PAGE FOUR Tho OREGON STATESMAN, Salemj Oregon, Sonday Morning Jancaryi 18, 1931 r v ! "No Favor Sways Us: !. - Fmri First Statesman. March 28. 1851 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO.' " Charles A. SntACUE, Sheldon F. SackxtT, Publisher rnutfji A. Spbacuz Sheldon F. Sacett I Member of the Associated iPrew The Aesoclated Press U excinslrely entitled to the use for publica tion of all news despatches credited to it or not otherwise credited ta this paper. " .'. t - . -' : ' i Pacifie Coast Advertising Representatives: Arthur W. Ettypes, Inc.. Portland, Security Bids. San Francisco, Sharon Bide.; Los Angeles, W, Pac Bide Eastern Advertising Representatives: j Ford-Parsotts-Stecher.Tne. New' York, . 71 Madison Are, ; - - h Chicago, i N. Michigan , Are. Entered at the Poetoffice mt Hatter. Published every morning exempt Monday. Uusintse office, SIS S. Commercial Street, fiTtmmniPTTnW RATES: Mall Fuheerlpt Ion Rates, In Adranoe Wlthlrt Oregon : .Pf"-" Sunday. 1 Uo. U cents: S Mo. tl.JS Mo. IS.5-: 1 yar .. Else where 19 cents per Mo. r,3. for 1 year In advance. ; By City Carrier! BO cents month; 15.5 a year In advance.. Par Copy I cents. On trains and News .Stands I cents. i I The State Library CALLING at the state library the other day, Miss Hajr- J riet Long, the librarian, told us ot now a leuer, naa just come in from oat in the state asking the library; fo send out some supplemental reading books for a group of children, stating the people were too poor to buy books and t . i- e were" pooling their pennies, to pay me postage uu uw. from the state library. Mis3 Long had other letters from persons .desirous of literature and from one we recall, a wAman. Tna.rried. onlv 21. who wanted to start a reading ! course to resume the education which was interrupted with her withdrawal from school. . ' . , . There is scarcely- any other institution which gets "more mileage" out of ita dollar than the public library; and the state library reaches those people and communities which need library service! the most. In the last biennium it loaned 341,395 books, making 65,603 shipments, a gain in shipments of 16,821 and of loans of 65,540. Yet it did all this work with less money than for the preceding bi ennium. ! ; , ..... . The state library needs more room, better facilities for handling its work, more books. It also needs a reading room ofr research where students and citizens may come and go through library material on . special subjects. While dis tinctly a mail order library; it is often easier and cheaper for the state if the one to be served can come to the library and conduct his research. As it is now he is almost an in truder so ill-equipped is the library to serve him. j ' Realizing that economy is necessary, the library board asks only what it deems absolutely necessary to carry on its work during the biennium, and the request has been in cluded in the budget submitted to the legislature. This de partment, we believe, is; one of the few where an increase is warranted. - 1 . i . Reform Hits Corvallis CORVALLIS is having a i hard time to tell whether it is pure or impure. The city is rather sharply divided on the subject. Most people! who are acquainted with the town, both residents and occasional visitors, have thought Jt was a pretty decent city, one where it was safe in which to ! rear a family.! The recent bootlegger killing , and trial drew forth evidence of the: town's law violations and some people are all excited in the belief that the town is really .a hell-hole of iniquity. M Corvallis is just about like Albany,; Eugene and Salem in these respects. The majority of its people are law-abiding folk. Then there are those who want their likker with out making it, so the bootlegger group comes in. This isn't large, it doesn't need to be; but it takes care of the busi ness, flouts the officers and gets away with it. This fellow Mills who was killed in Corvallis was a known bootlegger, had been arrested before Likewise in most of our towns there are men known to be followers of that trade. They may get by, or they may be nabbed; it isn't an easy matter for officers to apprehend