The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 17, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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to Folk of ISedem and
I i
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, January It, 1931
Christ Lutheran Church
Dorcas Society Plan
Unique Event
Plans for celebration ot a don
hie golden wedding anniversary
on January 23 j warenlaUi i-by th
Dorcas society of hs Christ Lu
theran church at ita meeting in
the chsrch parlors Wednesday.
The weddlnit eifent will be in ob
servance of Mr.! and Mrs. II. Mey
er and Mr. and I Mr, i August
Hackert'a 60th milestone of wed
ded life.
Committees were appointed as
follows: program, Mrs- .. George
Nets and Mrs. A. Propp: visiting,
Mrs. Oottfled Lleske and Mrs.
W. C. Miller; fclstesses. Mrs. M.
BaUallion. Mrs. Ferdinand Bush
and Mra. Adolpb Bombeck besides
the committees te i plan for the
wedding anniversary celebration.
The following officers were in
stalled at this meeting: president,
Mrs. Alfred Propp J vice president.
Mrs. Adolph Bomback; secretary.
Mm. Albert Zamiow; treasurer.
Mrs. L. E. Barrick. ; .
A fine attendance greeted the
I new, officials am they j functioned
for the first time.
Th Wednesday meeting was
In charge of Mrs. Louise Abry.
Mrs. II. F. Baterroan and Mrs. L.
E. Barrick.
L.OS ANGELES. Jan. 1. -
(AP) Threw men were shot last
night; by two robbers at
tempted o hold tip the Ootbam
hotel In the Westlake district.
One of the Tlctlnis was injured
seriously. i
The Injured were O. i H.
Thompson, shot through i the
abdomen and groin: Rllh
Cronan, 18. and C. B. Russell,
all guests at the hotel.
The robbers entered the room
separately. One of them ;con
fronted L. E. Jarrett, the clerk,
with a gun. The- second man
then entered and herded eight
persons In the lobby into an al
cove. "' ,
Jarrett refused to Rive the
robber money. At this moment
Dan Lewis, elevator boy.
sneaked up behind the robber
and crashed a enair oii
head. Daied, the man turned
and fired, the bullet striking the
wall an inch above the bead of
11-year-old Betty Cronan, sister
of the wounded youth.
The sound of the shot acted
aa a signal. Thompson grabbed
the man who was holding: the
Kuests at bay. The robber. shot
him twice and was about to
shoot; him in ithe bead when
young Cronan grabbed the gun
and received the bullet In the
hand.; I i , , ,
W. H. Bennett, an elderly
man, then punched the robber
and aa the latter tnrned to shoot
him, Rossell knocked .the gun
f om his hand, t
A scuffle ensued and a scram
ble for the gun. The robber
managed to reach It. fired ence
the bullet striking , Russell In; the
arm, then made his escape. Ills
companion had! fled when the
shooting began. ! ; "
MIAMI. Fla., Jan. 16. (AP)
Confirmation of reports the exe
cutive council of the American
Federation of Labor had approv
ed campaign plans for a prohi
bition modification movement by
the "labor's legislative committee
for the modification of the. Vol
stead acC was given out by
William Green, president of the
federation. . :;.;. '
The campaign was approved; by
the executive council of the fed
eration yesterday. Today Green
asserted: I
j "I said yesterday that would be
a story tor another day. The ac
tion of the council on the plan
was to haye been today's story..
There is nothing more to say."
Ira N. Ornburn president of the
I cigar makers International union
explained that under the plan,
headquarters of the modification
committee would pe established In
the capentera building in Wash
ington. Mathew Woll. a vice pre
sident of the federation, will di
rect the activities, with Ornburn
in charge of the! office.
MOSCOW, Idaho.! Jan. 1 !
AP Dr. M, G. Neale, president
of the University of Idaho, i de
fended Intercollegiate football
here, say I nit it was aa institution
about which student l&valty is
formed. ; - - i
lie was speaking st a banquet
la honor of the Vandal football
team, which has Inst returned
from Honolulu, where two games
were-played. -i
The student' loyalty generated
by football, activity Is transmitted
to other activities, manr at th
scholastic, and thus educational
institutions are bettered, he laid
"I Wouldn't want to hA rnn
nectod with an institution where
iii:a student loyalty did not ex
Ia" hetald. I -t
Week's Sermonette
Where and
(Pastor Calvary Baptist Church)
Choices make for success or failure. What we are and what
we shall be depends upon the choices we make. "Choose you this,
day whom ye will serve," is a very good text for everyone to
ponder. Joshua had been a treat leader and aa he wai pleading
with God's people he put to them the Question of their choices.
Life is made up ot choices. In the matter ot choice. In this lite,
man is supreme. Even God himself will not intrude, although
he does plead and Is continually wooing men to Himself.
