The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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    -:- Events: of Meres
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c m aoGia
Betrothal Told
i By Spokane .
Maid !
MERRXAM of Spokane, an
nounce the en gat omen t of
their : daughter, Elizabeth, to
Richard McNary Stolx, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter T. Stolz f Sa
lem Oregon, i 1
Miss Merrlam. who la a gradu
ate of Lewis and Clark ) high
school Spokane bad her freshman
year at Mills college. Oakland,
Cat, and last Juno was graduated
from th University of Washing
ton In Seattle. She is a mem
ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma sor
ority. .
The betrothal of the young cou
ple ! of Interest to many people
on this coast, as they are the de
scendants of two prominent famil
ies. Miss Merriain Is the grand
daughter of i the late General
Thomas R. Tannatt,and is a niece
of the late General Henry MJ Mer
rlam. U. S. A. . V
Mr. .Stolz is a nephew of Sen
ator Charles ; L. McNary of Ore
gon, and also ot Judge John H.
McNary,; and b a I grandson of
Gideon Stolz. V
Mr. Stols attended the Ualver
' Sliy Ok wuiU!)iua, una
there that Mr. Siola and Miss Mer
rlam met. He is affiliated j with
pi Kappa Alpha, fraternity, and
at the present time Is associated
In business with the Gideon Stols
company of salcm.
r The date for the marriage has
not been set. ! !
Mrs. j. F. Billiter W
G. K. P. Club Hostess
-i . . v : '
; Mrs. J. F.- Billiter was hostess
to member of the U. K. P. I cluh
for its January meting Friday
night, j Officers were elected
during the business meeting with
the result that Mrs. Billiter is
president for this year; Mrs.
Walter Nelson is vice president,
and Mrs. B. E. Slsson, secretary
treasurer. The evening following the bus
iness meeting was spent .in sew
ing and conversation. At a late
hour Mrs. Billiter was assisted by
Mrs. Walter Nelson in serving
f Mrs. Robert Travia of McMinn
vilie was a special guest.- Mem
bers f present were Mrs. William
Foster, Mrs. H. S. Gile, Mrs.
Harry Harms, Mrs. Katherlne
Middletcn. Mrs. O. H. Pickens,
Mrs. K. H. Pickens, Mrs. B. E.
Slsson, Mrs. J. B. Taylor. Mrs. T.
A. Raffety. Mrs. Newell Williams,
Mrs. Walter Nelson and Mrs. Bil
liter. . . M
Mrs. Walter Nelson will be: the
February hostess.
Twenty-fifth Wedding
Anniversary Honored
. i - - r
Kelzer. An enjoyable eve
ning was spent at the Doner
home Tuesda: i evening, the; oc
casion being the twenty fifth, an
niversary of the marriage of Mr,
end Mrs. Charles Doner.
Games and social conversation
was the diversion of the eve
ning, with elaborate . refresh
ments served at a late hour. Mr.
. and Mrs. Doner were the recip
ients of a number of useful
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Doner, Era, Frank and
Louise Doner, Mr. Ameid. Max
ine Ameld, Mrs. Kelley, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles ! Weathers. Earl
Weathers, Mr. and Mrs. John
Painter, : Mr. and Mrs. John
Hoffman, Mr. i and Mrs. Gust
Noeske, Fred Noeske, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Noeske, Mr. and
Mrs.. 'William Murphy, Mr. and
Mrs. . B. IL . Van Cleef, F! A.
Kites, Thomas Maddock, Mr. and
Mrs. George Van Cleef, Jacob
and Henry Doner, and the host
and hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Doner. !
j -
Grand Island. The regular
meeting of the Mother's circle
was held at the home of Mrs;
Mercy Tompkins Wednesday aft
ernoon. The quilting of a quilt
- for Mrs. Arka : Lawrence served
as an enjoyable pastime for; all
present. Sewing on some useful
articles for a needy family was
also begun; Late in the after
noon the hostess served dainty
refreshments. ;
.Monday, January 19 '
SI; in a Ntt 'chapter; Delpblane, auditcrium of city
library, 2 o'clock.. . ,
t. Auxiliary to American Legion, social evening in
. compliment to auxiliary visitors here in connection with
" the legislature, j . i 1 - '. 4 .