a smooth bootlegger in any law violation. ! Corvallis may profit from the current reform wave; and town house-cleanings are often a good thing. But with all their vigilance there is bound to be a certain amount of bootlegging, i gambling and other vices even in such sanc timonious communities as we have in the valley. , j j . Another Thrilling Chapter MRS. Howard his written another thrilling chapter in the famous Bowles case in Portland. The plot thick ens, and the mystery deepens. The tale reaches the propor tions of a best seller. It is real enough to have come out of a book. Ten years I from now perhaps, the names will be changed and the narrative published in the pulpwood red backs of the day. m- j : , There seems to be something phoney about Mrs. How ard's connection with the Bowles case Her photograph shows a woman of middle-class respectability, and her house is' likewise modest. One wonders liow she could have become intimate with the xnadame of llLuray circus. Her atory scarcely seemed plausible and if true was of little consequence to the case, being all hearsay' and inadmissible as evidence. -' , p t ' Xet there she is, stabbed and bruised, with no sign of a weapon around. Who was her assailant and what were his motives? Here in truth is and Philo Vance. Compared with it the case of Mrs. Bowles herself is clear as crystal. One trouble with the detective stories pf real life is that the solution too seldom appears, ' f . - ! - f. i Pritatn is about done for. ' Coal strikes and cotton mill lock outs rat borne; heavy unemployment, burdensome taxation, costly doles; and abroad tbe white dominions practically Independent na tions, and the dark subjects . restless as In India. The sun: mar not yet iet on British territory, hut it Illuminates a badly battered empire. ; . ;..! " 1, There is a rumor that Charles O. Dawes will be called back-to become chairman ot the republican national committee. That would be interesting. Charley; would "bell n Maria" those rebel senators arotfnd In great shape. One thing .sure he wouldn't have to -resign in six- months either. i t : i By the way nave you read the rools ot the circus court ot Marion county? Ask your lawyer lor a copy. I !; ! Tho La Grande Observer doesn't go In much, for humor, but It had tola head the other day:; "Clara removed from position In City Streets' . Gutter or lamp-post? s t "With Marshall Dana and Kennlo Harlan. both in Washington. D. C, we cant imagine where the dickens all this wind has been coming from Oh yes we can. It's their oratory coming clear round the globe, j.; j The Clackamas, grangers at Frog Pond congratulate Gov. Meier for staying by his campaign promises and supporting the cranra power bill. Everyone turn to number S) of the hymnal nd Bin!" "Standing on the Promises. j;i . ; u" ,na f O I o i Woodburn WOODBURJT. "Jan. IT The second meeting of the year for the Woodburn chamber ot com merce will be held at the Saint Luke's hall Wednesday evening. January. SI. The meeting; wlil tart at 6: SO. A speaker tor the ev"!ng has not yet been chosen. Elma Doris Havemann. daogh Afi of Mr. and Mrs. Havemann of Woodburn is eoe of the. IIS 1 J No Fear Shall Atce" '-Editor-Manager Managing Editor Salem, Oregon, as Second-CUus a case to tar Sherlock HolmesJ students attending the University of Oregon, who bare their naine on the echoors honor roll. Miss Havemann nad aa arerago grade of 1. This unusual record was made by Elma Doris In the Ro mance languages the sulject In which she Is majoring: The hon or roll Is compsssd ot stndents with grades no less than II In ny subject, - . . Percy Chapelle of Newport is visiting at the home of his moth er, Mrs. Clara Chapelle. HEALTH i - - t ". mm ... ? '".. Today's Talk By IL S. Copcland, If, P. Gas poisoning Is ; not uneom-1 mon; We read of it daily m tne papers. The oity hospitals are always caring for cases of this sort. j A great deal wars learned concerning gas poisoning dar ing the World War. With the added popular ity of the au tomobile, more victims of gas poisoning . are coming to our attention. Carbon mon oxide, tho pois- rti rrrci aa onous mgredi- wruw ; ent of met M gas, is the ele ment! thr.c produces the marked and s dangerous symptom. - As a matter of fact, carbon monoxide is one of the most deadly ot the gas poisons. 