There are many counterfeits tn every walk of life. Men who
choose the evil rather than good. Serve their own ends rather
than their Creator's. Some lawyers are scoundrels; a tew min
isters choose to play Elmer Gantry; betraying their Christ. There
are always a few physicians in every city of importance who care
nothing for their calling thus bringing their profession into dis
repute and making It hard for those who believe they have a
real mission in life. The legislature, now in session, will ot ne
cessity give a good deal ot its time to making laws because ot
the choices of many people to do as they please regardless ot the
Many of us feel this about ordinary social life.' Pome of It
Is pretty bad. Adults and youths alike break the old harness and
Jump the fences and are off across lots on wild adventure bent,
so that the rest ot us who believe in decency, cleanliness, and
htgh-mlndedness are faced with the burden of apology, and
This too Is true of the movie, today. It dellverately appeals
to the lowest passions ot men, and the producers who bring it
forth care nothing about the moral consequence on youth. They
are willing to ring the morals of boys and girls upon their coun
ters in exchange for cash. They are the direct successors to the
pimps and panderers who once served the vices of monarchs and
now serve the passion of the mob. -
In one of the English airplane factories is a sign posted
which reads thus: "A concealed mistake may cause a brave man
to lose bis life." Where and for what do you stand? Choose ye
this day whom ye will serve.
Women of County Study
Problems Presented by
! Liquor Law and Traffic
TURNER, Jan. 16. An all-day
W. C. T. U. institute was held at
the Turner Christian church on
Wednesday. Mrs. Helen Prescott,
Marion! county president, Mrs.
Nlcla Buck, national lecturer; and
organlrer, and Mrs. Mary V.
Charlton, a county worker, all of
Salem, were present to help direct
the program of the day.
Mrs. Mary V. Charlton and Mrs.
E. S. Prather were named for a
membership committee and Mrs.
Anna Farrls and Mrs. N. Gunning
were named on a committee on
literature. Mr. Beryl Thelssen
acted as secretary and Mrs. Helen
Prescott presided.
The leaders agreed that prohi
bition Is the best method of con
trolling the liquor traffic, i En
forcement and n.t not repeal is
a safe and sane slogan to follow.
The public needs more Intensive
education In law observance for
no other questions of the day are
so widely discussed and no others
so falsely misrepresented as! are
the 18th amendment and the Vol
stead act. The government Is
seeking the best methods to guard
the best Interests of the people
and is carrying on nobly despite
unjust criticisms.
Mention was made of the fed
eral censorship bill now before
congress, relating to moving pic
tures. A petition was presented for
signatures to be sent to Oregon's
congressmen. Ninety per cent of
the films produced In the United
States go abroad and American
life Is largely Judged, by the pic
tures. It was asserted.
Mrs. Charlton spoke of the
Christian citizenship department,
and the noontide prayer was of
fered by Mrs. Gunning.
The afternoon session opened
with song and devotions, led ly
Mrs. J. Fliflet of the Pleasantview
union. Mrs. Charlton, who was a
county delegate to the state con
tober, gave an Inspiring report of
ventlon held In Roseburg last-Oe-the
work done at the annual meet.
A symposium of departments
was riven by Mrs. Prescott. with
Mrs. Buck speaking for the evan
gelistic divisions Mrs. Frances
Whitehead of the pleasant View
union represented the scientific
temperance Instruction depart
ment. Medal contest work was ex
plained and recommended. The
Monitor P. T. A.
Has Program
MONITOR. Jan. The Janu
ary meeting of the Parent-Teach
ers association was held Wed
nesday night In Lenons ball.
Following the business meet
ing an interesting iprogram was
put on by Mr. Fuller In his
"Story of the Forest." told by
moving pictures and hand color
ed lantern slides, ! showing , the
wasteful destruction of the for
ests. One our our greatest as
sets, by forest fires and the
methods of reforestation.
Refreshments were sold by the
finance committee following the
program, j
V: lh ; Vr4 LA
;A ! h n ; x . , & n . A - -
I ,,y , ,, ,, rf, .' ' : ... .A,, ...... . t . " .
The gift of Mrs. OUrer H. P. t headoniartcri for the party and out the world. A speech by
Belmont; president of the Na- I will henceforth be the centre of I Senator Watson, of Indiana,
tlonal Woman's Party, the' 1 feminist activity not only in this j opened; the dedication cere
Georgian mansion at 144 B St, I country, but for women through- I monies
AVashfrzton, traa dedicated aj si ; ; ' " H -i '
for What?
convention voted to order 100 na
tional booklets, for' use in the
county. The subjectj of child wel
fare was discussed, also a paper
on the subject was read by Mrs.
J. R. Cox.
' Mrs. Preston gave a talk on
"Anti-Narcotics." She aaid "Of
ten the use of dope, nicotine and
intoxicants is begun and contin
ued through friendly associa
tions." Mrs. W. S.,Burboyne fa
vored with a solo, "This is My
Task," with Mrs. J. R. Cox ac
companying. Mrs. Buck gave the
talk of the afternoon on the hap
penings at the national W. C. T. U.
convention at Houston, Texas, last
L November.
The climax of good things was
found In the address ot the na
tional president. Mrs. Ella Boole,
who urged that the young people
be given the facts as to many fine
things that prohibition is doing
for them, by way of Increased op
portunity to continue their edu
cation and in gaining good po
sitions, besides many other ways.
