The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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    . nmrn. ' . i in.. TrTXT CT 4 T'T?Gf A V CoImii Hr(mn TWadstv &fnrnlnr- Tnnnarv 20. 1931 - i v 1' i
Record Crowd Expected at
Special Program Feb.
T at the Armory ! j
Following the meetta of the
fialen Ministerial association a
maIt irn the snceestion of a
prohibition mass meeting has
k. MtKhlnv firs about town
and -the plana are betas complet
ed tor making Sunday. soruary
1, the great demonstration- and
rally In the Interest ot ihellth
The rally i to be held at tlw
armory and hs been called for
a n'rlnr BnndiT nlxbt Febru
ary 1. Moat of the churches have
arreed to dispense witn ineir reg
ular erenins; sertices and present
united front of the chnrcn
rnemberihip, t the armorjr. Com
munity singing will be in charpe
of Rot. W. Earl Cochran, pastor
ot Calrary Baptist church. The
Salvation Army band rrom rorv
anA will fA nftrured If possible
and will play a concert as a pre-
In4. IA tfl t1TIAtilir.
One of the speakers for the oc
casion will be Jaage u. f. onu
ma1t Vnown lurist and law
yer, recently retired from the su
preme bench, jua go vrosnow
ka. Hirnnvh the ions campairn
that resulted in dry Tictory and
writing of the 18th amendment
into the constitution.
Committee Busy
On Other Details
Other features of the meeting
are inl the hands of a committee
of which Iter. B. Earle Tarker.
pastor of First Methodist church
la the chairman and including
Her. Orover C Blrtchet. pastor
of the Ftrst Presbyterian church:
Mrs. Klliabeth Oailaher. secre
Ury of the Y. W. C. A- Captain
E. M- Williams of the Sslrstion
Army, and Rot. Cochran. From
early reports , of the ' committee
the response In faror ot the
meeting and Its purpose has been
unanimous and eager on the part
of U who have been approached.
"It is surprising," says Dr. Par
ker., "how many people are being
aroused by the flood ot anti-pro-hlbltion
propaganda released
through the various wet organ
isations, and who are ready to
get together and launch a new
offensive ot education and Infor
mation supporting the amend
ment. We are convinced that this
masa meeting will be the begin
ning of such a campaign as will
strengthen the prohibition forces
and create a new public opinion,
and conscience on the matter of
law observance and enforce
ment.' 1 . I
As a part of the plan, all the
ministers, of the city are plan-
nlng to speak; from their several
pulpits at the morning service
mm An theme concernine pro
hibition and its present status, i
sun men ill
j Salem high school will enter a
contestant la the national ora
torical contest sponsored by the
Oregonlan. Principal Fred Wolf
sinnonneed yesterday. Sinee the
contest subject is the constitu
tion, the local competition will
be handled through the history
classes, however any student
who desires may contest.
The local preliminaries: must
be finished by March 14, when
the oration manuscripts -must be
In the hand ot Dan B. Clark ot
the University ot Oregon. Date
on wMeh the contest on . which
the Salem high representative
witl be chosen has not been set.
The elimination event will be in
charge of Shannon Ilogue. debate-coach,
assisted by the heads
of the history and English de
partment. J. C. Nelson ana airs.
Ellen Fiaher.
The state winner will c6mpete
In Los Angeles for coast honors,
and sectional groups will com
pete In Washington, D. C. for
national honors.
Benolt McCroskey of Salem
high reached the Pacific coast
i finals when he was in school
here six or seven years ago.
wild oil eo
' : " j 1 '
(AP) Another roaring menace
of the oil fields at Oklahoma
City's doorstep the wild No. 1
Wrapago oil well was throttled
late today.
The well, wild since morning,
was shot in by John Gordon,
tamer ot the, famous "Wild
Mary" Budik; Oklahoma's most
notorious welL I which ran wild
for 11 days before being ah. r In,
With the flow ot the No. 1
Wespaco under; control, firemen
and national guardsmen took
precaetlons against : the danger
of fire In the area soaked by oil
from the wild gusher.
There -was little hasard front
gas fumes as Inspection showed
the lowlands free of accumulat
ed gas.
Tbe night patrol surrounding
the fire area constated ot about
116 men from the fire depart
ment and national guard.