4 t " Tills particular gas combines 1th. the ' blood, producing a chemjical reaction of great dam age to the body. Carbon mon oxide) produces more deaths than any ! lot her xoison known. It Is preseint in illuminating gas. It is liberated by incomplete com bustion ot the gasoline in the automobile. It is found In coal mines, in natural gas and in fur- naceiigas. : - . Since the damaging : effect ot this ;gas is very rapid, great at tention must be paid to the pre vention pf undue eacposuro to It. Never run your automobile mot or lqja closed garage. If you are tuning up your motor, or tinker ing with the car with the motor running, make sure the doors and windows are wlde open. This is most imperative. I cannot be too emphatic in regard to this precaution. All leaks in gas pipes should be repaired. Burning of gas Jets at night is dangerous. Occas ionally the ras pressure varies. and moregaa may escape than is burning. Winds and draughts will blow! lout a small gas flame, but. of course, does not turn off the gas. Many cases of gas poison ing occur in this way. Proper ventilation, must bo maintained at all times. This is particularly true in homes that are heated by hot-air furnaces. The chief signs of Doisonlne by gas are dizziness, headache. noises In the ears, throbbing at the temples. Nausea and vomiting usually precede a sleepy feeling wnicn soon comes on. Tne services of a doctor are extremely necessary for the care of oft who has been gassed. While waiting for the doctor sea that ijtbe patient receives plenty or fresh air. He should be kept warm) and, if necessary, artifi cial rjenptratlon must be applied. It this is not needed, and his breathing is normal, keep him quiet, , Moat people are under! the im pression that walking will stim ulate! the heart and lungs. In this type of gas poisoning it Is best that there be no strain plac ed ufton the lieart. The) patient should be kept In bed. warmth applied and stimulants given It necessary. Hot coffee may be given liberally. In S ja more serious case of ras poisoning it is only- by the usej or the pulmotor that resuscita tion can be accomplished. These machines are now found in all hospitals, police quarters and In municipal centers. Call up the ponce) department, the, health de partment or the gas company. Answers to Health Queries A. A. Q. Is olive oil nourish ing?!! 2 rls olive oil as nourishing aa ouxierT ! A. Yes. 2-4Not in the quantities com monly used. R.3. Q. What is glaucoma? What can be done to cure it? A.-f-Giaucoma is a disturbance ot tn eye. The treatment de pends upon the underlying cause. For fall particulars . send a self- addressed, stamped envelope and repeat your question. Editorial Comment Front Other Papers SOCIETY A JVD FOIJTIC8 x.TiT oi me inaugural ball as the social climax to a program introduelns naw nni..i . :,.0 . fvwtivai mum ministration, , is something ; more than -a a-racefnl tMtn A pltalitjy from tho capital city. It is a function that tsnrfa t f"W to a dignity and dis tinction which our ImA democratic manners have not al-: ways jjmamiained. In I the present Instance, the amazing majority which ltfwf Julius Meier makes tion a matter of statewide re-! joicing, and makes a social cele bration of tha event nsrt1n1rl appropriate. With this auspicious begin ning, nee us nope that a precedent has been established and that a prope amount of somewhat for mal en tertalninr mar htlrhtu tho prestige of nolitiral a ity. i! ' - , - (We! would not turn snobs or courtiers, put it Is right to rev member that the governor Is not oniy ne servant or the people. He is also, by their choice, a lnant ilfiguro wielding under the law tho supremo authority of a vu&u iie. xim is custodian Of the statsa honnr imt in,it. as well as guardian of Its mater ial properties and director of Its governmental acttrltiAs Oregon but speaks Its own self rewpecs wnen it treats Its gover nor wjm respect, and it Is sound poliUcal policy to Invest tho of fice of the chief executive with SOme IgTace Of Udll Mnmnn. So wo feel moved to thank the good citizens of Salem, who ar range? mis pleasant and gracious festivity of tho Inaugural' ball. We should like to see" more such i opportunities for social contacts flip's ) j KEEPING UP. THE SPEED P.