The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning. Jan nary 18. 1931
As Essential as Firemen in
Any Community, States;
Official Bulletin
tcw m. nubile health depart
ment? mlbt well bo the title t
the current bulletin ot the state
board of health, which says. the
same arguments which support
neccee&ity of maintaining a; waote
tlme tire department ta applicable
to a whole-time health depart
ment. - T !-
The article follows:
"A health service should saie
ruard the health ot a community
la every poesiDie way. -rreat
undertaking and involves a
wide range of activities. Every
epidemic must be thoroughly In
vestigated; resincuTo uiC
n-.t taken with every casei ot
communicable disease; the trans
mission of the disease w
mi.dt h. nrevented: the commun
ity must bo i Immunized against
infection; and the public mustbe
r.n nil matters pertain-
ing to personal and community
hygiene. ' .
"The public depends on the
health department to control tne
r spread of communicable disease.
- Communicable disease is compar
able to fire. It frequently starts
through carelessness on the part
Of aome IndiTldual. It spreads
spreads among persons who are
susceptible to its infection Just as
fir spreads into combustible ma
terial. It rages more or less vio
lently until the susceptible mater
ial haa been exhausted. The con
trol of tire is of such urgent im
portance that for the time being
iti.MNiM all other matters.
In every city of any size In this
state there is mainiainea on
1 4 hours of the day an organisa
tion equipped and responsible for
subduing fires, t Organizations far
the control of tire also hare oth
er duties, atnce it is recognized
that prevention of tires means a
great economic saTing to the com-
,mi,lltr' i . X..X,
"The same arguments wmcn
support! the necessity of main
taining whole-time fire depart
pents are applicable even in a
greater degree to the maintenance
of whole-time departments ot
health, i The material consumed
In the conflagration of communi
cable disease is ot much greater
ralne than that consumed in dis
astrous fires. Human lives, hu
man health, human happiness are
t stake. Tou can rebuild the
buildings destroyed by tin but
the losses of human life are irre
parable, j
'The whole-time health depart
ment does not confine its activi
ties to the prevention and control
of communicable diseases. Ma
ternity and child hygiene has im
proved the health of mothers and
children, and reduced infant mor
tality la this state to the lowest in
the country The non-communicable
diseases are also a responsi
bility of the health department
and activities tor the prevention
of these diseases are gaining Im
portance la health work. !
"The whole-time health depart
ment Is a necessary agency la
dealing with the complex health
problems of today. It promotes
the more efficient reporting of
diseases and of dangerous condi
tions and deals efficiently with
them. The cost of the service
rendered Is remarkably low when
compared with the cost of pre
ventable ! disease. The full-time
department la counties offers the
only means whereby Inhabitants
of rural : areas and small towns
can he provided with adequate
health serTice., ;
n sum due
(Continued from vpas 1)
cussloa ot the matter of the
North Saatlau highway. The
If arloa county court haa given
this matter further careful con
.eideratloa and Is satisfied, be
yond a doubt, that for the beat
Interests of . the county and the
.furtherance of the road. It would
be preferable If no attempt were
made to have this road designa
ted as a state highway at this
time, by legislation or otherwise.
"The Marlon county court and
others have been active la their
efforts for many years to secure
steps toward construction of this
highway. The results attained so
far; are highly; satisfactory and
the future of the road seem as
sured ta an even greater extent,
wo believe, than if at present we
were accorded a place for the
road oa the state highway map. i
"We wish to thank you for
year Interest and the efforts put
fnHh - i
CAP) Three weeks to the day
after his IT -year-old daughter
was found shot to death la a mo
tor car ta front ot the First
Methodist church, south, here, A.
1 IX. Johnson shot and killed O. L.
Adams.' 12.
"It's nobody's business. was
Johnson's only reply to questions
as to a motive.
, Johnson surrendered Imme
: diately to police and quickly was
released under 110,099 bond.
Robert I Williams of Austin j
sophomore at the University of
Texas, whom a grand Jury had
refused to Indict for the slaying
of Elizabeth Johnson, had said
a married man had come between
him and Miss Johnson, who he
aid had broken an engagement marry him. -.
