The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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Average '
December, . SO
V&seUied today and
Wednesday, probably rain,
tensperature nncban g e d ;
M4x. Temp. . Monday 38,
V paid, 4Ilr. 8ay 7t
antsrern or a. a. o;
Mia. 27, cloudy, calm, river
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Mornin?, January 20, 1931
No. 236
Declared Nuisance. in Some
Residence Districts;
Code is Proposed
Checkup on Sewer Fund is
Sought; Small Details
Come Before Council
Business ' ranging from sign
board regulation to demand that
the sewer fund of the city conn-
f 1 ..VxVa aamft tin f OF 4? fill
VI DO cuvwu vw -
i slderatlon at the citr council meet
tnr last night but Mayor P. M.
RrAr warn awlnaina- the gavel
-with Igor, with the result that
the aldermen romped through a
busy evening in short order and
adjonrned shortly after the cur-
few hour. . .. .;. 'V
Alderman Dave O'Hara eroked
the moat debate with hla protest
against the present system or
lack of system, In handling sign
boards.- "They are excluded in
the richer, better districts of town
but the .poor hare no relief," said
the alderman. "The practice Is
unjust and discreditable. I think
we should hare a consistent policy
on the erection of sign boards In
the city.- 1
The debate, occasioned by a re
monstrance' filed by residents of
Ward ft on tr a newly erected
sign on a lot near North Commer
cial and Jefferson streets. Includ
ed Alderman Dancy who told the
aldermen that the sign complain
ed about was not the only public
sign which was a nuisance In Sa
lem. He urged that the sign en
South Commercial street at Mis
sion be torn down.
. . . . .
Han No Relief
x Alderman Vandevort Jumped
ed into action charging that 'the
poor devil has to look at these old
signs week in and out while the
rich man can prohibit them in his
district." Vandevort said if he
had his way all signs would be
banned from the city. -
Alderman Kowlts got the mat
ter into a position for action by
moving that the building, regula
tion committee go into the entire
matter of the advertising sign eq
uation In Salem and work out a
more equitable code for their con
trol. It was pointed out during
tbe discussion that the only re
quirement at present of tne owner
of a sign is that it be erected after
the issuance of a building permit.
Kowlts motion carried and the
building regulation committee is
to work out a control code.
The city recorder was authoriz
ed to advertise for bids for a flood
light and for fire extinguishers at
the city airport, provision for this
expenditure haying been made in
the 1931 city budget. He was al
so authorized to advertise for bids
for a ear for the use of the fire
chief, and for a new 600-gallon
pumper to augment the present
equipment of the fire department.
Ordinance Copy,
lie ported Lacking
Considerable debate was evok
ed over the present status of the
ordinances of the city. All the
aldermen agreed that there was
no suitable copy available of all
ordinances. Motion of Alderman
Kowlts prevailed providing for
the purchase of a suitable loose
leaf ring-Under for the handling
of the ordinances when they are
prepared. The aldermen agreed
that the proper way to handle the
ordinances was to. have them cod
ified with ordinances relating to
traffic, police and similar depart
ments tftcity government, placed
under one main grouping, i
Alderman Kuhn was authoriz
ed as chairman of the committee
on police and traffic to purchase
additional signal lights for street
intersections. These lights will
be placed four at an Intersection
and will caution the motorist by
printed word and by a light, to
drive slowly.
Kuhn secured the passage of
a motion, providing that no li
censes be granted hotels, rooming
houses or employment agencies,
until the condition of the building
and the character of the operator
had been approved after due in
spection by the city health offi
cer, the building and the plumb
ing inspectors and by the chief of
"Want Bid Upon
Garbage Handling
- Kuhn also asked that the re
corder request bids from all par
: ties desirous of conducting a
garbage collection and disposal
(Turn to page 2, col. 6)
The Legislative Calendar
. Probable introduction ot
governor's , power program
bills.; ' . ,-.