-"; j "Uri3 tr qt r r.x'uv'By hazel i vivljU CHAPTER Mil I'The triple rescue was affected by J. J. MacKimmons, Decatur's assistant at the Gales Flat sta tion. "Beamer's, body was removed early this morning. . No funeral arrangements have as yet been made.: Mrs. Beamer's father, Vir gil sbalor, millionaire steel mag nate of Pittsburgh is hurrying to his daughter's bedside." Nancy read it through to the end. Read it again . . . R. E. De catur,, a ranger ... critically in jured. . . . It. E. . . not even Roger . . . they had not troubled to find that his name was Roger. As if from a great distance she heard the chatter of the family. Mama's voice ... "Have every thing finished before Louise and Mat get back ... a really select home tea . . match the Mlnton china. . . " Papa talking about interest grandma talking everybody hap pyeverybody wrapped up in themselves, and Roger oh, why didn't they say his. whole name? It would have helped a little, i In a small, unnatural voice she said "Did you see . . . pa per?" Out of the fog ot their lamuy chatter mama's voice detached, it self, floated to her as If from a megaphone: "About Jack Beamer? Killed. and his wife hart too. I meant to speak ot it. It just goes to show that you can't bo too care ful" "Jack Beamer? Well!" Papa was Interested. "Jack Beamer I" He looked at Nancy's small pinched faco, and looked hastily. away again. He was frightfully in tho state's political life. They help to break down the barriers of divided opinion and smooth out the roughness of personal an tagonisms. Wo ' need more big parties at Salem that bring all parties to gether, and fewer little parties that' meet cruletlr la' somo hotel room and ' release- no guest, lists to society reporters. i-ortiana Telegram. LAY SERMON the rraiiosopnr op value' Th thltotDkr sf astwre if one tklot. iks nailesepby ot vlse U suite annther taint.' Bertran -KuimIIi What I Sellers," This Is- unite a concession from this modern philosopher whose background Is tho exact science of mathematics. Wo are accus tomed to measures in tho physi cal world:,: scales, yardsticks, quart bottles, thermometers. Wo are confounded when It comes to fixing standards In the spirit ual world. Wo know the mean ing of ten, pounds of flour, or a quart lot milk: but wo have nei ther qualitative nor quantitative measuring rods for the virtues which! we espouse. Yet -wo firmly believe these virtues have value. Truth, hon esty, courage, self-sacrifice, they have value though wo may not weigh 'them la a balance, meas ure them In a glass, or break them into chemical elements. Religion if It be worth while Is tho cultivation of these finer values of life. We weave the tabrlo of our lives by tho choices which i wo make of friends, of thoughts, of deeds. Religion Is tho monitor which admonishes us when we are making these choices: Always choose the best. Is It a companion? Is It a book to read? Is It leisure to be en Joyed? Then select tho best, for your own safety and your own growth. Browning summed ft up weu In these lines: , O. if we araw eer alrele presutare,. Heedless-eC (via. Oredy - el aeiek retarae sf prafi Onre. ss4 la tmr fcarfaia." There is still a wido place la KEEPING UP; THE SPEED V I LiV v l. embarrassed . . . why, why, she must have loved the beggar I She ought to to cover her, face her mother would see. "Guess I'd better go i to bed."; he said weakly. He felt suddens ly tired and sick. "About all the excitement I can stand for one night." i ! Nancy picked up the paper again, then let it drop despair ingly. "Well, I'm sure I wouldn't worry about 'him," mima said briskly. "From all I hear ho had it coming to him. His poor wife " Nancy looked at them all with large, stricken eyes. Bnt yon don't understand," ' she said pa tiently. "It's my hu andV' "Your WHATf" j ' 'Roger. It says R. E.i Decatur here, but it's Roger. He's my husband. He he may die." "Your husband." -j 'Nancy, you've