The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OHEGON STATESMAN. CaUza, Orefl, Sunday XTornlg, Jancary 18, 1931
pagh rrvn
Local News Briefs
More CIub Form4 W. W.
Pox, county ctub leader, Tecelred
'word yesterday-from MC Angel
that fire more 4-H boys and girls
elub projects ! bad been organ
ised there, bringing tbo total to
21, with a combined membership
of 226. The elnba there hare en
tered on a week's magazine sell
ing contest to protlde fund to
send two member to the. sum
mer school In - Corralla .. next
ummeri The first dy. tpey sold
' almost 'enough rsubscrlptloua. to
send one member. - Miss Betty
Henscheld baa ; been . appointed
music director for, the 21, clubs,
which aro planning . abig, meet
-Ing .to be .held January. 28, when
tbe children will meet with lead
" ers and patrons; Hi C.Seymou
of Ihe atatcr club i-dpartmant
will b present,. at rlll Mr.; Fox.
Miss Marie Gossman -baat ben
named official; reporter,; of Jthe
combined Ht; -, Angel elub. f,
Attmd PttneraV Those from a
distance who r attended -the f un
eral services for George I Cum
mlngs hero -Thursday w e r
Claude Smith. Mrs. Edie Gorden,
Mita 'Rose Cummin gs and - Mrs.
Blanche Hess of. Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. George Mallery and
George Dlsmoro of Yamhill ana
Mr. -S." Camming of Oretowa.
" Rer. 17. E. Kloster of Portland
officiated at tbo funeral, t : Mr.
Cummlngs -was a member of. Mr.
Kloster church. in Greenwood,
Wis., sereral years ago. j
Former Resident HereMr.
and Mrs. C. E. Erans of Yakima,
. Wash., where Mr. Erans has been
handling the agency for a line of
automobiles, 1 are In the city
looking oyer the district for a
business location. Erans was for
merly In .business here. : holding
part Interest ! In the Bed Cross
pharmacy. He left here for his
health, but since going north he
has regained health and now
wishes to relocate here.
....j p
Dollar dinner eer night 5:45
to 8 at the Marlon hotel, i,
Intersection Craab When G.
TV. Moored of 1285 Waller street
uddenly turned to the. left at
the corner of Court and 12th
streets, cutting the corner, Satur
day morning,! L. Singer of 243
Chemeketa street was right be
hind him. Singer swung his ma
chine suddenly to the: left to
avoid hitting the other; car hut
ran in front of Moored j who hit
Singer's machine's rear wheel
and fender damaging- them.
" From VancouTer Sam I Alex
ander of Vancoorer, Wash., waa
la the city Saturday looking into
leasing of a i part of the "oil
lands" In the RJekreall territory.
Mr. Alexander has become quite
greatly interested In the i possi
bilities of oil in this section and
has not confined his interest to
mere curiosity. j r.
"Y" Leader Taught ! Soon
The Y. M. C. A. will teach over
20 hoy hew to conduct; a camp.
In less than i two weeks. Bob
Boardman, In charge, say that
sereral good Instructors Includ
ing J. C. Mehan of Portland, will
be on the staff. Plans call for a
camp reunion Thursday eight,
January 21.
Transcript i Filed Transcript
of Judgment in the Multnomah
county circuit court has been
filed in circuit court here In the
case of Annie II. Betts and oth
ers ts. Helen M. Howard and
others, the transcript i showing
12.400 judgment against the de
. Xendant. j
Building i Permit Following
the removal of an old house from,
the corner ot Union and High
, streets, R. G. Miller applied, far
and was granted a permit to put
in a 11.200 two-pump service sta
tion, Saturday, by the city build
ing inspector; C. S. Weaver win
do the construction.
Indians Escape; Caught Ken
neth Saxon and Leslie Riecke
-were taken : Into custody about
three mile south of Jefferson
Friday and turned over to the
authorities . of the Chemawa
school following their taking
leave without absence, i
Chickens ! Stolen R e p o r t s
wade to Sheriff Bower Saturday,
Indicated that 50 chickens, 48 of
them Rhode Island . Reds, were
stolen, from the Charles Bar her
. place on Route 1, Turner, Friday
. xtlght;
Soek Clarity Marlon Mulkey.
defendant in circuit court suit
brought by M. M. Fleming, has
filed motion asking that the com
plalnst be made more definite.