'. Each night, meeting joint
ways and means committee.
j Roseburg authorised to
acquire land and donate
same to federal government
for soldiers home.
Senator H. C. Wheeler an
Bounces forthcoming meas
ure proposing changes in
budget law.
Eherhard Introduces bill
relating to membership on
state board of higher educa
tion. il
Father, 9i;
. : : ..' .'''::'' - ' -'
- 4 :
- . - i
1 - it
-. f '
William IT. Murphy, the famons "Alfalfa Bill of the middle west, supporting hla 91-year-old ather,
U. 1. T. BInrphy, as the latter administered the oath of office at hi son's Inauguration a governor
of Oklahoma. Alfalfa Bill" Is haile4 aa a true friend of the poor. He start his term in a penniless
condition after campaigning with); a 37 campaign fund and credit at the grocer's, t
In Hoover's Hands but it
Still is Mystery; no De
tails Leak out
WASHINGTON, Jin. ; 19.
(AP) Exactly 19 months and
23 days after embarking upon its
task, tho Wlckershtm law en
forcement commission today laid
tta study of the nation's prohibi
tion problem before President
Hoover. ! !
The 'secrecy-surrounded and
lengthy ' document, wrapped in
an ordinary brown paper envel
ope, was carried to the White
House early this morning by
Chairman Wlckersham. And al
most immediately Mr. Hoover
dropped other tasks to begin his
study of It.
The 'president's engagement
list was ordered held to a min
imum and it expectations at the
White House are fulfilled he will
be able to send It to congress,
probably with some form of mes
sage attached, by tomorrow
noon. It then will be released for
publication: j-.
Days before the long-awaited
document was placed in Mr. Hoo
ver's hands it .became known
through sources close to the com
mission that the majority report
of the 11 members at least would
carry no recommendation ' for re
peal of the 18th amendment or
modification of the Volstead act
to permit wines or beer. '
Despite the few words that
hare leaked out from behind the
commission's long closed doors,
however, the main portions of
the majority of Individual re
ports have remained shrouded In
a secrecy almost unparalleled in
Washington. f;
CHICAGO, Jan. 19. (AP)
Ftartllng and rapidly developed
evidence was laid today before the
special grand jury investigating
thn tlleiMd three-war nartnershio
of politicians, police and crimin
als.. -1 .. . ' 1
On the heels of the first tangl-
M tafnnniHAii nn thik allPAl
buying ot promotions In the po
lice department, a mass ot under
world records gathered in a raid
nn a. Pa nrtnwnn trolled vice resort
was given to the Jury, records in
dicating numerous financial trans
actions between ganf lords and
their political and police friends.
. Most ; of this evidence was
guarded from the 'public but
enough was disclosed and enough
hinted at to indicate possible far-
reaching developments. H 1
v The records were seizea w a
raid on th Rex hotel, a notorious
disorderly bouse supposedly clos
ed by police order fori, months.
The hotel was operated by Denny
Cooney, described by police as one
of Al Capone's richest and closest
allies. .
PENDLETON. Ore., Jan. 19.
(AP) Rejorts here today
said the highway west lot here
was covered with two Inches of
snow. The highway in the Blue
mountains is -still open.
Probable Introduction of
some utility and. power pro
gram bills.
Two ' special ; committees
appointed, one on reappor
tionment and one on public
utilities. -
Commercial fish bill,
largely amendatory, Intro-;
duced. - ,. h
123.000 survey of i Jnar-
kets i for power.- proposed
through University of Ore
gon, s .)..", t i -
-' -' .- J... Ll
Swears in "Alfalfa Bill''
Attack Upon Market
Road MUlage Heavy
Blow tat This County
Passage of a proposed bill
repealing the one-mill mar
ket road mOJage tax , would
virtually destroy the market
road program In Marlon
county, according to an
anona cement made by mem
bers ef the county coart on
Monday. It was said that
other counties also would
suffer from the repeal of the
tax. ' - -
Members of the court In
dicated that a meeting of all
county Judges and commis
sioners in Oregon would be
called within the next week
or 10 days to consider the
proposed legislation.