; The eveninsr session was open
ed with song, and -devotions were
led by Mrs. W. S. Burgoyne. Mu
sic was enjoyed by a quartet of
boys, Esmond Tappin, Frank
Sacks. Sam Smith and Wallace
Mrs. Nicla Buck gave the ad
dress on "Hold Fast That Which
is Good." She showed the begin
nings ot the liquor problems very
many years ago as is recorded in
-l v kl.fnrv That rvatralnt of the
business has always" proved to be
Irksome to those who ideniiry
themselves with a bad proposition.
th ajirlv nrMiitcnix nf the United
States had their trials and prob
lems, she continued, ' we nave ne
come so far advanced that we win
mint tolerate addiction. to bad hab
its in our elergy, educators and
the class we do business with.
Some of the large corporations en
forced Drohibitlon among em-
niovea 4 0 rears ago. from the
sfa.ndnol.nt of efficiency. These 11
years of national prohibition have
inelped to rerute me ineones 01
the opposition, that the country
would be worse off on kecount of
! Women who served the noon
luncheon were Mrs. Susan Gerard
in, Mrs. W. Morris. Mrs. W. An
derson and Mrs. E. Easter.
Anemone Found
Near Hubbard
Mii.s Dorothy MeKre, fresh
man of the Hubbard hih
school, brought an anemone
blowMom to nrhool Thursday.
The flower, which I one
of the first to bloom this
year, wan picked In her
grandmother's flower gar
den at the McKee home,
rated Just north of Hubbard
"Hose Lawn Gardens," lo
on the Pacific highway. Dor
othy found some passy wil
lows In fall bloom few
' weeks ago.
"i "i
j . "ai, i . -, t s
Beginning Tuesday, January
20, Evangelistic Tabernacle will
open an Evangelistic campaign
conducted by Evangelist W. W.
Clark of the Assemblies of God.
emDhasixIna- the scriDtural sub
ject of the baptism in the Holy
"It is our belief," says Pastor
Weston, "that many are interest
ed in this vital subject, for that
reasoa we have called an able
minister to give every one Inter
ested a first class opportunity to
hear a full rounded Scriptural ex
position of the subject."
The meetings win be conduct
ed at 7:45 in the evening, every
night but Monday. The church
is at Thirteenth and Ferry
streets, ene block south and one
block; east from the supreme
court; building.
nnnninn Tan 1 A . bt:
Glenn S. , Hartong, pastor of the
Federated church ot Hubbard,
announces that the church will
be host to Mrs. Necia E. Back
of Salem, "lecturer for the Mar
ion .couny W. C. T. TJ. at the
9:45 o'clock Sunday morning
Reverend Hartong says, "Mrs.
Buck is a woman of wide expert.
ence in temperence work. She
has a very winning personality
and an Impressive message. The
Tnnnr nnonle readilv renDond to
her appeal and personality. She
a i t - a A j
greatly loves xnem ana uas
wonderful message for them. Evan-
liTr nf. truth, of righteous
ness, and of God will be delight
ed with her visit to Hubbard."
Small Group
Makes Lars:e
Showing, '30
A year'i record that is impres
sive was i made in the last 12
months by the Seventh Day Ad
ventlst church, of which Rev.
Mark ! Comer Is pastor. The
church has a membership of but
364 persons, but the total monies
raised In 1930 reached $19,
334.70. or better than 50 a
Of the total, says Rev. Comer,
$17,108.14 was sent out from the
church to be used as follows:
for tithes. $9,165.56; for foreign
mission. $7,9 4 2.58. The tithe
goes into a general fund of the
church, and from It the local
pastor draws his salary and ex
penses as well as do other pas
tors in other parts of the field.
The Sabbath school alone rais
ed $3,160.61 for foreign mission
work, and the rest of the mission
money was raised by free will
"None or our memoersaip
wealthy, and in fact every mem
ber is more or less dependent
upon day to day work or farming
yet the financial showing made
this year shows what the people
can do for others if they will but
try;" ' .
Missing Girls
Ward's Subject
Sunday Evening
"Why Do Some Girls Leave
Hornet" la the theme of the Illus
trated service Sunday evening at
the First Congregational church.
The first part of the moving pic
ture, "The port of Missing Girls,"
will be, used.
Seventy-five thousand girls are
reported missing in a single year
in this country! Why do they leave
home? Where do they go? Who
Is to blame? This a film story of
the disappearance of the daughter
of -a wealthy lawyer and a prom
inent social leader and club wo
man. .
Woodburn Host to
Northern Pastors
WOODBURN. Jan. 1 6 A meet
ing of the Northern Marlon Coun
ty Ministerial association will be
held in the study of the Woodburn
Presbyterian church on Tuesday
morning starting at 10:30 o'clock.
Rev. Glenn S. Hartong. pastor of
the Woodburn Methodist church,
will have charge of the program.
1 1 . . . - 1 - s t
1 cttttbap g
B. Cr1 Parker, wlaiaUiw' KeraioC
worship 11 e'dock. 8pkr, Dr. . 1.
KohlrtHt, eorrpondins crtttry ft
board ot homo Bullions ot the M. E.
ehureh witk hidqortri ot FfcU4ilpMt.
