1 s The OREGON STATESSIAN, Salecy Oregon, Sunday Morning Janoarr IB, 1931 PAGE FIFTEEN '1 1 Tha Eta trim an inumti no fl anoial responsibility for wrors which Ittujr appear In advertise meats published in lit columns, but ia cuni hr UU paper l nt fault will reprint that part of an advertisement lit Which th. typo graphical mistake occurs. ClMSlflSd Avxttslttf ain4 ine-rtlon ber line Three Insertion per, Un Hi Insertion per uw On loon til per line Minimum citarg Copy or this peg accepted un til 4 :39 to vrnin oeio puwi xatlon for classification. Copjr re ceived after thin tune wBl b run under the beading Too Lat to Classify. i HELP NY ANTED ,asaBSaSBswksa Want le to eminent Job. Man wonn. 1S-6. Steady work. Short hours. -Common education usually aufficient , Sarnplf coaching and particulate Rfc.fr Write today sure. Box 4. Statee man. " HELP WANTED MALE Will finance married man 25-40, rood appearance, fair education. In a paying business of Lis own. From not large to start with, but wilt in crease as you learn the business. Mut furnish A-t reference and 1,ve ear for delivery. Ms applica tion ta own handwriting to WcCUN NON aV COMPANY, Dept. U-1029. Winona, Minn. Fir men wanted for bard work those accepted can earn better, than SLO per hr.l Apply at 14T N. Com I. MONDAT. It A. M. SILiRP HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Girl tor . housework, steady work. Write Box 88, care statesman. Otv references, exper linc to - .....1 .j WORK AT HOMF! during spare time. fcubetantuU weekly ,Pyi experience unnecessary. DIgnliVd employment Cor boneot, slwere, amlltlou j per .. . WORKK113 L1CAUUB. I Kf I'KRVIIXM, ll-U tr.T-rLn-n-'i-'- I Mr women IS hourly to-uow ISt imveM dreeea to frienda Karn la. 4 weeklr spare time. KPf trace unnooeeearr. Oorgoous tyl diulpment free. Kaniple tlrewies free every i month. Harford Frocks, : 11T7 Noble fit, Indianapolis, Ind. SALESMEN WANTED fLrLTmjyiru-i """"""-"- -- -- -- - - - Strang fluid charge batteries In stantly. Prevent sulphatlon, freeaing M.nd orercharglng. Doubles Ure and pep. Holda charge lndpfiaitely. Dla carda old method a. Write for- free ample offer and money making op portunity. Elliott Works, Dept. 2. Ie Moines, Iowa. KTKW All retailers, pleasant.-, per manent, profitable, good Income re peats. Commissions daily. I0 week ly ' guarantee. SiJndld opportunity. rpecUlty drawer 18, Cedar Rapids, own.. i RALESMAN For old established trillion dollar company. Bairn 4.000 f 19,000 a year easy. Sell complete line money-back guaranteed paint, varnish, roofing direct to home own ers, farmers, business Woeka, Indus trial plants, railroads at 40 saving, c long easy terms. Exp. imnec. Per manent position. Protected territory. l;l sample rae KKKK. Adams Ialmt . Co.. 1906 W 80U. Dept. B-J. Cleveland. O. TALIjORINQ SALdiSiTEN tired t hit and run propositions, sell i ail wool beautifully tailored line at two etuits for SJ9.75. Unbeatable values. Kepeats assured. Biggest coram ls lons In quality field to $18.50 each order. Large outfit free. Only produ cers write fully first letter. JUILX TAILORS, 63W 22nd. New Tork. ULri.rLruiru"u"iriry,",--i- ii - "- - We i want , representative to ; sell flualltr line of advertising leather good, ! art and buslnes calendars, algn and novelties. Every firm a prospect Protected territory. Liberal commlasion. Weekly advance against earnings. Increase your income this rear. Writ us fully giving exper nce, . references, age. etc The Meeker Co., Xnc JopUn. Mo. SITUATIONS WANTED N1Tt rm norm Mn. TV! . t 7 VT. FOR SALE Miscellaneous lt eloc washer. Like new. Very rotiabw Pee Mr. F.llla Hallk Elec tric Co, or Tel. 1391 J evenings. New full automatic WestlnghouM eWtHe range. Easy terma TeL ITSfiWl. . i FOR HALK FuroUMnga of an room house uitb!e for board and room. I bed rooms. Close In. Bargain for few days only $900. KB Mrs. ElHs with LKO N. CHILDS CO., Realtor $50 Stat Street TeL HIT Furniture for sale, CtO S. 12th; Gooseberry ctittifira. Toi. (IPS. ApiIM 4to and up. 7L llFli, FOR BALK 8 ms 11 alxed canary brooding care. In excellent condl tion. pay II for cage and get pure twed female canary Ire. Inquire Boa Its, Statesman. m Apni, I0 gad JOo box. TeL Ts" 1 X tX)H flAUat haftlna. mUltva. han erm. oiatsssnan ruoiistung vo. MAMSASSMMWMAMVVMMAMMMMMI tTIR BALE Old namtrs lee a faun vie . aniwmu ouic. Type writer a all make, new aad t'sed. Adder and typewriters torrent Typewriter: Exchange, 4S1 Court i Bt. Many ahruh and trees. Reasonable. ueorge Bcurelber. 