Tlie Marion county court
has been particularly proud
of its market road program,
and ha but 88 -more miles
to complete on Its five-year
program started two years
ago and which will be com
pleted in four years.
Ramsey MacDonald Repeats
Promise as Round Table
Conference Closes
T1'nnT Jan. 19. - fAP
Partnership ot India as a domin
ion with responsible self-government
in the British commonwealth
of nations was pledged today by
Ramsey MacDonald as the Great
Britain round table conference in
old St. James' palace came to a
close. ' ! i
p "You have opened a new chap
ter In the history of India." was
King George's message to the 100
or more delegates, but It was
Mother India who had the last
word after nine weeks of oratory
and debate. -
The demure Begum Shah Na
waz. drawing upon Longfellow,
nrintArt noem enitomlzing the
spirit of the negotiations still to
come "Let us now do up ana uu-
iBg .
itThe prime minister, in a long
and earnest speech outlining Bri
tish policy in India, extended the
hand .of dominion fellowship to
the great- Asian sub-continent
where a fifth of the world's popu
lation dwells. ? -
In Night Spent 9
JJ von Mountain
1 "
rnnnrris ore Jan. 19
M Tl Tarn m mil thTM WO-
rmen lost on Mary' peak Sunday
night, returned to Corvallls to
day little the worse for their ex
perience. - ' - ;
II Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trover,
Misses Margaret and Mildred
Tveed and Roy Carpenter climb
ed the peak Sunday and darkness
till before they could return to
their automobile. They lost the
trail and decided to spend the
night on the' mountain instead of
trying to find their car. They
were unable to start a fire in the
wet timber.
Ij A searching party, headed by
Earl Tweed, father of the girls,
reached the automobile 'today
Jost as the hiking party came into
sight... .1 ; - - -
Fay ton Rescued
Atter Accident
On Hood Slopes
SANDY, Ore., Jan. 19,-AP)
P. O. Peyton. Portland, a mem
ber of the Cascade Ski club, was
safe in the club's lodge at Govern
ment Camp tonight after lying
helpless in the snow above Mount
Hood's timber ; line for several
hours. j ,
Si Peyton, in company with two
companions, was attempting to
climb Mount Hood. He fell and
injured his ankle. One ot his com
panions remained with .him while
the other returned to Government
Camn for help. -
The extent ox Peyton's injuries
was not definitely known, v-,
Girl Shoots man Accused
Of her Father's Mur
der; is Arrested
' DEWITT. i Ark., Jan. 19.
(AP A 17-year old girl shot to
death a man on trial for the mur
der of her father in a crowded
court room here early tonight as
the Jury was ready to retire with
the case. ?
The i girl, Mrs. Helen S pence
Eaton sat on the front seat in
the court room throughout the
day listening to the trial ot Jack
Worls, 10, charged with killing
her father, Cicero Spence, and
throwing his body Into the White
river. ;
When the Jury was ready to
take the case the girl leaped from
her. seat, drew an automatic pis
tot she had concealed in her
clothing and fired four shots in
to Worl's body. He died IS min
ute later.
Sheriff's deputies who were In
the! court room at the time took
her into custody lmemdiately.
She refused to discuss the shoot
ing j later but remained ; calm.
Less than a month ago, offi
cers said, the girl attempted sui
cide in a restaurant i here by
shooting herself in the breast.
Mrs. Spence, who was with her
husband in a boat when he was
slain and who told officers she
was severely beaten by Worls
and two other men, died two
weeks ago in a Memphis hospital.
City of Salem sewer bonds to
the! amount of $75,000 were sold
Monday night by the city council
to '.the First National Bank of
Portland, highest bidder in' a
field of six firms who sought the
bonds. ;
Each $100 bond brought si
price of $100.78 or a total pre
mium of $585 on the $75,000 Is
sue. The price was considered
good by the councllmen and Is
considerably higher than that se
cured for earlier Issued bonds of
the -authorized $500,000 sewer
bonds. With the sale last night.
