1 1 CIRCULATION mm Average Distribution December, '30 7034 j THE WEATHER i Partly cloudy today, un- settled, with rain KuihU) ; I Max. temperature Thursday' j 47, Min. 41, south Hind, rain Net pid. dily. Sunday 6758 MEMBER or B. c. ; .tKS, river 2 feet. FOUNDED 1831 ,v H r' ! r i s . 1 i , -1 ; u 1 " . ! - 1 :i , 1 1' "I EIGHTIETH YEAR j V I jj ,-, 1 U Salem, Oregon, Saturday 'Morning, Janoaiy 17,1 1931 j H . .. - -: - :. ., : ",' ..;- NP254 J hi it - w I P AN HPUI t W hedged, STJTF DJITFO Not Consult U I 11 I L. IISIL. B UUI German, Italian Delegates Would ask Russia and Turkey into Fold 26 I Delegates Adjourn to Discuss I Idea;' Briand Says Path Long one GENEVA, Jan. 16.-- (AP) Twenty six European foreign ministers met here today to talk about Astride Brland's project for a r federation of European states, but a hitch developed at the very outset when the Ger man . and Italian representatives proposed that Turkey-and Soviet Russia be invited to participate. Neither of! these two countries is a member of the League of Nations, but Dino Grandi, Italy's bearded young foreign minister, asserted that; any federation ex cluding them would merely di vide Europe Into two camps. The original proposal that the non leaguers be asked to sit In was made by Dr. I Julius Curtlus, the German foreign minister. The issue j wr referred to a committee -which recommended the full commission to sit tomor row to discuss In private session. Briand himself, presiding at this . opening: session, told .the delegates they, had a long toad ahead of them and warned that they must not bo swerved from their purpose and that they must not reject any cooperation which offered. ! J . fSrandt Bays Disarmament Needed for any Progress It was expected these meetings would be devoted principally to economic cooperation among the nations, but Grandi intro duced the matter of disarma ment ! with the assertion that any such a federation as Briand pro poses, and the security of I Eu rope depend iupon reduction of armaments, j - x ! The economic note was struck by Hcndrick! ColIJn, a distin guished Dutch economist, who presented a black picture of con ditions in Europe, A "They are worse now than they were in IJ2T." he said, "and that is all we can say after four years of hard work." He emphasised the importance of economic cooperation among all the nations, and pictured the Eu ropean tariff system as a la by. rlnth of trenches In the econom ic battlefield.! - "The very menace of a tariff war constitutes a serious obsta cle to closer! understanding be tween the nations," be said. ''Im provement of economic relations would seem to be essential if the aims of this commission are to be attained." Discussion of his declaration was postponed until the mem bers i have time to give It thought. I MILLIONAIRE DIES . LOS ANGELES, Jan. 16 (AP) Albert Kuppenbeimer 64, retir ed millionaire clothing manufac turer of Chicago, died today of eart disease. RIGHTS ARE SOLD JOSEPH. Ore.. Jan. 16 (AP) An agreement between Dr. H. W. Amor, of Lewlston, Idaho, and II. T. Green and others of Wallowa county, Ore., calls for dredging operations to begin on the hidden treasure, success and neglected . mining claims this spring, Green announced today. Green said Dr. Amor repre sented three mining companies. Dpy in Washington (By the Aiteociated Press) Henate voted $30,000 ad ditional to Xye campaign funds investigating commit tee which later questioned Senator Davit on his cam palpn expenditures. ' j Senator Cutting demand ed that republican leaders "repudiate" Robert H, Lu cas, executive director of the republican national commit tee. " Red Cross said campaign for drought relief fnnds was embarrassed by senate pro posal to appropriate $25, OOO.OOO. Democratic Leader Robinson charged this state, ment was made to "embar raae passage of this relief." Senate voted, investigation of bread and sugar prices. , Chairman Legge of farm board advocated wheat em burgo, Independent oil operators Urged oil tariff. Kleventh anniversary of prohibition observed quietly. Power eonmiaaloa rein stated Chief Accountant Ming. ' '-.;- House banking committee ordered an Investigation, to j determine Its authority to compel two New