Where to
Dine Today
Gray Relic, 440 State Street
Special dinner 50c. '
? Gray BU dinner ?5e. , ;
Dollar Dinner DeLuxe roast
turkey, steak or grilled halt
spring chicken.
For Dinner This Evening
Special Sunday dinner 81.00
at the Marlon Hotel today.
Special Jloast Turkey
Dinner The Spa, 75cA1.00.
Hotel Argo Dialns; Room -.
Special Turkey Dinner today
50C . "
Turkey Dinner, 50c : .
Argola Cafe, all day.
At iv ,-i r
fAl ,
AuKrs m icc -a oinncr j
meeting of the Salem teachers
will be held -Thursday night at
the Marlon hntAi n 9ft nvinrvi
when Dr. W. 11. Burton of the
university of Chicago will ha the
guest of honor and main speaker.'
ur. Burton is well known In Ore
gon, bis former home. He la a
national f lrure In the f teUi f
education. Mrs. SriTla Krapa,
president oi. the Salem Teachers'
association will preside at the
meeting. . The program Is In
charge of Miss. Mary Eyre of the
high school. - ; - , . . .
Special ..Mnslc Ensfn IS f
Williams , of . the Salvation .Army!
announces tnai special 4 musical
numbers .wHI feature the meet-:
tag today, : with Bapdmaterl4.i
Pilbeara-'and wife of Portland to!
be: her. r Mrj Pllbeam." who i ai
talented . trombone -jplayer, will
Peak at the iall at". 11 o'clock
this morning and ati the 'state!
penitentiary at 1, o'clock; Ensign
Williams will speak at the hall
in the evening at 7 : 30 'o'clock.
KEX broadcast daily from the
window of Vibbert St Todd"4
State street at S p.m.
OtfWra lntaUed-Orficrs of
Oregon Cedar camp; M. W .A..
were installed this week by State
Deputy Head Consul Johnson g.
Smith of Portland, at follows i-N.
C. Roberts.' consul; Arthur Pia
see. advisor; Arthur ' A. Keene.
banker; Fred E. Mangls;- clerk;
George Speed, eseort: William
Addle, watchman: ;Thos Gils,
secretary; E. N. Shepherd. J. A.
Wright and Arthur Tucker, trus
tees.; Escort Rupert C. Magee of
Salem assisted with the instalia-
Youths Held Here Dell and
Harold Stockwcll, youths arrest
ed In Ashland the first of the
week for theft of an automobile
belonging to Dr. VanWinkle of
Jefferson, will be given oTer to
the Juvenile court, where hear
ing will be held next week, fol
lowing word from their parents,;
who lire near Spokane. The hoy
are 17 and 16 years old. They
are In the county Jail, having
been returned here from Ashland.
In Nebraska Mrs. A. P. LayJ
ton, i wife of the pastor of the
First Evangelical church, arrir4
ed Friday in Grant, Nebraska,;
where she was called early in the
week by the serious illness oil
her sister, Mrs. Richard Ash-i
wood. She will be gone at least
a month, and before returning
will Tisit in Hastings, Nebr.
1 ' t l -A
To TJse More Men Call came
In yesterday to the county court!
for three more men to be used
on the highway relief work on the
west side. The court had three
men on tap, and will send them
out Monday morning. j
Attend Convention W. A
Cummlngs. manager ot the Ho
tel Senator, together with MrsJ
Cummlngs and their son, Lloyd,
motored to Roseburg Saturday
to atend the meeting of the
southern Oregon branch of the
state hotel association, which is
being held at the Umpaua hotel:
They will return home Sunday, i
"i i
Dr. Altman, homeopathic phy
sician, 291 N. Liberty, Salem, j
Eltco Company Win Final
decree in the suit of Eltco In
vestment company vs. C. A. Sills
and others was signed yesterday
by Judge L. M. McMaban and
give the plaintiff complete pos
session or premises over whlcn
the suit waged. j
Notice Filed Notice that
plaintiff ill seek order of defaellt
shortly has been filed by Pathe
Exchange, Inc., In its action
against Frank D. Bligh to recov
er money alleged due for film
rentals. i j j
Estate Worth $2,705 Hedda
S. Swart, B. B. Herrlck and Hugh
G. Fisher have appraised the es
tate of David B. Brown at 8fj
705.55. LJni J. Brown Is ad
ministratrix. 1 1
MarrtsTO License 'Marriage
license was issued by the Marlon
county clerk yesterday to War
ner A. Tllloston, Mill City, and
Hannah R. Galvln, also of Mia
Cltyj . f
Here on Business Charles
Edward Allenbach of Gervals,
route three, was a business vis
itor : in the city Saturday. Mr.