Miss McNaiy's Bible, will meet at Y. M. C. Ai for
- Its regular meeting. j ; -
Tuesday, January 20
MacDowell club chorus, 7:30 o'clock, music hall.
Encinitls club, dinner meeting at 6:30 o'clock at
'Argola; recognition and initiation servicej 7:45 o'clock
. ; t home of Mrs. W. M. Hamilton. i
Etokta club, guest of Mrs. A. W. Lane, 1440 North
Liberty street; Mrs. Richard Erickson, assistant hostess.
( American War Mothers, American Lutheran
eharch. Miss May Ranch, chairman of social committee:
1:30 o'clock. i .
: Woman's Union, First Congregational church, Mrs.
Frank Neer, 2 o'clock; Miss Edith Hazard to speak on
her recent trip. , i . t
J' r ?" ub.' Mr"' c- J PWM North 24th
street, r o'clock. Business and social meeting. ,
I Wednesday, January 21 T j
' pas. Noble Grands associstlon with Mri Louiae
King. 4C3 South Capitol street; 7:30 oVlock -
. Thursday, January '22 1
; Auxiliary to PatrUrchs Militant, installation of of
Xlcerr. I. o. O. F. halt,l 8 o'clock. r : B:Bl
Town and Gown club, Lausanne Hall, 2:30 o'clock.
. Hayesrille j Woman's club, Mrs. Raymond Kites. 2
, 0 ClOCk. ' I; , j (j ; -. l. : '
Friday, January 831 r ,
Woman's club guest day; board meeting at 2:00
o'clock; Woman's clubhouse on North Cottage street.
All women hero la connection with . legislative session
" special guests, i, ! . . . j. , v ; j,, ,
Recognition Service is
To be Given This
THIS afternoon at 4 o'clock the
public Is Invited to attend an
Impressive recognition service
to be given by the high : school
Girl Reserves, and the triangles of
West Salem, Leslie and Parrlsh
Junior high schools, In the First
Presbyterian church.
- The motire for the service is to
welcome new members into these
various groups represented. Miss
Doris Clark will lead the singing
of "Hym of Lights," the 'Young
Women's Christian association
hymn, sung by the Reserves as a
processional. Nathalie Neer will
give a scripture reading and num
bers by the Girl Reserve choir un
der the I direction of Miss Helen
Breithaupt will follow.
Miss Helen Prang has had
charge of all the music for this
ritualistic service. i
Miss Margaret Nunn, president
of the high school Girl Reserves,
will make the opening speech and
will be followed by short talks
from officers in the other tri
angles. The meaning of the color
ed candles will be given by Miry
Elizabeth Keels. Maxine Murphy
&nd Ruth.Maerz. j
Other talks concerning the
meaning of Girl Reserve work and
activity will be given br Miss Lou
ise Brown. Miss Elizabeth Atkin
son and Mrs. Elizabeth .Gallaher,
who will welcome the new mem
bers into the organization which
now has a membership of about
This ceremonial Is the begin
ning of work, en the part of the
Girl Reserves for the new project
which is being developed in con
nection with the spring confer
ence In Astoria. February 13. 14,
and IS. The project by name Is
tbe "Modern Pioneer." -
The high school Reserves will
meet Wednesday far the next step
In the project which will be a dis
cussion of "Discovery of Gold."
All junior and grade school Re
serves will meet at the appointed
times this week. The Parrish tri
angle will enjoy a swim at 7:30
o'clock Tuesday night in the "T.
M. C. A. pooL
. . .
Splendid Program
Planned at Leslie
One of the outstanding pro
grams of the year to- be given
before the Leslie Parent Teach
ers association will be that to
be given Monday night begin
ning at 7:30 o'clock in the Les
lie school. ,
The program will open with
community ; singing. A ; style
show given by Miss Miles class
in sewing will follow the sing
and -then an address on some
phase of educational life will be
given by state superintendent of
schools, C- A. Howard. ?