York bamk ers to furnish information. Is Mott's Outcome of Controversy Over North Santiam Inclusion in Highway Program Still in Doubt; Both Sides Viewed REPRESENTATIVE JAMES MOTT and the Marion county court went into another huddle during Friday over the matter of the proposed North Santiam state high way bill but last night it was not at all certain what the outcome of the conference would be. It is certain the court would prefer to have no legisla- uuii uu iuv in a ii f r luirouuveu ml this session. It Is equally certain that Mr. Mott promised the citizens of the county he would favor such leg islation at this cession of the legislature. The crux of the matter is that the county coui; made a verbal agreement with the state high way commission last month not to seek such legislation provided 1100,000 of forest highway funds were diverted to the North Santiam project. The court felt that its wants were satlsfed and the highway commission was much relieved not to be bur dened with any additional de mand for state roads. But the court did not first consult Mr. Mott. Mott is not put out orer this apparent pledging of his own silence In the legislative highway program but he it still seriously 14 doubt If Marlon county should pass up the opportunity to get Its much desired North Santiam highway on the state, map. He ees no valid reason that placing the road on the highway map should keep forest funds away from it and he sees every advantage ac cruing to Marion county in get. ting state money, rather than county-raised market road mon ey, to widen the narrow curves between Mill City and Detroit. Tum to Page 2, Col. 1 OIL STOVE SNUFFS OUT 3 TINY LIS TWIN FALLS, Idaho. Jan. 16. (AP)--The flames from an ex ploding oil stove snuffed but the lives of three of four children of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown here late ! today. The fourth child, Ruth, niae months old, was res cued by her mother. She was se verely burned but-is believed to have an even chance for recovery. Phillip s', and Virgil and Vir ginia, twins,. 2. The children were trapped in a little one-room dwelling when the stove near the door exploded and they had no chance to escape. Flames filled the room, prevent ing entraaee until firemen brought them under control. , When the flames were abated! Mrs."! Brown dashed into the room ahead of the firemen and rescued her baby. The charred bodies of the other children were carried out by the firemen, f The explosion occurred when the mother went to another house in the iame lot. leaving a fire in the Btove to bake bread. Mining to be Resumed Buckaroos win a Game ; Bankers Pick Seaside School Bonds Carried All rights in the mine properties have been turned over to the dredging company. EVEN WITH SEATTLE . SEATTLE. Jan. 16 CAP) Portland i climbed up even, with Seattle fer second place in the Pacific coast hockey league when the Buckaroos defeated the Es kimos 1 to 0 here tonight. Conn scored for Portland in the sec ond period. ! MEETING DATE SET PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 16 (AP) The executive1 committee of the Oregon Bankers associa tion announced today the annual bankers' convention will be held at Seaside Friday ahd Satarday, June 12 and 131. Last year the convention was held in Medford with 250 bank ers registered. s " The committee authorized T. P. Cramer, Jr., secretary, to make arrangements to retain a legal firm to which question of law could be referred. PILL'S DANGEROUS PORTLAND, Ore., Jan., 10. (AP) Roy Glenn Simon, 42, postal clerk, tried to swallow pill at the postof flee here today. ) ' He choked, fainted and fell v to the floor. Injuring his, bead seriously. ! He, was taken to hoipitaL ' MEDFORD FAVORABLE MEDFORD, Ore.. I Jan. iltv (AP) At a special election here yesterday the 26S,000 school bond issue was approved by a vote of 629 to 4t. ! The measure had been passed at a previous election but a tech nical flaw made It necessary to call another election. ; : kn5ftrUf ot two school buildings la sapected to begin at an early data. - . Did Solohs Rejoinder DAVIS RESENTFUL ; - 'i . OFF Claims Amount Mentioned As his Expenditure was Fop all of Ticket WASHINGTON. Jan. 16-4(AP) - Senator