The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1931, Page 12, Image 12

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. r ; ! f -
Jv J. Thompson of Pratum
Wins National Recog
; : nition ' ,:-
PRATUM. Jan. 17. An in
teresting story appeared la 'The
American Sheep Breeder" recent
ly regarding the American; Royal
; Exposition, held, at Kansas City,
Mo.. In 1930. The story la written
. by R. E. Richards.. Portage. Wis.
? In - writing , about' the Shrop
shire show at the Royal Exposi
tion he refers several times to J
. J. Thompson, who lives at short
.' distance east of Pratum. Mr. Rich.
ards writes aspllows: v7l
The Shropshire' show was .the
liar rest of the mutton breeds. iz
- exhibitors ."making the show . and.
; Very good sheep were far. down the
-line, the duality being so gooa. j.
"Jr Thomnion's flock of Oregon
shown by A. M. Hubbard, and the
McKerrow flock carried away the
' lion's share of the leading awards,
but were closely pressed by others
all the wsy. : Thompson's 1 thick;
' well fleshed ram headed the aged
class, while McKerrow's topped
the yearling class; Thompson com
ing back to stand one and two on
ram lambs. The agea ram. one 10
his thickness and Arm fleshing.
won the purple. . ;. .
The yearling ewe class brought
out the real' tops I of the breed.
with Thompson heading the class
with a sweet, low-set ewe in
wonderful bloom; closely followed
by the Carl Schaffner and Son s
ewe. nerhans a trifle better In the
head, but not as good over the
. shoulders or in rear quarters. Mc
Kerrow stood In third and fourtn
with a pair of ewes good enough
to - top moat shows. McKerrow
won the ewe lamb class with a
thick lamb which handled ex
tremely well, Thompson taking
second, third and fourth. Thejyear
lingllng ewe won. the purple iread
lly Thompson's Terr unlformi
pens of three rams and j ewe
lambs easily headed those classes.
McKerrow's i winning the pen of
three yearling ewes and flock.
Thompson was unable to show &
flock, lacking a second yearling
goodly number of men Interested
in bog-raising attended the sec
ond hog meeting held at the
schoolhouse Thursday eyenlng.
These meetings are under the
supervision of Prof. Burr L.
Young, Smith-Hughes Instructor
In the Dayton high school.
A. N. Doerfler a prominent; hog
grower from SUverton, gave a
very Interesting- talk concerning
his experiences In this business In
which he has been yery success
ful. He advocates yery highly the
small portable hog houses" that
may be moved from field to field.
He believes in lots of range for
his .hogs and by using these port
able houses wbicb are on run
ners, the changing from one field
to another Is much easier.
The main topic for discussion
was the problem of sanitation.
With the. large range and port
able hog houses Mr. Doerfler
finds the sanitation problem
much easier solved. Many! im
portant and 1 useful ideas and
methods were discussed -and! - all
attending felt well paid for; the
time spent. These meetings-are
held every Thursday evening; and
are open to all interested in the
1. 0.0. F.LODGE
MONMOUTH, Jan. 17 -- Model
Encampment. I. O. Q. F. held In
stallation Tuesday evening, with
District Deputy Grand Patriarch
Claude Boothby officiating. Offi
cers were installed as follows: C.
P., L. V. Seeley; H. P., W. J.
Stockholm; S. W.,' Harrison
Brandt; J. W., F. B. Powell;
Scribe, Paul Tacheron; treasurer,
Ed Rogers; guide, E. M. Llchty;
first W-. J. R. Koser; second W.,
I. W. Godall; third W., C. OJ Al
len; fourth W.. G. M. Partridge i
I. S.. Charles Bowman; O. Si. J.
M. Cookej G. of T., J. L. Mur
dock; G. of T., c. J. Stanton. r -
A social evening .of cards and
dancing followed the business
session, with refreshments as . a
final feature. : ;
LIBERTY, -J Jan. 17 A j f ull
house greeted the presentation
of the play "Bashful Mr. Bobbs"
which was given Friday evening
at the Liberty ha.lL The cast con
sisted of Mrs. r Emily VanSanteen,
Mrs. Jessie . $talna. Mrs. E, A.
Free, Orpha May . Dasch. . Vt rda
Rains.. Mrs: Foster. Mrs.- Joba
Keubler, . Bill . Free. .John. KeuV
lr, - Bill Berndt and LeOaad
Scott. The play was directed by
Mrs. Ted Gordon assisted by
airs, ciarcnce staey and Mrs.