Jonior enurrh 11 'cloek.l Tfcr "Tb
AdTahlaf Ohnrok." S Toan Foeplo io
Meotiagl 0:8U p.m. ciriniiiir ric
Huojoct: Moan noign
bor" Dr. Pirkor.
Spocltl f mailo at
toth Mrvieoo. j . '
Poain Comaioreisl sa4 Mroro. stroots.
8. Dirtow Jobs jo a, tuitor. lUiiiiooo 84t
K. Ujtr trt. JUooo E7S. Mornloi
rvtc 11 'clock. Sabjiei, 'On rUin
Out.", Enlnf oorvtcn 7:10. Subjact,
"8mioa tbo Wilfsl." Song oorvUo id 4
pll mails la chorgo ot tho Aiburr
Loogtio rhipUr. floodiy school :
a.m. Slosrao Caihinf, Rapt. , Thro;
lr ot S:S. Mkd.woclc Btootinr. 14
br Hot. U. O. Ui'tiwrtk, Tkorsdoy
Biag ot 7:S0 Yooag raopla'i proTf.
iiadr ib diocaiftloa boor la Loilio U
st T:80 Tbansay svoalsg. . ' -
. i i i ii i- . i
nasi rnxaBTTxniAX
Coraar of Wiaur oa4 Chomakata
trooti. . OrTor O. Blrtcka. D. D.. W
tor. Sunday school it 9:80 a.m. , I U.
Huiici, Sopt. i Morning wotikip t 11
o'elock. Oraandi for Boaatws." At
6:30 a'cloek tho following! Christian En.
daoTor oociotioi mt: Junior, laUnat
diato, 8oaior, . Toung People. .Rrontag
worship at 7i80 o'clock, i Dr. BirVfhrt
will preach on V'Doobto of Conrietiooa.'
Antham, "O Coma, Lot Us Worihlp"
fHimmal), Orraa nambor. "Chaason
da Bo4r" (Bockar), 'oitlU Rest'"
(SUbbiaa), "alarch ia Y" -(Ewlag).
Uid-woak prayer sorvloo oa Thursday at
7:80 p.m. !
rzxsT iirntt
. Corner of Korth L,ibrty and Morion
tracts. William H. Robins, pastor. Bit
bio school at S:43 with classes for aU
area. ed Broor, Bapi. Mornlag worship
at 11. VrrB prelude by Mies Miller.
Antham. Iastrumontal doat by Miss
Millar sal Mr. Biiel. Sermon, "Tho
Church Iti Origin, Mlsklon and Deo
tiny." Baptist. Yocng Peoplo'a meetings
at 6:80. Kreamg arangeliatle aarrice at
7:30. Song serrice in charge of Mr.
Broer. Organ and violin duet by Miss
Miller and Mr; Bizel. Choir selection.
Bennon subject: "Tho Church in Aposta
sy, or - Modernism, tho ! Seed Plot ot
Comnnaiia." Wednesday orening prayer
and praise service at 7:30. Friday e-
emng alem union stinie eut&sea as
High and Center streets. D. ' J.
Howe, paitor, phone 1933-J. Morning
aerviee 11 o'elock: aubjeet: "Confessing
Our Faults." , 80U1 "Tbo Prayer Per
fect" Ola Bpeaks, Wendell Kobinson.
Erening lerrico 7:30 o'clock; ' subject :
"Dirino Prorldenco Queen 0 Esther.";
(Tho seTcnth in tho series "Kteningo
With tho Bible") tho pastor preaching,
Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Orrille J. Hull,
8upt. Mid week lorrieei: 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday; Young People's meetings
6:80 p.m. Choir rehearsal S p.m.
xzxzkb coiorairrTT
Koiter schoolhouse, 8 miles' north of
Salem is the pJsco of meeting. Hayes
Baall, pastor. -Sunday school at 10
o'clock with daises for all ages. Jos. E.
Bartruff, 8upt. : Church worship at' 11
o'clock. Dr. M. A. Msrcy, district sup
erintendent, io to preach. Immediately
following tho church service the quarter
ly conference session will be held.
F. E. Fisher, pastor. JVuitland Sun
day school ot 10 a.m. Mr. Orsa Farg,
Supt. Preachinr aevrice at 11 a.m. Sub
ject: "Tho Purpose of Prayer." -
Bickresll Sunday school 10 a.m. lira.
Warren Burch, i Supt. Preaching 7 :30
p.m. "Tho essential of the Christian' a
Gerth areaue and Third street. Mere
dith A. GroTcs, pastor. Sunday school
:45 a.m. Morning worship 11 o'clock:
ulifct! 'Th Resettlnr Bin." SDecial
Aiusio by Mini Truta tlrant and Junior
choir. i-Tenm? worship 7:ao oeioec;
subjeet: "In tho Beginning." Special
music by Miss Vina Eramtt. Miss Nel
lie Badley and lathers. Young People's
meeting 6:80 o'clock. Two Leagues meet.
Robins Chosen
To Give Main
Convention Talk
SILVERTON, Jan. 1 Rev.
