t - CIROJLATION j THE WE ATII Ell ! : ' ' Fair today, M o a d y cloudy,' probably - becoming unsettled; Max. Tempera tare Saturday 48, Mia. SO, ralm .07, rtver 8.4 feet. ' Average Distribution December, 'SO 7034 Kit ftwlA. Asllj. BanSiy S7S8 OTOTCT WA.1.C. ; FOUIMDPP 1691 EIGHTIETH YEAR ! Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, January 18, 1931 THOiS RILEA IHEADJRlADE Title ol ' Brigadier General Becomes his; Senate is To Confirm Soon ; -1 . Officer Stationed Herd to Command 82nd; Rise is I Said Phenomena! ! .WASHINGTON. Jan. 1" (AP) Promotion of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas B. RIlea, Oregon Na tional Guard, to the rank of briga dier general -will be sent to the senate, for confirmation soon. It ras reported here today.; , I - ' Inquiry at National Guard head quarters yesterday confirmed the promotion of General Rilea. It was. learned that ho has been as signed to the command of the 82d Brigade, composed entirely of Oregon troops. The confirmation of General Itilea gives to Oregon the young est general officer In the United States. His rise from the ranks has been phenomenal and has so precedent so far as can be ascer tained. Commenting upon the re port from Washington,; Major .General George A. White, com mander of the National Guard troops In the northwest, said; "An excellent appointment. 'General Itilea is an outstanding Roldier and his promotion has the enthusiastic ; approval of. those swho will serve under his com mand. He is an Oregon man. -won his first promotions In j France with the Oregon troops, and all of us are highly gratified to know of hi rl$ily merited advancement." The sew brigade commander has seen serrice during two na tional emergencies. His commis sioned serrice dates from 1917 when he was appointed a second lieutenant br General Pershing, who later commended him for con spicuous service. He was promot ed to first lieutenant a few months later, then to captain, both pro motions coming to him overseas within the space of a year, tilts promotion to major followed In November, 1924, and to lieuten ant colonel In March,. 1927, with assignment at division adjutant of the 41st dlvbdon. . Since May. 1921, General Rllea has served as executive officer of the Oregon National guard and in, that position hat shown outstand ing efficiency and qualities of leadership. He has been commend ed frequently by the corps area and division commanders and br the war department. Ilia promo tion was made upon the I recom mendation of the i commanding general; 41st Division, and the commanding! general. Ninth Corps Area. He recently completed the tests - and tactical examinations before a board of generals 1st Van couver barracks. He is a; gradu ate of the army war college. ' WOULD WARM CITY LAKEVIEW, Ore., Jan. 17. (AP) Lakevlew Is drlllinf well to heat the city. f The bit today reached a depth of 562 feet where the water was almost boiling- hot, registering '200 degrees. If the well will provide 1000 gallons a minute at 200 degrees, engineers said, It will beat the entire city of 2000 inhabitants. Tests will be made In a few days. Day in Washington j (By the Associated Press) j Allotment of itWO.Ooa for rivers and harbors work on Mississippi river was an nounrcit by the war depart nient as uneniplojment: re lief nieMurr. j i IteprrNentatire 1'atmait do mamltHl that honse ways and nen rommltlee lie 1U hnrgeI from rontildrrat Ion Of bills to authorize cah pajnkent of world war vet erans ailjuted roinpensa Uon cert if irate, f Senator Reed advoeated postponement of considera tion of the $23,000,000 ap propriation. !f or Red Cross relief work pending the Red Cross campaign for 810. OOO.OOO. T- j President Hoover confer! red with senate administra tion leaders in an effort to lve the controversy over the 2,000,000 relief i ap propriation to the Red Crow and Indicated he wonhl state Ms position to the public If the senate overrode his op. pooitlon. , ! ; r Administration pmpoa ro ddltlonal f 100,000,000 pnbllo buildings program was introduce! in the house. f House received report of Fish communism Investigat ing eommittee. ! . j i It was Asserted at j the TThite House that there Is o foundaUon for reports "CTetary Mellon wiH resign. Brigadier General's Rank is 4 !y Bestowed Upon Local Officer I , " " " ' Y:- f . 