Don't Buffor anAthav Mlnnt. fima
blind, itchinr, protruding or bloeJ
Inir ptls without testing- th nwet
and fastest actlnsr treatment out Dr
KLxoa'm Chi id. fortified witfc
rare. Imported Chinese Herb, with
amaciur power to reduce swollen
tissues, biiDffs sase aad comfort In
a few minutes, enabling you to work
and enjoy Ufa while tt continues its
toothing1, healing action. Don't de
Jar. Act In time to avoid a daager
ju and costlr operation. Try Dr.
Nixon's Cbinarold under our g-oar-ante
to satisfy completely and be
Jffwrta ISO times the small ooet or
rojir mov back.
ri-imra drug store
1153 Commercial - '
The Gall
Board vl
Today. Gary Cooper la
"Tne spoilers.- u
Wednesday William Pow-
ell la "Shadow of the Law.
' Today Amos "n' Andy la
"Check and Douhle cnecav -
Wednesday Constsnce
Bennett, la "Common Clay."
Friday Warner Baxter In
- ! i
mess In "The Laah."
- ,
Today Barbara Stanryck
In "Illicit,"
e e
Well, let me as are you that as
for myself I find "Illicit" an ex
ceptionally entertaining and artis
tic production. You will see it at
the Elsinore today and tomorrow.
Perhaps yon. like myself, will be
most exasperated that after such
a desperate struggle to make an
Intelligent husband realize the ne
cessity of 'remaining a lover as
well as a husband, and leave to
his wife a bit of the freedom ot
courtship days and give to her the
attentions which won her In the
first place. Barbara Stanwyck
gives up and goes back to James
Rennie. the typical husband, and
lets him remain the bus and
whose property she Is.
True, the story develops that
she held him well enough to pre
vent the other woman from win
ning the last hand, but he was
still th "husband who could not
give up his property."
The story is that of a girl who
loves bat tears the bondage of
marriage. To save her illusions
from being, crushed and to retain
her freedom she takes complete
love out of wedlock until the
breath of suspicion hovers ever
her and then because of her fam
ily standing she marries the man.
Before; two years are up the
man who had been a sweet lover
becomes a husband with a cold in
his head. Separation follows while
Barbara Stanwyck tries to regain
her dream. '
The story is very true to life.
very well, acted, the lines are clev
er and for those- who wish to
think there is plenty to provoke
thought, and for those who wish
to be amused there- is equally as
much to provoke laughs and
Charles Butterworth as the
comedy relief j Is one of the clev
erest characters to appear In a
play for some time. The photog
raphy, scenes and clothes are far
superior to the average play.
"The Lash." which Is now at
the Capitol,, with Richard Barthel
mess. Is also an excellent picture.
The plot is Intensely realistic
and gripping. Although the story
depicts the xlays of our early his
tory Just after California came In
to the anion, yet the elements
which make up the picture are
those of the human emotions of
love, courage. Justice, treachery
and fidelity and they speak, the
language of all people and of all
BartheimeBfl la splendid la the
part of' a young Spaniard who
comes back to his native Califor
nia to find that certain Americans
who fire in power, are defrauding
his people. ; His. home 1 Is one of
the loveliest of the old Spanish
estates. Through a tragic experi
ence-with an American land of
fice officer, Fred Kohler, Barthel-
mess as the young son of the
Spanish nobleman, Robert Edeson,
becomes a bandit, making war up
on all 'Americans. Mary Astor as
his sweetheart and Marlon Nixon
as his sister, play excellent parts.
The story deals with the activi
ties ot the band': and with the
laud office, men, who try to secure
the land of the Spanls't by under
handed means. Fred Kohler as
the villian plays an excellent role,
as does James Rennie. Fine rid
ing, spectacular outdoor shots, ex
cellent acting and a tense plot;
make for aa excellent picture.