Ray Cleveland. L i i
Music for the evening was fur
nished by the Rambler orchestra
of . Salem and Miss Helen Ben-
ner, Mr. Jepaon and Mrs. Sklv
Is i representing the Crescendo
club of the Salem senior high
scaooir . r :
4 K
I- ; -
PRATUM. Jan. 17 The! La
dies Aid of the M. E. church will
meet in the church basement all
day Thursday, January 22, for
xne purpose oi Quilting and; bar
lag a social time.' .
I 4 - . ,
O 1 I! 1 1 "
f- ' . - !
1 Aviators who' disocvescct -
An anonymous letter, followed I time
v by, fast police work, solved the
murder ef ' Stephen Sweeney,
New York gng leader, ' whose
riddled body was found recently
by aviators on the Long Island
Motor Parkway. At the same
23 Clubs at Work Irx Dis
trict and ail Busy is
MT. ANGEL, Jan. 17 The Mt.
Angel schools boast 17 4-H clubs
under the leadership of . Miss
Theresa Dehler of school district
91, Miss Juanita Johnston, R. N.,
health nurse for the district, and
14 students of Mt. Angel Normal
school, who work under Miss
Dehler's supervision.
At a leaders' meeting held in
October, William W. Fox, county
club agent, explained the pur
pose, . organization, and proce
dure of the 4-H clubs to the nor
mal students who are taking up
this work for the first time. .
On October 30, the first meet
ings were held with 190 club
members enrolled. - Since that
time meetings have been con
ducted on alternate Fridays.
The student teachers feel
that they are receiving valuable
training and are doing the Work
voluntarily in order to gain the
experience, It gives them.
Those carrying on the work
are Misses Carola May, Mt. An
gel; division I sewing; Rosemarie
Cam pan, , Woodburn, division I
sewing; - Geraldine Fry, Scotts
Mills, hand work; Maxlne Tuor,
West Linn, hand work;. Clara
Koch, Woodburn. division I sew
ing; Elsie Vostral, Scappoose, di
vision I sewing; Olive A. Man
ning, Gervais, hand work; Jean-
etta Luper, Woodburn, division
I. cookery; Theresa Syota, Glen
den Beach, health; Claudia Has-
slng, Mt. Angel, camp cookery;
Dora Syota, Glenden Beach.
health; Florence Walker, Mt.
Angel, hand work; Betty Hens-
cheid, Rupert, Idaho, health:
and Mary F. Gassman, Albany,
hand work.
Word has been received in ML
Angel that H. C. Seymour.' state
club leader, will meet the 4-H
club leaders and members on
January 28. He will be accom
panied by William W. Fox, and
other state officials.
It Is expected that nearly 200
members will be present.
Plans have been made to or
. ; r -.
Planned for- YouWritten for
In it you will
been asking: yourself , about home furnishings and $heir .
This is a part
Members cf the
Boo .SvroTE"
the police rounded up the
that has held up more thaa
sang tnat has neia up
600 stores in Greater New
Tork. Here the murder and
banditry ran? with their arma
ment, indudlnr knives, and
brass knuckles, is shown after
ganize six new 4-H clubs on Jan
uary 19, In addition to the 17
already existing. This will raise
the total number of clubs to S3.
Clubs will be carried on for
thVfDllowtng projects: rose And
flower gardening, vegetable gar
dening, canning, calf, ' poultry,
and pigs.
iOon January 15, pupils of dis
trict 91 launched a campaign for
thle selling of magazine subscrip
tions. The money raised will be used
toi send at least two - of theis
number to O. S. O.. Corvallla, to
attend the summer school ses
sion. -
TURNER, Jan. 17 Mrs. C. A.
Bear and her daughter, Mrs. R.
E.': Stewart and young son Quen
tin of Minnesota, drove to near
Corrallls Friday to the home of
an old friend, Mrs. John ' Pal
mer, who was once a resident of
Turner. A call was also made at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hall who lived at Turner for a
number of years, when Mr. Hall
was In the local creamery.
The return trip was made by
Albany in time for the mid-afternoon
program of Albany college,
when the, dedication exercises for
the new gymnasium were held.
Mrs. Bear s son WUlard. who
a student at the college, re
turned with the party for the
week end at home.
Independence Lad
Seriously Sick
Bud Horton, the eon of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Horton, is, very 111 at
the General hospital In Salem. x
About two years ago he was
stricken with infantile paralysis,
and never has been very strong
since, and now lung trouble has
developed since an attack of in
fluenza, and an operation' was
performed to relelve this trouble.
He Is one of our high sehool
students and very active '.In, all
school work. It is hoped he soon
ill recover, and be able to be
home again.