$175,000 of th $500,000 bond
issue authorized . by special vote
of ; the people, has been sold.- .
The bonds are serial ones and
run from 1932 to 1941. They"
bear interest at four and one-half
per cent. f . --"-!
The bidders and the price of
fered for each $100 bond follow:
Smith Camp and Co. and the
United Oregon .corporation 100.
39. i Ames Emerich and Co. and
Tyler Davidson and Co., $97.40.
Atkinson, Jones it Co., Ine.t
100.6315. First National Bank of
Portland. $100.78. Bllnkenshlpi
Gould and Keeler $100.37. Blyth
& Co., $100.37.
EUGENE. Ore.. Jan. 19. -4-
(AP) Milk prices here have
been reduced from 12 to 10
cents a Quart, delivered. Dealers
said it was not a price "war?
but simply a reduction. ' j
Day in Washington
(By the Associated Press)
i Chair man Wlckersham
laid before President Hoov
er the law enforsement com
mission's report on prohibi
tion."; -: : j- 1
1 Senate' approved f25,000,-
000 drought relief appropri
ation as an amendment to
interior department supply
bin. :' ;: - t. :-"
' House passed bill to speed
federal construction program
by liberalizing restrictions
on letting contracts. .
u Government filed with su
preme coart its appeal from
decision of Federal Judge
Clark of New Jersey holding
eighteenth . amendment , in
valid. 1 Senate committees began
investigations , of banking
situation and, retail' bread
prices. .
Miles Plant Operation Last
Year Continuous, Earn-
ings Satisfactory
Representatives of Barbour
Interests on ; Board;
i Heltzel at Head
The annual meeting of the
Miles : Linen company was .held
yesterday afternoon and the
stockholders had the gratifica
tion of reviewing a year of very
satisfactory progress by the com
pany, The operations were con
tinuous through the year and the
prospect is tor continued steady
production at two shifts! per day.
Earnings also were satisfactory,
regular dividends having been
kept, up on the preferred stock
and one dividend declared on the
common stock. Prices for pro
ducts were down-this year, but
the plant operated profitably in
spite of the depression, under the
able management of F. J. Gll
braith. Manager Gllhralth reported, to
the stockholders that this year it
is hoped to enlarge plant facili
ties which will increase the vol
ume of business at the plant, al
though he stated he could not
outline definitely Just what the
plans were.
Heltsel Becomes
Company's Head
During the pastyear the con
trol of the company was purchas
ed by the Linen Thread com
pany,; the Barbour interests of
New York. In view of their ma
jority interest In the stock the
directorate was changed at the
annual meeting Monday to give
them representation. ' The new
directors are J. G. Heltzel, T. B.
Kay, Wallace McCammant, Port
land, F. W. Winsor, Ban Francis
co and J. W. Ashley, Seattle. Mr.
Winsor is western representa
tive and Mr. Ashley northwest
representative of, the Barbour in
terests. The new officers are: J.
G. Heltzel, president; T.' B. Kay,
Tlee president; F. J. Gllbraith.
secretary-treasurer and general
manager. Henry Crawford, who
has been president . for1 several
years, retired at his own request.
Statistics as to the company's I
worn presented oy Aigr.j uiiDraiin
were briefly: ; "
. . . . ... . . .
Total payroll, $75,815.
Pounds flax fiber used, 400.
000. i
Yarn bought, 108,000 pounds.
Volume business, over $300,
000. During this year It Is expected
the preferred stock, amounting
to $50,000 will be retired.
In the four years since Mr. Gil-
breath took over the manage
ment : of the company Its affaire
have been vastly improved. When
the company was reorganized
several ' years ago Its condition
was precarious; but local inter
ests had faith that the business
could be made to succeed and en
gaged Mr. Gllbraith as manager.