20 Neb. are. -Clover bar. TeL 11F2X. WWMSVWVSIVVWWIMV i lUldsrln. Northern Bdv annles tOe. Rhode Island Red. Barred Hock pul lets fl.ts. Barred Rook cockerels, I IS. Mrs. JT. U, Wright. ml. on Wallace Road. rod BALK Worm free 6nlts eook fee BTwaea to a sack. Brine Back. R. U Meyer, t mi. EL, ut Center treet. r , IS fl OS 26c , - 1 ... . ss sr mm m w w aa, a s a a a - er TILLIE, THE TOILER. I i -And inav no lyreami ! a yMM v cr Twig xewv OYJirvrrm voca naac vs votlH 1 PlNr5T , wMPlir flWTiJm ir ytrvi,!'! f$Jjy v , V x j2k ZZ ' Ajo-Tvcf gJH tnexooo fAuso J abub to ' ji tv W ANTE D Miscellaneous ' 'mi' WANTicJ-tJaed Dtanos. ta ( chunge n rnrtoe, phoaecrsphs, or fur nlture. II. u BUtt Furniture Company. FOR RENT ROOMS fiWMn reotna. Close in t modern. 40 Mill atreeL t warm alphnar rooms, to Chema- keta. Tel. tlltw. ROOM and BOARD Steam heated raomt with hoerd. Hot and raid water. TeL IStTR. PLEASANT rest -hente for aemt-ln-vallda or elaerlr aanona i Bet of care and -food, box til, Btatea- man. . i BXCTXUCNT board and cheerful rnom in 1M-Ivnte home. Od RENT APARTSiENTS Heat apt. rlvnte bath. 41S Marlon. Nico front apt. (St Center.! S room newly furniahod apt, over stuffed furniture, lUthts, water fcpd garage free. Adults only. v 1 Aio 1 oom ftirnlsHed Apt., with ev ery thtnr furnished. 4S IX vision. - S room farntshed apt. $1.7S week. Oarese.ll OeJb Phone IOCS. Aot 411 -"alarton. Ibarra llvina room, bed davenport, bedroom, bath, I kitrhen, lec rang. Closets. BeparateT furnace Pleeping; room and 1 apt. and very ' pleasant. tJSM. Cheep Fundshed apt. with bed linen, cooking n(la. Rent by day, week, month. Uarage Included. Call at 1461 State. WELL, feralfbod rooms and aDts. for rent at 1141 Haaet Ave. TeL taiw. t room and kitrhenetts, furnished : water, llghis. phone. Close la. Adulta $1$. ill MU1 street. FOR RBNT Btrlotly modern rxm spt ?lose In. Tt, f SRI. FOR RENT HOUSES easeaasrfMsMMisMeah TOR ltRNT Itauaea an4 : flam. 112 1S6S Tew. 114 SSI B. Com L 1S ( room with garage and fire place West Salem. IZO 27 Rich- mend, I rooms. $J5 151 Ieslle. I rooms, fusaare and iraraae. Its 574 N. 13th. rooms. tS 66 Ferry, t room flat. ISS 7S0 Uarlon. s room flat. $40 108 N. Bemroer. a rooms. z batiia. rs zii a. tJUurcu sbo v. nic horn outsld limit south. room a we have also 18 furnished nousca. rent from 111 to 6&. BECKS g: HENDRICKS 119 N. Ilieh Street TeL 1L FOR ILK NT C room house, large rooms, modern except fireplace, large lot with frott. donlile Karage. located 1495 N. Commercial street. sra.VO per; month, . Immediate possession. I, ex. Stiffler. Tel. 60 or call nt 1710 N. 17th St. erailni, It Interested. HOUSES HOUSES HOUSES Larrost list $10 to SIC. Furnished from i te . hkh. $41 State Street Room 4. FOR RKNT Bungalow in view court on Mtllr St. All nicely fur nished, f Jt.o a tnontu. Telephone ' 224 Z24 North High FOR RENT A s-room modern house. ft Liberty frtreet. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR HKNT Houses rurmalhed and Dnrurnlsiied. F, I WOOD 1 Btnte fti-ect 1 FOR RENT II acrea near Salem. room house. torn and cMJre howsea. Tel. 859JL FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE Fatrmount Hill reel- dene with wonderful view. Built for home by owner. A. J. RAHN, lbie Falrmouaf Htreet.. Ihone 1IT. 220 Suto Street TeL 1727. FOR SALE Two room houa 8600. Three room houa f(S0. Four room neuse, pared ( ; street. North-Saleea 9lu. i New bunjnrtow east Balem. iisoo. Easy term. r. Ij. vtui 841 Stat Wtreet MMWMWMWMMWWeeeeeeeAse CITY MAN'S FARM (I acre. Malily