islative Memb a lsitors USE OF STATE The Call Board! J hattes Bid Goiirteous MMcome to Leg nd V IG I 1 Activities of Biennium. are r Outlined In Report to Legislature : i Shipments of books from i the Oreron atate library Increased approximately tt per cent dur ing tne pan Diennium, wdm compared with the previous jtw rears, according to a report pre- librarian, for consideration ol the legislators i and Governor . Meier. 1 A total of 341.395 volumes vera sMpped to rarieus parts of the state rn 5,6e3 shipments. The report shows that there irere 7 aetrve traveling aw M dnrinr 'the nast biennium There hare been provided I for these libraries a total or 7Z.zt olumes. Approximately 1 8 18,330 books were lent to IndHdaals and public libraries. The' report of the librarian shows a wide variance in the kinds of books requested. Dooka on criminology are popular im many of the younger readers.; "There are In Oregon at the present time." read Miss L-ongs report, a total r of 108 free li braries, of whlchi 74 are tax -sup ported. Many, o inese uorapes are struggling on an Inadequate financial program, the solution of which will come through the adoption of the county as a unit for library service, legislators AidI By Reference Work "One of the Important func tions of the state library Is l to assemble from documents, pam phlets. books, and in fact from all sources, material on public questions of Interest to Oregon lans. This material showing the experience of other states i or counties Is of Importance ; to members of the legislature who freely call upon us for Informa tion as to the problems arising In tho legislative halls. "In addition to the loan let books to schools, the state 'li brary has prepared and printed this biennium a i new edition ! of the j list of books for Wgh schools, and has published sup plements to the list of books tor elementary schools. In 1929 the state library acted as purchasing agent for more than 319.000 worth of school orders, and 1 in 1930 more than 321,000. This results in the .saving of many dollars to the school districts -of the state. "As required by law the state library has served as the deposi , tory and exchange for state doc j uments. We have received 30", : 725 documents and sent out 18. i 653 documents, leaving total of 12.040 to add to the stockuof 125.134 .on hand two years ago. Cities are Also - Scored by Library "Onr service Is sot confined to communities without local li braries. The state library ahlp ; meats are related to all library activities. Figures show that j in the year 1929 22.343 books were lent to public libraries of the state to ena&Ve them to give: a more complete service to the pa trons of their library. The li brarians say it gives them a feel- ' lng of unlimited resources. "The .board of library trus- tees, after thorough discussion -of the needs of the state library, and with full recognition of the great need for economy, during the" current biennium, approved the budget request submitted by the .budget - director. . This amount of money is necessary if we are to carry on. I: 1 "A state supported library becomes an essential In periods . of depression when Individuals and families are less able to purchase needed books and mag azines. This report shows that the people of Oregon are dally expressing their dependence up on the state library. They feel that It Is a most Important part pr tne state government." GUESTS AT KIXGWOOD I KIXGWOOD. Jan. IT ISr. Alfred Meyer and Miss Jean Meyer, both of Portland, who came up for the inaugural -'ball were Monday -night guests of Mrs. Mary Lister. ' Let Someone Else Worry; You Live . To Be a Hundred I expect to live a ben dred years," declares Will Rogers, the Internationally known wtf, humorist and philosopher.. "The secret of longevity la happiness and I'm the happiest man to the world, at least the happiest In the democratic party. "I have any health, a fam ily of the right slxe, a good home ami enough money to keep the much publicized wolf from the door. Bealdes this, 1 'don't worry. Worry kills more people than boot legers. . Reminds me of a story I heard recently, j "A, motion picture em ployee, who waa much giv en to fretting over trivial matters as well as bigger ones, meeting- a friend, an nounced that he was through worrying. Nothing could made him stew, no matter whf it was. , Mlow comer asked the friendj you used to worry continuously. ?TWell, I've hired a pro f r$ owU worrier) he does all my worrying. 