A group of numbers will be
given by; the "kitchenette" or
chestra under the direction of
Miss Gretchen Kraemer. A busi
ness meeting will follow the pro
gram. It is announced that the
eighth B grade had the highest
per cent of parents present for
the month of December in the
contest which began in Decem
ber.' This contest will end in May
and has to do with the attend
ance of parents In the P. T. A.
meetings., At the end of the
contest the grade or room hay
ing the highest per cent of par
ents present oven the period be
tween December and May will be
presented a book which will be
placed In! the school library, and
on the preface of the book will
be a name plate bearing the
name of the winning grade. Mrs.
B. R. Griggs is chairman, of this
contest, committee.
Each member attending ' Mon
day ' night Is urged to bring a
friend. 1 ;
Owing' to the fact that It was
impossible to stage the three act
play "Belinda" before the begin
ning of the legislative session and
because the pressure of business
connected i with tbe session at
present makes it Impossible for
Irl S. McSherry, who has been di
recting the play, to continue with
the direction, Mr. McSherry has
resigned. As soon as another di
rector can be secured it Is hoped
mat woric on the play will be con
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Mrs. Fred Stettler
Is Complimented
kayesTille Mrs. Fred Stettler
waif pleasantly surprised Friday
evening when relatives and
friends gathered at her home to
help celebrate her seventieth
birthday. Mrs. Stettler reeclved
many lovely gifts. After a social
evening, refreshments, the fea
ture of which was X birthday
cake, were served to the follow
ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Will
Shalfer, Robert Shafer, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Olson, Irene Olson,
Mri! and Mrs. Arch Claggett, WH
lard, Raymond and Warren Clag
gett, Mr. and Mrsv Albert Stet
tler, Jean, James and Elsie Stet
tler Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stettler.
Jr.j Harold Stettler, John Stet
tlerj Marclel and Maxine Stettler,
MrJ and Mrs. Herman Wacker,
Ml3S Marie Kihs. Eleanore Lleth,
Thadore Wacker. Carl and Lou
ren'i Stettler, Frfd Stettler, Sr.,
and the guest of honor, Mrs.
Fred Stettler. Sr.
j; .'
1 c
Hayesville. The Woman's
rlub met at the home of MrsT
David Greig Friday afternoon
with Mrs. Albert Stettler assist
ing hostess. ' After a short busi
ness session the afternoon was
spent in games and conversation.
Refreshments were served by tbe
hostesses. Members present
were Mrs. E. M. Bailey, Mrs. N.
W. jlBurham, Mrs. Berrilla Hal
bert, Mrs. Dave Janzen, Mrs. W.
H. j Kay, Mrs. ; J. L, Morrison,
Mrs! Robin Day, Mrs. Charles
Reed, .Mrs. Wm. Rickman, Mrs.
Fred Williams, Mrs. Claude Tal
mage, 1 Miss Joy Greig, : Mrs.
GreJg and Mrs. Stettler. Spe
cial) J guests for theafternoon
were Mrs. Hans Christ of ferson
and ! Mrs. Burs Chrtstof ferson.
The next meeting ot the dub
will! be Thursday, January 22.
at the home of Mr?. Ray, Kites.
'"I; i- " !' rr
Perrydale. Mr. and Mrs. S.
T. Morris of Broadmead enter
tained with a dinner party Tues
day!; evening In compliment' to
MrsLi O. Fletcher and Miss
Gladys Fletcher of Chicago and
Hollywood. Miss Fletcher won
a beauty ' contest In Chicago
about year ago and was sent
to Hollywood as a reward where
she and her mother have been
since that time. They are now
on their way back to their Chi
cago home, having stopped over
en route to visit Mrs. B. Bebm,
mother of Mrs. Fletcher. . Guests
Invited for the dinner to meet
the visitors were Mr.rnnd Mrs.
Alfred Pederson. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Mitchell, and Ortille
Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Mc
Clurg, Dr. and Mrs. Smith of
Sheridan, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Winters came in for cards later
la the evening.