Improved, ori par; ment, near town and It R., modern building, wtll trad for modem bom in saieui. fiTART FIOURINO $-8 room apartments, semi modern. partly furnished. Also room house ana s lot to traa ior mamu gooa farm. , 1 TBI rlC "TR A.RO AfN i- CXond S room house. jcrl Of rrvoud. win trad for room dwell ing in city. LAFLAR ft MYERS Ladd anil Bush Bank Bldg. MwwsvwWweswewMS Out on the SllrertM road S miles w hav 9 good seres with room niaataireal boose and other building a good buy $4000 aad some trade. " . a bewatiftrl bom and an acre at th dg of Halem lor o or una for a small farm. i i Wi have f aroeery tore tn or do to Salem why work when you can sell groceries. -1T w can ra yoa a cwi '"T".'"1 a poor equity in a ptisiness ouirauw. A beautiful boma Close on Portland A bp Isnrllil 8 room modern I bouse nearly wew-hist nlcvly broken In cost 4t will take and term. iMrii jfid tt i cr ga FicnnmiiLuii 100-18 U. & Bank Bldg. - TsL Hi. Small twry tx and nxtur for sal at a oargmui vrvum, " Small apartment house propoeitlon. Inoom $82. rent IJt. Prlc ?. I pump, lis, I greaae, cash register, m ltt I 1 A. ctoae to atn. S rm. boa fruit trea$S0. 4 rm. (armisttAd bouse on acreag 8 4 rm. house, $-4 A. ground, fruit tree I good well, close to mil em, six, 1 X. W. ULRICH COMPANT '. ' wnrm mm s-V rl FOR SALE Real Estato BUY A HOM -4-NO TIME Id KM THH PRESENT llOf.oo down. HaL IZO.tl per m. uooa it nouae, mastered ee tnent foundation, fireplace, bath and toilet ami electrlo light. Uarage and , atreet pavd , and Paid, ltlc only $lf00.0. MOO.OO Down. BaL Ma.l per month. iTice iissw.ss. room pistra house. All retlniahed Inside. $ nlc bedrooms, built tn kitchen, basement and furnace. Large lot. On caved street, close to school. 8EB BEARS TUCKER.4, Reaitora 184 (South Commercial - EXTRA SPECIAL West Salem house and 2 lots val ued 14SO0; offered for 3509 for few day Accept eom trad, u LEU IS. ClilUUa tSU., eaitors $10 istat Street TeL 1727. sasSsaaassalsaa i OUR BEST BUT If! Tou Are Looking For House Bar gain to iJuy, eee xni B rrwnn house with TilamblntT. leo- trio lights, fine large lot, chotoe fruit trees. Prtoe $2S with paving extra. With little work you can mak this bom worth double your Investment, ! i lko . cttL4J9 w. Keaitor $20 Stat Street- TeL 1727 $11800. For a nice bungalow. I rooms. nook, oatn, garage ana pavin:. Wtll t&ke closed car a first lavmrnL i f 1000. For a S room hou at 1S!4 N. ! 4 th St Fin lot and paving pd. $150. An English stjle liome, living It,' ommg is., a Dearooms, esse, meet, furnace and fire place. 'KTssv terms. $1000. 7 room home, modern In ev ery way except, iirepiaco, isrn lot and good location. $250 down or wUl trad for gmaUer home. t r Money to Loan. J Fire ft Auto In. - ii MKLVIPT JOHNSON 330 TJ. 8. Nat l Bank. Bldg. TeL $7. IA. 8 room houee, barn, electric light, some timber- and pasture, fine soil, m m north of Salem. SI Tarns. A. 6 room plastered house, good condition, nam, garage, oa pav ed road, close to Salem, S3S00. $100. down, $25 per month. A. (0 A. cleared. 20 A. In cultiva tion, rt In timber and pasture. Creek, thrve springs In yard. rvm ceiled house, barn. $i000. Will Ink! small acreaae. 80 ii. A. B room celled house., two good uarna, uni wen wiw vuus. awu. Oil, fenced Wltn woven wire, on a rood crave! road. IT10 ssuvo. Will take property In Salem to : f ivoo, or kiiuui acreage. Money to loan. Insurance. Ii MKLVIN JOHNSON . , . $10 TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. TeL $$7. LABORINO MAN'S CHANCE if To Own III Own Homw Sfo down payments, only $20t per month Including Interest, buy a. R. house, large lot. it ice sisuu. 