1 . -. - ; , , 4 ; i, i . I !: , fUJ M " , . , THOMAS Progress in Cure of Deafness Specialist in Bone Pathology Believes he is Approaching Truth as to Causes, Which ! Will Make Prevention Possible By LE. CLAYPOOL BERKELEY, Cal., Jan. 17. (AP) Hope that the deaf may be made to hear and that ultimately the affliction will be "preventable, was held itmt here today by Dr. Moritr Weber, associate in research medicine at the Hooper foun dation of University of California. ; Dr. Weber based this hope on months of study and re- v CALIFORXIA WLS tos IaNGELES, Jan. 17 (AP) Jack Read's basket toss in the last tew seconds of play won for California 26 to 24 over Univer sity of California at Los Angeles at basketball tonight. The home squad led by a point at the half.' Lakeriew Bores for Heat Darn Is not Protection -Brick on Tail bum. Idea . Funeral Coach is Stolen One hotel, a hospital and three homes now are heated by water from a wsll drilled several years aco.--;;;,.. -j-:..; j . V- STUMP BLAST FATAI DAYTON, Orev Jan. 17--(AP) Edward Clow, 17, of Uniondale, ran behind barn to await explosion of a charge of dynamite In tree stomp. A section of the stamp was blown ever the barn and fell on the youth' head, fracturing hla skull. He is in a hospital, i " KNOCKS OUT MILKER. TOLEDO, Ore.. Jan. 17 (AP) Jack - Horsfall, Toledo high school student, decided to put a stop to his cow's switching .Her tall while he milked her. Hotltd a brick to her tail. But ;the ' brick wasn't heavy enough. The cost switched her tail and the brick struck Horsfall behind the ear. He fell uncon scious. ! . When he had recovered he' un tied, the brick. WAR. RELIC KILLS MEDFORD. Ore., Jan. 17. (AP) Albert Hoffman, 16. of Central Point, was injured fatal ly yesterday when a war relic ex ploded, f Ho died last night. The- youth had picked p the souvenir and . was pounding it with a hammer when it exploded. WHO'D WAXT ITT TOLEDO, Ore., Jan. 17 . (AP) -A funeral coach was .stolen here today. : Joseph Abele and his son, Jamen, ere In residence to get a body. When they carried the body out they found the coach gone, . i , - CHICKEX BONE FATAL PORTLAND, Ore,, 'Jan. IT. (AP) Mrs. Catherine McGrath, tli Portland, died Wednesday af ter swallowing a chicken bone, a report to tho city health bureau said today. v An autopsy revealed the bone had broken a blood vessel in her throat. - IB. RILEA is Claimed searcn in none natnolorv and made public his conclusions In a formal report to the foundation. I From investigations of the skull bones of persons buffering from progressive or Incurable deafness, technically known as. otosclerosis. Dr. Weber concluded this common malady presents a definite diseas- Led bone picture and that there is a possibility or finding animals In which similar conditions occur and from which the cause of the con dition may be discovered. 1 "Biochemical analyses have shown," says Weber's report, ''that otosclerosis is always ac companied by a generalised dis turbance of metabolism which might easily have an Influence on the general bone system. Presum ably in various cases of otoscler osis this generalized disturbance of metabolism does not necessarily have the same general biochemi cal aspect ; 'Perhaps the metabolic disturb ances in question all hare one common factor, as yet unknown. The report adds that. "One may look into the future with confi dence. If. research succeeds In producing the typical bone picture Of hyperplastic otosclerosis in ani mals by any method, it will be possible to ascertain the factor or I factors that alone are responsible Ljtor the spontaneous appearance of Otosclerosis in numan oemgs." ; PORTLAND, Ore.,x Jan. 17. AP) An unidentified man who ast Thursday attempted to- kill ilrs. H. W. Howard, 56, injected powerful drug Into her arm. he told rolice Detective John A. Goltz in an intenrw here to- iMrs. Howard saia io nT im ortant information for the state in Its case acainst s Nelson C. Bowles, millionaire, and, his for mer secretary, Irma.G. Loucks, Indicted for the first degree mur der of Bowies' wife, told Colt, he said, before her unknown as sailant had hit her and stabbed her he $rw a hypodermic nee dle and jabbed It into her arm, drugging her. s . j) Colti' said Mrs. Howard told ftlm the went out on the back porch to get some wood'whentbe man leaped from: the wodd bin and knocked hef down exclaim ing, I'll fix her this1 time." Mrs. Howard said she believed the re mark was addressed to a second DRUG IS SAID USED IN HOWARD SHACK nian,' whom she did not see. DECISION UPON ITER! ISSUES LOOMING NEAR Judge Hill is Expected to Rule Monday on Charter Amendment, Seen Council Awaiting Outcome; Other Matters Coming Before Session The action to be taken by the city