Adams was shot down as he
leaaed over a counter la a clean
tug shop, delivering a suit of
O- "' ; " ' o
; "
r- ; .
A snmnn n mwn. Wash rnsrton cor-
annnHint .Af a Providence, R. L,
newspaper, may be selected to suc
ceed George Axerson ma acvrcwj
r.r tiMYcr. Brown is a
personal friend of the President
and menuonea as me uw
candidate for the dose.
clothes to be pressed. He plan
ned to visit Vinton. La., tomor
row to see his wife. . Mrs. May
Ratcllffe Adams. Tey had been
separated ten, months.
Johnson fired the shot from a
large calibre pistol. Adams was
shot through the heart.
The only statement Johnson
would make during the brief
time he was held In custody was
that he had done the shooting
and wanted C. E. Brown, Port
Arthur city, detective, to tnyestl-
gate and see whether he had
done "a good Job
Group was Organized Here
In 1919; John W. Todd
Its First Head
In the office of II. 8. Gile &
Co., -on September IS, 1918, the
Salem Rotary club was officially
organized with -the election ot
the following officers:
John W. Todd, president; H.
S. GileJ vice president: William
3. Walton, treasurer; Fred D.
Thielsen, secretary.
At the second meeting held of
the board October IS, 1919, the
following were appointed the Ro
tary membership committee: C.
P. Bishop, William S. Walton, W.
T. Jenks and Frederick Schmidt.
The second meeting of the club
was held at the Marion hotel Oc
tober 8. 1S1, President John H.
Todd, presiding.
At the third meeting held Oc
tober IS. 1119, 20 members were
present and CP. Bishop and Os
car E. Price were the speakers.
At the October 29, 1919 meeting.
Tom Kay spoke on, "Money and
Its Uses". On November 5, Paul
Wallace spoke! oa "Salem's Wat
er Supply." i s
At the December I. 1919 meet
ing ft was unanimously voted
that the club go on record aa rec
ommending a salary ot $159 a
month tor 8alem school teachers.
By January 7. 1920, the mem
bership had Increased to 22
member and by April T. 2S
members attended luncheon.
Fred D. Thielsen served as
secretary during the first year of
the club and on May 2. 1920. W.
I. Staley was ; elected secretary.
Original records of the Rotary
club ahow that R. O. Snelllng be
gan earring as secretary March
23, 1921. Eric Butler was elected
secretary in 1922 and has serv
ed continuously since that date.
The Salem Rotary club now
has a membership of 85. Weekly
luncheons are held each Wednes
day noon at the Marlon hotel.
Presidents of the Salem Ro
tary club since Its organization
ia 1919 were as follows i
1919 John W. Todd.
1929 IL 8. OHe,
1921 George Ortfflth.
; 1922Joha H. McNary.
1922 R. O. Saelllng.
; 1924 T. B. Kay. -
2925 George 1. Arbuckle.
1929 Fred D. Thielsen.
19 27 Dr, R. K. Lee Stelner.
192 S W 1 1 1 1 am MeGllchrlst,
1929 W. I. 8taley.
1929 W. H. Dancy.
Gonzaga Winner
By Wider Score
WALLA, WALLA. Wash.. Jan.
IT (AP) In a rough and hard
fought basketball gama her to
night, Oonzaga university won Its
second victory over Whitman
college SI to 19. Last night's
score was IS to 24 la aa over
time game.
Paper Company
filinufacturtrs of
Support Oregon Prodaeti
Specif "Salem Blade" Piper for Tour
Office Stationery
11 Hill
Mefec's Utility Measures
Expected to Drop in
Hopper Monday .
(Continued from page 1)
supporters. There Is a possiouuy
the history of the, 1929 ses-
tnay be repeated, tn noia
senators averreo.
Benate Appears ;
Knt Ho Frtendlr
Alihouca there are a number
of senators who oppose Governor
Meier in j the campaign and are
known to be 'out of sympathy
with! some of his administration
measures, there appears a tenden
cy oil the part of these legislators
to mark time until the -several
bills i emanatiujr from the execu
tlvefdeDartment fall into the hop-
ner.ii For the present, at least; it
appears as moaga toe nunw -wm
be the battleground and that the
M . it.
senate will olar the second fidaie.