lost your mindJ I never heard of such a thing. What are you talking about Nancy, you you didn't marry j that that Gales Flat i person? Oooji ... just when everything j was coming for us! Nancy . . tell mama WHEN?" Even Grandma tried to talk. "But dear. I thought"! Nancy flung her arms wide. "Oh, I know I know K don't blame yon. Mama's 1 right, I've been crazy. But I'm not now I know . ... oh, dear God, keep him for me let mo make up let me make up." . She had flung an old coat over her shoulders, grabbed tho purse mama had left on a chair. "I'm going oh, please don't try to keep me please ' let me go don't yon see it's my last chance!" VNancy listen to mama! I never heard ot such nonsense! You can't go out like that . . without, without" ' The heavy front door slamm ed. - I Mama put her' head in her hands and wept. Nancy had gone. "Nothing matters but fas, Rog er!" she had told aim once. "Nothing matters but, love!" She had felt bravo and reckless say- tho world for religion which pre sents to men and women and to children the distilled essence ot spiritual values, distilled In tho long process of time and exper ience. Looking at the hasty scrapping ot so-called "old-fashioned" ideas of morality one may bo i somewhat amused; for most of these moral standards which we possess are the heritage of centuries of experience, the pro duct not of somo sinaitle reve lation ' but of trial and rrpr: with them the , race thrived; without them the race languish ed.; The test for new and for old Is always the test -of lvalues: Which possesses tho highest val ue? . .. r ' Just now the humanist Is cre ating quite a stir in his -upsetting of old apple carts. Some in deed may be quite empty of fruit, but humanism gives an i incom plete answer to tho problem which it raises. In a recent book. "The tam and the Modern i Mood" Walter Marshall . Norton-, - tho author very ably goes to tho heart of this "philosophy of val ue" which Bertrand Russell spoke of. As Mr. Horton says: ! "After ell, tke prsslea ef the hum ablet is the frefclea-taat we all araat faee tedeyi hew te adjoae er relit : lees ceaeepta se as e eqmare witk the saM4 (esalte ef the astsral sa4 eclat ' sciences, while at the- aaaie tins re . telainr aa4 if ettible rahaariar ear anreciatie ef he sua walaee hai mar easecratisa te the saote ef the 'ere grmei enrichsieat ef anmaa life' Weavers, all ot us ; are; i the conscious choosers of tha nat. tern and the fabric of the lives which wo are weaving; selecting! constantly these values little or great by which our tastes and our characters may bo judged. I .vjr Art"' " I VsXSt i iiN!r.;TnM a ta it i ai -s lng it safe within the comfort of his arms. ; . ' And now, alono and afraid and conscious that through her own fault she had lost it, perhaps forever, she realized more poign antly than she had ever realized anything in all her 20 years, that it was true. Money, f family, friends even threatened disgrace . . . nothing really mattered but the love she had lost. , The Piedmont car brousht her into the! heart of Oakland. "Can you" tell me where I can get a train for Merced?" she asked in a drug store. "Fort tm V. eth and San Pablo, San- !the clerk told her glibly. But at ; the station the ticket" agent shook his head. "No, Miss. Nothing till ten fifteen." "But 1 1 can't wait I can't wait that long!'' "Sorry.' Ho looked at the hat less, white faced girl curiously.! She had opened mamas purse and was feverishly counting the: money, j . j In the darkest' corner of the hospital j waiting room, Nancy sat ' with her hands clasped - limply! on her knees., She waited patiently, her eyes staring straight before herwith, tho peculiar unseeing look of the blind. She had waited so long that she had lost all sense ot time. ( . i First, there had been tho sta tion waiting room in Oakland, and then tho chair ear on the train, and then the station wait ing room at Merced. For the night operator at tho hospital hid .said that Roger wai sleep- i .a iu( iuii uu uuw tuuiu new uim until morning. The couple sitting on tho prim davenport at tho other end of the room watched her absorb- edty. ; I . "Poor! girl, she looks ready to