Davis, republican. Pennsylvania, told the revived senate campaign funds committee today he had "always stood for clean and wholesome elections" and resented vigorously the "un fair and unjust attempt" to charge him with the expenditures for the entlra republican ticket in the 1930 Pennsylvania primary and election. Chairman Nye proposes to offer a resolution to unseat Davis. He says 11,200,000 was spent and this amount would have been used to get out th vote if Davis had been the only one on the ticket. ; The former labor secretary read a prepared statement to the com mittee in which he repeated that he had personally spent only $10,646 to get the nomination and had turned over $9100 in contri butions from other sources to the Allegheney county committee. "That, is all I liad to do with financial matters with my cam paign," he said, adding: Claims Nq Fraud In His Election ' "I wish to restate emphatically that I hav nothing to conceal, that I have not spent a dollar cor ruptly or contrary to law nor col lected any money other than that which was lawful and which I have reported above." Nearly 20 Davis witnesses. In cluding Joseph E. Davies, coun sel for the senator, appeared Tol uotarily earlier in the day, ex pectin g a previously scheduled hearing to fo forward. Nye had called this off. how ever, because of lack of commit tee funds. 1 Nye's request for another $50, 000 was quickly approved by the senate today, however, and he im mediately arranged the later hear ing. The life of the committee was also extended 1 snother year. POWFJillPIITS KING BACK AT JOB WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 (AP) -The power commission reinstat ed today one of the two men whose dismissal precipitated the recent conflict between the senate and the White House over recall of the nominations of three com missioners. ; William V. King was given back his job as chief accountant, but the commission refused to re appoint Charles A. Ru3sell as so licitor. The two ' were discharged as a meeting attended by Chairman Smith and Commissioners Gar saud and Draper. Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana, who led the fight for reconsideration, said King's re instatement led to he belief the two dismissals were caused by reasons other than that of "In ternal friction." Between King and Russell there was no friction, he said, ad ding the reinstatement would not alter his plans for seeking a sen ate investigation of the commis sion, i Wife of Banned . Law Man Loses In Return Trial WALLACE, Idaho, Jan. 16. (AP) Mrs. Ethel Weniger, wife oil Sheriff R. E. Weniger, re moved for his part in the Wal lace whisky rebellion a year ago, today lost her second attempt to succeed him In office. First she sought election, but was defeated by Walter Hen drickson, I a republican. Then she went to court, charging the election was 1 irregular in two Kellogg precincts, i i Sheriff Hendrlckson demurred, stating her complaint failed to show a cause for action. 1 Dis til est Jugge A. H. Featherstone sustained j the demurrer. MORS QUAKE DEAD i OAXACO, Mexico, Jan. J.6. (AP) Information reached here tonight that f 20 persons were dead and a great many; more in jured in Uihuatlan, 199 miles di rectly south ef this city, as m consequence of Wednesday night's earthquakes. IDS QUERIES IT HOI IS , REINSTATED AS GAME OFFICIAL Salem man Wounded While On Duty is to Receive Part Time Salary Open Season on elk Asked In Umatilla by Game Commission PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 16.- (AP) Upon recommendation of Arthur M. Fish, law enforcement chief, the state game commission today decided to reinstate Bert M. Howe, of Salem, as deputy game warden with part-time sal ary. . f: ; Howe was wounded seriously In 1928 'When two hunters fired at him while he was investigat ing asserted night hunting vio lations in Lincoln-county. Howe's left arm was disabled. The game commission announ ced ' it . would Introduce a bill in the legislature to provide an open season on elk in Umatilla, Union and Grant counties In 1931 and 19S2. The' commission voted to post a reward of $100 for the arrest and -conviction of anyone con nected with the killing of six cow