Senator Brown, reputed to be the
Meier whip In the senate, thus far
has remained silent and has re
fused! to give any intimation as
to the character ot administration
bills that will bo introduced in
the senate. It has been announc
ed that the two administration
measures providing for a hydro
electric commission and depart
ment jot public works will first go
Into the house.
Senator Upton has let ' it be
known that .he will not support
the bill Introduced by Senator
Bennett, providing for the filling
of Tacancies In the legislature, as
permanent legislation. He voted,
for the measure, as an emergency.
but la explaining his ballot, de
clared that he would oppose any
bill providing for appointment of
legislators by the executive de
partment, senator Upton said
such a plan would prove a drastic
Innovation in state government,
and war not In keeping with the
practice ot the last 100 years.
Benmett's bill provided that va
cancies In the legislature shall bo
filled hr appointment br the gov
ernor.j subject to confirmation by
the house in which the . vacancy
existed. It was said that other
senators would join with Upton,
and that an effort would be made
to draft a more satisfactory bill In
During the first week of senate
activities. Senator Woodward's
name! appeared on more than tfair
ty peri cent of the bills Introduced.
Senator Strayer Introduced three
bills, i ibut these were minor
amendments and were in the na
ture of remedial legislation.
Two bills were Introduced by
Senator Eddy in connection with
the campaign that Is being waged
by th City of Roseburg for the
new national soldiers home On
IT two bins were approved on
third reading in the senate. One
of these authorized county courts
to provide meeting quarters for
the auxiliaries ot veterans organ
izations, while the other authoriz
ed an appropriation of f 25,000
for legislative expenses. The
most important resolution adopt
ed by the senate authorized ap
pointment of a committee to In
vestigate the proposed state build
ing program to cost $3,000,000.
Umatilla Rapid
Memorial Passed
Among the several memorials
approved by the senate was one
urging the passage of a congres
sional bill providing for the derel
opmeat ot the Umatilla Rapids
project. This memorial previous
ly had received the support of
Governor Meier, and was stressed
in his I first message to the 1931
legislature. In line with this mem
orial. Was a report of the 1929
Interim committee favoring the
development ot the Columbia riv
er and its tributaries. Special
mention was made in this report
of the transportation benefits that
would be derived by shippers liv
ing loj the wide-open spaces of
eastern and central Oregon.
Among the outstanding public
hearings scheduled for next week
is that on Wednesday night In
connection with Senator Miller's
bill providing for
the closing of
to commercial
the Rogue river
fishing. This bill
was introduced
on the! second day of the legisla
ture and Is now in the hands ot
the flaih and game committee.
Ralph Co wglll ot Medford will re
present the game interests while
Roderick Macleay ot Weddeburn,
purry county, will appear for the
commercial fishermen. A simitar
bill was passed at the 1929 legis
lature, Ibut later was attacked by
referendum aad defeated by ! the
voters at the November election.
The joint ways and means com
mittee will swing into action Mon
day night, and it is probable that
meetings will continue until late
ut the session. Thif committee
passes on all approplratlon meas
ures. Legislative requirements at
this session aggregate more than
fg.09,09. or a alight increase
over the requirements at the 1929
session. Members ot the commit
tee said aa effort would be made
to have the appropriation bills
Pulp and
Lewis C. Rush will head the ThfI-
lies" In next season's games. He
was selected as the new president
of the Philadelpaia national
Lea rue baseball club at the anneal
meeting of the club's stockholders
la the Quaker City.
dratted and ready tor introdue
tion during the fourth week of
the session. At some . previous
legislative sessions these bills did
not appear until the last week
with the result that debates vir
tually were eliminated. ;
Senate is Ahead '
Of Past Progress '
While considerable more time
was required to receive the mes
sages of Governor Norblad, out
going executire, and Governor
Meier, at this legislative session
than at some previous-sessions.
the records show that the senate
was farther ahead at the time of
adjournment Thursday noon, than
at the corresponding time two
years ago. The organization haa
been completed, the committees
appointed and 21 bills had been
Introduced. Only 19 bills had
been Introduced at the time of
adjournment the first week of
the session in 1929. Because of
the belated appointment of Sena
tor C. K. Spauldlng of Salem to
succeed the late Senator Rey
nolds It was necessary tor Presi
dent Marks to revise his commit
tee appointments after the origin
al list had been announced.