keel over," the man said sym pathetically. "Maybe if you'd say something to her, honey . But the girl drew back shyly "Oh no, I'd hate to. Jack. I've seen her : somewhere. Haven't you?" I J ... Ho looked again at the uncon scious little figure with tho tan gled bronze hair and shapeless old black; coat. "Can't say that I have." ) i Tho . girl continued to stare. "I .kndw : I've seen her somo-" where." . j A nurse stood in tho door way. "You may como now. Miss Hollenbeck." Nancy stood uk deadly pale. Then turning to tho couslo on the davenport. "I'm afraid youll nave to wait a little longer. This young lady was first What did rou say the name 'was " They looked at Nancy with the veiled animosity , one always shows for i tho 'one who fs first. "MacKimmons. the ' man said curtly. ?Tell him Mae' he'll know." ;: r ' "MacKimmons." tho nurse ech oed. Shei beckoned Nancy, who followed quietly, her great, trag 1 eyes straight ahead. The nurse stooped at a door marked "Dr.; Cronwell." She held It; open for Nancy, -just a row moments,1 'remember' she said' pleasantly. Til remember," Nan cy promised. The door swung oenina ner. She was ; In Roger's room. That was he. ; the big-man with his head swathed in bandages, lying on the high white hospital bed. She was I here, . hero with Roger i at last. Her knees began to trem ble,- she thought of, doublinc back to the door before ho saw her. All her energies had been bent on getting here ... she had not thought further than that And now she was hero, and the uselessness of It all came over her with 1 sudden, terrifying clar ity. It was as If she nad walked blindly , Into - the ' sea and been suddenly bruised and battered by a ! great 1 incoming - wave that drenched and choked and chilled her, and cast her, cold and' gasp- BITS for BREAKFAST -By R. J. IIUt,ory oj pur library! I a. s . I : Continuing from yeaUrday: "May 7th, If 04, it was decided to adopt a. library constitution and by-laws, Mar 14th the coa- mitteo reported a constitution and by-lawg, which were adopted by the clnb Tho club was to elect a president and six trustees from the clnb members; two for three years, two tor two years and two tor one year. President and two trustees were to bo elected each year. Mrs. Kelliher was ; unani mously elected president, and tho following; board of trustees was chosen: ' I . "Three! year term, Mrsj F. A. Moore and Mrs. P. H. Raymond: two year term; Mrs. Florence Ir win and Mrs. Traver; one year term, Mrs. F. W. Waters and Mrs. T. T. Goer. These ' ladles. with the following. -servedi at dif ferent times on the library board until It was turned over ! to tho (city) council: Dr. Staples. Mrs. A. J. Monroe. Mrs. Russell CaU lin. Mrs. Gillingham, Mrs. J. P. Jones. Mrs. A. N. Bush, Mrs. WHJlam Brown, Mrs. ... A;. N. Moores, .Then thework of building up th. library began In earnest The clnb; dnes and fees were small, so, in order to save expenses the ladles did the Janitor work them selves sweeping and mopping the council chamber; washing win dows, and. on one occasion, clean ing the .cuspidors. t "For a while the ladies took turns at acting as librarian, but this did net prove satisfactory. Sorae of the ladles! assisted by outside friends, paid a certain sum each month and hired Miss F. Phillips to act as librarian at $20 a month. " ! "But books were needed: ref erence books for the school chil dren, for it was the aim ) of the club from ithe start to make the library attractive and useful to the young j people, and good ref erence books are expensive, so we gave entertainments of divers sorts. We had concerts and par ties; gave a charity ball.-, We staged The Crisis' at the; Grand opera house, and before we were through, ran a lunch room at the cherry fair anything to make money for i the library. : : "U J "Some of the; entertainments, while , good money makers, were not of a high classical order, and the club was criticized for not educating the public to ai higher standard; so. to please the cri tics, we secured Mary Kuntz Ba ker, a dramatic reader of Ration al fame to read j'Monalenf Beau ralre.' The entertainment -wan delightful, but; alls s! of small mo ment for net results. The Hus- ing back on the sand.