He developed new markets, in
troduced certain specialty pro
ducts, and built up a permanent
market for sack twine, threads,
fish twine and salmon netting.
The result has been noted in the
steady Improvement of the finan
cial condition ot the company.
Early in 1930 a deal was nego
tiated In which control passed to
the Linen Thread company, the
largest factor in the i business.
This ! assures the local ! plant of
adequate' financing for future ex
pansion and larger marketing
outlets for its goods. '
Mrs. Esther Silver; 31, wife of
Donald CV Silver of route 7, was
injured fatally Sunday when she
was thrown from a log . upon
which she was standing on the
beach near DeLake and crushed.
A huge wave struck' the stick,
rolling it over and injuring Mrs.
Silver before she could escape.
Her husband and daughter, who
were also standing on the ; log
leaped to safety. . The Silvers had
gone to the beach to spend Sun
day, -h ; i '
Mr; silver Is a mechanic in the
employ of the Douglas McKay.
Chevrolet company. Besides the
widower, Mrs. Silver 1 survived
by a f daughter, Velva Louise; a
son, Richard Lang; !a sister.
Myrtle Moose of Alexander,
Minn.; and four brothers. Hector,
Raymond, Victor and Roy, all of
Webster City, J la. . " ?t l ; . !i "
The body was brought here and
is in care of the Clough-Barrick
company, - pending funeral ar
rangements ": - -' : j . - ;:; .
Nesmith Plans ; r
To Appeal Case
, " - ... i . i-:
MARSH FIELD.' OreJ, Jan. 19.
(AP) Lynn Nesmith, former
ly ot Klamath Falls, was senten
ced to seven years, in prison to
day for an alleged assault on a
young girl here.
Unified Agriculture
artment is Plat
Abolition of Numerous
And Combining Under one Head aim of.
i I Bill Placed Before Committees 1
A GRICULTURE committees
XX day afternoon to go over the initial draft of la bill t
combine various agricultural boards and offices of the stat
into a single department Of agriculture. The bill was read
by Representative Hector UMacPhcrson, who,, explained he
wai merely the draughtsman, serving! at th request of a
LEeioni hi on
MacKenzie Wires National
Commander; Meeting of
t- Committee Favored
Ail wire urging National Com
mander Ralph T. O'Neill of the
American legion to summon a na
tional executive committee meet
ing of the order to discuss tie
proposed cash bonus to legion
men to be paid by the federal
government' through liquidation
of adjusted service certificates,
was dispatched from Salem yes
terday by Victor MacKensle, na
tional executive committeeman
for the state of Oregon.. MacKen
sle said he thought other states
would send similar messages to
the national commander and : he
expected the meeting would ; be
called. - , M :. ;l
The telegram was sent by the
Oregon committeeman at the In
stigation of Representative Ham
ilton Fish ot New York state who
wired all national committeemen
asking them, to bring pressure
upon Commander O'Neill for the
calling ot a meeting. The legion
tabled a resolution favored cash
payment compensation when the
matter was raised at the Boston
convention last fall. 'The legion
commander has Interpreted this
to mean the legion has taken no
stand on the matter. The motion
to table the cash bonus passed by
a ratio of four affirmative votes
to one against it. , .y il ..
MacKenzie said yesterday that
every; post In! Oregon which has
today considered the cash bonus
payment, has voted in favor of
It. i Were the cash bonus paid.
more than three and one half bll-
Hon dollars would be distributed
throughout the nation while Ore
gon's share' of the cash would; be
$32.Sze,49. i I
MacKensle ! .said he personally
wanted to see the meeting called
so the matter could be- definite
ly decided upon by the national
committeemen of the legion. He
Indicated that political pressure
for the measure was fully a
strong, or stronger, than the act
ivity' of the legion itself. ij
I I:- -v - - -. V
i PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 19
(AP) Arguments on the defense
motion to quash first degree mur
der Indictments against Nelson C.
Bowles and Irma O. Loucks were
completed In Circuit Judge W. A.