You Illustrated ior You
i the answers to manv auestfonn won ViaVe.
the free service offered to
ationd Home Furnishings
f capture bw mm& wader &ptala
I . HfXPfe Ulfht I
iTw-vLSrj ,Jo:' I
hardt. Timothy Finn, Barry Me- ,
Cormlck asd Joshua Uurray.
Captured weapons are piled ea
table. Schoenhardt and fBsnd- .
sraii LEGII
WILL nil
Program and Dancing to
Be Enjoyed : Monday
SILVERTON, Jan. 17 The
Delbert Reeves Post of the Ameri
can Legion and Its Auxiliary have
planned a delightful program for
their regular meeting night Mon
day. The members and their in
vited friends 'will enjoy a short
time of dancing following . the
- The program consists of the
fololwlng: Grand March The Le
gionnaires HalL Community or
chestra. Vocal Trio "Where is My
Bare-Foot Boy" Gertrude Es
telle Morley by Jean and Billy
Tomison and Howard Morrison
with Catherine Tomison at the
.Recitation "Baby's Bedtime"
by Dorothy Rose-Towe.
Piano Duet Erma And Howard
Cole of Salem.
Vocal solo Mrs.
Reading Paul Railing. .
Violin Duet Hal Campbell and
Irene Morley accompanied by the
'Comic Medley" by L. C. East
man, Frank Powel land Gus Herr.
Selection orchestra.
Reading Miss Ruby Down.
Song The Brush Creek Quar
tet, r ;
A Musical Sketeh-Connal Mur
ray, Ruby Erlckson and Carl
Piano Duet Irene Morley and
Hal Campbell.
Vocal Solo Mrs. W. F. Tate.
A comic sketch The Royal
Neighbor Club.
Selection Orchestra.
A Sketch from the musical
comedy "Polished Pebbles"
which is to be given by the Amer
ican Legion at the high school
auditorium January 23-24.
Concluding march "The Nation
al Emblem" Orchestra.
MONMOUTH, Jan. 17- Of fl
eers of the Golden Rule Sunday
School class of the Christian
"you by the.
Association I
-: - ;
5ncH :
i r't
Calcra, Oregon, SnndayJRIorator,
seme Harry? MeCermkk axe
eld ior nrdr . f Stephen I
zZlZZ fC. rTfr,.?11?
- Sweeney called him a yellow.
( dor? and hurt his pride. The
police net also closed in en
liargaret Jlorray, sister ef a
church were unanimously reelect
ed for the coming year, at their
annual business meeting held Fri
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
R. B. Swenson. Mrs. Marintha
Arant, president; Mrs. C. C. Tee
ter, vice president; Mrs. R. B.
Swenson and Mrs. Ira C. Powell,
secretaries; Mrs. Mary Alderson,
treasurer; and Mrs. Elra Neal, in
structor. A social j afternoon
spent in sewing followed the busi
ness session, with refreshments
served as a pleasant conclusion.
HUBBARD. January 17 T,he
Hubbard Community band of
which Dr. A. F. de Lespinasse Is
the director, held election of of
ficers the first Wednesday in Jan
nary. Clarence F. Bevens was re-j
elected president for the new
year holding - the office for the
fifth consecutive time.
Other officers named were Miss
Orva Barrett, .vice president, E.
O. Erlckson. secretary and treas
urer, Mrs. Coble deLespInasse,
corresponding secretary, and
Claud Brown, manager. Trustees
IlUnDe4r Alvin Purdue, Harvey Mesh-
oerger pna itay uerens.
Because of Its growth In mem
bership,, a new constitution and
by-laws are under construction
for the organization. !' :
. The Wednesday night of each
week about 40 members of the
ba&d gather at the band room in
the I. O. O. F. hall for rehearsal.
The St. Patrick day concert
which Is an annual event for Hub
bard is under way and an out
standing program Is being arrang
ed by the band.
SCIO. Jan. 17 The Ladles Aid
society of the Baptist church held
a special meeting "Tuesday after
noon in honor of their guest Mrs.
Anna Calavan of Sumner, Wash.
The time was spent in quilting
after which a dainty lunch was
served. ' ' .
m) ! TD) Tl U
' ff(Tlfo)frTl frAR
Jancary 18, 1931
i i
MTubeAI, JVS&EEt im&iX
member of the bandit rang, who
la held as witness in Sweeney's
n"ar: -7tty Julia Murray,
wif e ef John - Murray, realized -that
the thrill of ranr life had
lost its savor as she was placed
under arrest and confessed to
participation in 600 hoJd-ups.