Additional time was required
to hold memorial services for the
late Senator Reynolds, and ad
minister the oath to his succes
sor. Other valuable time was lost
on the opening day of the session
as the result of an address by
Senator Brown la which ho at
tacked the atate supreme court.
This address had to do with the
action of the senate caucus, which
decided that new members of the
senate would be sworn ta by the
chief Justice ot the supreme court
and not by the secretary of state.
Although ' the senate will not
reconvene until 11 a.m. Monday,
there were Indications here Sat
urday that a number of new bills
would be introduced and that sev
eral resolutions and memorials
would come up for final consider
ation. By the opening of the
third week a large number of bills
should be ready for third reading.
The wheels will then more more
swiftly and controversial meas
ures will be at Issue. Senator
Marks has stressed the necessity
ot Introducing bills as early as
possible so that the committees
may prepare their reports. A
number ot legislators have an
nounced that they will have no
bills to offer, and will content
themselves with considering the
offerings of other members.
It was said that several bills
vetoed by the late Governor Pat
terson following the close of the
1929 legislative session, would be
reported back to the senate early
next week, i Ia most Instances,
these vetoes' will be sustained.
' (Continued from page 1)
Gregory claims that the dlstll-
ate by-prodacta which the city
wUl be able to sell will almost
pay tor the plant within the first
year. Mayor P, M. Gregory is
notably sympathetic to municipal
ownership, and; it is probable ha
will ask the council to rote for
this proposition, shoald a moro
thorough iavesUsratloa prove it to
be -satisfactory. '
It U proposed the council com
mittee, and other members, meet
a week front Monday night to con
sider in detail the municipal own-
rshlp angle ot the garbage busi
ness. I
i i
ii . m
Judge Hill Is Expected to
I Rule Monday on Charter
1 Amendment, Seen
j (Continued' from pate 1)
plumbing, inspector, all Investi
gate rooming houses and hotels
applying for licenses betera any
licenses art granted.
i Kuhn says he seeks this
change In present policy both tor
the - protection of the public and
for the 4 good4 of the property
holder. ! At present licenses are
granted with little or no inspec
tion and the question ot whether
they shall be granted is left solely-
with the police and traffic
committee. Kuhn -wants to take
the matter out of any possible
political bargaining and to place
the matter ot license granting
solely on the basis of the pub
lic's interests. He reels that a
number of rooming houses are
at' present- somewhat - dangerous
to public health.
Bids on 175.0 9 of Salem sew
er bonds will be opened Monday
night. Bidders will hold off un
til tomorrow before submitting
their offers. The bonds,, -Issued
in $1000 denominations, are to
run from one to 15 years and
blocks ot 26000 are to be retired
annually. Interest is at four
and one-naif per cent, uue to,
the present strong market on
first-class municipals councilmen
are hoping -to receive nearly par
for the offering.
MinrvrTXF. Mfl.. Jan. It.
fATM Residents of aiaryviue
m) nl iiitIaiii fabnra to
night after It was reported a
bund of neeroes was enrouie
hare to exact vengeance on the
fftinmiinlt for the lynching Jan
uary 12 of Raymond Gunn, ne
gro. The Bltuation eaimea wnea
nn rMri unnft&red.
RttrT r. 128th field artil
lery, Missouri National guaTa,
ordered under arms by governor
Henry 8. Cauineid, remamea
mnhllizMl. however. A few
rrnnni at armed men also pa
trolled the etreeu, but. most of
the crowd which gathered at re-
eeint of the report, returned to
fh!r ViniTi p at mldnisrht. ' '
Wild excitement prevailed aft
er Mrs. I. L. Edwards jnotmea
Mavor W. O. Garrett that an
'AllrA Ward" nf St. Joseoh. had
telephoned eeeklng rerlfication
of a report several automobiles
filled with, nerroes had left Kan
sas i City end St. Joseph, bound
for Maryrule. j
neral servloea for Mrs. Eiixaoetn
Anderson, 55, who died Satur
day. wIU bo hel" Monday after
noon at 1:19 o'clock. Rev. W. 8.