Turner. Mrs. j:. J. Gllstrap
entertained Thursday afternoon
for the Christian church ladies'
monthly missionary society. The
devotions were led br , Mrs.,- Su
Olive M. Doak,
Today We
Present ....
or clubs,
uHK,nfls v
Women e
ington, V.
To the
took upher
the Salem
MrsT Lenoir
coma. ;
J To the
bugene who
san Girardin, after which roll
call was responded to with New
Tear's resolutions. The lesson
studies for the new year are to
be taken from a "World tour of
mission study". Subjects pre
sented for the day were by Mrs.
Walter Harris, Mrs T. J. White
head. Mrs.' M. O. Pearson. Mrs.
G. A, McKay and Mrs. White
head have arranged for the pro
grams during the past year.
The next meeting , will bo held
at the home of Mrs. C. L. Stand
ley. The hostess, assisted by
Mrs. S. Girardin, served refresh
ments. Ladies present were
Mrs. Susan Girardin, Mrs. Roy
Hatfield, Mrs. J. R. Cox, Mrs. E.
8. Prather, Mrs. H. S. Bond,
Mrs. G. W. Farrls, -Mrs. G. A.
McKay, Mrs. T. J. Whitehead,
Mrs. W. J. Harris, Mrs. Asqulth,
Mrs. C. Johnson, : Mrs. M. O.
Pearson, Mrs. C. A. Bear.
Silverton -Considerable in
terest was aroused at Silverton
during the past few days because
of thq notice appearing in The
Oregonian of the marriage of Al
fred Lott Beatie, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Alfred Beatie of Oregon
City, to Miss Frances Hare,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. B.
Hare of Portland. The Mr. Bea
tie, who was. married Friday
night wag not however, the Al
fred Beatie who taught in the
Silverton high school three years
ago, but a cousin of his. The Mr.
Beatie which Silverton claims Is
now teaching at the University of
Washington; at Seattle.
Wht Paris
By K.
"AJtIS The lltUe red velvet
shoulder cape, introduced to Paris
by the Baroness Accurtl . of the
Malson Ardanse, has taken- tha
French capjtal by storm. It Is ap
pearing lnj.a dosen new versions,
all ! of thjetm carrying out the
"antique" Ijlea suggested by the red
velvet and gold embroidery of the
original model. Paris women
carry the Idea-to the extreme In
wearing this little cape with jewels
or antique lines, f
One of the favorite accompanl
ments of. the velvet shoulder cape,
as It has been seen recently la
Paris. Is the fibula. a modern
brooch that takes Us form from
the ; pin used by senators of old
Rome to hold their togas tn drap
eries on the shoulder. One paxt
of the pin pUrcea the material.
wniie a second, hinged portion, la
the shape of e horseshoe. Is used
to pall the fabric through.
The figure la the sketch shows
a dark red marqulsotte evening-
gown, aevota or any ruffles or protruding-
lines of any kind, and a
dark: red shoulder cape, edred with
embroidery in -genuine gold thread.
The ; fibula, contrary to the Ard
anse 'rule of real jewels or none
ts of metal the polished ' yellow
This Information Furnished Ceurtesy of T -
Society Editor
A group of busy women either in the
club, professional or the social world. At
the top ut Mrs. Charles Buy m of Dallas,
state president of the Oregon Federation
tcho is revresentina Oreaon tn
the mid-icinter meeting of the board of
we irentrrcu r eaeraiion vf
dubs, now in session tn Wash
p, v t.; ;
left is Mildred Lenoir who
duties as superintendent of
General hospital January U
comes to Salem - from Ta-
' . . .. ., v , j. -k
right is Mrs. Louie Bean of
has been a ouest of Mrs,
John H. Scott and Mrs. John II. Albert
for the past week. Several affairs were
given in compliment to Mrs. Bean1 who
niadeher home tn Salem.
All Photos KenneUrEUis.
Mrs. J. J. Tallman
Sewing Club Hostess
f Mrs. J. J. Tallman entertained
members of the Barbara Frelt
chle Sewing club at her horns
Friday evening. The hours were
pent in amusing contests and in
conversation. At the conclusion
of the evening: Mrs. Tallman was
assisted tn serving refreshments.