SILVERTON. Jan. 17 Edith
Guthrie, Parks of Newberg will
be the Installing officer with
Almsi Grace . Palmer as her as
sistant at the installation of the
Neighbors of Woodcraft at 811
rertop Monday night. , -
Venetta Meyer and Mable Stor
He are captains of the team
which will do the floor work. Af
ter the Installation; a short pro
gram will be given which is now
being arranged by Martha Wln
chell.1 Venetta Meyer and Wynola
Ottaway. 1 Refreshments will be.
served by the committee compos
ed of Bessie Pennell, Lula Seeley
and Jessie Egan. ' . .- -I
Officers to be installed are
past guardian neighbor, Maude
Hlllman; guardian neighbor,
Lula 'Seeley; advisor, Bessie Pen
nell; I clerk. Vera Ottawa; bank
er, Wynola Ottaway; managers,
Arabelle Phelps, Mae Hlginbbth
am. May Green; magician, Ida
Pitney; attendant, Venetta Mey
er; Inner sentinel, Minnie Mul
key; outer sentinel, Maud Rose
man; captain of guards, Mable
StorlJ; flag bearer, Hazel Pratb
er; musician, Olive Ottaway,
press , correspondent, Rebecca
Metier Howe
i Laid to Rest
v : ; r, .r
. TURNER, Jan. 17 Interment
services were held late; Friday
afternoon at Twin Oak cemetery
for Motier Howe who ! passed
away; at his home at Newport,
. Mr. Howe was laid beside his
wife whose death occurred about
three years ago. Mr. Howe had
relatives and many friends at
Turner where he was in the mer
cantile business about 25 years
ago. Preceding that time his
home' was near Roseburg. ,
Detroit irires us that all
' - - I
Prices effective Iionday, January 19th i
Comeiin and 1 get the New
Program Enjoyed by Large
- Audience at - School-
Recently 1 ;
. SPRING .VALLEY, Jan. 17.
The Spring .Valley Community
club . held, its', regular. f monthly
meeting Friday, evening. January
II. at the school building. The
meeting had been postponed one
week from the original date.'.
: After tk e short business meet
$ng th0 president, S. D. Crawford,
introdnced D. Lelninger, of the
, J. C.tPenniy ccpanr store in Sa
lem, who- fcave a very, interesting
and amusing program.' la his first
act. Mr.' Lelninger .impersonated
Si" Slocum.1 county constable from
Virginia: and:, gare the ;cTpwd a
number of. mirth-proTokjUig acts
and witty! Mayings.: Fdrtae secopa
act Mr; Lin in ger gar e uve j m p er-
sonatlen of Dr. Levi Strauss giv
ing a lecture on "Married Men
Make' the Best Hssbanas."
" For the final act the crowd was
held , in i suspense . awaiting the
s S 0.0 0 0 Shooting Mystery."
James Cook, Ivan Eberly and
Claude Walling ably . assisted in
this act In another act Mr. Leln
ninger called for 11 girls and 11
boys; who readily responded and
formed a semi-circle on the stage.
Each youngster told hi name and
received a box which rattled mys
Please Stand By
I f A Minuie!
1 Important 1
.S; " ' :ey7 ' jwvmwtr : .
models greatly reduced
i ! -!--.- ' " 'i ' 1 " - "i
'::,y.:t C :r 7:r-7 1'-; y ; :
" ' ' N.. 1 ' 1 '
teriously. .When the boies were
opened they contained candy. Miss
Irene Windsor and Miss Marjorle
Walling .furnished music between
acts. :
-The Community flub voted to
admit Mr. and Mrs. Worth Henry
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barker as
honorary members j of the club
Following the program lunch was
served in the basement with Mr,
and Mrs. John Chlldera and Mr,
and Mrs. Chris Yunger In charge.
The next meeting will be Febru
ary, with Mrs. F. B. Windsor
Mrs. V. A. Stratton and -A. E. Sim
kins in charge of the program and
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smith and
Mrs. 8. S. Wilson la charge-of
the refreshments.
nUBBARD. Jan. IT " Wak
Camp Fire' Girls met t the home
of their ruardlan.-i Mis Ouhga-
den BIdgood; Friday evening.
A short bnsiness session ana
song practice was followed by a
demonstration ofl developing
films. . - '" ' '!.' .' ' '
A. treat of pop-corn and appies
was enjoyed ' while Miss Ridgood
read the continued Story, "Happy
House" from the Eterglrls maga-
sine. . 4 . i'"... ..
Girls: nresent were Anna
Knight. Dorothy MCKee, Mildred
Ott, Marjorle .Wolfer and Bea-
trice ClaypooL I