A college baseball league com
posed of Mercer, Georgia. Ogle
thorpe, Georgia Tech, I Florida
and Auburn has been formed In
Atlanta. j
E Warner Bros. 0bb'
This Dew picture
bold, so truthful. ..a mil
lion wives, husbands and
lovers will see themselves
In this story. ' ;
XStm r '' Nowl '
)V. .Popular :,
I ( ) x: ;
I J tV IfS 'Today ' :
JT ' Tomorrow
's .sM '
Attend tne Dat
-s,,m ...i , A ; gala Matinees :
1 -: : - :: !:. ' - j I j';: ' ;'
Reapportionment Body l Is
Also Chosen; Little
Business Faced j
'Anoolntmeat of two new com
mittees In the; house to . handle
public utility problems and : re
apportionment of districts con
stituted the mala event In an
otherwise dull session of the
representatives' section of the
legislature -yesterday. I Major
legislation, its introduction and
its (Iconslderatloa appears to be
awaiting the governor's utility
program which may be forth
coming today.
Bar W. Gill of Multnomah
coonty was named chairman and
Morton Tompkins of yamnin
vice-chairman of the committee
on utilities. Other members are
Jbha Manning.! Multnomah;
John II. Lewis. Multnomah: E,
W. h Snell. Gilliam: . David O.'
Glass, Wasco; GoTdon J. Taylor,
Clackamas; Herbert Cordon.
Multnomah: Joha A. Thorn-
burgh. Washington. The major
ity of the members' are declared
favorable to the governor's pro
gram. , '; i. ,
Et! B. Day, Jackson , county.
heads the committee on reap
portionment, with A. V. Swift of
Baker as vice chairman. . Other
members are Homer D. Angell,
Multnomah;. L. D. Nash, Lin
coln; James D. Chinnock. Jose
phine; Ralph Hamilton, took;
H. H. Chindgren. Clackamas: W.
E. Stockdale. Grant and Harney;
Joseph N. Scott, Umatilla. ,
Would Combine
Southern Districts ;
Tbe combination of districts
one I and two. northern and
southern sections of the state, is
the only material change pro
posed ' la the commercial fish
bill which was dropped into the
legislative hopper - of the house
Monday. The ' bill is- largely
amendatory, codifying 1 tbe com
mercial fishing laws, simplifying
some parts and i strengthening
enforcement, its i sponsors - de
clared. There is nothing in the
bill - considered controversial,
nor does It mention the i Rogue
river situation. The measure
was 1 prepared by the interim
commercial fish committee and
was I met with-favor L the fish
comtnteslon and the game com
mission of the state.
Appropriation ot $23,000 for
a surrey ot the potential mar
kets!! for cheap j hydro-electric
power. . to be made by the Uni
versity of Oregon was asked la
a hquse measure by Representa
tive ij David G. Glass of Wasco
county. The act I would deter
mine the location ot mineral de
posits ot commercial ; value la
their relation to sources of elec
tric j; energy and- :to set forth
their location in relation to
world markets. The location ot
the survey is to be witbia eco
nomical range ot any hydro
electric power aites on the Co
lumbia river east of Bonneville
and j streams tributary. Nine
whs !; were introduced in the
house. 1
(Continued from page 1)
anr educational Qualification tnr
the 1 (director. Sen. Joe Dunne
leaaing tne protest.
i Change Next July
The chan re wenld be effoctlra
Julyiil, 1931. Appointive offices
now serving would continue with
duties assigned by: the director,
and ijthe- elective r officer, the
dairy! and food ! commissioner
would, complete his term.
The bill created an agricul
tural! board with advisory pow
ers, also provided for conferenc
es to settle division of powers
between the statv college and
the department. The question
is si doctor's PrescrfDtJon for
It Is the most sneedv remedv
' known: "
66 also In Tablets,
66 G
mr V
Aldrich, Marathon Talker,
Is Heard at WiUamette U.;
Dr.; Harold 1 Aldrlea. ot .New
York state, better known as the
marathon preacher,, spoke to
Willamette nnlrerslty student
Monday at chapel services. Mr.
Aldrtca has spoken ta S 1 states
and as Ibnc as IS hours in one
day glrlag that many one hour
serai oas. - - - - r-r -
The; speaker bad. a free, fear
less manner that spoke of years
of publlo , speaking. - Ills . Amer
icanisms and wit attracted
rounds of applause aad gales ot
laughter from the students.
From 1 comments made by the
students he was judged at one
of "the best liked speakers who
has spoken la Waller bail this
year. ,
Although the speaker seemed
to stimulate laughter he made a
number ot points that were tak
en as advice by what seemed a
larger percentage ot the student
body, j I
lie, pointed out the fallacy of
tear! as a handicap. Referring
to professors, he ; asserted that
the teacher who pointed out the
students' mistakes was a better
friend, than the one who bragged
on the; -young person's successes.