Allenbach is preparing for a trip
to Europe. i
Account Allowed Annual ac
count in the estate of George J.
Krebs, Incompetent, has been- al
lowed by the county court. tTlio
report show a cash balance- of
Mrs. Wianer Here Mr. Lil
lian I Shaner, teacher of the Mc
Kee ; school, was a business Vis
itor in Salem Saturday.
; h i
From Riverside Jessie Rich
ard of Riverside was among the
Saturday business callers in the
city.; . -j
From Sublimity John Bod
enhelmer, farmer In the Sublim
ity territory, was , a Saturday
business Tialtor here. :.
McCnlloogh Visits Melvln Mc
CuUough waa among the Aums
nilie visitors in Salem . yester
day.! r J t
Piles Cacd
wttbeat ope ratios or loss of
. time)
- '3 - . , .
403 Oregon Baildinj
Saleca FbTJk to DaHae Folk
from Salem to attend the Legion
auxiliary Aiatrlct eonYentlon in
Dallas Friday were Mrs. t W. P.
Watklns, Mrs. T. M. Waters, Mrs.
Paacol TragllbIMrs. M. CC Mel
choir,. Mrs. Byron Lleuallen, Mrs.
Bert "Victor, Mrs. H. R, White,
Mrs. Hobart Shade, Mr. Richard
Barton, Mrs. Walter Looney, Mrs.
Ray DeGulre, Mr. Joe Marcroft.
Mrs. 0. E, Palmateer, Mr. Ralph
Mason, Mrs. Cyril Aadon and MrsJ
Nota Henderson. J.
See rental list Becke Hen
dricks on classified page, also la
office window, 189, N. High. '
. Brotherhood ' to Meet The
Brotherhood of the Leslie Metho
dist church will . meet i Monday
night at 8:30 o'clock for the regu
lar monthly Mesion. Supt. O. H.
Lipps of Chemawa -Indian school
will be the speaker and a program
of-, music .will be .presented . by
girls ..from the Indian school.
Wive of he Brotherhood' mem
ber will be special guest-for the
occasion.-. A.' B. Rhoten - presi
dent ot the group and A. C. Bobm
stedt ls chairman of the program
committee. -
i Visit Poetofflce . Forty pupils
from the second grade of the
Richmond school visited he post
office Friday afternbon, each step
In the handling of Uncle Sam's
malls being: shown and carefully
explained to the children.. The stu
dents also went to the depot to see
how, mall is handled there.' This
trip was made in connection with
the- postofflce project the boy
and girl have been studying. Mr.
Maybelle Burch is the teacher, j
: Renamed Guardian Order re
voking letters of guardianship la
sued Fay Almeda ! was entered
wrongfully and without due ex
planation, an order ot the county
court Issued yesterday said. The
new order re-establishes Fay Al
meda as guardian ot Leslie, Pris
cilla and Virgil Morgan, minors.
Dr. B. F. Pound. Practice lim
ited to removal ot teeth, gas or
local and dental x-ray, 803 First
National bank. Tel. 2040. f
Accessories Stole n M a x
Schuls, 2320 South Commercial
street, reports to the police the
theft of a motormeter and wind
shield wings from his car while it
waa parked on ; Commercial
street, south of Mill Friday.
Motion For Default Motions
for default have been filed in
circuit court in two divorce ac
tions: Grace Zak vs. John F.
Zak Jr.; and Phoebe McDannel
vs. Dale McDannel.
In Probate Estate of John W.
Harritt has been entered in pro
bate, with Rachel Harritt appoint
ed administratrix. The real and
personal property 1 estimated to
be worth 82900.