W. H. Robins of the First Bap
tist church of Salem has been se
lected as the principal speaker at
tha convention of j the Sllrerton.
district Sunday school to bo held
here Sunday afternoon. The
meeting has been called for 2:00
o'clock. Other numbers on the af
ternoon program will he devo
tional led by Dr. W. S. Gordon;
and song fest; led by P. M. Pow
ell. Ira Loren is president of the
district and Freeman Keller is
fbe secretary-treasurer. Sunday
schools taking part :in the con
vention are Monitor, Marquam,
Scotts Mills, North Howell, SI1
terton Hills and Silverton.
Hill Will Show
Pictures Before
Church Meeting
i Community ' night, starting at
:15 o'clock with a potluck sup
per, will be observed next Friday
night at the Castle United Breth
ren church. An offering will be
received from those not bringing
: The program, starting at 7:30
o'clock, will consist of a com
munity sing, special music and
pictures shown by Dr. David B.
Hill. The pictures will be accom
panied by interesting descriptive
talk. ' '
New Beacons tor
Church Going Up
i !
The Calvary Baptist church Is
putting up two nifty new signs
on the church building, located
upstairs on tho corner of Ferry
and High streets. One of the
new signs la at the High street
corner of the building, and the
other directly over the entrance,
oh Ferry street. ; 1 ; '
Mission Society
Studies Ricans
GREEN. Jan. 16
The Womefe- Missionary associa
tion met alt home of Mrs. Louis
Wampler '
Thursday afternoon,
Lebrman led discus
M'rs. J. V.
sion on "Advertising With Christ
in Porto rfiico." i I
The Woman's anion will meet
for a business session Wednesday
afternoon at th home of Mrs. F.
Ei Neer, 781 North Church street.
ertiiceg m galem CJurcfjes
Winter and Jeffarsoai streets. Hugh B.
yuke, Jr. pastor. Sunday school. 9:48
a.m. "Morning worihlp 11 o'clock b
Jactt i"Fisbers of Men." Vesper Hour
4:30 o'clock subject: "A Call to Re
mombraaea." Young People' a meeting,
S o'clock. Three groups far Intermedi
ate, High School and College-Busiaesl
sen. j v .. - j . i
1 BXOH1AX9 rmiEVDS : k
Corner Highland and Church a tracts.
Edgar P. Sims, paitor. Bible oehool 10
a.m., X. M. Bockett, Supt. Morning
worship It a.m. Evening iirrlro 7:80
p.m. Junior C. E. 8:80 p.m. Senior C. E.'
6:30 p.m. Biblo Prophecy olaso Mon
day 7:10 p.m. Mid-week prayer meet
ing 'Tparsdsr, 7:80 p.m. Cottage Pray is
meet i of friday T:80 p.m.
I rIT CHTTECB 07 OOD -Corner
Hood and Cottage streets. C.
W. Hatch, pastor. Phone 1S80-J. Mora
lag lerrlce 11 o'clock. Subject "teraa(
IAfo laiaraneo." Kreniag serrlce 7:10
o'clock. Subject: Krangeliitit. Sunday
school: 10 a.m. John Van Lydograr,
8upt. : Midweek prayer oorrico 7:80 p.m.
Wednesday. Youag people's meeting
6:80 p.m. Lstis, leader.
Hirh aad Ferry streets. Graded church
shtool 9:40 a.m. W. T. Jeaka, Kept.
Family assembly 10:30 a.m. Preaching
10:50 a.m. and 7:80 p.m. A. M. Jun
ior lermoa "la tho Beginning." An
them: I "Coma to My Heart Lord Je
sse" by Ashford. Sermon "Blessed An
Thoy Thst Moura" Paitor. Three B. Y.
Pi UM 6:30 p.m. P. M. Popnlar gos
pel soag service 7:80. Sermon ."A Good
Motto" Paitor. Wednesday OTeniog,
6:13 O'clock potlaek dinner; 8:40 two
lesdenhlp training classes; 7:80 prayer
mooting; 8:30 meetlag of deacons and
I ' gEVEir
Ceraar of
mar of 6th and Gains. J. ' Mack
Corner pastor. Sabbath srhool Bat. )
0:45 a.m. Classes for all. Senior lesson,
Romans 7:l-l. Morning worship 11
o'clock, i Protestor Wettermeyer from
Laurelwood academy speaker. Sunday
eeeniatg Bible study by the pastor oa
tho Book of Rct. Chapter 7. Song icr--Tieo
736. -
AXUAHCZ tabernacxj:
655 Ferry street. Louise Pinneil, pas
tor. Phone 753 J. S. 8. at 9:45 M. D.
Lttwiller, Supt. Classes for all age.
Sermon at 11 a.m. Y. P. S. at :30
p.m. .Agnes Griebenew, leader. Eran
gelistlo: lerrieo at 7:30. Tuesday night
prayer; and fellowship meeting led by H.
M. Wikoff. Thursday night Y. P. S. cot
tare prayer meeting at the home of Joe
Wilson, 666 North Summer street. Fri
dsy night Bible study on Job.
One block south of Center on lBth
street, i Ee. Fletcher Gallowsy, pastor.