2 ROOM HOUSE S100 Beautiful lot N. 17th. 100 down. $10 month. , -OOIJ E R. COTTAOB $145 Near Kay Woolen MiUa $50 down. Best buys In home in city. -.1 5 R. HOUSE $1650. With mod furniture. Ideal loca tlon. small payment down. A real buv. Located m South Salem. Best Buys in Improved Acreage Farms, some stocked and equipped. SEE BECHTEL or THOMASON I4U Btate ts treet i nuoo . i 4 Autos at Tour Service "uUT.nj"uruu.J- if ..... BUT NOW 7IOMW BARGAINS $1600. Good four room plastered liouse Wltn two oea rooms, in good repair, plastered, electricity, nlumblne-. oared t Only $100. cash. 8-0 per month to Include Interest. tit!7E. Nat three room bungalow with narawooo iioors, near kdoui mi bus. Docated in west Haiem. $400 cash. biil. $20. per mo, to ( Include interest. iiafco. iiuvs a. aood sic room horn. located at aim bl, paveu ot. $2i0. Buys a late built 4 room mod ern noma on in. ro . State, has cement basement, fur nace. A UtLl DUI CMil, haL terma. II 000. One half cash, buy a modern rive room nonie wiui w ran rooms, hardarood floor, flre- niane. nook, full cement basement furnace, dowble garage, paved t 75x110 lot A REAL 8ACKJ.. FTCE. located at 265 8. 2 let St REAL ESTATE ft FIRE INSURANCE NOW i THB T1MJB 1U BUI. iW. H. GRABENHORST -ft.CO, RKALTORS 124 & Liberty St Tl. I. EXCHANGE Real Estate SjsJMssafceaWataifcagVeaJM FOR SALE OR TRADE ft acres with 8 room houa, city watr, eiep- trlei lights, grapes, ovner iruic f 00.11118$ Fsrry St i i f TWO GOOD TRi 4! room bungalow In, TRADES rood rauey town A-l condition. 8 large lot of ri.. anil RhiAii trea rarasra. wood shed. Rented for $13 J trade or eelL Good terms. It A: fin andy loam. 8 A. straw- berties 8 A. siraita, room nous. falfl Urn. IE tons hSV. all tools 7 bead dairy stock. Want to trad Cor to I A. near eaiem. FOR SALE Th latest word la fully modern 8 room home, I Just be ing finished. Beautifvl tiled kitchen, haritwnrui floors. cross ventilation. canrjot tell you all so com la and w will show you tins PrPe"fi, . Masonic Bldg. TL 809, wMWwwwwsASwese Inn. houa In Eugene near uni versity to trade ior noma tn aii hiuw snksn t irm. houa and 8 lota la nearby town to trad for. Salem or, Beattl property - -. . . m ia every way, 86600 t trad for raodera auburbaa home. , WXXNTB PETTTJOim. Raaltar i 178 South High Street rtrunnnorM-r-ioi'viiM",-,-i -i- " " . sv-in axcHANaB i B. houe ihnu lAta la Oreroo City. Bom fruit running water, good location, prlc $1I5.0. Aiso SO-acre unlrp proved river bottom land. 18 ml. S. of Salens. Oood soil, fin location, 16 cord of standing timber. Price $160.001 trad bothl for man rarm or city property. i BEE tGAK8 ! TUtMlM J 184 South Commercial Street mjutRjuuiAivrri'i n, -i-i - -r - -irii 1 RTPHANOIQ 8 room modera houa nicely looa td lAlso 18 acr tract brining good Income. Valu af both 112.008. Own r wanU good diversified farm up ta llt.te. i Atirfrmv.lt. ONB i I room modern borne, well butit Pilo 8668. Clear. Trad for axnall tract near Salem. , 8 EE Mr. EIH with J Trc-k vi ruiinn en. SesJtor XI Ktate Street Tel. usi. EXCHANGE Real EaUto aswweiiVKwwwvwM L 40 A. FARM 5B0- 1 xocatea easi or Hajesa near arratuaa. I A. cultivated lead: 1 timber and pasture. T H. house, ba ra, garage. -4 ACRES qv FIN IS TIMOK1V $1000. Only $ mUM from sin ssrada tar tinnsl II A. ia Jtarney county $00. Trade ior valley farm. I A. RICH 'BOTTOM LAMD ft M0. Most Ideea for gardsa. SroaQ R. house, earasra and bara. only I mi. -from Bales on paved road, lias electristy. Take car a part pay TRAD IB StKS liOMJS On Court St. for smlmprov! or-. age for equity, if you don t o what yo want ask ui. UitCHTML OT TUOJXASOW ' $11 Stat treet Room 4. M!m : mndeni K tmnaralow at Longview, Wash to ex. for. Baleen residence. s A. farm near town aiL in cult. Prlc $4100 lor acreag. . - A., farm ail ia cute, oiaas irwu $460 j take residence to .9360. 