council Monday night on the question of city purchase or the Oregon-Washington Water com pany depends primarily on the expected decision of Judge Gail 8. Hill on the question of the le gality of the amendment to the city charter passed May 16, 1930. Hill's decision is looked for Monday. If it is favorable to the city's cause. City Attorney W. H. Trindle will ask the council to place on third reading and final passage the ordinance calling for immediate condemnation pro ceedings against the plant. ! If the city's position should not be upheld, Trindle is riot sure whether he will carry the case to the supreme court or whether he will ask the council to draw an ordinance calling for a special election and the resub mission of the matter of buying the water plant to the citizens, i Trlndle's decision, in event the circuit court decision is not favorable to the city, will rest on his judgment as to chances of victory in the supreme court, j : In event ,a special election would become necessary, at least 30 days would have to elapse from the time the council passed an ordinance providing for the election, and the time the actual voting was done. Urges Four Checks On Rooming Houses !, i V. E. Kuhn, head of the police' and traffic committee, will in troduce a resolution Monday night asking that the city health inspector, the chief of police, the building Inspector and the (Turn to page 1, col. 5) . j POLK COURT FACES f According to reports reaching Salem Saturday Polk county is in for a political unheavali cen tering about Its county court. Part of the contention Is over the court's failure to appoint a county auryeyor and part over the adoption. of the county bud get. Assertion was made that a court attack would be made on the budget seeking to set it aside on technical grounds. Oth er claims were made that the county is In : the gas business, selling gas at the county garage for 16 cents a gallon to county officials and their families for private use. - i The county surveyor's office was vacant from October 30, 1929, to June 17, 19S0, when R. L. Houck, a contractor, was appointed. Houck was elected at the last general election but failed to qualify leaving the of fice vacant. A recent grand jury took the matter up and brought In a report recommend log that the county court ap point a qualified person to the office. E. J, Himes, a graduate engineer, applied for the office but the court so far has taken no action. . The complaint reported on the budget was to the effect that al though the law requires the bud ret io be prepared by the last of December, the court did not complete Its budget until after the middle of January. Charges of favoritism in awarding con tracts and placing orders .were also heard, with reports of a threatened recall. No recall could be made however, until new officers have been in office for six months j VARIED CRITICISM DROUGHT RELIEF AID IS ASKED; $5000 IS QUOTA IN MARION, POLK The American Red Cross has Issued an appeal for a contribution by the Ameri can people : of ten million dollars to relieve distress and suffering in the drought stricken area ot 21 of our sister states. It requests -Marion and Polk counties to contribute $5000 towards this sum. The appeal Is a most deserving one and should meet with quick re sponse. When homes in a stricken area are Intact and the-, events which have brought misfortune and suffering have crept ! In upon : us so ilowly that the situation lacks a dramatic appeal there Is grave danger that; the demand may not meet with an adequate response. Under such clrcumitances those who can five ought to be generous and ought to bring the appeal to the At tention of others." b ; Salem has been very for tunate. The business depres- Senate's Chief Will Give Talk i. .v;-.:';-'.y.-"V ' ' . :":: W. '7. ' " . . Wlllard Marks, president of the Oregon senate, who will be the speaker at the Monday noon luncheon of the Salem chamber of commerce. COURT INSISTS! Writes Letter to Mott and Declares Time Is! not, Ripe for Attempt The present time Is not feas ible for effort to nut the North Santlam highway on the state highway map, the county , court yesterday informed Rep. James W. Mott in a letter mailed to Mott as a result of the represen tatlve's consultation with . the court on the matter. Mott in conference with Judge Siegmund Thursday, said he hoped to carry out in the leglsla ture a pre-election 1 promise to put the North Santiam on the state road lay-out. Siegmund at that time pointed out that the court had committed