Rrsldenco 475 North 24th Street, Phono
8309-W. 11 a.m. "Low-iplritneis and
Iti Causes." Duet, Prof. Clyde Hoffer
and Ha Hoffer, 7:80 p.m. "Misused
Prieleges." Sunday ieool 9:4S a.m.
r. M. Wtwiller, Supt. IN. Y. P. S. and
Junior ! society 6:30 p.m. Mine Thea
Sampson, president. Mrs. F. Galloway,
Junior Supervisor. Pray'ermeeting Wed
nesdsy at 7:30 p.m.
Corner of vliaiel and (Academy streets.
Sunday school at 10 a.m. lesson: Deu
teronomy. 1st chapter. Preaching at 11
a.m. aad 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer
and testimony meeting Thursday oren
ing at 7:30.
rntsT church or christ,
' Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day 11 a.m.- and 8 p.m. Sub
ject. "Life." Sunday school at 9:45
and 11 a.m. Testimonial meeting every
Wednesday evening at 8. Reading room
at 406 Mssonie Temple open from 11 to
5:30 except Sundays and holidays,
Eighteenth and State streets. R"
Amos B. Minneman, pastor. Phono 3726.
German services 9:45 a.m. Subjeet:
"Lore ' Without Dissimulation." Eng
lish services 11:00 a.m.- Subject: "Lead
I7e Not; Into Temptation." Sunday school
:40' a.m. Mrs. Amos E. Minneman,
Men Invite Wives
For Brotherhood
Dinner Monday
The Brotherhood of the Leslie
Memorial church will hold Its
regular monthly dinner and
business meeting at the church
Monday night, beginning at! 6:15
o'clock. The program will be
given ;by students from the Che
mawai Indian school.
' Wives of the Brotherhood
members will be special guests
in this erent.
Weil and Eliot
Change Pulpits
For Sunday Only
Rey. William O. Eliot, Jr., D.
D., of Portland, will preach Sun
day morning in the First Uni
tarian church, exchanging pul
pits with Rev. Fred Alban Well.
Dr. Eliot was formerly North
western field' secretary and also
minister of the local Unitarian
church, llring In Salem, where
he has many friends. He la a
brother of Mrs. Weil.
Dr. Eliot has Just completed
25 years as minister ot the Port
land Unitarian church.
; ' "
Gervais Society
Plans Gathering
To be Wednesday
GERVAIS, Jan. 16. The Pres
byterian Women's Missionary so-
Iclety will bold Its semi-annual all-
t . . ... 4 4. l rw .
aay meeting at tne cnarcn vcmi
nesday, January 21, with Mrs. J.
S. Harper and Mrs. V. O. Booster
as leaders. The study book. "In
dia Looks to Her Future," will be
read during the day, various mem
bers of the society reading chap
ters, i '
Lunch will be served In the so
cial room of the church at noon
Teachers to Meet
Wednesday Night
The Sunday school teachers of
the First Church of God will bold
a meeting at the church parlors
Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock,
announces the pastor. Rev. C. W.
Hatch; " . '
Parish Women to
Hold Card Party
I.'-:, :jf
GERVAIS, Jan. 16. The ladles
of the Sacred Heart parish will
glTe the third of the series of .card
parties and dances at the parish
hall Tuesday night, January 120.
Lunch will be setred after the card
games, and dancing will follow. .
opt. Xather leairae T p.m. Laura Min
neman. leader. Uerman aorrleei S p.m.
Hubjectl K.leeted to Become a risher
of Man." This is tho second of a lerici
of isrmoni covorlng tho Ufo of St. John.
Sober! It. Psyne, minister. Serrleea
aro hold ia tho Pratirnai Temple. Center
treat .between Hlfh. and Liberty atreit.
istbio leoeoi :. I Jaorninf prearhinc
serrlea 11 o'clock. Sermon tople "The
Permanency o( Ood." . Yoaag People's
meetinf; at S:0. Krenlag preaching ser
vtco 7:90. Sermon topi. r,All tho City
fathered together. " ! Two eherai choirs
and lOrehestra wilt Tender special at
sl. ' Prayer moating Tharsday ariniag
t :0- - -: i '. .j.
S5S Coart itreet. C. 8. Johnson, pal
tor. Sunday school at 3 p.m. orrieei at
S and 8 p.m. Meetiars Taesday. Thurs
day and Saturday evenings. . i
Thirteenth and Crater streets. A. P.
yton, paitor. Sunday oehool, 9:45 a.m.
ftininr worshis 11 I o'clock! sabiect:
"Tho Triple Bays Which Mske tho White
Mfht of Heaeea." i Krenlng-v worship
7:30 o'clock; sobject: "Two For
tresses." Young People' meeting 6:30
o'clock; subjeet: "Tho Ideal Youag We-
Thirteenth and ferry streets. 0 O.
Weston, Pastor. Buudsy aehoot. 1:45
p.m. Church lerrice p.m. : Subject:
'Membership." Krangelistio serrtce 7:45
p.m. Opening aifht. ; Special Evangelism
tie Serrlces to continue orery night but
Monday. Erangelist ; W. iW. Clark of
tho Assemblies ot Cod will bo tbo ipoakor
at each serrice.
South ' Commercial T at Washington.