elk near the bead of Cot tonwood creek. The commission adopted a res olution to be presented to the legislature which would classify steelhead as' trout in all rivers and ' streams of pregon except the Columbia river.. Another res olution passed today provided that bear west of the Cascade mountains be regarded as game animals. Wales,Young Brother, Fly To Gay Paree PARIS. Jan. i6-l(AP) Two traveling salesmen from London spent this evening In (comparative quiet at their hotel here, but they were the object of considerably more attentionthan Is usually ac corded a commercial traveller. They were the prince of Wales and his brother, Prince George, but they were strictly incognito and there was none of the pomp which visiting royalty is usually pestered. They did not go to the theatre as the prince Is : accustomed to do on his visits to Paris because both are in mourning for their aunt, the Princess Royal, who died last week. The two young men, on their way to South America where the Prince of Wales is to open the British trade exposition next March, crossed the channel in the prince's airplane, reaching La Bourget field after two hours fly ing over threatening clouds and through tog. The Prince of Wales was a little deaf from the roar of the motors after they landed, but be recovered quickly. 7-Car Train is Wreck; Few Are Hurt in Crash NEW YORK, Jan. 16 (AP) More than 800 commuters from New Jersey were thrown Into pan ic today when a seven-car train in the Hudson tubes was wrecked near the New York terminus of the line at Sixth avenue and 33rd street. The first ear left the rails and. crashed into the concrete-and-steei side of the tunnel, virtually cutting the car In two. The sec ond car, plowing into it, was tele scoped. Nineteen passengers were in jured, but none critically. The train was running slowly, observ ers said. Stay ton Water is Fine is Report STAYTON. Jan2 16 Stayton residents are greatly relieved to learn that a recent report on the test of the water taken from the city mains shows It to be "Al" and entirely lacking in bacteria content. This water la from the new well recently dug, and turn ed Into the mains' a few weeks ago. The town spent consider able time and money before pure water was obtained. , ! Are You Satisfied With 1 oar Car? II Not This is the time to replace! It with, one that will fit yor needs, Salem dealers cawy list of the ears they have in the claasified eolnnuu of this paper. Look orer these JJUU today ancl Sunday. Chaaees are yo win be able to find Jaat what yoa waat, and yon'II bo sarprteed at the low prices at this time. lOTTINC FIRES BROADSIDES AT ROBERT LUCAS Letter to Former Staff In Revenue Department is Said Blameworthy - j : Joseph and Couzens Agree and Fess Also Comes in For Some Roasting WASHINGTON. Jan. 16 (AP Republican leaders were cellr ed on in the senate today by sen ator Cutting, republican. New Mexico, to "repudiate" Robert Lucas, executive director of the republican national committee; for activities ha described as "dis graceful and outrageous.' ', The -New Mexico i senator assailed Lucas for sending a letter to his former subordinates In the intern al revenue bureau asking them to keep him informed of political conditions. Senator Johnson, of California and Couzens, of Michigan, Join ed Cutting in describing this ac tion as an attempt to control pol itics "by virtue of taxation and control of the income tax ret turns." i Senator; Kean, republican, Ne Jersey, interposed that the inter nal revenue collectors in the ad ministration of president Harding were mostly democrats. -Hoover Hupport Seen in Letter Cutting asserted that Lucas was "obviously"; promoting the candidacy of President Hoover for renomlnation by his letter to pre cinct committee workers in De cember urging them to defend the president. He again assailed Lu cas for his activities against Sen ator Norria of Nebraska. The New Mexico senator de nounced Senator; Fess of Ohio, chairman of the republican na tional committee; for issuing a statement through the committee! in criticism of Senator Coutens on the railroad merger dispute. : - He said Senator Fess bad no; right to use the national commit-; tee for a personal! attack