itself, when the court matched 1100,000 ap propriation Of federal funds, that no attempt would be made to make the route over the: Santiam part of the state program, j Mott maintained that the court should have consulted Marlon county legislators before It committed the county definite ly on a program, but; the court ean not see it this way, holding apparently that its word is the final one In road matters. The representative if of the opinion also that Inclusion of the road in the state map would n6t exclude expenditure of forest highway funds. Copies Mailed . i ' Highway Officials The letter of the county court. copies of which were mailed, to the Marion county legislators, and state and federal highway of ficials, follows: f I "Pursuant to our recent dls (Turn to page I, col. 1) TO DE READY SOON A cinder eliminator, said to he the latest mechanical develop ment in choking - out cinders from the smokestacks of Indus trial plants, la to be in operation at the Oregon Pulp ft Paper com-v pany here shortly after February 1, waiter Keyes, attorney for the company, announced .yesterday. Keyes said the operation of the device , would be begun several weeks before the ending of the time allowed the mill under the bond furnished the city council.: Meanwhile litigation in court against 'the mill has been held up and Monday Keyes will move the suit against the firm be de layed again, i ' i 'r ! ' . Keyes says he feels the new eliminator will be 99 per cent ef ficient in preventing the distribu tion of any cinders over the city. slon ' has effected us less tban almost! any other por tion of our country. This ts due in partial least; to the ,fact that the state's activi ties, which constitute one of Salem's largest industries, have not been materially les sened when other Industries have curtailed their expendi tures. ;,, ,f ' y. !' -Here is our opportunity to show our appreciation of the good fortune which has favored the Willamette val ley by making a liberal con tribution to, Another portion of our country which is vis ited by distress, suffering and misfortune. i m-. Contributions may be made to H. V. Compton, as--st stent cashier at Ladd and Bush bank; Harold Eakln, , vice-president First National bank; Linn C. Smith, cash ier United States National bank, or at the local office of the American Red Cross. dub r ini iiauumi iu building. ---V- NO SAIIAM MOVE 1 AltSTED SEEMS TO PERIL IN U. S. Communism Serious Men ace say House Probers as Report is Filed ' ' Refusal of Entry. Deporta tion and Other Means Proposed by Group , v WASHINGTON. Jan. 17(AP) The special, house investigating committee today termed commun ism a grave threat to democratic government, reported the com munlst party extremely active In America, and outlined legislative means ot combatting the radical cause. - j ' . After I eight months of study, the committee submitted a volum inous report, recommending, that aliens who advocate overthrowing thp government by force "be. re fuged admission to the United States and more stringent 'depor tation laws. 1 , It was signed by Chairman Fish, Representative Bachmann, repub lican. West "Virginia, and Repre sentatives Eslick, Tennessee, and Hall,. Mississippi, democrats. The fifth member ot the com mittee. Representative Nelson, re publican, Maine, filed an lodlTldu- al report. Would Deny Reds V. 8. Cltiaenship Bachmann immediately Intro? duced a bill to prohibit the entry of: avowed; communists into the United States. Fish said he and other committee members -would place In legislative form other rec ommendations for which law is re quired. They include: , fi Deportation of alien commun ists; denial of naturalization and the cancellation of citizenship ot (Turn to page 2, col. 7) E ISSUE FACES DELAY Matter Will be Blocked in ! Council With new Deal Coming up Later! Efforts of the Salem Santtarj service, a new garbage company formed by Fred Thieleen of Sa lem and L. D. Jones of Medtord, to get the city council to give that service exclusive right of handling garbage In the city will be ! blocked as the matter comes before the city council Monday night, It was said here last night by those who purport to ktoow. The move, it Is understood, will be In form of a consolidation -of the City Garbage company and the Salem Garbage company, the merged "company to bid for the contract on basis that It is strictly a local concern, and also because It will promise a distillation .pro cess. .11,-"" It la not probable the matter will be closed Monday night, as members