Chas. C. Hi worth, paitor. ' Sunday ar
vicea 10 a.m. Sunday anhool. Nathaa
Cook, Superintendent. 11 :00 Morning
worship. 6:00 p.m. Vespers. A ipeelal
missionary program ii being prepared by
tho Hiiaionary Committee. Tharsday,;
7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting and Biblo
Court aad 17th street. B. F. Shoo-
maker. . minir.tcr, 545
Phona i 2589-J. Biblo
South : Winter.
school 9:45 a.m.
Mrs. Frank Marshall.
Sopt. Morning
wortVn 11 a.rmf Snbiect: -"Tne Church
Membership antr Ita I FeUowsnip and
Task." Evening reaper serrice 5 p.m.
This mooting, will be in charge of Loyal
Be rein elm, iomo tpecial features. Sub
Sect of sermon by tho paitor, "Tho Ideal
Younc Woman." . first of a aeries on
"Ideals." Christian KnOeavor, C:.ll)
p.m. Midweek meeting Wedneedsy, 7:30
p.m. Aid society meets Wednesday md
rridiy. '. 1 . t
I .. . ...
North 17th and Nebraska streets. L,
W. Biddle. psrtor. Sunday school 9:4S
a.m. Morning worship ii o elok;.iubi
Ject: "Cireatest Wjoodera." Krening
worship, 7:80 o'clock! sobject: "Foolish.
neae." loung t'eooie a meeting o:su
o'elock, ' fer .
- - i ..
I II. C. Htover, minis.ter. Morning wor
ship at 11. 8enmn; "Finding That
Which ia Lost." Male quartet, "The
Beiutilul City" (Wilson). Krenlng ser
rice a 7:30. Sermon "Splritnal ln.
cernmeit." Anthem "Tho Heirenly
Vision" (Harris). Sunday school at 10
a.m. i?. C Harris,- Sopt. Young Peo
ple'! eletiea at 6:V0. Monthly church
night a'ipper Wednesday, 6:45 p.m.
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center. Rer. P. W. Eriksen. pastor. 11
a.m. "K Man Who (Sought to Kee Who
Jeans Vas." Music by rested Choir. A
Commu lion Service. Kunday school at
9:45. rfax Gehlhar, Supt. Mra. C. M,
Byrd, Supt. Primary Ipt. On account
of the pageant 8unday evening there will
be no Luther League devotionala. The
pageatof will be given fer the fifth and
sixth time Sunday evening ia two ren
derings. The first at :30, and the sec
ond at 8:15.
Market and North Winter streets. J,
R. Stewart, pastor. THunday school- 9 :45
a.m. Morning1 worship 11 o'clock; sub
ject: "Salvation Possible to All." Evt
ening worship 7:30 o'clock; aubject:
"Impotency of Much That is Celled
Psith." Yonng People's meeting 0:30
o'clock. Special prayer service in base
ment grayer room. Ihsrwin Cook, presi
dent. 'Prayer service Thursday .evening
at 7:80 a'cloek.
- Comer Capitol and Marion streets. W,
O. Lienkeemper, pastor. Sunday school
10 a.m. Oersnse worship 10 o'clock:
object: "Thet.Univeraality and Power of
Prayer." Eniliah worship 11 a'cloek:
subject: "GoJ in Our Lives." Spe-
eial mnsle, chf-lr anthem, "Ia Green l'ss
tures." by Kliilabefh Smart.
Center and
Ward, pastor.
oerty streets, i oaries
8unday aehoot 9:45 a.m.
Morning wars!
p pi. s tlwt;- subjects
of the Christian Reli
t worship 7:30 o'clock:
The Komsnc
gion." Kvenl
subjeet: "Wh
Do Homo Uirla Lcsve
Hornet" fllust
ted by the moving pic
tnre: "Tha' P
of ; Missing irls."
Toong People'
day evening.
meting S o clock Thur s-
North Cottare and Chemeketa streets.
Bev. Fred Albaa Well, minister. Church
sehool at 10 a.m. Miles IL McKey. Supt.
Church service it 11 a.m. Sermon bv
Rer. Wllllsm O. Elliot, Jr.. D. I. of
Portland in exchange ! with the minister,
1 , L
CLEAR LA KB Church school at 10
a.m. W. p. Collard, ; Sunt. At 11 tho
quarterly! common Ion . will he observed
with the pastor in chairs. 1 Jr. E. L. C. R,
fallowing the church school. Sr. E. L.
C. K. at 7:15 p.m
MIDULK OlU)Vr Chnreh sohool st
10 am., T. P. Walker, Supt. Mission
Bind at II. Mn. W H. Schirf, teider.
1 n termed) ito K. L. Ci'E. ot 6:30 p.m;
Sobject: "Tho Best Kind of Courage."
At 7:30 the mission : band will give a
program. . The pastor' subject will bet
t'Whv Have Mission Bunds!"
. LABISH CENTER -Church school t
10 a.m. W. A, Starker, Supt. , Kndeiror
meeting st 7 ip.m. Subject:, "My Idea
of What 0 Young Woman Ought to Be."
Leader, Willard Jlomichuch. H. R.
Scheuerman, pastor, 1161 Union, street,
Salem, Ore. ,
by Ashford.