upon an-l other republican senator, regard less oft he merits of the dlsputeJ He also demanded that Fess take a stand on "this clear issue of right and wrong" involving Lucas Square Deal for v M Smith Demanded ? "I don't care whether Lucas stayir down there foreter,'' ? said Cutting, "but I do call upon Sen Turn to Page 2, Col. 4 Cheeks, Ears of Sheriff Chewed In Escape Trial RED BLUFF. Cal., Jan. 16, - (AP) Handcuffed to another prisoner, John Moore, 20. attack ed Sheriff Floyd Hall j of Tehama county with his teeth today in ai vicious effort to escape. : , The sheriff's cheeks and his ears and hands were chewed. Doc tors said he would bear marks of! the encounter for life. ! Hall Was returning : from Med-', ford. Ore., with Moore and Lloyd Sams, 19. The two were hand-! cuffed together In the sheriff's atM tomobile. Suddenly Moore attack ed the officer with his teeth. Hall! and Sams fought a losing battle until passing motorists, attracted! by the sheriff's siren, came to their aid. . j Moore was arrested ' for but-! glary. - -- - r r! ! Alfaro is Seated As President of Panama Republic PANAMA CITY. Jan. 16. I (AP) Ricardo Joaquin Alfaro. former minister to the I United; States, was inaugurated' presi dent of the republic late today! in the . presence of government officials, diplomats and members: of the supreme court. : Chief; Justice Manuel Herrera adminis tered the oath of office. ! After the brief and simple ceremony President Alfaro ad dressed a huge throng which; had gathered in the Indepen dence plaza, pledging himself to carry on the patriotic work ini tiated by the "acclon commun al", the organization which be gan on January 2! the revolt that ended In the overthrow ! of the regime of President Arosemena. 2 Bandits Hold " Up Jeweler ;; Get I $3000 For Lpot OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. i 16. ! (AP) Two bandits today held; up a Jewelry store in downtown: Oakland ; and escaped f with f 3,-1 0000 in Jewels and cash after binding - the proprietor, Frank Nakamura, in a . back room. The men entered and. asked to see some diamond. : One of them forced him into another1 room and bound him while the other stnffed the jewels Into a bag. ... ' .1 - I ; . : i How Most Famous At Seven Months Cute Eh? lrr ' 1 X Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., son of Morrow home In Engle wood N. Ul, Is shown with Mrs. Anne Charles Long Cutter, his great - at ions. h : XI QUIET EVENT Prohibition Report Ready But not Made Public; i Framers Silent WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. (AP)- Comparative quiet mark ed prohibition's eleventh birth day today, the calm being brok en only by a defense of the eighteenth amendment by one of its authors. , Ij Senator Sbeppard, democrat, Texas, asserted in the senate that the dry clause would be in the constitution forever. It was the first time the li quor question has been brought before the senate this session. Senators opposed to prohibition continued their silence. : Quiet likewise prevaded the Wickersham law enforcement commission which gave assur ance that the prohibition report had not yet come to President Hoover. Almost no official ac tivity could be seen at commis sion headquarters. No secret was made that the members have completed their prohibition deliberations, begun 19 months and 20 days ago. But only silence met all questions as to when that i document de scribed outside the commission as a! "compromise" among the eleven members would finally make Its way to the White House. , i Sources close to the commis sion however, considered it probable the White House might not officially receive the com mission's report until Monday or later.! . Strong doubt was expressed the document could leave the commission's hands tomorrow, or that the .president would re ceive fit jS-onday. "BLACK" AREA WHITE MELILLA, ' Spanish Morocco. Jan. ! 16. (AP) This part of the "blanck continent" of Africa today! lay under a blanket of snow 1 more than a foot and a half deep. ,. j B DRY Red Cross Tells Hoover Drought Relief Handicap WASHNGTON, Jan. 16 (AP) Red Cross officials told Presi dent Hoover today the senate was piling up difficulties for them with its. proposals that drought relief ;be financed directly by the government. 