A lesson learned by Henry
Ward Beecher was used as an il
lustration of one of the speaker's
points. ; It ' seems that Mr.
Beecher, when In school, once
made up his mind to get the an
swer to a certain problem. He
worked practically all night on
of the power of the director to
fix standards ot farm products
was discussed.
The bill will be withdrawn,
submitted to the committeemen,
and then gone orer before pres
entation to the legislature.
Consider Standards
The committee ot IB named
by George Aiken ot Ontario at
a recent meeting in Portland
met Monday and 'adopted a res
olution favoring establishment of
agricultural standards, and also
favored; Including this In the
functions of a department of ag
riculture. J. W. Mayo ot Star
ton was chairman and W. O.
Ide of Portland, secretary ot the
committee, i Other members
present were: L, H. McBee,, Dal
las; W. E. Ayers, Frank Jen
kins. Eugene; W. H. Zlbney, Os
wego; Ray Gill. Wood burn; C.
II. Oxman, Ontario; Roy Glatt.
Woodburn; Herman Chindgren,
Colton; Chester Mulkey, Mc
Minnvllle; Arthur Marsh, Hood
Peeved Wildcat
Ba ttles Engine;
Bit Too Uneven
(AP) A wildcat attacked a lo
comotive near here today.
The engineer of a Savannah
and Statesboro railroad train ar
riving here said 1 the train scared
a covey of quail the wildcat was
Apparently angered at the
train's Intrusion, the wildcat
leaped on the tracks turned and
gave tight to the locomotive.
The wheels ot the train
crushed It to death.
The engineer displayed the
dead wildcat in confirmation of
his story.
or 25 c
: lavst Times Today
A two-fisted
i .fighter that's
'oienlsterl The
i hemaa hero
: who takes what
i he wants gold
or women I
j'siill -1 j I
xrtf S)
f a O ItCTI O M
Advice to Students
the problem. Ia the morning
when he; went to class, a class
mate went to the board and pat
the problem bet or the class ar
riving at the same answer that
2Xeary Beecher had.
1 The teacher said; .-Hol- Whea
Henry ; Beecher explained the
problem in the same way. the
same answer cam - from the
teacher, M'No!". Mr. Beecher
says that he went to his seat
broken la spirit.
Aaother boy was sent to the
board and after erasing the ef
forts ot lis two predecessors, he
pnt the problem oa the board
and-arrived at the same answer.
i -No!'vcried the teacher.
"Tea !' answered the boy; aad
the teacher said, 'Yes, George,
that's the tight answer".
Mr. Aldrich pointed out that
if a person knew he was right,
the thing: to do was to "stand by
his guns" ta spite of opposition.
Attack Legality
Oi Income Tax
I Arid Excise Law
! ' si '. -j:
In case the Oregon j supreme
court continues to hold! that the
1S2S Intangibles tax law Is un
constitutional. It will be neces
sary for the court to also- hold
the excise tax law and! the .state
income tax law Invalid, according
to a brief filed. In Salem Monday
la connection with the state tax
commission's petition for a re
hearing ot the original Intangi
bles, tax law case. The brief was
filed by Arthur Spencer; attorney
tor the Unioa Pacific Railroad
company, and others.
; The brief set out that the su
preme court tailed to take Into
consideration a constitutional
amendment of IS 17 which was
designed to eliminate aa old pro
vision relative to th principle
that all taxation shall be equal
and uniform. f
Show Starts
t a p. u
Shows at 7 A t
I 1 - J I
i : ' " I " : ('.'' i . !
The Biggest Leagh lnYtartl
One Dig Roar From Start
aph ft ju
Declared Nuisance in Some
Residence . Districts j
f (Code Js Proposed
Continued from pag 1)
business for all the- city. The
terms ot the bide would include
the maintenance by the successful
bidder.! of the incinerator plant
without any cost to. the city. In
consideration ot the money receiv
ed from, this service, tn clt
would grant aa exclusive fire
year franchise to the operator. Al
derman Vandevort checked a vote
oa tbe resolution by insisting that
the city attorney giro an opin
ion on the legality ot seek a fran
chise before any steps were tak
en to award one. .j '
Alderman Olson had referred to
the boUdlng committee his pro
posal that the police ehief be pro
vided with a special private office.