Ekwall's court today. r)
Bowles, Portland millionaire,
and iuiss Loucks. his former: se
cretary, were indicted for the
knife murder of Bowles wife, Le
one, while she was In Miss
Loucks apartment. The defen
dant told police she killed her
self. .- jj
The court Is expected to rule on
the motion to quash the indict
ments, tomorrow although the de
cision . might not be announced
until later because the state,! in
resting today, reserved the right
to Introduce affidavits tomorrow?
Tomorrow is the date set ! by
Presiding Circuit Judge Wii H.
Evans for ; Bowles and Miss
Loucks to enter pleas to the in
dictment but authorities today
considered It. unlikely they .would
plead tomorrow unless a decision
on the motion to quash the Indict
ments were made early lathe day.
The defense motion to dismiss
the indictments was based on the
allegation the indictments did not
show the names of all witnesses
called before the grand Jury,
!. I ,
Prince Depart j
From Spam For
I Trip to America
VIGO, Spain, Jan.,19. (AP)
All Vigo turned out tonight to
welcome, the Prince of Wales,
Prince George and other members
of the royal party which is pro
ceeding to South America on a
trade trip. A -
As the royal motor ears arrived
at S o'clock tonight from Santiago
and Corunna, where the party had
left the liner Oropesa for a brief
motor trip down, the coast, throngs
followed the machine through the
streets to cheer the British heir
and his youngest brother. I
This was! the last continental
stop of the princes. The next halt
wiu ; he in the Bermudas.
ff Soloris
Present State Offices
of both houses met y ester-
number of agricultural interests.
. At the head of the department
would be a director of agricul
ture with a salary of $5000 a
yean Under him would be four
division chiefs. There would be
be five j divisions in the depart
ment, one of which, administra
tive control, would be I In imme
diate charge of the director. The
other divisions proposed are:
plant Industry, animal industry!
laboratories, and marketing.
! Would Abolish Offices
The offices which would be
abolished and the ; functions
transferred to the new depart
ment are: . state board, of horti
culture,! pure seed board, live
stock sanitary board, state veter
inarian, dairy and food commis
sioner, 1 chemist, bacteriologist,
livestock brands board, stallion
registration board, state fair
board, market agent, lime board,'
committee on agricultural lime,
state seed board. ' The regula
tory work now conducted by the
state college such as inspection
of seeds,, fertilisers, sprays, etc.,
would be assigned to the new de
partment, i '
The director would be named
by the governor with consent of
the -senate, and i the division
chief by the director: with ap
proval I, of . the governor. .The
committee expressed doubt about
wisdom i of having appointment
ot director confirmed by the
senate, also protested against
I -(Turn to page 2, col. 3) I
i . .!; : . J' : J .1 h' I -
i GENEVA, Jsn.. 19. (AP)
Russia, i Turkey and Iceland will
be asked to participate In j the
preliminary, economic, discus
sions of a plan! for an European
federation - if today's decision of
a sub-committee is adopted by
the European conference,
The decision, . reached after a
long debate, was a compromise.
Germany and Italy had demand
ed non-members of the League
of Nations be invited to Join In
establishing the federation . plan.
Arlstide Briand, French' for
eign minister and "father" of
the Pan-Europe idea,' and j the
foreign ministers of i I Rumania
and Switzerland were definitely
approved to inviting' Russia.
Finally, the participation of
the three countries in the eco
nomic aspects of the work was
adopted. ! '
. It was pointed out tonight
that the recommendation of : the
sub-committee made no mention
of political' problems, thus leav
ing the door open for this phase
of -the' question to be re-introduced
at a , full, private session
ot the conference to be held to
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 19
(AP) Hearing of Mrs. Mary La
Follett's divorce action against
Charles R. La Follett, former,
state representative from Wash
ington county, opened, in Circuit
Judge Gilbert' court here today.
