clarence Ba
ling, Lorraine Strawn, Mary Ham
rick, Helen Schulx; Progress Pin,
Helen Schulz; Merit Button, Mary
Hamrick; -, Impro'Aement : Certifi
cate, , Hilda , Bahnson. I l
Women to Work
In Grange Hall
AN KEN Y BOTTOM, Jan. 21. .
The home economics committee of
Ankeny grange Noi 540 held' a
special meeting Saturday evening.
They decided ; on 'buying blinds
for the grange : hall and making
other Improvements. A date was
set for quilting out a. quilt for the
benefit1 of the grange, to be sold
at a later datev . ; y ..
Fv2 G G If lp n U O HQ
Dcltwocn Court and GCatc
- - .j.
Beechnut Chewing Gum
assorted flavors, .
V 2pkgs. 1 !
Hand Embroidered
Nainsook Gowns I
Creme Oil Soap
! perbar V
rp r7TN sZL vTN. rrv D
v has n
relephone 48 & 49 j Free DpUrery 155 N. Comm. St.
we Are open till 9 :oo o'jcLOCK saturdaV NIGHTS 1
Fine Cane Granulated
Sugar I
10 uk .-i-.49c
Oregon Full -Cream ;
; Cheese -
ad Lbs. 39c
T Pure VegetaWe j
New Fresh Shipment
Pounds -:25c
Swift's Sugar Cured
' Picnics
Fine For Baking !
Per Pound .: J. AOs
i . . ' '-' ,
Flavor Foods -
f Finest.
. Full quart Jar.. 43c
Full pint Jar J3c
FffesBn VegettaMec arid
Spinach Greens, Mustard Greens, Celery Hearts, Solid
Cabbage, Crisp Lettuce, Brussei Sprouts, New. Tender
Carrots, Turnips,- Parsnips, Rutabagas, Fancy Sweet
Potatoes, Fancy Dry Onions, Fancy White Cauliflow
er, Dry Onions, Danish Squash. '
- - : i - - ' ' .
Fancy Florida Grarfruit, for :.25c
Sunldst Sweet Oranges good size, 2 dz. 59c
Fancy and Choice "Apples, 8 lbs, .25c
Fancy Small Oranges! 3 dozen i.-. ....-39c
Red ChiU Beans; 6 lbsV.1. ......:........25c
Choice Blue Rose Rice, 4 lbs. ..L ........ 25c
Fancy Small White Beans, 4 lbs. i .-i25c
Best Grade Semolina Macaroni, 3 lbs. 25c
i -
. i JL J. B. Jr.
! Coffee .
A good grade Coffee at
an unusually Low Price
3 bs. 89
. .i
M. J. B. Vacuum Packed
-A Coffee Essential to
good meal ,
Per j Pound
39 c
The Finest Liquid . :
Full quart Bottle 18c
. P. & G. Laundry
10 Bars , 36C
? Feis-Naptha.
'h '
Fancy Soft . Shell
The Speedy Soap
For Soaking Clothes
For Dishes, For Boiler
For Washing Machine
Large Pkgs.
Economy Brand
Matches ":
6 Box Carton
Per Carton 15c
Red Starr "
Milk and Honey
Finest Quality Crackers
LV. Carton
Superior Red Arrow
V Wafers
, . Dehciously good
Lb." Carton:
Fig Bars
Whole Whtati or Tlaln
3 Lbs. .- .L 35c
Fray Bentos Brand
Corned. .
& Large Cans . 45c
; . -'i;.- ' -i"-t.--
: ' , ' I 1 (-.'!. ..v T, - , . - ' , '
: . ; , . i r ; V 1 ., j . -'.-.. . ,:. -. ' .
''' '''' ' ' '"j! ' i
Guess - .v
Me :''17 -
A 1 I el" .11 . I
Ancn ir cenamiy win maKe any youngster
grow . . rthis riey Hpney-Bread with jam
or jelly. For it has real nutriment and real tissue
building qualities. Children like the delicious flavor
end it's good. for them too. Wholesome and easily
cligested. -
t -' - - - s : f" I ' 1" ! j-1'' -- - 1 ' ' ,V'. - "V : - j"- 1 -
Let them have Honey Bread at meals, between meals
and when they go to school send Honey Bread with. them Jn
t. : then luflches; " And Iremember, toogrownups
l - ore just as fond of it as the chifdren. For them
'i '- 1 V . It is every bit os tasryy healthful and nourishing.
' The Waldorf , -
6. noils : 39c
Sttn: Ripened California
No. 2i Size Cans
2 Cans -.25C