'Something new, lsut ttt How much do you have to pay hhnT i Wen,' that's the first thins he's got te worry about ! I I 1 " M 1 ' ' ' ' . -A ; a Rarhara Rianwvk and James each other and it is to wonder what is being said. Show ing today in "Illicit" at the Elslnore. i Amos and And Come to The Grand Check and Double Check Un til Wednesday. "Common Clay" Next Very little need be said to rec ommend Amoa and Andy. They have said enough to make them known round the world so why add a word to such perfect ex pression They will appear in Check and Double Check" at the Grand beginning today and will be seen until Wednesday. These genial boys are as amusing and full of laughs in the play as they have been over the radio and It Is fun to "see" them in person. It la amusing to deter mine if one's imagination has pictured them correctly or If it has been wrong. Most people seem to find the two Just as they anticipated they would look and act. i The silly old cars, the ridlcu- ous situations with their "wlm- mln" folk,: and the boasting of Andy rings true in each scene. Following them ' Wednesday will be the splendid play "Com mon Clay," one of the ten best plays of the past year in which stars Constance Bennett and Lew Ayers with Tully Marshall. Mat ty Kemp, and Beryl Mercer ranking very close as support. The plot has to do with a love affair of a poor girl for a rich son of a father who is determin ed that his son shall not marry below" the level of his pocket- book. A baby features In the case, as does a court of law and a startling revelation which brings the girl and ' boy back together again In a much finer and hap pier relationship. It Is a play full of dramatic Incident and- splen did acting, ' The Friday and Saturday, bill Is "Renegade" with Warner Baxter, Noah Beery, George Coo per and Myrna Loy taking the leading roles. It is a play which one , remembers long after i hav ing seen it. Noah Beery as .the beastly monled czar of an island province, marries a girl of Ger man nobility : being able to do this because he will pay sr debt of honor that will save a loved one of the girl, who Is Myrna Loy. War Is declared and the Island?' province where they live is- drawn into action. The whole plot Is interesting and the acting is-above the average. WILL ELECT S The annnal meeting and elec tion of officers of the Willamette Valley Cherry Growers associa tion is scheduled tor Saturday, January 24 at the Salem, chamber oT commerce rooms, according to the announcements -being sent out by O. W. Cromley, president, and A. E. Bouffleur, secretary of the organization. The yearly financial report of the organization and a report of the tariff situation will be made at this meeting. 8o far there has . been no change In the present tariff but the tariff revision committee Is working on the problem and a re port is expected in a few days. Representative W. C. Hawley and Senator Charles McNary appeared before the tariff committee meet ing in Washington, : D. C, and pleaded the cause of the Willam ette valley ..cherry growers who are asking that! the present tars Iff be kept, y DON l ; l i i 1 . - . t - t - A Rennie take at rood look at Constance Bennett and Lew Ayres in "Common Clay" which will show at the Grand Wednesday and Thursday. Barthelmess ; Is Star at j The Capitol "The Lash" Thrilling Drama Of Early Western I4fe ii Cast All-Star ' . ,: ! "The Flash" is the title of the play now being featured at the Capitol with Richard Barthel mess, taking the lead as a dash ing young Spaniard of the early days;! of southern California. Wrongs supposedly perpetrated uponj his countrymen by citizens of the United States following the ceding of that part of Cali fornia to the United States by the Spanish government, from the theme. ' He beelns a series of reran era attacks upon those whom he feels nas wronged tnose of whom he is fond. The result I much ex citement ' according to report. Playing with Barthefmess are James Rennie, Mary Astor, Mar Ian Nixon, Fred Kohler, Barbara Bedford. Robert Edesnn. Arthur Stone, Mathilda Comont, and Er- viue A'aeroon. ! t . During 1929 22,588.572 tons of waterboniA cnmrnpren valnei at ll.102.98S. 560, passed through the port of New Orleans. l : . Monntsville. Ga., a village of less than 1,000 Inhabitants, has a blind night watchman. Things never seen in Bollywood: Clara Bow wearing a hat. George Bancroft in a closed car. Charles Rogers without a jroat and rest. ' Jack Oakie with coat and Test, F William Powell wearing colored shirt. Gary Cooper without a deep coat of tan. Xancy Carroll walking slowly. . Richard Arlea . walking rapidly. . 