ot the city council, and especially the Incinerator com mittee, have been investigating a distillation plant offered by the Communities - Chemical Service corporation of Seattle through the field manager, Philip 8. Gregory. Gregory has proposed to the coun cil that the city purchase; his equipment and install It in the present Incinerator to make the incinerator a self-supportingand even money-making proposition to the city( ! (Turn to page 2. coL 0 S ! Tuomala Given One Year Term j In Prison Here . i i - ;i . , ASTORIA, Ore., Jan. 17. (AP) John L. Tuomala, 2, Justice of the peace in the As toria district for nearly ten years, was sentenced by Circuit Judge vlloward K. Zimmerman today to serve one year In the state penitentiary -and pay a fine of 11000. I. i Tuomala was convicted! this week of misappropriating funds passing through his office.! An audit of his books revealed a shortage t of several thousand dollars. i , Tuomala, who has maintained he is for a Innocent, waived a motion new trial. Marks to Speak: At Luncheon of Local Chamber - : - v - . Senator Wlllard Marks, presi dent of the 16th senate of Ore gon. Is to be the speaker Monday noon at the chamber ot com merce luncheon here. He will discuss the legislative program he anticipates to be Introduced and debated during thola ses sion. Senator Marks is a- resi dent of Albany, i h ' The following week Speaker Frank Lbnergan has been Invit ed ) to be the speaker . at the chamber here. His subject will concern legislation. AG 0 L opedlIpWfa, ! " FARMER DIES DUE TO CRASH INJURY Fred Krieger of Aurora is Struck by car Driven I By Salem Youth . i . " ' ' j . . , AURORA,' Jan. 17 (Special) Fred Krieger, 441 farmer re siding a mile and a Half south of town, suffered fatal Injuries shortly after noon Saturday when he was struck by a ear driven by Ted Snyder, 19, of i Salem and employed at a service . station there..1 . ' ' -,, -f " ; Krieger suffered. a great gash In his head. Effort "was made to hurry him in an ambulance to an Oregon City, hospital; but he died before the hospital was reached. Krieger had walked across the highway to the mailbox to get the morning mail, and was returning back over the road, reading a pa-, per, when the car driven by Sny der approached. Snyder said he saw the man, but thought he would stop to let him past, and that it was too late when be dis covered Krieger had no Inten tion of .stopping. Snyder drove his car Into the ditch in an attempt to avoid hitting Krieger, but did not succeed.' ' V i . - . V The "accident victim has lived In this territory for- many 'years, and has been living fori some time with his brother,- Raymond, south of town. There are two other brothers. ' . No funeral services had been' arranged late Saturday. , . While state ; traffic officers were here to investigate the acci dent: it was not ! known here whether any action would be tak en againet Snyder, f i Although the accident In which Fred Krieger was fatally Injured was reported to the county cor oner here, no action : concerning an inquest had been taken last night. . I - - - Snyder reported I the accident to the sheriff yesterday after noon. He said: "I i was driving south on the highway. Mr. Krie ger had gotten the mall from the box on the east side of the high way and-was 'walking across the road. He was near, the middle when the . . car i approached. Thought he would halt so car could pass. He continued j walk ing and ear driver; kept pulling further off the right side of high way to miss him. f Car hit him with left front fender and was run Into ditch." 1116 RUSSIA 'GENEVA, Jan. 1 '17 (AP) Representatives off 26 European nations debated all: day a propos al to Invite' Soviet Russia and Turkey to participate in their ex amination of ArUtide Briand's project for a federation of Euro pean states, but at the end of the session! they, turned, over this problem to a sub-committee with instructions to report on Monday. This evening they turned again to the economic- situation, seek ing a basis I for concerted action to remedy the Ills of industry and commerce. . They discussed . tar iffs, the possibility; of preferen tial rates for agricultural coun tries and the application of the "most -favored-nation" principle. j Its work must go over: now into next week and the commis sion will have to divide time with the League i of Nations council which convenes on Monday, fac ing the grave questions of dis armament and, minority. Interests; Arthur Henderson, the British foreign i minister, supported