The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1931, Page 11, Image 11

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IWeamer Brings Out a Wealth of Gai
( !
.Vegetable Garden Comes in
For Share of "Atten-'W-
tion of Gardener
I Iq the early spring the
jtaoufhts of sjardeners tarn to
-regetalles quite ' M mcti as
flowers and as this pare; la pri
marily devoted to the develop
ment of the beauty of thehome
and tta surroundings a few sug
gestions are throws out in the
following remarks whjch jwill. It
Is hoped, lend a bit of Inspiration
In punning- the vegetable garden
for this spring so that It may be
a thins of: beauty as well as a
joy for the hungry folk whom it
will feed with the perfection
which only good vegetable can
The garden should be placed
as advantageously as possible
with regard to sun and good
drainage. Often as a matter, of
necessity It la at the rear of the
lot or In one corner. It ; should
have an - aproach fitting the
promise of the good things it Is
.to yield. A neat pathway; either
of well-trimmed lawn, flagstones
or crazy paving will make an ex
cellent approach. The garden
should have a distinctive bound
ary of soma kind and the gate
way will be a center of attraction
In the rear portion of the prem
ises. -Li- -y i i i
There are all manner"" of orna
mental gates both In wood and
metal to be purchased ready to
hang. A home owner with a little
skill at handling carpenter's
tools can make a handsome gate
himself. An arched gate with
clinging vines or shrubs trained
over it la one of the most Attrac
tive devices. If this can be made
Into a small arbor with a! bench
on either aide shaded by vines or
shrubbery, furnishing a j place
where the housewife, after gath
ering vegetables, may alt! down
and shell peas or snap beana. It
is an added attraction. f
But whatever form of gate J
csed, it need not be a rickety;
unsightly affair such as are too
often seen.
A pathway from the kitchen
door bordered with flowering
plants and terminating In an attractive-gate
will add much to the
Joy of vegetable gardening and
the production of first class high
quality vegetables Is one of the
most satisfying feats of garden
ing. With a good approach, at
tractive gate and good boundar
ies, the making of an ornamental
vegetable garden Is half i done.
The next point is the design of
the garden. This lends Itself to
as great a variety of treatments
as the flower garden on formal
lines, for the vegetable garden la
naturally a formal garden.! It Is
planted In straight rows, j
Many of the big estates of the
country offer object lessons that
may be well learned by the own
er of a small vegetable garden In
the way of making his vegetable
patch attractive. This la-the way
of architecture" of the garden. It
need not be expensive, and! much
of it can easily be made at home.
. i ' : " Ml. Soon to be Erected ' '.. : . !.- " -1
n. mmm mSBMSMfl MMMl .
1 ! The new Woman's
! 1 1 1 'I'll
building on the 'Albany college ctmpia as it will appear upon IU completion sornetlmt early thb Bpriaf.
. Lattices to surround the garden
or to ehut off. the most unsightly
part of it are easily made, the
lumber of the right size being on
sale at realers, or it can be cut to
any desired measurement. Lat
tices painted white and support
ing climbing roses or other vines
offer one of the finest garden
Rustic ' fences from branches
cut from forest trees which have
been felled furnish another at
tractive feature. The rustle trel
lis for grapes and on smaller scale
for tall peas, pole beana and cu
cumbers Is also extensively used.
Trellises for peas are easily and
neatly made at practically no ex
pense so that they become an at
tractive feature of the garden and
much more pleasing to the eye
than brush or chicken wire so
often used, but put up so that it
presents various bulges and curv
es Instead of being tightly stretch
ed. It Is a simple matter to frame
it attractively and to put down
firm posts so that It ! may be
stretched and not be In danger of
being dragged over by the weight
of vines, particularly after a rain.
In many of the school gardens
where tbe idea of beauty in the
vegetable garden is Inculcated, a
sun dial or bird bath is ttsed as a
central feature of the vegetable
garden. This is an excellent idea
to add ornamental qualities, and a
small bed of flowers about it will
make of it a feature that redeems
the entire vegetable garden from
commonplace appearance.
If the rear fence which bounds
the garden happens to be a plain
board affair, it can be easily trim
med up with a little lattice work
or fitted with wirea for "vines so
that by midsummer it will be an
ornamental feature of the garden
Instead of remaining unsightly
the year around.
Silveiton High
Debaters Busy
ton high school has again; revived
Interest jln a debating team
which Is being coached by Lou
Ann Chase.
The first date has been set for
January. 12 when the SOverton
(How Does Your
H Garden Grow?
I Some of you have .complained
you cannot have house plants be
cause of gas. I have been making
Inquiries concerning r this and
have been told that there are
some house plants that do not
object to gas. One of these is the
Chinese primrose which ' Is also
in exceptionally fine bloomer
nd comes in many lovely shades.
However, this primrose is not
fond of too much heat and
should rour rooms" become too
warm daring a portion of the
Jay set the plant in a cooler place
or a few hours.
The fuchsia is another quite
satisfactory house plant, although
it, too objects to too much heat,
n fact, the fuchsia is more parti
cular about this than is the prim
lose, seldom will a fuchsia do
well in a room of a temperature
above 70 degrees. January is a
good time to make your fuchsia
puttings from your old plants.
Make them two or three Joints
long. They root in water or sand
and should be potted in a compar
atively rich compost as aoon aa
tooted. When they start to grow
!;eep the tips pinched off to
nsure bushy plants.