La Follett, who is! contesting
the action, was In court accom
panied by a deputy sheriff. He
is serving ten months in jail fol
lowing conviction in. 1929 on a
charge of failure to support four
minor children. He. previously
served time on two six months
sentences for contempt of court
because of his failure to pay sup
port money to his wife while her
divorce suit was pending. 1
j Mrs. La Follett alleged '.ruel
and inhuman treatment in 'her
complaint. She asks $500 attor
ney's fees, $125 temporary court
costs, $75 support money for the
minor children and a share in the
real property which she alleges is
worth several thousand dollars.
American Red Cross,
503 First National Bank Bldg.
Salem, Oregon. I
Enclosed please .find $
to the Red Cross drouth
Clip and fill
Senator Woodward Opens
. IIITlL.-IIf l .
With" Warning
to Ways
and Means
Joint Committee Prepares
For Lengthy; Tussle ,
Over Finances -
His words generally understood
io refer to log-rolling and steam
roller methods that have been,
and may again be practiced In tbe
Joint ways and means committee
of the Oregon leglslature.iSenator
Woodward at the opening session
of this body Monday night refer
red to such conditions as "a liv
ing hell." j ;
Woodward made It plain that
he would practice sitrlet economy
in considering appropriation re
quests, and would battle against
any waste of the state's funds.
Other members of the committee
expressed themselves In a similar
manner.. j j
Much time of the first meeting
was given over to an explanation
of tbe budget by Sam' A. Kozer,
state budget director. He pointed
out that while the (total require
ments of the ltate aggregated
$68,000,000, the legislature I will
be asked to appropriate only $$,
500,000. Tbe difference between
the total requirements and the
amount of proposed legislative
authorizations is represented in
continuing appropriations, fees,
llcesnes, mlllage takes and other
RWund May Moan
Reduced Budget
Deficiencies authorized by the
state emergency board aggregate
$588,690.64, while proposod capi
tal outlays for the years 1931 and
1932 total $644,539. The capital
outlays proposed for this blenntutn
were said to exceed .those author
ized for the years 1929 and 1930.
It was pointful eut at Monday
night's meeting that In cae tbe
legislature decides I to refund ap
proximately $800,000 paid under
the unconstitutional state intangi
bles tax law, the appropriations
for the biennium mllY have to be
reduced that amount to maintain
a balanced budget.)
Tbe budget, as .prepared by Mr.
Kozer, shows an 'apparent deficit
In state funds of $3,500,000.
. The committee decided that a
majority vote would control Its
action on any question, and that
two-third vote would prevent a
minority report being filed. Any
member 'of the ways and means
committee will have the opportun
ity to support or oppose any ap
propriation measure on the floor
of the. two houses.
Senators Staples
and Burke ex-
pressedj themselves
unit rule, although
as opposed to
they aald they
would abide by the:
decision of the
committee. I
Tbe committee first will pass
tentatively on all: appropriation
requests; and laterj announce-definitely
the amounts that will be
allowed.? An effort will be made
to have the appropriation bills
completed and in readiness for in
troduction, at least! a week before
the session adjourns.
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 19.
(AP) Nicholas Ai Trlngas. alia
Joseph Brown,' Indicted last Sep
tember with Walter L. Tooze, Jr..
prominent Portland attorney, and
94 others on charges ot conspiracy
to violate the national prohibition
act, surrendered today to United
States Marshall John L. Day.
. Brown, accompanied by anoth-.
er man whose name was not re
vealed, walked into Day's offica
and announced; 'f Well, here I
am. , His companion posted a
$5000 bond and then both walk
ed right out again.!
Brown's name led the 39 on the
Indictment and his bond was high
er than that demanded of any
Others. Twenty-six (of the defend
ants have been arrested and will
go to trial February 2.
Authorities believe that theo
arrest have broken up an alleged
liquor ring which they said oper
ated la 10 Oregon and three)
Washington counties. Including
the cities of Portland, Seattle and
Taeomsu -1
as my contribution
relief fund.
out and mail
lie suhdeis
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