160 A. Dakota (arm, $&M clear to gxcliang for acreag or farm, PKHKINB HAKHTKHS til JusfW CfMirt TtutH'ntr FOR SALE FARMS BEST FARM BUYS CO-Acres good T R. house, largs barn. garage and new poultry nous. All good . dark soli, and all tn cultivation, all fenced. Sacrlfioed sale. $6600.00. $1(00.00 down, Knf. SJtK-ir. 119-Acces. Most all river bottomland. i good I K, house. Large dairy i barn, laras poultry house. Run ning water. Tbi la good alfalfa land, uood location, prtce reduced to 1100.00. This la a rood boy. Would consider a bora la Salem tip to two. 00 la trad. lSI-Acres, 100-A. in cultivation, good land and location Etna. muss f mm tie lorn, i R. house, barn and garage. Fenced and cross fenced. woven, wire. Trade roc wry prop rty price $40.0tt. A bargain, SEE S RAILS TUCKKR 184 South Oommercial 8treet 100 acres, 1B9 cultivated, creek and spring, variety orchard, woven wtr fence, 8 room bouse, 1$ head rattle, horses.' farm machinery. IW rat from good twn, and all for- $t00 pr acre, JS0O federal loan, $H. Tk uouse in tuiem tor part Tl arres near IndAoendence. good houa and bar, meat all In cultiva tion, 14 aore In clover fail grain. ie,vuv, ciear, want siuauer piaoe. Want 81009 loan on 49 acres. 17 In crop, no bldg. O. J. JaekaoQ with W. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial swweeeMesiWwwwwWMMMWM Good 75 acre farm atockad aad equipped, rm location, to exchange for modern nous in Baiem. II. a SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 1784, SACRIFICE-a arood 8 acre farm. Excellent buildings. Accept part trade, tout terms on balance. OWN ER 615 N. Summer St 1 acres fin aolL fair 8 room house, arood well, about V In fruit. close to Salem. 8290. Small payment down. z.oo per mo. including inter est.! Owner. 230. Washington St ONE OF THB BEST FARMS Located on th 8ilvrton-8alem hljrhway. 89 acres undor plow. 25 tim ber and pasture. vatnny orcuara. House and Darn, rart now seeded to clover. Price reduced to $10,000.09. can us modern Salem residence on deaL OK RIVER, PAVED HIGH WAT North. 82 acre ail under Plow. Soma building. Prlc $6009.09 term $1000.00 cash balance term. 19 ACRES OUT NORTH Comfortabl room house, hew garag and poultry house, water system, 8 acres run hearing cnerrie. walnuts, prune and apples. 8 acrea logans, i acre- sxrawoern. nvocx and equipment and furniture. $$809, 00 See GKISER with ANDERSON RUPERT 160 South Hlsrh Street ACREAGE RANCH BARGAINS 40 acre beartasT prunes, no Indebt edness, and cash for Selena Inoom property. .. ' , - Thk acre an in cultivation. room modern houa with flrvplac. modern poultry i houa, barn, electricity, mllaa nut. 1&A. Tersaa 8T acre, t room moaern nous. mall barn, garaga, poultry howsa. running water. 14909. want Salem residence not over iiod. SOCOLOKSK.T BOM First National Bank Bldg. ACREAGE SNAPi $1710. buy i cood five acres with small hous. i barn, all cultivated, east of Sa- i lam on rood road, $109 caan, bai ! a nee $20. per mo. to Include lnt W, rt OHABENHORST (Al. 114 South Liberty Street INSTALLMENT ACREAGB f 100.00 down and balanc terms will i Uandla 28 acre located oa good ; road, some timber. acre orcn ard. nrice 81000.09. Int 4. 850.00 down will baadl 1 acre ef a. . . . a .. ... a i tin tiioert or nerry sou, au cul tivated. . Price 81250:90. Int 4 $25.00 down and 810.00- per month j buy 8 acres of ftae dark prairie olL all cultivated, close to i gohoot A ral bargain at 1 1000. 00. 1200.09 down' wlU handle J acre with some fruit and email house aad well, oloee la. Prio $1869.09. Int $. i- If you ar looking fotr a real bargain. 8EI IB W. IL GRABRNHORST ft CO. RKALTOlUf 124 South liberty Pi rest ; Business OpportunlliM Bungalow ewrt located la Port land. I neon 8679.99 per month. Prio 168,999.991 schang for Salem la- com property vn sioaii svervaae i wall tmprordi a part payment. Ford garag buslnes In good.vallsy town at mvoic prewaa ia,ev. , . 100 cloasl ta Baa DiadVA Cal, all under eulUvatloal orlc $16,000. Exehang (or camp ground oa hlgb- way. ATSter ta looaat. wiu SUnrlna atsMori and I acre on highway. Prlc $100 ; all clear. Trad tor oaiem reatosnc, or Hmai a M. HARLB I , urn .tor TeL 8248 I 824 N. High WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted ta rent modern hous tn city or ouUld by March 1st or wilt tak aooar. Nothing teas tbfa , at least year's as eonaMered. I TsL I'll, r aowress) to MONEY TO LOAN MMWSsvWMWMweeeeaeeS Sit ary Loan t p i t a d ii r vi m p r d j 8TATH LOAN OOMPANYj III Oregon BMA 8ocond Floaf Corner Jltat and High j Oft ice lir. 14:08a. m. Telephone V3,l5censed by Stat WMssMeVWMMWswwwMaaMMMM4a)ev PERSONAL LOANS 1 MADS on fnrnltuT. cars, salaries or other rood security. ! Repayable monthly, .wnen in tinanoiai aa see u bCre clolg loan. UENEKAL, int.3JMti rnn sfit a t ii is! First National Bank BldJt Phon 1108 WIS HAVE 1 ! 