Visiting Here J. W. Antrim of
Oakrldge Is here to spend the
week end with Mrs. Antrim and
their aon.
At Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Bobrnstedt made a business
trip to Tillamook Saturday. 'J j
Mrs. Florence E. Cradlebaugh
died at the residence, 198 East
Washington street, January 15,
aged 70 years; widow of the late
Col. John H. Cradlebaugh; moth
er of Miss Minnie I. Downing of
Salem, Don C. Downing of Omaha,
Neb.; sister of Mrs. M. J. Wheat
of Seattle. Wash. Funeral serv
ices Monday, January 19, at 1:30
p. m. from the chapel of the
Clough-Barrlck company. Inter
ment City View cemetery. 1
:' Billing
Mary Scovell Billings died at
the residence, 1376 Plaxa street,
West Salem, aged 79 years; moth
er of Miss Lottie W. McAdams, W.
F. McAdams, both ot West Salem;
sister of Mrs. G. A. Nye of Salem
and Cob ; Hlnkle of Lakevlew;
aunt of Bertha McCollum of Port
land and Slchel Hlnkle ot Salem;
cousin of Mrs. C. G. Gray and Miss
Alta Scovell: Funeral services
Monday, January 19, at 8 p. m.
from the chapel of the Clough
Barrlck company, Rer. M. A.
Groves of the . Ford Memorial
church officiating. Interment I.
O. O. F. cemetery.
: Beake j
Elizabeth H. Beake, lately of
Yoncalla, died in this city, Janu
ary 17, aged 73 years. Body to he
forwarded to Roseburg Sunday by
W. T. RIgdon and Son. s
" Charles L. Lassteadt of G refill
am died in this city, January 17,
aged 70 years. Announcement of
funeral later by W. T. RIgdon and
Son. -j
i. : r
gtltttsst iilcmorinl
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Just tea mlantes from tho
heart of town
Oi smes ts !
Ow rrte Am
Om 8e Is sfara
U&M4. LMy :
City View Cemetery
EstablUhed 1883 Tel. 1209
Conveniently Accessible !
Perpetual care provided for !
Prices Reasonable !
Or. Cha Laai Ctt
M Uadicts. - 110
M. 0sinirctsl St.,
. Offlfi fetfvrs
rtry faadty S:90
:30 fM. aariag
th sioslks t P
a JFaa. u . ' !
Thirty-Three Clubs to get
Official Recognition;
Work Is Expanding
Charter for S3 more Marlon
county 4-H hoys and girls club
were received: yesterday from! the
state club offices at Corvallls by
W" W? Fox,-. coanty. club leader.
The charters will be sent but the
first of the week. V . -
Mr. Fox yesterday reported a
total of 124 club had been form
ed to January J6. This represents
a meinberahtp. of. 11S7 boy' and
girls. , .The elub are, included In
II i projects, a follow: . aewinc,
8 1? edoklnft 4 0:"' woodwork; ill;
rabbit, . fivef calf and v poultry,
two each; health, three;' bee cul
ture and ; pig, one each ; art, two.
; The '.elub charters ? received
yesterday will gO to the following
clubs, leader of which are also
lltedt;,: .J," ; .-yl-i
Joyful Needle Workers, Mt.
Angel, Elsie Vostral; Chicken
club-and pig club, both at Hub
bard with Earle E. Reinhart. lead
er; Elite Camp Cooking clab, Mt.
Angel, with ! Claudia - Hasalng,
leader; Nimble Fingers and Knea
ter Rneedler clubs, Woodbnrn,
Myrtle- Clark, leader; The Cackl
ing Biddy club, Cracked Eggs
Cookery dub and Tool ess Won
ders club, Woodburn, H. Aspln
wall, leader of all three.