Olson maintained that the work
of the ! police ! department was
hampered by the fact that the
chief had no suitable place to con
sult in a confidential way. with
people coming to his department
In the city halL Jj , .-
Alderman Vandevort declared
himself strongly la favor of aa
auditor's report for the last four
years oa disbursements from the
sewer fund. Jle alleged that a
considerable sum , of money re
ceived from the bond issue front
sewer bond sale, was diverted or
used to pay old sewer debts. The
action was checked until the cost
of such an audit could be determ
ined. !ji ; . i
Mayor Gregory announced the
receipt of the resignation of I
P. Campbell as a member of the
planning and sonlng commission
and of the appointment la his
stead of M. C. Hnbbs. Upon mo
tion of Alderman Purvine, the!
service of Mr. Campbell was given;
a vote of thanks by the counclL i
Mayor Gregory announced the
appointment of Dr. F Don Baylor
I lfh(5Rcture
1 -; : " ; .
Thla looks like a snap
py number," he) saidL
and i then but youli
have; to see "Night
Work to appreciate the '
clean fan and tender ro
mance! :
L firr 7 -'ire
Last Day!
WW9 f M www a
To Finish!
1 Tf-N
Ullli till ' I
f iffinntri iU'
aa a member of the boxing com
Salaries ot the city attornsy,
the city surveyor and the sitreet
commissioner were each fixed at
$100 a month by vote of the
council. Allowance of f 10 will be
made for atsnographio services for
the city attorney's office. I
Answer is Filed j
By Williamson
To Landers Suit
Ni ?. WlUlamson. defendant In
suit brought by Ralph; Landers
over alleged- breach ot I contract,
yesterday filed la circuit court
answer aad counter claim to the
complaint. The case Is orer
clearing of - land belonging to
Williamson which Landers
claimed he was to have use of
for two years if he cleared It.
but which : agreement i Landers
says Williamson failed to make
good. . - '
Williamson, la his cross com
plaint, says Landers did not
clear T the land within time
agreed; but he was to have a
fourth, or $1C8.T, ot onions
raised- oa the ranch and that on
this I74.T. Is still owing; and
that Landers owes 4ilm $41 ad
vanced tor hay and straw; $50
oa a note; $80 advanced for fer
tiliser. ;, j " . -n
. . : : ' '-'I- h
: 83 Josa.Strtei.Klcw York
tKCAOO ; ! ;
m West Atssss Street
Loans and Investments
W. C. Dyer
Phont 1637
Invest in
TRIFLTNO . ailments some
time become! prolonged
illnesses, event utinr. la
loss of Income and" ruinous
medical expenses. 1 Health In
surance Is la reality Income
Insurance and your Income Is
a Judicious thing fe ffaard at
all times. , " j . .
Homer H. Smith
' Insnraaca Agency
Over SliUer's Btore TeL OS
Boyen jol fire Insurance Indirect! but acftnlV
contribote a vast gua npproxlowtcly 130
million dollers annuany In taxes, most of
which are of a special nature and in addition
to the regular taxes borne by insurance cooh
panics. Such taxes are a burden upon tiSa
premium of the policyholder, notwithstanding,
they are collected from the conpaniesi
f V!
The orlsinal purpose of taxes on the premiums
paid by policyholders was to maintain state
supervision of the business. However1, such
supervision now uses but a few cents of each
dollar so coI1cted. The balance goes Into
thej general funds of the states.
.Add to the Cost of Insurance
These special and regular state taxes art
factors in the cost of Insurance. The opinioa
of the Chamber of Commerce of the United
States has been expressed as follows: I
' "J-, i ; ; Spedai state taxes now levied
- ; panics should not be considered as a
scaircc of general revenue, but should
y: be reduced tp the total fn each state
' which will edequatefy support such
state's dcpartnenbl supervision ill3
companies transact by far the greater portiost
of the fire Insurance business of the countryj
They want you to realize this tax situation and
Its effect upon the cost of your insuMncsu
Sftk fra fasere
eyCsneUe Agents as
:.j Mercaaats tctm? Cldj
SOS Oregon JSldg