11 A.
t- i
! V
West Salem Folk to Hear
Representative Speak
Janiiary 28 j'
: ! i.
WEST SALEM, Jan. 1 Mrs.
Floyd DoLapp entertlanod mem
bers ot the Women's Missionary
society of Ford Memorial ehurch
Wednesday afternoon at their
monthly business meeting. Mra.
J. R. Bedford led devotions ! and
Mrs. J. W, Simmons,! president,
presided at the business session.
Plans were discussed fori the
marshalling; together by the so
ciety of 100 women who are to be
conducted through two different
Salem laundry establishments,
February 2. The successful car
rying out of this plan will add
materially to the coffers of the
missionary society. j
The society la anticipating
much pleasure and profit from
the expected visit of, Mrs. W. B.
Norton of Portland, field repre
aentatlre of the Columbia river
branch of the Women's Foreign
Missionary society! Mrs. Norton
with her husband!, has traveled
round the world and labored in
different foreign fields, among
them India, where she; met and
conversed with Mahatma Ghandl.
Mrs. Norton will address the
West Salem society Wednesday,
January 28 at Its monthly silver
tea at the home of Mrs. J: A.
Gosser, 350 Klngwood avenue.
Mrs. J. R. Bedford will have'
charge of a short ; musical pro
gram and Mrs. J. I. Miller and
Mrs. W. PhUHps with the hostess,
Mrs. Gosser will furnish refresh
ments. I
Ladles present Wednesday :
were Mrs. Rose Kendall Burleigh,
Mrs. M. A. Groves, Mrs. J. W.
Simmons, Mrs. J. R.
Mrs. J. W. Miller, Mrs. Fern
Bradford,- Mrs, Kmmett Dickson,
Mrs. W. Phllllpst Mrs. George l.a
throp, Mrs. J. A. Gosser, Mrs. ! A.
L. Applewhite, Mrs. Grace 'IJlhs,
Miss Helen Bliss and tho hostess,
Mrs. Floyd DeLapp.
Sermon Subjects
For West Salem
Revival Listed
The revival servlcesj at the
Ford Memorial, M. E. Community
church are having a good Inter
est shown In themL A number
from Turner attended on Friday
night. Various groups In the
church are furnishing special mu
sic. There Ii good singing and a
fine orchestra.
Sermon subjects foHthfs ,nsxt
week will be: Monday, f'Tbe Soo
ond Coming; of Chrlfct:'1 Tuesday,
"An Expensive Haircut." weds
nesday. "Jesus Christ:)" Thurs
day. "Weighed;" Friday, "Spirit
ual Preparation." Sunday nlpht,
January j 18. Is "Yonn People's
Night." I Special mUs!cby mem
bers t the Young Teople's groop-
Church- of God
1 Of Hubbard to
Hold Services
;;:, ,!-; j- I. I ij
I HUBBARD, Jan. 16 i An alt
day servfee with ,! special pro
gram at 2 o'clock will be held at
tha Mission In Hubbard In ob
servance of the nation I wide day
of fasting prayer for the C?n rch
of God. , -I (' " I
i Prominent speakers for the af
ternoon meeting ar Rev. W T.
Seaton, pastor of the! First Chijrch,
of God In Portland. Rev. J. J. :
lesple of Salem, Ret. H. A. N'o
man of Oregon City and Mrs. Min
nie Jarrott of Portland.! I f
Special music will b prov ded
for the meetlnr.
Calvary Potluck
Dinner Tuesday
The regular weekly potluck
dinner meeting of the CalVary
Baptist church will e held Wed
nesday evening at 6:15 o'clock,
and will be followed! by two H ad
ershlp training classes at 6:11
o'clock and prayer meeting at
7:30 o'clock. Deacons and Pea
jconesses will meet at 8:30 o'clack
iu ssj ,uuaiuunB u v oo ivii, ;
Rodger Building High anl Ferry St.
Graded Church School 9:40 a. mj Family
Assembly 10:30 a. m. Preaching 10:50 ja.
m. and 7130 p. m. Three- B. Y.'sj:30 p.
A M. Jnnlor Wemton "In The 'Besrlanlng
Anthem: "Come To My Heart, lrd Jesus"
THAT MOURN, Pastor. . f
P. M. Gospel song service 7:30J Anthem:
"I'm A Pilgrim" by Johnson. J j M
ricrmon a duuu ;iuiiu, rasior.
Topilar song service, special music.
W. Earl Cochran, pastor.
American Lutheran Church
r Church St. Chemeketa and Center.
' i A nowitowi Cliurrh. !
31. The Man Who Honght tu Seri
,Who Jesns Was.
Communion service. Special music by
vested choir. . I i
6iS0 First (KenderIngof Pageant: Tn
LJght of tho World.
8:15 Second rendering. This IS done
: In response to popular demand and
Insistent requests from pastors and
many others who have been unable
to see lU.Thls Is the fifth and sixth
' time the pageant Is given at tho
church. It Is designed and directed
1 y Max Gehlhar, and presented by
:19 costumed characters giving tiie
tlble tory. Ret. P. W. Erlksen, Pastor.