. . Busy Bee cooking elub. Sublim
ity, Mrs. Nellie B. Thomas; Apple
Health club, Mt. Angel, Betty
Henseheld; "Bust Bee'" health
club, Mt. Angel, Dora Syota; the
Handwork Girlf, Mt. Angel, Ger
aldlne Fry; Academy Filer sew
ing club, Mt. Angel, Maxlne Tuor;
Our Gang, handwork club, ML
Angel, Mary F. Gaasman; Snappy,
Flngera sewing club, Mt. Angel,
Clara Koch; Wonder Workers
sewing club, Mt. Angel, Rose
Marie Campau; Sunnyside camp
cookery club, Texia Bostrack;
Bethany rabbit club, Palmer Tor
vend. Happy Go Lucky elub. Wood
burn, Jeanetta Luper; Stitch In
Time sewing club, Gervals, irma
Bruce; St. Paul 4-H Bee club, Jo
seph F. Scherbring; St. Paul's
4-H Sewing club. Sister Mary De
Paul; Nimble Thimble club, Mt.
Angel, carola May; Four Corner
Bachelor sewing, Helen Cooke, fit.
Paul; Happy Hour sewing club,
Mrs. Ralph Gilbert, Salem; Lum
ber Jack handicraft, Silverton. L.
O. Hadley; Needle and Thread,
Attmsvllle, Minnie A. Dickxnan;
Hary Girl sewing club. Beulah
M. Fisher, Monitor; Betsy Ross
handwork club, Woodburn, Olive
Ann Manning; Cascade Cooking
club, Gates, w. R. Power; 4-H
Cookers, Brooks, Mrs. Bertha
Barker. '
Cascadia Men
Seek Rights on
South Santiam
G. R, Muhkers and D. W
Lamb of Cascadia, Saturday filed
with the state engineer applica
tion to appropriate 38 second
feet ot water from the south fork
of the Santiam river for develop
ment of power In Linn county.
Eric Wold and Herman Powell
ot Medford, are seeking a permit
to construct a reservoir for the
storage of 10,000 acre feet of
water from the west fork of Ev
ans Creek for irrigation In Jack
son county.
Accidents Reported. Charles
J. Shelton of Portland, reporting
accident which! occurred Friday
afternoon on the highway, says
L. H. Gorssman ot Woodburn,
driver of the other car, failed to
signal when he turned from the
highway to a private road. Vadie
Conner ot Albany also reported
an accident In which an un
known driver damaged running
board of her car.
Goes to Canada Km 11 Tlmm
left Saturday for Saskatoon, Sas
katchewan, Canada.
1929 Dodge ,
Standard Coupe ...
1927 Chevrolet
1925 HupmobU
-8 CyL Roadster..
1927. Chevrolet Coupe new
crankshalt and C517lt
good shape) Oil J
1923 Ford Truck," Cab OAflC
Body, Ihiala . epftUJ
1929 Ford
Pickup a.,,:" ,
Corner Center and
Bit For Breakfast
O " '' " " 1 ' , ; 1
(Continued from page 4)
11000 lnd told that the women
would 'never ralsa the noney.
But tht option held food, and an
energetic campaign wag atarted to
raise the fund. . '
"The club wa enthusiastically
aided in this by Mrs. W. IL Eld
ridge, who, though . not . a clab
woman," was willing to give time
and money to aid the cause. Mr.
Kelllher, Mrs. Eldridg and Mrs.
A. N. Bush turned in the largest
amounts. Before the option ex
pired $4000 had been raised, and
the lot was ours. . The extra 3500
was used for street paring, curbs,
new sewer, ete. ...
"In the near future, we hop to,
have a roll of honor, containing
the names of every one who con-
tnnuted .to tne .uorary sue,
framed and hung in the main, li
brary, room at the request of , th
club. '
."Mayor George F. -Rodgers
made application to Andrew Car
negle tor'an $13,000 building,
but as the council was only ap
propriating $14,000 maintenance
fund." according to hi rule Mr.
Carnegie offered us only a $14.
00 hulldinf , " which the board1,
on the advice of , the club reject
ed,' not: considering it adequate
for a city of our size, even - at
that Ume." () . . ;
m m
() To be corrected ' later In
the aeries.) !
(To be continued Tuesday.)