I.- Mrs. Harry Pearson, Mrs. Ens
lln, Mrs. Louis Cuttler and Mrs.
Ida Olson were special guests
for the evening. Members pres
ent were Mri. Laura Arpke, Mrs.
May Bach, Mrs. Margaret Doane,
Mrs. Msbel Gardner, Mrs. Fannie
Gregory, Mrs. Nellie Murray. Mrs.
Alice Neptune, Mrs. Pearl Ralph.
Mrs. Liizle Waters. Mrs. Alma
MfiWhorter, Mrs.. Nevt Johnston,
Mrs. Mary Kennedy, Mrs. Baum
gartner, Mrs. U. S.t Dotson, and
Mjs. Tallman.
j , , -j
' The chorus of the Salem Mac
Dowell club will meet Tuesday
night In the ; music hail of Wil
lamette university where rehear
sal will continue on the spring
program numbers. There i are
still a very few openings for any
one Interested in 1 joining ' the
chorus,, but these will be closed
within the next few days and
anyone Interested in joining
should see Miss Melton, presi
dent of the club, or telephone
her at once, or atend the prac
tice Tuesday night. , . ,
lis Wearing
I Anlaaae'a Velvet Gap Wears
: Antkroe Jewels
gold that Is the current far!
Mrs. V. W. Moore
g Luncheon
! ' ........ -fi
A 1DELIGHTF0L luncheon of
X I afternoon luncheon of Satur-
! mj mmw iuat iui auvu
W. W. Moore was hostess In com
pliment to .her daughter. Miss
Dorothy Moore, who is Iters from
Oregon State college to spend the
week end with her parents, jj j..
The luncheon-table was attrac
tively centered with pink carna
tions flanked by pink tapers in
crystal -holders. Following the
luncheon hour bridge was In play
for several hours with prize for
high; score going to Miss Cynthia
Delano; . . , . - "u'
Guests in compliment to Miss
Moore were Miss Beuna Brown,
Miss Cynthia Delano, Miss Bertha
Babcock, Miss Helen Hanke, Miss
Ruth; Flck, Miss Maxine Myers and
Miss Ellen Hemingway. ; 1 ;
Mr a, Moore was assisted In re
ceiving and serving by Mrs. J.- G."
Knapp. . ,
Jefferson Woman's '4
Glub Meets
Jefefrson The Jefferson Wom
an's tlub met Wednesday after
noon) at the home of Mrs. Earl
Lynes, with Mrs. W. H. Sherman
as Joint hostess. "New Thoughts
for the New Tear" was given In
answer to roll calL'
. Ail ; interesting reading on
Oregon Industries' was siren by
Mrs. layman W. Patton. . .
Mrs. R. C. Thomas read a
poem; "When the Earth's Last
Picture Is Painted, by Kipling.
Mrs. D. Oeorge Cole was re
ceived as a new member of the
club. . I " -a
During the social hour refresh
ments were served by the host
esses.! N - I ii
Member - present were Mrs.
Fred Looney. Mrs. John Terhune.
Mrs. R. C. Thomas, Mrs. Herbert
Looney, Mrs. Fred Barna and
son, Billy,' Mrs. A. B. Hirz, Mrs.
Charles McKee, Mrs. James Pater
Mrs. M. D. Looney, Mrs. Karl
Steiwer, Mrs. Eugene Finlay,
Mrs.1 Robert Terhune, Mrs. J. O.
Van .Winkle, Mrs. J. G. 'Fontaine,
Mrs.1 Lyman Pat ton, Mrs. George
Looney. Miss Eleanor Looney
and the i hostesses, Mrs. Earl
Lynes! and Mrs. W. H. Shermans.
Oregon Grape Camp jl
nstall Officers
' Oregon ! Grape Camp. Royal
Neighbors of America, will install
the following officers Monday ait
the Fraternal Temple. ! ii
4 Officers installed are,' or
acle, Gertrude Walker;; Tlce or
acle, Susie Parmentef; I past or1
acle, Francis Hoyt; chancellor..