3Iaarice Chevalier la riding boots. . Mary Brian fa Hi-humor. Leoa Errol la serious mood. ' : j - Kay Frances la a house dress. Skeeta Gallagher with out a new story.; Eugene Pallet te singing tenor. Charlie Buggies playing Macbeth. Garry Cooper and William Boyd take a jrood look at each other In "The Spoilers" now showing at the Hollywood. Betty Compson looks unconcerned as ehe "listens in". The Spoilers" now at Hollywood With Gary CJooperi Next Is William Powell, "Within : ' The Law" ' Tail: ' lank Oar Cooner will start! the weea on rignt tor nw lTwood audiences with his por traval of "Glenlster' In Rex Beach's "The Spoilers." Kay Johnson plays an excellent Helen Chester and Betty Compson makes a rhfliTT Maiotto far different from the Cherry Maiotto portray al fv ktmtii Hrant recently, ik wtll b interesting for the audl- AncA to romnare the two interpre tations and determine ior useit which la the better. If any. There, fa much of interest In 'Tha Snoilera." The hook's Plot is held to with admirable truth, and the protography Is such as nnt tn ha fnrrotten. No recent picture has excelled 'The Spoil ers" In the detail worked into the photographlcal background;- Wednesday's bill is very differ ent. It is tne suave Mr. w utiam Powell in "Shadow of the Law." PnwAii li a Tounsr enalneer who gets drawn into a fight and unin tentionally kills a man ne is con victed and serves a prison sen tence and then escapes. He goes to work and accumulates enough money to fight his case as to nia Innocence of the crime. There is a love story involved, and a tragic gesture on the part of Powell to keep from being returned to pri son. A happy ending brings ithis picture out of the wet, and the acting of William Powell Is so excellent that one does not mind the tears. . - I The last picture of the week for the Hollywood Is "The Sap from Syracuse" with Jack Oakie as the sap. It Is made for laughing and It does not fall. The plot is built on a series of misunderstandings and Oakie is the Innocent victim for the bene fit of the audience. Hollywood Low-downs By HARRISON CARROLL Hollywood Latest reports are that serge M. Einstein, the -Russian director, will make a pic ture showing the hisory of Mexi co from the days of the Aztecs until th present. According to letters reaching here from Mexi co City, the famous Soviet direc tor of "Potemkin" already has filmed a bull-fight, which .will be a part of his new film. He is said to be planning to use great mobs of Indians and Mexicans, similar to the technique of his Russian films. ; The Ate ruins in the southern republic will form a background to part of the story. Backing for the venture is said to be of local origin, , and the sound and musical effects will be added here in Hollywood. Elsenstelh left -; the United States I upon. the. termination of his six-months permit, but after a stay in Mexico will be allowed to return for another six months be fore leaving for Russia. ; ' During his Hollywood visit the director was under . contract to Paramount at reported salary of f 3,000; a week. He was mention ed as director .of "An American Tragedy." but nothing came of it. : His new picture will have no dialogue. ' LATEST GOSSIP 1 Helen Twelvetrees has left for New York without saying why or whsn, sgurpriain area Pathe, which had made several publicity N. ... appointments for her. As she Is on vacation, she probably thought she didn't need to check out. . Paramounfs billing arrangement with Fox provides that Victor Mc Laglen's name hast to appear over that of Mariene Dietrich in adver tising the German i star's second picture, "Dishonored." . . vWIll Rogers' five body-guards In a scene of "A Connecticut Yankee at jlng Arthur's Court" will be Jim Mustek, Ernie Pinckert, Don Mosels, Tay Brown and Ward Bona, all of the University of Southern California football team. i . Out of the 125 dancing girls once under contract to Fox, only 10 have remained at the studio They are not under contract but get a stipulated sum -each week tor y or King as extras. Dorothy MacKalU is home with flu, forcing the "Party Husband" company to shoot scenes in which she does not appear. . . "Oscar," Paramount studio bootblack and actor, will take an act out on the Publlx Circuit. ... A Hollywood druggist says he has never seen so many pennies as since the holi days. The babies' banks must be catching it," he observes. . , . Kay Francis and Kenneth McKenna seem: to be that way About each other. . . . Joe Donahue arrived in Hollywood from New Tork on Monday and was cast and 'work ing In "Party Husband" by noon. . . , the Dwight Fryea have a new baby son. NEW DEFINITION Viola Brothers Shore, , the nov elist, defines Hollywood as "those who are ' trying to get into pic tures; those who are in pictures, and11iars.T. i - Well enough, but don't the last two classes overlap f MASSING COMEDY s i BaHaif I sal eiwsw a AAtnavil ar sjuwobSMSMeti ea ej v-a vwwvm talent will be offered la "Women of all Nations," which Raoul Walsh starts on the 15th. r In addition to Edmund Lowe and Victor McLagleu, the film will ! have El BrendeL ' whose name means dollars at the box office in any picture. Greta Nlssen Is the only woman player, signed, which means, that pens wll lbe scratching for some days yet. Bela LugOfll, who did "Dracula, for Universal, will play the heavy of the film: There is some talk of going to Honolulu for several of the ex terior scenes. ' i DO YOU KXOWT That Esther Ralston started her' career aa a stunt airl at Uni versal? 