1 : " They termed these projects a serious embarrassment in their campaign for public subscriptions of 310.000,000 to be expended in buying food and clothing for drought sufferers. Meanwhile, democratic leaders continued preparations for seek ing enactment of a proposal for drought relief activities. There was little comment on the Red Cross statement. Senator Black of Alabama who favors gov ernment assistance, said the or ganization was embarrassed "be cause! the people have nc money to give." - ; ' ! h-:- Mr,! ' Hoover postponed .his luncheon half an hour to receive the complaint of the Red Cross leaders. - :-i .: 'i Advance Reaction to Appeal Found In Big Cities An adverse reaction to the pnb lie appeal fori funds, they said, had been reported from a number of cities, particularly Boston and Philadelphia, because of the senate proposals. A short while before Red Cross headquarters announced total con tributions of S331.000 had been received In the 10,000,000 cam Baby Looks : the flier. Is shown above at the J. The Infant,! Just Keren months Lindbergh, his mother, and Mrs. grandmother, - forming four gener- '!' - j- - i ' CLUE IN STABBING Bowles Defense Posts $1000 Reward for Arrest of Woman's Attacker PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 16. (AP) Police detectives said to night they had discovered no tan gible I clews to the Identity of a man" who yesterday attempted to kill ! Mrs. ! H. W. Howard, 56, chief state's witness in the un solved deatfh of Mrs. Leone Bowles, young Portland society matron. ;.. . y . Meanwhile Mrs. Howard was recovering slowly from ! wounds over her heart, and across her face- presumably inflicted by a knife, and "from a severe blow across the back of her; head, at tending physicians said. Mrs. Howaijd was taken to a hospital today but physicians said they had ! not definitely determined whether or not her skull was fractured. 'it Mrs. Howard . was j attacked Thursday when she stepped out on her back porch of her home Turn to Page 2, Col. t . '.- Hubby Declares j Sneezes Cause : For Wife's Ire SPOKANE, Jan. l6-t(AP)-i Comes now the- old fashioned sneeze as a ground fori divorces.! "I served four yesrs in the Wdrid war with Canadian forces," George Wilford testified today In the suit brought by his wife. 1-1 was gassed so that I continually was sneezing. For this; my wife lost her love for me." r Mrs. WUford dented this, say ing she lost her. love because (1) be forced her to do a man's work on aarm; (2) made her push a wheelbarrow full of eggs to mar ket, three miles away; (3) threat ened her life; (4) kicked a cup board to pieces. !) ., j Superior Judge Charles Witt gave each a divorce. paign when the books -closed last night. The largest ftlngle contri bution for the day wag $100,000 from Mrs. Edward If. Harkness of New York City. -. -r j ;t , u: ,. Total "expenditures for: drought relief: were set at $1,397,640 at noon ! yesterday, including cash grants of $658,199 lh 196 coun ties.. Expenditures ' from Red Cross! funds totaled SI, 019, 527. Will Rogers Offers His Services for S Week 1 I Will Rogers called at Red Cross headquarters and offered his ser vices for three weeks in further ing the campaign. He suggested he conduct, a vaudeville tour through Texas, Oklahoma and Ar kansas. :. He plans to assist local chapters in obtaining' their quo tas. :: .' , -f 1,. r.-.y. ;'.f The comedian said the largest fund he had ever raised was $48, 000 for Mississippi flood suffer ers which was contributed In one evening at a show on board the S. S. Leviathan. I had Mr. Charles Evans Hughes along that time,; he said. "I'd like to give show with him any time, and we'd sure raise lots of money." , -h-i- Officials of the agriculture de partment were busy today with plans for dispensing the $45. OOO. OOO f u nd voted by con gress for loans to finance spring planting and buy fertiliser and feed for life stock In drought areas. - FIND NO HOWARD TO DBl iCAPITALilS lOlllSTjlJl. Israel Amter, Alleged Cen- ter of Party jin Ul S., Plots Revolution Plotter Says A F. L has Sold out.Wo(kingmah;.:j Lenin Worshipped By M. F. DPHAMKL NEW YORK, Janl, lfl.