Mary Ackerman; recorder, Sarah
Peterson ; i receiver. Rose M. Ab
bott; marshall, Helen Persons;
assistant marshall, Irene Speed;
inner sentinel, Minnie' Tinnel;
outer sentinel, Azzle Hixson;
manager, Sarah Harter; faith, Zo
la Peterson; modesty, Sybil Ro
berts; Jcourage, Ida McCulley; en
durance Edna Shepherd; unsel
fishness, Ruth Sherman; captain,
Assle I Hixson;' physician. Dr.
Mott; 'musician, . Hazel Elliott;
flag bearer, Nellie Pierce.
.- ; ' l - t ..;!;!
Turner Mr. and Mrs. E. C
Beer entertained Thursday even
ing informally for the pleasure of
Mr. Bear's elster, Mrs. R. EL
Stewart of Minnesota; who Is
making a leisurely visit in Tur
ner. : Refreshments were served
at the ) close of the evening. Most
ot the! group were old school
mates.iGuests invited were Mr.
and Mrs. L. D. Roberts, Mr. and
Mrs. D. 8. Riches, Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. McKInny. , . i j
!:;?. J H
The Loyal tBerean .class of the
Court Street Church of Christ will
hold their monthly business ' and
social meeting, at the home of Mr;
and Mrs. L. C. Prlem at 175 North
24th street.
bhipley si
A. A. U. W. Hears
Col. Sanborn in
entertained members of the
American Association ' of
University - women with a splen
did talk Saturday at the regular
monthly noon . luncheon at the
Elks club at 1 o'clock. Col.
R. Sanborn spoke on the subject
Of international relations, and
told his audience that the world
would hare to revise its present
concept of human relationship
and cause It to be . firmly
grounded before there . could be
a satisfactory : International rela
tionship. .;: ;;...;;'.;-,., if
Miss Benita Edwards and Miss
Helen Cochran gave a group of
musical numbers which pleased
the 60 members present for the
luncheon meeting. Reports
from committees were made at
the business i meeting , presided
over by Mrs. Asa Fisher.. Atten
tion was called . by Mrs. Roy
Klein to the national convention
to be held In Boston, May 8-11,
at which time the fiftieth bien
nial convention anniversary will
be celebrated, - ' j -'y
! This convention will be pre
ceded by an International fed
eration ' of University women at
Wellesley college April 1-4. The
many noted women from foreign
countries who will be present for
this convention will stay over
and many ot them will be speak
ers for the biennial convention.
It Is not yet known if any one
from Salem will go to the Bos
ton convention c not, V; "
Talk of the iTown
"Red againj OK Harold, you; NEVER get the
No, but YOU do! Wish I could buy such fine
for as little- mone as'
Pythian District
Convention in
i ... I
. dh
. '!wi
UBBARD1 44 The
district of, Pythian Sisters
in hold ai convention st
the Hubbard cit hall the after
noon and evening of Saturday,
March 14, with Arion temple as
hostess. This Is a new district and
the convention will be Its first..
Officers who wtll have " "rge
are Emma J. Snyder of Aurora,
district deputy grand chief; Mrs.
Coble deLespihasse of Hubbard,
secretary and press correspondent,
and Orva Barrett! of Hubbard,
most excellent chief of Arion tem
ple. K
A feature of the convention will
be competitive work and drill by
the temples represented In the di-
trlct. ":'.! i
Invited guests are Cora M. Da
vis of .Portland, Oregon's only
past supreme chief; Miriam B.
Brooke. Kate Dyer and Rose Far-
rington, past grsnd chiefs, all of
Portland, and Helen Stranaban or
Hood River, grand chief.
The 11th district of Pythian
Sisters Is comprised; of the follow
ing templee: Oregon City, Aurora.
Salem, Silverton, 'Dallas, Inde
pendence and Hubbard, i
Past Noble Grands, association
will meet with Mrs. ILouIs King
at her home. 463 South Capitol
atreet Wednesday at ?: 30 o'clock.
Mrs. Clara Shields and Mrs. Desa-
lene Eherhard wtll
be .assistant
Clear Stock
'efore We 1 ake
These are all exceptional ' val
ues and i we invite your inspec
395 N. High
you do at