Gordon officiating. Jack! and
Ekman are ia charge of arrange
ments. Interment will bo at the
Warren cemetery in the Waldo
Mrs. Anderson died, at the
homo ' ot her daughter, Mrs.
Dewey Allen.' who is the only
surviving near relative. 1 ,
Bom in Hungary, Ellrabeth
Llndbeck came to America as a
young child with hoc parents.
Mr. . and Mrs. Charles LindoecK,
who: were prominent pioneers
here. She lived nearly an
her life ia the vicinity of Silver-
ton and In Salem. She was mar
ried In 1899 to George Anderson
of Salem. They were . prominent
workers la the Baptist church In
that city , for many years, n
Wine is Spilled
And Thirsty Riot
API citisen of Taionca tooay
made a wild rusk, to mi canteens
and ! glasses with wine 1 spilled
front a track which had eoiuded
with a street car. Police inter
vened when the tasters became
noisy and several persons ' were
arrested, charged with mtoxlca
tlon. " :'-. ;.i
An excellent portrait study of
Nathan Straus, Sr., well-known
New York merchant prince and
philanthropist, who died in his.
heme. Central Park West. New
York City. Mr. Straus would have
been 83 years old on January 21.
Sunday, January It
KOIN XI) Ke. Pottumd T
:S0 Gardea Ulk.
B:0O MalmlT rt imrn.m
10:00 Band concert: erg a
11 :00 Oonvrrmtinn&i
13 :00 Philharmonia ajrmphanx
i vimwim or air
9:80 Hnaia
6 :00 0B8, World's taaiaesi
8:15 Ocil Tesra. erxta ,
6 :00 Mcmoriea of Ruasia
:80 CBS. Petroit SymphoaT
T:00 OrraB. CBS
7 :80 Rmmpietra'a violla
8:00 CbrUtiaa Seienea
9:09 CvgB.
KEX 1180 Ke, ForUani '
8:00 Orgaa concart ,-
9:00 Marr
lO.-OO Kortbwctt Trio
11:00 Orraa ennert '
11:80 Oreroa Bambler
12:00 CoUariana
1:00 lao Muddler
1:30 Faaailr Altar Hour
a.-OO Webar'a , JaTanil arcaestra
8 :S0 TloliB '
:O0 Sob Bag
4:00 Vocal
4:80 Radio Gospel Saaday tcLoot
5 :00 Orehaatro
0:00 Tocker'a band. HB3
10:00 Lrrio Trio
11:00 llidalrtt Berenadar
K0W 20 Ke. PortUa
:00 America a Lerloa
S : 80 Orchestra -
:0 Biblo atudy
0:4ft National oratorio
15 :00 National Tenth eonferenco
1:00 Dr. 8. Parka Cadmaa
S:00 National Veapera
8:00 Catholic lour
4:80 Concert
8:15 Playlet, mnile -
- ) Parker
S:15 World toor
S:45 Vocal. KBO
e : 45 Boolt chit "
11 :00 Orgaa
Troops to Aid
Search for Lad
j o.vl.., 4 . -an. 17 (AP)
Forty-jthree members of Com
pany L, ( Oregon National Guard,
under the leadership of Captain E.
Q. Wllllkson, and about 60 vol
unteers jwill sweep through the
Walluskl woods tomorrow la an
exhaustive search for Adolph
Bishop, 15-year-old Astoria boy.
A Radioj that will never grow old!
Reproducing (Vluolcal Instruments
The good name of Brunah
wick, sjwmbol of a irtt
music hoost of many
yeais' Binding plus our
naste aa Brtinswick'si au
thorized dealer is your
guarantee of satlsfaetiba
ia radio.
A Smell Docn Payment,
r.1cie llche m
2020 No. Capitol St,
Communism Serious Men
ace say House Probers as
r : Report Is Filed 0
tOoatlnued from page 1)
commanlstsi empowering t h
1 u s tl o : department to - inves
tigate communist activities; a
prohibition! against sending
propaganda for, revolutionary
communism la the mails or la in
terstate commerce; a law to pros
ecute communists or others
spreading false rumors to cause
runs oa banks; Immediate consid
eration of an embargo on Russian
manganese. r . . 1 ! -
In addition, the committee rec
ommended that the treasury seek
permission to Investigate through
agents the alleged production of
lumber -and pulp wood by convict
labor and the use of forced labor
in soviet Russia, j ... r -Woald
Declare - '.