- Roger was' holding out his hand. He was smiling; with; his lips. 'lt i was good of rou to come, Nancr.-1 I was surprised when they told me. It 4 wasn't necessary, i you know. I'm not badly hurt," ! ! "It was nothing," she murmnr ed politely. "I'm glad you're hot very lit" Her tongue "clove to the roof of 1 her mouth. 1 ; "Wont you sit down?? "Thank you, Roger." I I She took the chair by the bed side, and there "was nothing left to say. Roger had . closed his eyes. He lay motionless, a long, spare figure under the) fresh, white dimity coverlet ! , j (To bo continued)! rnoNi 12 .T t t ' , - j - j', , LICENSED STMTtAIJVTTM Stoecial Examinatioii will be continued Monday and Tuesday, Last week it was impossible because they failed to make n appointment in ad vance. To avoid confusion in the office, please make your appointment early. v . I I Each forenoon, beginning at nine, will be given over to consideration of all diseases and general conditions. iree examination! no matter what your trouble. . Each Afternoon. 1:30 to 6, Women y . ' '' ' ". t:' ; Disease t j . CompletePhysical Examination Free Dr. Gilbert has had many treatment of Women's Diseases. He believes that women are" entitled to a more comfortable life than - j most ox tnem are now having. " Phone 302 for Appcinimezl 316 OREGON BLDG. HENDRICKS kin' Bee' betted us f 1 24.7 S; the Baker reading, TS cents! Edu cating the public has i never been a financial sn5si in! Salem, : . V "Someimes the library board took charge of tho entertain ments, bat tho club wu the source to which wo looked for money, and the club minutes commonly contained these words: 'Mrs. Kelliher gave an interesting account of the library work, and asked for more money.' October 8, 1904. MrsJ Kelliher reported 1000 volumes in the library, and In December of the same year ad ditional shelrei for 4000 vol umes were reported. " m m S "In October. 105, the club tendered the library to tho city, but the council refused to accept It and asked tho dab to keep charge fit. All questions as to there belag no one to patronize the library had long; since been answered, for, from the first opening, the attendance was much greater than had been an ticipated by tho most sanguine of its friends. 'I V V ' ! '. : "In January, 1904, tne council voted 1300 to aid the, library, and in December of the I same year this amount was increased to $500. On January 12. 1907, the club discussed the advisability of trying to procure a Carnegie building, but nothing could be done untT! a suitable ait could be secured. In 1 November, 1912. a concert was given to raise money for a library site and from that time dates the rise of real estate in Salem. . ! "If any ladies known to be on the library board walked past a vacant lot and looked at it. the price was up $1000 in 24 hours! Two sites were selected at differ ent times, and a payment made to bind the bargain, but in each cSse the owner refused to sign the deed when asked to do so a fortunate thing, for neither site wag as beautiful as the present one. I , "In May, 1909, the matter of purchasing the present sltei wa.v' taken up, and in Jane the library board secured an option on the lot for $500. the most that the executor, Hon. Oh as. L. McNary, had been offered .for! the lot up to that time: but, as rm previous occasions, the lot rapidly Increas ed In value, and he was Immedi ately offered an advance of rrvmlnued on page 5) Yesterdays Of Old Oregon lUtl Town Talks from The States man Our Fathers Read January 18, 100(1 Annual inspection Of company M. O. N. O.. will take! place Feb ruary, 2. according to Word ! from tho. war department.' j- a ' , oswsssssssa"sssy George R. Seth. a clothing merchant of iAGrande, was la tho city on business yesterday. ,1 Walter Lyon, editor, of the In dependence Enterprise, was do ing business I la the city yester day.; Tho J Willamette Valley Devel opment League will meet In Al bany next week, with Grant Cory of Woodburn and John McNary of Salem among the men to ap pear-on tho program. . J CI1UBCII AT FCRBT Free to serve' several natron s years experience In the SALEM, OREGON s