-J(AP) A small, bare ballroom, up four nights of dark and dusty stairs, is the nerve center of the communist party in America. j There, at a desk stacked wltli press clippings sits Israel! Amter, who described himself as hi par- ty's New York organizer and who ! declared the aim of the commun- ! ists here is revolution. I i ' On a pine shelf above bl head Is a darkly gleaming bust Of Nico- lal Lenin, father of the Russian revolution, a massive chunk of ! black . Onyx, adornment. the Cubicle's If only 1- From the window two Aniailraa flags can be seen standlne to tfau breeze on nearby buildings. " Red Flag to lU-pIftc . Stem, Ntrlpcfl, Ilia View 1 r 'We'll replace them with an other flag some day.r' Amter said, as a two-hour Inlerrjew drew to a Close tod,ay. "A lM flagthat Will mean more to the masses." "Revolution," Amter said, "l the aim of the rorrimunlst! party. We make no attemptl to deny that. Our single purpose Is to end-the capilallut i system and .emanrtnate the working nt asses." j ; Amter is tall, with a protudlng Jaw. 'His attire la that of the av erage business man; his manner positive, hla voice strong.. : To date his efforts, in "coopera tion with William ZL Fonfer, na tional organizer, and others, have yielded, a police recofd embodying one conviction which netted him a prison term and a recent parole. "There is no compromise in the communist program,!' he empha sized!.', i r ' . . ' TheAmerlcan Fedfratlon of La bor has sold out the vorker. Communism is goln; forward tj revolution. i j "We are organiilng the unem ployed ' wherever we can get to them, to fight. : ' Present Crisis- Cirrat j Opportunity, Kays IlttHMlan. "And the present economic cri sis, with Us 10.000,000 unemploy ed In America (the; estimate is Amter's) has given us our great est opportunity to- promote the cause of communism.' : . "The average American Ing man," Amter declared, turn against capitalism Just worV "will as the Russians did in setting up the so vlet government. i "This country sta rted i with -a revolution. "The American workman i!l not stand idly by and see his faru or any other Ily starve for political reasons. We propose trying to put an end to wage cuts,! such as the head of the world's largest bank has just suggested; to demand unemployment relief.) and to pro tect the masses with unemploy ment insurance." ; The means to be employed, he said, depend upon the resistance to be overcome. Class Distinctions to 'be jjevciica by itcvoiution I i e Amter said the party's plans for 1931 were like thos of 1930 "Always! the same until the end Is gained; always revolution until the: horizon is -reached and clans distinctions are levelled; until la bor has been relieved of the yofce of capitalism and men enjoy the full fruits Of their toil. ! j "It la Inevitably to! fight to the finish." :-. j, : ' ! .: ! The room wa;; cold, but not more so than the speaker's" ton. "More parades? More mik demonstrations? Certainly. ."We expect the press to blame us for much. - In many capes we arer willing to take the onus. It I our aim to atlr neonle toimake them think and see their folfy, un til they adopt communism. "Only the soviet plan." he ln-i ! listed, "could cure conditions as! it is curing them in Russia wheie when overproduction! approaches; workers will simply ( work fewr hours for the same Return, their, rightful share of the iprodnciiqn.'V . - t Defiant Indians In Bombay Riot But Police Win ! BOMBAY, India, I Jab. 16 ' (AP) Defiant , Indians affiliate4 with Mahatma Gandhi's Congress party gave Bombay) one of tha most anxious periods it had bad in many months. . Two hundred and fifty of them were sent to hospitals after street fights' with the police and soldiers. ( They nad tnea to estaniisn m complete "hartal' or general ces sation of all work, but 16,000 po licemen and 600 British! soldiers mobilized at strategic nolnts ere-i vented the hartal from reaching j its intended .proportional A series of riots In the Indus-! trial suburb' of Lalbagh resulted - in runflre. Two Indians were wonnded when policaf'lred into i a mob which refused tt dlsperee. Most of the others had I received minor injuries when the police charged the crowds! with tbelx 1thU nr atloVa i