the original suggestion of Dr. Julius Curtlus, Germany's foreign min ister, that Russia and Turkey be asked to sit In. . j L L YET MOOT ISSUE 'f ' 5 B I MEXICO CITY, Jan. 18. (AP) (Sunday) Eight additional f deaths; and the entire disappearance of three towns, at least two of which were towns of 2,000 population or more were reported in messages earlv today from Oaxaca to Excelsior. ;.H - " Eight! persons were killed In San Pedro Apostol, a town of 2J500 which it Is reported is entirely destroyed, as is also Ayoquezco, a small town below Oaxaca, and an un named small town in the Province of Pochutla, south of Oaxaca. I , j , -' . i j , The reports say that earth tonight not only in the state neighboring sUte of Vera Cruz. I- j , MEXICO CrTY. Jan. 17. the southern Mexico zone, stricken by an earthquake Wed- nesday, indicated the death toll already had reached 103 and possibly would prove greater when communication to damaged areas was restored. . MeierV Utility Dills Expected to Drop Into Hopper Leadership' in Houses , proves Friendly to . Governor With the legislature reconven ing tomorrow for Its first full week of business, citizens Of Ore gon may from now on look for considerably more activity thau marked the first four days of the session, i j . j ., Aside from the inauguration of the jgovernor, the appointment or committees andi the introduction of a few dozen bills, only five, or six of which were of major impor tance, the two houses Only wsrm ed up last week! and did virtually no scrimmaging.' . It is plainly "evident that the leadership of both houses is very deferential to Governor Meier and will not Impede hloilbut rather cooperate with j the chief .execi -tlve, in any reasonable legislative request. . i Cooperation Aim la Nliown crlearly "' Speaker Frank Lonerran evi denced his desire to play ball with the governor when he pffered him outright the chance to appoint the members of theispeclal committee' on utilities which (the house agreed upon last weekj. Governor Meier promptly refused the Job, . pointing out that he f?lt It an un waranted assumption by the exe cutive of a legislative function. By this action, however, and by statements to the press made dar ing the week, Lonergan scouted the idea that he headed an anti Meier bloc. Part of this feeling arose from the tactics Gordon and his supporters used inj their cam- paign to put Gordon at the head of the house. It was noised about that Gordon was the chosen one of Meier although the governor's office wss discreetly silent on the matter, j' . -j They also used the argument that Lonergan's campaign, lined up two yeara ago, could not re present present legislative senti ment Inasmuch la the Joncph. platform, so widely adopted by the voters, was pot then ia exis tence. .. . I ' L ' , ! i Loner gan and hi follow era have discounted both attacks, ssy ing that neither were founded on facts. Lonerganl they pointed out, was an able man and was. pointed to two years I ago as a splendid successor to Ralph Ham ilton. Any idea that he Is essen tially opposed toj Melerj ia un rounded, they say. Hydro Program Hills Cominar In Tomorrow vrill probably bring the Introduction of the Meier bill on hydro-electric power! conserva tion and on public utility regula tion. At the same time the Ore gon grange la expected to tos its much-debated and carefully pre pared power bill Into the legisla tive hopper. I i The motif for the 1931 legisla ture will have then be attalued. The backbone will have been put Into the body of! the legislature. There will be legislative meat to chew upon, and the session will be under full swing. j ! The comparative calm in the house was reflected in the senate, too. Hold-over senators recalled a similar situation existing dur ing the early days of the 192S leg islative session, j I This situation did not continue for long, however, and by the end of the second week the late Sen ator Joseph had organised a bloc of" 14 memberg who announced themselves In readiness fori bat tle. Pitted against Senator Jo seph and his followers wss Sen ator Moaer, veteran iriembr of the senate, supported by a faith ful and loyal group. lAlthouKh Senator f Joseph and his" followers were unable to dictate the pollrlf of the senate, their interfprrnce, wss sufficient to worry the oppo sition and block I the parsae of anumber of bills dour to the heart of Senator Joseph and his (Turn to pago 2, col. 3) E 1 ; "I ! tremors still continued Into of Oaxaca but also in the -(AP) Belated reports from I - - "-A