More Deaths by
Motor' Accident
Noted for 1930
Motor vehicle fatalities In Ore
gon In 1930 aggregated ! 2 8fr a
against 339 in 199. according to
figure released here Saturday
by Hal E. Hoss, secretary of
tate. rv.- . . I, !!: i "
The figures were obtained af
ter a comparison of the ! records
of the state traffic department
with those of the state board of
health. i : :!: . i-
In August 1930 there were 87
fatalities a compared with 15
in the same month the previous
year. The February fatalities in
1930 totalled 16 a against six
In 1929. n
Solons Going to
A number of legislator "who
spent Saturday in ; Salem will to
day go to Portland where they
will attend the funeral, service
for the late Ben Selling. Special
committees of legislator from
the senate and house were ap
pointed to attend the funeral
service in a body. ! j
Street intersections In Tulsa,
Okla., will be marked with , lu
minous signs visible night and
day. - ' i "
Gas Tablets
Increase appetite in thin, ema
ciated person. In convalesc
ing from severe sickness and
general weakness these tab
lets are ralaable becansej they
strengthen the. functions of
the stomach and Increase as
similation by aaaisUns proper
digestion i of the food.
Priced tIUC per
generous box
Sold only at
Drug Store
The original yefivw front can
dy special store of Salem
185 N. Coral M. Phone 197
Fensiar Agency
Home of Schaefer's Itemed! -a
, $325
i 1 1 ii
Liberty TcL 1935
j ' J ! '
County Spends $480,914.81
I In Past Season; Full
Details Outlined.
Final report . on . the . moneya
spent by Marlon county on mar
ket road for the year ending
June SO, 1930, was made yester
day by Hedda Swart, county en
gineer, and shows an expenditure
Of. ' -
i Of this total, the largest segre
gated amonnt.was spent-tor grad
Ing, with . 1 1 6 8 . 3 0 7. 8 ; the next
highest went for - -surf aclnr. or
$ i 1 8,0 1 1.7 if; .Bight of way coata
st?28.l7;andhridges fcost $78,-
4 08.09.,: into culverts a total of
313442.81 was', expended!.' while
the outgo for paving wa 38l,2S8.-
3. Engineering on the;: market
foada cot f 14,937.42. iL):- iiiZ
1 The final figures show that the
largest amount of work done' on
any single road Was on Silverton
Barley ranch - Hnllt thorough
fare, where $33,236.04 was ex
pended. Next highest waa on the
Bllverton-WUlard route, will S0.
950.06 of the total accounted for
there. The ' third highest sum,
329.469,05, was laid out tor the
Turner-Marlon road, ' it .
Maay Bridges '
Are Constructed ,
j The largest single amount ex
pended on bridges was j on the
Turner-Aumsrille road, where a
series of sfx bridges were built at
cost of 124,417.62. The largest
Culvert expenditure was 32,303.
71, on the West Stayton-Auma-irllle
road; The Sllverton-Hadley's
ranch-Hullt road got the greatest
single surfacing funds, 314,674.
29, while the largest single cost of
engineering was on the " Fern
Ridge road at a cost of 31,314.
82. The market road receiving
the highest sum from the grading
expense was the Fern Ridge one,
with $19,792.47 the sum, and the
paving cost most on the Subllra-ity-Willard
road, or $19,889.74.
1 The market road - on which
work was done and sums expend
ed during the year ending Juno
SO were: Turner - Marlon, $29,
4 69.05; Gervals-St. Louis, 39,
076.46; Hubbard-Needy, $1,211,
84; Woodburn-St. Paul, 11.801.
16; Mt. Angel-Scott Mills, $136.
22; Salem-Whlteaker. $812.85;
Salem-Wheatland. $102.88; Salem-Turner,
$3,728.17; Turner
Aumsville, 324,902.78; Aums-vllle-Subllmlty,
31.248.87; Stay
to n-M eh am a, 31,654.37; Stayton
West SUyton, $8,522,701 SHrer-
ton-Wlllard, 330,950.06; Salem-
Fi? EleallttllaCmiB iOvOeG
i It has been predicted that diphtheria will :
be more prevalent this year than it has been - ' '
for several years past. Physicians will tell
you that this disease is preventable if the
proper precautions are taken. ' ; !
Every child should be protected against It
Parents owe it to . their children to give
them this protection ' and should" consult .
their physicians and be advised just how to
handle the situation. ' i
Your physician's prescription i will be
carefully! filled here as our prescription ser
vice is the best service we render.