Irty Illfl : " '.'-.
t CThe Fish reoort also . recom-
mdoded that the communist par
ty of the united plates xe aeciarea
Ul4gal and that states be request-
ea to iaie appropriate action o
have the party excluded from rec
ognition. ! ,
r.- Kelson's recommendations in
cluded more stringent administra
tion of the visa laws, the deportation.-
of undesirable and criminal
aliens, -the encouragement of or
ganized labor and more careful
postal supervision of radical pub
lications, lie also endorsed giving
the! justice department power to
follow up radical activities.
Vocation Board
Receives Share
Of Federal Fund
The state board for vocational
education has received a certifi
cate ot allotment of federal funds
aggregating J15.62i.6S to be used
la .cooperative vocational educa
tion. :...-! ..' ...I . , ! V."
This represents the second
quarterly payment of the total ap
propriated by the federal govern
ment under the Smith-Hughes act
each year for the promotion of
vocational education ia the fields
of agriculture, home economics
and j industrial education In Ore
gon.) O. D. Adams Is state 'direc
tor for vocational education, r
j! ; j
Pension Former
Slaves, Plea of
Kentucky Solon
i WASHINGTON. Jan. 17 -(AP)
Pensions of $25 a month to
persons who once; were slaves
would bo allowed by bill Intro
duced today by Representative
on all makes, ''.
SETS --t- . PAitTS
iRadib Headquarters
K 1 ; MJaet Radio .
Phono 1161 175 8. High St.
Toztlhn Uith tk
the Otdstczding Vdzt
cf ike
I M m JP w aaaaTeaW II
Hogg, republican. West Virginia.
Hogg would allow the admini
strator ot veterans affairs to pay
that sum . to anyone who would
prove he was held la bondage be
fore adoption ot the
L3th amend-
CASPEIt, Wyo.. Jan. IT (AP)
The discovery of absolute pi, or
the true ratio between! an arc and
Its radius, a problem that has
stumped the best mathematical
minds for centuries Is claimed by
8. A. Ballard, Casper attorney, '
Ballard, 83 years old, has been
concentrating on, the problem 11
years and he announced he is pre
pared to 1 give his results to tbe
world, but not before he has copy
righted the work be plans to pub
lish. , 1 1
13 Billion Said
Racketeers9 Pay
.. i :.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. (AP)
Gordon L- Hostetter, executive di
rector of the Employers associa
tion of Chicago, estimated for the
National Republican club today
that annual tribute paid to racket
eers totals more than $13,000.-
vvv.vvv. . . -
Astoria Seeks
$80,000 Armory
i - 1 1
ASTORIA. Ore., Jan. IT (AP)
" Senator Frank FranclscovlcU I
announced today that, i with the
cooperation ot Representatives 0.
A, Hellberg and Mark ! Johnson,
both of Clatsop, ho would push a
fight In the state legislature for
an appropriation of 140,090 for
the proposed $80,000 armory here.
Pain and Itching
Don't put up with
painful piles another
day or hour. There
is positive relief, very
often, for the very
worst case. I Pyramid
suppositories are de
signed to stop the
pain ana
even; all itch
ing. Relief
comes quickly.
The first ap
plication will
bring? you
much; comfort
and ease. Try
them; today.
Remember the
name. Just say
Pyramid Sup
positories to any druggist, 60 cents.
SS-B Pyramid Bid., Marshall. Mtch.
Pleas asnd me a box plainly
wrapped, sealed, postpaid, and en
tirely free. , i ;
Name . L-L LL
Aidr0$$ LL
I1SS.0D Compkt
with It. 0. Ai Tubes
The many new Improre
menU la the new Bruns
wick Radio such as the
revolutionary; Unl-Selector
Tone Control. &n Armored
Chassis, and Rigid Tuning
Scale Insure your getting
the latest and best in ra
dio, r p . ' ' !
Uberd TrcieAn Otter
Year - Cone In - CcH Ut
Telephone 2797
Pyramld'a complete
eanf ort bc troo.