7 BROOK TO GO EAST. i ' When London's favorite toast Talfulah Bankhead, returns to her native land to make a picture, paramount is going to do right by her in the way of a supporting cast. ' Olive Brook will go east to play; opposite the stage star in 'TT Taaf " .. :j r niB mm mm This new star,, .so warm and vibrant L so bril llaiitly ditTerent... T This new picture so bold, so trathful...a mil lion wives, husbands and lov ers will see themselves in this story. ! nnn aiARIXS ) BUTTERWORTH J : ' JOAN I :. BLONDEU, -?& NATALIE I - v MOORHEAD I k I KICARDO l( cortez II sr CLAUDE II r : gtijjngwater' S Here! you are -Amos and AUdy'to greet you again In "Check and Double Check" at the Grand, today. ? "IHIcir Comes to the I Elalnore Problem Drama Also Contains Much to Thrill and ) Amuse Audience ; The play tor the first three days of this week at the Elslnore Is "Illicit" and In It Barbara Stanwyck and James Rennie take roles which lead to , thought and a real problem dramathe prob lem of whether or not a womanJ can bold her man outside of the marriage tows. -. -i A four cornered situation de- Telops j and' the solution is not made when the play concludes. Ton have, to draw your own con clusions If you want any philos ophy. - jAs most people prefer to watch, be amused and go home and sleep the play will oil er much j entertainment and for those who wish to think well there will be plenty to stir thoughts. E PLANT IS ISSUE i : North Pacific Association Scheduled to Meet In Salem on Monday The advisability of establish ing - a central ' prune packing plant in Portland will be the chief topic of discussion at the meeting of . the North i Pacific Prune Growers association which will be held at the Balem chamber of commerce rooms on Monday, , The board of the association. commonly known as the Prune Growers' exchange, will meet In the morning and In the after noon the directors of the individ ual units will meet. These units7 are located at Salem, Dallas, Sprlngbrook, Yamhill, Scotts Mills, Creswell and Eugene.: : Advocates of the central pack lng plant maintain that a more uniform! and' better Quality of pack can thug be obtained. The difficulty of standardizing Ore gon prune packs when the pack lng is done at the Individual plants has made marketing diffi cult. -. Victor Rees of Sprlngbrook Is president of the Northwest Prune Growers association and C. A. C, Hansen of Portland Is secretary-treasurer. The story and dialogue are br Donald Ogdea Stewart, one of this department's favorite purvey ors of smart comedy. Direction is to be by George Cukor and Cy ril Gardner. New York will see Miss Bank- head, about January II. ; (W, i I Today Tkrcazh Wednesday RUN PACKING , J jSf2 T'r ' m IS V1 WHO ELSE NOTED THIST "Harold Lloyd must have Iron muscles," writes la W, P. Buck ley. "During one show when he was hanging onto the edge of the sky-scraper 'feet first a theatre marquee below displayed the sign 'itonaid coiman in 'Raffles.' In a later scene, showing him still The Lash "'4 - ":j : - -: j TODAY! "7 A " WARNER BROS. ; j! . GapitoL! Cont.ato llPJL J ' :- - ' .Adults' i .. '.::z- - 40c ,K slash and sear at your heart it is a story your body , and soul will respond to n rr-rTi zn n ao la the Character You Will Remember Forever ; mm 1 MARY ASTOR MARION JAMES fs 5J3-S C!R ZJh4S29 &2S rrt tiTi tZttfrV&rr1CPrX HOME OF 25c TALKIES TODAY - SIOND AY and TUESDAY Continnous Performance Today 2 to 11 p. in. . V.T- - lis ( Uri , - S V IV J 1 1 ::.., i -a rrox DGAcrrs Abo Cartoon Comedy. News and t&CdxiT com edy, Tht Bed Ileaded Uvsdt" ' . j By OLIVE M. DOAK e '- e HOLLYWOOD Today Gary Cooper In "Tne spoilers." Wednesday William Tow- ell In 'Shadow of the Law." GRAND Today Amos 'n' e Andy In Wednesday ' Constance ' Bennett In Tnmmnn ria " jrTaaay warner uaxier In "Renegades." ' J WARNER'S CAPITOL ,J Today Richard I Barthel- meas la "The Lash, e - - WARNER'S EL8INORE Today Barbara 8tanwyck In "Illicit." , ! e : j. 1 ' , e hanging there,' the marquee read Eyes of the World." An average of 21 new books aa hour arrived at the Library of Congress during the last! fls- cal year. i M 1 wd reach from the screen to NIXON RENNIE UncfiU Jan "Better Stick vnth me, Bi2 Lien, She t Just a Female Claim-Buster I" Untamed ! Undaunted! A man's woman in ! no mans) land I Beautiful Betty Compson fights for this he-man hero of a iu nuiiu'iaiuuua Btuiy t yj Alaskan gold-rush days days of daredeyll cour age and flaming love I Outdoors I Outstripping everything for dramatic thrills 1 i AN L'noo ucti ofJ 4 f A I