82500 t loao on good city property. 129 Stat Street TeL if ST isejwwwSMMMassjMjisAsaMai rtM FATtMA AND CITY REAL ES TATE. LOWEST IHTKErST BATES. BBKT T. ttitUf: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. a-jpls-asssarfsssaj CITY AND FARM loan at 4owet rate. Best terms obts'nabi. . our Inmranc department ortrars you ex port advice and service In all tin. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS 4 Inc. . TeL 1427 ' 206 Oregon Bldg. 48gstKssalas NEED MONEY QUICKLY T Cash Loan of 1 taN $20t Within 84 Hour : Small Monthly Repayment i Tou'll be urTrld how -easily a loan sn bo arranged. Our friendly and ourteou service ba helped many when they needed money qnicxiy. Come In, 'phone or write for full In formation, -j nere is no ooiigauon. . BENEFICIAL. LOAM ROCIETT tt Bllth !Udg. Tel. l-7--t Lloftnaed by th bta'. Federal Farm Loans, IH per ent L WOOD, 841 Stat Street WANTED to toaa on llv atock and nersonal nrooerty. Term to Ult rour convenience. National Loan -and Finance Co. 410 Bank of Com. Bldg. Licensed by state, MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Kerinancea Arrange to reduc your payment. Tou keep trie car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and FeriT Phon 181 - Salem, Or. LOANS WANTED WANTED Prlvat money to loan on real estate. W. 2L UltABK.3iH.UKHX k UU. RKlITTiRS 124 8. Liberty St TeL 618. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY TO TRADE SO head of goat for any kind of cattle. Tot ivsiu. aTe1ajeassseya ' Kirov Hash Ruarantec hi horse and, cowa Auction aaia aepoc isi. 2864. ' Hanson baby chicks. 813 hundred. custom hatching. bp-ls. it. a. nu field. R. . Box lis. sotting egg. Work 'horse and mule. Corns try them. 664 Ferry Street FOR SALE WOOD Waod sals on nlanar trimming. 14.00 per load. Cord wood $4.5 per inaA Is K for double load. Prompt service. Honest measure. DavU Fuel Co. TeL 8435 WSiMMVMteMSSSeSSSSSSSSSS WE hav 16 wood on hand all the rrrae. Prompt oeuvery. . . hi Cobb, ft MMcheU Co. Phon 818. rVXTU"TJLriJ"sjVsl"Bl'1 sasas,s.s.A varR SALE OR TRADE 1$ old fir $7.00 cord. TeL 18F4. DRY. all kind, any . length. TeL 17 X. isisssaeeaaasasaa Orub oak 4 ft. 81.89 IS in.. 87 50. TeL 118 I Htepnea. DRY Or and oac wood, coal and fuel OIL Call on u tor prio. w give good measura, goon quality sura SMMil sasa8 arlna LARMER TRANSFER ft STORAQH Telephone 8121 is la. end ft wood on hand at all time Alsopianer wooo. ia. Tracv'a Fuel Tarda w W - - asm. a S SSI -ouij"Lnru-ij'J-ii-i'-i-i-i i- - - - - - " UARiNTEKO DRT, Wod coat TeL 12. Salem Fuel Co. 768 Trad. 16 In. old nr. $7.88 cd. Tet 1524W. Ray Aaplawau. WOOD SAWING am-ioji r,wiini-ri-i For better wood nawlcg. TL 1228. i WANTED USED CARS 1U acre of land eloe to Sal ere to trad tor gooa tsis or v nwu uiw car. Tel. SJ1 i5Jl. Ht . Bex 64H. FOR SALeI-USED CARS Valley Motor Company Used Cars j Let 19 1 Ford or Model A if f f Lata L926 Tudor Model A VA-tZ tat frtf Bus fup I M T.. tti Rnorft CdUDS - . . . $28.99 Lata 1921 Roadster .1969 tajS-Model T Tudor ' !?!! 1928-MesT T Fordor ....-i 44.99 1124-Medel T Roadtr I 1924-Modal T Touring -.. ln trade 80 lt- erL Chevrolet truck 49$.0 t98-MOdet A truck. Closed ; body. Dual tire and license -646.00 Valley Motor Company TJenter at; XJhortr TL II IS FOR 8ALE U3ED CARS iAAssMeMssvwWMWwwMMswsiMMArsl Certified and Guaranteed as Represented 1 19!9-TIudaoa 8td, .Sedan W tlrs aad many other extra 1920-Eaex Bualne Coupe only run a piy urs nw car rric and guarant sis.ws lltt-atto4baker Oommai4r 04Klan TtmnhTmUY mm n . ini j iii in ii r i , , 1921-Bolck Btd, Six Bedan. Original prtct ........ . , ltlKDodg Victory Big Sedan rcflnlshed new lx ply tire car 1 ai m a very respect , - l989Wblppet Six Sedan. New 1 ply goea usia ana out - 192t-Ug Coach an xtra good on: t926-Dodgv Sedan, leather upholstered i$2$-Hudson Coach new paint overhauled from stem to atera tS9.0l 4918-Ptndebaker Sid! Si Sedan w needed - Many Other to Choose From. STATE MOTORS, INC. HUDSON-ESSEX Highland Cbemeketa. Open Evenings and Sunday. VICK TRACTOR CO. 515 S. Commercial St M.l. m-A rA new! ruiusuu nawtvia GinA - f 1.. j - t 4 UQOQ liSea jrOrpSOIlS $150 and $295 TJ rt -X vvg aaII 1 ViCWHUC, illUUSI Wrsro 55(1 j - m a i m W as 11 2 and 3-BottOtn f v -rv.a.wB Oliver Piovvs, $50, $75 New and Used Disc 6 1 Harrdws, $50 and U6 , K Almost iNew Amsco Tractor Drill, $100 : i.i !.-. i . See Us for Farm Tools Trucks for Sale Lowest prices on used truck vr Exioaiient bauiing equipment as low as $100.00. 4-soeeds long frame heavy duty tire.; i x Uova fast IE you want nrst cuoic. I Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 222 Center Street TL I$98. w..y.y,w Ford, and Buick Used Car Lot . . . . i tut tt 1916" -Butck encioourtEi itT 1S2S Rnk-k Anrloaad Roadster 86.0 MM - iaaa "gaea mile 226.00 1987 Chryaler SO Coach 1928 Chevrolet Coupe lis. 1027 Chevrolet Coach 226.09 i 186.00 450.09 1926 Chevrolet Sedan 1829 Dodg 8 Standard Coup is rmln Tnurlmr 100.9 198 uodg Htanoara tjoup t. 1928 Dodg 4 Touring - 104.00 1928 Dodg 4 Coup ., ., - .76.00 191 Model A Ford" Coupe . 818. 119 Model A Ford Coach 426.00 1B Mwtl A Ford Coach . 876.00 1928 Model A Ford 8pt Coup $26.09 ist Mndal A Ford Tourins: 886.P9 191 Model A Ford, truca . 19!9Model A Ford truck . 4. 192$ Model T Ford Coup 15.0 lilt (odel T Ford Touring 76.99 1918 Model T Ford Koaoawr 2vj istc MnAal T Vord Coach 86.09 19Z6 Model T rxtra Koaascer - 1914 Model T Ford Roadster . 86.0 1914 Model T Ford Touring . f 94 1818 Itupmobll Coup . 0-99 192$ Hupmobll i Roadster 200.99 1927 Oldsmohll Coach Ht Si 1987 Hditlana uoacu 198T Star Coach ., !!!? 1924 Star 4 l'ouring , ifM 1924 Pttid.baVer Touring . 96.00 1917 Willy xv. s ttoaoster 1924 Willy K. 4 Touring 96.09 1928 Willy It 4 Roadster 96.08 a wvi.a a AaaKi' 86. 1928 Whippet 4 Coup 864.99, Salem Used Car Center North end of Ford Agency. - i i Telepnone ie.. w iMinri.n.ruirir WILLYS MOTORS, Inc. 515 S. Commercial St. Willyi-knlght Six Sedan . . $500 W uiyw s iviiiiiv i rw 4 Sedan. . . .( . 150 New Wlllyf 6 So- dan 575 1930 Plymouth Sport Couoe . 475 New Wiilyi 1 1-3 ! Ton Truck. . .900 1926 Chev. Truck 125 1927 Chev. Sedan .275 1924 Jewett Coach 125 FOR SALE USED CARS seeewwMyvwMWwwwe thorougldy Overhauled trunk I72S.09 few thousand mile 4 nsw alg cw gatnt and ttr A-i m u JM i th i n i n - -1 .Hiniml.iimi.) is finish xtra good mechanically ' - -- :- - - .-- sis.w iUr-rrKrl Keen trunk finish ,., ..i ' i n ' i I,. .,,.i i nr V iUreo and paint overhauled as ...... i ", STCDEBAKER Tclebou 1909. McKay's for Used Cars With an O. K. HP Las m 4bV V 4- ,i . vim 6,9 1,19 2 1 Cher. Coach, new tires. l .. . , - . . v . . . I feci . sow.wv 1S Whippet 4 door sedan. 1; first ciaa aiuip mrougn- k - . gg t,5 0 ! car . . 450.00 !ltS Model A Tudor . i.0 Model A Ford Roadster, $50.00 1 1128 Model a Fora wport coup j run only 9000 mile ....J $45.00 1 JI.ea .a.A Am ,4. 4 I . IK A A i uaiii lfiir' t a,vMvm.i hi siw.ww 11929 Cl4r. Sedan., new ply ir n.rfwl alia na 412.00 l'"J$ZX ovcJ i$$.o9 192 ChevroUt Coach, look I . . ri9y8rdmobiuran-T I lk ra- -i U..aa f: All h lodel a-Fori Towiir!g Iisioo I 1010 Chevrolet Coacli, run T . very utue 2980 Chevrolet, wire i i lot of equipment ! nw i, , : wheels, almost i 559.09 Douglas McKay Chev. Co. I 332 Qonter Ptreet Tel. 102 CHS FIRES : LACKING IN STATE That tha poopla ot Oregon aro 1 ractln aDDreciatlvely tO th ed- I ,catlonal appeaig for tha exerclsa Of care and thoug htlulnes in tne nreoarationa tor and ceie-oraiion of tha Chrlfitma holiday leason H nuratra uj ovwhta mw -' Clar. A. Lo who report, ag ra 1 Salt ot th'1930 gtatewld CtH Pln against fir and ccldont 1 hazards, "not a single tJhristmas I holiday fire nor casualty. In Ora gon in 1938. j Prior to 1929 the record of Gross - Word Puzzle Or EUGENE SUEFFEK -i .i mCi"VU"li''WAt iv la h oWA 21 22 23 3 3 3T IT" " 303l ma 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 y v. iaaBtBSSsanBaSBBBBBSBBBBBSSSBBBBBBBBBBBSBBSBSBBSSeSBBSBSBBBBBBBBBB HORIZONTAL X goU ' ' cnaa'a f estaU aUrallk gkltom tTaiieot Burlaa aaimalg . 