405 State .
Phoiie of
West End of
''1' -1. ' -I' i -,' -:
: E(fec2we Monday,
' , - i - . ' 4 1 - 1 ' r 1 '
I ' ' "' I ' ; I ' - - . - - ' I . ' - -
BV Fan! Via Fairfield,: $19,585.-
81 1 Pacizlo highway ai Brooks to
Labl.h, $24,250.56
West SUyton-AemsTllle, 82,
491.27i SubUmlty-Wlllard, l$25.
400.81 Whiteaker-Drlft Creek
SUver Falls Clty $34,234.04;
Silverton - Hadley' ranch - Hullt,
f 38,284.04; Qervais - Simmons
churcb-Macleay, 81,276.73 ; Che-mawa-Hazel
t Green-East, $10,
331.21; LiTesley-Hairi Ferry-Independence,
$124.53; Rosedale-Falrvlew-Buena
Vteta, $1,600.66;
Highway-reform school to coun
ty line, $9,136.25; Salem-Frult-land,
$7,847.85; Stayton-Santlam
bridge.'$2.S'81.18;i Boone Ferry,
$17835.10; St. Louis-West Wood
burn, $12,808.06; ,
'West Woodburn-Gervais-Check-
erboard $11,422.94; Mt. " Angel-
Gerrals, $684.06;$ Monltor-SUver-toh;
$ 1 3 1.3 2 ; Silverton north
east $751.08; Scott Mill-
Croeked Fingerl "'z 821.044.12;
StrawJerryrMatheuy, $16,135".16 ;
Cobn Hollow, $8,394.14; ' Fern
Bidre, $28,809.09; C Siegmund,
$ 43 8.4 6 v Mehama-Taykr ; camp.
3121; Shaff,- 612.7t . MaHon
West-Stayton $19,022.94; Auma-Ville-Shawi
S $l,122.-7; ? Cottage
farm-AumavIUe,V $90.28; 12th
street. 27,032.79; Priagle, $4
813.36; Four Corners north, 5,
827.06; and ft.--P. .Williamson,
$8,103.55. . r . .
Senator Eddy will give the ad
dress for the -v victory Day v
luncheon i: which is being : pon
ored by ' the Woman's Christian
Temperance union at the Union
hall on South Commercial atreet
Monday, r . . "h . . .
Other short talks will be made
by B. Earle Parker, W.-H. Rob
ins,! Hugh, Fauke.1 L. W, , Biddle,
and W. Earl Cochrane. 'Musical
numbers j will . supplement the
talka. y-... ' -
. The hall has Just been recent
ly remodeled and the dining
Invalid Chair
OB 2103. Used Pnrnltare
i ! Department
! j 1S1 N. High
J. H. Willett Telephone 3118 1 i
Call for Price on the Model
You Want
'i West Stdem Ford Dealer
Pollc; County; j Bridge
1026 Ford Ruxtcl
V $80.00
1028 Whippet Sedan
1920) Ford Tudor
1 !
i".'.' .'; Chevrolet Co. , ,
,833 Center ;i. f- Tel.-.1802
room is expected to make an at
tractive; appearance- for this' first
affair to be given la Jt
renoiatlonf The committee in
charge of the luncheon is . Mrs'. '
W.r M. Buck,-Mrs. John Robins,
Mr F,: J. Blessing, Mr. Rachel
Reeder,-;Mr.- M. M;-Ransom and .
Mr. H. Rahe. ; . I :
. Preparations hare! been ' made
to eat 100 at the luncheon ta
ble. : . Anyone i Interested In the
program is invited to attend.
gold Direct to Ym at
Wholesale Prices
Bath Tubs, C9K nil
complete iiO.UU
complete ..S9.00
China Ctoseta, i " f7 Afl '
complete ....... a2A I tUU
complete .. S10.00
2 part Laundry Q- O PA
trays, complete Ol.OU
Rang Boilers, " A A A
complete ....... DJLl.UU
aalvanlzed Pipe,
per foot ..1 1 Ul
H Galvanised j rrj n
Pipe, per foot..., I I 4v
4- o. x. oou pip I fyrt
per foot ...... ....U Alt
Mesher Plumbinir
Supply Co.; t
271 8. Commercial Bi.
Phone 3709 '
( '.'.I
Tclcphcno 3575
f !
I . M !
- i ' .: ' " ' '
i . ,' i