Early January is a good time
o start your bulbs for ; indoor
prlng blooms. If yon grow the
aper-white narcissi or the hya-
lnth in water bowls, ft is well to
:eep tbe bowl in a dark: place un
til the bulbs are rooted. Place the
bulbs so that they come uh to tht
Sater level and place sufficient
ibblea-or clam shells to hold the
ftulbs firm in the container.
negative team goes to Salem and
the Stayton affirmative comet to
Sllverton. Louise Latham and
Max Lindholm are upholding the
negative and Nellie Darkhurst
and Steele Temple form tht affirmative.
netd3)o(ge coxa
, j,; , h : 8 : - :
otlenaj cars so oorJomaly aJraaceJ an cliax
acter, yet rcmainin j at traditional Dodge lereL
feels tLa
us pnc,
true spmt of Ameri
die Talue wnick
Kew Bodje Sin
New Dodge Elgkt
Standard Dodje Si
u actisg in
lencaa progress.
id jtLal
It 13 l)odSe Brotkers belief dial die lest
way to stimulate business Is to offer the publie
more for its dollars to meet die deaire' o
Ligner living standards by giring real j ad
vaacements without increase in cost. 099 TLe
new; Dodge Six. and Eignt are better case,
not clieaper cars, represent a great
stride forward in beauty, sise comfort and
oyer. And they art built with die firm con
viction tkat tLe moat important thing about a- 5taadu3 DeJge Efgbe $1095 e $995 '
motor car is that it be a gooJ motor car. CCD In All pnces L o V. factory
I results is instaady apparent
. $M5 to 1815
; . diss te fi095
! P . $835 te $735
'474 0. Commercial
t2I? OS
Telephone 423
Houit plants, like all other
plants repay ont for -added at
tention. But ont commercial
grower told mt that mora house
plants were lost bj over water
ing than from any other "cause.
Add a little bonemeal to the toll
occasionally. If the soil is sour
charcoal Is very good.
v - : .i vP
Branch of National Asso
ciation Organized at
Monmouth, Word
Of Interest to those who art
watching the development of In
terest on the part of college, uni
lmprovement of rural conditions
Terslty nd normal students In the
will be this report which eomee
from the Monmouth Normal
The article Indicates that there
Is a serious efofrt on the part of
students to understand rural prob
lems and tht Improvement of
home and living conditions.
This la tht report sent for pub
lication t ;
uoumouta 'Normal bat an
American country lift elub which
is Affiliated with the National
Country Life association of Wash
ington D. C This group is com
posed of . rural majors and those
interested In rural education. The
purpose of the elub is to promote
socuDiiny among its members ana
to promote special Instruction In
rural problems. Three terms at
tendance to this club entitles a
member to ont credit. v
Any problems of Interest to
farm Ufa are of vital Interest to
Chic group. The fluctuating and
low, prices of wheat, how the dif
ferent nations have treated the
problems of the wheat industry.
and the different ways In which
grain hat teen consumed art
some of the topics discussed Id
an Informal manner. Comparisons
of prlcee of today'a products with
those of past years - are often
made. Newspaper and magazine
clippings presenting facts and
thoughts of experienced men re
lating to farm life and labor prob
lems were at each meeting basis
upon which discussions were
made, i - v.
" Miss Larklns has been elected
president for tbe winter term.
Other officers are: Janet 0 Wil
liam, vice-president; i Constance
Henningsen, , secretary-treasurer;
Ruby Hughes, Lsmron reporter.
: v. . ' i ii y
8ILVERTOK, Jan. 17 Thieves
have been at work in the neigh
borhood of H. A. Brandt imnd
John Sullivan. Three hives of
bees were stolen from Mr. Brandt
and five hens and a rooster from
Mr. Sullivan. No clues to the
identity of the thieves were
found. 'r' h-
rac Otl'op Ggcvi1go
Wt Inrite yon to Inspect our new quarters.
All departments under our own control and man
agement. :! ' " ' .1 : .
Ererytbine; for yonr car. . 1
W operatt Serrlct) Station together with! other
complete Repair Shop facilities.
tGa and Oil
! j Seiberling Tires and Tubes
r Battery and Electrical Work
, Complete Mechanical Repairs
Fender Glass - Top -i Upholstering
ana ramung ueparcments
AU Work Guaranteed - - Our F.Iotto is
"MaMnz New Friends and Keeping the 0W
Uotos1 Co. Inc.
High at Chenu St.
Gnaw OconmG(fl AWOO
I Ml
0 fOS-
t Bssmenasa tmB1s
u 1 1 , at m w w m - sr mm. a ea, na w if m
". ,fl J
i it
at unprecedented lov prices and their efficient mnimii-
factoing and distributing
' : 51..
ers and I stores places the
give you these great values in Firestone Tires, Tubeo9
Batteries, Brake Lining, Rims and Accessories
direct to their deal
us m a position to
. si.
rrkelM Price pee rear
6.00-20 nux.
-0 490
. 6.65
. 7.IO
. 7.90
. 0.57
. XI. SO
0 9.60
. 017.95 03490
. 57. 90
Ml Otkmr State trieed Ptaperttonmtftr torn
! : ea..e taa ...
0 774
TTa sell and terrleo the complete Hue of
Flresioeie Dattesie Come la and tee tiae
EXTRA VALUE we rfr m. We make yoa
an allowance for yotrr old battery. 11
anchoh TYPE
Ssjjcr Heavy Dnly
. C75
. 9.70
. 10.25
. 12.95
, 1WO
. 17.15
IMee ee Pak
' ' 25C3
AH Otker 5Xsee frteesf Frporttomulr l
THe name Firestone is on every tire Firestone makes.
mail order houses or other distributors. Such tires are
a name
'oes not identify him to the public; usually
. I.
They do not make tires under Special Brand names for
made by some unknown manufacturer and sold under
because he builds his first line tires under his otm name.
Telephone 41
.m. J '- -, r- :.f:: br . i. - , - . ' i
Come in and compare tire cectiono ot QUAIITY and CONSTRUCTION
ffif( ; that' yoii j can see for y pnycelf the EXTEA" VALUE S vtg give