14 -oa spot i en playingT I cardg to Mrt of tisa i foot (pi) 19 mar IT la Uw. tita i thixiy ... . tS-Wofta : ' I Amarieaa : i. rails S9 oisd ' -I ' witsttlia ! teeth 40 Latin , conJun : - i tiea 41 atreet I i tvchiit 41 maU " 11 sat bed l-beat 14 a tha tof 1 place ef popnlar 8U6Beznblf . !1T-xLs . IS boy's coin er guns of If. copgaal , frtmTiaw' tJ-lAIXt.. - moner IJ fliTtrt ef spesck $aiutui ixahaslbS tJ(!smUtad narewtta la tie solutiom te Sat taTday's pujrjda. tVKsV. aacestral nlritf wo .ii sir" a T Nit o vc Jmh. lpflnTV ITCTITI ITC UUUI.II IUJIIIUIL , Plf S FOBIMO Place and date for! tha three ocal Institute for Marlon county school teachers were set yesterday at a meeting of the executive com mltte ot the Marlon county dl Tlslon, O. 8. T, A., held on call ot Snpt. Mar L- Fulkerson. The first Institute will b hell Saturday, February 1, at Bllver ton: the next Saturday, March 7, -In 'VVoodburn: l d thai last on Saturday, April 11, at SUyion. At all these Institute,! a special study will be made of the Oregoa education plans leatar-d by. ta state teachers' association. '"It. W. Ta?enher of j Salem Is president of the group that met yesterday; II. E, Tobie oc utay ton Is vioe-preeldent; Mrs. Jean Pearcr. teacher at Turner, Is sec retary. Other members on the ex ecutive committee are: Supt. V. D Bain of Woodbnrn, BupL Robert Goets of Silrerton and Miss Car lotta Crowley, elementary super visor in the Salem schools. Plans tot the institute programs hare not been, completed. Rapid Prpgreks v- I . &emg maae on Church Building ' 1 1 J ' "; The entire Sunday actool aud itorlum ot the First Evangelical church, going up at Summer and Marlon streets, will be plastered by neit Wednesdar. It ,as said yesterday. The upstairs ot tha auditorium and much et th low er part has alrc-adr been - Com pleted. 'I ' - I - One of the furnaces, th larr- er one, Las been Installed and Id already In use. i 1 Rot. A. P. I.avtoni Pastor, aatd yesterday date for tb dedicatory services naa noii oeen aei, how ever it Is hoped the ennrca may be dedicated before th state convention here In prlli. 1 ', rnletlda fire losses and Injury ta nd death of persons, mostly In nocent children, 1 1 was appalling-. and the season of 1928 brought the death of three young girl stu dent and tn destruction of over $100,000 In property Talues. i Ia lili there were no tJrea ani but two minor casualties report ed and la 1920. 1 none. iMrv Le credits these gratifying; results to the originality of campaign and methods, tha T cooperative activi ties ot the tire chiefs, firemen and the press and tbie wholesome re sponse on the part of the people. JfOTICK I Notice Is hereby glf en that th annual stockholders meet ing of th Tha. Kay j Woolen Mill Co. will be held at their of fice in Salem, Ore., Jan. 20 th, 1931, at 8:20 A M. I lC It. PICKENS, fiee, J14-1C-17-1I j ) 4l evarjeyed 4T walking aUcki IS rsntured VERTICAL 1 space bo tween two . trlgirpna -minute particle t pinch 4 correlaUTa of ciUusr 8purifla f fecla eoa : ; cera T bturdesi : . S bordav part ef "to 13-tllV 11 mouat at which a 1 person Is ' rated wllli rrrence ' to assess ment 11 ina&ct nan I 14 poetle farm If detest! JO an co vers 1Z -msscnllna I persons zS Tegendar ; Klac 15 openings 4 m wmii set entrance it pereelvee by toocis H .. re moved dirt t9 fernsle of I , the horse kind PL 19 pertaining te lnpff8.f tl Persian fairy 12 prepare. - for xz'.Jl eailoa ti 4ored te rrjrtsl-f i-1.tr I . Mfoda tS Eomaa i rod 9t wsflf tU eeclegb. tical r7T ' gfntaUrat - v. aU ethera ! L . OYrT8f " ' i S riaU . , ! n?T4. , l-HUaiiei i - aicess 1S5 -residence 1 , 18 tranr-?; ; - tloa ; 11 mon.l 41 alcohoir i i drink 42 soil !, ' -(44 parent 48 not of TTTFTAl UA1DT E L th mtulcs c&le S,WHW iU, Sua tw. aaMae, aaal